Edition 2 – 2020 to cover May, June and July 2020

From Wincham Parish Council Delivered free to every home & business in Wincham

News and information about our village and close neighbours Chairman’s Words by Councillor Ian Parr Wincham Parish Council

As I write this, in the first days of April, the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic are really starting to bite in the UK. It is too soon to tell how effective lockdown measures are going to be against the spread of the virus. It isn’t clear whether our health system will be able to cope with the escalating number of cases.

Many of us are worried about loved ones, friends, relations and colleagues who are at risk. Members of my family are still working in school and the food industry. My friends in the midst of cancer and other medical treatments are at high risk. Those who are alone face worse isolation than ever before.

As daunting and unprecedented as this situation is, it is important to realise that we are not powerless in the face of this threat. There are things that all of us can and must do to keep ourselves and our community as safe as possible.

Follow the latest government advice on staying safe. When you do have to go out, drive carefully. Be kind to each other.

Just because we have to be apart physically does not mean that we have to be far apart mentally and emotionally. Already, people are finding new ways to support each other and to stand together (while keeping 2 metres apart) against this threat. Do what you can to support your friends, families and neighbours. Small things can mean a lot at times like these. This crisis has highlighted our society’s dependence on those who are the lowest paid. The nurses, carers, cleaners, shop staff, delivery drivers and more are those who are on the front line every day.

Page 2 Chairman’s Words by Councillor Ian Parr Wincham Parish Council Wincham can be proud of our residents who are going out to work to maintain vital services whilst the struggle with this disease goes on. We can also be proud of the volunteers who are assisting those residents who are in isolation with the basics of living.

It has become clear how fragile the support networks for many of these vulnerable people are.

When we get through this, as we will, I hope that we can find ways to make a better future.

Stay safe.

Kind regards, Ian JIGSAW PUZZLES AND CRAFT MATERIALS Some of our residents have asked if there are any jigsaw puzzles that they could borrow. The Covid-19 virus cannot survive on card or paper beyond a day, so a jigsaw library or swap-shop is a good suggestion. If anyone can lend or donate a puzzle, or would like to borrow one or two, please contact Annie: 01565 734226 [email protected].

As the children are home, many are doing more craft activities. If you have any spare craft materials, please can you contact Debs May – 07847 187983 – [email protected]. We can then share the supplies out to other children in the village.

Page 3 Contents

Page Description 5 Waste, Recycling and Collections 6 & 7 Wincham Neighbours Helping Neighbours 8 to 10 Wincham Helpmates 11 VE Day Cancellation Notice 12 to 14 Gardening without a Green Bin! 15 PCSO Diana Wiggins 16 & 17 A Tribute to the lovely Joan Webb 18 to 20 Witton Albion; Home Schooling 21 Wincham Community Centre; Taxi Information 22 A time for Wildlife? 23 to 26 Coronavirus – Traffic Light Card Help System 27 Public Rights of Way Network 28 to 30 Wincham’s History continued by Janet Boyd 31 Sing along online with Heather Baker 32 to 35 Deliveries and Services 36 & 37 St John’s Church 38 to 40 Useful resources for everyone 41 Library 42 Pickmere and Wincham Methodist Church 42 & 43 Wincham Community Primary School 44 Wincham Parish Council – CWaC Covid 19 Info 45 to 47 Useful Information 48 Your Wincham Parish Councillors and Clerk

Page 4 Waste, Recycling and Collections

WASTE RECYCLING CENTRES All household waste recycling centres in West are closed until further notice because of the impact of COVID-19. This was a joint decision between CWAC and its partners, HM Martins, HM Waste Ltd. Until the closedown, operations in Cheshire West had continued with measures in place to ensure staff and customer safety and safe distancing in line with Government guidelines.

But due to the need for staff to support elsewhere, and limits in the ability to manage waste from contractors, the decision was taken to close all centres.

Residents are asked to keep bulky items, DIY waste and other waste they usually take to the recycling centre stored safely at home until the sites re-open. Residents are asked not to put items out with the kerbside collections as they will not be collected.

WASTE COLLECTION The Green bin collections have been suspended indefinitely. Recycling and non- recyclable waste are being collected as normal at the moment. But we are aware that many members of the council waste team are not in work due to illness and self-isolation, so the bin collections may change at any point - we will let you know of changes via facebook: Wincham Parish Post. (Please share such information with neighbours who do not use facebook.)

We have been informed that a number of street bins around the village are full. We have informed the council and hope to have the bins emptied soon. You can report full bins on the CWaC website.

You can help by taking your rubbish home with you and placing it in your black bin.

Page 5 Wincham Neighbours Helping Neighbours

Each year Wincham Parish Council hold an ‘Unsung Heroes’ event to say thank you to all the people who help in so many ways, including the deliverers, the litter pickers, the Friends of the Memorial Gardens, the teachers, the Governors - the list goes on. But at crisis times, even more Unsung Heroes appear and we want to thank them. Many we do not know by name - the neighbours who are helping neighbours with shopping, the friends who are supporting other friends emotionally (this lockdown is tough on us all, especially the children) - but some we do know and so here are a few thanks.

Our local Spar and Post Office have been kept open by with Janet Bennett and her team. We know it has been tough and unpleasant at times but we really appreciate all that you are doing.

A brilliant thanks to Matt Boot, Headteacher of Wincham CP School and Mark Webb of Multiflex (and their teams) for providing online support, fun and games for the children.

Thanks to Pickmere and Wincham Methodist Church for their online support and guidance.

