

1800 -1815

1800 The Convention of 1800 between and the US nullifies the Treaty of 1778

Jefferson elected president.

Washington, D.C. becomes the national capital

1801 President Adams appoints "midnight judges" to tighten Federalist control of the courts

1802 The federal government sells its shares in the Bank of the

The Republican Congress repeals the judiciary Act of 1801

West Point established

1803 The Purchase

1803-06 Lewis and Clark Expedition to Pacific

1803 Marbury v. Madison

1805 The Essex decision: Congress retaliates with the Non-Importation Act

1805-06 The Wilkinson-Burr conspiracy

1806-07 and France issue decrees limiting agricultural trade in Europe

1807 The Chesapeake-Leopard affair

Congress prohibits the slave trade with Africa, but illegal importation of black slaves continues

Robert Fulton's Clermont makes a round trip between Albany and

1808 elected president

1809 The Nonintercourse Act

1810 Americans in Spanish West Florida "revolt"; the United States claims the region as part of the

1810 Macon's Bill No. 2


1811 Southern and western "War Hawks" dominate the House of Representatives

American naval ship President attacks English navy's Little Belt.

Congress defeats an attempt to recharter the Bank of the United States

Battle of Tippecanoe

The Federal government begins work on the National Road at Cumberland,

Fulton-Livingston interests awarded an exclusive charter from the Louisiana territorial legislature to operate on the Mississippi

1812 Astor establishes fur trading post on Pacific in Oregon

Louisiana is admitted into the Union as a slave state

James Madison re-elected president

Congress provides for a 35,000 man regular army, gives Madison the power to call up state militias, and declares war on England

1814 defeated in Europe;

British troops are transferred to America and move on Washington.

The Hartford Convention

The Peace of Ghent provides settlement of minor disputes between United States and Britain, leaves major issues of war untouched

1815 's victory over the British at