Isr J Psychiatry Relat Sci Vol 45 No. 1 (2008) 39–48

Self-Mutilating Behavior in Patients with Disorders: The Role of Innate Hypnotic Capacity

Servet Ebrinc, MD,1 Umit B. Semiz, MD,1 Cengiz Basoglu, MD,1 Mesut Cetin, MD,1 Mehmet Y. Agargun, MD,2 Ayhan Algul, MD,1 and Alpay Ates, MD1

1 GATA Haydarpasa Training Hospital, Department of Psychiatry, Istanbul, Turkey ý 2 Yuzuncu Y l University, School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Van, Turkey.

Abstract: Background: Despite the fact that the assumption of a relationship between self-mutilation and dissociative disorders (DD) has a long history, there is little empirical evidence to support this premise. The present study exam- ined this relationship and investigated whether this commonality is associated with innate hypnotic capacity. Methods: Fifty patients diagnosed with DD and 50 control subjects with major depression were assessed by using a self-mutila- tion questionnaire, Dissociative Experiences Scale, Traumatic Experiences Checklist, and the Eye-Roll Sign for their self-mutilating behaviors, dissociative symptoms, early trauma, and innate hypnotic capacity, respectively. Results: We have found that 82% of the present sample of patients with DD injured themselves. They had higher scores on trauma, dissociation and eye-roll measurements than controls. In addition, DD patients with self-mutilation were more likely to have high scores of trauma, dissociation and eye-roll than those without self-mutilation. Innate hypnotic capacity was a strong predictor of self-mutilating behavior in DD patients. Conclusions: This study strongly supports the as- sumption that patients with DD are at high risk for self-mutilating behavior and points to the necessity of routine screening for self-mutilating behavior as well as the hypnotic capacity which may constitute a high risk for self-injury in this patient group.

Introduction dissociative disorders (DD; 8). Particularly, studies Self-mutilating behavior, defined as deliberate self- conducted in patients with the most complex injury without conscious suicidal intent (1), is a dissociative disorder, dissociative identity disorder symptomreportedby4%ofthegeneraland21%of (DID), have found between 34% and 86% have histo- the clinical sample, and is equally prevalent among ries of self-mutilation (9, 10). Patients with DD have males and females (2). As a morbid form of self-help, been reported to have used more methods of self-in- self-mutilating behaviors often provide rapid but jury and started to injure themselves at an earlier age temporary relief from distressing symptoms such as than patients who have not dissociated (10). mounting anxiety, chaotic thoughts, rapidly fluctuat- Dissociation is the main characteristic for DD ing emotions, hallucinations and depersonalization and is defined as a conscious and/or unconscious (1). separation of mental processes (e.g., perceptions, co- Literature on self-mutilation has focused mostly nation, emotions, memories, and identity) that are on self-injurious behavior in personality disorders, ordinarily integrated in and accessible to conscious especially borderline personality disorder (BPD; 3). awareness. This may manifest as an adaptation to Because BPD is the only psychiatric diagnosis with stressinahealthyorpathologicalmanner.Itisbe- self-injuryasacriterion,itiscommontohearthe coming increasingly recognized that dissociative two equated in clinical settings. However, high rates processes can underpin self-injury (11). Some self- of self-destructive behaviors are found in patients mutilating patients have reported an altered state of with many different psychiatric disorders, such as consciousness while cutting or picking, resembling a major depression (4), antisocial personality disorder dissociative state, and declared that they have not ex- (5), post-traumatic stress disorder (6) and eating dis- perienced pain (1, 12). Childhood abuse, which is orders (7). This behavior is also prevalent in supposed by many to play an etiological role in the