Pickmere Press have been wonderful coming up with weekly quizzes and games for the children to play. Thanks for letting us share your facebook games.

To all the people who have volunteered to help with Wincham Helpmates, your support has overwhelmed us. All the people you are helping are truly grateful.

Page 6 Wincham Neighbours Helping Neighbours

Max Ashbrook delivered a live DJ set (DJ EWOK) from his garden on Saturday, 4th April. Residents of Shores Green Drive really enjoyed listening to him.

Thanks Max.

The Old Dairy Farm Shop – Wendy and your team, thank you for organising deliveries to the vulnerable and self-isolated. It means so much to everyone to see your friendly face and wonderful fresh produce.

Hanks to Ian Fishwick for his wonderful playing and his fantastic poems. Keeps us all smiling.

Elizabeth (Boo – Aged 4 ½ ) and her Nana, Dianne Green, posted (very carefully) parcels of tea and biscuits to the Wincham residents living on Ashwood Park.

Page 7 Wincham Helpmates


Annie Makepeace here, you may remember me from the back of the Wincham Word, as councillor and chairman, until I got lazy and let my old man do all the work. When this pandemic situation raised its ugly head, the Parish Council was forced into social Annie Makepeace 01565 734226 distancing and isolation. [email protected] The next Parish Council meeting is due Wednesday, 22nd April and it has taken time but the law has been adapted to allow important matters to be agreed virtually, but as an interfering old bat who is too impatient to wait for anything, I hoped I could still help by setting up a co-ordinated support system. Fortunately, as it has proved, I am no longer on the council so I’m allowed. I checked in with our Parish Clerk and the Chairman, and they were comfortable with it, so I ordered the cards that were delivered to each of you offering a point of contact for those who needed help and for those offering. The Parish Council would have done this but could not, especially as costs were involved and any spending needs approval at a council meeting. Can I emphasise, then, that this support group CANNOT be linked to the Wincham Parish Council.

So where are we at? Volunteer offers and calls for assistance started pouring in. I registered this group with our local government co- ordinators. A name was required, so we are Wincham Helpmates.

It’s short and I can spell it. We have, as of April 1st, three dozen volunteers. Every call for assistance has been answered. Calls from concerned relatives outside the UK have been received at CWaC and passed on to us, so I suppose we are co-ordinating with Spain and America. There’s posh!

Page 8 Wincham Helpmates

To help volunteers, there are lanyards and ID cards available for multi-shoppers so they can buy duplicates of essentials, and protective gloves. Any problems that arise we will resolve. There is a good chance we can pay petrol, car-park and other incidental expenses incurred.

So near, yet so far away.

The biggest problem many share is fear. Living alone with no visitors allowed is not easy, but what if someone has a fall and just can’t get up, or the heating fails? Having someone to talk to by phone can do more good than any number of Public Information broadcasts telling how many people have died.

What can you do to help, even if you are isolated yourself? • Talk to your friends by phone, especially those who may not have smart phones and computers. • Check on your neighbours, you canh still talk, make music, sing across a garden wall. • Share information and resources e.g. there is a stack of jigsaw puzzles for anyone to borrow. • Pool activities - for example, knitting/crocheting a few squares for blankets not only reassures the maker that they are part of a community but, when collected in with other people’s and assembled, creates a valuable end product. • Share books, puzzles, jokes. The important thing is communicate

Thank you all for caring. Strangely, we are coming closer together because of this. Be positive, be safe. Start planning for our massive “Coming Out” party.

Remember to phone if you need help or are willing to offer support.

Page 9 Wincham Helpmates


WORKING TOGETHER FOR A SAFER COMMUNITY Coronavirus (COVID-19) is now spreading throughout the UK. It’s now time for our community to work together and help those in need of assistance.

If you would like to help or if you need assistance yourself for food, shopping, prescription pick up/drop off, dog walking, letter posting, house cleaning, transportation, collecting takeaway food, tutoring, phone chats, or anything else, then please use this help card.

Contact Annie on 01565 734226, email [email protected] or text 07931 125323 with offers of help, or if you need assistance yourself. We will do our best to put you in touch with the right people and together we will try and keep each other safe, sane and fed.


This is from the official VE Day site:

I am afraid that the terrible Coronavirus emergency and consequent Government guidance means that we must advise participants to cancel or postpone the majority of the VE Day 75 community celebrations due to take place on the bank holiday weekend of 8th – 10th May. It is right and proper that people should be kept safe and healthy.

My sincere thanks to everyone who registered their events and were looking forward to celebrating VE Day 75. I know how disappointed you will be that these cannot now go ahead as planned. However, we are still encouraging solo pipers and town criers to continue to mark the occasion from a safe and suitable location.

I am hoping that all the events you have carefully planned can be moved to the weekend of 15th – 16th August when we will be able to celebrate VE Day and VJ Day, both momentous points in our history. I am in ongoing communication with the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport regarding this and hope to be able to give you more news in the coming days.

With my very best wishes, Bruno Peek LVO OBE OPR Pageantmaster VE Day 75

Page 11 Gardening without a Green Bin!

Whatever did we do before we had a green bin?

There’s no need to hoard your garden waste – it’s time to get creative and turn it to good use. Maybe you could post your ideas on facebook Wincham Parish Post for others to share?

Here are a few suggestions:

Make a brash pile When you cut down all the dead stems, pile them up in an out-of-the-way corner along with small branches, prunings and logs to create a valuable wildlife habitat. Wrens might nest in it, frogs and toads can shelter under it, creepy crawlies can thrive here. You could even turn it into a garden feature with a little imagination.

