E IG H T E E S r flanrlprBtnr CvntfttA-Srralil rtTESDAYi DECEWRER tS , 1 9 W VNTIL 9 EACH M CHt UfmL CHRISTMAS Memorial Temple P y^la n Slaters will ipeet tonight'In Odd Fellows ABOUT TOWN hall. A Christinas program will DOUBLE STAMPS follow the business and inexpensive AVBRAGE DAILY CIRCmATION ... THE WEATHER gifts will be exchanged. GIVEN WITH CASH SALES for th<- montli ot November, 19S6 The Red Cross Home Hygiene RoreckM ol U. tt. Weather Baieah. tlMMB usually held on Thursday eve- WEDNESDAY Hartford — alngs at the Y will be held on Wed­ The Second Congregational Men's nesday evening this week instead of 509 Chib will meet tonight at 7:30 5 , 8 3 6 Partty cloudy and warmer to­ Christmas eve. The afternoon class with Hayden OriBwold of 122 Oak­ Member of the AoAlt night and Thursday; Frti^y cloody On Thursday at 2 o'clock will meet land street BoreoD ol Ctrcnlattoiui with moderate temperature. as usual. The annual Christmas party for MANCHESTER — A CITY OP VILLAGE CHARM the North Methodist church and Miss Esther Pickles, who Is a VOL. LVL, NO. 71 (Clasalfled Advertlilng oa Pace 14) sophomore at Mount Union College, school will take place tonight at MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1936 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ' Alliance. Ohio, Is home for the 7:30 In the large vestry. Christmas holidays. Mrs. Rollln Hitt's group of Cen­ Manchester Grange will hold Us ter church women will have their Rechart A River Course As Coulee Dam Grows Tegular nooting tomorrow e\cnmg monthly meeting tonight in the Rob- ARMISTICE IS INTER-AMERICAN In Odd f'ellowH hall. A Christmas t Ins room, with exchange of Christ­ iartA' will follow In chiirge of Loc- mas gifts. fiirer Thomas Maxwell. Each mem­ ON FOR 3 DAYS CONNORS IS NOT HELD ber is requested to provl<le an Inex­ The graveling and otherwise Im­ PARLEY ENDS IN pensive pitt for the fxrham:'\ Fte- proving of FTIfufton street from freshments ami n pond titu*' la an- Henry street to F'.fist Middle turn­ tielpaled. » pike" w*as orueretl by the Filghway IN C H IP ’S WAR commit lee of the Board of Select­ 7 PEACJ^PAQS men during a meeting last night. Mrs. George Krause arul young AT FAULT IN BREAK son Rohetl. are here from ( anton, Nanking Grants Request of Chlo. to .spend the holidays with Dr. Herbert L. Lombard of Bos­ Joint Consultation, Non-In­ Mrs. Krau.se’s parent •. \fr. and Mrs. ton. director of the division of adult Robert Kittel <jt ih.-'sefl street. hygiene. .Miussa< husetts F')epartmenl Dr. ^ong Wired from County Detective Hickey In of Fhibllr flealth, will address a tervention, Ban On Hor­ Former Senator Fess meeting of the staff and trustees of • Barber shops In MnnrJiester will Conference With Dis­ the M.'inrhester Memorial hospital Sian; Chang Revolt Gets keep open until 9 o'clock on Thurs­ today at H l.S p. m. In the Municipal rors Part of Results of day evening and will he dosed all building hearing mom. Mis subject da^ Kri<lay 'Fheie will be no half will be "('nneer''. All persons Inter- Aid from Northwest. Dies in~ Washin^on charged Jail Guard Today holiday for »'ni'pioye. - or the owners e.sted are. invited to attend. .'>2xr)2” ( ’becked. Fast Color Genuine Dupont There are those women and pirls Buenos Aires Meeting. B- the shop.s at either the s* nth end Ra.von and Cotton who receive money to purrlia.*.! a Barbizon Slips Washington, Dec. 23 — (A P ) — A I‘VF':FiTFSEMi:NT FyrMin — Does Not Snspect He or the north <*tul this week and Chrl.-)tnia.s gilt to heat suit thei-- Nanking. Dec. 23.— (A P ) — A Simeon D. Fes.s, 75-yenr-old former shops nt both en Is of the town will F.unch Cloths own taste Why not' get your.aelf By ASSO(l.\TKD TRKSS. Mrs. William Krrmlrk of The Wil- three day armistice halted China*n Senator from Ohio, died unexpected­ N’ opened until 9 o'chM k on Satur­ rosp Dre.ss Shop is In New Ytirk 3-Piece a beautiful new President Fi(x>flevell’s*dream of a Had Connection With civil war tod(iy at the urgent rc- ly of a heart attack in a hotel room day. I a two-day buying trip western hemisphere of nations mov- 5 9 i c “ '" SILK DRESS Qucst of Mme. ''(|hlang • Kal-Shck I here today a sliort wlillr* after he Tw'o smart patterns In blue, Toilet Sets for the hnlidays? \Ve are .aheuv- and her brother. Dr. T. V. Soong. ing toward permanent peace, utand- had arrived fnuu Cleveland. Escape Monday— Gives red. gnld, and greeif> Large all- Ing a large mimher of s)narl n--w after their fliijht to Sianfu to re.'icue II.g .shoulder to shoulder” against Coming here to visit his children fiver check. Small all-over styles, in sizes M to 46. 