Not that Kind of Labor!

Princess Zelda stood on the balcony of Hyrule Castle, looking out over the tranquil kingdom. She put a hand to her aching back. Carrying her full term baby bump was really wearing on her. She couldn’t be happier to be having a daughter of her own, but she could have done without the aches and pains pregnancy brought. Not to mention the extra pounds. Her hips had plumped up along with her butt. Her back felt a bit softer too.

FRRT! She’d also earned a permanent tooting butt, though she was no stranger ​ to being gassy. It’d just used to come on only after big meals or milk. Big meals, even live ones, had never left bellies that stuck around this long either. Zelda missed her trim, lithe frame that she could actually move in. She blushed as the smell of yesterday’s lunch began to fill her nose from the fart.

She’d gotten cravings for spicy food, which did not help her bloated, gassy feeling. Still, it could be over at any moment. She would miss some things such as the feeling of life growing inside of her and how cute her belly could look at times. Zelda rubbed her baby bump lovingly, looking down at it and smiling as she felt the baby shift a little. A Zelda of her own. Dinner time was about to get even more confusing.

“Sniff Sniff Whew…” a voice behind her said, “Taco Tuesday turned into Wet ​ ​ Fart Wednesday it seems.”

Zelda blushed bright red, turning around to see her mother, Queen Zelda, standing behind her and fanning the air in front of her nose. The Queen was sporting a pot belly of her own, but judging by the loud gurgling coming from it, hers was a food baby and not, well, you know.

“Mom!” cried in embarrassment.

“Oh relax Pancake,” Queen Zelda replied, “I’m just teasing you. You should know better than anyone that you inherited your chatty butt from me.”

“I know,” the Princess replied, “I’m not that bothered about passing gas usually…”

“Pregnancy is a weird time,” the Queen stated, “I remember how strangely self conscious I felt about how big I was getting, even though I used to parade around with people in my belly all the time. Though speaking of embarrassing farts, let me tell you a story from my youth when I accidentally cut one in front of everyone…”

Queen Zelda, still only a princess at the time and looking much like she did during the events of , sat at her dining table. She had a rather bloated ​ ​ ball of a gut sitting in her lap as she ate her dinner. Before her sat a mostly empty plate with some baked beans still sitting in the corner. BUUARP! She let out a meaty belch ​ ​ that rippled her lips, but no one was around to hear it. Grooooan… She rubbed her ​ ​ belly, which now had some saliva covering the top of it.

“Oh, Link,” she moaned, “You really are my favorite meal… but, sometimes the chef gives you a run for your Rupees.”

She started to clean off the rest of her plate. Zelda moaned at the delicious flavor, literally licking the plate clean when she was done. Gloooorp! She set the plate ​ ​ down. She leaned back in her chair, sighing as her gut groaned happily but also with gas. BRRMMMP! A wet fart burped from her bum, a nearly visible cloud of brown stink ​ ​ rising around it. Zelda giggled at the gas.

“Beans, beans, the magical fruit,” she said in a sing-song voice, “The more you eat, the more you—”

Toot! Her butt finished the phrase for her. She giggled again before standing up ​ and stretching. She could feel Link sliding through her small intestines. Zelda smiled and rubbed the front of her bloated belly. Yawning, she exited the dining room and headed for bed.

POOT! PRRT! PFFT! She awoke the next morning to a series of toots exiting her ​ rear. Zelda smirked and stretched languidly, enjoying her morning gas while she didn’t have to smell it. Her belly felt smaller beneath the sheets. Link would be ready to make his appearance soon. After enjoying farting leasurely for another minute,

Zelda felt her bowels move menacingly.

She threw off the covers and hurriedly vacated the room before having to smell the freed flatulence. She made her way down to the basement, careful not to cut any cheese along the way. Entering the reformation room, she made her way to the small dias in the center of the room. She gathered up her nightgown and squatted, thankful to have decided not to wear underwear to bed.

PLUUUUUUURT! A thick wet fart ripped from her rump followed by a large ​ smooth turd. Zelda sighed in relief as she gave birth to Link’s (temporary) new form.

This was so much nicer than what she’d learned about giving actual birth with labor and other unpleasant processes. When she finished, she stood and admired the cute swirled pile Link had become. Then, she grabbed the Wind Waker.

Zelda reformed Link. She headed back upstairs to get dressed up in her royal garb. After, she headed to the throne room where everyone was gathering to hear her speech praising the laborers for their hard work repairing Hyrule’s infrastructure following the War Across the Ages. As she spoke, she felt some gas gurgling softly in her guts from the aftermath of yesterday’s binge. Zelda ignored it as best she could.

The pressure continued to build as she spoke, becoming more and more noticeable. She continued to hold it at bay, hoping to make it through her speech and then run to the bathroom. It was not to be. BrrtPPtfft… Zelda farted loudly, the sound ​ ​ echoing through the room. She blushed bright red, fanning the air behind her bum frantically with her left hand. The audience gasped.