Get composting!

At its simplest, a compost heap is a mixture of natural materials

which will convert themselves into valuable garden compost with

very little effort from you. If you can contain the heap in a framework, so much the better – four posts and a bit of netting with a sheet of cardboard on top will do, or a recycled plastic bin. Or create something ornamental – could be the time to use all those bits of wood you’ve been storing for the right moment!

Old plants, twiggy bits, annual weeds, egg boxes, clippings, vegetable peelings, torn up cardboard, thin layers of lawn mowings mixed in, egg shells, ripped up envelopes, scrunched up newspaper ... add water if the heap looks dry.

Page 12 Gardening without a Green Bin!

Avoid adding anything that’s gone to seed and the fleshy roots of perennial weeds – things like dandelions – but you can still put the leaves, flowers and stalks (but not seeds) into the heap. The more you chop things up, the faster your compost will break down – get the kids to jump up and down on ingredients, anything to break materials up and mash them down a bit will help. Air is good in the heap, so feel free to toss it all in the air once in a while or drill holes in your plastic bin.

You can do all sorts of things to speed up the composting process, but given time, it will get there of its own accord. In a few months or maybe more, you will have a coarse compost.

Use this as a free, nutritious mulch in the spring or sieve out the big bits to produce a finer, prettier compost; put the remaining bits back in the compost heap to carry on breaking down.

Lawn clippings If your mower chops finely, you may be able to leave clippings on the lawn, certainly worth a try. As long as you don’t use chemicals on the lawn, you can mulch plants with grass after watering – not pretty, but especially good for green vegetables. Or scatter clippings thinly on soil, then the worms can take them down and make good use of them. Try making a liquid feed high in nitrogen (for green leafy growth) by soaking grass in water – dilute it before use. Mix clippings well into the rest of the compost heap to speed up decomposition. (Thick layers will turn to a nasty sludge.) A number of ideas can be found on https://balconygardenweb.com/how-to-use-grass- clippings-in-the-garden/. But please don’t dump clippings in hedgerows, an unsightly solution which doesn’t enhance the village!

Page 13 Gardening without a Green Bin!

Drown the nettles! Drench them with water, make sure the container is covered and not a danger to children, pets or wildlife, then leave to rot. The resulting (smelly!) mush will give a liquid that you can dilute and use as a feed, plus plant remnants that you can mix into your compost heap.

Annual weeds Annual weeds, like the pesky little Bittercress, can be a nuisance – the key to annuals is to chop their heads off before the flowers go to seed. Hoeing regularly should do the trick, and the chopped up weeds can then be left on the soil to break down.

Which only leaves ...... with a bit of luck, not a lot! CWaC recommend keeping remaining garden waste safely stored at home in your green bin or a suitable bag until normal services resume. You can place a small amount of garden waste in your black bin, as long as there is enough room for your domestic waste too.

Happy gardening .....!


8PM EVERY THURSDAY - Thanking the NHS and all our key workers for everything they are doing for us all.

Page 14 A few words from your PCSO Diana Wiggins 20322

[email protected] Or please ring 101 in a non-emergency and 999 for all emergencies.

We are now able to enjoy the lighter evenings and hopefully nice weather. My role has been mainly to patrol the local areas /shops and businesses that are open. Also checking the areas that are not open to the public.

The residents of Wincham have been really supportive with regards to the social distancing. This is really appreciated by myself and other patrols.

During this time we ask that you check on elderly/vulnerable neighbours making sure that they are all in order.

Regular Police surgeries will start up again when everything gets back to normal. The dates will be advertised around the village and also on the Cheshire Police website.

Please remember to stay safe following the Government guidelines.

Regards Diana Wiggins 20322


Salford-born Joan moved to Pickmere in 1940 and since then has played an invaluable part in the improvement of village life, for both Wincham and Pickmere.

Joan’s hard work and dedication to our village Community Centre was outstanding. She involved herself in the initial fundraising and was a long-standing member of the management committee. She was Chairperson for over 25 years, helping to make the centre what it is today, for us all to enjoy.

In her honour, last year the committee renamed one of the rooms after her and our former Clubroom is now known as ‘The Joan Webb Room’.

Joan was overwhelmed with emotion when we unveiled the surprise and now Joan’s name will live on in a place that was very close to her heart.


Joan was a special Lady, kind, thoughtful and definitely someone who could be relied on. She was an asset to everyone and will be sadly missed.

Last year, when Joan was 90, she said

‘I’ve had a wonderful life’,

Let us all hold that thought.

Thanks Joan x

Written by Suzanne James with the support and blessing of the family

Page 17 Witton Albion – Paul Harper

WELL, that’s it for the season it seems. The FA released a statement last week that from Step 3 of non-league downwards, the 2019-20 campaign was to end and all results would be expunged.

You may have read in the Guardian about the growing relationship between Albion and Victoria in an interview club chairman John Salmon gave to the paper.

The ground-sharing at Wincham Park has been mutually beneficial for the clubs. It keeps Vics in the town, helps Witton financially and both clubs benefit from sharing the expertise of the grounds staff and maintenance teams who keep the stadium and pitch in top condition.

There may be rose tinted glasses when I say this, but Wincham Park is a superb stadium for non-league football. The majority of the viewing areas are covered, we have a fantastic main stand the length of the pitch, the facilities are excellent and it’s all kept that way by helpers from both clubs. Some clubs in higher divisions would be very envious of Wincham Park, I would suggest, so it’s great that both Northwich clubs can enjoy this fantastic ground as their home.

