Our New Salvation Army of Wake County Is Excited About the Launch of Our Refreshed Website at a New Address: Home IS OPEN

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Our New Salvation Army of Wake County Is Excited About the Launch of Our Refreshed Website at a New Address: Home IS OPEN NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION THEThe SalvationSALVATION Army ARMY be a SHIELD SEPTEMBER 2013 NON-PROFITUS POSTAGE ORGANIZATION PAID The215 SalvationSouth Person Army Street 215 South Person Street US POSTAGE PAID A New 2Raleigh,15 South NC NC Person 27601-7584 276 0Street1-7584 RALEIGH, NC Raleigh, NC 27601-7584 RALEIGH,PERMIT NO. NC 32 Home Online: PERMIT NO. 32 WAKEARMY.ORG Along with the Grand Opening of the Judy D. Zelnak Center of Hope, The Our New Salvation Army of Wake County is excited about the launch of our refreshed website at a new address: Home IS OPEN www.wakearmy.org. i2i MOVEMENT The new website has a very user- You pass them on your way to work. You friendly interface allowing visitors to walk by them every day. Those who have more easily access the information no place to call home, no food to satisfy The Salvation Army has loyally served Wake County they need, whether it’s about their hunger. Men, women and children since 1887, when it began a Prison Ministry for 500 programs, services or volunteering. who have been dehumanized by their inmates. As the need grew, so did the organization, The new design also enables The circumstances, separated from the rest introducing more services: shelter, clothing, food and Salvation Army to have much more of the world by an invisible wall. You other necessities to those in need. On August 10, control over the site, as well as avoid looking into their eyes because 2013, nearly 126 years later, The Salvation Army allowing for greater flexibility. “The you fear what you’ll find staring back. It’s opened The Judy D. Zelnak Center of Hope, located old website had so much information time to break down those walls — walls at 1863 Capital Boulevard in Raleigh. that it could become overwhelming we all have built. and confusing to the viewer. The new More than just a building, the Center of Hope is a website is fresh and clean, but still Now is the time to Stop and interrupt place where weary souls can find rest, empty extremely informative,” explains Haven our lives for a brief moment. We must stomachs can find a warm meal, and families can find Sink, Director of Public Relations. Connect with another human being, live a home during difficult times. The new space allows There is even a new blog section with life outside our comfort zone…the way it for the expansion of all of these services to families in up-to-date information and stories was meant to be lived. And then Repeat. be a SHIELD need, including many more available beds for women featuring programs, staff, volunteers Serving all of Wake County Since 1887 and children who need shelter — from 34 beds to and more. Create a new way of living, where two nearly 90 beds. Additionally, the Center of Hope will pairs of eyes meet with a mutual respect, serve as the host space for the Free Dental Clinic understanding and hope. Let’s operated by Wake Smiles, as well as home to a state- experience the beauty of engaging with DATES TO REMEMBER of-the-art computer lab, prayer room, indoor-outdoor those around us. Let’s serve others and recreation area, and a 5,600-square-foot storehouse be served in return, erasing the pain and September 27: Project FIGHT’s Prayer Walk at Edenton St. UMC to manage donations and emergency supplies. loneliness of those living on the street… weekend of Prayer & Fasting for Victims of and ultimately, our own hurt. September 27-30: On August 6 the staff welcomed with open arms the Sexual Trafficking shelter families from our Person Street facility. It was a The i2i Movement invites you to take moment filled with joy, happy tears and lots of hope. Girls on the Run! Program at five minutes to interrupt your life. Look September-December: Paige Bagwell, Director of Operations and someone in the eye. Offer them a bottle Community Center Communications, said, “After years of raising money of water or a can of food that can help and working through construction, it is exciting and Winter Coat Giveaway meet a physical need. But more than October, November & December: humbling to see this finished project and our that, meet their spiritual need of human residents moving in and feeling at home.” October-December: Flag Football at Community Center connectedness. Then share your story (ages 7-12) with us and with others. Check out The Salvation Army of Wake County is thrilled to be in our new home. Please stop by the Center of Hope for the new website under “Get Involved” November 27: Kettle Kickoff to learn more about how you can a visit…you will no doubt be inspired to join our fight START A MOVEMENT. November 