Phys. Rev., 57, 1057
JUN E 1, 1940 PHYSICAL REVIEW VOLUME 57 Proceedings of the American Physical Society MINUTEs oF THE WAsHINGTQN D. C. MEETING, APRIL 25—27, 1940 HE 234th regular meeting of the American Hiroo Aoki, C. E. Barthel Jr. , Grant S. Bennett, Physical Society was held at Washington V. E. Bottom, Arnold E. Bowen, Eleazer Brom- D. C. at the National Bureau of Standards on berg, Ralph H. Caston, Robert L. Chasson, John Thursday and Friday, April 25 and 26, 1940, and W. Coltman, Rudolf Drenick, Alexander J. Fer- at the National Academy of Sciences on Satur- guson, S. Phillips Frankel, George R. Gamerts- day, April 27, 1940. There were three parallel felder, Edward Gerjuoy, Lee W. Gildart, William sessions for the reading of contributed papers on E. Good, Harold D. Green, William C. Hahn, Thursday morning and afternoon and on Friday Oscar L. Hay, J. Richard Haynes, Hugh F. morning and afternoon. On Saturday morning Henry, Marshall G. Holloway, George A. Horn- and afternoon there were two parallel sessions. beck, Paul S. Johnson, Charles B. Jordan, The attendance at the meeting was over nine Howard R. Kelly, John G. Kirkwood, Robert T. hundred. Lagemann, Joseph Lempert, Cyril E. McCellan, On Friday evening the Society held a dinner Donald B. McNeill, Charles R. Mingins, T. H. at the Wardman Park Hotel attended three by Mueller, Koju Noguchi, Shuzo Odajima, Anton hundred members and guests. President John Petrovich, Joseph B. Platt, Frederick Reines, Zeleny presided. The guest speaker was Pro- Philip S. Riggs, George B. Salmons, Chalmers fessor George Gamow of George Washington W.
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