It’s important to remember all the hard work and effort that went into the campaign from everybody involved; players, staff, volunteers and supporters.

Page 18 Witton Albion – Paul Harper

Although the results might be expunged from the history books, the hard work was certainly put in and there have been some memorable moments, so we want to relive and share those again.

We hope that you Wittoners are keeping well and staying safe. All the best. https://www.wittonalbionfc.co.uk/news

Home Schooling

Katherine Turner, from Wincham, has been inspired to pen her experiences of home-schooling her two children, Annabelle 14, and Vincent 11, in a tongue-in- cheek poem.

The 39-year-old’s comical take on the current situation details her dismay at Boris Johnson’s announcement to close the country’s schools , before highlighting the ways she tries to keep her kids motivated, all the while resisting the temptations of a bottle of wine.

Katherine, who works for Screwfix, said: “It’s only been a few weeks, but it feels like it’s been forever – it’s driving me mad, but I’m sure it’s like that for everyone. I quite often get the urge to write poems. This just popped into my head while I was putting my make-up on the other day and it all came out in one go.”

Katherine says that although it’s proving to be a challenge for her and husband Dominic - who are both classed as key workers - it’s also nice to be able to spend so much time together as a family.

She said: “The hardest thing for the kids is not being able to go out and see their friends, but they use Facetime, House Party and computer games to keep in touch so it’s not too bad. I don’t know how we’d have got through this when we were their age – we’d probably have run up huge phone bills!”

Page 19 Home Schooling

Here’s Katherine’s home schooling poem in full

I can’t believe this is happening, oh my gosh is this true? The schools are closing, you’re joking aren’t you? I switch on the tele, it’s that funny bloke, He said we are home schooling, it isn’t a joke.

It could be six months, what the hell am I to do? I’ll be an alcoholic – a grey one too! OK, day one, get up and ready to start, But before we can Vincent lets out a fart.

When the air is clear, we try again; Gosh things have changed since I was 10. I give up, it’s all too intense, I will give you a brush, you can paint the fence.

I’ve decided home schooling just isn’t for me, So we will be doing life skills like making a good cup of tea. We will do some reading and how to plant seeds, Washing the pots and other housework deeds.

No way did I realise how hard this would be, That bottle of wine better stop looking at me. Hats off to the teachers, what an amazing job that they do, I only managed one day and barely got through.

I put them to bed, how knackered am I? Another day tomorrow, I think I might cry. Ahhh the best time of the day, I step into the bath, Then I hear ‘MUM!’, oh you’re having a laugh.

I shout: “What do you want? It better not be a poo”, Then I hear a reply: “Mum, I really love you,”.

Page 20 Wincham Community Centre

TAXI If you need a taxi for shopping trips or medical appointments, the following taxi firms have told us they are still working. All are taking cleanliness very seriously, but if you are concerned, please do ask them about their cleaning regime. Jack Jones 01606 77777 (all the following information Deans Taxis 01696 47300 is provided in good faith, Club Class Travel 01696 46666 could change from day to day Cheshire Travel 01606 41111 and we appreciate there are other suppliers too)

Page 21 A time for Wildlife?

A by-product of these strange times is the fact that many of us are enjoying finding new activities at home.

The Cheshire Wildlife Trust has a wealth of ideas to keep wildlife lovers of all ages happily occupied in the garden:


Page 22 CORONAVIRUS – Traffic Light Card Help System

As mentioned earlier in this edition, we are not surprised but are delighted with the amazing community spirit here in Wincham and within our neighbouring villages and Northwich too. However we do realise that at times during this crisis, we might need help and support and are not certain where to go, who to ask etc.

A number of villages and small towns throughout the UK and abroad too, are adopting the Traffic Light Card Help System. So we thought we would offer this system in Wincham too. The aim of the system is to show your neighbours whether you are ok, self-isolating or need help at a single glance.

On the next three pages you will find a green page, an amber page and a red page. Please pull these four pages out of your Wincham Word.

 If all is well in your house, please display the green page in a front window of your house.

 If you are self-isolating but again all is well, please display the amber page. This information is helpful for any deliveries you receive and for the Refuse collection team and the Post Office too.

 If you are in need of support, please add your phone number to the red page and display this in your front window.

Neighbours and anyone passing will immediately be able to see if you need assistance. They can then either call the number themselves or they can contact Annie Makepeace, who will offer help and support with the Wincham Helpmates (see pages 8-10). Please keep safe.

Annie Makepeace Thank you for helping and supporting each 01565 734226 other. [email protected]

Page 23





Page 24




Page 25



------(write your phone number on the dotted line)


Page 26 Public Rights of Way Network

At the time of writing, the public footpaths remain open for exercise.

Walkers are being very considerate, giving each other plenty of room and holding back to allow others to pass through restricted spaces. Please take appropriate precautions if you have to touch gates and stiles, in the light of the Covid-19 virus – sanitiser or gloves could be useful.

Local footpaths are well sign-posted from the road. You can view the network on-line at:


Dogs must remain with their owners on the line of the footpath - please keep dogs under strict control and do not allow them to run loose on farmland. Farmers really need our support and cooperation at this time. Keeping your dog on a lead also prevents any interaction with other dogs.

The Northwich Woodlands, an area which includes the flashes, Anderton Nature Park and Marbury Park, are also accessible.

