Occitan Studies 309 LITERATURE By MICHAEL J. RouTLEDGE, Senior Lecturer in French, Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University ofLondon I. MEDIEVAL PERIOD Bibliographical work includes M. Routledge, 'Bibliographie de la litterature occitane du moyen age, 3'' BAIEO, 9: I-54· I d., 'An itat-prisent of Occitan lyric: editions extant and desiderata', Tenso, 8: I I6-3I, identifies neglected material. Belated publication of Atti (Turin) means that articles have appeared after their author's book has covered the ground more extensively. Such is the case with R. E. Harvey, 'A propos d u contexte de Cortes amen vuoill comensar de Marcabru (PC 293,I5)', Atti (Turin), I, I65-8o (The Troubadour Marcabru and Love, I989); S. Kay, 'Allegorie et subjectivite dans la poesie des troubadours', ib., 207-I9 (Subjectivity in Troubadour Poetry, I99o); S. Gaunt, 'Pour une esthetique de !'obscene chez les troubadours', ib., IOI-I7 (Troubadours and Irony, I989); and with L. M. Paterson, 'Stereotypes geographiques et ethniques en Occitanie aux xne et xme siecles', ib.; 269-82. This reappears in Linda M. Paterson, The World ofthe Troubadours: Medieval Occitan Society, c. I 100- c.IJOO, CUP, xxix + 302 pp., a wide-ranging study with chapters on feudalism, knights, courts and courtiers, peasants, towns, medicine, women, children, clergy, heretics and inquisitors. R. E. Harvey, 'joglars and the professional status of the early troubadours', MAe, 52:22 I-4I, concludes that, for the early period, vidas are an unreliable guide. L. Regina Bruno, 'Ensenhamen e cortesia', Atti (Turin), I, 307-25, confronts Garin lo Brun's Ensenhamen with lyric references.
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