Address for Correspondence: Dr. Umit B. Semiz, GATA Haydarpasa Egitim Hastanesi, Psikiyatri Servisi, Uskudar, 34668 Istanbul, Turkey. E-mail: [email protected] 40 SELF-MUTILATING BEHAVIOR IN PATIENTS WITH DISSOCIATIVE DISORDERS development of dissociative symptoms, may be a ences. To avoid these psychosocial influences (type, variable that leads to both dissociation and the pro- severity and current level of the psychiatric illness, pensity to self-mutilation (3, 11). Alternatively, sev- comorbid psychiatric diagnoses, cognitive capacity, eral clinical observations (13) also suggest that used, etc.), determining particularly bio- dissociation and self-mutilation might be related in- logical hypnotic potential seems reasonable. Evi- dependent of abuse history. It has been hypothesized dence has also been found of a positive relationship that self-mutilation terminated the discomfort of between childhood punishment and child abuse and dissociative experiences, in particular, deadness and hypnotizability (23). Butler et al. (24) recently pro- depersonalization (14). Indeed, many self-injurers posed a diathesis-stress model to describe how report feeling emotionally numb, detached from pathological dissociation might arise from an inter- themselves or dead inside prior to the act, feeling lit- action between innate hypnotizability and traumatic tle or no physical pain during the act, and feeling experience. They suggested that high hypnotizability more alive, more real and more grounded following might be a diathesis for pathological dissociative the act (12). states, particularly under conditions of acute trau- A connection between dissociation and matic stress. However, because of the lack of longitu- has been evident since the introduction of the term dinal studies, it can be difficult to tell whether the “dissociation” by Janet in 1889. Janet conceived of the high abilities of autohypnosis and capacity for disso- process of dissociation as an explanation for the phe- ciation are inherent and somehow genetically prede- nomena he observed during hypnosis and in hysteria termined, or if long practice has developed this skill. patients (15). Spiegel et al. (16) described Although high rates of self-injury have been re- hypnotizability as “the fundamental capacity to ex- ported in patients with DD, no study has investigated perience dissociation in a structured setting.” Simi- the relationship between self-mutilating behaviors larly, dissociative states have been defined as and innate hypnotizability among patients with DD. uncontrolled autohypnosis and patients with We hypothesize that DD represents one of the psy- dissociative disorders have most frequently been chiatric diagnostic categories which most commonly found to be highly hypnotizable (17). The capacity engage in self-injurious behavior and this common- for dissociation seems to be biologically determined ality may be associated with innate hypnotizability. and is reflected in the mobility of the external ocular On the premise that hypnotic potential is a construct eye muscles. Braid reported in 1843 that a patient that is related to dissociative processes, we expected could most rapidly and intensely be hypnotized as that DD subjects with higher levels of innate hyp- indicated by an upward eye gaze (18). notic capacity would show higher rates of self-de- Experimental studies investigating the relation- structive behavior. The present study assesses the ship between dissociative experiences and rate and clinical features of self-destructive behav- hypnotizability have revealed conflicting results (19, iors and investigates whether innate hypnotic capac- 20). Actually, current data associate the hypnotic ity may have predictive value of a high rate of self- state with a trait (21, 22) that manifests as an innate destructive behavior in a group of patients who have capacity to shift states of consciousness and varies on DD. a spectrum from low to high hypnotizability. In other words, innate hypnotic capacity is an ability whichallowsthehypnotizedpersontomakemaxi- Methods mal use of innate abilities to control perception, memory and somatic function. It represents both a Subjects potential vulnerability to certain kinds of psychiatric The participants of the present study were com- illness, such as posttraumatic stress, conversion and prised of 50 subjects (41 men, 9 women) consecu- dissociativedisorders,andanasset,inwhichitcan tively admitted to the in- and outpatient psychiatric facilitate various psychotherapeutic strategies. The unitsatGATAHaydarpasaTrainingHospital,anac- resulting experience for the subject is a reflection of ademic, tertiary care military hospital in Istanbul, genetically endowed talent and psychosocial influ- from June 2004 through May 2006. Dominancy of SERVET EBRINC ET AL. 41 male gender was due to the relatively higher admis- how one got there. Total scores are calculated by sion rate of male military personnel. Only those pa- averaging the scores of the 28 items. The DES is not tients who met the diagnostic criteria for any designed to diagnose dissociative disorders per se dissociative disorder according to the DSM-IV were andisgenerallyusedasascreeninginstrument.Itis eligible. They had no history or current symptoms of widely accepted as a standard measure of spontane- an organic condition that could cause psychiatric ous dissociation in both clinical and non-clinical symptoms. Subjects less than 18 years and those who