A map is available at: https://foam.merseyforest.org.uk/wp- content/uploads/2018/07/Northwich-Woodlands-Map.pdf

The CWaC PROW Asset Management Officer (Adele Mayer) has kindly provided the following advice:

“People living in close proximity to public rights of way are reminded that the public have a legal right to use a Public Right of Way, and that they should not block or obstruct paths. Some paths pass close to residential properties, and in some cases through gardens, but with sensible precautions there is no reason that this would increase the risk to householders of contracting Coronavirus.”

Page 27 Wincham’s History continued by Janet Boyd

Edward Lee Townshend

Edward Lee Townshend inherited Wincham Hall from his father but it seems had no further involvement with the Hall. He was born at Wincham Hall in 1868 and died in 1914. He was educated at Harrow and was a Captain in the 3rd Military Brigade Cheshire Regiment and Cheshire Yeomanry, attached to the troop. On 2nd April, when he was about to go abroad, he appointed Cecil Francis Parr to be his attorney to attend to his affairs whilst he was abroad. At this time his address was Delamere Cottage, Cheshire.

He married Mildred Henrietta Cholmondeley, the daughter of the Hon Greville Cholmondeley, on 29th October 1896. By this time he was living in London at 26 Hyde Park.

Soon after his marriage he and his wife moved to Gorstage Hall, . They had three children Edward Lee Venables Townshend born in 1900, Lettice Valentine Lee Townshend born in 1902 and Hester Violet Lee Townshend born in 1904.


Gorstage Hall

Page 28 Wincham’s History continued by Janet Boyd Mr Townshend was said to be greatly esteemed in the neighbourhood, his kindly nature and general disposition winning him a host of friends. He took an active interest in everything that was intended for the benefit of the district.

He was interested in mechanical engineering and had a workshop in the vicinity of the Hall where he spent much of his leisure time. One of the things he made was a miniature train, consisting of an engine and several carriages.

He was an ardent conservative and was Vice President of the Northwich and District Conservative Association, with interests in the local Associations at Weaverham and Sandiway.

He was also a keen sportsman and very popular in the sporting circles in Cheshire. He was a prominent member of the Cheshire Hunt Club and the famous Hunt Club.

He took a deep interest in coursing and in 1912 won the Waterloo Cup with Tide Time, a fine black dog bought for 25 guineas at the Barbican sale. Soon after winning the Waterloo Cup, Edward marked his victory by giving a cheque for £50 to the Victoria Infirmary, Northwich, in appreciation of the great work they did.

Page 29 Wincham’s History continued by Janet Boyd Although no longer residing at Wincham Hall he continued to have strong links with Wincham as he was one of the principal landowners. He was regarded as an ideal landlord, being held in high esteem by the whole of his tenancy.

Edward Townshend died suddenly on 19th June 1914. He had gone to London in order to attend Ascot. He stayed at the Raleigh Club, of which he was a member. On the Friday morning about 10.30am he was found dead in bed at his club. His death was attributed to heart trouble. He was only 45 years of age.

His funeral was held a Church. On the day of the funeral his casket was taken from Hartford Station to Great Budworth church via Lostock Gralam, Wincham and Marston. Many turned out to mourn the man. At the foot of Budworth Hill a large number of the County gentry, tenants and others had assembled and walked in front of the hearse to the church. There was a large congregation in the church.

He left the vast sum of £84,447 (£8.7 million in today’s prices).

Edward Lee Townshend’s wife Mildred Henrietta died on 12th February 1938.

A clipping from a London Paper

Page 30 Sing along online with Wincham’s Heather Baker

Heather, who runs the Heather Baker Singing Studios in Chapel Street, invites you to a mass sing-a-long of some classic tunes to lift the spirits over the coming weeks. This is a really up-beat activity – the songs so far have included ‘I’m so excited’ and ‘I will survive’! – and, since nobody else can hear you, you can forget any hang-ups about how well you sing and just go for it! Heather will be keeping things simple and teaching 2-part harmonies, with the focus on having fun.

These sessions are free for everyone to take part in. She says ‘This is our way of helping the nation right now - if we can't all be together, we can still sing ‘together’ in our own homes!’

So - invite your friends and your family (over 16s only please!) to join you online, grab a glass of wine and join Heather for a bit of fun!

Follow this link to register https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0vc-2sqzMvMF0qSfgGRFU9u- Hn9lKkTg or find her on facebook www.facebook.com/northwichpopchoir :

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

A big thank you to Heather for doing this – a lot of Wincham residents are already enjoying their Thursday evening sing.

Page 31 Deliveries and Services

(all the following information is provided in good faith, could change from day to day and we appreciate there are other suppliers too)

FRESH PRODUCE The Old Dairy Farm Shop, Wincham In addition to fruit and veg, they also have preserves, meat, eggs and milk. To arrange a delivery contact through their facebook site or contact Wendy on 07789 972030. Or shop there on your daily walk.

Williamsons Bakery Selling fresh bread, delicious pies and cakes Email [email protected] to place your order or send a message to their facebook page

Littlers Butchers, Northwich For delivery, order by email [email protected], phone 01606 883146 or via their facebook page

John Griffiths Grocers, Northwich Order for delivery, fruit, veg and salad boxes by phoning 01606 43851 or via their facebook page

Sheldons Dairy Can deliver milk and dairy, veg boxes, eggs, bread etc. www.facebook.com/dandpmsheldon or call 01565 634509

Hormbreys Butchers 5 Market Way, Northwich. The shop is open for limited hours and also Mark George is delivering too but the slots are limited. Please call 01606 42858 for details.

Birtwisle’s Butchers – Northwich Call 01606 42947 or 07470 609075 for home deliveries

The Egg lady www.theegglady.co.uk – use this website to find out what the delivery days and times are and to book your order.