1’rii.eci at the national gnvenimcnt’s captive foreign aggression and pledged during the holidays. Fess. who was Story lo Alcorn. ( hock. Guaranteed fast coloru. leader. ♦'igainat a war of conquo.st, found defeated when he sought a third We HAVE The 52x.%2". The reception given/ Shortly after Generalissimo Chl- realization, at least In part, In the term in the Senate in 1934, was to these slips hy' ang’n wife .^nd her brother arrived Inter-A mcrican Renee Conference scaled on a bed talking on the tele­ $3.98" $10.98 which ended‘today! Louis Connors, Manchester man, American women Silex <t»rt Q [ - at Marshal C'hang H.such-Liang’s phone. Suddenly he collapsed and Fuel You W ant Cannon Turkish ha.s bc(‘ii un.siirpasH- rebel fltronghoia,. Dr. Soong tele­ The Buenos Airc's parley, through was dead w'hcn a physician reached the guard who was overpowered (>d. Kveryone is Cuffee Makers graphed Nanking a.sklng for a ces­ (n projects, laid the foundation for him. Monday In Hartford county jail u Towels B^nuiglhonlng the American peace wearing Barbizvai. sation of ho.stlllties. A secretary, Mrs. Margaret L. four bound-over prisoners mad* Heavy weight colored Fiord'r Silex Coffee Makers with After a hanty conference with structure, providing for joint con- Walsh, was with the Ohioan. She (Jive them this their escape. Is alxive suspicion in *Koppers Cannon t()wels. riblxm tic 1. Xina.9. Fleet ric other nationalist leaders. Dr. H. H. si Itation if general American peace Immediately .■Miinmoned a son. (.ireen, blue, gold, orchid, and Stove . Kung, acting civil head of the gov­ iH threatened from wdthin or with­ Charles S. Foss, who lives in the connection with the case In the eye* $ 4 . 9 5 out, non-intervention by one Amer- peach. 20x40'. ('otton Frocks ernment, granted an armi.stice until capital. of County Detective Edward J. Coke tn Silex Coffee Maker Sets Dec. 25. itan country in another's affairs, Speaker Bankhead, shocked ai the Hickey, Mr. Hickey told The Herald The propo.aal to end hostilities c-iid removal of some of the horrors news, said he was “deeply distress­ today. Modernize Your By I^'Aiglon. Tliey are smart with tray, sugar and of warfare. 4 ' ” $ 1 . 0 0 and inexpensive. The skirt ■ Is ; came on the heels of a reported ed" as he had appreciated the for-, Cormore has not been avoiding Only Minor DlfTemicen slightJy fWtred to give roominess \ 9 5 strategic victory for the Nanking WM pitting his cunning against the power of a mighty, river as this photo was made showing the latest nier Senator's "fine qualitl<^ and quesJonliig ra reported last night Garage With The repicsentalivei of the 21 and at no time since his Immedlat* •Fuel Oil -.^.-GsnnoB.vg [ troops of ' the punitive expedition , , , Coulee dam in WnshlugLon. In center foreground, surrounded hy hnekwafers. acc . ' that fhoy' itre • tintraamlfiig-viiTties.'■"' forfflteg,4hathib«r'fBr;(hfr‘swfem.''sSftifetVbf,qiw!;aam>'i'0^na:S^^ repuWlcaix- dteohODge • bysvgtwria .Aid From (Vimmunlsts ma river, which engineers are trying to divert tlirough four slots visible nt the far end of the concreto fOYih’ thlc' grencral' pi^pbsats mour on Monday haa he nbatoted - S T A N 1 . E Y Towel Sets Sl74N« M-40 hdd down by President Roosevelt in Pastel colors, with decorated Aid for the rebellion was seen in towers. As water la diverted, the river bed will be dried and the central section of the dam will be built hlmscU where ho could not be Imnie- 'Blue Coal ^ ^ Q __ c t O f b O ba(’ks, also black and white. reports that Marshal Chang had ef­ In this photo, upstream la to the lefL his notes to the other American re- dlately located. Connors left word Roll-Up Doors Chrome fected aq alliance with Commun!.st I ublics last January and In his ad- at his rooming house where he coUId diess at the opening of the historic F^hone4149 Serving Trays leaders further to the northwest be found If wanted and when he< Let US Rive .vou an esti­ For Prompt Sorvlwl a>l !i>j.us $2.95' $9.95 conference December 1 . WHOLE AUTO INDUSTRY Satin and was actively co-operating with heard this morning that be waa mate. r A Set $1.98 $3.98 $4.98 them. Argentina's insistence on not wanted for questioning he immedi­ .$2.98 The “young marshal” wa.s said to BORAH OUTLINES c(«mpletely severing her bonds with ately contacted County DctecUv* The have flown 200 miles to Fushlh, Im­ PRO-GOMEZ CONGRESSMEN h('r mother continent, Kurope, and Hickey.
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