samples. Typically, a score of 30 or higher is consid- suffered from severe cognitive impairments and se- ered suggestive of severe or pathological dissociation vere physical illness were excluded. All subjects were and scores above 40 are strongly suggestive of DID. It free for at least four weeks. All patients were in- has been used in hundreds of studies and is generally cluded for testing if their treating clinician felt that considered to have good reliability and validity. The they could give informed consent and there were no Turkish version of this widely used screening instru- other clinical contraindications to their participa- ment has a reliability and validity as high as its origi- tion.Patientswhowereacutelypsychoticorde- nal form (25). pressed were not approached. Patients who scored above 30 on the DES were A comparison group consisted of 50 patients (39 given the Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule men, 11 women) with diagnoses of major depression (DDIS; 27). Diagnoses of DD were confirmed with (MD) was recruited. They had also applied for in- or the DDIS. It is a 132-item highly structured inter- outpatient treatment at the same hospital’s mood view with a yes/no format which makes DSM-IV di- disorders program. Similar to a recent study (10), we agnoses of somatization disorder, borderline considered that a control group which showed self- personality disorder and major depressive disorder, mutilating behaviors but few dissociative symptoms as well as all the DD. It inquires about general psy- would be a suitable alternative. Using a healthy con- chiatric history, Schneiderian first-rank symptoms, trol group, we could not have determined self-muti- secondary features of DID, extrasensory experi- lating behaviors in comparison to the patients with ences, trance, and other items rele- dissociative disorders since they had almost no self- vant to the DD. The DDIS is also designed to assess mutilating behavior. Patients in the control group childhood trauma history, specifically, physical and were matched to the patients with DD on age and sexual abuse by family members, relatives and gender. In this way, after the subjects received a com- strangers and/or nonrelatives. The instrument usu- plete explanation of the study procedures and before ally takes 30 to 60 minutes to administer. The DDIS we initiated the interviews, written informed con- makes categorical diagnoses and yields an index of sent was obtained from all subjects. the number of items that were endorsed in each sec- tion of the interview. It has an overall interrater reli- Instruments ability of 0.68, an overall kappa of 0.96 for clinician- The subjects were evaluated with a comprehensive DDISagreementonthediagnosisofDID,andasen- assessment battery, administered by clinically expe- sitivity of 0.95 for the diagnosis of DID. rienced psychiatrists specialized in the treatment of All participants received a questionnaire which DD. The participants were identified by screening all assessed self-mutilating behaviors. Self-mutilation consecutively admitted patients with the Turkish was defined as “deliberate self-injury to body tissue version (25) of the Dissociative Experiences Scale withouttheintenttodie.”Asurveywasdonetoob- (DES; 26), the most common measure of dissocia- tain data regarding the type of self-mutilating behav- tion. It is a 28-item self-report scale that requires the ior (skin cutting, severe skin scratching, burning, individual to indicate on a scale ranging from 0 to self-hitting, self-biting and hair pulling), duration 100 to what extent presented statements of and number of lifetime episodes of self-mutilating dissociative experiences apply to them. The state- behavior and age at first self-mutilating behavior. Se- ments include experiences such as having done verity of self-injury was rated on a four-point scale. something without knowing when and how or find- Level 1 injuries were superficial, resulting in damage ing oneself at a place without being able to recollect to only the first layer of skin, and required no medi- 42 SELF-MUTILATING BEHAVIOR IN PATIENTS WITH DISSOCIATIVE DISORDERS cal intervention other than cleaning the area. Level 2 tained with a range from zero to four. Spiegel’s data injuries broke the skin, resulting in minor bleeding, (31) indicate a relationship between a positive (1 to and required a plastic strip bandage. Level 3 injuries 4) or zero eye roll and the presence or absence of led to significant bleeding and required either clinically useable hypnotizability. There are many in- stitches or another sterile closure device. Level 4 stances in which a psychiatric diagnosis can be clari- wounds were serious wounds that required multiple fied with the ERS alone and/or the score on the HIP stitches and were potentially disfiguring or life (21). Overall, conditions and psychiatric illnesses threatening. Finally, precipitating events and func- which manifest as cognitive impairments with ob- tions of self-destructive behavior as well as percep- sessive features and rigidity correlate with ERS of 0–2 tions during self-mutilation were also questioned in and low scores on the HIP; conditions and psychiat- the questionnaire. To reduce any bias in the assess- ric illnesses which manifest as mood disorders and ment of self-mutilating behaviors, subjects were in- fluctuations correlate with ERS of 2–3 and mid- terviewed by investigators who were unaware of range scores on the