Page 32 Deliveries and Services

WINES AND SPIRITS Tatton Brewery Fresh draught or bottled beer delivered to your door. Order online www.tattonbrewery.co.uk

DeFine Wines 2 School Lane, Sandiway. The shop is open for limited hours and they are delivering too. For details see their facebook page, or call 01606 882101 or www.definefoodandwine.com

SUPERMARKETS – additional services Booths They are offering a next day click and collect service. For more details refer to https://everyday.booths.co.uk/

Aldi They are launching a food parcel service which will include 22 items and cost £24.99 inc delivery. For more details https://www.aldi.co.uk/delivery-updates

Spar – Wincham Janet and her team provide an exceptional service; if you need help with items being delivered please contact 01565 733265.

MISCELLANEOUS HOME AND GARDEN Marbury Garden Centre www.marburynursery.co.uk – have a look at their website for the list of items. You can order and then collect or they will deliver.

The Hollies Plant Centre, Earles Lane, Wincham Please contact for collection details re their stock of bedding plants and hanging baskets: 01565 733503.

Arley Hall Nursery Contact [email protected] or 01565 777479 for plant list and peat free compost. £5 delivery charge.

Page 33 Deliveries and Services


Barnyard Pet and Equestrian supplies Unit 76 Cosgrove Business Park, Anderton Call 01606 871445 to use the phone/pay/collect service. www.barnyardcheshire.co.uk

Northwich Artisan Market online An online service: Artisans Online https://themarketco.co.uk/. Here you can buy many of the items supplied by your favourite artisan trader.

Board Beans Café You can rent or buy Board Games to help you get through this lockdown. Go to www.boardbeans.co.uk

B&Q Northwich They are taking ‘click & collect’ orders. Place your order online and then they will contact you when your order is ready (can take a few days) and you collect from the carpark.

Eastfield Pharmacy – Lostock Gralam This is a family run pharmacy which provides a caring and helpful service at all times. If you need advice or support call 01606 45485 or email [email protected]

Firthfield Pet Store , Northwich They are open. To check times call 01606 43510

Screwfix As an essential supplier they are offering a ‘click & collect’ service and a home delivery service (can take a few days). www.screwfix.com/help/clickandcollect/ 0333 011 2112

Toolstation – The Brookedge Centre, Old Road, Northwich They are open and organising contactless ‘click & collect’. Contact them on 0330 333 3303 or [email protected]

Page 34 Deliveries and Services

COLLECTIONS Northwich Market Janet Burke - Northwich market continues to provide a valuable service to the community, however now on limited hours.

Weigh of the World www.weighoftheworld.co.uk – 90 Witton Street, Northwich - Opening hours are 9.30am – 1pm and quite often this is the only place that has SR Flour!!

Lostock Co-op Cheshire Avenue, Lostock Gralam. Still open and selling general groceries and flowers and cards too. More limited hours than usual.

Lean Body Kitchen 115 Witton Street, Northwich. 01606 40360. To arrange food items to be collected – www.leanbody/kitchen.co.uk

TAKEAWAY MEALS Deli Thyme Winnington Hall, Northwich. www.deli-thyme.co.uk/food-delivery

Northwich Tandoori 01606 41221 - www.northwichtandoori.co.uk

The Cheshire Pantry Food delivery service – 07913 037059 – or refer to facebook page

Bulls Head 465 London Road, - 01606 43725 – meals delivered to your home www.thebullsheaddavenham.co.uk

Pickmere Guest House Felicia can deliver home-cooked meals to your door and provide wine too from her wine list. For more details contact 01565 733433 or email [email protected]

Page 35 I became Vicar of St Helen’s Church, Witton and Priest-in charge of St John the Evangelist Church, Lostock Gralam and All Saints’ Church, on November 24th, so I am still getting to know my patch. More than half of the population of Lostock Church of Parish lives in Wincham and I am grateful for this opportunity to introduce myself.

Although I live in Northwich – opposite St Helen’s – when government restrictions allow I am out and about visiting parishioners and over the Easter period my wife and I delivered our fair share of palm crosses and sunflower seeds (representing Easter hope) to churchgoers living in Wincham.

It’s twenty years since we last lived in Cheshire. Carol, my wife, was born and raised in , near and I grew up in and attended Sir John Deane’s for a couple of years before my family moved to the Wirral. After university and ordination I became a curate in Bollington, where I met Carol and we got married. Our three sons were born in where I was vicar of St Michael’s Church. Our daughter was born in after I became vicar of St Paul’s Church. We left Cheshire in 1998 when I became vicar of St Alkmund’s Church, Whitchurch, North Shropshire. Most recently I was vicar of three parishes in Staffordshire, near -on-Trent.

Page 36 Our children have all left home – our daughter is a speech therapist; one son is an environmental scientist, another surveys the seabed in the North Sea and our eldest is a pharmacologist. We talk regularly via whatsapp.

Carol and I are pleased to be living and working back in Cheshire. We can share memories with parishioners of attending local schools, of so many of our friends’ fathers working for ICI and of course the changes that the M6, M56 and M53 have brought. And we can all agree that Cheshire is a great place to live!

As soon as the restrictions on church services are removed I will be back taking services every week at St Helen’s at 9.15 am and at St John’s at 11.00 am, and of course baptisms, weddings and funerals in church, too. One of the first services will include lots of Easter hymns because we missed out when we were all locked out of church and locked in our homes in April. Every Sunday is a celebration of Easter so it’s not too late for me to say Happy Easter!

