E IG H T E E S r flanrlprBtnr CvntfttA-Srralil rtTESDAYi DECEWRER tS , 1 9 W VNTIL 9 EACH M CHt UfmL Memorial Temple P y^la n Slaters will ipeet tonight'In Odd Fellows ABOUT TOWN hall. A Christinas program will DOUBLE STAMPS follow the business and inexpensive AVBRAGE DAILY CIRCmATION ... THE WEATHER gifts will be exchanged. GIVEN WITH CASH SALES for th<- montli ot November, 19S6 The Red Cross Home Hygiene RoreckM ol U. tt. Weather Baieah. tlMMB usually held on Thursday eve- WEDNESDAY Hartford — alngs at the Y will be held on Wed­ The Second Congregational Men's nesday evening this week instead of 509 Chib will meet tonight at 7:30 5 , 8 3 6 Partty cloudy and warmer to­ . The afternoon class with Hayden OriBwold of 122 Oak­ Member of the AoAlt night and Thursday; Frti^y cloody On Thursday at 2 o'clock will meet land street BoreoD ol Ctrcnlattoiui with moderate temperature. as usual. The annual Christmas party for MANCHESTER — A CITY OP VILLAGE CHARM the North Methodist church and Miss Esther Pickles, who Is a VOL. LVL, NO. 71 (Clasalfled Advertlilng oa Pace 14) sophomore at Mount Union College, school will take place tonight at MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1936 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ' Alliance. Ohio, Is home for the 7:30 In the large vestry. Christmas holidays. Mrs. Rollln Hitt's group of Cen­ Manchester Grange will hold Us ter church women will have their Rechart A River Course As Coulee Dam Grows Tegular nooting tomorrow e\cnmg monthly meeting tonight in the Rob- ARMISTICE IS INTER-AMERICAN In Odd f'ellowH hall. A Christmas t Ins room, with exchange of Christ­ iartA' will follow In chiirge of Loc- mas gifts. fiirer Thomas Maxwell. Each mem­ ON FOR 3 DAYS CONNORS IS NOT HELD ber is requested to provl2xr)2” ( ’becked. Fast Color Genuine Dupont There are those women and pirls Buenos Aires Meeting. B- the shop.s at either the s* nth end Ra.von and Cotton who receive money to purrlia.*.! a Barbizon Slips Washington, Dec. 23 — (A P ) — A I‘VF':FiTFSEMi:NT FyrMin — Does Not Snspect He or the north <*tul this week and Chrl.-)tnia.s gilt to heat suit thei-- Nanking. Dec. 23.— (A P ) — A Simeon D. Fes.s, 75-yenr-old former shops nt both en Is of the town will F.unch Cloths own taste Why not' get your.aelf By ASSO(l.\TKD TRKSS. Mrs. William Krrmlrk of The Wil- three day armistice halted China*n Senator from Ohio, died unexpected­ N’ opened until 9 o'chM k on Satur­ rosp Dre.ss Shop is In New Ytirk 3-Piece a beautiful new President Fi(x>flevell’s*dream of a Had Connection With civil war tod(iy at the urgent rc- ly of a heart attack in a hotel room day. I a two-day buying trip western hemisphere of nations mov- 5 9 i c “ '" SILK DRESS Qucst of Mme. ''(|hlang • Kal-Shck I here today a sliort wlillr* after he Tw'o smart patterns In blue, Toilet Sets for the hnlidays? \Ve are .aheuv- and her brother. Dr. T. V. Soong. ing toward permanent peace, utand- had arrived fnuu Cleveland. Escape Monday— Gives red. gnld, and greeif> Large all- Ing a large mimher of s)narl n--w after their fliijht to Sianfu to re.'icue II.g .shoulder to shoulder” against Coming here to visit his children fiver check. Small all-over styles, in sizes M to 46. 1’rii.eci at the national gnvenimcnt’s captive foreign aggression and pledged during the holidays. Fess. who was Story lo Alcorn. ( hock. Guaranteed fast coloru. leader. ♦'igainat a war of conquo.st, found defeated when he sought a third We HAVE The 52x.%2". The reception given/ Shortly after Generalissimo Chl- realization, at least In part, In the term in the Senate in 1934, was to these slips hy' ang’n wife .^nd her brother arrived Inter-A mcrican Renee Conference scaled on a bed talking on the tele­ $3.98" $10.98 which ended‘today! Louis Connors, Manchester man, American women Silex d. Kveryone is Cuffee Makers graphed Nanking a.sklng for a ces­ (n projects, laid the foundation for him. Monday In Hartford county jail u Towels B^nuiglhonlng the American peace wearing Barbizvai. sation of ho.stlllties. A secretary, Mrs. Margaret L. four bound-over prisoners mad* Heavy weight colored Fiord'r Silex Coffee Makers with After a hanty conference with structure, providing for joint con- Walsh, was with the Ohioan. She (Jive them this their escape. Is alxive suspicion in *Koppers Cannon t()wels. riblxm tic 1. Xina.9. Fleet ric other nationalist leaders. Dr. H. H. si Itation if general American peace Immediately .■Miinmoned a son. (.ireen, blue, gold, orchid, and Stove . . . Kung, acting civil head of the gov­ iH threatened from wdthin or with­ Charles S. Foss, who lives in the connection with the case In the eye* $ 4 . 9 5 out, non-intervention by one Amer- peach. 20x40'. ('otton Frocks ernment, granted an armi.stice until capital. of County Detective Edward J. Coke tn Silex Coffee Maker Sets Dec. 25. itan country in another's affairs, Speaker Bankhead, shocked ai the Hickey, Mr. Hickey told The Herald The propo.aal to end hostilities c-iid removal of some of the horrors news, said he was “deeply distress­ today. Modernize Your By I^'Aiglon. Tliey are smart with tray, sugar and of warfare. 4 ' ” $ 1 . 0 0 and inexpensive. The skirt ■ Is ; came on the heels of a reported ed" as he had appreciated the for-, Cormore has not been avoiding Only Minor DlfTemicen slightJy fWtred to give roominess \ 9 5 strategic victory for the Nanking WM pitting his cunning against the power of a mighty, river as this photo was made showing the latest nier Senator's "fine qualitl<^ and quesJonliig ra reported last night Garage With The repicsentalivei of the 21 and at no time since his Immedlat* •Fuel Oil -.^.-GsnnoB.vg [ troops of ' the punitive expedition , , , Coulee dam in WnshlugLon. In center foreground, surrounded hy hnekwafers. acc . ' that fhoy' itre • tintraamlfiig-viiTties.'■"' forfflteg,4hathib«r'fBr;(hfr‘swfem.''sSftifetVbf,qiw!;aam>'i'0^na:S^^ repuWlcaix- dteohODge • bysvgtwria .Aid From (Vimmunlsts ma river, which engineers are trying to divert tlirough four slots visible nt the far end of the concreto fOYih’ thlc' grencral' pi^pbsats mour on Monday haa he nbatoted - S T A N 1 . E Y Towel Sets Sl74N« M-40 hdd down by President Roosevelt in Pastel colors, with decorated Aid for the rebellion was seen in towers. As water la diverted, the river bed will be dried and the central section of the dam will be built hlmscU where ho could not be Imnie- 'Blue Coal ^ ^ Q __ c t O f b O ba(’ks, also black and white. reports that Marshal Chang had ef­ In this photo, upstream la to the lefL his notes to the other American re- dlately located. Connors left word Roll-Up Doors Chrome fected aq alliance with Commun!.st I ublics last January and In his ad- at his rooming house where he coUId F^hone4149 leaders further to the northwest diess at the opening of the historic be found If wanted and when he< Let US Rive .vou an esti­ a>l !i>j.us $2.95' $9.95 Serving Trays For Prompt Sorvlwl Satin and was actively co-operating with conference December 1 . WHOLE AUTO INDUSTRY heard this morning that be waa mate. r A Set $1.98 $3.98 $4.98 them. Argentina's insistence on not wanted for questioning he immedi­ .$2.98 The “young marshal” wa.s said to BORAH OUTLINES c(«mpletely severing her bonds with ately contacted County DctecUv* The have flown 200 miles to Fushlh, Im­ PRO-GOMEZ CONGRESSMEN h('r mother continent, Kurope, and Hickey. T H E W . G . Men’s Gifts Golhiim Gold-.Stripe portant city of northern Shensi the United States' policy of re- G O ^ OF UNION DRIVE Oontacted Offloer W. G. Glenney ( o. UllllaniH* SFuivlng Set ...... 79c Crepe province, for a conference with C'om- n alnlng aloof from European en­ Detective Hickey said that Con­ ('Oal • LtinilM*r - Manons’ Supplier Woodbury Shaving S<*t ...... 79c Hosiery 50c Gift Novelties munist leadens, bringing one of REAL NEUTRALITY tanglements proved only minor nors notified him that he left word GLENNEY CO. I'aint ( ’oigiil* .sl iA liig t ...... 89c Ringlc.s.s sheer chiffon and .'^erv- $1.98 ARE READY TO RESIGN .“'umbling blocks and dlftlcultles Salt and Pepper Shakers them back with him to Sianfu to at his boarding bous$ that ho would S.HH No. Main SI lei. 19 Mcnnoii SliU'trig Set ...... 89c e Weight h'i.sicry. I3eauliful wexe ironed out quickly. Labor Leaders Say They 336 No. Main St., 1‘liono 4119 11 A.sh Trays greet Mme. Chlang and Dr. Soong. PONTIFF PREPARES not see anyone. Connors went to Ingruin'N Cn^iun with nriish . 89c oidtmg.s in attractive winter The telegram fr()m the “iinoffi- Seven major projects for bolster­ Hickey’s office this morning and UUlf.S. Barbizon Gowns, .$2.98 Wall Vases ing the Amcricai peace set-up won •Vtttitiiry KrtiHh Sets ...... $1.:>9 cia’ ’ emissaHe.s was the fir.st word told the whole story of the jail rigarcttoH,. Flat Piu kago . . . .35c Cuba’s President, However, Senator Declares Profits unanlmmiH approvid and an eighth Plaa to Get Every Mann-1 p Q R Orange Reamers sli.ee their plane nosed into the fog HOPKINS’ THREAT break, and about the proceedinga I I)p\trr ('Igarri ...... $1.10 over the Vangt.'^c River valley yes­ nad the sanction of all but the with Strainer C ell’phano wrapped. One (Quincy ( igarx ...... $1.10 7 9 c Barbizon Satin Gowns United States, which refrained from that took place Monday morning la large hath towel and one fat’e String Pockets terday for the flight to Sianfu. Must Be Surrendered to factnrer to Sign Collective Uie jail. He explained about tak­ fUucUHtoiip (Tgarn . . . .$1.6,">-$2.‘MI Officials refused to comment on Urges Them to Keep Their s p L ijj CONGRESS voting because the proposal was cl(*th. Solid colors with novW- ---- ^ ...... * . . $1.00 linked to the League of Nations, ing the tables out into the yard for ty borders. 3 $ 2 . 2 5 $3.98 the sudden development or on Dr. cleaning and washing, and leaving Shop In These Stores For Soong’s terse telegram which gave Seals Until He Has a ___ Make the Act Effective. rnaniniousiy Agreed Bargaining Agreements. Passes Restless Night But Is All colors ...... 6 9 c 1. A United States plan for the door open. Ooimora said that Casseroles no detaiLs of conditions at Maishal this ii a procedure that haa been Handkerchiefs Wool Gloves and Chang’s headquarters. joint consultation among the Amer­ IMiscellaneous With pie plate cover. Deco­ going on for the paat year with the

t ▲Itord, traM um ; Aaron Cook» aao* He aiMhired them It would prove an ths Hartford Cbuntjr Jail, stated to­ rotary: WlHlaio Walab, tnisteo fiyr HAS POEMS PUBUSHED Invaluable aupplanter of the anti­ five y e a n . DR. lOGGINS NAMED day that he hM information which quated model now In thq,paraonage, makes It appear certain the men ORANGE WOMEirS GROI? ten of company policy and hopa the epreed of peace propaganda, for Past Master James T. Richmond this ultimately will lead to an and would long be a retnlnder of left Danbury yesterday morning by o b i t u a r y CHENEY SCHEDULING improving , cultural relaUohs among was the Installing: officer assisted by IN NEW VERSE VOLUME the pleasant assoclattone between DIRECTOR AT Y . M. C. A NINTirS ACCOUNTS agreement for collective bargaining. the American republics, and for Past Master William J. Thornton as train for New York caty. Death Stops Tired Lips INTER-AMEiaCAN m o R om cER S the congregation of the North h a s CHRISTMAS P A R H I don't feel that the corporation has qlarifylng and com piling the fa<;ts marshal. FoQlo^^ng the Installation Frank Thbmpeon, ticket agent at Methodist church and Ita present turned us down; it simply hssn't GROUP HOLDS P A R H c.f. Inter-American international refreshments were served In the Mrs. Florence Burdick Gibson Dr. Edwin C. Higgins, of Porter Danbury and John Tully, conductor DEATHS answered yet on this point. law. KEMP’S, Inc. banquet hall. / -leaders. on a New York train,-have identi­ Daughters of Uberty No. 125. GIVEN FOR AUDIT Of Eighteen Day Talkers Notified Two of Her Com­ street, well known, practicing physi­ .Mrs. M ary A . Somm er “Mr. Knudsen says he believes In PARLEY ENDS IN One general resolution, left the Dr. StranVa appointments for the Mrs. Howard Grant was In charge cian, was eicctcrf to membership on fied, pictures of Davis and Fitzsim­ Loyal Orange .Ladies Institution, positions Wili Be Used. Mrs. M ary A. Som m e-, 84, o f 24 collective bargaining and that it is 40 Emplojrees Have Chicken door open, for Canada to sign the Dr. Charles W . Strant Is year are; Senior deacon. Robert J. of the program of recitations, the Hoard o f D irectors o f the .Man­ mons as the two men who pur­ held the aruiual Chridtmaa ‘ party Laurel street, widow of Francis J. here to stay. So do we. but.we do Pie Dinner This Noon; Gifts convenllops approved by the parley Boyce; junior deacon, John Pickles: songs, Instrumental numbers and chester y. M C. A., at a fortnightly for members and their children laat Ocala, Fla., Dec. 23.“ (AP)—^arts and sciences, the Bible, current Mrs. Florence Riirdlck Olbnon of chased tickets here yesterday and Sommer, died yestarday afternoon not believe It exists at Oeneral Mo­ if she wishes. Give Musical senior steward, Richard McI.Agan; dialogues. Leon Holmes ,ln the role hoard meeting held yesterday at the night in Orange hall. A fter the wel­ for AU Who Attend. Death stilled the tired Ups of How­ events and happenings of his earlier 7 PEAC^ PAQS Seated As Master of Flower etreel, whose prjems occa- boarded the 6:40 train for New In Memorial hospital. Nearly three Collector Clarence Martin tors. I am convinced that we can Junior steward, John Trotter: mar­ of Kaiita Claus gave out gifts to the Y; Dr. H iggins wl'll fill Xhe vacan­ York City. come by Worthy Mi.itress Esther * —- ard Stillman in a hospital here to­ life. Monally, npjwnr In The Heriild, has weeks ago her hip was broken In a bargain collectively with General shal, James ?1aher: organi.st, .Sidney Juniors and a box of candy to cy caused by the doath-of Fire Chief Hhugh, tho Orange Young Ameri­ The Bchedullng department ot day. Attendants said be was excep­ (Oontinned from Paf« One) Just received notification from the 't’ollcc arc of the opinion the men Motors, and 1 am convinced that Gifts For A MncAipino; chaplain, rirorgo Mur­ everybody, while the .senior classes Edward Coleman who was a mcm- fall, pneumonia followed, resulting can boys* band placed a number of Submits Bodbs; Two Uheney Brother! held Ita annual The 44-year-oid fa mer died of a tionally well edi^ated and an inter­ PONTIFF PEPARES Manchester Lodge. Avon rnliliHliltig IIoii.se, New York have headed for Meadeville. Pa., this con be accomplished without dock; ctisfodian of the work, Wil­ held the usual gift cxclruigc, around hei for a number o f years. ” in death. selections which were well received. Christmas party this noon with strange I malady which caused him esting conversationalist. "At Inter­ 2. A United States rfsolution for city, that two of her poems, "Oold- where one of the pair has relatives. strikes. We prefer not to strike." liam Wal.'ih. the gaily decorated Chrlslmiui tree. She leaves six nieces and two Recitations were given by Mildred about 40 persona present. Including to talk, sing or mumble without vals he sang. ratification of (\ve 'existing Ameri­ en Kod", and "I Walked Reside the General Motors' executives de­ Austin Cheney and Fred Bendatl, can peace treaties by nations which Happy Christmas Dr, Strant succeedw C. I>»roy N or­ nephews, Miss Mary Murphy, .Miss McNeill, Mary Wilson. Mildred Years Are Missing. stoppin'^tor 18 days. He ate little and slept only when . FOR RADIO TALK Dr. Cliarlcw W. Strant, well kno^^Ti ris as the head of thr local loId Ir.lng In oral sm gerv He in marrletl yesterday afternoon by Clarence Miss Mabel Trotter and Mrs. Mil­ 4. A protocol to the pact ap­ Walsh, senior warden: Robert M«-- son have appeared in Ilii.s annual t> to follow the meet ng tonight In A case In [mint, Mr. Hickey Indi­ in the William P. Qiilsh funeral of its kind In medical hlston,’ ao far tions for treatment from all parts which he will broadcast at 12:30 p. Tenor Banjos and has one d.nughier and re.sldes at Aii.slrian Town Doinif its Best Santa Claus made his entry by Martin, the district’s last tax col­ dred Metcalf headed the committee proved by the 1933 Pan-American l.x>ughlln. junior wnrden: Hnroid <' piiMicatlon Odd Fellows hall, ana also some cated, was the recent escape from home at 8:30 a. m.. and In St. DIES IN WASHINGTON as he knew. He explained there was m., Thursday (6:30 n.-na., e. s. t.) S'"' Henrv ,*«f re* r tlu hre e.scape window and surpris­ lector. on arrangements and served a din­ of the United Stales and Canada- Conference at Mofilevldeo, Uruguay, I'n.ler the title of ".Moimtaln to F'nterlain Former Kinjj article of imperishable food for tno Hartford county Jail. Tw o of James’s church at 9 a, m. Burial Dr. AmantI MllanI, the Pope’s Bugles ed the boy.s and girls who were B ooks for the 1920 end 1921 taxes ner consisting of chickbn pie, potato a disorder In the portion of the Miss Lucy Stillman, missionary declaring that Intervention by one iJiure)the local poetess ha.s com­ During the Holidays. Christmas baskets for the needy. the men accelerated their flight by will be In St. Bridget's cemetery. physician, and his associates made watching for him li a different di- were not among the records deliver­ (Oonttnned froiD Page One) chips, , rolls, cup Drain which controls speech. He sister of the talking ^ictim, was on American country In another’s af­ Pitch Pipes , piled a Isvik of over too of her an early visit tn thji Holy Father’s the theft of automobiles. In many roctid^. Scatt^d under a bcautitul ed to Mr. Waddell. Mr. Martin ex­ cakes, date ^squares. Ice cream, can­ said similar disorders usually caused a steamship returning from China fairs is “inadmissible." poems anil derlicated It to her par- KnziiftfcliL AuHtrla. I>oc. 23. -- Following the ClirlHtma.s eve instances, -Mr. HIckey said, crimi­ quarters to exsmtne' their patient illuminated , he-dis­ plained that they were not given to courageous convictions on public dy, nuts and coffee. The tables sleeping sickness. when he was stricken. Another sis­ 5. A Central American recom­ Music Cases eiils, the late Mr and Mrs. James (AHi Two tnickloa«i» of Chriatrnas exercises at the Salvation Army nals make for the small towns, and attempt to persuade him to re- tributed pre.sents to the children, him when he became collector. questions." were decorated with small Christ­ Stillman’s mother w*as with him ter. Mrs. Nettle Stillman, a technl- mendation for solidarity among the Santa Headquarters .Slocum Riirdlck, of thi.s town, and iTinll arrlvrd toMay for F'dward, citadel tomorrow evening a group where they frequently steal cars Onln from overwork on the allocu­ Music Stands the boys band and the members. Town Auditor Hibbard N. A lex­ Fess, a Republican and outspoken mas trees. Each person in attend­ w’hen he died Her Ups moved too. clafi In Uie Doctors and Nurses C ol­ American republics. It provides hopes to publish it early In 1037. left l;a yards with the keys In the tion. Duke^f Windsor, although he was of carolers under the diiectlon of After all had opened their gifts ad­ ander Immediately started an exam­ critic of tho Roosevelt administra­ ance received a grab bag gift. but In prayer lege at C ;i:- comrades and shiitliis. FNirnIshed by F. It. Shaw, Ine. c’hri.stmas style. The tables, trim­ selectmen concerning a.complete for ton years. He was elected to the salvationistspI a n normal except that ho could not their brother’s bedside. They had tion and collection of “debts by lo take their first ate[is in wrong brief In his broadcast which will, /r-lc 'ii r.s in the mail nml ho (b*\|- 968 Farmington Ave., audit of the books, giving the board Senate In, 1922 and remained there stop it. He answered quostlons ra­ not arrived here today. ^ force; declares all disagreements doing. med In red and green with Christ- perhaps, be made while he lies In ' r-N iPn ir'(’ffortB to grt the stamps, The regular mcellng of Ward West Hiirtronl ma.M trees and small snow mei; an estimate of the cost of such an until 1934 when he was defeated by tionally and discussed Utornture, tho Funeral plans w'cre delayed. am ong American republics mvist be RADIO GIVEN RADIO LAST NIGHT tti(^ I* w-'t.H a jin im n r f 1 th* .'n v H - Hg urged cooperation on the part CHRISTMAS PROGRAM submitted to arbitration, and ex­ bed. Cliency Camp, United .Spanish War Williafii R. Martin, I'Kiked pretty when red condlj !ns;iectlon. Senator Vic Donahey. ‘.Muj).!'iH- (irHlroVti) In irrird la li'- • d the public in protecting them- All a.s.sets of the district, Includ­ presses the legal equality of all the Dr. Mllani urged the Pope, who Is Viderans, ' scheiluled for tomorrow Local Representative -wqrc lighted. .Mr.s, Klizabetb ScuL "The death of Simeon Fess will ly a fti i- th i'V \\i r«‘ Mj»cni‘le’s Ser­ NEUTRAUTY PLEDGE for negotiation of bllatoriil arms com plete repo.«e yesterday as a w ar­ ' l;o.l ni.’ iit Ml III.. annii.Ml t'ii nsl inns (b o rg e .lohn.son. The ii-xi regular Conn. River Rk . . . . 400 taking and followed the best light geant Major James Miinsle arc pre­ HE SHOI LD GET a O i l ROH Liberal gur-i -Motor Vehicles Commis.sionef Mi- ^ Mmo E-lag.csitn and her conim illoo year ago last October Since then limitation ngrceuu’nLs. rant for any sctivlty today. Largest li.e e .x .n i.e s .if the .N’.irth .Meth.i- II'■.‘ting will be (ii'M 111 til,' ai n;.'iy Htfd. Conn. Tm.st ... 77 l.f could obtain. He wa.s my friend, paring a splendid program for the I-:i'/. ' tr! 1 i.s lb.mg Uic ijc.'ftl :l can ' hael A f'lsmor. who added that jSDiv('il the rhiUlirn anHul the circulatory stagnation which, and I pciipil pasinr exiir.-.sHcd the (cralill- Aetna .gRsualty ...... 104 109 transformed Into a large room, with made hf!!. u if ; t-. give to E.Kvpmj u’nrifi^y ) ^ •"'ChnlkT \Vo(^.l- | .sioHcr said froquontly opurators will I merits. Kcfurnini; to the main hall, b-?oka to Mr. W addell. Monday a f­ hjstory of Ohio and had spent much Hppculnting. as he plans the con- The peace proposal to which the complicated by the Ills of old age, o f Aetna Fire ...... 50 > .T'J'.. f Id-fashloried brick chimney and ; .III I.Hi o( his wit., anil sell fur .sucii km;,, shop, wfUM (rcuted for a saw I’-avD Ihclr nmchinoa unoocurFlvd on I Chrislma.s (-<1101:1 were sung and all ternoon the com m ittee la.-t In charge time In Woshington, •stnirtlon o f another dw'elling in United States il('cllncd to adhere has kept him in bed for more thnn Trade Hhoubl he fittrnd th-' (’onum m ily Aetna Life ...... 2(» ’\ 2'' stockings hanging at the fireplace. their fungtions and other details of an ariM'plahle kIM an.I ih.. |.,vi. and -Mit on the ^Ihlrd tin^'or of hU loft a .sli;,'ht down s:rHde and the vlbra- agiced llu'y had a W’)nderful Lime. of the district’^ affairs authorized It w'as after serving six year.s as the Rowers farm tract on Dom­ pirovlded that non-members of the tw o weeks. yiiln Automobile ...... 3 P ■. 33'.. In another comer Is tho manger the already minified pl«n. Kadi()s. I thoiueWTldnrs.. which priimpte.l It. t.'ind at tho ho.Tpilal thia afternoon. the m otor will start the car him to do so. president of Antioch college, Yellow ing street, as to whom it will be league of Nations which sigmed tho Radio technicians wired the Papal For Your 'riip Diiki -i skiis were waxed to­ ('onn. General ...... 31 .’13 with the Chrl.st child, and a targe The Spanish Socialist govertVraent Trumpet (.arbarini flufTered the rut whilo ac(ddent will r€S\jlt, Springs. Ohio, that Fess entered the .sold. apartments so the Pope could speak day, S now vviia MmiMp on the lull- Hartford Fire ...... 74 U 76'n L-eautIfully decorated tree cornhines notified the committee It accepted Kellogg-Briand antt-war agreement work In the Andover jtlant shortlvl ...... *------— political field and rose rapidly One of the purchasers of the ond the Argentine anti-war pact from an nrmohair In the study next I Old Set. Over •sldcfl a few mlloM off Hartford Steam Boiler 7.3 76 to make a picture of Christmas at the control plan in principle with­ after 1 o'clock. through part, ranks. In 1928 he de­ first home built by Mr. Bowers t/f 1933 ooopernte with the I^*ague door to hla bedroom or. if his doc­ and case .National Fire ...... 6.5 67 WHOLE AUTO INDUSTRY ils best. out examining It in detail. The So- WEDDINGS livered the keynote address at the cialtstfl reserve'i fhe right lo reject was Albert J 13arnes The bulld- in ita attempils to prevent and end tor’s wishes prevail, from a bedside : m ) Phoenix F ire ...... 9 0 4 9'JD. Santa wJH visit the cltn(iel some­ Prices The Chrlstma-s menu at the .Maii- Ci.nvcntion w'hlch nominated Herb­ it if it sho'ild ,at any time he *‘r of the other home In the new wars. microphone. rlie.ster .Memorial lio.s|,ital f,,r the Ro.s.sjn In.surajicfc . . . . HP- 1 L" ert Hoover for the Presidency. Foss time between 7 an«’ 9 tom'rrrnw Travelers ...... ^70 490 I .Scnkbeil-Uiorclano GOAL OF UNION DRIVE night, an.. !e,t'embi’r 19, to Kdward Se. k- constitute the first part nf the pro­ won’t be surprised if the next , urls, radl.slt rij.te:’. ( ’bri.st mii.a jduni . 