HIP; conditions and psychiatric their psychiatric diagnoses. illnesses which manifest as undisciplined emo- To assess whole early trauma history, the Trau- tional/dissociative states correlate with ERS of 3–4, matic Experiences Checklist (TEC; 28) was used. withhighscoresontheHIP.Toobtainastandard TEC is a self-report questionnaire covering 29 types process, all ERS measurements were made by the of potentially traumatizing events with good same researcher who was blind to the diagnostic sta- psychometric characteristics in clinical samples. It tusofthepatients. was found that the internal consistency of the TEC A neurologist was responsible for the somatic (Cronbach’s á test™=™0.86, retest™=™0.90) was good, as screening, which was performed on all patients. was test-retest reliability over a three to four week When necessary, additional diagnostic techniques, period (r™=™0.91) as well as convergent validity. TEC such as serial computed tomography brain scans or total score presents the number of reported poten- magnetic resonance imaging, were applied. tially traumatizing experiences (range 0–29). In ad- dition, the composite scores per trauma type Data Analyses including emotional neglect, emotional abuse, phys- ical abuse, threat to life, pain, bizarre punishment, Clinical data were expressed as percentages or mean sexual harassment and sexual abuse can be calcu- values ± standard deviation. Comparisons of demo- lated in detail. In this study we used only TEC total graphic and clinical data were made with two-tailed scores. unpaired t-tests or Mann-Whitney U test for contin- Subjects’ potential capacity for experiencing hyp- uous variables and chi-square analysis for nominal nosis was assessed by the Eye-Roll Sign (ERS)ofthe data. Pearson’s and Spearman’s correlations were Hypnotic Induction Profile (HIP; 21, 29). HIP is a performed to determine the relationships between convenient and appropriate means for clinicians to variables of self-mutilation (frequency, duration and assess hypnotizability systematically and correlates severity) and scores on the ERS, DES and TEC. To well with other scales of hypnotizability (30). In the assess the contribution of each of the selected ex- HIP,stressisplacedupontheERSasameasureofa planatory variables to self-mutilation status, logistic physiological or structural, rather than a psychologi- regression analysis was used. Logistic regression is cal trait which is responsible for a person’s potential presented as the statistical method of choice for ana- to experience trance (31). Although the ERS forms lyzingtheeffectsofindependentvariablesonabi- an integral part of the HIP, it should not be consid- nary dependent variable (e.g., presence of self- ered as a score related to hypnotizability by itself. It is mutilating behavior) in terms of the probability of asignofapresumedcapacitytoexperiencehypno- beinginoneofitstwocategoriesvs.theother.The sis. Frischholz et al. (30) indicated that there is a rela- analysis necessarily yields estimated probabilities tionship between the eye roll, hypnotizatibility and that lie between 0 and 1. The measure of association absorption. The ERS consists of the roll and squint derived from logistic regression, the odds ratio, is measurements added together. An ERS score was ob- defined. Statistical significance was set at 0.05. All SERVET EBRINC ET AL. 43 analyses were carried out using the SPSS for Win- tive behavior. The two groups differed significantly dows 10.0 program. with respect to histories of self-mutilating behavior (÷2™=™38.5, p™<™0.001) and suicide attempts (÷2™=™30.6, p™<™0.001). Furthermore, patients with DDs reported Results significantly greater number (t™=™5.4, p™<™0.001), more The sample consisted of 50 participants meeting full different methods (t™=™3.1, p™=™0.003), longer duration diagnostic criteria for any of the DD by DSM-IV, (t™=™4.1, p™<™0.001), and earlier beginning of self-muti- with a mean (±™SD) age of 23.2™±™5.3 years, and an age lation (t™=™-3.4, p™=™0.001) as compared to the control range of 18 to 50 years. Other demographic charac- group. With respect to other clinical measures, DD teristics of the subjects are summarized in Table 1. group had also significantly higher scores of overall The subjects were predominantly male (N™=™41, traumatic experiences on the TEC (DD 11.1™±™5.0 vs. 82%), and most of them were single or divorced Control 4.7™±™3.3; t™=™7.6, p™<™0.001), dissociative symp- (N™=™39, 78%). Nearly half of the participants were re- toms on the DES (DD 56.8™±™16.8 vs. Control cruited as inpatients (n™=™24) and the remainder were 14.5™±™8.9; t™=™15.7, p™<™0.001) and hypnotic capacity on recruited as outpatients (n™=™26). the ERS (DD 3.0™±™0.7 vs. Control 1.6™±™0.9; t™=™9.6, There were no significant differences between p™<™0.001) than the control subjects (Table 1). Again, patients with DD and control subjects with MD in significant differences were evident between DD pa- terms of socio-demographic variables, including age tients with and without self-mutilating behavior. The (t™=™-0.3, p™=™0.75), gender (÷2™=™0.3, p™=™0.620), marital DD group with a history of self-mutilation reported status (÷2™=™0.5, p™=™0.49), and education (t™=™-0.2, higher scores of the ERS (Z™=™4.0, p™<™0.001), DES p™=™0.85). Eighty-two percent (N™=™41) of the patients (Z™=™3.3, p™=™0.001), and TEC (Z™=™1.9, p™=™0.05) mea- with DD reported a definite history of self-destruc- sures as compared to those without self-mutilation.