“Eh heh… excuse me…” Zelda said awkwardly, a part of her dying inside from embarrassment, “I’m so sorry about that, I just got so passionate that it slipped out.”

She smiled slightly, trying to compose herself and lighten the mood. The audience stared at her…

“...then they started laughing,” the Queen finished, “Honestly, it was a huge relief that they found my little slip up funny. They could have stared at me the whole time, judging me for my little slip in manners, but instead they found comedy in their flatulent little princess. I managed to finish the speech after a while and then joked around with the crowd for a bit. I did learn a valuable lesson: beans don’t sit well with me, so I shouldn’t eat them before important events. It also reminded everyone that even princesses fart on occasion, so they shouldn’t feel lesser because of their own gas.”

“Oh man, Mom,” Princess Zelda replied, “That would be super embarrassing.

Imagine if I made the mistake of drinking milk before speaking.”

“That would certainly be quite the memorable speech,” the Queen teased, “But, probably not in the way you’d want…”

“I’d be so terribly embarrassed,” the Princess said, “Especially if Luke was there.

I can barely stand the tooting butt my pregnancy has given me when it’s just him and I, but if I did it in front of a bunch of people, I think I’d die!”

They shared a laugh as they stared out over the kingdom. It was a beautiful day, but Princess Zelda couldn’t risk wandering out with her baby so close to being born.

The Queen didn’t want to be too far away from her daughter for when the moment came. The Princess rubbed her belly.

“Oh, I wish I could go to the beach,” she stated, “It’s such a beautiful day out!

Tell me a beach story from your youth, Mom.”

“Hmmm…” Queen Zelda mused, sifting through the memories of her youth,

“Well, there was the one time I invited all our friends to the beach, then couldn’t help myself and ate Lana. Oh, that was so long ago! Your father and I had just started dating…”

Link and Zelda laid side-by-side on the beach on a pleasant, sunny day not unlike the current one. Link wore only a green and white swim trunks while Zelda wore a pink and gold bikini. The young future Queen had her hair down. Around them their friends were enjoying the pleasant day as well.

A shadow fell on Zelda as Lana stepped in front of her, wearing a blue bikini that normally would have been too small for her. But, her breasts and butt seemed to have been filled out recently, allowing her to keep the swimsuit on. Zelda pushed herself up slightly to get a better look at the White Sorceress. Grrrr… A hungry rumble ​ ​ emanated from her gut. Link had taken notice of Lana as well.

“Well, how do I look?” Lana asked, “The swimsuit you sent me didn’t fit at first, but Cia was kind enough to help me fill it out for the day… Princess?”

A visible streak of drool was running down from Zelda’s partly open mouth. She had a hungry look in her eyes as she continued to size up Lana. Grumble… Her ​ ​ stomach rumbled again. Link looked at Lana with apologetic eyes, knowing where this was about to go.

Zelda stood up. She drew close to Lana, grabbing the girl’s upper arms. Lana chuckled nervously. Grooowl… Zelda licked her lips as her stomach growled again with ​ ​ hunger. She pulled her head closer to Lana, her bosom pushing against the other girl’s neck.

“Oh Lana, you look absolutely delicious,” Zelda cooed, “I simply must have ​ ​ you…” She playfully nibbled the White Sorceress’s ear before pulling back. She licked her lips again. Lana still had a nervous look on her face. Drawing close again, Zelda licked the side of her friend’s face. Lana winced, instinctevely closing her eye on the side that was being licked. Zelda pulled away again. A blush was burning lightly on her face. She lifted Lana’s arms. Zelda closed her eyes and opened her maw wide.

She shoved the sorceress’ delicate hands into her mouth. They were soft, smooth, and rich in flavor. Zelda moaned as she tasted them. Lana blushed, partially in embarrassment and partially with arousal. Gluck! Zelda swallowed, pulling the hands ​ ​ into her throat along with some of Lana’s forearms. She tasted the lower arms now, enjoying the same flavors along with a slight plushness to the limbs from Cia’s digestion.

Glurk! She swallowed the rest of the forearms, pulling Lana’s head into her ​ mouth. She greedily tasted the girl’s face, causing Lana to giggle with the Princess’s tongue’s exploring. GU~ULP! She swallowed Lana’s head, pulling the girl’s enhanced ​ ​ rack into her mouth. Zelda licked and chewed at the squishy melons, enjoying their delicate texture and the reaction she got out of Lana as she did so.

