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P��lishe� M�y 5 2011 Klapalekiana, 47: 21–28, 2011 ISSN 1210-6100 Zabrus (Pelor) skoupyi sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from Greece Zabrus (Pelor) skoupyi sp. nov. (Coleoptera: Carabidae) z Řecka Jiří� �� ��J��� Wolkerova ���11��8, ��-����������8 01 Kra�li�e, ��e� �ep��li� e-�������ail: a�ara�voln����y.cz Taxonomy, Coleoptera, Carabidae, �abrini,abrini, Zabrus, new species, distribution, Palaearctic region Abstract. Zabrus (Pelor) skoupyi sp. nov. from northwestern Greece is �escri�e� ��re� ��������n� comp���������re� with rel�te� B�lk�n species of the s���en�s Pelor Bonelli, 1810� Te new �pe�ie� live� in te �ra��o�o� �ro�ro� �o�ntain�ntain� in te alpine �eadow� at an altit�de of 2000–2200 � a���l� Zabrus (P.) albanicus �pfel�eck 1904 s. l�t. is recor�e� a� new for �ree�e� New data on te di�tri��tion of Z. (P.) aetolus S�a��, 186� �� lat�, Z. (P.) brevicollis S�a��, 18�� and Z. (P.) peristericus �pfel�eck 1901 �are����������� pre�ented�.� INT��DU�TI�N �i�ht t�x� (species or subspecies) of the subgen�s Pelor Bonelli 1810 of the �en�s Zabrus Cl�irville 1806 �re known from continent�l northwestern Greece (Fre��e 1989): Z. aetolus matejkai M�ř�n 1940 (Vermion Oros Mo�nt�ins); Z. aetolus purkynei M�ř�n 1940 (type loc�lity in Mo�nt ��jm�kč�l�n on the �or�er �etween Greece �n� the Rep��lic of M�ce�o- nia) Z. brevicollis S�a��, 18�� (nortwe�tern and �entral �ree�e) Z. ganglbaueri gan� glbaueri �pfel�eck 1906 (�l��ni� �n� northwestern Greece); Z. graecus subtilis S�a��, 1862 (nortwe�tern and �entral �ree�e) Z. incrassatus (�hrens 1814) (B�lk�n Penins�l�); Z. peristericus �pfel�eck 1901 (����������������kmos Oros Mo�nt�ins);ins); �andn� Z. spinipes insignis �� �ül- ler 1932 (Greece). �n ���ition�l species of the s���en�s Pelor fro� te �entioned area i� �escri�e� �elow. �lso �nother species of this s���en�s is recor�e� from Greece for the rst ti�e in ti� paper� M�T�RI�� �ND M�T�ODS The specimens of new species �re �eposite� in the followin� collections: coll. G. D����lt S�vi�ny-s�r-Or�e Fr�nce; coll. J. �ejk�l �r�slice Czech Republic; coll. P. �r�ša, Saarlo�is Germ�ny; coll. �. Orsz�lik Frý�ek-Mí�stek Czech Rep��lic; coll. V. Sko�pý Žilin� Czech Rep��lic; coll. P. Štěpánek �l��no Czech Rep��lic. Me�s�rements were m��e with � MBS–10 stereo microscope �t m��nic�tions of 8× to 56×. Me�s�rements of �o�y p�rts �n� �o�y r�tios �se� in the text were t�ken �s follows: tot�l len�th = len�th me�s�re� from �nterior m�r�in of l��r�m to elytron �pex; len�th of me�i�n lo�e (penis) = len�th of me�i�n lo�e in �ors�l view; wi�th of me�i�n lo�e (penis) = m�xim�l wi�th of me�i�n lo�e in �ors�l view; r�tio of wi�th/len�th of pronot�m = r�tio of m�xim�l wi�th of pronot�m/len�th of pronot�m me�s�re� �lon� mi�-line; r�tio of �nterior m�r�in/posterior m�r�in of pronot�m = r�tio of wi�th of pronot�m �etween �nterior �n�les/wi�th of pronot�m �etween posterior �n�les; r�tio of len�th/wi�th of elytr� = r�tio of len�th of lon�er elytron me�s�re� from ��s�l �or�er to �pex/m�xim�l wi�th of �oth elytr� com�ine�; r�tio of len�th/wi�th of �pex of me�i�n lo�e (�pex of penis) = r�tio of len�th of �pex me�s�re� from �pic�l �or�er of intern�l s�c to tip of me�i�n lo�e/m�xim�l wi�th of �pex in �ors�l view. 21 T�XONOMIC P�RT Zabrus (Pelor) skoupyi sp. nov. (Fi�s 1–5 10 11) Type material. �olotype: ♂ labelle� “Gr. M�ce�. �etomilits� – Gr�mos mts. 23.6.2004 �lpin Sko�pý le�.” collecte� in northwestern Greece �t the �or�er �etween �pir�s �n� West M�ce�oni� peripheries Gr�mmos Oros Mo�nt�ins north of �etomilitsa, �lpine meadows �n�er stone ne�r snow-eld, c�. 2100 m �.s.l. (Fi�. 1 �n� V. Sko�pý pers. comm.) c�. 40�°��20�� N 20�°����50 �E, �����������coll. V. Sko������pý. P�r���������������types: Nos 1–6 4 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀ labelle� ���“GR��EE�������C� occ. Gr���mos��� Mts. �etomilits� env. ���������29.v.2001 �����lpin �����������2000–�������������2200 m �������S. Bene�ikt������ le�.��” �����������������3 km northwest of �etomilitsa, mo�nt�in r�n�e e�stern slope �n�er stones ne�r sm�ll snow-el�s (S. Bene�ikt pers. comm.) coll. J.