(Rev) Andrew Ridley The Vicarage 61 Church Road Northwich CW9 5PB 01606 42943 [email protected]

You can follow us on Facebook @Lostock Gralam Parish. Do please like and share and look out for events and special services. Graham Sheen, Parish Reader and Churchwarden. 01606 42940 or 07718 758444 (if unavailable, please leave a message).

Page 37 Useful resources for everyone

A free online hub which some residents find useful. Their website tells us - “Nextdoor is the neighbourhood hub for trusted connections and the exchange of helpful information, goods, and WINCHAM services. We believe that by bringing https://nextdoor.co.uk/find- neighbours together, we can cultivate neighborhood/england/ a kinder world where everyone has a neighbourhood they can rely on.”

Page 38 Useful resources for everyone


1. To begin a race (4) 2. Infectious Richard (7 4) 3. European Woodland Cake (5 6 7) 4. Elizabeth or Anne perhaps (5 2 8) 5. Forbidden fruit meets a royal child (5 9) 6. Not the right way round (6 4 4) 7. Cadbury’s Scottish Animal (9 6) 8. Found during the weekend (6) 9. Mouse’s delight (10) 10. A monkey might do this (6 5) 11. Cook the floozy to perfection (8 4) 12. Pulled tight (5) 13. Of little value or importance (6) 14. To break or fall apart (7) 15. Adam’s mate (4 7) 16. Greengrocer’s jester (5 4) 17. Named after a Russian ballerina (7) 18. Combine the produce of a miller, brewer and dairy farmer (5 3 6 7) 19. Could be the product of an Irishman’s field (4 7) 20. Old fashioned item of gentleman’s clothing found in heaven (13 5)

Good luck! We will post the answers in the next edition. If you can’t wait and really need to know the answers before that, please contact our Parish Clerk.

Page 39 Useful resources for everyone

Village Resources on Facebook. Like and Follow these pages for up to date information and activities.

 Wincham Parish Post – village news and activities

 Wincham CP School – daily assembly from Headmaster, Matt Boot

 Multiflex School Sports – daily challenges and games from Mark Webb and his team

 Pickmere Press – articles and information from our neighbouring parish

 Northwich Folk Club – virtual Folk evenings

 SID RECYCLED – for up to date ideas and thoughts

 Drastic on Plastic Northwich – new ways to think!!

 Northwich Life – ask questions and share info

 Pickmere and Wincham Methodist Church – for spiritual support online

 Brio Leisure – for videos of activities to keep fit

 Wincham Acorns – for fun and games

 Marston Parish Council – articles and information from our neighbouring parish

 Lostock Gralam Church – for online guidance

Page 40

Library Dear Library member,

All of our buildings are currently closed but we are working hard behind the scenes to support you and the wider community during this time. All loans have been extended until the end of April so please do not try and return your items to us.

To keep up to date with what’s going on and to keep in the loop with new interactive initiatives and activities that we’ve got planned, follow us on Facebook @cwaclibrary and Twitter @cwaclibraries.

Spread the word - you can join the library online and access eBooks, audio downloads, eMagazines and our eResources* straight away without having to collect a library card. Simply fill in the online joining form and email [email protected] confirming your name, date of birth and postcode, to receive a temporary card number and password. This temporary card will be initially valid for one year and can be exchanged for a physical card once libraries are back open.

We’ve thousands of eBooks, audio downloads and eMagazines for you to borrow. If you can’t remember your PIN/password, please use our password reset feature. Alternatively, email us for assistance.

Please share this information with friends and family who might like access to these services. Finally, don’t forget to check out our Books and Reading section too, as there are a lot of free eBooks and eAudiobooks listed there for your enjoyment.

Regards Rachel Foster Senior Manager Communities and Library Services Cheshire West and Council Renew your loans 24 hours a day online or via 0300 123 7739 (24 hour)

Page 41 It is with sadness that we announce that, due to the current Coronavirus situation, worship services and other activities at Pickmere and Wincham Methodist Church are suspended until further notice. Our facebook page (see below) is regularly updated to help you keep in touch. Please look after yourselves and remember each other in your prayers.

Details of our church, services, contact details and other events when the situation changes will be publicised by our posters and on our website and our facebook page.


Pickmere And Wincham Methodist Church

Wincham Community Primary School

A message from Matt Boot, the Headteacher Until the school reopens, all of our school assemblies are being hosted on YouTube and being shared on the school’s Facebook page. . There will be an assembly video published on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9am for as long as we are able to do so. It seems strange to write this, as we are in the middle of what should be the Easter holidays, with no prospect of days out and so on, but on behalf of all of the staff and governors, we really hope that you can take some time to enjoy being with your families and loved ones, if you live with them, or virtually.

Page 42 Wincham Community Primary School

Laura Miller kindly sent us this wonderful poem. The school have continued to think about becoming global citizens with special reference to Kenya and the global goal for Climate Action. Well done, Charlie and Austin.

In My Matchbox

I will put in the matchbox

A drizzle of dark diesel dripping out of a dark blue car, A Kenyan school field with homemade footballs, A tip of a tap touching a toe, A crash of a caravan colliding with a car trying to get past a crocodile, A laugh of a Kenyan pupil, A tip of a toe touching a cat’s tail.

I will put in the matchbox

A sip of rainbow water from a baby cup, The first mouthful of chocolate cake, My first big hug when I was a baby, A bowl of Egyptian pasta, My first word as a baby, My first birthday when everybody sang, ‘Happy Birthday’.