7fi tabllsh collective bargaining agree- Yellow Springs, O., Dec. 23.— Mandolins ' Ala.'^kH- Jun Hartford Ga.s ...... 41 beil, son, of Ntr. and Mrs. Augii.'^t gram. A Christmas pageant cntl- HOSPITAL NOTES resident’s name' is Shedd, can republics eq\ini trade opportuni­ al health. On the other hand, wood to Trees • 4.5 ( A P )—Tw’^lv^ days ago Simeon t^a- ties. ('boose piiddlnb. hard .Hauc. imt.s. cOtree-Aihw-h.nY ! So, New King. Tel. Co. ir^7 161 j .T«-*mu4'iiSenklx'il'of ui 3300 Norman.'laiiul|i^iiElngdSt«ckK,:v ;^ e ylaonpit ..Cihia’ai Lbe ...... V u .. ■ ' 1 14- Tftfjr nnnmihw “na' ReptiWffran pblltt- TAcJfiriitiiia?'. ■' '5*«jt«sMrayr T'.' ''iSMitoi -,.’..'-.1 ... .--jr—.s -c. From jind Ital.sam 'I'rees. ey,. }A ni Hon'.c I'rnd Acmtem r W ire ...... 4 2 '- 4 4 1^ jd>y nu; Rev. Hugo F. R. Stcchliol/, taking the part Mary. Harold i Tamboiri^es " ' . 49 cutlves of automobile factories and ral figures, observed his 75th birth­ O’Connell of 44 f’rospect streeL riie congregation ,.i St. .lolio s ' a ,,, Kh.I St S . 2r> Atm. Hardwlire . ... 3 5 '._. .3 7 G l‘Hslor of the Zion Lutheran chUGCh. Turklngtnn, Jr.. Joseph and Edward Dlscbargrtl y»\sterdH.v: Marlon i if.ill .Mon> Trees Iteceiyed I oli.--h ,-,u,ivli on C oluuy .street i.s aiu Snu-ll L LI >.>..1 11 r 1 Rivi : TUrt Dfton/l'iiOu aat>._ ar^.. related Industries uatchod appre­ day by chopping wood. Ocarinas . 94 's Arrow H and H. com. , . The att(,‘ndant.s w eie Miss Mae hjehardson the Herald. The shep­ Fox o f 58 Ganien street, Mrs. C.arl I Sunday Kvening Direet remimled „t the iiiMmglii ma.s.s lo- Am Tel ■.n,l-T,.| hensively the effect o f atrike.s in sev­ Fews.s appeared In good health at Model iMiwIel . 18-t L, Hilllng.s and .''’ pencer. I I Romcgialli, cou.sin of the. bride, ana herds w’lll be Jack Turkington, Wil- Johnson and infant son of 77 Oak I Batons G . E . Prom Vermonl. Quality morrow mglit at 12 „do, k j -I-,,!, I^ri.'ftol H ra .e s...... f.i , j Frank Senkboil. brother** o f the eral parts plants on car and truck his home here and said be was .set liarp Ijoggett and Donald McCabe. E-68 9«)' t prodiirtlon. to "carry on” a militant tight street. | Drum Sticks ' ‘ m Writ Wks 2rT ( ’ollin.s C o...... 12.' ' bi itlcgi4)om. Df.d the three wise men. William I Till Wirt,alia ,lam ing i-ln.x.ee.s w \ A .shortage -of p.'ut.s, n ‘.«nilting agatn.st the New I'teal, Tw enty-tw o Death- Mrs. Mary A. .Somnu'r, 81, ' 6 Metal I' ull Sized ld(|uor.s r;.‘irond!i . . . CoH h Pat. Firf'anii.'- . .31 , ' 'Phe lin-lc .udI bri'lcgroom will be knbln.son, (Jeorge L^'^gett and Fre 1 j In tii ld a.-i Iisiial tom oirow afierno, from walkout.s cnlled by Lbr FctJcr- years a mernlxir of Omgrefls from Iurkington. of 21 Laurel street ye.'Aterdny »ft«'i- ; Tubes AI moiir. III I Fugle i-ock ...... 31 , hiiinr to Iheir fr.cmls after Janu- noon. (on.sole F'fir , at the ^ ..M ( ‘.A., ticgiiuier-, at 3 1 Kufnir Hearing.® ...... 12( ] ary IT) at 22 Norman .street. ation of Flat Gas Workers and the Ohio, Fess ha(l been an ouLspoken I.snac FYoclnr will be chairman $ 4 4 - 9 5 ‘•7^4 ('en.sus: Forty-three patients intermedlaleH nt 4:30 and aiivam . (*lray Tel i’ay Station 17 U. A. \y.. curtailed the operation ot. critic of the Rooacvoll atJminlstra- «ond the St^rgeant M ajor w'ould like The fiiipils (It .ft o ’,-111, k. A iil’urn 3u 19 .^^•i!tt^on ll.'t11 and (!ooic> . .' . 2di assembly lines In several motor tion. everyone to be in their places fcady More Money Is Being Earned— I or p plant.s and threatened further in­ Holidin s : Halt and Ohio Landers. Prary A* Clk 4f Seeking a third Senate term in to start at 7 o’clock. The account of the United States' A fit.' nf 20 |DR. KEATING r e s ig n s roads on motor car production un­ •Nnd I p. onkmiwii origin In i ! Ik'tKii:^ ’ Mann A- How. Cla.e.s A 9 1934, tho gray-haired one-tim e pres­ fir.st election, that telling of Wash- ' r^siph' from liii ovor •In.s.'f Mt th< t on;,- ,,t Iti,.,,!, less the disputes are settled soon. ' Hrth .St( rl I do,. ( ’ la.s.e M . . . .,. 1 ident of /Xntioch-college lo.st to Vl(' The ashes o f Christopher C'olum- ington's selection as president, wa.s know and prrf(*r flm* ‘ c-» l.VJ lol ali.,-t ,|e.slrovc,| . 71 \ May Make Own Paris. Itonlen New Bril. Mch . com .3.1 FROM SOLDIERS’ HOME iNinahry. Democrat. Feas had serv­ bii.-H are entombed in the rathedral printed on the third page of new.s lk|liorp*. filw;i\n hu> Ih'TO t (tnsi' aitcnioon. The l)la7>f These formerly were supplied by Potterton & Krah I ( ’err o I ).> Pas . I Po('k, Slow t Wilcox 17 'State Hoard Names Dr. T^. M, keynoter refused to retire from poli­ hill'd to tho cloMt'l bv ( '‘Ttnpiinv -I of ' Ihp K clsey-H aycs com pany. in '‘AN here Uiidio Is I iider.-ittMid" FSSO SLRVK’L ' ( du'.s an-l < mi. • . . ■ iiu.s.epll Mfg, ( ‘o ...... 33 i I'ascurri of Waterhury to tics after his defeat, but was an Ih.' .^ootl, .Mam-h, -|,.r Kir,' dc|Mir'-' whose two Detroit plant.s “ hiI- More Money Is Being SAVED OAK STREET Ohiy.sirr I Srnvill .Mf«. C(‘...... 4fi j StKTeed Him. active consultant in the mapping ol 11 ■ 111. 1 ali. ,1 by a .still alarm. | down ’ strikes railed by the United OajI .Main St. " Vt (he t'enler” Phone .T7:m ( or. Main and HiHsell .St.s. i ‘ .V( k ,\(; k s t o r k Oo) ( *:i r bi 'll . I Stanley Work.s ...... :>2 party battle lines and policies. Automobik' Workers are in effect. ‘H Oak .SI., u. ('4-r\’lnl, l'n>[). Ool ( hi.v an-i HJ . . . iToriington ...... tui j Haitford. Dec. 2.3 lAPt - The Me contented himself with ”be- Ihan in the last .seven years and it's a great C om ­ l•hlcd to'la.\ by the Board of Fin- rni ntal mii.Hic nod tu o plays, • riii- (’ompany owns but which has been tem in the United Stales. He was Mr. Average Man who ia well entrenched with Oont ( ’an ...... Whilitjck Coi) Pipe . . 9 ! nnre ami ' 'ontu-l. in Washington augmenting this ma­ and case ( .hn.sl ni,i.x i’ii-ioie am! '<'hriatimgs , 1.1. LL WilJiam.s Oi. 35 used at the Paris factories. They a Savings Account feels that he can afford to ------, Kvjeo LU.NgSRNlNC ( ‘orn iProd, . . I The l)oanl i.amcd Ur. Lucion M. terial when he died. tn Isuntl.s,*’ I - -MiHcelliineoiis .'^.-lid the machinery would be placed I 'el La« k and West I Paarucci of Waterbury The resig- Ltcft fatherless and penniless at New Yearns loo.sen up and spend more now than he has for 17m-a ' Hurdlne.s, inc...... 4 4 in operation at the Ford factory. CXass of SncVtCE 1‘oiiqla.Q A ln'n.ft I nation Is eff«>rtive December 31 .the age of four. Fess worked his several years. The cycle of increased buying pro­ I Kf '.vtn licrt.schc of ]81 Honry : I Chapman Valve ...... 36 ai..j r>r, Keating v.-n.s given a leave George W. Kennedy, president of Du Punt I way through school and graduated duces better earnings — are you saving all you $80 SIGNS ' sifi'tt, pFis.-cm^f’r In an autoin^tfa I 9 1‘ju mi;u;ton avenue. Dos.m wan (Lutvea 1 i Utah-ldfiho Sug. Com. 2 [-iUily pay for each inJiviilual of the workers has been another demand ^ ^ --- t or tMi •oaao ^ ' ’•■'•tTy v>ca-Faiaio«Mv>ca-FaiaioiN3 lluil.'w.h .Moior.s . . . Slide Whistles ) 1 > - ______I nnestcil by Polii erneii rhoina.' ;']HT.n!)nncl b(»ai(l under the Unern- in the strikes In the parts plants THE SAVINGS BANK D- can. « .’K„„ UU- d«. Us. c. tulkm. wWr«- «d d.r U.. Int Harv • .New \ ork Bank and Ins, Favors I Hov uri ;tnd John (iiiinan of the ac- Hank of New York . . 473 jiloynicn* C< .mpenHali. >n A ct. It and also in General Motors subsid­ Drum Brushes r « .ktn-A.NI)ARii n t iK : '.‘ident inv(';dis:ntlon .squad, l, Int Nick . . 34 MINERS DEAD ,.s™ui,, M,l,i,o ,h„ 1,.,^ „ I Int Tel and Tej ... I Bankers Trust ...... 64 v.ms voted to change fr(>ni concrete iary' plants at Kansas City and A t­ i Chase 44 to jrick conrlnjctlon on the aviation lanta. Action From 9 P. IVI. to 3:30 A. M. OF MANCHESTER j Johns .Mnnvllle . . . 1 Chemical ...... 56 buil'ling at HralnaVd Field. The Hold Conference. I Kennocotf AFTER GAS BLAST A Mutual Savings Bank 1>-\-ST ,MI.\ITK SU()l*KR.-( DKC 2:1 lD.'’ r, C0NN6rS ; P' hig-h V’al IM . . jOuaranty Tru‘- l ...... SlO chan>0‘ wi i co.st api roximately $23,- Martin, representing his union, IS NOT HELD I <-'ontJUfutai ...... 000 more thnn th-* ony.’nal rontract. - IJk« Hn.l ,M\Tlng ...... fixed at $6,000 minimum. $7,200 heads the union. Refjorta received here said all ot Place ((V>ntlmi€yi from One) Alnnt W ard ...... rnaximun . The n.'-.^isfant director the victims were Mexicans. appreciate. -MANCIIKSTKR Nat Hisc Manhattan ...... 30 -. The corporation later issued a .Maniifaot. ITu.xt .... 49 will .1 nnninium of $4,980 and statement saying that Martin had Rescue work began immediately ■; tho ,lonr. and that the only time he; x'!'! n”'' .N’nttonal I'ity Bank . 37 maximum of $6,000. Mi.ss Helen “pt'<*s<‘nted variou.s alleged discrim­ after the exploslbn and physicians .saw ( onnurs waa whoji the prl.^on- *vnt Now York ...... J26 Wood Ucad.'. the divi.sion and ination cases and grievances” and from five other towns w'cre sum­ era had broakfa.st. about half an * ^ Joseph I^jughlin la her assistant. moned. News of the blast attracted N Y Ontral Piitilic ...... 57 “ was qdvtsed to Lake the* various e 1. m i-oMiiONii i,i.;i.T „.v vciia, 1.1..1 s T „ e a t Kn,iMnv..a s iv r .a t i.:,is i i k i h s k . boui before the break wa.s made. U.rge crow’ds to the shafthcad from NY NFI and H I Title ...... 15 , matters up-wttrf the plant manager 110>K eOCKCTTOOKS M M M a .V , .SM ,o n v K\|>orfrd To Helum I lnNuranc« > -A I TO I STS K\0\KK.\TEI> or. if necessary, the general mana­ Roaita, city of 30.000. North z\m- . . New Haven, Dec. 23. — (AP) — Manuel Reyes of Ea^Ie Pass w'as I>mgo. whose home I.h in Fa.sT Phckard [American UVewark) . 12 ger having jurisdiction.’ The Coronei- Jame.s J. (>)rri‘Tan i.ssuod advised by a brother who w’orks tor o.ur iincsscs A iiiMiiii:,, uu'in v Haitford. wa.s s*:rrcndcn'd to the Param I’lct .. : Ameru'an K-.>-erve .. ,31 statement said this was “the corr findincs toovcll und Covell — Durand , St Oil C a l ...... We suggest: or from over BABY BROWNIES RADIO SPECIALS ('fflcer. U. S. F. and G ...... 24 ccioner said In his fln4jing. Slipped Through Net I St Oil N J ...... Westche.stcr ...... 33 a 1,000 $1.00 KODAKS $1.00 and up You Money On That Christma.- Radio Gift: Slate police were of pie belief Tex Corp ... . For interior that Davi.s and Fitzslnime.n.=5 had : Timken Roller Hejir • Pajamas growing BROWNIE JR.’S slipped through the cordon that had Tran.'? America . . decorating. I Pnton Carbide ...... MERZ TEAM IN LEAD in rear of PHILCO—84B R C A - 5T been drawn about them in the • STA TE • TIRED SHOPPERS • WSICWfKACWWW $2.25 - $2.75 special Low Priced Liquors vicinity of Danbury early yester­ ITnton Pac ...... Table Model Knit Aircraft ...... Stop in at this friendly revivalry— and • Loungfing Robes Table (Model day. IN RREMEN’S SETBACK TODAY AND THURS. 19 Lewis Street BROWNIES i Unit Corp ...... have a bite to eat— a glass of wine or You can • $20.00 .$29.95 Unit Gas im p ...... For Christmas T(H)K TU.VI.N, B K IJE F your favorite mixed drink. $3 00 - $3.75 i U S R u b b e r ...... Defeating the Valvollne Oil corn- • Silk Underwear transplant them or Danbur>’. Dec. 23. — ( AP) —State t; S Snielt ...... rany team In the weekly sitting Fleischman’s Gin, .-ith 95c Old Qiiuker Police Lieutenant L eo F. Carroll of U a S t e e l ...... Ih-at nlgtjt, the Merz Barbers took i as'dptside Trees on display Vest P(Kket Kodaks RfOSfH—6-Tube F^hilco and R C A the Ridgefield barracks, in charge of Mr. Boston Gin - .ql. Sj.ifl \yhiskt‘v ...... $1.7,5 Table Model Western Union ...... the lead In the North End Firemen’s COCKTAIL BAR • Hosiety $5.00-$5.75 the search tn this territory for W est El and M f g ...... Setback league and forced the oil­ ornamentals Noilly P ra t...... Sl.1.5 Cnil) Orchard ..,,qt. Sl.'i<) American and Korvlgn Console Sets ChaVles K. Davis and George ^ilz-: at Wool worth ...... ers Into third pjifce. behind Hose A drama of parole^J Serving expertly mixed cocktails Wllken’s Family . . pt. 89c aimmons, w’ho escaped Monday from with lEwis ttrm . jiM ft. in the Spring. JIFFY KODAKS Pine Forest \( lii,skc.v. 79c $29.95 $49.95 and up Elec Bond and Share fCiirb) com pany, No. 1. R. G. . -Porter­ QLCUON. MUCf CAtQT t K C • Sweaters Canadian Club, ,5th $.'J. b field’s coat was taken by mistake .. ^ ’ and highballs G. E. Keith 0 Large stock of other L • (Tl t E A T I M E R AADtC KWWWWWWMH $8.00 and $9.00 after the matches, and requests that •I C T T T 6 I A R I E fiCtur* Green R iver------qt. $1.69 hranfflrln half pints, pints, Milahire Gin . . . ,qt. $1.19 the player who made the mistake On the aSame Showi Furniture Co. fifths and quarts. communlca^te w-ilh him. • Gloves KODAK JUNIORS ;' ■! OUR CHRISTMAS LEADER — ONLY ONE LEPri “THE GIRL O.N THE EXCELLENT FOOD Automatic ,'i-Tuhe Long and .Short < n o /f The standing at present Isi 0pp. High School $10, $12, $13.50, $15.51 Merz Barbers ...... 2464 FRONT I’AGE” ' Tasty Sandwiches — Full Course Meals FREE 1 17 Year Old PauLJones Bonded Whi.skev Wave Table Model. Regular Hose Co. No. 1 ...... 2450 ' • Snow Suits Featuring ED.'VIUNU LUW K Steaks— Chops— and Fresh' Sea Food and I p I $^29 pint Going Out of Business Valvollne Oil Co...... 2441 With each tree, KODAKS ' * «a a^iiiu rurciuise IS uiiaranteed and serviced Hv Porterfield ...... 2381 Outside T Year Old Green Riiter Bonded Whiskev Hose Co., Jrs...... 2369 Xmas Day and Sat The Newly Renovated ■ • Umbrellas instructions for $14, $16, $17.50, $20f tien.son s— Manchester’s Leading Service Organization, Bueklond No. 1 ...... 2365 ■ jg - Everything Below Cost MEET JOE. THE WONDER POLO PU TER ! care and Purnell Block ?1.89 pint tor Service On Any Radio— Phone 3535. I'oley Exprejs ...... 2358 MMHIMIHKIWIlfWWafnfW Take Pictures On Dykes F o u r ...... 2357 K. o f P...... 2343 transplanting. 829 Main Street Christmas Day. Community Filling Station ... 2321 Princess Restaurant MAGNELL DRUG Co. .Hilltop ...... 2315 Prescription Druggists BENSON Blueftclds A. C ...... 2297 CAKOinCRCS *ltCRJUtO*’SkMts'*fiAlLACHEi “The Healthy Place To Eat and Drink” rt Shop Keld's Auctioneers ...... 2294 JWt UN • «M0M OINTT - OtUfil C. tT«N Furniture and Radio Wf mm»rn M(«Ma • t Nmar PWw Main Street at Pearl Street FRADIN'S Johnson Block 519 Main Street'eet ^ Ulrich’s Restaurant ...... 2272 G. Stillman KEMF’S, Inc, Hose Co,. No. 2 ...... 2233 PLUS.. , . “Juns[le Princess” Student of Forestry A ircraft ...,...... 2 2 12 Furniture and Music j

..I rt*

i F w : MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHE91ER, CX)NN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBim 28,198« iBDwoimmaEi evuNm n HintAnTUANCHEahifiK, tb im . w t o n e b d a t , DmcBOite ^ 10M '*i. ■ ‘A,’' p®'? '3 V ■' "'S ■ I ■ their Christmas party* last Friday time: Bpqn overall, 38 fe e t 8 theory and appUed muslo tn the Tale with attempting to uie political PTMldenUal ouater by Impoaohmeot In the earthquake which struck 'San FDR SENDS MESSAGE evening at the Ckjinmunlty. Church CHANCE VOUGRT CO. GETS Inches;ee; length overall, 21 feet BVi 'School at U uslc. GOME^CONGRESSMEN coercion to stifle opposition to his in ClUban blatory. Vicente Saturday, minister of tbe ZION CHURCH HOLDS WAPPWG House. They played cards and ex­ Inches; gross weight, B81B pounds; Id making the gin, l i r a CJhandler Quintuplets Will Spend veto of the army-sponsored Specllleally the Preaidant wna interior Calderon announced offi­ jH, •■■it changed gifts and refreohments maximum speed. 20A miles an hotir Bald her purpoee was '*^ aid In 00^ sugar tax bill. ///* -V V L v - ARE READY TO RESIGN chargrxt with “interfering with the cially today. • TO DISABLED VETS The Wapplng Uncaa b^ys played were served. ORDERS FOR 40 PLANES at 8900 feet, landing speed, 65 furnishing thorough preparation In By ASSOCIATED PRESS Although most ofTIcial quarters free funcUonIngr of a legislative Calderon declared 2,000 .families PAGEANT THURSDAY the New Britain DeMoIay boys baa- About 120 children are expected miles an hour, service celling, 24,600 the training of organists, esi>eclally Am Gen . . . . Christmas With Parents expected the President’s ouster power” and threatening with politi­ lost their possessions in the quake ketball team last Saturday evening feet. In the Held of church muslck which Ark Nat Gas Oloverxville, N. T., Dec. 23.— to attend the annual Christmaa par­ (Omttnoed from Pmge One) would be concurred in by the Senate cal reprlaaJa all legislators who vot­ which destroyed a large pai. of the on the home floor. The score was 37 Designed for Both Bombing The planes will be of meta] stnic- was throughout hts life of the deep­ Assd Gas and El A (AP)—Bernard W. Kearney, Na' ty given by the Abe E. Miller Po.st, which overrode his sugar tax veto ed against him In the proceedings. city and caused damage In an area Ho 31. and the Y. M. C. A. boys play­ and 1-iMig Range Scouting— ture, fabric covered, and of the two-, est Interest to my husband." Am Sup Pow ..., tional commander of the Veterans American Legion Auxiliary at the Callander Ont, Dec. 23.—(API—^ There would be thirteen at the declaration at the conclusion of the 26 to i6, the results of the court’s If convicted by the Senate, Gome* approximately 20 miles square. ed the Burnside Ramblers, the score seat biplano type, .- Chandler died In Hartford In June Blue Ridge ...... of Foreign Wara.i • relayai to dis­ Legion home Wednesday evening. The Specifications. trial. vote probably will not be known for could bo removed from otflco with­ Christmas Program to Be being 29 to 31 In favor of the Senior 1932. Con Marconi .. -. . c». ih, ,,.1 abled veterans today a Christmas The Boy Scout Tr#op. children of Ready For Trial hours after It Is taken. in a few houra "Y ” . ’ C ent S tates El message from President Roosevelt. veterans and members of the Le­ Hartford, Dec. 23.— (AP)—Chance HAKTFC ji> wosi.AN arvr-s queat of young Rose Dionne that, not quite mature enough His congressional foes said thc^ The Senate received the House Mias Anne Jlllson of Pleasant C lt Serv ...... All Indications were that the na­ Phest Colds bodied, thoroughly ogod. Held at 7 Tomorrow Eve­ gion are Invited to attend. Vought Aircraft announced today It 83,000 GIFT TO YA1J5 DIKS FRO.M F.ALI.. her Noel be a day apent with her ! (q gjt jj, ^ grown-up'e chair, would be ready for tr*al proceea^ tion's military "strong man," , C!k>l. impeachment charges Tuesday, cefl- .... Beat treated The meiaage said: Valley is In the Hartford hospital, (21t Serv., pfd .... had received an order for 40 scout- El Bond and Share quintuplet alstere. '■ On Chrlatmae day tourlata will Ings at about 6 o'clock Utis eve­ Fulgenclo Batista, sponsor of the stituted Itself as a court, and sent , without “dosing” “All disabled veterans: In extend­ where she has had her tonsils re­ bomber airplanes from the United For the first time, the Dionne ' not be permitted to view the quln- ing you (jhristmaa greetings I feel DR. BISHOP'S Fi:N EB.\t New Hav^n, Dec. 28.—(AP) — Middletown, Dec. 23—(AP) — A Nlag Hud Pow ,. ning, hut predicted there would be bill to provide funds for army- the documenta to Gomez and three ONIY AT ® STORES ning; The CasL moved. States Navy. Yale UnlvcrXlty announced today qulntuplets will spend Chrl.'.tmas tuplets, and the only guest will be it la especially appropriate tc recall fall down the stairs of h^r home Penn Road no verdict before early Thursday taught niral schools, would emerge pro.eeciitors from the House. There were about twenty-five New Haven. Dec, 23.— tAPj— The planes.will be similar to 84 the receipt or>i J3.000 gift from ciuised the death of Mrs. Jennie day with thciV parents and brothers .MLas Simon Contln, a friend of .\Ii-a. to you the great pride and gratitude Funeral services for Dr. Frederick Segal Lock ...... morning. vlctoridVis in the political battle, Then It adjourned until the sched­ men who enjoyed the men's supper shipA delivensd during the year to Mrs. Woods Chandler of Hartford.In Klnkowskl, 42, last night, roroncr Unit Gas ...... and sisters in the Dafoe nursery. "■ Dionne. The Presidenl’s appeal, outside Gomez throughout h/ul declarfH! uled session today. New FULL SIZE Steinie Bottles , which the-nation always will have at the Wapplng Community Church C Bishop. 67, a practicing physl- the Navy for ll« aircraft carriers. The occasion also will give the| The quintuplets on ln.structlons ' 'Tn the Fullneaa of Time,^ a memory of her. husband. Woods L. A. .Smith said she had .sintered a Unit Lt and Pow A the law of Cuba In the unprecedent­ hlB oppoflitlon to tlie bill was based During the night some unldenll- In the courage and devotion shown House on Thursday evening. rlai. here for 39 years, will be held They are dv.slgned for both bombing quintuplets the first glimpse of their from their Dr Allan Roy Dafoe, will C^hriRtmaa pageant, will be present­ c h a n d le r of the Class of 1896. broken neck. Util Pow and Lt ed cs.se i>f Impeachment, was re- on a belief it.H pji.sHage woyltf create lled practical joker ordered six mov-. in your splendid service to your The Wapplng Memorial Library tom orrow . and long range sroutlng. The Income of the sum Is to he hew baby brother, five-months-old follow th e ir uMial diet and forego ed in Zion Lutheran church tomor­ country. Dr. Bishop died yesterday at hIs the adult menu They wMlJ be two gartled as a "forlorn hop-a" In his a danger of educating fhiban .young Ing vans sent to the Presidential dpened this morning at ten o’clock These speclflrntions and perform­ u.sed for scholar.ships to students en­ Oliva, named for his father. row evening, Christmas Eve, at 7 to accommodate the children of the home following a ahor' illne.ss. Me ance figures for the planes were dis- According to present plans, Mrs. years and seven months old the fight against Jiirkllcal action to oust In the ’‘p'a-^rist m anner." Palace. Police and the Presidential “I hope your Christmas may be gaged In organ-playing to a.ssist schools as the schools closed this w honi In Mimieilpolla. Mian , arid elosed hy the rnmimny for the first Dionne will bundle h. i six other Monday after f’hrislmas. * him from the Prosldenry. a«w»r t retinue were a hit perturbed. o’clock, under th e direction of Mls.s a pleasant one. I pray that those of them In com pleting their courses In you who bear the scars of service afteruQon. It will al.so be opes as wa.s graduated from Yalo- Medical children to go to i hureh on i.'hri'^t- The oidrst of tlie rlilMren. Krnesl. Plea (VmHlderfyl The ri t’Hldent, who would bf‘ suc­ Pauline Stechholz. Special music IN iMAN( HESTER IT’S soon will be restored to health and usual on Thursday afternoon from 2 College. nia'< m 'lm ing .lu.st before noon, all will celebrate his nmtli iMrUiday His plea was taken iiniler consM- ceeded hy the mcui.Tbcnt Vicr-Pie.'*- will be furnished by the choirs of Buy On Our happiness and that many blessings till 5 o'clock. .Stirvlvors Include his widow, two the family will return In the Dionne W ednesday. rratlnn by a committee of Uif Rrn- i‘lent I>r l'*ediTlen |.,aredo Rru. held DFATH I.IST REnrCKD Divided Payment Plan Zion Lutheran church, and St. may come to all of you In the new Each room at the Wapplng gram­ alsters, Mrs. Arthur E. Wood of home and then rro.ss the road to The (piintiif'IeL's sisters. Itose and rttf> which will sit as a court <>f Jur- a .senes of conferences In the I*r -si-. Mark’s Lutheran church, Glaston­ CONRAN'S Therese, dilig''ntly have tiern prar- year. mar school will have their Christ­ Ann Arbor. Mich., and Mias Kath­ the home of their yimoiis relative.^. ttce in the case. flcnHat Palneo bust night, hut those .'r fhirfr-*|g CANCER CONTROL the work IS earned on principally "'Eunice Gorens. Alice Schmidt and OllDF.lt TODAY! DIAL 38(18. hy periodic clinics of doctors and t.lH) prr rent, per nnnutn t*n the nn- Doris'^ Scnkfluc.k; Angels: Rose pnltl nnifiiint o f the Ittnn. IlECF.MriF.lt SPECIALS: Fraren Ihicldlng - Iimter Pr«sn - flir'iiigh treatm ent clinics estab- Finkbeln, Sylvia Stechholz, Lois - \ anllla - Uhncnlatn - Straw berry - .Miiple— 'J,3e pint. n{ PROCEDURE TOLDlialu'it In several ttie larger g'’n- Krompogal. Audrey Waddell, Elaine r . ^ W . Ilr>kl>«. Mur. imU'K: Clinmlate Fudge with Viinllla' - Vanilla with Nniigal - « ral hospitals tlirriughout the state. Drug Store Pharmacy F tiH im 2 ^M tntr Thrntrr llnlltlinc Spiimnnl with Chm-olat.. Fudge - Orange sherln-t and Vanilla__ I Demko. Dorothy Prentice, Florence 7 .VI .llnin Mfrrel Trl. .'Il.TO Klein. Mildred Schultz and Arllne 3()o pint. Bay State Authority is Guest HOPKINS’ THREAT ”Daiwt Personal Finance Co. Order, for $1.00 or Over Dellvered-Lpaeked In Dry Ire.