GUL-gluck! She swallowed the breasts with some difficulty. Sluuuuurp~ She ​ ​ ​ began sucking in the girl’s midriff, eagerly anticipating her buxom bottom and widened hips. Lana’s legs kicked feebly as she was pulled off the ground. Next to Zelda,

Link still laid on the ground, watching as his girlfriend’s gut slowly bulged outward with her latest meal. Zelda tilted her head back, moaning as she prepared to fill her mouth with

Lana’s butt. Link found his eyes slowly drifting towards the royal rump. Zelda’s athletic rear was on full display for him, a callipygian that could only be possessed by a princess of the Royal Family. Gulgluck! As Zelda swallowed again, he found himself ​ ​ thinking about how after only a few hours in Zelda’s guts, Lana would reach the end of her intestinal tour and slide back out that sexy rump as Zelda’s morning movement.

Sllllurck! That seemed just as oddly arousing as getting a look at Princess’s cute butt. ​ He forced himself to look away. It wasn’t polite to stare. Sglorck! He watched as ​ ​ Lana’s plumped hips disappeared into Zelda’s maw followed by her lower legs and finally her feet. Ulp! Zelda closed her mouth and moaned as she traced the final bulge ​ ​ descending down her throat. Her belly distended before her, Lana’s curled up form slightly visible inside. Groooooan… Zelda sighed, opening her eyes and rubbing her ​ ​ belly as her stomach let out an ominous groan.

“Oh, Lana you were delicious,” she cooed, “You really hit the spot. Better than ​ ​ most meals, I promise.”

Urrrp! She blushed as a small belch escaped her lips due to Lana settling a little ​ more properly into her stomach. Blooooort! Another loud digestive noise came from ​ ​ the Princess’s stomach as it steadily began to fill with acids. Linkle was staring at Zelda wide eyed, a slight nose bleed come on. Impa was indifferent to the situation. Zelda kept her left hand on Lana’s head as she used her right to help set herself back down.

She laid back, enjoying her overstuffed gut. Grrrrrrrn… Her stomach groaned ​ ​ again with digestion. She turned her head towards Link. She was still blushing. “Ooh, Link, I feel so stuffed,” she moaned, “Would you mind rubbing my belly to help me feel less bloated?”

Link blushed hard. He got up and kneeled between Zelda’s spread legs. He began kneading her taut flesh. He could feel Lana’s form inside the stomach, the White

Sorceress was curled up as she awaited digestion. GURGLE! The process seemed eager ​ ​ to start. Zelda moaned happily as he massaged her bloated belly.

BWUAAAAAAPP! Occasionally, his rubbing would help to push a meaty belch ​ out. Zelda would blush and apologize after, but she was clearly enjoying the gas. Linkle soon came over to join in on the massage as well. Gloooooorp! The stomach must have ​ ​ been already halfway filled with acids by now. Unlike Link, who was careful to avoid the more sensitive parts of Lana with his massaging, Linkle was not afraid to give the girl’s butt a squeeze or search for her breasts inside of Zelda’s tummy.

This caused Lana to squeak with excited delight. Bloop! This lasted for about ten ​ ​ minutes before the White Sorceress was completely covered in stomach acids. Slooosh! ​ Zelda’s stomach was merciless in its crusade, quickly beginning to soften the girl’s whole form. BUUUUUURP! Another throaty burp exited Zelda’s lips. ​ ​ She licked her lips as she felt her meal dissolving in her tummy. Lana was beginning to really soften up in the Princess’s stomach as the two heroes continued to massage the swollen belly and aid digestion. The bulges made by Lana’s arms began to shrink until they melded completely into Zelda’s belly. Groooooooo… The bulge of her ​ ​ head began to disappear as well. Glrrrrrrn… Her buttocks softened from two defined bulges to a single bulge ​ before disappearing completely into Zelda’s now round gut. No longer was Zelda’s belly bulging with the shape of Lana. Now, it was simply swollen with a stomach full of nutritious White Sorceress stew. BWOOUUUUUUUARP! Zelda let out a powerful meaty ​ ​ belch to announce the girl’s digestion.

“Ahh~ All gone,” she sighed, “Soon you’ll start dripping down into my ​ ​ intestines… Don’t worry, we still have a few hours to go before I have to let you go~”

Both Link and Linkle found themselves turned on by their Princess’s taunting.

Blooorp! The bloated orb of her belly churned around the chyme stored inside, further ​ processing it in preparation for its journey deeper into the bowels of the Princess.

Linkle, unable to contain herself any further, ran off to find somewhere private.

Link laid back down next to Zelda. He lazily continued to rub the top of her belly with his right hand. BURRRAP! If he pushed down even slightly, it caused her to burp ​ ​ loudly. GLUUPP! A wet sound from the gut indicated that some of the former sorceress ​ ​ may have already begun traveling deeper. BEEEEELCH~ ​

“That was probably some of the most fun your father, General Linkle, and I ever had when someone was eaten,” the Queen finished, “It was certainly a lot of fun for me, sending that girl deeper into me, then eventually letting her out as butt gas and my morning bowel movement…”

She was starting to drool as she drummed her left fingers on her pot belly.