29: Angel Trees at local malls for hope! SEPTEMBER 2013 More information can be found online at www.wakearmy.org. A Letter FROM THE MAJOR 8th Annual Most New Community International Amazing Center PROGRAMS HUNGER, HOMELESSNESS AND HOPE 3. I have learned from my personal experience WEEKEND OF with Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) that Race 2013 The Most Amazing Race raises funds for the In downtown Raleigh there’s been a recent when doctors cannot cure a disease, they PRAYER & FASTING On Saturday, August 24th, The Salvation Community Center’s after school, summer uproar about Hunger and Homelessness. As try to provide for their patients “longevity Army held its second annual Most Amazing camp and athletic programs so that they can the Commanding Officer of The Salvation of life” and “quality of life.” To do this, they FOR VICTIMS OF Race event, a scavenger hunt/adventure-style implement awesome new activities like the Teen Army, I stay abreast of issues and situations like treat the symptoms. SEX TRAFFICKING race in downtown Raleigh. Presented by Wells Group Summer Camp and Girls on the Run. this, and meet collaboratively with Fargo, this year’s race included exciting new representatives of other agencies and mission As I am personally grateful for the chemotherapy The Salvation Army of Wake County’s locations and additional challenge prizes. TEEN GROUP ministries who set forth the ideal goals of drugs that treat the symptoms of MDS, giving Project FIGHT (Freeing Individuals trying to end Hunger and Homelessness. me both “longevity of life” and “quality of life,” Mid-June kicked off the beginning of the second Teen Group Summer Camp. Gripped by Human Trafficking) Patterned after CBS’s wildly popular show I am grateful for The Salvation Army and other According to Program Director, Sarah Ruiz, “We had several teenagers continues to help restore the lives of The Amazing Race, 24 teams of two were In one such meeting just this morning, I played partners in mission who feed the hungry and interested in getting involved in the program and thought this group would victims of human trafficking in North tasked with physical and mental challenges at a long debated argument through my mind provide shelter for the homeless. Food and create an active, positive outlet. They’re a great group of kids that have done a Carolina. Since its inception in August 12 different locations throughout downtown. and came up with what I think is a sound shelter may not end Hunger and Homelessness, lot to give back to the community, and we’re excited to see the numbers grow.” of 2011, case managers with Project Moving among local landmarks, including The conclusion. Some argue that The Salvation but it does provide Hope until a cure is found. FIGHT have seen 56 cases and have Natural Science Museum, Kings, Cirque de Vol, Army and other social ministries, at best, only Throughout the program the Teen Group participants volunteer at least once a assisted over 90 individuals. Lucky B’s, and the Mordecai House, each team provide a “bandaid on a cancer.” Others may Job 5:16 says, “So the poor have hope, and week with various nonprofits and organizations. The Food Bank, the City of kept their eyes on winning, including the grand Raleigh, and even the Salvation Army’s Center of Hope have benefitted from even go a little further and say that we become injustice shuts its mouth.” I pray that within our As part of the 8th International Weekend prize of $2500! their hard work and positive attitudes. “enablers,” doing more harm than good. community, across our nation, and around the of Prayer & Fasting for Victims of Sex world, Christians and people of all faiths will Trafficking on Friday, September 27th Teams had to raise at least $250 to be eligible From my own personal experience I want to never stop helping others; that we will be moved GIRLS ON THE RUN at 6:30pm, Project FIGHT will be holding to participate, with all funds going to the make a couple of statements: with the compassion of Christ to feed the hungry, Beginning this September the Community Center’s After- a prayer walk in honor of victims of Community Center’s athletic, summer camps, 1. Hunger and Homelessness are not diseases, shelter the homeless, and provide hope for School Program is introducing a new program called Girls on domestic sex trafficking. The walk will and after-school programs, which offer at-risk but rather symptoms of other diseases. If those who just may need a miracle. Amen. the Run. Girls on the Run is a fitness program that teaches take place at Edenton Street United kids various educational, recreational and we can cure those diseases, we can better young girls between 3rd and 8th grade the importance of Methodist Church and is open to the spiritual resources to meet their physical, social put an end to the symptoms.
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