of Hospital Staff Here ’ SPLITS CONGRESS Full cut sparkling diamond, I>arge center diamond with Deaiiflfiil pair—both rlnga Bot flanked by smaller dlun>onds In smaller Mide dlamoiids, and dia­ CHRISTMAS THOUGHT <3 vUth hrlttlant tUtimoniK in imt- well made KOtting In uhlto or mond set wedding ring. Both BY AVNIF R. ATKINSON Last Night. (Oontlniiod Iroin l*agt ,One) nral or \vhlt«‘ »oHd gold. natural solid gold. rings in white or natural gold in late*st stream lin e design. ommendntlon to C'tingress early in I o*ton think of Ihe three wise Dr. H ert'ert L. I>‘>niharfl. d irfcto r •Innuary. men who left their home in the far of th^ division of Adult Hygirtip of He did afiv. however, the.r© was n $ 2 4 - 9 5 off Orient to follow the star. Per­ po.sslbilily funds from other snureea « 3 9 - 9 5 haps some of their neighbors amt ths MAssarhuspttfl Department of might be transferred for work re­ ^ 7 5 * 5 0 friends w^ught to perHiiade them to Public Henlth, was the guest speak* lief to supplement a C/jngreasional «r before a meeting of membfra fTf give up the qu leads." bundle and Tom holding on to the bundle the p ast 10 years in the .•.^tnl)ll^^h- year, and 4hus help in the Job of Yardley Sets Bltlding farowell to their neigh­ ment of clinics arid In iho nj>eratinn ultimately balancing the budget Parker / bors and friends they started on for the next itop. Here you »ee ut nt Larry of special hospitals for the diag­ The other faction contends relief 98c to $20.00 the long journi'y over hill, valley, Burke'* place end that'* Larry with the VALUES nosis and treatment patient.^ suf­ need.s actually h i*' n«ii dv>tTeaaing Fountain Pens / Diamond engagement ring wRh plain and through the lonely desert big mitten* on him. Harry E. Wilken fering with cancer. rapidly. annutifiil oreatimi with a slen­ day and night led by the light of th e m an n er In which tlur movenn-nt again.st any reduction in WPA rolls der arrangenjent of side dla the alar. for aiding cancer .br'garj, The WI'/V figures f showed a net Coty Sets Houbiffant Sets Pompeian Sets dlng ring. slcn. Their faith never wavered. On M.VKK-UP KNSKMBI.RS 50 Cigars developed and th eir valin> tuith to 4)floit . . . Fotimlatlon ('mini 'Dr. Lomhanl said tlT.ii one 100,000 were flroppeil the pr*‘vlou.s and adoration m the presence of Ca.sc ...... 9 8 c 9 8 c ('edar Chest method of progn-s.sion along Uus two week... the King. if you give them our line that was found exlremr-ly val­ Hopkims' 000,000 proj>osal In- .Safety Razors i ______4 How strange their <‘nlry into the uable to the public at large was the dlratn;; he b*’fieves the minimum re- little town of . The peo­ l)e Vilbiss Coty Sets formation of interested groups Irom qutrenient for work relief .hrough HUDNUT’S ple looked Tin the travellers with Family’s Whiskey for Christmas! Military Brush Sets Kaywoodie I^ipes churches. fratemiUea and socHiles, June to be an average monthly ex- Newest Creation,s wonder ajid were amazed at their Perfuniizers Face r’owdor. Rouge and from which groups represcnuitivee f)endUure of $ir>0.000,‘)00. as there Lather Bru.slies ' question. "Where Is He that is born w efe se n t to a tten d siH*clal m eetings The personal recipe of Tbe Wilken Family Lip­ are enough funds for most d Janu- a King?" No doubt many of them Sets ?I..50. stick at which specialists in the tii» at- ar>'. Perfum es saw the gleaming star that lit up that’s been distillers since away back 39c $1.50 _$l-25 ment of the diseases loctmc'd. The $2 69 In Nfivember, WPA e.xpend'tures Hair Brushes Compacts the darkness of the night, hut it haI \M WISH. routine' 49c things about the moec. 23 "What in you buying U. But even if I wasn't, I want to say I «!nn’t concerning the cause and develop­ Xmas Pudding They never looked up; they were wmiM voii like most for Dhrlst- too bu.sy. Others saitl u den they knovv (if anywheres that you could find a nicer gift tor anylxtdy Cosmetic Sets By Yardley, Evening In m en t anpi*i let.s tn the' eapitn) a.sk«^'ii.| like In K.- t.s.sured that Alarm Chuks night came they had forgotten, and Cigars report of ttie diagnosis is given the • Ivegislat III e wonM giv' m» the wtar> and worn they slept while D urand’s With recommendations for treat­ inajdr part of the great ('onvtnullve I? Lh ■* glorious light shone around. Tobacco Pouches ment. If no beneficial home treat­ program lonOiincd m our plat­ Electric ( locks It ha3feafe^i4ga:ag4fe:3q»iTniM iiH -giM i!iKiii.ii.'V'*.tiiin 5 '£ s a a ^ ^ Sparklet Syphons T)r. Millard K. Krtowlton, of .the Ta«-s Seals Ik-autifiilly Boxt»d A l’TO DIKS GANDY the light of that wontlrous star State Department of Health who C C E A M ,11 would have remained with them al­ Cocktail Sets was Introduced by Dr. N A. Burr, Torrljigton, Dec. 23 lAPi Wil- Xmas ways, its beauty a cherished Cameras chief of the medical staff of the hos­ Ham H. N orthnip, 72. hit Monday Holiday Wrapped m em ory. • 5 0 c $5.00 pital. night by a car driven by John Nl. Wrappinsrs The star still shines through the Bill Folds Dr. Know'lltVn ouUlnon An embittered and wandering Leon WEDDING Your Clirlstmus Candyndy I)oroblem H snlvml at Iho I..oveJoy Trotzky will spend CTiristmaa on Pint . .. $1.01 lA-20 Mo«. ^ndy Shop. Lo\ejoy ('ami ( anllles are Ideal for . pirlstmos Day. Pint . . . .$1.29 89c pint . Fresh and pur**, these candb-R are avallublo In a’ dellelnus a.s*M»rt- the high seas, bound for Mexico— immt. the only nation w illing to sh e lte r th© Quart ..$1.98 Quart ...$2,48 $1.75 quart $1.59 quart LIQUOR SPECIALS exiled Russian Bolshevist after his Honu- Made Christma.s Kibhnn Candy . . 19c Ih.. 2 Ills. asylum in Norway was terminated. ^ fcptnon, <)rangf, I.lnic, (love, Cinnamon, .Anise. rep|»ernant. Trotzky and his wife W’ere spirited 1 OLD OUAKER BRONX Jean Gould Wine . . 2 qts. $1.00 Seagram’s Rye, V. D. ,. pt, $1.98 out of Norway and put aboard an Imported Spanish unidentified steamer Saturday, it JAMAICA TYPE REDl-M IXT Carioca Rum lom Thumt* Ribbon Candy ...... ?. . . ,|h. 29c Port - Sherry - Muscatel. Straight M^hiskey...... qt. 88c was disclosed after news of ^eir WINES departure bad been withheld for RUM Cocktails $L54 Candy Apples...... doz. 15c, to 50c ea. several days to avoid demonstra- 5th $1.79 Candy Canes ...... doz. 15c, to 50c ea. Golden Wedding Rye . ql. $2.39 Green River.Whiskey .. pt. 95c tlona. 5th $L49 — 5th 98c oint 5th $1.25 He had undergone a period of 1 • A m erican Mi.xed H ard C a n d y ...... Ib. I9c Calvert’s Special...... pt. $1.01 heavy surveillance and was not per­ Fancy Christnia,.s B oxes ...... 49c to $1.75 Stony Fork R ye ____ qt. $1.21 mitted to communicate with friends Constitution W ines...... 79c Calif. Wines, q t 55c, 2 for $1. Filled nffth fresh home made chorolatee. because the Norwegian government Castle Gin ...... qt. 89c feared friction with Russia and pos­ Chicken Bones (chocolate Tilled) ...... lb. 29c sible political reactions within N or-' Can«Uewicks, $1.98 to $8.75 Club Cocktails qt. $1.66 Others hoxed from $1.15 to 84.50. M ILSHIRE CANADA DRY QQ_ Peach Blossoms (peanut butter tilled) ...... |b. 29c Old Mr. Boston Gin ...... 5th 99c way. Colonials... .$1.98 to $3.98 IQ Sckenly’s Trotzky and his wife were ex­ Crab GIN, quart . . v Jl • JL GIN. fifth ...... I/OC • Suey, lb, 19c I’eanut B rittle. Ib. 15c Puerto Rico Rum .. . 5th $1.75 Seagram’s 5 Crown . . pt. $1.10 pected to arrive in Mexico between S i l k s ...... $2.49 to $5.98 .Also New Drupes and CAirtalna - Fancy I*tllowa - Guest or Dish Large Assortment of Chocolates ...... lb. 39c .Tan 10 and 15. Some with drapes to match. Towels—or perhaps a Percale or Peasant Apron. American See Your Candy Made! TWO DIE IN CRASH Orchard Glen SprinKH DYNASTY BOURBON, 90 Proof, Cream Lebanon, N. H., Dec. 23— (AP) — RYE, Yr. Old, d» 1 -IQ fifth ...... X Joseph Plalstck, 21, of Chicago, 90 Pr„ quart.. $ J • 1 O D cfC Lovejoy Candy Shoo Center Pharmacy Murphy Drug Store senior at Dartmouth college, and $1.39 ft Miss Hilda Woolcott, 23, of Clare­ THE TEXTILE STORE $1.79 . . . , ! 5 W Odd Fellows Block At the Ctyiter riAnn*Depot Cmipr.. Square mont, were killed, and two others 913 MAIN STREET NEXT TO THE BANK Quart 832 Main Street Next to Montgomery M'ard’s ^ Injured when their automobile IMPORTED SCOTCHS...... 5th $2.25 crashed Into a tree near here today. I t > A G B 8 a MANOIRSTER EVENING HBRAI.D. M ANCnif^iCR. CONN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28,1986

lIANGHZSrnCR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28,1985 Maloney, J. M.. truck repairs Manchester Construction Oo., rent ...... Manchester Electric Co., electric service ...... ' ' S.OOT^M Overnight A. P, SELEaMEN PAY BILLS; GUan. OF MURDER ulna caplocks matohlockt, aad flint­ every practice that In any way re­ Maocheater 0«s Company, g a s MrVica DAILY RADIO PROGRAM locks. TWO GERMAN EDITORS stricts or injures e competitor. JAPANESE WIN RIGHTS Maft^heatcr Laundry, laundry scrvlca ...... OVER 100 DINNQtS **So far, we'TS fotmd less than 200 Application for a trade practice Manchester Lumber Co., Inc., coal ...... News Recreation weONESDAY, DECEMBER 23 (Central and Eattem Standard Time) In Hollywood”, mourned De MUle’s conference was made by the Gaso­ Lumberman Looks Over Manchester Memorial Hospital, board and ra re ...... !.*.!!* FOR SECOND H IE 301 TOTAL $19,157.78 scout, J. 8. Stembridge. TO LOSE THEIR JOBS line Pump Manufacturers’ Associa­ TO CONTINUE HSHING M anchester M otor Sales. Inc., storage ...... New Haven-—TruEtees o f the New Manchester Plumbing A Supply Co., hardware and supplies Haven railroad, In the process o f re- READY FOR NEEDY Center hems tion. which represents more than 90 organizaUon. petlUoned the Federal Bing Crosby was Irked today. He per cent of the industry. The 31 His Own Tombstone Manchr.stcr Public Market, meats and groceries NB"TETF■^R1D,VETv?ORr*•r/^"'‘L^-.^^^ ordered ft batch of Christmas cards Refused (o Ohey Orders; Will The Selectmen Monday night ordered paid SOI bills, Incurred by the town Mnnchcater Sand A Gravel Co., sand ... District Court for permission to pay W e d n i^ a y firms In this industry employ about Russian Officials Approve Ex­ Ohio Man Had Already B .aiCIC — East; weaf w|w wnac wile M 4:4$— ? ” S:4$—WUdarnaiB5:45— Wilderness Road.noitti Serial from a sftlesraan. His office staff Be Replaced hy ‘*I)yed-in- last month, totaling $19,157.78. They included the annual aalarirs of | Manchester Trust Co Agent, rents 53.020,765.07 overdue interest on wtaii wcah kyw wfbr wre w.*y 5 -0^ 0:00 — Blue Flames Quartet— The men's swimming classes ^ill 3.000 persons and have an annual tension o( One Year After Oahkoah. Dec. 23.— (A P )— P eo-^ woon wcae wtani wwj weal. Mlciwes.: mailed them. Then be found ft the headstone one day and the next Manchester Water Company, water service . certain bonds and debentures se­ Oftjdc. Jr. Nurce Corps—mluwesi; meet as follow s: 7 to 7:46, llfe*aav> the-W^ool” Nazis. production of about $20,000,000. thrce town officlalR whose terms expire December 31, Attorney Raymond ksJ wmag who wow vMjaX wire wool The Serenade at Suncet- woii Welfare Department States Hollywood night club had sent out I.en(fthy NeROtiations. pie who think figures don't lie day they eee roe on the etreet and H. Bowers. $125 as r.xanilnor o f public records; Robert N. Velth. $425 as Marcln. Mrs. Mary, rent ...... cured by Hens, including interest on Served 11 Years in An­ woof! ing; 7:45 to 8:30, non-swimmers. MIDWEST A CANADA w|6 wtmj 8 :1^ 6 :15—News of Youth - imsici the saxDo kind. haven’t seen Alfred C. M cComb’s they don’t know whiuh to believe.*' registrar of voters; and Edward K. Moiiarty. $500 as registrar ot voters. Mniiow'.s. furnishings ...... thrxso pledged as collateral with ~ —iMsie. Booksueif — we^t The women's gym class will meet Berlin, Dec. 23.—(AP> Authori­ M oscow, Doc. 2.8,—(A P I —Japan k;;6x wlho kalp webc wday kryr cm 6 :30—Press Radto New t—t*atiC tarian Germany moved today to re­ McComb, a graduate of Lawrenee Also paid was a hill for $1 for a year's rent from the New York, Npw Martell (>>mpany. A P7.. tax rc(x*lpt bor.kx . holders of short term notes. Clef 200 Are Needed for from 7 to 8 o’clock. tombstone. other Murder Case. SOUTH —wrvn wpif wwnc wave wjax ? 8 :35—George Hall'e Orchestra The four-months’ marriage of place with "dyed-ln-thc-woor won the right today to continue college. Appleton, Wle., In 1878 waa Haven ajul Hartford railroad of the land at Depot Square where the Merz, Matthew, rent ...... New Haven—Judge Cjirroll C i «;T” — Renfrew of the Mounted There will be no card party at the Tho figures on his headstone say wila-wwun wiotl warn wmc wab wapi Sam De- Grasse, film character Naxifl tw o newspaper editors who Manchester fishing in Blherian water' for one a school principal, lumberroan and town mainlain.s two parka. Messler.Nnsh. Inr., tnirk repairs ...... Hinckii of the Federal Court ruled wjflx wsrnb kvoo wky wfea w6ap kpre 6 :0^ - 7:0J —The Poetic Melodies West Side Rec. hi* died in 1934, But he didn't He Herbert Foote Ensemble—wosi Christmas in Tovm. actor, has landed In court. refused to obey orders from the real estate dealer. At one time he 16.00 Middletown. S., John J.. deuUiJ s e r v ic e s ...... 21,33 Morlarty, P7dwanl PV. registrar of voter*, couMderrd a common rather than Csnt. East. 7:00— 8 :00—American ftavaieade —to e More than a hundred Christmas The children’s Christmas party Tom orrow against Communism. ‘ It wa.s just a ba^* guean." the re- m i time In 20 year*, Heber I. 7:3^ 6 :30—Burns and Alien Comedy separate maintenance. officials said, on the condition a i iVlrComb founded the city of Rib American Agricultural Ciuinical <'o.. feed . ... 16 5J M orlarty’s Gn>crTy. meat.*i nnd Errocorie.x ^-30— 5:C0—Jack Armstrong — bnalc; dinners for needy farr ilies had been wdll be held In the gym at 2:30 Dec. 24 Christmas parly at Official.^ of the '4t»vt' , ft*reign preferred one. Miss Annetl, injured Hicks, 39, tcitaj’ heard hiniaell cun- Irma Glenn at tha Org.in west 8 00— 9 :00—Nmo Martmt, Songs—to o National Socialist Under a.^.’^umes tired 7P-year-old former lumberman j I.ake, Wls.. and built homes there Anderson Ar .Noren, meats and groceries ...... 12,00 Mbimtaln BrrK>k P'arm. milk .... 8 ;.>{V- 9:20—Come on Let's Sing—u> o No swimming cla.sses are sched­ Fast Si«le Rec for children from 5 office appimved the tme year ext«*n- in a wTer k in 1913, was pair! $700 a 4:45— 5:45 — Little Orphan Annie— pnwided and reported to the town The old problem of happy ending the chief editorship and nppn'vcb .•^ald to*lay ns he stood hesl*lc the * Ang c uled until next Tuesday. to 1’2 years of agi- sion nf the expuiiu' agreement but fill lumberjacks. He was a school month under an agreement which ® - ^ » 0 - Rabbi Louis L. Mann, welfare department this momlng. vs. R4'al!ty may stump some film marker and chuckled. ' AfHdhci arie.^ Hall ('/> , chloilnc ...... 7.50 M uDm P’urna. c- (5,, h j ^late imr.s next April 10 for the "head an.I B;0D— 6:0(k—To Be Announced all articles before publication. made no proint.ses for future pro­ principal at Wisconsin Rapids and thf* PBilroarl disaffirmed after it en 8:15—Newa; To Be Announced Tallr * It was announced. Many others will Friday producers, but not Samuel Gold- Tho Berliner Tageblatt will also Next Meek "In 1933 I gave m yself one more j Ainistrong Harr> and material ...... 7.50 .Murray .Inni*.*- I {, —e^M. Tom Mix -mulwQ^t repeat 4 :4^ 10:45—Patti Chapin Sung Prod. be reported before Christmas. It was cedure. Tomah, Wls., and at Boeeroan» tered reorganization proceedings t'f-nds'’ slaying of Harry R .Millet Both buildings will be closed wym. be compelled to accept a ’siife ” man Dec. 29,— Holiday dance at Coun­ year to live, so I had the stone ! Armstn-fip William can oj dump ...... 50.00 N't' li. K< y. |.■)bl)J, N5'itli\V’i- I 15 ruoter\’ 5:30— 6:30—Press-Rjdio News Period lO ^ C ^n :00-r-Benny Goodman Orcheat. expected. A t least 200 dinners will Detail.s have .still to he completed. Mont., before going Into the lumber New Haven -N ew Haven ngton Just a vague belief. I felt fine. In Atkin.s Bm lhcrs. fumi.'shlngs ...... 32 .9 0 ; .yillnii.il .Vlftfr ( wiil.n wnrks siippllpn Orphan Annie • mUiwest rcpcni. t-0P*s Orchestra welfare office stabeu. Visiting Nurses’ Associntion. Shigemltsu and Kus.slan Foreign A jury of 12 Indiana farmers re­ 11:30— 12:30—Bobby Meeker’s Orcheat. No boys' swimming classes are loved Enemy” , one sugar-coated and 1934 1 was still fine and 1 hadn t 70.99 i .Niiilnn.'il T> pi'wrilrr i .'n . tvp.’ v. rlltT rnntj,] 38, printing com pany em ploye, on a Flying Time Skit—«ither aiatlona correspondent and present editor of Dec. 31.—New Year’s" Eve dance Lf\von Town ot. aid nn-liTcd ...... turned a vcrd.ct ot •'guilty ot pre- 8:00— 7:00 — Amos ’n’ Andy — ejiai To prevent duplication of efforts the other satisfying the require­ Commi.ssar Maxim Litvlnou ar­ changed a bit in 1935. 'T m still 12.00 .Nfiven’K. f i h o c s ...... echnlcal charge of Idleness and As- NBC-WJ2 (BLUE) NETWORK scheduled. the Tsgchl.att, will be given a for­ al b>cal Country club. jBalcn .V Bmwn. lent ...... j It editated nuir.ler" Just at midnight 4:15— 7:15—Uncle Esra Radio Station and assure that the supply of gift ments of artistic tnith. ranged- for antuher conference to well and happy 12.95 I N’<’ptune t.nler C^o. wafer works Htipple s sLstant U. S. Attorney Arthur T. 8:30— 7:30—Jerry Cooper, Song—weal dinners goes to a« many families as No children’s tap dancing classes eign corretpondont’s post, officials Also third annual New Year’s SALVE Bnrlows. range oil ...... l<- S. T.) alter nearly four houra wm.1'1. To Be Announced ‘ ham BASIC — Esst: wjx wbz-wbs* wl.al Exhlbltors may take their choice. dlscLiss the convention, "I don't know whether the Joke 70.00 ] Neuvllle. Celrntlne rent I fhirrnan said he vwuld he rharged ■ wham k'lka wear wz\ a wlw wsvr wiuqI poslble. the welfare department will be held until next week. • ’.cclai'ea. party of Knighte of Columbus at Barry. D. M. 1>.. ^ F. d-mta! services ...... deliberation during which 12 4:45— 7:45—Welcome Lewis & Landte wfii waby n-ehr Midwest; wpnr (In Tokyo. Foreign Minister Is on me or the world. I do know f*r .i5 .ro New EhglamI Bln.- I'rlnl Paper C. I hi-foro a cornmi.SHloner -with con- Pall.tts wore taken —Weaf, Ruth Lyon, Songs-thain keeps a list of families to whom din. No classes on the g j’m floor as the ILtinbow Inn, Bolton. Uc< ker A C’i> . carl»on p a p er ...... engr suppli- wls kwk koil w m i wmt wood wcoi kao Ftlm Production Notes: Hachiro Arlta announced the one It never bothers me. When you get IMH.OI Newington Home fr.r Cnpt.lrd ( ipiTHi y to piHKluce counterfeit Intel- 7 00— 8:00~0ne Man's Family — m wr ners have been provided and a Hat lines are being painted. The Frankfurter Zeitung Inrurred Also Star of the East. R. B. P.. Tlardwai • < . !• T. hardware and supplier ‘hildreri. hoard at i I Jtre K.m.lmg the verdict before s 7:30— 8:30—Wayne Kinfl't Orchestra MIDWEST A CANADA - I wtml Mickey Rooney will play the part year extension at a sessinfi of the N Y . N. 11. A n K H ('n 1 lal revenue stampn Four other per- k«hx wihn k^Tp «ebc wday kfyr c.ct of other families who need a dinner The men's plunge period will be the displeasure of Dr. Paul Joseph as old as 1. you take things like COLDS B Pj lIilib'iTi l>:ik't>. hfftail. e tc...... • ■ ■ l.'hbl . freight . . . pa. ked coiirtioi.m, Ju.lge R iscoe t 8’0O— 9:00—Fred Allen A. Town Hall rfef * o f the cabin boy in "The I.jist New Year s Kve dance at Orange Privy Council.! N. V . N H A H H rt y o . ^ 9:00—10:00—The Parade of Hita--io c TndlvldunlR and organtzation.s are held from 7 to 8 o’''l'n k. (toebbels, propaganda minister. Lee. that with a chuckle. I.lnold-Tahlrfa priee Boland Oil < 1<» . rangi ml . . ; ...... land rental . . ' son.s already are under arrest and V Byrne Bummoned Hicks to the SOUTH - wr\a wrpif wwin. w|» wjax Slaver ” hall Salve-Soar 9:3(^10'30—The Roy Shield Revue wil.i*v\h)jn wmd wan: wn>c wsb wapi a,‘ ked to inform the department n- No whist party at thr We.st Side 16 by publishing a .story that i jer Russia mmie .it pl'iln it con.sitiers ‘‘^’hc sltuntmn Is a bit dJffIcuIl Boyle. John, milk ...... n 02 Nb'ist-ri'fi • r'Mir y. milk I :aclng P'ederal charges in connec­ witness chair from whtch the ,le- 10:00—11:00—News5 N. Rodrigo Orchee. Adrian M<>m.s, brother of Chester .tan 2-3 Pr» a« hing mission m nropa 5c, 10c, 25c wjdx wMnh kv,,(. a-ky w-fna wh.tp kpri^ \ o whom they plan t<» give dmn'^- buikling until next week. many face.s a 1 .OOO.Onn-ton wheat It • approval only n sti»p-gHp ar­ fm my friends, however. They see l*o\^rr.‘', tv-'ivm"rid irnt ...... 7 00 Nil-.-on, Mi.s, G II.. d,un;ige hv dogs . tion w'lth the case. lendam only a few days before had — en«t. Amos 'n' Andy—wexi rpi wifvr waol kiba kths wsoc wave we^ Morris, ha.« been cast tn "The Love Mancliester •' 10; 15—11:15—King'i Jesters Orchestra wfbc • he' department will also aupjlN shortage. rangement which will prevent for B*>u |s, K-. iM.iii ! raaniinei of land r*ec«irds...... 1 2.1 OU Klnj P itiv . milk Bristol -Dewitt Page. General repudiated a confession tliat ne 10:30—11:30—Frankie Maeters Orches> MOUNTAIN—Vin ktjlr ka’hl kMr kvoll ^flames of needy families for person.^ Trap”, with Ricardo Porter and Gall At that time Goebbels was report- fViniing Events the time being- trouble between IhailhAaitr, .) R. filing servlcih ...... 0.25 .Nfulli Mavrf). low n of. oid ide I lotted the killing ot Miller last 11:00—12.0^—Shandor: B. Mayes Orch. Midf«rx vlre-pres.dent. pre.senled the PACIFIC—iKo kf'd krx kft.