Table 1. Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of the Study Groups

Patients’ characteristics DD group Control group Analysis p value (N=50) (N=50) (÷2 or t)

Age 23.2™±™5.3 23.5™±™4.6 -0.3 0.75 Gender (male) 41 (82%) 39 (78%) 0.3 0.62 Marital status (single & divorced) 39 (78%) 36 (72%) 0.5 0.49 Education (in years) 10.5™±™3.5 10.6™±™2.8 -0.2 0.85 Self-mutilating behavior 41 (82%) 10 (20%) 38.5 <™0.001 Suicide attempt 44 (88%) 17 (34%) 30.6 <™0.001 Number of self-mutilation 14.8™±™5.8 4.7™±™3.8 5.4 <™0.001 Number of self-injury methods 2.7™±™1.2 1.5™±™0.7 3.1 0.003 Duration of self-mutilating behavior (years) 4.9™±™2.2 2.0™±™1.1 4.1 <™0.001 Age at first self-mutilating behavior 13.9™±™3.4 17.7™±™2.1 -3.4 0.001 Traumatic Experiences Checklist 11.1™±™5.0 4.7™±™3.3 7.6 <™0.001 Dissociative Experiences Scale 56.8™±™16.8 14.5™±™8.9 15.7 <™0.001 Eye-Roll Sign 3.0™±™0.7 1.6™±™0.9 9.6 <™0.001 44 SELF-MUTILATING BEHAVIOR IN PATIENTS WITH DISSOCIATIVE DISORDERS

