ELECTRICITY MARKET PROJECT BLACK UKRAINE Tulcea 48 ° Constanta Ucraina Sud Constanta Nord Mangalia Tulcea Vest Tulcea Lllll L L L ˘ ˘ L L

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ELECTRICITY MARKET PROJECT BLACK UKRAINE Tulcea 48 ° Constanta Ucraina Sud Constanta Nord Mangalia Tulcea Vest Tulcea Lllll L L L ˘ ˘ L L IBRD 36853 22° 24° 26° 28° ROMANIA UKRAINE Mukacevo Costesti ELECTRICITY MARKET PROJECT 48° 48° Fundeni PROJECT SITES Siret Dorohoi Stanca Satu Mare BOTOSANI 220/110 kV TRANSFORMER SUBSTATIONS Radauti˘˘ Botosani 400/110 kV TRANSFORMER SUBSTATIONS Vetis Baia Mare Prut Rosiori SUCEAVA Suceava MOLDOVA 400/220/110 kV TRANSFORMER SUBSTATIONS Carei Baia Mare Suceava HUNGARY SATU MARE 400/220 kV TRANSFORMER SUBSTATIONS MARAMURES (220) Suceava Falticeni˘ 400 kV CONNECTION SUBSTATIONS Campulung Moldovenesc IASI 750/400 kV TRANSFORMER SUBSTATIONS M Ungheni o SUBSTATIONS OUTSIDE TRANSELECTRICA ADMINISTRATION Marghita ld BISTRITA-NASAUD˘˘ ov Salaj˘ a FAI Lasi INTERCONNECTION SUBSTATIONS WITH THE Tihau˘ Bistrita Pascani NEIGHBORING COUNTRIES' POWER SYSTEMS Zalau˘ Iasi Dej Bistrita NEAMT Tutora THERMAL POWER PLANTS, OTHER INDUSTRIAL UNITS SALAJ˘ ˘ Piatra- HYDROPOWER PLANTS Oradea Oradea CLUJ Roman Nord Neamt Cioara NUCLEAR POWER PLANT Sud Dumbrava s Stejaru Gadalin˘˘ e BIHOR r 110 kV OHL Cluj-Napoca u M (220) Roman Nord 220 kV OHL Cluj Floresti Cluj Est Reghin Gheorgheni Beius Vaslui 400 kV OHL Bacau˘ Husi MURES (220) Campia Sud 400 kV OHL OPERATING AT 220 kV ˘ Munteni CHE Mariselu˘ Turda Turzii Tirgu CTE Vernut Mures Bacau˘ 750 kV OHL Crisul HARGHITA (400) Alb BACAU˘ Bacau˘ Sud 750 kV OHL OPERATING AT 400kV Ungheni Siret VASLUI Sandorfalva Miercurea ARAD Aiud Fantanele Arad Iernut Odorheiu Ciuc Onesti Secuiesc Gutinas Barlad Sighisoara ALBA Blaj Arad Brad Medias POWER GRID BRANCHES (PGB): Alba Iulia 46° Mures HUNEDOARA 46° Alba Iulia SIBIU COVASNA BACAU˘ BUCURESTI Deva BRASOV Kikinda Tecuci CLUJ Jimbolia Mintia VRANCEA Timisoara Sibiu Sfantu GALATI Orastie˘ UKRAINE CONSTANTA Pestis Gheorghe Focsani Vulcanesti˘ Sacalaz˘˘ Timisoara Lugoj CHE Sugag Sibiu CRAIOVA Timis Otelaria˘ Hasdat˘ Brasov TIMIS Sud Darste Hunedoara Brasov PITESTI CHE Galceag Smardan Ucraina Sud Filesti SIBIU Iaz Galati Paroseni CHE Lotru BUZAU˘ TIMISOARA Caransebes Baru Barbosi Petrosani CHE Arges Ramnicu Resita Retezat Mare V Otelaria Campulung Sarat˘ Buzau Braila˘ Tulcea Vest Resita VALCEA Aref Resita PRAHOVA Lacu Sarat˘ Isaccea Ramnicu ARGES Tulcea GORJ Campina Buzau˘ (220) Valcea Targu Jiu RIVERS Curtea de Arges CET Stalpa BRAILA˘ Anina Targu Jiu Nord Raureni CTE Doicesti Brazi Teleajen SELECTED CITIES CARAS-SEVERIN Stuparei˘ Targoviste Urechesti Targoviste (220) COUNTY (JUDET) CENTERS Pitesti COS Ploiesti Pitesti Brazi Gura TULCEA NATIONAL CAPITAL be Sud Dan u Sardanestu˘˘ Vest Urziceni Ialomitei COUNTY (JUDET) BOUNDARIES Orsova V Drobeta-Turnu Dragasani˘˘ Arges ILFOV IALOMITA Portile de Fier Tantareni˘ Bradu DAMBOVITA INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARIES Severin Slobozia Gura Vaii Drobeta-Turnu Sererin Slatina 400 Ialomita BUCHAREST Fundeni MEHEDINTI Slatina Ostrovu Isalnita SRA ALRO CALARASI˘˘ Fetesti l Cernavoda˘ Mare Domnesti l Djerdap Slatina 220 CNE l l lll Craiova Mostistea l Constanta Nord SERBIA Craiova Cernavoda˘ l Sip Bucuresti CSC l Nord Gradistea˘ Pelicanu l Constanta Sud Calarasi l DOLJ Caracal TELEORMAN l lllll Oltenita CONSTANTA 44° Cetate Rosiori de Vede GIURGIU 44° Danube Kusiak Calafat Olt (400) Alexandria Ghizdaru BLACK Mangalia OLT Giurgiu Dobrudja SEA This map was produced by the Map Design Unit of The World Bank. 02550 75 KM Varna The boundaries, colors, denominations and any other information Turnu Magurele˘ shown on this map do not imply, on the part of The World Bank Group, any judgment on the legal status of any territory, or any Kozlodui 010203040 50 MI endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries. 22° 24° BULGARIA 26° 28° MARCH 2009.
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