Blue Christmas Bulletin
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church ELCA Our vision is to reach every person with the love of Christ Pastor Tracy Polzin † Pastor Joshua Stibb Words of Welcome 2 Welcome to this “Blue Christmas” service. The name, “Blue Christmas,” describes the feeling that some of us have during this season. In the long, dark winter nights, memories of past experiences and the pain of present situations can become overwhelming. For some, Christmas Day is very difficult. For others, it’s Christmas Eve, or New Year’s Eve, or the beginning of another lonely year. In this worship, we invite you to listen. We invite you to pray. We invite you to sing, if you are able. We invite you to meditate upon the loneliness or pain you may bring - and to offer your feelings to the Christ-child. We pray that you will find hope and comfort in knowing that you are not alone. PRELUDE Mary Keppeler, Harpist WELCOME & CALL TO WORSHIP P: Tonight, we come looking for the Christ Child. All: We come, bringing our hurts, our worries, our fears. P: We come seeking relief from pain. With the psalmist, we say: All: “O Lord, you are my refuge - my portion in the land of the living. Give heed to my cry, O God, for I am brought very low.” HYMN: “Holden Evening Introduction & Hymn” by Marty Haugen Taras Nahirniak 3 PRAYER OF CONFESSION: 4 P: Dear Lord, we come to you this evening to express our failures and confusion regarding our relationship with you: ALL: You know that we come to you with heavy hearts, which we find hard to unburden.
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