Of the 41 DD subjects with histories of self-muti- subjects met diagnostic criteria for DID and 18% for lation, 34% (N™=™14) reported between one and 10 dissociative disorder not otherwise specified lifetime episodes (infrequent mutilators), and 66% (DDNOS). Importantly, DD patients with self-harm (N™=™27) reported more than 10 lifetime episodes were more likely to be diagnosed with DID as com- (frequent mutilators). The average age at first self- pared to nonmutilator patients (Fisher’s exact test, destructive behavior was 13.9 years (SD™=™3.4) while p™=™0.04). The total number of DD subjects reporting mean duration of reported self-harm was 4.9 years a history of physical abuse on the DDIS was 38 (SD™=™2.2). The mean number of lifetime self-mutila- (76%), and of sexual abuse 28 (57.1%); and 43 sub- tion episodes and different types of self-mutilation jects (86%) reported childhood physical and/or sex- (cutting, burning, etc.) were 14.8 (SD™=™5.8) and 2.7 ual abuse. A total of 5 patients (10%) reported only (SD™=™1.2), respectively. Among DD patients with sexual abuse, 15 (30%) patients reported only physi- self-harm, 16 (39%) committed level 1 injuries, 12 cal abuse; 23 (46%) patients reported combined (29.3%) level 2, 8 (19.5%) level 3, and 5 (12.2%) pa- abuse and 7 (14%) patients reported neither sexual tients committed level 4 injuries. Thirty-five patients nor physical abuse. According to the DDIS, of the 50 (85.4%) reported self-hitting, 22 (53.6%) severe skin DD subjects, 38 (76%) met lifetime criteria for major scratching, 21 (51.2%) hair pulling, 19 (46.3%) skin depressive episode, 22 (44%) for somatization disor- cutting, 9 (22.0%) burning, and only 2 (4.9%) re- der, 43 (86%) for borderline personality disorder, ported self-biting. The most frequent precipitating and 9 (18%) described a substance abuse prob- events of self-mutilation endorsed by DD subjects lem. were feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness and To assess the relationship between variables of helplessness (90.2%), problematic relationships self-mutilation and clinical measures, total number, (43.9%), loss of a valued subject (43.9%), social isola- duration and severity of self-mutilating behavior tion secondary to restrictive conditions (36.6%), and were correlated with scores on the ERS, DES and family disruption such as divorce or separation TEC by using Pearson’s and Spearman’s correlations (34.1%). With respect to the perceptions during self- (Table 2). Significant positive correlations were mutilating behavior, 80.5% of DD patients reported found between the ERS scores and all of self-mutila- analgesia and/or , 80.5% feeling relieved tion determinants: number (r™=™0.73, p™<™0.001), dura- by self-mutilation, 46.3% , and only 22% re- tion (r™=™0.59, p™<™0.001), and severity (r™=™0.87, ported attempting to oppose to self-mutilation. Pa- p™<™0.001). DES scores were correlated with both tients rated the following functions of self- number (r™=™0.38, p™=™0.007) and severity (r™=™0.51, mutilation as most important: acting out aggression p™=™0.001) of self-mutilation but not with its duration (85.4%), interrupting negative feelings such as (r™=™0.22, p™=™0.15). With respect to overall trauma his- derealization, depersonalization, and dissociation tory, no significant correlations were found between (78%), tension reduction (70.7%), a cry for help the TEC scores and the number (r™=™0.26, p™=™0.07), (61%), self-punishment (61%), self-control (53.7%), duration (r™=™0.22, p™=™0.16), and severity (r™=™0.17, and increasing self-worth (51.2%). p™=™0.29) of self-mutilating behavior in patients with Research interviews revealed that 82% of the DD DD.

