Theory. the Abstract Principles Embodied in Music and the Sounds of Which It Consists
Theory. The abstract principles embodied in music and the sounds of which it consists. With respect to Western music, theory has traditionally encompassed the properties of single sounds, pitch, duration, timbre and those of collections of sounds: acoustics, tuning and temperaments, intervals, consonance and dissonance, scales, modes, melody, harmony, counterpoint, rhythm, meter, form, and analysis. Today the term also refers specifically to the teaching of the fundamentals or rudiments of music- e.g, elementary harmony and counterpoint, general musicianship, ear training, solfege. Non-Western musical cultures with rich traditions of explicit formulation and study of music theory include those of East Asia and south Asia. 1. General. In its most general sense, the term theory refers to the contemplation rather than the practice of music. Following Aristotle's division of knowledge (episteme) into praktikë, poiëtikë, and theörëtikê (Metaphysics 1025b-26a), writings about music before I 600 were usually classified as musica theorica musica speculativa, musica contemplativa, musica arithmeticaj, musica practica çmusica at- tivaj, or, particularly after the Musica of Nikolaus Listenius ( 1537), musicapoetica. In this scheme, mu- sica theorica dealt with the arithmetic foundations of music-i.e., music as one of the four mathematical arts Isee Quadrivium). Such discussions typically in- cluded detailed accounts of the gamut and Greater Perfect System, interval ratios, and consonance and dissonance. Musica practica then applied these ideas to musical composltions. Though the distinctions were blurred, especially in the early Middle Ages, musica practica was often subdivided into two branches: musicaplana, which dealt with plainsong, Solmization, mode, and even intervals, etc., and Musica mensurabilis (musica /g/rl/ïll, which explained mensural notion, Discant, and counterpoint.
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