-x kef's kjr^ nr groups wishing to donate Chn.st Patrick. ed^seriously considering w it hn, mcat.s and g io c c n c fi'...... Ih 00 Nor loT'i .0 i.rM ft I, To the Jurist’s perfunctory .pips- CBS WARC NETWORK ' ' urt of the principal of which may 4 3^ 5:30— The Singing Lady—east;' with mom V «l■'nRted t*» it for the the heavy role in "To the Victor” mit KlilMdgr .street that Rus.sia was n> t wtlllng to ia.17 Norton, Ra,ph P , A-ssnsianr V. t'on if he hail ' anything to BASIC—East: wabc wmlr wnkn woan Hollywood JlndgcfKirl, I ’lly nj. niil nm-tered ...... »f ng Mai fe ,\l- •f' iKsed for maintenance of Page aay, The D.ctator’e Ensernble —weal purpem.' with Jo.seph Calleia and Florence 12.50 Nyman, (.arl .1 , lao5 PJM kard, I Imi Ir.B. i nt . . . ^ ! - 6n«'i' The 5 ron.l C’oiulell.in worr wire efrh rWnc wib» wtna.s west " r ‘ t rrp« ai of the Crusaders. Cecil B. De Mille, Of Beautiful h 00 Pagaiii, MfN i.ucv, m i,I . . . ' * * w nhf vthe movie spectacle expert. has reprimand from the propaganda sonic Temple. Christmas Bursara Bn.Uiris. n.i.it.s and groccricM ...... try Club caused damage eslimated The man who served li years .if ♦^•3^ -T h e Revclerg-\vj» only; 2H no P'tlau.'ika < ’I'.ar les, .mik I e life l.■I•m for the 1910 .sliiving DIXIE—wgHt WMfa whro wijnm wii.id Clark Denis. Tenor Solos—rhnln de.scended to worrying about flint­ Hamburg, Germany, I^ec, 23.— ministry. Jan ’24 Annual meeting of POTTED PLANTS Calhoun. I'. K . traiu .’■' j vice • • • • j iv Fire Chief William J Noble at klra wree wine ww) w:nr kriu Ktrh GREENWICH POLICE HUNT DEATH ACt’IDENTAL 66 42 I'anlher Oil nnd Gn-a.-e M fg (a. grea.se a young Ki-ntucky widow, display,.,! ktaa woi-'o Soma wdbo wbi wdae wi.ig 5 :4.— 6 :45—Lowell Thomas _ east; lock rifles. ( A P ) — Harry Jordan, T-nited States Fiminuei Lutheran church. ' CanipbcH's Seivue St.itiuii. tnuk parts ...... I between eight and ten thousand dol- Joan and Her Escorts—w-eaf TRADE rUAfTK E Kl I.Es serve L'or Christmas 6 00 I’arK Hill P'lower Shop, wr'-alh.s' ArmMi wtibj wwva wmbg wsjs wmbr v‘.iia 8 .0^ 7 0(>—Easy Aces Skit—also cst About to produre "The Burcaner- seaman from Augusta, Ga , was re­ .Ian 2T“ M ancne.ster High Cla.-vS Canuic. A.. ine:it.« and g n a a r l c s ...... r> ' lara. 00 emotion as he was led to his Jail ktul kRko wcoa wdne wnot kwkh Know Mid(llct<5wn, I'cc. 2.3 lAPl — Cas.\ lyakwtH’tl Biainard ('••., hmding, printing 360 bO I aton. Mar )- -r i. (• sei vi- --.H 1 * cell. « ■' wmmm 8 1^ 7;15—Jimmy Brsddock't Story FOR MISSING WOMAN j rcer". baaed on the life of Jean leased from jail todav after Nari Washington, Dec. '23. 'AIM ' Night rxemses at scfiool aydi- I'altersfpn. W m . meats and Hartford—A proof of the listing 6 '30— 7 e —Lum A Ahner —oBfU only Coroner L A Smith said today that Center ’ ‘hainiH'N. drug- ...... 7 .32 Judge O’Byme or.lered that MIDWEST — wmbd wisn «-ibw Kfh 8 :45— 7: j—Jam es Wilkinson, Song— Lafitte, .MComg;e of the bayous a police had decided he was not a Tht; lOcderal Trade Commission . toiium a.Mphyxialion ran.sed the death of Pear.*hn;u»ri. i.aige « of legislators w'hich will appear In j wstnk wKbn wcco w.sbi k*cj wf.wo wjr. Mario Corn's Song — netw’orlc Chamner-s Kxpresn. \ trncking and moving ...... 49 77 Hicks remain ir the Franklin r.nm w n n T w I »c. century ago. D( Millr Insl.'^t.*; his Communist agent. made public today pi'up )so«l trahv I Jan ’J9 Mant he.ster High mid- Ijorcnzo Ru.sconI, 75 whose body QuS>l MILIKOWSKI Peeklunn. M . milk . . : the preliminary manual for the 1937 T 9^ 5 :00— Fannie Brice 4 Comedy Mpnlal Patient nisappears ChniliT Oak iJroo r\ A- Aut(» Supply Co . Inc., Iv Jail where two ol thre,' oth.-rs MOUNT— kvor klx koh Knl k*;vn kfhh 7: 0— 8 :30—Ethel Barrymore. Drama ! movie armies be outfitted with gen- He wil sail for home tomorrow. practice rules for the ga.sol'nc pump - year .'rradiiation at schr*ol audl- was found in his burned cottage at THE FLORIST Pert-ell A CPeniiey, Im , rx 1 General Assembly seaslon showed! meal.’', gni'I'ric.'j and oil^...... 6H aO nccu.se.l nf Miller’s ileath arc awa t- COAST—khj koin kfre k<>l kfp% k\l 5 :00— 9 :00—Parade of Professionals Dprini: Shoi)|)ipjr Trip — m anufacturing lnduetr>'. Huhniittvil : tonmn. We.stbrnok la.«»i Snliirday. The cor­ P e r II ( a. Aniorilo. u^. ,,t (. that farmers, 70 In number, will he kfhk kgh 9 :00— 10:00- To De Announced BEV/ERAGES H o ld Sheridan BuIIdln|f Charti.T, JuM'ph, labor and material ...... 59.65 ing trial, "for two weeks an.l on.- Csnt East. 9 :30— 10:30— Meredith Willson Orchea. RIoiiHhoiind-.^ Aid in Search. to It f'^r consideration am! Hpprf*val. ! .Inn. 3h Hni ish • .-\ nierican club oner gaiil the fit** wh.h caused by an J’leklo.. p:aiate. VV. P ', rent I he largest occupational group .;ay’’ before removal to Indi.-uia Cheney BroUierh. rents, material, etc...... 2 ..5 .-1 I’le.Miiig Lukasz. rent 5:15—Dorothy Gordon's Corner 10:00— 11:00—The Carols of Christmaa The rules arc deslcnpd to stop ' family paily at Masonic Temple- nvcih**Hlo(J atove. 165.00 j among the law’makers. Sixty-eight state prison at Michigan City. 4:30— 5:30—.lack 10:1^ —11:15—The Ink Spots Quartet Cheney. Neal A.; servU*-}. ab.stracls of titles ...... Pinehursi Grn eiy. loc me Masters—east only; 10:30— 11:30— News; E. Coirman OrcK. 15.00 representatives and tw'o senators _ Stephens L. ninkeiy. ailvcr-halrc.l Kathryn Craven Inter lews- V. ( ht; Greenwich Pec 23. iAP»--A Clay. Mrs. Anna .M . board and can ...... ^ Pnlllmnn. Jr;.«vi iC5oi?n«9Ciicuv ^ U tu U o n e . B'ltnul 30 days. ■ ■ 1 Onok'Fi Stfitfon, gw* ; . . . . , P'lank, rent ...... 15 00 which they claimed had been stolen if|. impn.sonm.nt On the tenth froni her nur.se ye.sterdHv while in \\ e Kxtend To .\ll. Our -R<‘st Wishes and Good Cheer Hi.-liiincr Kihhi.n x, c.ntn. n t 'd!ot. one Dell. Mrs. Lxmis. lenl ...... H 00 . In*-., oil 1 .• (*ver a pnr.od of from frFlghl f the two w.as won ov- r _ fc^w1ern Standard rime. a Po.s Pob tmlor shop where they Hi-puiilir l•'|..w .McIoi.h (',) „ •'ibl the I2lh vote w,n5 unanimnu.'*, for a ,’Merry Christmas and it Happy .\e« Yc.tr. Lhail, P'red. rent ...... 9 in ars in which they wore oonslgn^'t^ ' Wednesday. December 23 had .stopped motnent.(tci'y , before Kllry - h.’\ t < i:ct ( 'o , 11 ‘ k p irl.M. 41< le said, for Ih • extreme penalty Dewey-Kichman ('ompany, office supplies ...... in 9H !(> Inicrnatlonal Silver Company | I Wedne.sday, Deoeml)er 23 hoarding a train for New '^’i>rk HANLEY’S JiifiK'N. rnni I Millf-r wax sli,.t fn (l, S Kdward (1 . dental services ...... 5 a;i ('cnnartirnl League of Municipal . l;4rj—Gogo [leLys. ■i’45—"Pli'k Tracy,V ^ DINNER Ko.a....ll„’a .viniK-l, ni.oita ar 1.1 gn ! -nnie near New Tn-nlon. Ind by Fliinacan and Dete- tive .Sergeant Dougan Dye Works, Inc., cleaning tk-rvlces ...... a. 15 t\ut)aehn. Warinw, ent KxecuUve/i. meeting here, that he ■ 5:00—Sunbrile Junior Nurse Corps 5:00- Jack Onslow’s Baseball •John .1 1 e\jfci icportC'l the dog.s Dougan. 1 homas auionlanco hcrvlce ...... 11 00 : n.en whi represented themselves as School of the Air. •(.van K.sliii.-, m en..,,,, ,. ,,1 (• 'n'd ni- longer continue os pi'e.'^i b i>k c‘V les men 5-1.5 D orothy G ordon’.«« Chlldren’h had tiae»Ni Mi.hs Hntterfi(dd for .‘^ev- rVN( V. FRESH. FT I MP Sn>ok«*in««— Rlh And . .2Ir Ih...... 28c lb. Endicott Johnson Shot- t\^. shot's ...... 21 HO *^<-hmIe, Motnr Sab-.s. ,n- ,'u.m Ki ink Stack of .Norwalk I -Masters. 5-45 -"Littie Orphan Annie." Sunrise .Mince Meat. 2 for 19c THE ALE bfig maetilf- been piekerj up by an aulornnhile at Engci, Hans, board aiul (uire ...... 32 00 lyoln End ...... 2So It). BALANCED Iiemjel, Leo, tHX renal*- »h, hanlware, etc ...... lit.2 . RADIO Seaimin ly-ai Coin,einj. -• -;il Day j 6;3o News Service, Vidor Young’s Orchcstri^. late with her nurse for .some lime. Sujiriae .Applesauce. No. 2 can. Oates, lO-ox. paekage E verybody’s Maiket, iaeal.H.aml grocericts ...... 3kOM t-eehri t. J P' , pap?! TOLLAND (EjiHiern Standard rinie.) j 6:35- George Hall's Orchestra, 7 :0 0 —Amos n' Andy...... 2 for 25c ...... 2 for 29c Farr, Mrs P'eiix and Mrs Cervnu. rent ...... l.*U0 Servile Pre.s.t. priming 1 6;45 - Renfrew of the Mounted 7:15— Uncle Ezras Radio Station. F a n , D L>. S . .lanie.s W , dental .service.^...... loO . n.'i (K) Service l‘.vpev\--nier c -' lvp*u r V r. nt.il 7:110 piiKic MeloiJiffl with .lack 7:30 "Four Star Hits " Fancy Ripe Farr. I’hiiip, rent ...... I'.IO Ses.sion.s p'oimdr y ( • 12 (JO The annual Ghrlfitnias party >0 New 'Voik. Ilf, lAP) Net- Oriingi*** ...... 29r do'£. '.s :inii "n rli broa.lc,',.sting in this roimtry GILEAD Tange rim'f*. large .... 19c do7.. (irai>es ...... 2 lle<. I9« s e l l ® • irnek p.uta . . ri he in thlF .«;oeial rooms of the '7:15 Popeye the .Sailor. 8:00- One Man's Family. Firpo. V., Oil Station, range oil ...... 1!' 52 Shea, John P , rent 4 IS 9,'t: n.s an hour .rr s.) .‘.irlipr tomor- 8:30 Wayne King’s Orchestra. Bunanus ...... 4 Tbs. 19c CranlMTiies . . . 21c lb. ur. h ihl.s evcnini: prom ptly at 7.30 Goose Crrek Par.-^on. The Sunday school joine, Ikdiclotis ir).(K) I - 15 o’c’oek. loiv ao tli.it li.si,.Mi'r.s c.in tune in on 7;4r>- BoaUe Carter services al the Gilead Congregation-' Fischer Company. (»u.slavr, offlcr .supjdies...... Slirahac/., ( h.uVD, Steodens Orche.stra. Turnips ...... 8 ll»s. 19c .\ p p le s ...... 4 lb». 25.’ .'Siiniil.-x l ime Hecnnlcr i •„ t ,„ „ r* uii .MLs.s Mlrl.'un I'nde wood will be thrt Cun.stnius m.'.ss.u!;,. Roj,,. S:ti ) —Cav.'iIcaUe of Amori.'a. al church Sundav^ and a white gitl Foley, Mrs. Margaret, rent ...... M 00 ^-latnp I 10.00 Your Hit I’aradt*.’ ' (irn|)cfnilt ...... 4 for 19c P o t a t w s ...... 35c |>eck Sire, j-ihn. n-m r: .’9) rd the Federated f hureh Thursday h 30 (ieorge Burns and Gtaru* Al­ ‘iervi< e wa.s cniricd out The yfJiing Friend; M. L") , Amos E . l^'n.scs ...... 1 00 i.a tn .lellvi-r from Ihe V’ntira.n, len. 10.30 Roy Shield's RcVije HI 00 I -'^biiih. u.i * mono VN 12 00 trom 9 a m. unt.l 3 p. m. to rc ejv« ' people who took ['(irl in the services F rogge Company. A S.. janitt)rs’ suppll-y ...... , ret c in g Tovmi .Ml 1iiii The tin.,.. ...R fur the Pope to be 11:00 .News, 30.00 r. .00 (• tr bntlor.s to the Christ mas has- ( ‘hesterfirld Presents .Nino .Mar­ wer<> Shirley Fish. Gkiria Barra.sso, Fuller Estate, Alice, rent.** .... ■|i ri- i Vila gm speaking is ij;3ri a. m.. ivlii, il;15 - Kings Jotters’ Orcluistra. "Phone For Food"— Phone 17 H We Deliver i ' I GagUardonc. Plo, rent ...... 11.20 I hipiatrn,, Mi-s, ,,.„t r. :) ;>6 k't.H from rrenihcrs of the com- tini and Andre Ko.stelanelz's Or­ Mary Hooker. Robert Foote and t ran.s.n ission via t'.ie combine .1 chestra. U :30--Frankie Masters Orchestra. Congia.s Porter. A quartet sang sev­ Gallon Iron W'otk.s and Mfg. C o . highway s.indpr 165.00 I .‘-l.'imhuil Ha."ihiT A M u c , lirik n. 1.') 00 inunlly. AH are Invited to bring j j .stuim, u. L>. a., cimrl, ,. V\’K..\|.’,U ’.I7.-.\HC. W.\K(:-rR.S an.l 9:30 "Co.ne On Let's Sing/’ 12:00 Weather Report. eral Christmas carols and Rev. Berl Garrone’s Market. ni'‘ats and groeenes ...... 19.00 W »\vis Gerich's Service Sliitii n. range oil ...... 3 76 I Stntkn, Aniij‘t*v\ . r. rit 91 JO wlio are le \s fortunate in worlOv TASTE M E A L T Y l I lh;iL WiLh a mu.su ,il pro.qrain. l(i:30 Rabbi Louis L. -M.inn "A 12:30 Lights Out. were received mto the fellow.ship oi Glblin, Mrs. M.ary, board and c a r e ...... noo 00 ; .Sullivan naunila M , liitim and ihalena) 1.") 00 g HI Ls to make their GivrLstma.s more 1 6 80 ■ After the P..p.*’.q a.liir.'a.'. there i.s Rabbi Louk-s at ('hrist nHia ' l:0ii -Silent. the church. The ('hri.^tian Endeavor Glauber Bras-* Mfg. C(* . water works supplies ... 330 I livluini. Jo.'-.-ph, milk ehecry. HanTeyV Ale ia balanced for taste. In llin Banley’s Ale U balanced for healtk. It eoa> I '1 extl f SI,ire ! (\Tsmo. songs meeting :s%as onnllcd as Cdlead was Glenney Company, \V (i . lumber, cement. f)ll. etc 352 6K .'Sunday afternoon Mrs,, May , n .^ig Gnt Fresh PORK lb. 21c Hale comi);ui\ .1. . meals, grrecnes, di ugs. etc. 46 i’6 dolnham. Maine after a week end VVataon. .lame.a. I.tIk i- and material .. 2 40 WF a F-NBC 8. One Man’s Fam­ Lion. 9:15— A/lcle Rogers Rt. Johns. Mr aticl Mrs .Nmp:uiy. d.Uka ^6.25 spent with Mrs Meaeham'r ,«^lsters, ily; S 30. W'fnne King 9 F-ed A l­ 7 45 News ServMce. 9-55— Sludlo Program. daughter Carf>l, spent the we^k-end H orilord Ho.^j-Uhi. ho;u ,l and c a r e ...... 42 28 Mrs, Marlon Agard Baker and Miss IKESH full quarts or in regular size bottles. tastes better—it’s belter for yon. V.'ca .m AlenuirhU Huapital. I’birfi and 7.50 len: 10. Hit in R.n- S O) Treasure House. 10.00— "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage at the h'lme of Mrs Warner s grand­ Hauk, Jo.seph. truck r e p a ir s ...... 4.00 \\'eat Side r>iilry. nrilk AZ .20 Luede Agard. Fhiel.: r.'viip; i‘2:30, iJghta Out. '^:15 Shoppers S pecial--2nd Sec Patch. ” ' father, George O.sborn. in Shelten, Hayes, Arthu M . c.iiige ml ...... 9.36 77.75 Mr. and Mrs, Harry Sampson and WeUierell. (■|,ireiu.. R . onumei .»t<*j Ml and Mrs. "Frani Bcnj.amin. WABC-L'BS 8, Cavalcade of tion. 10:15—"John’s Other Wife." Heniiequin. Loui.'- tJ . range (jI) ...... yon, lia irv have moved from the 20.20 VVhltlofk f o i l l>|pe 215.27 Mr.s William Benjamin. Mrs. Mary 9:00 Greenfield Village CThapci 10:30—"Ju.st Plain Bill SHOULDERS ib 10c water wo I U-. .supplje* America; 8:30, Burns and Allen; 9, Herald printing ».)ompany, advertising ...... 63.38 63.00 Prentice hoii.se t«i Hartford and Mr. W’llkle, A. If. milk ...... Gafvbier of Hartforu and ' \rb Nino Martini: 9.30, Let’s Sing. Dr 9:15 As You Like IL 10 45 -Today’s Children. Hewitt. Jame.s, carting s a n d ...... 1.50 7.44 arid .Mrs Taylor and danghle?'. Shir­ Wllllama, Frank V. grain, feed 'Florence Dorwnrd of South Wind­ 9 :4 0 —N cavs Service. 1..00—"David- Harum." JE.VN’h Higgins, M. D., PJdwin C.. medical .serv ices...... 4.00 Dafoe; 10. Gang Busters; 10:30, ley have moved into the tenement.. Vpilla .t Sun. Ine., G. K . lumh.u. 101.42 ham were Sunday guests of Miss 9:45 Samuel Gorsky, pianist. 11:1.5—"B ack stage W ife.” Hihery, P'rank. meals and g r o c » 'n c s ...... 28 00 cem«-nt. oil 9.53 16 Rabbi lyouln Lymann on "A ' Rabbi Mr. Taylor w orks for C. Lianlel \pi.son. H. L . saliirv ns .s<-.iler Genevieve Gardner at the Steele Looks at Christmas ' 10.00 Bettv and Bob. 1! 30 -.lean P’lllngton. Hinchey, Mrs Sarah, rent ...... 7.50 37.50 Way. VVUaon. R, D . trucking Hou.se. 10 l.“> M odem Cindertl'a. 11 45- Wile-Saver. HoHnuiti wall I’apei Co., paint .supplies ...... 70.;iH 66.. 50 W JZ-.N H t'--8. Fann!<‘ Brice; 8:30. ‘•Jules Kchilliaril of New Britain PIE FILLING 2pbgs 25c WIn.lham. ToHai of. nid reiuh- Miss HtLzel Graham of Hartford Holl. PJ. J., le n t ...... 73 8 ) •d FRhel Barrymore; 9. Profcaslona! •■0:30 John K. ’ Watkins — W ho'• \2 00 Noon -" W a v Down Ea.st." spent, the week-end at the home ot W'lndr.or. Town of. aid ren.lei.id 2.5 80 was a week end guest it relatives. House. W’llnam P' . i‘numeral'')r . . 178 83 Parade: 10. Montreal Chamber mu- Who in the News P. .M .Mr. and Mr-'. W inthrop Porter. W'lwnc. P'rank. rent ...... 24.00 Mrs Kate Taylor of N ortham p­ Howarlh. PJmil. r e n t ...... 9 10 «•’ : U. Ch»*istma.s carols, 12. Gus ib,v2 Betty 'rocker. 12:15 Story of Mary Marlin. .Mrs. Bcs.sie Stone ot Hampton, VVogman. Geuige. range oil lO.UO ton. Mass.. Is a guest of Hublard, J.. conijue.ssor. <'p«Talrr, etc...... i,.., 313 63 Arnheim orchestra. 10:48 Hymn.s of All Churches. I’J 30 Gene .\rn. Hibbard Kelhim, Anna, ren t ...... 14.00 fracture was reduced. 1:15—Christmaa Carols Servi.-e 3:15 —Ma Perkins. and daughter Miss I-K*ora of Man­ Kti Bearing A* .\uto Parts Co. Inc, truck parts 37 05 WABC-C!BS—2;1B, Swisa Italian! SAUCE -Mr?<. VViUlam ClarK and daughter from Church of Nativity Court­ 3:30 -V ic and Sade., chester. and FTed W ay and son. 2 for 29< Kilpatrick, Janie.-, tat>or and material ...... Hartford Dec lAP)— ’Tworf has served In them nearly as long 61.65 singers from Lugano, Switzerland:] Kissman. Adolph, rent ...... Newew Britain "bii.l.ne.s bii.ldie.s ” who enlist».i'enlisted '. i r , . . __.. -r" 'oug. Olive Mae Clark of Bellingham, yard. John, of Hartford w'cre recent call­ 14.00 •'.■tfter Joining up the first time 4 Christmas stor>» o f a song: 6. ! 3:45 -T h e O Neills. Kittle’s Market, meat*- and groceries .... together in the 16 years ago Mass., were Saturday guests of Mr. from Rome; 6;15. • 2:15 - Swlaa-Itallan_Singers. ers at the home of Mr. arid Mra, FLO R in.Y 104.87 we were separated, but becam. Charles H. Fish. Kleinii|an. Loins, rents ...... —and sutvsequenllv went their sep­ and Mrs. John H. Steele. Christmas E-Fe dinner concert; 6:30, 2:30—Clyde Barrie. . . „ / \ 21.00 shipmates again In the S-23 altei Mrs. Norman Warner visited her Knapp. M. D.. Robert ly, medical services arate ways over the aea and on.let three years, fn 1921 we started m MIsb Grace E. Clough returned Ramon de Valerr Christmas raea- 2:45—Happy Hollow. Knofla. Agent. Arthur, rents ...... V 13.00 It In all part.s ..f the world -w e r e home Monday from Manchester 3:00— Al Pearce and hie Gaing. mother, Mrrf, Perry In Hope Vallejf, 29.00 the S-23 from Portamoiith. H. sa.ge from Dublin. Deaths Last Night R. I,, Sunday. —- ORANGES 2 ad- ADOLF HITLEB HIMSELF Los Angeies— Milton Florahclm, In town Sunday. LeBaron P'oundry ,Co.. E. L., water works supplies has repeatedly shipped over again for the holiday recess and will re­ cast of the season, "Han.sel and LfCnti, John, rent ...... 116.14 put aahore In the hospital at Pen­ C EN SO R S N A Z I .MOVIES 69, Chicago shcc manufacturer. Miss Evelyn Hutchinson of Hart­ 14.00 for another "hlleh’ when his enlist­ sacola. Fla., while we proceeded to open for the winter term'Monday. Orctcl;” 4;46.^ap. \^’nitam WLca- ford and Mr. and Mrs. Leon FoglJ of GRAPEFRUIT 4 for 25c Lewis, PhiJii), rents ^ ^ January 4. New York Miss Emma Alexan* 22.00 ment expired -and both are subma­ the Pacific." paw. Flying Santa: 5:05. Veterans Berlin (AP) Adolf Hitler him­ Manchester were Sunday guests at Liberty Invesniienl Co., rent ...... 4 der, 76. form er Brooklyn Y. M, C. h-. H A N L E Y 5 15.00 rine sailors. LewlaK.v expecLs to be assigned of Foreign Wars. self is Germany’s invisible cenaor the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Loma,s A NeUleton, rent ...... NAMED .AFTER EX-KING executive and sister of Mrs. Ella A. J. Fogll. • LARGE FLORIDA ALE 14.00 Chief Electrician’s Mate ’Fhomas Rome Thursday abort waves: O’* fllma. Lone Pine Dairy P^arm. milk ...... \l9Ck to duty In undersea craft m a Boole, president of the Women's 5.40 Ziboskl arrived here tixlay to take TPA 3 Paris. 3:45 p. m.. Childhood Lucas, J. L.. meats and groceries ...... few- days. The reunion ot the two Malden, Mass.. Dec. 23— (API— Every night one or more of the Christian Temperance Union/ 57.00 charge of_tlU* local recruiting sta­ of Christ; DJD Berlin. 7. ChHstmas new talkies la ahowm him. and If 185 WOMEN LEGISL.ATOKS Lundberg, G. A. F.. M D , medical service.^ •’buddies ’ In Hartford wai acciden­ -,’h. birth of Da/ld Windsor was P ans A lbef! P. Breton, 70. vice r f o z . 38 25 tion. rollgylng Chief .Machinists tal, occurring as a result o f the address by Rudolph Hess and 9:30. he d'sapprovea, a monosyllabic ne­ ORANGES 30* Lyman Company. John K , janitor's supplies Never Sweet • Never Syrupy 32.45 registered at City Hall today. Christmas miisJc; GSD GSC GSB president of the Guaranty Tni t W ashington. Dec. .23.—‘(A P ) — M cA n Shoe Company, Thora^ shoes ...... Mate John J Lewlaky who had de­ policy of the service to assign re^ gation to the Propaganda Ministry Oimpjiny in chaige of European 7.77 He Is the day-olc son tt Walter London. 7:30. Reading. Christmas On^ hundred thirty-five women will McCann, Thomas, enumerator ...... cided to Join the Navy and see the crutling officers who are familial i.s sufficient to settle the fate ol '•that branches. 227.97 Edward Miles and Hilda Fanny dinner at Bob Cratchit’s; W2XAF serve in 34 State Legislatures next McCarthy. Charles, meats and gi^eries ... world with him on Nov. 8, 1920. with the territory. film. PATRONIZE THBS&NATION WiDE STORES: 12.00 (tyrant) Miles, jorn yesterday in Schenectady. 7:30, Science Forum; Savannah. Ca. -Tho Rt. Krv. year, the National League of Wo­ 'McCollum. Anna, rent ...... "We first met In tlje fourth grad" Ziboskl has been transferred from Only rarely, and after much con­ 12.00 Malden hospital. DJD Berlin 8:30, Christmas greet­ Frederick Fock^ Reese, bishop i f men Voters announced today. The MARKET H W. HARRY ENGLAND McGill, Jr., Thomas, paint supplies ...... In New Britain and chummed tee the New London submarine base vincing argument, can the German 18 BiBsell St. TeL 4280 | .Manrhrater Greeo Tel. 8-1.51 11.63 gether right through school," Zlbos Both parents exfpressed an ad- ings; GSD GSC London. 9. Carol the Episcopal f lorese of Georgia. total is five more than last .year M cK onc Sales Co., ja n ito rs supplies ...... out of which port be was engaged In lulratlon for BrlLwi. abdicated Fuehrer be ^eraumled to change Elmsford. N Y.- Dr. Staniev Distributed In Manchester By WHITE & COMPANY — 288 Pleasant St., Hartford, Conn. 47.75 kl said. "Pve been tn the submarines H.rvice; CJRO CMRX Winnipeg. but l i J ^ than In 1929. BllRSACK BROS. Mahieu's Grocery, meats and groceries ...... extensive experimental work at aea hi mind and permit the appear­ Rossiter Beneihct 56 profcs.'or of 16.00 fifteen years, and I gueas Lewlaky emperor and decided to iiame the 9:30. Fun at CThristle street: JVH N ew Hampshire leads w ith 19 489 H artford Road — Tel: 8SS2 In the S-20. healthy youngster In his honor. ance of a film to which he haa Biological cli.-mistrv at Cornell UnL Tokyo, 12, Overseas program . strong objection. women members, followed by Oon- Natloo-Wlde Food Stores ot Now Bntland. 1 verstty medical college. nectlcut, 18, Vermont, .14.