I will put in my matchbox

Climate Action. My matchbox is fashioned from gold and diamond and jewels with rubies on the lid and memories in the corners.

Charlie and Austin Mottershead



The Meetings for 2020

The next Parish Council meeting is Wednesday, 22nd April. Thanks to an amendment to the 1972 law, the meeting will still go ahead but will only cover urgent matters . It will be held virtually to ensure the safety of all the Councillors and the Parish Clerk.

Wednesday, 22nd April 2020 Wednesday, 20th May 2020 Wednesday, 17th June 2020 Wednesday, 15th July 2020 Wednesday, 16th September 2020 Wednesday, 21st October 2020 Wednesday, 18th November 2020

The Parish Council Meeting full agenda will be available in advance of the meeting at www.winchamvillage.co.uk

Cheshire West & Chester Council COVID-19 HELPLINE SUPPORT 0300 123 7031 Open 7 days a week - 8am to 7pm The helpline will provide advice and support and where necessary make arrangements for food, medicine and social contact.

You can also email: [email protected]


Page 44 Useful Information Helpline to support people’s mental health 0300 303 3972 Local NHS Trust, Cheshire and Wirral Partnership (CWP), has launched a new mental health helpline for residents of Cheshire West, and Wirral.

Open 24 hours a day, seven-days a week, it is open to people of all ages including children and young people who need urgent mental health support. The helpline - 0300 303 3972 - is part of the NHS Long Term Plan to improve access to mental health support.

What to do if you need urgent mental health help: • Please call 0300 303 3972 and our dedicated local NHS staff will support you to access the help you need • The helpline is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and is open to people of all ages – including children and young people • The helpline is now the first port of call for mental health help – it is operated by people in your local area who will know how best to support you. If you call NHS111 you may have to wait longer for help and will be re-directed to this local service – so call 0300 303 3972 • Please note, A&E and 999 are not the best places to get help for the majority of mental health problems – call 0300 303 3972 to be directed to the best local service to support you • You should still call 999 or go to A&E if you have an immediate, life- threatening emergency requiring mental or physical health assistance • For non-urgent help and general wellbeing advice, the CWP website contains information and links to resources to support people with anxiety, low mood, and worries relating to the current Covid-19 pandemic www.cwp.nhs.uk • For children and young people there is also a dedicated website MyMind.org.uk.

Page 45 Useful Information Keep Up To Date in Wincham

Facebook.com/Wincham Parish Post - news for Wincham Facebook.com/Wincham CP School—school news Facebook.com/Wincham Community Centre

Wincham Village Website: www.winchamvillage.co.uk

We have four notice boards – Wincham School Gates, Linnards Lane and Chapel Street Playing Fields and Rayners Corner. Linnards Lane and Rayners Corner are Public Noticeboards too – please only use magnets on these boards.

Also Wincham Word, Parish Council Meetings or call our Parish Clerk.

WINCHAM WORD To contact the Editorial Team for Wincham Word: e-mail: [email protected] Telephone or written contact via the Parish Clerk.

Deadline for submissions for the next editions of Wincham Word Thursday, 2nd July 2020 – covering Aug, Sept and Oct 2020 Thursday, 8th October 2020 – covering Nov, Dec 2020 & Jan 2021 Thursday, 6th January 2021 – covering Feb, March and April 2021 Thursday, 1st April 2021 – covering May, June and July 2021

Wincham Parish Council cannot be held responsible for any errors, misprints or opinions stated in this publication. The views expressed by the contributors are their own and not necessarily the views of the editor. We thank everyone for their contributions, we do appreciate them and apologise if an item does not go into the next edition—we are limited by space.

Page 46 Useful Information

Abbeycroft Vets, Northwich 01606 40332 Alzheimer’s Society 0300 369 0570 Buses: Northwich – Warrington Cat 9 01925 634296 Buses: Northwich – No.89 01270 252970 Community Centre Bookings 07547 539310 CWaC General Enquiries 0300 123 8123 Eastfield Pharmacy, Lostock 01606 45485 Highways 0300 123 7036 Northwich Vets, Lostock 01606 359789 Pickmere & Wincham Methodist Church 01565 733543 Pickmere & Wincham Playgroup 07921 075139 Pickmere Parent & Toddler Group 07970 318837 Pickmere WI 07779 345988 Police Non Emergency and PCSO 101 Red Lion, Pickmere 01565 733247 St John's Church, Lostock 01606 43477 Salt Barge, Marston 01606 212525 Snow Angels 0300 666 6226 Street Scene 0300 123 7026 Wincham Community Primary School 01606 288060 Wincham Over 60s Club 01606 44185 These numbers are provided in good faith. Please advise us of any changes.

There are also many more useful numbers for national associations etc in the front pages of the BT telephone directory.

Page 47 Your Wincham Parish Councillors

Vice Chairman Chairman Ian Parr Kenton Barker 01565 734226 07734 359806 ianparr.wincham Kentonjbarker @gmail.com @yahoo.co.uk

Debs May Caroline Powell 07847 187983 01565 734792 Debs.may Caroline.powell @hotmail.com @me.com

Andrew Webster Nathian Morgan 07920 909955 c/o 0161 926 8645 andrew.websteruk nathian.morgan @gmail.com @gmail.com

Gary Olive Debra Kelly 07787 561156 c/o 0161 926 8645 [email protected] [email protected]

Will Shirley Councillor 0161 926 8645 Vacancy [email protected] Councillor Vacancy

Parish Clerk—Naomi Morris 0161 926 8645 [email protected] 22, Churchfields. Bowdon. Cheshire. WA14 3PJ.