BLUMEA 53: 1– 222 Published on 29 May 2008 AN ANNOTATED CHECKLIST OF THE VASCULAR FLORA OF GUINEA-BISSAU (WEST AFRICA) L. CATARINO, E.S. MARTINS, M.F. PINTO BASTO & M.A. DINIZ IICT – Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical, Trav. Conde da Ribeira 9, 1300-142 Lisboa, Portugal; e-mail:
[email protected] CONTENTS Summary . 1 Résumé . 1 Resumo . 2 Introduction – The country’s main features . 2 Vegetation . 5 Botanic collections in Guinea-Bissau . 9 Material and Methods . 13 Checklist of the vascular flora of Guinea-Bissau . 19 Pteridophyta . 19 Magnoliophyta (Angiospermae) . 21 Magnoliopsida (Dicotyledones) . 21 Liliopsida (Monocotyledones) . 119 References . 151 Taxonomic Index . 191 SUMMARY A Checklist of Guinea-Bissau’s vascular flora is presented, based on the inventory of herbarium material and on recent collections. In addition to the name, we cite for each taxon the basionym and synonyms, the life form and habitat, as well as the chorology, Raunkiaer’s biological type, phenology and vernacular names if known. 1507 specific and infra-specific taxa were recorded, of which 1459 are autochthonous, belonging to 696 genera. This shows a higher diversity than the 1000 species estimated so far. In the autoch- thonous flora there are 22 species of Pteridophyta from 14 families; 1041 taxa of Dicotyledons from 107 families, and 396 taxa of Monocotyledons belonging to 33 families. Three taxa are probably endemic to the country. Key words: flora, phytogeography, ecology, chorology, vernacular names, Guinea-Bissau. RÉSUMÉ Ayant pour base l’inventaire des matériaux d’herbier et les récoltes récentes, une Checklist est présenté sur la flore vasculaire de la Guinée-Bissau.