Index of Archives
Cambridge University Press 0521827264 - German Industry and Global Enterprise BASF: The History of a Company Werner Abelshauser, Wolfgang von Hippel, Jeffrey Allan Johnson and Raymond G. Stokes Index More information Index of Archives BASF IG IG Farben Archive in the BASF corporate archive, Ludwigshafen, Germany BASF RA BASF Rechtsabteilung [Legal Department], Ludwigshafen, Germany BASF UA BASF Unternehmensarchiv [Corporate Archive], Ludwigshafen, Germany BAK Bundesarchiv [German Federal Archive], Koblenz, Germany BAL Bundesarchiv [German Federal Archive], Berlin-Lichterfelde, Germany BAMA Bundesarchiv – Militararchiv¨ [German Federal Archive – Militaryarchive], Freiburg, Germany BAP Bundesarchiv [German Federal Archive], formerlythe Potsdam collection, Berlin, Germany Bayer Bayer Werksarchiv [Bayer Factory Archive], Leverkusen, Germany BP ARC B[ritish] P[etroleum] Amoco Archive in Modern Record Centre, Universityof Warwick, United Kingdom EFP Emil Fischer Papers, Bancroft Library, University of California at Berkeley, California GARF Archive of the Russian Federation, Moscow GLA General Landesarchiv [General Land Archive] Ludwigshafen, Germany Hoechst Hoechst Archive, Frankfurt-Hochst,¨ Germany IWM Imperial War Museum, London LAM Landesarchiv [Land Archive], Merseburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany MGFrC Archive of the French MilitaryGovernment in Germany,Colmar, France NA National Archives, College Park, Maryland NI Records of the U.S. Nuremberg War Crimes Trials: NI Series, 1933–1948, U.S. National Archives, Record Group 238, Microfilm T 301
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