1 GRAIL-identified gravity anomalies in Oceanus Procellarum: Insight into 2 subsurface impact and magmatic structures on the Moon 3 4 Ariel N. Deutscha, Gregory A. Neumannb, James W. Heada, Lionel Wilsona,c 5 6 aDepartment of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences, Brown University, Providence, RI 7 02912, USA 8 bNASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA 9 cLancaster Environment Centre, Lancaster University, Lancaster LA1 4YQ, UK 10 11 Corresponding author: Ariel N. Deutsch 12 Corresponding email:
[email protected] 13 14 Date of re-submission: 5 April 2019 15 16 Re-submitted to: Icarus 17 Manuscript number: ICARUS_2018_549 18 19 Highlights: 20 • Four positive Bouguer gravity anomalies are analyzed on the Moon’s nearside. 21 • The amplitudes of the anomalies require a deep density contrast. 22 • One 190-km anomaly with crater-related topography is suggestive of mantle uplift. 23 • Marius Hills anomalies are consistent with intruded dike swarms. 24 • An anomaly south of Aristarchus has a crater rim and possibly magmatic intrusions. 25 26 Key words: 27 Moon; gravity; impact cratering; volcanism 1 28 Abstract 29 30 Four, quasi-circular, positive Bouguer gravity anomalies (PBGAs) that are similar in diameter 31 (~90–190 km) and gravitational amplitude (>140 mGal contrast) are identified within the central 32 Oceanus Procellarum region of the Moon. These spatially associated PBGAs are located south of 33 Aristarchus Plateau, north of Flamsteed crater, and two are within the Marius Hills volcanic 34 complex (north and south). Each is characterized by distinct surface geologic features suggestive 35 of ancient impact craters and/or volcanic/plutonic activity.