Despite the small feast she’d just devoured, she was feeling kind of peckish again. “That does sound like fun…” the Princess mused, “Maybe if it’s still nice after I get settled with the baby, we can have a beach day of our own… Mom, what are you doing?!”

The Queen had her daughter’s hand and lower forearm in her mouth. She was drooling all over them, moaning at their exquisite flavor. Being pregnant seemed to make her Pancake taste even better! The Princess’s frightened exclamation, however, made the Queen spit her arm out. She blushed.

“Sorry, sweetie,” she said, “You know you’re my favorite meal, and, well, you taste the best you have in a while! Oh, that brings me back to when you were young and would snuggle in my belly—”

She was interrupted as Princess Zelda groaned in discomfort. A powerful contraction had rocked the Princess’s belly. A loud splattering of water followed. Both women went wide eyed in shock, the Princess blushing slightly as well.

“I… Oogh… I think,” she stammered amidst groans of discomfort, “I think that ​ ​ was my—Huff—water… The contractions are… Uh! Getting stronger!” ​ ​ ​ ​ She grimaced with discomfort. The Queen’s heart was racing.

“You’re in labor!” she cried, “Quickly, to the infirmary!”

She gently guided the pregnant Princess back inside. Princess Zelda clutched the top of her gut, whimpering as she felt another powerful contraction…

“Deep breaths, deep breaths,” Queen Zelda advised, “Everything’s going to be fine, but you need to stay calm.” Princess Zelda was trying her best to calm her rapid breathing. Now in labor, she laid in one of the infirmary beds, her legs spread so the doctors and nurses could work under her gown. Her mother stood at her left side, holding the Princess’s hand.

She rubbed her daughter’s knuckles, trying to ease the young woman’s discomfort.

Having gone through this before with twins, the Queen could empathize with her daughter’s pain.

“Are you almost ready, doctor?” the Queen asked worriedly, “I don’t know how much longer she can hold out.”

Princess Zelda groaned as a powerful contraction hit her, grimacing in pain.

The doctor finished pulling on her gloves. She pulled her mask over her mouth.

“Yes, your Majesty,” she replied, “Let’s welcome in the newest princess to the family.”

Just then, Luke came running in with all speed. He was wearing his tan Jedi robes. Normally fairly zen, there was some anticipation to be seen in the young man’s form.

“I started running here as soon as I sensed her pain,” he explained, “Where are we in the proceedings?”

“We are just about to begin,” the Queen replied, “Why don’t you take her right hand?”

“Luke… help…” the Princess whimpered, “It hurts…”

Luke took her right hand in his. He took a deep breath, calming his anxieties.

He closed his eyes. Using the Force, he numbed Zelda to the pain she was experiencing. Now feeling disconnected from the contractions of labor, Zelda relaxed completely, falling back into her pillows and closing her eyes. He mouth hung open slightly. Holding her daughter’s left hand, Queen Zelda also felt the calming waves from her son-in-law, her eyes half closing as she was put at ease.

“I can see the head,” the doctor announced, “Here she comes!”

Thanks to the Power of Vore flowing through her veins, it was actually easy for

Zelda’s body to push out her daughter, once it got over its natural instincts that childbirth was a difficult and painful process. The little princess came out of her mother and began to cry at the far cooler air when compared to the warmth of her mother’s womb.

Luke let go of Zelda’s hand, allowing her to return from her numbing slumber.

She opened her eyes slowly, seeing the doctor standing before her with her daughter.

She began to tear up with joy, reaching out for her little girl. The doctor handed the baby over, allowing Zelda to cradle her in her arms. The Queen had her hands clasped before her heart, sniffling with joy herself.

“My little Zelda,” the Princess cooed, “With us at last…”

The baby had ceased her cries as she was rocked in the warm arms of her mother. All three Zelda’s were glowing slightly golden. The medical staff was impressed. Such a sight was rare as only pure and true love could bring out such a reaction in a daughter of the Royal Family. But this joyous moment was one that could bring out such feelings, even in the infant Zelda.

“Would you like to hold her?” Princess Zelda asked, looking at Luke. Luke reached down gently and scooped up his daughter. He cradled her in his arms, looking down at her and smiling.

“Hello there, little one,” he said, “Nice to finally meet you, my Princess.”

“Your father would be so proud,” the Queen said to her daughter, dabbing the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief, “He was when you were born.”

“I know,” the Princess replied calmly, smiling at her mother, “I can feel it in my heart.”

With the newest member of the Royal Family born, continuing the long line established in time out of mind by the Spirit Maiden Zelda and her Link, a new era of peace and prosperity was dawning for Hyrule. The future was bright, and unlike with

Zelda and her brother Ben’s birth, there was no looming shadow of to darken it.

The End