Official Magazine of the Rootes Group Car Club Inc No. 367, July 2021 ROOTES GROUP CAR CLUB INCORPORATED CONTACT US Address: P.O. Box 932 GLEN WAVERLEY, VIC 3150 Note that post box is only checked fortnightly – allow plenty of time for response Note new phone number: (03) 9005 0083 (AH) Email:
[email protected] REG # A14412X Web Site: MAIN OFFICE BEARERS 2020-21 PRESIDENT: Bernard Keating VICE PRESIDENT: Murray Brown 0422 550 449 (AH) (03) 5626 6340 (AH)
[email protected] [email protected] SECRETARY: Thomas Clayton TREASURER: Bernie Meehan 0414 953 481 (AH) 0412 392 470
[email protected] [email protected] SOCIAL MEDIA OFFICER: Jodie Brown WEB SITE: Alex Chinnick (03) 5626 6340 (AH)
[email protected] [email protected] SOCIAL COORDINATOR: Tim Christie MAGAZINE EDITOR: John Howell (03) 9741 6530 (AH) or 0409 966 942 0434 319 910 (AH)
[email protected] [email protected] LIBRARIAN: Matthew Lambert REGALIA OFFICER: Kristi Lambert (03) 9570 5584 (After 8pm) (03) 9570 5584 (AH)
[email protected] [email protected] SPARE PARTS OFFICER: Murray Brown CLUB PERMIT OFFICERS: (03) 5626 6340 (AH) Neil Yeomans: 0429 295 774
[email protected] Mick Lindsay: (03) 5860 8650 (AH) AOMC Reps: John Howell or 0417 304 616 Federation Reps: Neil Yeomans CLUB PERMITS For club permit applications & renewals, call one of the above Club Permit Officers who will tell you what needs to be done, and where to send your paperwork. Include a stamped envelope and don’t forget to sign the form! Fees: 1.