■ I piFpr'''' r-


ftnd economic blunder w m made power to pn.>ctalm the embargo w u lotte Montie and MIm Lorraine Mon- the U niied States would not ctaooM struction so clatrlj ^ Ue. IRanrlirfltrr when It waa taken for graoled that improperly delegated by Oongreee CECOIANS TO PRESENT hetweefi 16 and 14-Utcb gune untU by laat y w » ' flghtJnf ihlpa li POST OFnCE RUSH COMPLAINTS HERE Rev. Dr. Karl Story will read the BRITAIN LEADING to the Prealdent */ ^ H oliday after April l, 19S7, when Japa­ in ttrongly. j;omblaatlona of men with money •tory from the acrlptures and nese consent or disapproval to the "Not linco th« OrMt War Sorntti^ Bprald should be permitted, with the nanc- The reversal of the decision sends INSPIRATIONAL P U T Christmas carols will be sung. The treaty limitation must be given. ha« »uch a quantity ot near l PUUUltiHKD BY fHiC tion nnd.under nnthorlty of the law, the ease hack to the district court AT PEAK TODAY final rchearRaJ o f the dram a will IN WARSHIP RACE 18* Watkins Cedar Chests ON WPA’S POLICY Great Britain, Janes said, would hern authorUed." ( j HERAJLD PHIfTTlNG COMPANY, INC take place at the church Sumlay to take pnspeanlon of n >rretil nat­ which muat piocerd to a trial on ley ■ down two big shlpn imme­ 18 Biakftl t^traet afternoorv s( 2 o’clock. I'oIntinK out tl.at ail tha piaatnl^ Manchf^Bf»r. Conn. ural ri‘f»our('<' t#f( m1 whh’h wa.s the Indictments. An acquittal would Thoma* -Maxwell Preparing diately after the flrht of the year. conetruetton would be completed by-' THOM AS FKIKJUSON BIGGIN H R R E T O D A Y Maximum armament for tbe Brit­ Gant-rai M^-n«ar anrl trem­ ed With Each Mail. at one low special price nuia tnyt with a knife in his sented by Hayes. Maxwell will present another in­ ond With S3. or planned, and citc*1 43 for France, rent.urU'p. Ihnf ti.'jefiil or vahmMe Then he turned, with an expres­ B»;E EVIDENCE Ona Vaar bv Mml ...... • •* throat- sive shrug. “Of course we have spirational pfa^’. SunoRj’ evening. for G?»rmany an< 38 for Japan ' Par Monto bv Mall ...... 8 •*' mineral depf>flit/':. wherever f-nind, bling. will explrt* tn Ma\' and an- Troy. N. Y. Somebody robbed There are many strange things no choice but to accept your story. December 27, al 7:30 al the South All of B.asemonl Except Sec­ .'a[)an plans four new 35000-ton rtingl® Corr ...... * were the pf of IIjm d.-ite < tlnr mu«f he Hubrl.lfuted before S*Iecl yo’ur pift chest from seven dl.stlnctlve, Watkins Cedar Chests. We ll Regular $29.75 ahoiit ‘thunder Mesa,” besides the hstUcshlps, Jane’s stated with a Carl liolcomb’f. b.H» hlvea of honey Df llv < rart one ^ «r I 'j' The r'hrlfltma^ niah at the Man*- Professor Shaw,” He took a quick T hf W P A emplovment *'on«lilinTi Mi'thodlst church. It In enlltlcd tion for U(H>k Stocks Is Cov­ L/ind-'n. De* 2.1 (AF’ » tlreat . the ntlier nl};hi. Anyhn\». t». ptririj,]- r,f pr*•{'<'rt'• II,nl tiin*' Th«‘ rourl a flo^islon deliver II tomorrow . . aurc! Have on any of these seven models, for regular fact Hint each of the throe hroth- [uotiabl*' speed o( 3( krtcita. I h*-.st*T post offtre ia near the p.*ak prices are J2i) 7,-> ami J32 .VI turn or tw*> about the nxim. then ‘The Taxing” and l.*» in ' thre* BnitSlu WHR df*pift'*d ti'ilav r.*n Icid- MJ'M HKH ' >1 I ‘ M . -.1 AT!' ent has Ihc flrsl mime “Pearl.” aevrrelv rritiripcd rfcentlv bv T. ered in Todav. I The heea illed defending their n^'lll.s !■ I'.j\-e ^ ilNr; ’,'1 1,H\" il.»* »lfr( t of making ti addressed the archeologist nguln scertea,. The text is by Mr M ax­ Ing A hug*' \v.irl.i-wt.l* n vmiI lu irm* ‘■\t'ith ii*'tlnlte abandonment *»f I treafiurr. find .l«o gave the police a f K !• to.fav with a fi«*o|rAif ('hrlalmaji •There were only 18 cheats a. this f.rn e al this writing and all are subject and $32.50 IK.ARL JOHN Is the youngest. Frank Hayrs. lleutrnant governor Tha Aasoc',* t« ^ x - . • I rtal < “ Ju.st how do you happen l*> know well ami he Is als*o planning th*- «'os- men', ra< r with 99 \vHr- h1p." im lei Uu' ptlm iple'of quantitative lunlta- ; i.liie Till' oftirers figure, the tblaf into a I'M d .‘ T.'i.l ir it.e I I anl.s an*l parrel post arriving on to prior sale, so hurry I PEARL PIEHRE next. Others In and mayor of VVaterbui'y, al.sn cx- entltjan *o »‘x i!»«- f "t .-nra'-o' ‘so much about things her*' Pm- tumefl and scenen’ end «pccial With the rxAoption_o£ Llir portion cf n.*.tru-1 i.'U nr plunne-i M'ln by the (19361 t r e r t y ” the bo»k j protiahly la sulTerlng from a puffed varitii > ,te r4-;^.'Vin Tl'ri'' the household arc: T.\NTE »IOS^’ i»l8 here, acrordmg to local «.)fflrlala. of all r,*wB 1 • I ■' ' fi tr r . * .'wh mad It Is rxpe* t.'d f.hat the feasor? And for what did you lighting effects The drama will l>e of the bast'ment which will house T hf I ’ nHcd .SlatYs, stith v;; waa said, “the high tide of na\al con­ 1 fni'r. OT ret . M . '■« • ' • 5 'f PHINK, old and an Invklld; BET- Thr complaint, apparently tha .'•of'ms to e, it !«;ih; h 'lirovr U i : nUK.AKKUS f'*-ak load of parkagf- pre8**nl.e wil! n can by saying the de KorePts had given in the pnifsh hall of the part of the bof»k-Htacks, the cellar said to be seiTYii*! ip the ne« edition paper ar,.J af- i- ■ n-w» pnh be reached late this afternoon TV W'ELa 'H. her eonqiojilon: RA­ *JifTerent rea.^ons for being re­ .•^nme in .Manchfst*T in U'ater- I; - h a ' 1. r M ti this pT'Mi. ilt'r.; willi 1 }-n t>;i. church. Mias Lucille Brown will of the library building being con­ ‘ Jane'H Fighting S h ip s.‘ torc- I If A.I Tin . and* jtfp tr of ProBl- MON V A S ltl F//. and \ N (iE L IQ l E lieved at Pearl Sam's *leath? ' bur>* and other pinrea. is that cm- Xjl ri,’ ’'* of fp t'U t.. u:h M.'D • ol The work la being hand:*-.! ejTi- be the accompanist and Miss Mary structed in Center park as a PWA moRt authority on wai'Rhip.'^ that V Mf, • M to trm- .\BEVT.\, guests nl the party; 'T’ll answer your questions In ployeep who leave their U’VA jobs • pen,-' •!'■; .■•••■' n»*rr!n »•• •• r-a- jd'-nt *o <■'! ilf'T- I he nrrre- (’.‘rit.ly with the regular force of Bonn, robe mistress project hns oeen Inclosed. The publication drew a picture *»f arrvert I -1 I'v pi ipiil-it ion.<* !•!' lu'lini' PROFESSOR SHAW, nrrheologist; *!'rder. Mr. Vasquez.” Profesvsor temporarily, either f*>r private em­ 'clerkfl and rarrters and crew of 22 The, time of the play Is B. P ft ■fhe part which has been f1i>ored- on unrefttrame*! acr' for naval .tu- of \\'ar. N a w and f'«>m*T<'o . and HOB GR.\HAM. tire salesman Shaw replied “To the first. I'll ployment or beraune they are trans- HENIAL GAIETY GOES GA! GA! F’uU. aarvi' «- Jiun' *f N F A Smv rd < ’■ 11-Jren. nn» <:f t):« *xtra workers The first scene, is on the i-osd U* over has been set Off from the open premacy ren*1y to hr throuTi Into to with the 0>n.st lon naval trea- >'uir much leas than a year ago To eonserve Dif wr,.\ fnn*l.s until tho dawn of a new day ing day *ind night to keep (he walls JeHu« M -h . « r . I ^ -i < v - .s - w I 1' ■ tf'*- .Navy bring rall* d on to lamlly, ha^ his bnither’s tnuly re- that others might f'-nsider worth­ tie.** «»xpue York };r>r«" f*nd H'Xi.i. , 'xhil*' the numtier uf packages Ip another appropriition m ma*le tiy Principal parts will be played by ar*i floor warm , f-oiv-i.). siu-ti v.-s w Ih is are Hvailablr mu\ed to the hoiiHC ehapel. It Is less. And. remember. T 'nave been The Unitod St-it'-s l•nnl4•Inpl;^(«••(1 NEW YEAR’ S EVE FROUC Congr* H.-<. no employment la l^tng j increRjmnK with onch mail. The peak flecldfNi -.t|lfit everyone must Miss Emily Stavnltrky as Mary; Fiirthci work was *irlayed t.*a*lay MLMHLI- Al tVT opH i AC OT f’HIN( K -H A n INi. ' uT'ali!*' for th*‘ ■ t-i vice, I-tnt here on the me.sa for several provldetl for additional pfr.«if‘na in tw o n*»w haMlc^hipi .lan*?'.- Rtated. RAIMKHN I.VN _ BOLTON CHi‘ T I Al U-'' , of thr «)iiigoing mail ua.s axpertod main until after the fmOMtigatlon. werk.s. About the de F>‘>re‘=it Miss Mp.non Wilson as Jfrsepb, Mi.ss while the foundations of the steel- rarndng th* largr^t g\ n of any d wr»n‘f rnak*’ aiv. 'liftr r.-n* *■ There , to he reached last night Six mem- ; That night Boh hears a scream. n**'«i c'f ihy -work njid varanrii w are Marlon Bn'iokings as I.saac; Mi.ss girder roof supporti* were allowed to Thiirsu. Der. ^1. 9 P. M. to :i A. M. r 1-..1-a ;i.i 1 f ! Early American chest in solid Another, excellent chest to use Although we can’t have thf ini­ hrother.s, I hm certain that Pearl not being filled. The condition wiU vLarr’dpR alli>H* Thf f!. '(*!C r • •r* to n ♦ hr*--ak*rs And the Navv i'*r.s of th* ofTi. .. torce tn the cm maple, erdsr lined The top has II* ni'iheH fr*im hU r*»oni. hears Ilnzcl E*riggs. Marcus nn-1 Miss M ar­ set. la y in g th» bn* k walls of the IKSUft** ■ '1 with the maple. bedroom. It’s an tials on this chest ready for Christ­ Pierre is cnjtiytng hi.s now posi­ nif Ammcan gt-vernnirnl tlu’ MiiMo by I jfn ti ofru-r were en g a gcl all y*'Mtrr-j Tante .l*»s«*phlne accusing tnith continue for nt lea.at anolhrr month, garet Knrngiehel. Simon , liiirary will start soon, if the C.-r . . ? t . oinc 'o -m.ash ip it* ligh’ typical Colonial hrend-bnard **nd§ mas, we’ll deliver the chest t*v tion as head o‘f the family ' It is «'xp»ci ted T • year hook Raid, will install lt>- Jo# Rammoiid and hU .VriattK'rats jiriv^rT U« r>i. : ' i. ' I, t; , S ' . . . . . I -iay an-l f*id.iv on heaps of cards and the chest has early Chippendale design In solid l‘**arl Pierre and l*earl John of "And Pearl John? ri.sUcl Boh Wl.se men will incluile, Mls.s H>ifh I WA'Rthcr permll.s I. mt sf'.a M "hips us*'- morrow, and furnish the inilu’s Appi«.\imHt*'iy 100 Mam he.ster inrh gun.'. «'n th*' ecu nwn-<'t war. IP . M* ' of p. •;» (“f- f>n . ! h ’P .. I ’ |C i]: {»; gm g. in' iirancc poln v fr*.*e.H'Hual- maple with hravy. IT. g. Stamiard I lie imird T. ,”\ou can't say he wanted to stay LippinC'lt. Miss Helen Hy*!*' ami I ApproxlnmleK oi|c-fomth, of the Old K.i.^hi(>niii r*-;i-:y for ' an*'*-11alions .ainl jir.-para- i after the hnlMays. Walnut ve­ peraoiis eligible for W PA employ- Tf Jan*’ .** Is Im-u’Cl U inemus that '• .'-Iv t'li-ki'-.g h-ithor and nv.-r’ i*'*' VOW tiO ON WITH THE STORY Miss Betty Stavnitzky snlihers, j work wil) have been dono In a few \ rk. p..‘ '■ ■' .1 f 1,1-. r.n, • 1 lofi for Hnljim*'nt ly S29.7.^. cedar lining Regular $29.7fi. neered. F'ormcrly $29.75. here witk,thls crew.” V^ashingt'-n ha." d«!crnane*l Japan TrUKKV DI.NNKH \ vK D sr..^ir\y. n F ‘ T..MHF.H ;m (TIAFTER VTI lUicnt are on the vv*alting list, nearly Mias Marjorie Palmer. Miss Altln'a \ more days, it was CMtlmatod today. I I' u.i.s pinMi-pt-nny tiu.smeRs for Witli n*i t<*Uila available al Ihi.s “That’s just it.” the professor WDiilil nut consent b' ih“ 11-inch o . fh. d . t' : " f Ml- I-..) .-op O' The next morning showed ‘ tbe went on "He most assuredly did half *if which formerly w*irked on Shorts and Mts.s Pauline Bcetjc, Weather con.|illons since the %vork Tlckf'ts rmiy h** obtaJns***l by Uu* 193rt Dm- . • r.' Id I ;n I • ;r. ’ r' r ■ <' - -it house on Thunder Mesa klmosl n^.,t. Rut Pearl Sam held him WI>\ pr*>iect.s, left for other em- Shepherds, Mi.ss F'lore./n'e B ovie. WHS started the middle of last K. of ( . nH’inbers. ♦ COAL H ooTLi:(;(;i\c IrnI oilirr oitic;als that a m i.r d for tre.M'v betwccii Uu' I’ nlt***! ■ i’ ' h- la.' I s. ..■•loti for ttif hiiilding .KHowbonud Bob ate his breaktast against his wishes More thaj ploym*'iit anti n n n ot return a.s a Miss (^ntherlne ( ’ordner. Mi.ss lH>n)- nvmth have permitted the con- irig ;i!'..i|l li/i's'l'.; );l" • '(!*. [I- ! ■".! alarup .*.tl.es -Adi be ••rt.;»hli-*h»sl this I rcMilt, according lo Manrh<‘.Ml*T otTi- trac(*»rv to considerably ahead Stale.’-, i 'Hfi.' .iner CNiupile. That ;i.-- o ■ > uip a •' t * ;i i< . iir- a k«-rp P-i rt |. ulnrly .'**-a/‘*in due to fill. I.arger amountb ot in sil*-n»e. a firr trying unsiiccesa- once sinc^e I've been her* the try lycwis. Miss Marguerite H#rtv. loinl b\ hN f'l M' r i »i. \ ! ■ p Others from $14.95 up fully to find out njjout the condi­ young man has threatt^ned lo take ciala. of their seneduJe. It has lu'^n i^enerilly expected fu.aion of nlen.H on> « irtr ij'h l »ie f*n ' Uoo<*o\i>lf fi.-ain-. happily pan i‘ls .sent to friends and relatives Angela. Mrs. .Mae Johnston, Miss bj.'^hop of (',i:i:.T bi;ry. -I i.-AdlHL- tion of the roads from the frozen- the bit In his teeth and bolt.” Theodora Maxwell. Mias Mar Db k- rompictelv true n.it they could the thought o f hattleAhIpp nt fifty lhn>ughotil Ihe country. | prinf'#‘ -bfiltcr has s U r r - o r * the faned Mexican who serv’ed him. onson and Miss Marjorie Crockett. never by Hn\’ . ti<’ * V.angeil ' . I. d.'lt ir« tpi* ( T 1- Bnh had madr np hla mind that. ..since vou aeem to know »o ri.' ■ •IP--',*, . ;. •■ : f.. r .* •■ g t h*' TOWNS EMPLOYEES Judean folk. Miss Ethyl Lyttle, Miss Is oiif’ f i( l tlint Ctj'‘ 1 **.1 ta* t it w*iuld take aomchow, hr wn\]!d get -into < om- j,njch. rrofeasor.” Bob aaid, inov- Jeait Rohh. Mi.ss Cladys Squires. fornt' r kinv in Ms -lio. . ‘..m 1*P*t niumcation with the ont.aidc world ^ nearer, "how ahout recogni7ix. It i.= !■'•>> !>. < tnolnp a '* gri-it s’ liic h of imaguvit iip*-Tir lo that day. t^at Indian wha'a alwaya at the GET PAY TOMORROW que.'tlon of how* ri:nnv the eld , ...n 'dv.' fif Ire hr»‘ak* ts being fs-j- Belnp abut tip on *•>'■ naea^ trail? That queer-look- most p* r.sof; (if 'iV*T}*ip I'Tt'O. V. fixed Idoafi will purvivr since tt ha^ itcntiall-, of more than a Utile Im- wlth a hoti.achold o f eccentrica and ^ ^hat woa aticklnR out ot and a good d*s! hM*-r fh.- manner HANDS DOWN RULINGS poaalble murderera. waa unbear- ^ become rlt-.ir nrit mH of th^m 1 '■'rt i.'i-• I-. our g(-neral scheme of of r*n»* .small ,!in.-ng a vnui,' W e're reaiJy for you able. When the sheriff and coro- Treasurer Wa.-Idell •Arranges ran. Om- of the ' .'ifid inont I ti .ji.i 1 d- I■ M' I It might be vital nrr came to ae^ about Pearl Sam a obsidian knife! HOW TO CHECK flicking on .-ojoe i.morlnnalf uuhln Weekly Wajre So That It sacred ha.** been thr- right of own­ I to th*' Kaf.-t’.- of th* i i danvig. li-.m «ui- rmd Kamon Va.squcs and Pearl dickering I rn.in’'- wif- >■. •.•.•-.iiM hnv*- scv 'i h.-f that have been carefull.v selected for trift-pivinp. You can pick any one of rhem Tlu 2112 men and women employ of liair loss. coal land on lli*- N -i ih in« i !■ an haltiugly ii'l .It iiurncn.s*' expens*- IiRlon or ui -M-t. Iifo u .h t t. ih r .Sn- John add sc. it they knew whej, j j 1.0 n o*P H. r,i|i., t.. r* im. ■;.! . r «*uncan iteni is a perfect Rift. where to be found and, alte Oatly'to sell It for any amount” tener if necessary) to .keep the traillic-- of th*'ir l**llou iM-ingH, r-iinu Jc, announce*! yesterday that work- ntone at.at*' T-. a vi gn-.'it i x- I^Hura 1., Knlunson vs th** I'tm , r-iflcv tubl'' vx'ifh extra large I'lp wandering aimlessly atout the big the' knife came scalp free from oilincss or crupt- An hr Ijfi-ak-t jb. of » **uts»*, a *‘!> f>n local projftcta wouM be paid king8 (*f ^fHMillMn.s. U.-m the h"*isf rn'CU*iit dU.mpnny. P drn. 1,1 lu u n ly! with glM"8 tr-'*\. $9-9.^. rooms for several minutes with- iiig, using a rich lather of mild tent they am dom^ nothing with it ■ u>od lik*’ a n-volvir. One Bedovs IS just a paitifil list of smart pieces available. trxjav or Lonv‘>rrow. Today it seem- topa |•a^U^ulallv u l,iii hd.'«*'S In the groMrul. the I'.-i'I- a gim in tn*' houae aiel prob- stepped into a sma I librap' The measurements yes- c« likely that the cherk.a wouM not oughly. (U I«'rl iin'iit re«piire that Ih*' pdlor .sonal injurie.s, alleged t.- hav*> b*'en | miners who were enq»lnyed in Un- -itdy n* ver in a lu.'tirne use.* It. Hul cans***} t)v the negllg.-n- ,,f the *le- i arrive for *llMtrihuti<-n until tomor Second, fine-comb the scalp twice, floor to eeiMng, and had two mas- row area’s niimerouH collieries no longer le*t oft'-mk'r shall not .strike tia* k tendarit, v* r*li* t an«l ju'oii niought [.l.ire. These chairs hail very high ^ carefully and apply Resinol Oirt- Mhe Ru-iiop .it York Miai invd*- tf;.- fi'mlanf Krror -uid m-v t n i) ord*-r- othcrw IRC be paid until next w***'k. /-‘I many of them have hi . n shut C.-..1 ,1 -;x g,,., p,it i:f ymi do hacks Ramon Vasques was stand- ^Ligations on the mesa ford ment to th© scalp, rubbing it in iinpiiry ns t/> hou h* I'.'ini* t** ii.iv. mg bv a window. looking out „ „ to help myself to any .scieiitil.r gently. Persistent use of this treat­ down by the own* r > ui ^Hiratious, I.' ■ d d >UU nee*l It like hell.” Holun d'Anialu vm. Frank K. Fug- I his Joti how thp Arv-hhtshop rif i 1, „..:,v at the piles ofsnow tha I cLld find. ^He seemed to JUl U.N VLISl HIES ment for a reasonable time usually which «icrlan' tluir <'p«Taii*in to t*< # li.sh, N*'W Hav*-n *‘i-un!\’ acMnn to ■ Maple Mirror, spindle turned v^ith Cur­ .shrouded the me.sa At the m u u i „ archeological re- brings pleasing results. I <'anierltiirv I'-'ni* I-. !.*■ tn.- ■;i.u ltiVil irtinvi'i damage" f.n personal in-**I Chum Umbrolla or Fireset Holder. $8.50, unyirofUab!*- at the eTdal-li h.i d wag*- rier Ives pnnr .At top, $8.7.5. o, P.ohs step. venmg ' nsqn« search a great Joke. Was fond or London, Dec. 23.- lAP). Henry Ip'-t.-utatp that he i Indui it .-ll .iuru'*= allegi'd til have ne«-n «‘au.sed i Boy Resinol Soap and Ointment .scales and ur.'UT i-xi.>ting regula­ (>l*h It \ IUIIS* K X A M P \ riO N S Konakin W aste Ba-^kets, $2.59. whirled nervously , „,maikii.|. In fa, t. ihat men who •Marriott Itk hnrd.TOn. 60, general today at any drug store. For fr*‘c ."Look.s like a long sc.sslon.ievim - , com e nh..?it h*‘, nnsr- n king alrendv hy neghgeni*' of Ih*- d*-f* nd.'tnt s ' Maple Bedside. Table, shelf and drawer. -seexetary oi the National Union of sample, write to Resinol, Dept 22, tions nn*l r(»n'hfloh.R of iaixir. agent, liroughf l.. th.- Court of' It w<- we»-en t held here by what ? ___ .* . » married cowled a wo-uan other latu.ir*). 0,-i. **a fATO— The $4.95. W rought Ir*‘n Bm4g*’ la m p s, hfibnall around ruins were welcome to any Journalists since 1918, died today. Baltimope, Mul or diT>€ wnth shades. $^.50. Lob ask^fi ‘•Then you don’t think there is situation. Un*'mployed mine work­ Il*‘nr\- \ ri! tak*' Knglnnd out Iroin tni'iil I'Uiuuin-d ( ‘oinmi.".sK»nei d*T*‘d for the dt'femlant and app^'al drawer. $9.05. any connection between the In- by tb*' plaintiff. No error | Maple finished Jig-saw Mirrows. $2.95. Th*‘ other man nodded, then flian servant and the obsidian ers. operating by tu 'i and Uin-es nn uith chintz seat and niffled valance, 1W.05. MapU Wall Brackets, $1.98. derstand the ma,n hat*-d Pearl lons.-nt to htfl divon lui; Ca'li. T-in. I tlio.s*? .Mexicans to work clearing the buried coal was convi i'tnble in­ V I I'l; .l.tn. 1 and N-w .'Mh than Sam ." M aple' VVmd5«*r Chair, arrowback aide Maple Coffee Table, large oval t*^p, a path for a car Has anyone to money and 'le^jiernt^-ly ne«- for nnyon* ?" Bob asked. “1-le i.Mo<*l.‘r. N’ew nrltain. Norwalk P.ou*Yolr chairs with rpniovable. Maple Priscilla Sewing Cabinet with was standing between him and F^resently a lof n( Uii in lioing come dln*'11v fron; llri! i-..;.; i' ! Hn*l a ifn’uliy .apt’un m th*' Army -seems to have his outi ideius of il II d Spnng.s. T)jompH*mvill*’, bult*'n-t\iftcd pillow backs <’cv- aiit"riiat)r lldw. $12.50. Solid Brass Colonial Candlesticks, pair Pearl Sam, for some reason But royal atfair of hi*-n l The (-*‘r*-mon:i'.s w .'ie held at handling thir affair without much iL Nt)u Uh’m ,111 thijusand.s. it '• and VVatert.iwn, e.red in-glax*'il chintz with jile.'*.!.'1 $5.-50. I don't know t’uat 1 would say Therv ;ire n.at,\ ihnu *p,,( tp, ’ l’.--'gcport and Granl-y. thr*-*' .Mallev<-ld parade grnun-l.*’ C^innui Majile Tray, copy of old knife $2.98. *‘oncern about the law. " the Indian was the murderer, just Is called cold h*H't l«-g^ mg. hut Uuue valance. $12.50. Kamon lonk*vt up shaipiv. ” 5*011 Puk*' **f Winih'.u ‘•.ml! - -. i*. li; ■ i‘» ir.inv exainmntt'uis were \\ lihclniin.'i, PrinevHS Juliana and Potterv C-andy Dish $1.00. __ because the knife happened to be 18 no 8nhf« iluge ,'ihoiit d nr m\ and navv i ommainhu s allend- Maple Sm oker's Cabinet. $14.95. mean you don't think Pearl Pierre an ancient Indian w’capon. It was errlicsiasttrat *!• t rn*'»*.r-, if >),■ I ’.in ov**r ji sim llai rum- lour 'A'ants the outside world to know Chines** Im mortals *‘ w. M t o. I s e L f a t h e a o m .a s t e r 1 electric I. $8.50. carefully kept since Pearl Sam n O R G E dor«'n gn-at nin.mg «orporat ions, u \ I I.KIU UY rnit. Wall Brackets, gold finished plaftrir, *-* untcred "He was certainly ar- knew I w*as anxious to buy it ’’ loo aure that he woiFl,. If ihcs*- i., • ii t..itrnry about Uilng? last night. but lh*-v take i*. li th* v are arre.'-t- Maple Bndgie Lamps with 12“ p%p«r» $1 75. “And just where was the knife 1 Danen, Per. 23 The Made it vo’y plam h*''. was han­ less, useless a*..! wholly .spiirfu! a s parchment shade.s, $1.95. kept?” interrupted R/imon. "Per- * ed by la*A- oiTl. . t*;.. ji-ry ts cer­ \N .it.-:b;irv. 11,>( i»3. lA f’ i An Hu.'ir.t of Fducaiion selrMe.l Hobart dling the cfl.«e to suit his owm niean attark.s are cf.nfinued. W.‘ ’\ ''h* ai*-d * .hmiMey WHS lilamcil by I' Jones, prindpa' of Oanlelson Toby Jug Reproductions, $5.75. 1 aps vou know that. too. Professor tain to a i ‘put I'h* coj-porat ions ideas And this meaa makes a S h a w ?" can V. IV w*dl r*-. ,di nnr m.- latU' -d *-i'* .Mar.hnl l ‘*unl8 .1. la iiey for High sih'iol, as hee.dinaster of Maple Bench, k»ng size for hr*''akfast have called on Ike.-, m or Farle nook or (ire.'itde. $9.95. Porringer Ash Trav. solid brass, blue rather effe Uve pri.son If anyode For a moment there wa* only Gifts REFRIGERATOR 1 fire in n two fandl> reslflence in I Ih rien High it wa.s announced to- sh*^uld want to- »ise it for that." school days uh.-n a li.idgcr*'*! k’ l •* Bned, $1.49. the crackle of the flames in the send In .-^tate tr«x»p*-rs or tr'x>j>s to .;'ie eastern section of the city caua- Ramon lighted a ngaret be­ thn shlrl-t/»il typ.‘ uMt-riy M.->torrv’ I Maple 3-Tler Table. .$9.95. big fireplace, aa they waated in­ mg 10 I'ersona to flee the' hnlldlng fore h*’ anpwered. and Bob noticed AT clear the T'xdl.^^g. r.- ufT th- tr prop­ 1 Jones will assume his new duties Metal Waste Baskets In hand decorated tently for the archeologist to an­ * d A Ii'.oli ,.f ;i u- ..ding lad }.-. "h's’diy after 2 o'clock this morn- that now every trace of his nerv­ erty. 'Hie go\ .-M:OT refl;•.^^on the ' th*‘ latter part of January, succeed­ 27x18 Braided Pag Rugs. $2.95. floral designs, $1.19. swer. That was why no one no­ I sud.li, n!y ici -:), ,.;i , . I, H ,< ousness hail di.snppeared. “Then 11 *1 1 uip. k'lit’ rnen t'oiffln***! the hlaTre to ing (b'firgc K. Shatliuk, wh*) re- ticed Pearl John in the dooi^vay. ground that lecal iiuflii)nla-.s lm\e you think Pearl I’lcrre is dellber- Prices are reduced! I tdo...ut of h r*-. If n*-*-essary, we Make one small down payment no\* o f the regiori 18x34 Oriental R»?productions. $6.95. iiUght be able to force, them to professor. adding significantly, I r.