United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,077,832 Chamberlain Et Al
USOO6077832A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,077,832 Chamberlain et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Jun. 20, 2000 54). ANTIVIRAL BENZIMIDAZOLE OTHER PUBLICATIONS NUCLEOSIDE ANALOGUES AND A METHOD FOR THEIR PREPARATION Methods of Nucleoside Synthesis. Vorbrueggen, Helmut. Res. Lab., Schering A-G., Berlin, D-1000/65, Fed. Rep. 75 Inventors: Stanley Dawes Chamberlain; Susan Ger. NATO Adv. Study Inst. Ser, Ser. A (1979), Mary Daluge; George Walter A26(Nucleoside Analogues: Chem., Biol., Med. Appl.), Koszalka, all of Chapel Hill, N.C. 35-69. Vorbriggen et al., “Nucleoside Synthesis with Trimethylsi 73 Assignee: GlaxoWellcome Inc., Five Moore lyl Triflate and Perchlorate as Catalysts,” Chem. Ber. 114, Drive, N.C. pp. 1234–1255 (1981). Vorbriggen et al., “New Catalysts for the Synthesis of * Notice: This patent issued on a continued pros Nucleosides,” Angew. Chem. Internat. Edit. 14(6), pp. ecution application filed under 37 CFR 421–422 (1974). 1.53(d), and is subject to the twenty year Gordon et al., “Kinetics of Decay in the Expression of patent term provisions of 35 U.S.C. Interferon-Dependent mRNAS Responsible for Resistance 154(a)(2). to Virus.” Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 77(1), 452–456 (Jan. 21 Appl. No.: 08/765,758 1980). Devivar et al., “Benzimidazole Ribonucleosides: Observa 22 PCT Filed: Jul. 6, 1995 tion of An Unexpected Nitration WHen Performing Non Aqueous Diazotizations with t-butyl Nitrite,” Biorganic C& 86 PCT No.: PCT/GB95/01597 Medicinal Chem. Letters, 2(9), 1105–1110 (Sep. 1992). S371 Date: Jan. 6, 1997 Tigges et al., “Human CD8+ Herpes Simplex Virus-Specific Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Clones Recognize Diverse Viron S 102(e) Date: Jan.
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