�� �ejk����l����������� No� 7�������–���12,����� �4 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀ s���me ��da��t� ����������s Nos 1–��6 �����������coll. V. Sko��������pý; Nos 13��–1����, 2 ♂♂, �a�e data a� No� 1���–��6, �����oll� �G.��� D��uba���lt �����No� 1�5��–��1����, 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, la�elled “�ree�e, Ioánina, M. Gr�moz �etomilitsa, 29.5.2001 2000 m P. �r�s� le�.” coll. P. �r�š�; Nos 18–�����29 8 ♂♂, � ♀♀ s�me dat� �s holotype coll. V. Sko�pý; Nos 30���–������1, 1 ♂, 1 ♀, �a����������������e data a� olot����pe, coll. J. �ejk�l; Nos 32���–��34���, 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀ lab��elle������������� ������“�����Gr. M���ce�. ����������������etomilits� – Gr����mos ���������14.6.2006 Sko�pý le�.”” coll.����������� V. Sko�pý;������������� Nos 35���–������6, 1 ♂, 1 ♀ l��ab������������elle� ������“Gr.����� M�ce���.� �etomilits���������������� – Gr�mos��� 14.6.2006 Štěpánek le�.”” �����������������������coll. P. Štěpánek; Nos 3�7���–���������8, 1 ♂, 1 ♀ l��ab���������elle� “�����GR��EE��C� ���������or. occ. Gr�mmos mts. �etomilisa, 6.6.2008 2100 m l�t. Orsz�lik””, ������oll� �K������� �rszu�����lik� Description. Win�less species with me�i�m-size� �n� rel�tively n�rrow �o�y (Fi�. 2). Tot�l len�th 12.9��������–�������14.5 mm �������������������������������������mostly 13.1��������������������������–�������������������������13.5 mm (holotype 14.0 mm �ver�����������e 13.5 mm n = 39). Dors�l si�e ��rk �rown. ���r�m re�-�rown to ��rk �rown. Dors�l si�e shiny in m�les �n� with sli�ht l�stre to ��ll with elytr� less shiny th�n he�� �n� pronot�m in fem�les. Ventr�l si�e re�-�rown to ��rk �rown. M�n�i�les re�-�rown to ��rk �rown. �ntenn�e �n� le�s re�- �rown to �rown. M�xill�ry �n� l��i�l p�lpi p�le re�-�rown to re�-�rown. �e�� thickene� sp�rsely to �ensely �n� very nely p�nct�te (p�nct�tion visi�le in 30× magnic�tion) with eyes short �n� sli�htly (in holotype) to m�rke�ly convex. �nterior m�r�in of l��r�m with six setifero�s p�nct�res. �nterior p�rt of clype�s with �rc��te c�ll�s. Front�l f�rrows short mostly n�rrow �n� sh�llow. �ntenn�e re�chin� ��se of pronot�m when recli- ne�. �ntennomere 1 very �ro��. Ment�m with simple (i.e. not �i�) ro�n�e� (exception�lly rect�n��l�r) �n� �ro�� me�i�n tooth. Pronot�m tr�nsverse (r�tio of wi�th/len�th = 1.56–1.66–1.66 ��������������holotype 1.62) stron����������ly convex wi�est �ehin� mi��le m�rke�ly n�rrowe� tow�r� �nterior �n�les (r�tio of �nterior m�r�in/ posterior m�r�in = 0.�4–0.80–0.80 �����������holotype 0.��) l�ter����l m�r��������ins sli��������������������������htly convex (in holotype) to str�i�ht �efore posterior �n�les. �nterior m�r�in of pronot�m very sh�llowly em�r�in�te �nterior �n�les sli�htly protruding, ro�n�e�. Posterior �n�les m�rke�ly (in holotype) to sli�htly o�t�se with �pex shortly ro�n�e�. Pronot�l base sh�llowly em�r�in�te (exception�lly �lmost str�i�ht in p�r�type No 30). Inner ��s�l impression sh�llow �n� wi�e (in holotype) or ��sent. O�ter ��s�l impression ��sent. �nterior p�rt of pronot�m sp�rsely to �ensely �n� nely p�nct�te. Later�l m�r�in of pronot�m n�rrowly fl�ttene� (fl�ttenin� mo�er�tely wi�ene� posteri��) very sp�rsely �n� nely p�nct�te witho�t set�. Pronot�l ��se �ensely to sp�rsely (in holotype) �n� nely to co�rsely p�nct�te. Later�l �ead of pronot�m n�rrow not thickene�. �piple�ron of pronot�m smooth (mostly) or very sp�rsely �n� nely p�nct�te. �lytr� rel�tively n�rrow (wi�th = 5.3�������–������6.3 mm ����������������holotype 6.0 mm) ��������n� elon�������te (r�������tio of len�th/wi�th = 1.48–1.5–1.5� ��������������holotype 1.53) ����������very stron����������ly convex �������������������eclivity of elytr� �efore 22 Fi�. 1. M�p of Greece in�ic�tin� loc�lity of Zabrus skoupyi �p� nov� O�r. 1. M�p� Řeck� s vyzn�čeno� lok�lito� Zabrus skoupyi �p� nov� �pex steep to �lmost vertic�l in l�ter�l view. Interv�ls sli�htly convex (in holotype) or fl�t. Stri�e �istinct mo�er�tely �eepened, very nely (in holotype) to nely p�nct�te.