-no.-t. .1 ,'1*J *.i-imoT. ■ rder !<► phieate her for laMng ham. F^verythinp has been al- organl7.Nl labor th* l.av. th. .'lunh f( Th**n h< r *'>ye-' hi ,tn tiu- pretty, We’re cooperating with Norge in making aua> (•iidriin, the daughter nf Tea W agon with drop-leaves and gla.ss Boudoir or Desk Lamps, imported pot* t‘ n'l**d to. I assure you. and the Not orrr- of t>T*rc, u‘ vi K-a *. , i tio .»»,‘nd- f'ffirers will be here before long. " Hats - Shoes - Shirt^ - Ties - Hose - I Mfi- ’•! 1 , > IN, th«> \ tklng. The doll IrHiks little h*».'it?* that .'.‘ il.-* ha I t e,'n mak­ tray, mahogany finished. $19.75. terv ha.«*eH and pleated .shade.s, .$2.98. possible more Norge equipped kitchens ing. Th*‘ir .sail.s stood up .**o .straight H» Nioke.d at the two younger Ing: In .-.f .-dal*' I-.T-e-. tl' r.n\i- out rnu ii--r! t), Ilk*' iitKiruo. hut It w on’t stand STAFFORD SPRINGS am white, ami the fairies had mill- Pillow-back Boudoir Chalra In chintz. Globe on stand v-dth compartment for men for a minute. a.a though he the booUi-ggers. Th* ,>f,ai jl.n , .1. ill, up. ■ Scarfs - Sweaters - Robes - Jackets - this Christmas . . to your advantage I igbl j Cl the last tiny rope *»! th**ir rig- $1'2.50 b*i**k (book included). $5.00. were enjoying their embarrass- 'iridusfr>- If. I' e . r,n,M..udt\ lu,. -?-.fi-o' ■ glng in plac- njeiit. T)i*-n he walked away. Mis.s Abble .Xuieadale of the Hotel GHAPTKU ih Tripl* Dressing Tabic Mirrur. bevelled Brass Anchor Lamp with .nhip decorated "A tricky devil, il one ever St. Moritz, New YorK and Max Prices on all Norge ret'rigerators have blood. No " 11. appl lude*'} if .'ft; no ji I i‘-;ion« d' •'Gracions. \ .1 like m fl.?et Uke Trench Coats, Etc. glass. $7.50. shade, $5.95. lived.” muttered Ramon Vasquez Parker of 1965 Townsend avenue. 1 The Fairy Kotiinis that for my p*-i'pl*.' said lh<- lairy n one had an\ • ♦... j'' ..ne, h ! P'Ut It w .'*■ ' furicusly. "He’s certainly not do­ New York narrowly escaped serious been reduced. (Usually reductions are YNiu remember, the last we heard queen Green Bottle Table Lamp with clalre-dc- legislative r* pre.senl.al» who said' that |f T"'^t I-)'.: < ? Walnut Bedside Table with drawer. ing the g rie. »ng a* t over als injury and death Sunday evening • I" til* j- ',m of the F'airy Quo^n she was leading Nils smiled, happv at her plea­ $12.50. lune shade. $5.95. - SACRinCEDI not made until the first of the year.) And brother’s deith, is he? Nor Pearl when the heavy ooupe P’e> were hebellevfd^a uo* tis* a!or> ta.\ stv-aid :j res. lufior, f.f i: h .i.:tturi/ed ^the Ice Queen a m eriy chsHe around sure, and saiti, ■Gla*tly, little lady. All Metal Bridge Set, choice of red, John either 1 think they’re both riding skidded on the Cryotal Lake t>e tSict on utui.-'i'd ."a l land', 'tr or- jI I he f'ri'.vrdeut th' Nnrth pole hy making r*>ses pop •'Hrt what alxmi im* ^ ' asKc*l Child’s Drop-lid De.-^k in Maple; 3 draw­ special terms makes it more convenient 1 HIM ♦ •lu h jii- I O — gr*\en.‘ tan or black, table and 4 chalr.i, relieved that h*''s out of the way, Highway a short distance from the der to force the i«un* r « Lo I up *nit of the snow. , Santa. ” 1 niUHl hav** .stime ttiya for er. bracket base. $19.75. I g' ■' • on ;-rnl'^ f :om a-’ ;*in.‘d j $7.95. i.‘ you asn m*- ’ center of West Stafford, turned operate tiieir nun* •- After that trip she was ho tired C Tint mas. than ever to own one of these famous re­ I P*,ilivia and P.i ■ I' !t ['t I iVld*’.** j vdew. right Into 'her face "M-m-m.” she flew to w’hers the new doll lay on o^x'n lock. Mahogany veneered, MiUTln Stand, solid mahogany Inlaid. man. you were so right about that that It amuses me. BoUr^the de persons were taken to the Johnson . Let us be your Santa Claus tomorrow. $142.00 4 cu ft. t>« Luxe ...... *m .Sr and blow gentiv on her $34.75. Maple Magazine Racks, $2.95. $14.95. rose shook lt^.dl and more, d .o p s oI Ferfest brothers are relieved that Memorial hospital and received $160 50 5 cu. ft De L u x e ...... tlM .5 0 the corporatiorls can"t'make money the aiiflTortty ttmi ^ngr..".s con eye-lids. The doll stretched an arm. Select your-Norge tonight. We’ll deliver d*‘w fell into .a «urled petal sf» the pear) Sam Is gone— but for dif­ treatment for slight cuts about the by taking It out, Vise they would not TT.en it half sat up. Then It Jumped ferent reasons." $192.95 6 cu. ft De L uxe ...... $171.50 either exercise rf?*'lf «tr deh-gate to fairy queen- . arms. Man—don’t go flying off like that! no time before she circleu over the 1 was here first, doing a little re- morning at the John: ’ Memorial diaregardfi them. missfai an in.lif tni* ni against 'h*-.- But (Mitside, the Ice Queen could WATKINS BROTHERS hospital. l*iy Hhup n.K)f ami slipped in .search work." He pointed to sev* Perhaps the answ’er to Uie prob­ b' heard romping^down the sky In WATKINS BROTHERS Edward Ward, member of the comp.'jiue* and sev* rtil individuaJa through the open door. There eat another storm. “Hui'ry, hurry, what * ral b*:>oks on a an\all table near­ lem la not an answ'er at ail, merely by. "I wasn’t even oonsclous that United States Navy is enjoying a for violation of the resohiUon Ih^he Santa so purrlcd. and there on the fhajl we do?" cried Santa at MANCHESTER, CONN. anyone else had come into the few days furlough at the home of BUSINESSI an explanation. Perhaps it liea m fjixir lay the bi^, new doll. There sale of fifteen machine ^^;uns to Ro- at MANCHESTER, CONN. rqom. 1 concentrate rather deep* his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh . . . Ki-iiu,.. moped Nil.*; hv the''-fij-.*, and there the posKibUity that a great social livia. Judge Be TOAIORKOW: The Ire (^ueen ly, you know. When Pearl Pierre Ward of Center street. 1.VCI3 hvld .that the I ^ daughlci-. Gudrun. Gets Uer DoU« ______...... MANCHISTER BVENWO RXRAn>, llAWranwraR, OONII, WEDNESDAY, DBCEM^ « . 18M UANilHIilKI'EK EVCNINU H2KAL.U. MANUHIi.'arrEK, (JUNN. WlSUniSSUAT. UEUISMBEK 28,1988

October were estimated by the Island and Partfle Railroad C o . Rubber Manufacturers Association per cent^aq^pmsnt trust oei WALL ST. BRIEFS today at 4,081.023 units against 8,- cates, priced tc yield from 0.80 835,998 in «iv| tember and 4.054,747 cent to 3.7Q/per cent, according New York. Dec. 23.— Associated Beat Weldon% Keep Rec League Slate Clean in October last year. Shlpmenta in maturity. T h e certificates yt, Oil Co., announced today It had the first ten month* of 1936 were *em!-annually frdm July 1. 1937 t o zmz"Z!__ '______♦ ____ contracted wi»h Alco ProdiicL*, Inc., placed at 46.203,221 unit* against Jan. 1 . 1947. — v, T he H igh S chool W orld subsidiary of American Locomotive 42,171.993 In corresponding ------J ■ ■;.b Oo.. for an additional $1,500,000 INJURY JINX HITS period of 1935. ^ ■_ The model of the moon at Qvft- ^'5 EAST HARTFORD DOWNS Former Local Lad Hailed^ AL JACKSON STILL cracking unit fer it* refinery at Wednesday, December 23, 1930 Compiled by Students of Manchester High School Miss Helen Kstes, Faculty Adviaei Avon, Cal. fltJi Observatory, Los Angelca^da ^ OAK GRILL TURNS BACK Vol. IV., No. 29. A banking group headed by Leh­ fleen hv spectrograph, and spec­ man Bro.s. today offered publicly an tators have the illusion of being la ROSrBOWL SCENE As Bright Athletic Star Pneumatic cn.^^lng* shipment* In l.ft«ue of $2.4iK»000 CJjlcago, Rock SOUTH WINDSOR, 31-24 TOPS ICE SCORERS a position 600 miles above the moon. COENrO, TIIANKED. HIGH Si:HCM>L WORLD EAST SIDERS BY 34-19 8T.^KF. • tnyawa Lijplen. youngest member },up the game becaiise of his desire'to MR. SPIESS SAVES Elinor H. Bentley, chairman of FACULTY PLANNING MBS PUPILS GIVE New High School Quint’ Ace Fullback of Washington of the Liiplen family that made play professional baseball some day the Christmas committee In sports hl.story at Manchester High and does not wish to take the Syratnise Player Has 25 Manchester, thanks the student Eklltor-ln-Cbiftf — Dorothy Phone Service Till 8:30 Tonight! PLUS . . SURPRISE’ ALL IN M N RELICS VARIED VACATIONS Schrelber. ‘37B. DINNERMO POOR Local Sport Huskies Suffers Broken and at college. Is following In the chance of an Injury th a t, ry y TO GAIN SECOND PLACE Dody tor their furtherance of the Coached hy Hugh Greer, footsteps of his brothers as an ath­ thwart his attempt to crash the ma­ Poinls in Inlemational -■ampalgn In the schools through Managing Editor William letic Btar, according to glowing re­ jors 1 letter to Ml.ss Mary McGuire, Knapp, S7B. Chatter Rib in Practice. ports that come from Harvard Unl- Of Big Ikdigne CaJIhre Became Interested in Indian taculty adviser of the student Florida, Maine, Vermont Feature Editor—Barbara Ca - In Charge of Student Coun­ Loses First Game in Four veralty. where he Is now a sopho­ The Boston Traveler writes: American Puck Loop. BOX SCORE Bluefields Down West Sides, :ouncil. noon,-’37B. more. It will be remembered that "Will you please convey to the Sporla Editor—Michael Haber From the minny clime of the rity "Baseball fame is no dream for Lii- BRUNNER'S ern. 37B. Frank. Albert and Theodore Luplen plen. for Is a splendid first base- Oak GHlt fS4). Lore When a Boy and Has I i student Council the thanks of Claim Faculty Members, cil; Bring Everything from Starts After Hard Battle; of Miami in the state of Flonda rvaii'lnna. Calif . Der. 2.1 lAP) Exchange Editor— Jean Cude, ‘‘YOUR MODEL MARKET” all graduated from .M, H. R.. Frank man. His baseball started at Loo­ New Haven. Conn.. Dec, 23 — B 42-28, to Tie for Third the Chrl.stmas Seal committee comes a Christmas greeting from Tim infiiry Jinn Pntor-d thr Rrmn I •37B. then going to Tnfta and Albert and mis. and reached new heights when Snow, If ...... for its excellent fooperntlon in Thomas W. Stowe, former sports (A P )—AI Jackfion of Syracu*e. hta One Hopes to Stay in Bed. Assistant Editors—Marlnr Hrh- Pepper to Beans. Rowl Bcrnn today, thmalnnlng to ThecKlore to Harvard, he performed for the freshman nine Carlson, r f ...... Collected Over 2,COO. the Se.al sale at the high school. YOLNG, TENDER. URIUHTUOOD Late Rally Fails. editor of The Herald, who la now team-mate. Markle. and^Jack Keat­ rend, ’37B; Jack Crockett, 37A; kf-c'p Wafihlnptnn'.* harfl hltllnff .ailHTt Beet Kiioudi Bralthewalte. rf . Place; Amerks Score 4lh We appreciate the time and circulation manager of- the Miami last spring. He hit over ..100 for Albert, or "Ah" as he was known j the season, and played almost error ing of Providence were atlll one- Kteah. c ...... effort members put Inti' making Sam Pratt. '38B: (.’harie.s . Rob­ New* and also writes a sjiorls c»)l- fopliomoim .fdllhark. Al Cruvnr, out Many of the- member." of the T*hls year .M H. R ha* sent out to his mates and fans, Is probably les.s ball at first base. two-three today In the Internatlou- Nelson, c ...... Mftthlnn Spies*, of Manchester, i the campaign s. success" bins, '3&A: Herbert Seymour. 9 lbs. to 18 lbs. Before * crowd of .V>0 fan* that umn In that paper...It brings fn nf tim Now Ynar'n day parnn with Big league Straight Triumph; Stan f.aciilty are spending Ibclr Chrt«t- . ’3:7B: George Smith, ’37B;> cggy 41 Christmas basket* to the poor TURKEYS the best known of the older Lnplens al-Amerlcan hockey league acorlng Magnuson. Ig .. J* n well-known authority on' jammed the j^Vnall fcynm to caparlty. mind- the fact that we’ve been con­ fhltf»huryh scouts have had ajp ok at the -h(>y Woodruff. ’39B. and needy famine* of Manrhe.ster as his baseball ability gained him C. Keeney, !g ... Indian tore. From ‘ an old manu; j maa' vacation* In Manchester. ducting thi.* pillar of fact anrl tancy Tiin first r.aaiialty mnrp Ihn two already, and they are satisfied that race, retaining the aame relative at lea*t one from every home room South Windsor High went dowTi to wlde.spread recognition both at high McCormick. Ig . . Opalach Stars. Other teachers are planning to Wait Librarians Lucy Gray. '38B4 for four years now and have lH * n ' rrl'l ‘•(jiiad.a stjirtrrl hnrr twore that )..ng . thir wp.'k ilamppnfnl rnihiiaia.srn at the big time limelight. the official ata^Utlca were published ppent in lepu-Ong the 'voni?. Mr SANTA CLAUS o r ig in a t e d! Reporter* —(bxirge Alden, 37B; rooms .sent as many as three has GROUND B E E F ...... 2 Ihs. 49c cnn.slilere.l hig league timber. "Ah" Clint Keeney, rg ipountaln* of Wrmont, with its ketball ecnnon lost nlg^ht to East how time dot h Jly '. . . j llm IniinlnK ramp of llu- nu.skd’s in ■'.Now that Liipien 8 fofitball and by the league secretary. Elsie Becclo. 37 B; Loui.se Gham- ' kets. Each basket contain* not only captained the Crimson nine In his Bpie«* ha‘- written (ho “Story of pleasing nr-'nia of evergreens, and ROASTING CHICKENS, lb. 31c Hartford Hlf^h in a game that was I Santa narhara Inland at .«an ha-sehall exploits have been written In the past week Jackson Improv- HF.r K HKAt I.TS bers, 39B; Ellon Clark. ’37B; I a eomplete ('hrlntma* dinner but BACON S liced ...... !b. ;i7c . IP'rnnrdtno tha Pill Pnnthnr.s worn senior year of UI32 8-13 34 Wunn^e-NofOio ak’ . * ft-iry of the IN ASIA AS ST. Nic h o l a s' the sunny Palm Beach surround- close and hard fojght all the way Tom writes.- “Had loth <>f fun' It only remain) to note his basket­ eu bis sUndIng from 19 to 25 pfnRfa. Jean Clarke. 39B; F A ’ e i e t l Goie, I .41*0 enough food to last an aver- BRIOllT\MH)D SAUSAGE MEAT ...... lb. 29c The final r.fcnre wn* 31 to 21. ending oil. ■ ri d Id' fha rrfiirn to diif \' of I'lyssea was a student at Man- East Sidei* BinPfl,.Ids 12 W p s t .S k I p s 2» lovi- and-iife of an In.bin pMnor-s ( ] Ing* of FL»ndh “the land of sun- reading your grid pr-^gnnsi ii'.itif>Ms ball prowess. He was captain and Markle advanced from 18 to 22 a S f '37B: Louis FL'Iey, 3MK; Frances I age s'7«Hl family nearly a week a three-game wir\nin»: slreak com­ !ii.lit'\' l.aiij. hnlftiark r.'f'ovrrr.l che.stcr High for two years and then guard of his freshman team last Keatlng from 17 to 20. Di)k Onll 14, K.nst .'tl(lps IF ■ shine and tt»wer*. S A U S A tJE ...... lb. ,3.>c You didn’t do .s(» had exi'epi m u;i. Browzowski, The '^fpinv\'« (ft\e In fV'Di-n Is Uomans Celebrated His Day.; Godleskl, '37B; Liu \ (KHklaie , Fft» h hft.*< .hay hut tnav j up In the tir.st three games ho nas Enrico. If . . I, thing* Mr. Spiefl.s garet McGjirlan. 39B; Olive roftsl* of beef and of lamb. South Wtnd.sor High opened Lhl* tlm inj'iry wa.a ,«hown by an X-ray as a hii.-king ha.'k on the Hanar.i shown umrked defensive abilities gave Philadelphia’s Hcxlall second Poh,s>i-A nu'r acrnmplisbed h an effort to show .Santa riaus once was a real per- | Bohm.snn. K- l>,-ry Lewis I The meat, and In some cases, oth- CIUK'OLATE l'()\ EliEII not be up to pat owing to h.ng trifi, ! Devorio. If ' H. F^iper. Mis* Dorothy M. Carr Metcalf, '38 A; Marian CU*on, It. I’t- It. I’liim nr Fig l'LOIUl).\ JI ICE fall and Is making it.s debut in to.lay lo Im a hrokan rib, team phy- varsity eleven next fall iinle.ss he and has scored twenty points for I-lace behind Keating In the east. Oak (Jrin th*' Indian a* ho truly rxisteil. not ! er perishable p(>oil.'!, were mirchaaed changing climate and day-tad(,re- \ TlVat wa.-* ny. many yparn and Jost'ph Spang Mr, Spang *38B; Felicia Pletrowaki. 37B, CHERRIES l’ii(lp* tfxlay. he ' were contributed hy student* who box .Sjiiicp. 2 pans ...... U V rf dlBo in rni'oiiit of nicr Grill. and. possihlv. New Vnrk. Ellen Toman, 37B: Frances VVal- 2 iL c Jo7. coach of aoccer while here Mr. Coaeh .limmv T’helan .vhediilerr Church of Syracuse was penalized W'nnt Siilo!* arnipmg until the white man came.” five*! very far from It — and also ' dill not wish to bring food, and gave 29c that ramc a.liln'-a.i.-.l i„ ■ Krik Referee. Holland Nathan B Galchell ha* ex­ Iclt, .’39B; Frank Wllaon. 4fiB; Orean Spray Cninlierrv Greer la also mentor of Moriarty ;'kdl‘ ft.r only once during the past week but explatneil ,\lr. Spicss ’’Thev "They never | us— way off In Asia o r v I pNufk'r hIs Hii.sk)»'« nfl^r Time, 1.5 minute halv pressed hi* desire to spend Ghrlst- Arthur Wilkie. ’40B. money instead. Brothers’ Kireatone* and hls kr.owl- American .Mo.lcan and w e. di.In t drilling them in defense agam-t hr* position of leading Wftl man in br«*ke their treaties until the LKiHT ROCK Juil’f ...... Thr favnntr* came through with Minor. ma« vacation In he») nt Andover, Typist*: Ruth Blasell. 37B; The content* of a typical basket ^ JC edge of basketball has produced a have to open It to know ihal the : forw.-,,.! pas.s. s .\llhmigh P.ll bar o n AND MEDWICK COP lhe league was in no way threaten plorer* rnme." When Senta Clau.* lived In Asia LARGE t'Al.lKDRNl V i flying rolnrs In the Her Seritor dreaming about the summer vaca­ Frances Dowling. 37B; Lvorothy are; JAiignr. milk, butter, bread, g in (; e r a i .e Iqirjri'. Fancy I’ccan.s, sen.ier was none othrr than our ' h.-en a p..w. r t.'nm this ..m.on ed. He ha.s been ordered from Uie (42). .Mr. Spi«'.*s became interested In' good team at South VVindso.- al- lyf’ftCU/' Minor. hl.<» name wa* not Pnnta tion Jewell. 37B; Ida Orlileth. H7B; flour, rehsiie*. salt and pepper, can pound packiiRc ...... ()RAN(iES :hough the player* lack experience, red-headed patsv-wa'-y. Chu. k M, - , I'hehin s,.p,'ir. nllv Is taking no lie 21 time* while Ayer* of Phila- I * fi'iirlh wrrk of rage hos- Indian h're wh*»n h young hoy He Gians, hut just Nich'da.s, and he 69 c .Smith."If tllit;.-s Tearht'r* wh*' will .■spend the h<»li- Alberta Wilkie, '37B. leather neii goo(Ls. candy. Jam.*, preserves, <’arlhy of th( I’f' Mfi'l I chanrr,« on w\r [ unr' delphift. hi.‘< nenre.st competitor, has | Ht the KoM Sid,- Kee la.st WH.'< t)orn in Hr«*<*klyn, N Y. H** WHS bishop m the ancient city of 3 large 2 5 © FtiKli.sh Walniil Mciit.s, a fact thnl counted agalns’ them In •»f kniK .sufferef! but IT. banishment*. A \S'eir, If ...... liny st-*nson 'n surroub'llng towns Viilyea, ’37B. pancake flour, ayriip. cereal, coffee, talk about rln.Hj^ ( ’Murk hi'^ [ ft ftiMpnst .'irruil .affark, NAT’L BATTING HONORS came to Mftnrh'‘*ter in lk'.M> when . We do not know very much last night - rousin.' tu.‘-..^le penalty called on Church la.st night Mnldrion. rf . , ;; ''IK'" H'f' 1 Include Mis* Marion Tolies. Terry- tea. orange*.* grapefruit, potatoes, (Contont*) I-oz. can ...... 2 5 ^ ^ was a ding-dong ronle.#t numf* onpravrd "Char-|r«t .Mun ny. Fxl ra-»r.jinnrv *r. rf^ry *hrnnfiod tiKiitrn.'J tticir hiiiit on first plar- a young man where he became en- i about him. but we do know that he 18c B) .SID n :D K n w-lll not be counted until next week s A. Hagiiskij.s. rf gaged In the ('onnerticut Valley 'to* I I vine; Miss Doris Klbbe, Rockville cabbage, cocoa, soup, pie, egg*, Sunri.se Parfait Pineapple ^ through the first half wMth East MrCiirthy ". HI, thorr. .Murray, «»lf| ’ F’iUsbur^h 6nlN .Mmtnr Jot k 2 h,v InmmtnR- Wrlilori's Drug, 31-21, was persecuted for his religion | and Miss Garrle N’. v Y..ik, Dec. 23. lAPi Ynu *b June and Brubaker standing* are released. Patton, c . , . . bacco buslnesn j B Spafnrd and jello. peanut butter, apples, nuts, Hartford gaining a 13-10 edge at kill, (ho bo.st nf thr* Hon.son to you. Puth-rland nr-fi.-mil « ranva- h striinj: ^ thr Oak f.rtll g.iin.Tl .solo pos.session that after he died, be was TYPING .GU ARDS A.MEUK \.\ MIXED NtiKRols...... c'liiliiii't have .H.juerred ai evc-lnsb Tin.innati In .September. The 16 high scorers li.'tcd were; Muldoon. c . . . He Is the author of “The History' Marguerite Campbell. Hart- bean*, tomatoes. 25c F V.'^C V the wliistle. The McGralhrnen on top f.f the ft-nre surrounding th ,,,. E. KaguHku*, Ig ^ ‘if seroivt with a 34-19 tn- h. Iwc.'n M.'l OH and Ducky Med- Car.is aluggmg ciiampi.m- G A Pt* of Manchea’er. Connecticut;” ‘The The baskets have been tn charge CANDY 2-Pound Box ...^.^came.black,tifter Internllasjpn with a flaymonrl Berger, M H grad- Thai is all we really know about, -Ma^a.-hueetls claims a few mote :Wm)-'-nAi>)e.f wa Lnriir L v.teg.• i„at baagbiilt Rv.ai>oiv"so'Ja—'A'm -V'J’t'df.uCilgc -^.vsign .410,. -hlfles 4a iiyjFactme Ka.lKiivy*aw rg. .. The.foil,QKipg.pepplc )n Typing,!A of the Stjuflent GouncU representa- Rilibnn Candv...... GRAPES i-:' - ~fany Qikt'''buTIfc' upup' '«a ' mar-tb*mar­ cfiisg of:’d32; WAs a vvei- ‘ re ■ ' -Civu*. imd .aT-hsmei 29c Hetber than the senond-place M-artfte;' Srrarirse**f^.: . R ‘^41“ T h e Life of ,-Ln rn^-fian rrltlT fS df about him that may or may joumevs to .GlovceMer •' gin the Greermen couldn’t overcome (T>me vi.aitor to the sport.a depart­ ^ Ihtr.l |.|^rc hy .shi'tla: king tha hnp- Mr cerUflcatea: under the general *uperv!*lon of rth 7 w'ent in the National I^a^ir Phtlli(‘.s rumplled The ga.s house Keating. Providence . . . . 7 l.'l 20 Connecticut:'’ “Indians of ConnecTl- not be true. The Greeks and the 2 "Ifesv m the final period. Bn)wn and Mo­ ment yesterday . . Il.'rger was ^in 21 Vt'e.'I .Sides, 4 2-2.S, David Hartwell to (Tiadewick on pound jar ...... I The official average.^ in tho.se gang hit for a total of 2,270 ba.se* Doran. Sy racu se...... 9 8 17 0-1 12 I ...... cut." a pamphlet ymbllshed by the Roman* set arart the sixth day >'f I Dornthy Gf-nson — 30 w orda w ith 2 i ‘"‘’'‘''y N'cGulra. The baakeLi 2Sc' ran featured for the winners and ouLatandIng tac kle on the Red an.l e%( .Sides (28). A [''iirioiis t ontest ('ape Cod. and Herbert I.. Mill- [ nii.scellanroii.s department.s. relea.sed and drove 7.'13 run* aero** the plate, Hextnll. F'*hiladelphla ..10 7 17 Connecticut I'erccntenary Gommis- D<'rember a* hi* (St. Nicholas ) j errors. I were packed and chocked thi* morn- Fruit Cocklail, tall can l.ic. Reynold Berger and Pelf^iKm went While eleven an.1 his educate.l totl I The (It ill-Ea.st .Sides tilt wa.s the j lnita\ , .showed the New York Giant* ka.ling the Pirate.* in both of these ('onvey, vSyracu.se ...... 6 10 16 B K p 8if*n: the Indian chapter in the dnv. Later. C.'hrustian people all Dury and v'lctor Knapm an to Lynn | jeanette Palon —82 w ords with 4 ! in*; and brought tn the door, to bo beat for South Windsor. The Wind­ eonverle.l many point.s allct lou. h- Werner ■ r^: Ml-«.s Helen Fstes, our far'itty nd La rg e IJirRe can ...... LARGE Sports Roundup I Butch M arian Bchrend 30 w ords w ith i truck.s under M u-aupcrvlsion of MI s .h Quick (fiiakor (iitindniolher's Mince Meat, was at Culg.ate for lw.| ye.-irs b, B> s( o rn KKsToN I GanlinabH' 'n.i, ky VVin ky ’ w<-nnd 1 >nw(j GRAl’EFlUJIT liminary rui'fit fimrs .'j 17: Lhe Phillie.s fanned ARnmnd.-^en, New Haven 4 10 1 Ik . 1 I 1 6 Doti'llo. ked f.ir ,S.