JUNE, 2011 the Church of the Resurrection New York, New York Cover Feature on Pages 26–27

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JUNE, 2011 the Church of the Resurrection New York, New York Cover Feature on Pages 26–27 THE DIAPASON JUNE, 2011 The Church of the Resurrection New York, New York Cover feature on pages 26–27 June 2011 Cover.indd 1 5/13/11 8:34:57 AM June 2011 pp. 2-18.indd 2 5/13/11 8:36:24 AM THE DIAPASON Letters to the Editor A Scranton Gillette Publication One Hundred Second Year: No. 6, Whole No. 1219 JUNE, 2011 In the wind . typical tractor tire with a pressure of Established in 1909 ISSN 0012-2378 Please accept my admiration for the 40 psi would be the equivalent of 1,080 An International Monthly Devoted to the Organ, John Bishop’s wonderful column in the inches of wind. That would indeed be the Harpsichord, Carillon, and Church Music April issue. His paean to the Cathedral the “Last Trumpet!” of St. John the Divine struck a mighty David Wigton chord of nostalgia, combined with ad- Dryden, Michigan miration of Bishop’s evocative writing, in CONTENTS Editor & Publisher JEROME BUTERA [email protected] which he expressed thoughts about the John Bishop replies 847/391-1045 building and its organ—which I have al- My thanks to my friend David Wig- FEATURES ways felt deeply. ton for his nice comments, and for Harpsichord Playing in America Associate Editor JOYCE ROBINSON Over a period of six years (four as a catching my error about wind pres- “after” Landowska [email protected] by Larry Palmer 19 choirboy and, overlapping that, four sure. He’s correct, of course, within 847/391-1044 as an organ student of Norman Coke- seven tenths of an inch. I checked Two organs in Cairo—a history of renovation Contributing Editors LARRY PALMER Jephcott) I was in the cathedral almost with friend and colleague Harley Pilt- by the Ktesibios Foundation daily. In order to gain admittance to the ingsrud to get the accurate “skinny” by Bill Halsey 22 Harpsichord circular staircase leading to the organ on the subject. Many readers will re- The Pipe Organ in African-American Worship: JAMES MCCRAY of St. James’ Chapel, I found myself call that Harley is responsible for the Symposium at the University of Michigan Choral Music in possession of a huge key ring, which useful influential publication of the by Sylvia Wall 24 admitted me to every nook and cranny Organ Historical Society, “The Aging BRIAN SWAGER Carillon of the place. Being a naughty teenager, of Organ Leather,” which he co-wrote NEWS & DEPARTMENTS I made use of this privilege, visiting all with Jean Tancous of the University Editor’s Notebook 3 JOHN BISHOP the places John Bishop describes so viv- of Cincinnati. He is retired from the Letters to the Editor 3 In the wind . idly. (One day I got out on the roof of St. National Institute for Occupational Here & There 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 James’ Chapel and found that I could Safety and Health (NIOSH), where he GAVIN BLACK make the entire circuit of the roofs of worked on high-tech ventilation proj- Appointments 8 On Teaching Nunc Dimittis 9 the eight apsidal chapels by climbing ects. He’s a great asset to the pipe or- Carillon News by Brian Swager 10 up and down the rain gutters [more like gan community, sharing his expertise Reviewers John L. Speller canals—empty, of course], which con- on air handling, air flow, and issues of In the wind . by John Bishop 10 John M. Bullard nected each chapel’s roof to the walls of pressure, moisture, and ventilation to On Teaching by Gavin Black 13 James M. Reed Charles Huddleston Heaton the apse.) the benefit of churches that own large Jay Zoller It was a great pleasure to meet John and complicated organs. I asked him REVIEWS Bishop a few weeks ago at the Church of to refresh my numbers for conversion Music for Voices and Organ 14 David Herman Charlie Steele the Resurrection; and I just had to write of wind-pressure measurement from Book Reviews 15 how very much it meant to me to read water-column-inches to pounds-per- New Recordings 15 his expressions of admiration for that square-inch. Here’s his response: THE DIAPASON (ISSN 0012-2378) is published monthly New Organ Music 16 by Scranton Gillette Communications, Inc., 3030 W. Salt wonderful place and that wonderful or- “The density of water is 62.4 lb/cu- Creek Lane, Suite 201, Arlington Heights, IL 60005-5025. gan, which I share completely. bic foot, or 0.036 lb/cubic inch. A water NEW ORGANS 25 Phone 847/391-1045. Fax 847/390-0408. Telex: 206041 MSG RLY. E-mail: <[email protected]>. Charles Dodsley Walker column one inch high would produce a SUMMER CARRILON CALENDAR 28 Subscriptions: 1 yr. $35; 2 yr. $55; 3 yr. $70 (Unit- New York City force of 0.036 psi. One psi would be a CALENDAR 30 ed States and