Sandwicense, Such As Webster 1081 from Oahu Specimens Examined
68 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Vol. V, January, .1951 Form 3. Leaves pubescent; flower parts 6--7; Specimensexamined cells of drupe 7-9. LAN AI: Puuwaawaa, Rock 3800 (BISH, NY). In Koa dry forest, Lanai, Munro 61 (BISH , several respects this form is intermediate be NY); plateau on lee side ofisland, alt. 600 m. tween vat. Fauriei and ssp. St.Johnii. (?), Wilder 90 (BISH ); xerophytic forest near Kanepuu, Fosberg 12551 (BISH); K anepuu, 5. M yoporum sandwicense ssp. sandwi K aa, alt. 1,600 ft., St. j ohn, Eames, & Hosaka cense vat. lanaiense Webster, vat. nov. 18803 (BISH) ; same locality, alt. 1,700 fr., St. j ohn & Cowan 22624 (BISH) ; flats above . PIs. II, 21, 33; III, 43 head of Hawaiilanu i Gulch, alt. 500 m., Fos Drupa depressi-conica; endocarpiurn non berg 12525 . (BISH); Poomai J =Paoma?], costatum, Munro (BISH); Mahana Valley, Munro 171Y2 Leaves lanceolate, acuminate, entire, gla (BISH); M ahana forehills, Rock 8119 (BISH , brous, 6-13.5 em. long, 0.8-1.8 em. wide. GH , W); mountains near Koele, Forbes 91.L Flowers 2- 4 per axil; pedicels 0.7-1 em. long. (BISH) . Calyx lobes 5, 2-3 mm . long, ovate-acumin 6. Myoporum sandwicense ssp. sandwi ate. Corolla 5-10beq, 5-8 mm. long, glabrous cense vat. stellatum Web ster, vat. nov. or pubescent, the tube 2.5-4 mm . long. Ovary PIs. I, 1; II, 20, 32; III, 42 about 2 .mm. long ; style 1.8- 3 mm. long. Drupe prob ably whitish in color; endocarp Prinastrum cauliflorum Nutt. ex Gray, Am. depressed-conic or hem ispheric in outline, Acad.
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