-. ond plai'e in the "Podunk Indians’* conre»-ning their When the early Dutch colonist* 1* orL t-aitfleld. Maine. |j4 error*. | .leasic Kcynoid* ot the Welfare de- ijla.ss jar ...... couldn't quilr make th. gra.le ;i.s a (I’iu.ll llltilug f„, }-,|||| ■ up in -n I.Innket flm.sh t - sh.'u-e nisijcll, <- •J Miss lone Fellows and Mi.ss j or Regular 22c Rest Of S<*h(Mlule Itriot/) mn.m. and lhe Bee* for the .sec­ IhoulllftM, Pitl.sburgh 8 6 14 0-0 4 slan.ling a.« they took the fioor, the villages, tmy'ernents, and tra«lition*. rame to America, they brought Elinor Young- 30 w onls w ith 1 ' p.irliuenl Each tiasket w a* labeled wlmtever ;jlm of giving error. Ks t() :he size of fam ily (hot it w ould 2 for I g c ha-aelmll and haskci hall lea ms h.- N"V. Ynik. A.* a te.am. however. V ga* .‘•launders, Springfield ... 5 9 14 Vonnart. rf ...... of the two extrenie p(j|nt.4. Mhs.s' 2 f o r ...... South Windsor has thirteen games 21c m\’ .bbiu-'Jlni: I hoii'-e gang fnini St I.xuit.'e par.*d Sniith. Philadelptua . . 8 6 14 Brown. If o Follows g'ling In Bradford. Vt., and remaining on Its aclunlulo. a* fol­ w,..-. a alar twirl.T al High P,,.\ is nti/.cn wl)o d'unc' If 116 (inu’H. A'lothcr ctt look (he indivifJual .slug'g-ing ot hitting inlfj double play.s. IM. I ft < 1• I c *lte*. In the fields, and In the Jan. 15— Canton, home. lilKh s*chool. of vvhii h our obi iruTul. hr savfl •b..- won't fjpht pres.s. .1 handkerrhiet .^wlfl to take It wasn t inng before the children SPICED HAM 13c an<4 he championship, finishing with a 58K The rhanip'on “at home ” club | CIXYWNS WIN AGAIN woods. ID' presented t,h**s*' to tlic MHS CAGE SQUAD DOWNS .Medium I.argc Jan. 19— Ea.st Hartford, away f'nrl MuKnu.son. formor Hn.slf)! Ui;:h n.u;rn litmny (lairn.s he Referee. Hollanrl. .idvanlage of the lapses nf the East of the Fngbsii culunists heard rIh iil 4 lbs. 1 9 e j avi'iage fm the .sea.Ht.n hy hitting was the p‘-nnanl-wlnning Giant*. < Holli.^ler Rch«*ol sevc'al Jan. 2 2 — Newington, home. track roai'h. i* prlnr-l|..U Harold "IT.■I*.'.I J}.,. hcht.*; with .It.lin H.-mv Time 1.5 minute hnIvpji the l>utch Sao Nicoloos and ho.w he Have Santa Deliver I hey tuuK rt '2 games in their own I The ('fiown.s traveled to Plainville Isi'les, tlie Grill quint forged into year'* ago, Since then he ha.s col- 29 c and I^ii hard nir Indh known hi-rr L<‘wn.^ ,ari-l .lat'k ’t'r amrneit. hut .lof I F’ot :U \ total ba.Ke.s in r»34 trip.s to uH'iigh’ pre.«ent?- on Ghri.'^tinas i;v( . Jan. 20— Stafford, away Polo Grniind.s ami dropped only 26. tt) play the Yale Cfleaner* and came Itie lea.l and hel.l a 2(1-111 advantage iect*si al)out hOo more which h( in­ THE HALL HIGH TEAM' Kra.sdale Sweet Mixed they wrr,. .‘jludcnt.H at .Mani lu'.st»u s.ii-l no .Iimmv wi.1,1.1 iiUr to I the plate Medwirk, tmwever, tnp- I’- A. ,\. i\ (S3). So they began to talk about S>in Jan. 29 - Sinvsbury. home. On the roacl. the ( ’ar>t (ti M-nlirig lunusclf out , hilt wa.s not far behind any of them. he collected during the best years HISTORY CLASS STUDIES j jumped into the limelight Frida> : 3-5 9 11.c Giants.' ti>ok a dozen. the vseore. It wa* a low scoring con- Harabur cannc*t guaiantrr Harvey L, Gampbell ha.R taken « Wolfram, c . . Mahoney, If ...... Q 1-1 the result of their victory vlUle the ' that Sam Laugh.i,is .sight’ is,al- the U'wc.st tirne.s. chalking hv the f'onneeticut Soru'tv of ("ol- \H nn-wering mimeographed q les I ing the game was Manchester For Some Friend imlsor CM) pihllcatlon but will print th.-m I ...... -...... fip a Davidson, Ig , Hadden, If ...... i o-3 West Sides remained In the cellar ncar-rerof'i niifilimim ot five w lulus lall on the jockey’vS Hcivues for the tion.s and doing extra Drohlemp) s threatened. B. F T. niuit guile iu)u It ha.s been ' Hrozowski. rg With four straight geveraals. cnial Dames oj America. One of spare permits . . . in 106 games. Hia teammate. L-iill Floriita vsea.son. The win took Manchester out of 3 Sargent, if ...... 1 0-*2 2 , chlniu' fur ycjir.s and nuw he c.an i thtse maps, now hangs above hia' teat is given U.sually the next day j Hnibaker. wa.s the “.strikeout king, ” ■Tvr hc.aten Old man jinx at last," Opalach Brilliant the le.igiie cellar po.sitlon. Koae. FOR THE BIG FEAST! 0 Tobin, rf ...... 1 0-0 2 Pick-ups along the Sj.oit.s nalto disl.ngiii'fi little mutf than light! desk, beautifully Illustrated. |a current evenLs period is held. « hucUled Cfiuicci afte; returning to vSeore at half time, 15-8, P. Diminutive Stan Opalach, form­ .Moorhou.se and Cobb stood out for ■ 0 Peterson. If ...... 2 l-h 5 . . . George Fischci, M >1 S an.! datk. j famiifig 96 tlrne.s .In 145 gamo.s. I:i a bowl of Indian style, is a ' Some topic of current interest being Plump, Tender the winncr’.s circle. 'Til. be hard Yale C1eH4ier* er .M, H. S. luminary, led the bril­ -Miincherter, while the Nelson broth- ’ Or Relative >'nulhcr Hue. Arky Vauglian. led 'liscussod. 0 Zavaiakaa. If , ...... fi n-fi 0 1 mmig«'r of football in hi.s .x»*ni.'- tfi *toj) from now on." Fteferee, Holland. ^ liant Polish-American.s to decisive atone pipe which is very, very old o tie league lur the third Bliiuglit Last Friday the Chlne.se situation I t.s starred for Hall. 2 R. Berger, c , 3-5 7 year and a memhor ot tlu' iia.srha'i May.M J ihn L..y.| Thiic hcr uf G*>nlin. If Time. 16 minute halve*. triumph over the Weldon quintet, It is a pipe used by the Indian.s of FANCY year in getimg bases on balls. JJc and the recent Pan-Americjuj C-on- The game Itself wa* good, and 1 Stoughton, c ...... 0 1-2 1 learn for two ycurs. has earned uia Albany \\.ua« the Alhaiiy ba; ebail Jc»hruiy LongthTr, America* *ec- Vaco, rf defending title holder, as he swished Tn.unv moons ago. Mr. Spies* QUALITYl lb. 2 worked pilch.ers fur 118 pa.sc.s, smolics this pip* and likes if bet- fi enep were reviewed. The rlns.s both teams played well. The M. H Turkeys 2 H. Berger rg ...... 1 1-3 3 grid IcUei'rvi SuffiGd .'d the South S, seconds defeated Mall in the first 0 Tracy, rg ...... fi n-0 0 tal eii'iugh Ma\('ir Frank Hague seen in the Hilka of the Wheatley Skohleski. c He was the spearhead of the PA Living Elsewhere if High's clas* of :u Uilnk.s Gon- Keion l*y Gummissiuner LJindi''<. - . . in Febnmry, however, and may ac- Sides in the opeVier at the Oak ba.'skctball tourney. For one half L»mbardi. tiers' catcher, by driv­ the doormat of the ea.stern division ton. qiie.stlun the judge's dictatorship before going to New Y’tfirk. of the International . Anierlean collrctlons 'f clippings written by play the Blue evens, and the White Your Friend or Relative Poultry Seasoning i fdt pnppesi up with a new league and the Bluefields against the in picking their Ail-America The Xigerc defeated the Invinci­ hockey league mo.sl of thi.s season, and about nlm. snapsho.t* of In­ odds play the While evens. The record. By driving in 1-35 runs, he Laurels at 9 l.'i. ^ Bob O’Malley. Trinity ihrce-sp'-rt footliaJl teams, the .toys really gave Foil) fanioii.s horses wilt be added ble* to the t\ine of 32-14 at the Y. are causing considerable eyebrow dian friends. Indian graves, and results of these games are a* fol­ Any City BED A.VI) WHITE star, was one of the speaker.- at a the lieedorii of thi* pre.sa a workout passed the 100-mark for eight to the rank.s of America's thorough­ .M. C. A. This 1* the Tiger’s fourth raising In loop circles by their play' letters. ’F^erhupa two of the most lows; Blue Odds. 13; White Odds, Mince Meat For A Dfllcloux Piet ,pLg. 1 0 ® bj nquet for the Farm'ngtc'n High Kd Wul.soth of Minnesota, Lar- years during his career. Previously, bred sires next year. They are. victory* in five starts. The Tigers tht week. interesting things aiv an Indian let­ 24; Blue Evens. 29; White evens, he and Pittsburgh* Pie Traynor lone defeat came from the Rangers. ter written tri him by an Indian The Senior “Y ” Baaketball League football team last night , . the IV Kelley of Yale ami Gaynel- Tins-/ Blenheim 2nd, Cavalcade. Discovery Although still In ,the sectional cel­ Last Night’s Fights The Loop 23. Any State hail been lied with a record total The high scorers for the Tiger* were girl'in her naflve tongue, and a will continue tonight wlU tht regai- Meriden St. Stan's Itvd their fit.Hi Ic of L S r . were llie onlv play- and Granville, lar, they have climbed up to with­ The winners of these games play FANCY (T .seven *ea*ona each. Manley and Henry Grzy’b and Al piece of old h'ark pnpor eontainlng QLALITV lar tbree-game program. At 6:45 polish Li'ague game tn .six .niart* IS chojien hy all the leading s«4le’c- Blenheim, purclia-sed from the in striking distance of third place Manchester returned to the vic­ each other and the winning side re­ Kibbe's Chocolates I Ib. box ( ^ 0 ® t last nigiit to the Bn.stid St Stan s. i i Babe Herman of the Hedy, and Z amlatls, while Noren stood out tor the early records of Mancheaier, tht attraction will be between the .tnculentaliy, how diu Tins- Aga Khan hy a syndicate for a ror bj two straight victories, both over tory column Friday night, defeat­ ceives a point. Because of ahort^ 39-28 . . the, result Sent New Hni- j ie the loserft. The Tigers playing in c.'t Pftlm lU'acli --Carl Krmwlo. which is wDtten In white ink. This Ramblers and Talcottvillc. which ver got through three years oi the Pirates* Brubaker contributed ported price of $2.'>0.00l,, will stand considerably higher-rated ing Mall high tn a slow, one-sided ened periods. It has not been possi­ the "Y ” Intermediate league are In oppon- 173. Hnm*- On , outpmrtt^d Gene l* barely rpadahle. will probably be a close game as the am into first pla. o with M.-rulen „„u withoul lo.slnc that, front another kind of record. Eac hit In­ at Arthur B. Hancock’s Claiborne ents. tilt. The zone defense used by ble to play the finals In some class­ second. Bristol third, I honqi-unville | a deadlock for third place. Ronin, 1S3. \\'ilhmanUr, Conn,. His hobble* are. arrheaological The Red and White Food Stores offer the Season’s Greetings teams are evenly matched. Both me ” to three tlouble plays In one game Stud, L'ppervlllc. Va.: Discovery at Following up their win over the Hall proved inadequate to stop iht es. v.’hich account* for the abort fourth and the local P.-\ s nith 1 Tiger* MO); Etldlo Cndf-rro. 177. Pro\’l- aclivitles. the study of American have won 2 and lost l in the league to tie the loop mark for that Alfred G. V'anderbllt's Sagamore Philadelphia Ramblers Sunday, the I Silk Towmers. mimbcr of final stores. and take this op|)or(unity to wish you a Ha))py and Ihospcrous the Amerks arc slaieti t.. me.q n,e I r...... r B F. T tlencr. H. I. "utpnlnl<‘d Beniiv antiquities, and anthropology, Mr eo far. The .second game at 7:45 ’ feat,” Herman did It against Phlla- farm In Maryland, Granville at the 1 Eagles came from behind last night —Jean Clarke, '39B. ; t. .Mary's of T..rrlnj;U.n h.'iv .s„n- | B\N(.KK>, Ml.N.NEItS C. Bycholski, rf . 0 n-0 0 O'Dell. 191. Syracuse, N. Y. <8). Spless ha* dev'oted much nf his time New Year! Kentmere Stud near Boyce, Va. '■ n Did you notice the attire of the brings together the Ari-ows and So day . . . Manrhe.sler High's cro.s^- i 1 W Parrhark. rf ’ n-0 0 to score twice in the second period to civic affairs In Manchester. It 0 cheer leaders? A good job wa* Methodists. The Methodist team country team will etjehrate the* * F^angers came through i*ith A Ziamlatis, If . . 3 0-0 6 sjid once In the third and down the wa* he who suggested Manchester’* done by the girls. It aeem* as has proven to he the ouLstanding most succoRRful Reason In (he victory hy taking the Mc- 0 E. W’lerzblcki,. If 0 0-0 0 Syracuse Stars 3-1 in the league's big Centennial Celebration In 1923, though school spirit has returned lo light of Lhe league by winning ail achool's history with * banquet on ' into camp hy the score of 1 S. Grzyb, c . . . . 6 1-1 13 only game. during which time he wa* in charge 1 T. Grzyb, rg , . . th*; school. three games played, but they* will December 30 . . . i 16-k Tho‘ standout* were Johjison One More Pennant Is Aim 3 1-2 7 The defeat did not endanger the of the Indians and was chairman of Favorite Photos Flako Pie Crust 2 pLgs. 2 $ ® 1 find plenty of stiff opposition from ' and Bernard for the Hanger* and E. Skrazabz. Ig . . 1 0-0 2 Stars’ western division lead, since the historical committee. 0 J. Suml*la*ki, Ig 0 0-0 0 The school still lingers tn the Framed the hard fighting Arrows. The la.sl Chiistma* card.*-for Waittr Har­ .McNulty and I'remice for the los­ their neare.st rivals, the Ptttsbiireh At pre.sent be Is a meniber of the rison and Peter Ven-tnMu are hem 0 - A. Vlncek...... 2 0-0 4 minds of our grads. This can be SIX D ELinors game at 8:45 sees the Oxfords and ers. O'Brien played a neat floor Of Connie Mack, Now 74 .Hornets, took the ,ii -ht off The Board of Selectnum, chairman of (Jltest Ju st Fill Out the Coupon Below and We Highland Park in action. Highland held at The Herald depart- game for the winners. The FUngers Eagles by I heir victory, came to the Police Commlsinn. and an ac­ observed by the alumni who came to Fla v-R-Jell f l a v o r s ; 5 T o t ^ s ...... 15 3-8 32 3, S 3® Park hopes to have a strengthened n.ent and the owner* are asked to would like to book games wdth any within two points of th eaistem tive member of the Recreation watch their alma mater play'once Styles call for them . , . (fimrhe Kcbarl In\inclble* Will Take Care of the Details. t4»am this week to give the fast teams in town or vicinity averaging Philadelphia, Dec. 23 ^AP) — »>selllng player* for big sum* like I dlvlslpn third-place Providence Committee. again. RED B.ANU — FRESH LY did .'•ome great bowling in the V P. B r. r. >quare^ stuping Oxfords a hard battle. The from 14-16 jear* of age For games Gonnie NIack passed his 74th birth­ did Cramer. Foxx, McNair and Mar­ Reds. D. Schretber. Coffee ROA.STED A.VD OKOI ND! L^'ague last night . . . I>um Heietti 0 Norm, rf ...... 3 0-0 6 The .dancing class conducted by esChuslaam and fighting spirit call ' 3721 or wnt»- to ‘-’'Billy” cum to the Red Sox. But It was a Taking advantage of Jack 9^ la Beldom on the alley.* these dav­ day today with the expectation that 1 Swartz. If ...... 0 0-2 v) Mr, Wirtalla is doing quite well. It Rectangular 60c Per Month — S6.00 Per Y^ar. ‘ 1 among all the teams in the league Archiyy. (^al! between 5-6 p m. businesfl deal, I didn’t want to sell 0 Chillch's ab.scncc in the penalty box it being reportedthat hr had defi­ before many more have corrTb and Hnltlnc, c ...... 0 0-0 0 seems that the boys aren’t bo bash­ Oval FRESH FRUITS! ahould provide the fans with a nitely c^tired . . . wi take this op­ Met urtiui* them. Never wanted to sell any 2 Geer, c ...... 2 0-2 the Eagles piled up a winning mar­ All One F*rice — $2.95 SWEET CIDER! MIXED NUTS! gone he would have won hi* tenth 4 ful as in the bygone days. wealth of excitement this evening. portunity to wish our icadeh.* a E’ B player, but I had to have money to 0 Fortin, rg ...... 2 0-0 4 gin In less than a minute near the 2 Kay an. rf ...... o American League baseball pennant. go op with the game. ” ADAM HATS joyous Chrlslmaa and a hanriv New 0 Peterson, ig . . . . 0 0-1 0 end of the second period, when Ossie LITERARY Well, let’s all go to Bristol Jon. 1, Johnson Paint Co. Herald Printing Company, DOBIE TO GO HOME ^ Year . . . 1 Nyman, rf ...... o Before he quit*, he said—and he Connie Mack,.who was boro Cor­ Oamundson scored on a pass from Sold excltuilvely at . . . LE(iS OF LAMB to help the team start a New Year R99 SUlD St. PbODC HS.M lb. 25t PORK TO ROAST 0 Mohr, If ...... 0 didn’t think he’d quit for some time nelius McGllHcuddy, son of Irish 3 Totals ...... After reading ‘The Flaven”, by 7 . 0-6 14 Walt Jackson, and Tony Hem- right by defeating the Bell Town- 13 Bissell Street, Manchester, Conn. 2 McNulty, c ...... 2 to come— “1 believe I'll be able to parents w’ho came to thi* country Score at Half. 18-2, Tigers. Symington’s Poe, a pUpil of Miss Isabel Boston, Dec. 23— (A P)—Gllmour .Poqiionock Maroon.s basket­ merUng eounted With the aid ot ersi “Caoomy OU" Doble, Boston college ball team, town champ* for the past t Prentice, r g ...... i deliver at least another pennant In their 'teens, took his birthday "in Referee, "Pop" Lins. Yank Bovd. -At the Center” W orthV Junior English Class' was CHUCK ROAST SAUSAGE MEAT Fresh SHOULDERS winner to Philadelphia.” The Loop. It-- Itootball coscb who has been In the three years,' seek road game* with 4 Nowsch. Ig ...... 0 Its stride” at his Germantown Inspired to w’tite the following Please enter my order for The Herald to be hospital for three weeks following leading semi-pro teamp in Mam lies- The lean spare frame of the Phil- home with hla family and Connie, poem. f^detphia Athletic* leader radiated Poe*ft Raven PLAN HOCKEY TEAM. Ib. 3 2 c •: authmoblle accident, will spend ter . . , last season, the Maroon.s 13 2-8 Jr., who ha* active interost In the sent...... years to lb. 3 2 c ib. 2 0 c energy as-he made the prediction: He sa^ the Raven, and he thought K Otelstnias in his Newton home. beat the Royal* and lost to Mor- Rajigdr* Athletics, too. Made iarty’s by a* margin of two point* P. “Dam it. I think I have some of With five World Serie* In hi* tro­ Of what It came to repre.sent, Monday afternoon about 24 boy* H i* fractured Jaw and badly T. met In Room 18F to di.scuss a hock­ Name ...... for game* write Al Pancavage. U Backu*. Trf . my best years left.” phy chest, O nnle’* mind marked DURING THE HOLIDAYS . . ENJOY The sorrow and the tears It SAUSAGE Fresh HAMBURG B E E F LIVER Ijf lu srated face were suiflcienUy im- MORE ey team to represent Manchestet R.F.D. Box 324, Windsor, Conn. . , fi Jobn*on. rf Yet he added he hopeuld I have to sell an­ ger** not dismayed, v ' To Know he must remain to be home and home basis. The squad ,h * r o bay. Doctors said Murdock A horrid form of picture doom, w'Ul practice during the Christmas J • Leo Brazauskas Lincoln, Neb.—Jack Kennedy. other. ball player. "My job -^w’ is to round out a A d d ress...... iro o ld not b* released for at least 8 6-11 16 Manchester WiUi no release from misery; ‘ 'iiiLiKow.'ifa IMpsU and Groesriw FYank Hillery 2^0f Dallas, Tex., threw Ivan Mloko- "You know it hurl me more than pitching staff. > When I get that, i THE CREMO BREWING CO. vacation and at the end of the va­ Depot Sq. Market, w eeks. i Score at half. 6-1, Rangers. Ref- Oh, earth, you bring some soul* to THE FLORIST 145 Main S t m t Tel. 8401 384 Hartford Road. TeL688T; lofff 210, Russia. anything to have people think that the rest of the job will be easy,” be Motor Sales, Inc. cation. The first game Is with 209 No. .AUln SL TeL * eree, John Bycholaki. New Britain, CJonn. . s . Tel. 3700 gloom! Hotel Snerldan B uUcUdk I was something like a robber In said. to LAst Center Street Klngswood there Jan. 8. — Gladys PaUalt —O. Smith, ’87B. T l ■ 4 ■ « ■ - C.' K A w anw i^ cYKwjjro aBORAL&/M jjicAigiTO, oenm, w e d k e s d a t . De c e m b e r t t , i s m

famUy wlUch bad theltorwl b«r ftoo* MANCHESTER EVENING ^ E R A tl), MANCHESTER. OONN„ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2 8 ,198f Sunday afternoon, while her police Madrid for th* day, but tba artr- to El Eacorlal, Madrid's FAqO THIKIBKN A| Capid^s Twelve Biggest FRENCH A V IA IR K eecort walked a half nUle acroee reaent fear of bMurgeat atack on found a quantity of liquor on whtcb, MADRID DEFENDERS link with her outpost in the Ouadar- the tax had not been paid In as muddy fields to view her damared Sle atrateglc communlcatlona with rama mountains, were fortified by plane. • El Eacorlal held them to their posia. automobde parked In the yard at in both Miss Josephine Zokites anil trlhutsd to the ehtldren by Sants evening at 7:80 o’clock In the vestry companied by their parent* or a Uia kippoaing armies. the store. Mra. Helen (Quinn's rooms will take Claus. Bullseyes of Year 1936 Neighbor folk atSelsey said Mme. The ffovemment eetlmated 10 of the church. The Prtinafjr depart­ grown person. Festivities wrtU NOW IN LONDON VISION SAD XMAS ^ Valencia, money from the in­ John Orabowskl, another son, will part tn the program. Parents and Baakettnll Tonight ment children will hold a party on start at 2:30 p. m. ruid dancing wdU Schemeder bad volunteered some ebells fell In the heart of the capital ternational relief fund made possible ROCKVILLE friends of the pupils are Invited to ' remarkable" Information while aiie yesterday during a long range bom­ hundreds of thousands ofi pounds of face Police Court Saturday on the The annual basketball game be­ Thursday afternoon at two o'clock. be enjoyed later In th* afternoon same charge, having been arrestee attend the exercises. tween the Rockville High school There will be a Christmas party and early evening. ASSOCIATED PRESS J*. Th« renult was at the farmhouse, but they, re­ bardment In which the Insurgent cake for the Socialist forces. recently. ChlcsgOv Dec. 23. - - Twelve of j The marriage of Mr.«. Ruth Uriaa Principal in Midair Shooting fused to say what It was. artillery centered lu lire on the mU- The Christmas distribution will Auxiliary CXirlstmas Party Alumni quintet and the High school for the membere of the church Merry Xmas Manchester! CUpld’e. buUseye shote aplashed Ink, Owtjn, first v/oman.to be IJ, S. mfn- Crash of Enemy Shells in lion dollar telephone building, taUeat ir.clude 50,000 pounds of pork, 10,- The American Legion Auxiliary five will take place this evening In school of the Ellington Congrega­ structure In the city. SON VISITS JOHN D. tional church on Thureday after­ BRITISH OFFICER KHXEO aQ over the world'* front pages In ^ Istcr to a foreign country—rien- 000 pounds of fruit, 100,000 boxes of will bold their annual Christmas the Sykes gyranaslumt T'here will be IN FIC.HT WITH NATIVES Another year pames by and with it goes our heartiest wishes to yoirall for the ld36. I mark—and Capt. Hoerge Rohde, a Mystery to Be Sent Back Although several persona In the Ugarets and 100.000 cigars. Ormond Beach, Fla., Dec. 23.— DRASTIC ELECTION party tn connection with their reg­ games between both the boys and noon at two o’clock In the social happiest and most Joyous holiday everl With masterly showmanship be Dane. Capital Foreshadows a itreets were Injured by the tumb- (A P )—John D. Rockefeller. Jr„ ar­ glrla teams. Following the two rooms of the church. BOARD OF FINANCE ular meeting thl* evening. Mrs. Mae New Delhi. India, Dec. 23— (AP) ■ayed bis climax effort for the laet I Ninth—Cupid got one man to say Ipg maaonry, young ^rls busied VIOLATED UQCDR LAW rived In Ormond Beach today to via- D. Chapman, president, will be in games there will be dancing with Uhriatnms Reeqea Start* month of the year — and*sent King “I do " for the sixth time. He was to France. U.