U.S. Possessions). Foreign subscrip- water column 27.7 inches high.” tions: 1 yr. $45; 2 yr. $65; 3 yr. $85. Single copies $6 Like most of your readers, I very So Mr. Wigton’s comments are well ORGAN RECITALS 33 (U.S.A.); $8 (foreign). Back issues over one year old are available only much enjoy John Bishop’s “In the taken, and I offer my thanks to him and CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 34 from The Organ Historical Society, Inc., P.O. Box 26811, Wind” column. In his article on the to Harley Piltingsrud. And I hope I nev- Richmond, VA 23261, which can supply information on availabilities and prices. John the Divine organ, however, his er have to deal with an organ trumpet Cover: The Organ Clearing House, Charles- Periodical postage paid at Rochelle, IL and additional description of the “party horn” needs stop on 1,100 inches of pressure. mailing offi ces. POSTMASTER: Send address changes town, Massachusetts; The Church of the to THE DIAPASON, 3030 W. Salt Creek Lane, Suite 201, some clarifi cation. Since one psi equals John Bishop Resurrection, New York, New York 26 Arlington Heights, IL 60005-5025. 27 inches or so of wind pressure, a Routine items for publication must be received six weeks in advance of the month of issue. For advertising copy, the closing date is the 1st. Prospective contribu- www.TheDiapason.com tors of articles should request a style sheet. Unsolicited reviews cannot be accepted. This journal is indexed in the The Music Index, an- notated in Music Article Guide, and abstracted in RILM Here & There Send subscriptions, inquiries, and ad- Abstracts. dress changes to THE DIAPASON, Copyright ©2011. Printed in the U.S.A. 3030 W. Salt Creek Lane, Suite 201, THE DIAPASON accepts no responsibility or liability Arlington Heights, IL 60005. for the validity of information supplied by contributors, vendors, advertisers or advertising agencies. No portion of the contents of this issue may be reproduced in any form without the specifi c written permission of the Editor, except that libraries are authorized to make photocopies of the material contained herein for the purpose of course reserve reading at the rate of one copy for every fi fteen students. Such copies may be reused for other courses or for the same course offered subsequently. Editor’s Notebook In this issue example, the calendar on our website Among the offerings in this issue of contains nearly 300 listings, ranging from The Diapason is Larry Palmer’s refl ec- the present date through several months tion on the legacy and infl uence of Wan- ahead. To access the web calendar, visit da Landowska on harpsichord playing in our website <www.TheDiapason.com> America. Bill Halsey recounts the resto- and at the top of the page, click on ration of two organs in Cairo, Egypt, and “Events Calendar.” Then you can click Sylvia Wall reports on the symposium on any individual listing for more de- on the pipe organ in African-Ameri- tailed information. can worship, held at the University of It is also the best way of submitting Michigan. In his monthly column, John events for our calendar, print and web. Bishop muses on the physical and philo- From that same page, simply click on sophical aspects of wind in pipe organs, “submit an event,” and fi ll in as much along with his experience of Easter at St. information as possible. The listing can Thomas Church Fifth Avenue in New appear on our website the same day, (front) Christopher Ganza, Julie Huang, Filippa Duke, Justin Murphy-Mancini; York City. Gavin Black begins a column and will also be in our print journal if (back) Ben Blasingame, Frederick Hohman, Michelle Rae Martin-Atwood, Kola on memorization in performance, but received before the deadline. Each print Owolabi, and Adam Pajan departs from his usual pedagogical dis- issue’s calendar runs from the 15th of cussion to celebrate the 100th birthday the month through the end of the next The fi nals of the 2011 Arthur Pois- Other contestants were Ben Blas- of harpsichordist Ralph Kirkpatrick. month: the calendar in this June issue ter Scholarship Competition were ingame, a student of David Higgs at All this is in addition to our regular runs June 15 through July 31; the dead- held April 9 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Ca- Eastman School of Music; Christopher departments of news, reviews, new line was May 1. thedral in Syracuse, New York. First Ganza, a student of John Schwandt at organs, international calendar, organ If you need help submitting an event, place award went to Adam Pajan, a the University of Oklahoma; Filippa recital programs, and classifi ed adver- or have a question, contact associate DMA student of John Schwandt at the Duke, a student of Michael Bauer at the tising.
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