«mselves collecting gifts for the It hla 97-year-old father for Uu —A British officer was killed and CHANGES URGED charge of the business meeting music being furnished by Kabrlck'a The annual Christmas vacatlim of ar other wounded today In an en­ Edward Vin tumbling from the | Guy Waggoner, .18, millionaire Texas Grim Holiday. "mllltla'a Christmas" Christmas holidays. New Britain, Dec. 23.— (A P )— A which will start at eight o’clock. orchestra. the schools ot the tov.m of Vernon gagement between a British mili­ EVERYBODY SAVES at British throne Into exile for love of; race track owner. In .luly he took URGES BOND ISSUE The presents obtained from Rainy weather kept them indoors 70-ycar-oId woman and her soil were .Mrs. Christine Mead, rehabilitation, Christmas Parties started today The schools will tary expedition and revolting tribes­ Mra Wallis Simpson, an American' as his sixth wife Virginia .loan Madrid's already tried civilian as workmen put finishing touches lAondon. Dec. 2^- fAPl — Mme arrested today by Detective Ser­ chairman, will be in charge of the The members and friends of the start a g a in 'on .Mojjday, January 4. men in the Kh.ilsora valley ot divorcee. Green. 20, Dallaa deparlrdefiarlment atore Madrid, Dec. 2.3 — fAP) — The population consisted mostly of old geant George C. Ellengcr and Po­ to the anil other ^^R^le .Schemeder. ehic objects of Christmas party and program to Methodist church at Dobsonville are Wazlrlstan, on India’s northwestern Another shot tore through the girl, crash o f enem y shells In the clothes, books, and much needed liceman William Grabcck on charges decorations that will make the oil Would Eliminate Off Year Practically all of the schools held France's nitd-ntr "cherche*^ la shoes. follow the meeting. invited to attend a Christmas party trontier. Everybody's Market! Christmas exen-lse.s In Ihcir rooms puny barrier ot American polities, ; Tenth and eleventh shol.i hit two Slate Body Suggests 25 Mil­ trenches northwest of the Spanish 01 violating the liquor laws. magnate’s estate, "The Casements," CIgarets and cognac will he free­ IJnna ('lull Progr.iiii at the church this evening. An In­ prior to the clo.sing of school today The light oceuned at the scene of pinning togetner President Franklin of the "Marrying MdlvanJ.'i fern me" ihoottrg case, was bristled pital today foreshadowed The w-oman Is Mrs. Joscphln,.* a bright spot tor the holidays. FREE DELIVERY! PHONE YOUR ORDER IN! D. Roosevelt's thp'd son and name- . Prince .Serge a grim ly distributed on "btiena noche” to Elections; Suggest Board teresting program ha* been arrang­ with recitations and song* by Ure a battle last month In which a B rit­ DIAL 5721! Mdivani. divorced i Ixmdon under guard loe dis- church school will take place thla to the youngsters who must be ac­ ber hat tie. Queen for many years. Henry lliiherich, was married to N.mo Sehemeder of ari airplane, was The M anchester following report: ______ALL ONE QUALITY! ALL ONE PR^CEl SEE THEM! Fourth— Cuptd .scored with Eng­ Denis Perry .-itewnrt Conan Doyle, .shot In mid-air while flying wnth tier 1037 General As.nemhly hy the State Public Market "The committee appointed by the Board of Flnanre and CTonlrol. land’s No. 2 bHCheloF, The 28- .son of the late Sir Arlhiir Conan Sunday. He managed to land at mayor ta in favor of doing away year-old Dtikc' of Norfolk—whose Doyle, spiritniili.Ht and creator of \ IIIatMitiblnv ninlm m e nntl crawled The hoard, meeting todav. adopted with off year city electJbns. That is. Hri«mlalf> Ocraii Spray I Monarch Fine family has the hereditary duty of "Bherlock lininies." . from the plane, whereupon .Mme a "letter ol transmittal" with these that all memberfl of the C!!Mty gov- reenmmendatloris.'whieh will areom- I’ UiMPKIN! Cranberry Sauce! MINCE MEAT! arranging the coronations of Eng­ Iwcifth.-rhe tour-times married Schemed, r took off again An in- All Set For The ‘ernment would elected at the I land’s rulers— became the fiance of tiTM.atlonal seanti for her ernled the pany Its hiiituet report, made r e -' |ame election." Peggy H/>pklns .Inyre. VI. hciHtniC I'ently j Christmas Feast Open Don’t the Hon. Lavlnia Mary Strutt. 21. engiigcil to Vivian .lack.son. .Kl. a ro'Xt dnv wh-n It tieiem e kn^^ovn she This committee also is in favor of Fifth— "America’.^ Sweetheart", gentleman Jockey and pmfe.s.sor of tiad cra.shed at the end of' a flight If the state depni t nient.s and tn- | changing the'form of the Council. It Until p'orget! 2 Igst- cans film actress Mary Pickford. divorced a<-ro,ss thr channel, near .Selsey. .stltiitlon.s are kept at their present 1g. tins 2 7 « | 3 Ig. pkgs. 2 5 « astrophysics at ik.ndon t'nlviu, II v. opernling exfiensp ip,. |,.|t,.r Fancy Young suggests do’i g away with the two wife of Douclas P'nlrbanks. said Kiel. W ife Board sy.stem and substituting one 9 P. M. Throe tiansmiltal points put. It will he' "yes" to “Americas Boy Friend". Vd S tock ') of a wraiftjv nianiifarturer .liniost pnssltile to tialnmi' the tnidget fur! Tonight Little Pigs Buddy Rodger? actor and orrhe.strn It favors the following set up: Right leader. Rc?icori. N. Y . I »**i fwiie hcf age of years, was c-'<- the next tiler niiirn wil.hoiil addi- ' i\2 Aldermen, two from each ward to Free! Ihi.s ('hrlHtma.s will l),- tin* ,.r(trd to t)r t'lkcn to France ni U^mai .HniirooM ut rt^vonm' * and Sixth — Here was a moving large!: serve for two years; four Alder In five yi'ar.' for IS-yrar-ol. about a k provided exlra«litifm However I' the l,,■gl.slalllr.' de-| MIXED NUTS lb 19c Jdhrr Bjtrrymorc, M, of the stage men, to bo elected at large, each to Tomorrow 8 P. M. and screen. rupld and LM-year- .Sweet, a victim oj ini.-mtil wa ; gran!4"l rides to proi e,-,| with a 12 mill $ 12.-' serve for a term of four years with ______ALMONDS — I’ E f ANS — WALNUTS — FILBERTS AND BRAZILS! old Elaine I^arrie of New York a sis ho has t'r.-n .i: T'> dav .Hfir teji) a Hmall Ix'iKpirt 7fi|,;!22 in-t itni hnililinj; pn>-' Night Tonight the exception of the first election m erry -moniti I’hasc — onre clear Seph inbcr. H>;;i, it li t hr I hi fi'ic hi . f.-hic and .si'cm- k 'ra m , w fiit )i h/i.'a |•o^|In^^to^l, n.s 20 when two would be elected for two acros.s the c<"ntinent. F-iarrymorc H!titi(l,al rkspmitiij- Ml 'l vlllll' Ictci CHCOrt - Wi'li MH nthff actiVitic.-;, vVhirh will LUES Fancy Quality Tnhic or Jiilrc Juicy, Sweet years and two to bo elected for leading, Mj.ss Itnrrle in ' pur- For Uic lirst ('hM,-rin v.nfl flo rrf>W'l- r' VOTMif nn i'-f in- fnim -i four years. Be Present Tonight At 8 O’clock. .3 Little Pigs Given .-Vway! TANGERINES vember. foircd to fli>end the rntirr d thill mifornir'l I"ihlm-B .h.'ul li- 'Ion* I h m 's The committee suggests a special THE NEW Oranges doz. 1 9 ‘ Seventh- Cuptd nnle in thr cock­ the re.spirafor. Mt.s «(>ndilit and fho rotiro- Home Dressed Ijirge Fhicken.s (o Ro:ist, become eflffectlve at the December 25 I hiM'l wMi h Iro .-mn-n tho >u*i. i Natal. Rrarll The 21-year-old avi­ A tree lias trimnud i ii nionf of itny .M-nal hmi.lH that may Ti ,v Our Home Made .Sausajje Meat for your 1937 election. The committee also f>. ailhosivi' tapo on hor forohonil .■) (o 8 pounds each. Pound...... ator was flying to see his sweet­ room in the Vhissar hospital he l.ssiied" the letter slates, "nri'il favors that terms of special com­ Shr rlnn'» t'chtly to tho arm of a turkey studing. pound ...... 4Us3C Fanev Bleached heart-later his bride—Marla Elena Sweet will open his pre.sent.s if w»‘ ‘nto an rxton.>s|v(» hnlltlinjf mittees remain as at present, one de Rivero. | jirilli'f' frmtfon .Small I.ean Niitive h'resh Shoulders, E.iitra hiinc.v, h resh Killed Young Tiirkevs, O f \ year, and any Alderman may be POPULAR MARKET propram , fimvi.slon muat be made Ned’, sitting in his retiming At .Snl.sry, .slic giHiiitiye With (ELERYI Grapefruit (Ig. seedless) for 2 5 c Eighth—Cupid matched wits tor finant'Inj: j| pound ...... t! to 22 pounds each, pound...... ^ 5 / C chairman of committees. 855 Main Street Rubinow Buildinj? “Where Thrifty Shoppers Shop!” 5 with which he now uses luring lh»* to Ih*' nuMnlif-rH of a farm ..V'?•. ', •: ‘ -niyC;- "W e would .sueir(.si tliat a aei-ijU i . I' iuiQ' Li’cihsK .K.illgd, Younv .FtjwK AN'jytos' .r r%.fT • :TKS&aras.'a6 iW’-kiftfeftfiirii V' MoHS<('Dt'ew4e«l lio''Roujif,-'''’ '■ p’Atin'tfs ra . ■' ' " 22 f C 'in rSgkrtl 'tb' ■tfiB'iTSport'of 'tfifi cortt'- feel nmi.iml to fiitid the existing I, pound ...... Extra Fancy Boneless Roast Beef, cut from O fY mlttce and It was finally decided to bunches fli.nling debt nf the state and to con- I' 25 c” "'29 c table action upon It until the next struct the new units re.|i,|red hy Fiincy Fresh Pork to Rruist, . U. .S. Prime Xmas Beef, pound...... o i / C meeting ao that those not member* Q Tender Young Hens-Toms Greening Apples 5 2$c PINEHURST (iUALITV (I)IAi;il5l) .I cxiHiing in.stItutionH. a.s well a s ' 111 V.'estern, pound...... Ijiml) Ta-gs. cut from fancy .Xmas lamb, O C of the committee might have an #flOSTED'^^^^ POODS ihe new in.siitution- for the mcrilally i 2 1 c “""25r all sizes, pound ...... f c i O C opportunity to study the project. \ t’llow Glolic III tliicnl, wh!ch the -ilalc sorely, An explanation of the advantages Chestnuts ^ 3 25® • need.a " i Strawberries .. 27c ^ and disadvantages of the proposed TURNIPS! Ready for rdiort rakr. FRESH VEGETABLES To |•lll It In Mesaage plan was made hy Corporation Giiveniiir i'mss Is expcrled to 'iti- Evcrylhinff in quality foods to assure the success of your Christniaxs feast and a won­ Fancy Parsley ig- bunch 7 c P’ANCY WHITE Counsel Bernard J. Ackerman. At­ Green P e a s ...... 28c ci rporale the tioard's rccommenda- i derful array of Christmas Food Specials! torney Ackerman stated that the Garden frePHh ^ BOII IN(; ONIONS s\vi:i:t ih)tatoks Lons 111 his inaugural mn.ssng-o. present sy.stem of two Boards In the 1 5^c I Fancy Lettuce 2 heads 1 5 c I’OU nVKINd The h.iaiil iitges early cnmpletion , Butter, Land O’L a k c s ...... 2 lbs. 79c Council ha.s many disadvantages, the piiiposeil new instiiulion of Figs, Calimyrna ...... ,8-oz. pkg. 12c and he al.so stated that the propos­ Asparagus . . 35c Ife feeble rnindeii at .Southhiiry a i TURKEYS A tront for any meal. lO c lb. lbs. Butter, Fairmont Better Butter 2 lbs. 75c ed plan wouM tend to attract of Shrewd Itii.ring Eiiahlr* I’s To Offer Vftii .\giUn 4 1 9 c .“lie for Whi. h has I...... pur, h.-'ised ! Fancy Mu.scat Cluster R a isin s...... flee .‘.eekers nf a higher caliber. The f.' \ " pointed nut that I Suffar, ronfectioner’s or Brown ...... 7c fill the iiiL'enl ca.se., now on th e ' • ; ...... 15-oz. pkg. 17c members of the Council were also THREE LITTLE PIGS Lima Beans 25c informed that where tne proirosed ROASTING LONG ISI.ANI) Double Celery 1.5r Rutaijat^a nailing li.i can he ndmilled to the' SiiR-ar, 10-lb. cloth bag's D om in o...... 49c Given A wbv Ahsolutolv Frws, 8 O’Clork Tonitfht! FANCY GRAPES lbs. III w Instiiulion " Raisins, seedless or seeded, 15-oz. paek- new system hud been adopted, it has Fresh tireen^'^ Turirips .’k Ih. ■ It tile liuililing priigiam is t< ( heese, Land O’LakesM ild...... lb. 28c been a success and few cities have bo ...... 2 pkgs. 19c re.turned to the two-board system. POPULAR MARKET carried loiwi,|-,| |,»’ 2 5 « Whole Wheat K.nsin Hiead Cahhaqe for Cole niaile for the IMixedNuts, our own m ix ...... lb. 25c on .Market street on the evening of Currants 2 pi1. “ ■ Round Cube BONELESSBONELESS RIB RIB Old Faclori made of ('onnei tirut .ahow.a the Ctl- I was before the court on a charge of tire state in a .single phot 1 eas. Telephone, Royal Scarlet, 2 cans 31c Fancy Fruit Baskets...... l^l.OO and up ^ Largmt Ji'j'sf U lii n lie ex,,1.1,„ II,.,I I, graph, I violating the. Itinerant Vendors’ I c 2 Ib. box Pineapple ('heesy K«‘ i iin»rn 1 hy 10 feet. It will hang Irig Ilcllier,,.,, out on i„n U|„.J of salo.lii. lori si heil.ile. at the ' Our Fruit Department will be filled with Law. and his case was scheduled to R(N|iierort >ve ca.Ht end nf the Ihlnl Hour. ( orn, Golden Bantam or White, 2 cans 29c **iop orilfTN tor mormni; di‘li\or\ be heard on Monday. When he fail­ Swis.s ( hee.se 111 o'cltM’li I lmrH«^lhle on the f o r b a k i n g a n d c o o k in g declared forfeited. He went to the Ib. Complete Line of Domestic and Imiiorted Cheeses! Cream Clieese j^l' rii.wn trips. | ,,|,.„ oflierivls,’- Inslriiclc.i, «e iilll hold Tur- tion with the Highway Department court officials on Tuesday to see Yearling LAMB LEGS REAL VERMONT Cottage Chetse y orders to go niong ndtli the lialaiuxi of your fixal onler. and the adjutant general's office, ^risco M b. can 20c, 3-lb. can 57c FRUIT JUICES AND BEVERAGES what could be done about saving his IMP. EDAM CHEESE! IMP. SWISS CHEESE! the map Is Invaluable for scores ot bond and found another complaint varied uses. SNAPPY CHEESE! Swans Down Cake Flour with 10c Can Cal­ MAYONNAISE AND EGGS lodged against him by the State For the last alx month.*, the Unit­ umet Baking Powder...... 27c Labor Commissioner; Failure to pay c lb. ed States Geological Surx'ey has 2 9 3 9 c lb. 3 9 c lb. !'*• <0 Ih' Royal Scarlet Ginger Ale, 28-oz. bottles.. wages, failure to provide adequate BONELESS POT ROASTS Fresh Fruit bellow Tag Native Turkeys . .; ...... ;!9c lb. been using the map in .iJew Haven Gold Medal Flour ...... 5-lb. bag 29c toilet facilities for his employees, The Finest .Northwestern Turkeys .'t2c lb. in preliminary work preparatory to • ■ • ...... 3 for 29c and failure to provide seats for his Aaoortod Flavors THE l'.\.MOl S .ATWOOU BK.ANU ...... compiling accurate survey data of None-Such Mince Meat ...... 2 pkgs. 23c Hiicks — Broilers — (ieese Country Club or Canada Dry Ginger Ale employees during their leisure f Re s h s h o u l d e r s the entire state. Bulk Citron, extra fancy lb. 29c hours. ConC. Sugar (xxxx) 3 boxes 1 9 c SODAS! GRAPEFRUIT Sections of the map can be ob- He asked for a continuance until PKKSH OYSTKkS ...... pint 33c talneil In any .scale. Tiiese scale ( itron. Orange and Lemon Peel.. pitg, 9c ozc next Monday to which the court I'or .liil<,« or Fruit Cup 32 15 • • • „. . .. . -. 3 Ig- bottles (Bulk) lbs. Haid Bread for .Stutling...... ip^f U j maps are especially valuable to Dole I ineapple Juice, No. 2 cans, 2 for 23c agreed, provided a cash bond of $350 RIB PORK ROASTS Sugar 1 0 47® towns for re-a,sse,ssment purposes. Imported Fancy Sultana Raisins, pkg. 21c 2 larire s iz e ...... 25( ( hestniits — IVIiishrooms Dole Pineapple Juice .... 46-oz. can 29c he pul up for his appearance next Oonto n t^ ______Connecticut Is in dire need of a fancy Grecian Currants...... pkg..15c wei< When Mr. Rivers came out 3 medium s iz e ...... 25r new topographical map. Perry Grapefruit Juice, Royal Scarlet, 2 cans 23c of court, he found his automobile SMOKED SHOULDERS Pure Lard 2 'bs. 29® f r e s h f is h Close, director of the SUte Plan­ Fancy OcUciuuM GOOD SIZE gone. While he was In epurt, an of- Roast Fork ning Board, .said today: The last Tomato Juice, Crosse & Blackwell...... tirer with a writ of attachment had Haddock Filelii topographical map was made In DATES — FIGS — N UTS Crisco 3 57® APPLES! GKAPhFIUdT 5 for 25t Ivamb IdCffs ...... 52-oz. can 25c attached the oar and had it removed 1 COUNTRY ROLL STRICTLY FRESH SALT PORK Filet of Sole 181H) and has many Inaccuracies. Dates, unpitted H4.ib. pkg. 25c the Rockville Garage. The cash Boiled Ham . .43c Ib. The aerial survey map has been In­ Applesauce, Royal Scarlet...... 2 cans 25c lend wiLS furnished yesterday after­ J e l l o (assorted flavors) ® D Anjou F’ears Kiimquats For Tiiursday Dinner Dates, pitted. Royal Scarlet 10-oz. pack- BOLOGNA Spiced Ham . 29c Ih. 5 C lbs. Persimmon.s W hite or Red (Jrapes Boston valuable to F’ederal engineers In Mayonnaise, Seidner’s ...... pt. 25c, qt. 39c n o o n for the court next .Monday, BUTTER laj^hg the groundwork for the new . Siiiiiiiel Ashton. Jr. EGGS MINCED HAM Muenster Cheese ______Fig.s — Dates Bluefish Genuine Fresh toiiographlcal map...... 2 for 29c .Sanujel A.shton, Jr., of Nye street, fresh Eggs, Native large 45c, med. 38c FRUIT BASKETS (Cellophane Wrapped), All Prices! See Them! Give a Box of Fresh ( ALVES’ LIVER riled at the Rockville City hospital 3 3 1 / 2 0 lb. 3 7 « •Monday evening following a four ®^ 2 1 e lb. Oranges for Xmas and Make Someone Happy! ORANGEiS Mackerel ^,'2 Ib. i}5c lb. 69c LOCAL YOUTH SERIOUSLY days illnes.s, death being due to 2 2 5 Sugar MIU Brahd tor Juio* Ripe Olives heart trouble. Old Fashioned Fancy Fruit .Mr. Ashton was born In England BnsaUyl Hot All Day! 25c doz. 2 doz. 49c INJURED IN a c c id e n t! and Vegetables Fancy Decorated Double Bich Pumpkin, Mince and Apple Assorted .Sau.sagc M ea t...... 33c Ib. August 26. 1.S59, and had resided White, Sliced. Rye, Baikin P i c k l e s (Sweet Mixed) qt. 2 2 c Fancy Sealdsweet Juice Ortnges, with Mr. and Mra, OUn Brooks of Fresh Peanuts! CALIFOUNIA ■ V), Fresh Green Peas, DARK FRUIT CAKE PIES or Piimpernickle Stutfed Nye street for manyryeara. For 47 XMAS CAKES ORANGES FOR SALAD Deerfoot - Brightwood and William B. Donohue’s Condi­ 2 q u a rts...... I-erge SIr.e , BREAD (Dill) Olives Sperry & Barnes’ Sausage. tion Critical; Is in New Brit­ , 25cj 39c 45c yeafs he was employed as a dresser 2 3 c lb. Pickles - t i e 34c or 49c dozen fancy Red Table Grapes, . ^ Green String Beiins, at the New England mill of the 25c, 35c, 49c each 2 for 2 9 ® loaf ain General Hospital. 2 pounds ...... 2 quarts ...... Ijockanum Mills, retiring In 1933. P i c k l e s (Sweet Whole) qt. 2 9 e 2 ‘I” - 1 9 ® DEGLET N oon FUESli Sweet Potatoes, He attended the Vernon Congrega­ TABLE APPLES W illiam B. Donohue, 22. o f 126 Fancy Yellow Globe Turnips,...... i J x '"' tional church and had been a mem­ ?! pounds f o r ...... Florida Oranges GR.APEFRUIT California Oranges Molntosh • Delirloua - North(''ru Spy HYDRATED DATES Adaiiis street, son of the janitor ot 5 pounds...... V 1 I J i ' ber of fayette Lodge No, 69, A. F. TANGERINES GRAPES Krasdale W arner ' the Buckland school, seriously in­ W hife Onions - - Red Onions — Fresh Gr^n Spinach — Fancy Biildwin .\pple.s, and A. M., alnce May 10. 1882, Salad Dressing qi 25^ 25c box jured In an automobile accident in 2 doz. 2 5 c S 1 0 c 2 5 c doz. S T 3 lbs. 25c Cauliflower — Brussels Sprouts — Fancy Mushrooms — J pounds f o r ...... The funeral will be held on Thurs­ for 2 doz. 2 5 c 2 lbs. 19c FRUIT COCKTAIL! Berlin Monda.v night at midnight, day aftemrxjn at two o'clock from EJR.M, F.ANCY * oung Tender Beets and Carrots. F i n e Pests (Krasdale) 2$ 2 c^ns29® RALDWDf APPLES FOB OOOKINa was reported by the New Britain the White Funeral home on Elm PITTED D4TES McIntosh Apples CHESTNUTS General hospital last night to be In Extra Fancy. Well Bleached Celery Hearts, i o BANANAS MIXED NUTS ______4 lbs. 25c KED(iRAPES . . . .21bs. 25< TRY OUR street and will be a Maaonlc funer­ E.\TU.-\ SPEC1.AI, SELECTED a critical condition. bunch ...... J o C al service. Rey. Dr. , George S. lbs. c F i n e C o m (l*xrasdale) 2s 2 Ig- ^3ns ® EANANAS ...... 3 A couiie In which he was riding DELICIOUS HOME MADE BAKERY GOODS Brookes, pastor of the Union Con­ 2 25 4 lbs. 2 5 c 4 lbs. 1 9 c l O C ib. c Ib. 25 lbs. 19c Solid Iceberg Lettuce — Nice Ripe' To'matoes. 25 w h i t e g r a p e s ,33c alone collided with a truck operated Home Made Fruit Cakes gregational church, will officiate. lb. fancy Xma.s Fruit Baskets Made To Order by B. E. Wlldman of Meriden. At Home Made Squash, Pumpkin and Mince Pics Burial will be tn Grove Hill ceme­ CELERY LETTUCE TOMATOES Sweet Potatoes 10-Lb. Bag ONIONS the hospital It was said that the Special On Fancy Sealdsweet Tangerines, -• BEME,MRER! AIJ. OUR FOGS ARE BOUGHT LOCAlXS AND OUAKAATEEDi Home Made Tea Rolls tery. .young man has a poaslhly fractured dozed ...... y Q The White funeral home will be bunches And Our Usual Full Line of Home Made Bakery Goods. 2 25c 2 heads 1 5 C 2 lbs. 2 5 c 6 ibs. 2 5 c skull, a compound fracture of the Fancy Grapefruit, ...... rkr^ spen for the convenience of frienda 19c Strictly Fresh Large Size EGGS doz. 37® , Pinehurst Grocery, Inc. left leg and probably a fractured 3 and -1 f o r ...... ^ 5 C WE STUFF TURKEYS AND CHICKENS 'his afternoon and evening and un- left arm. Jl the time of the funeral. 802 BfAIN STREET x .N'EAK , . . . ARMORY I r “ AND DELIVER THEM HOT CHRISTMAS MORNING MANCHESTER Donohue’s father. In another au­ To Present Program tomobile, was following his son at DIAL 5111 WE DELIVER! The Crystal school will hold TOMATO—PINEAPPLE or 2 cans 2 ^ ® the time of the accldenti DIAL 5111 — WE DELIVER! their annual Christmas tree ezer- DON'T FORGET TONIGHT AU Standard Brands! dses this evening at the Crystal GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Lake Community House. The pupils f

■eisisi- i iw.ii.s. MANCHESTER BVENTNO HERAIJ^, MANCHB8TTOrC»NN; W^IDNESDAT/dE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, 0ONN„ WEDNESDAY, PEUEMBCT C8, 108B r A o i ROOTS AND HER BUDDIES Peace On Earth- By MARTIN <8'EE'. W E U t o\oyvir 1 rr\» i o w TRNiiVt v e s a - B U ir SELL^;^ MlKMT/4^^f//^e C LASSIFIED SENSE an Mtevoav fiWC. and your relative.'! out of your sails when a good sister -?.A\0 TT and yourour fnends.1 Indeed, bo full of shakes hi\nd.‘< with you and says: Joy a1C ic W'we that we shull Include “^Vo arc glad to ae-' YO U here,” even the tax coUeclor and the LOST AND FOUND 1 A^JTOMOmLES FOR SALE i H O U S E H O L D G O O D S 51 mother-in-law in Uu* lineup. A very energetic business mar bustled into the office one Monday l o s t —* 10 BIlX Tuesday night, 1930 FORD 1 1-2 TO N truck, 1930 COOLERATOR8 FOR Xmas de­ How President's Family SEECnVE BUYING " I>eur Santa t ’lauH nic.rnlng to find hLs staff taking to vicinity of Oak GrlU. Reward. Ford coupe. 1929 Ford coupe. 1929 livery. Large family sizes: J6 ALL RECORDS SMASHED Dear Santa Claus: 1 take my l»en in thlng.s rather easily; Telephone 8004. Chevrolet coupe. 1923 Btiick rpad- 162.32; J5, $53.35. plus small hand, to WTlte ;um say Bu-siness Man -Come, come; this 8ter. also uaed parte and tires. A. finance charge. We allow you a ten Will Spend the Holiday I ’o like to make a few request.s. won't do! Here'.s Monday morning, IXJST— WHITE STONE arrow i'antaleo, Wetherell street. Phone day free _lrliu on these refrigera­ MARKET FEATURE bead, gold mounted. Finder pleaae ere you start down this way. tomorrow’s Ti esday. the next tlny'.*^ 7 3346, Open 8 to 6. 8 to 12 Sun­ tors without any obligafion on If it won’t take up too much space. WeApltaI tomorrow and arrive home Rail and Indostrial Loans post and first class mall was 20 per Joy in ever*\' per.son's sack? If good old .Santa f ’ lau.s decides to mouth coach; 193b (.-hevrf)let .11 April 1. 1937. The more than little worried today about her cent greater than a year ago. Man­ Now H.s Ii'r me 1 alway.s find goo