Table 2. Correlation Coefficients of Relation between Variables of Self-mutilation and Clinical Measures in Patients with Dissociative Disorders

Measurements Eye-Roll Sign Dissociative Experiences Scale Traumatic Experiences Checklist

Number of self-mutilation† 0.73** 0.38* 0.26 Duration of self-mutilation† 0.59** 0.22 0.22 Severity of self-mutilation‡ 0.87** 0.51* 0.17

†: Pearson’s correlation, ‡: Spearman’s correlation *: Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). **: Correlation is significant at the 0.001 level (2-tailed). SERVET EBRINC ET AL. 45

Table 3. Logistic Regression Predicting Self-mutilating Behavior in Patients with Dissociative Disorders

Independent Variables b coefficient SE Wald 95.0% C.I. for b coefficient p

Gender -1.1 2.46 0.20 0.003–41.34 0.65 BPD co-diagnosis 5.34 3.80 1.97 0.12–358537.64 0.16 TEC score -0.29 0.25 1.36 0.46–1.22 0.24 DES score -0.28 0.16 3.10 0.55–1.03 0.08 ERS score -5.83 2.45 5.69 0.00–0.35 0.017

Toassessthecontributionofeachofthehypothe- tute a very high risk group for self-mutilating behav- sized explanatory variables predicting self-mutilat- ior. The lifetime prevalence of more than 80% re- ing behavior in patients with DD, logistic regression vealed in this patient group is in line with previous equation was estimated (Table 3). Dependent vari- studies (9, 10). able was self-mutilation (that is, DD subjects at- In the current study, DD patients suffered signifi- tempted self-mutilation versus those without a cantly greater rates of self-destructive behaviors as history of self-mutilation) while independent vari- compared to the control subjects diagnosed with ables involved gender, BPD co-diagnosis, TEC MD. They also had higher scores on trauma, dissoci- scores, DES scores and ERS scores. An overall model ation and hypnotizability measures than patients indicated the potential hypnotic capacity to signifi- with MD. Moreover, DD patients with self-mutila- cantly (÷2™=™35.4, df™=™5, p™<™0.001) predict self-destruc- tion were more likely to have high hypnotic capacity, tive behavior in patients with DD, with 96% of the dissociation, and trauma scores than those without cases identified correctly even when gender and clin- self-mutilation. Our results confirmed preceding ical key features of dissociative disorders such as data (10) which revealed that patients with DD re- comorbid diagnosis of BPD, level of dissociative ported more self-destructive behaviors than patients symptoms and severity of reported traumatic events who had few dissociative symptoms. Indeed, several were controlled for. Although logistic regression studies have indicated a close association between analysis failed to reveal an effect for the DES score, self-mutilation and dissociation, or between self- there was a trend (p™=™0.08) for a predicting effect of mutilators and relatively high scores of the DES (32). severity of dissociative experiences on self-mutilat- This study also indicated that patients with DD in- ing behavior. jured themselves at a higher rate, over a longer pe- riod, and with more different methods and began Discussion this behavior at a much earlier age than patients with MD. Supporting this, Levenkron (33) has classified This study attempted to investigate the frequency self-mutilation into nondissociative and dissociative and clinical features of self-mutilating behavior types, considering dissociative type to represent a among patients with DD and whether this behavior more severe form than nondissociative type. Bohus wasassociatedwithinnatehypnoticcapacityinthis et al. (12) have similarly distinguished patient group. Eighty-two percent of our subjects from non-analgesic self-mutilators, reporting that with DD reported histories of self-mutilating behav- analgesic self-mutilators had begun self-mutilating ior. Among these patients, those with a diagnosis of behavior at a younger age, were likely to have more DID reported significantly more self-mutilating be- abuse histories, and had higher dissociation scores haviors than those diagnosed with DDNOS. The re- than non-analgesic self-mutilators. sults of this study support the assumption that This study strongly confirmed the function of patients with DD, especially those with DID, consti- self-injuring as a means of “self-help” in states of 46 SELF-MUTILATING BEHAVIOR IN PATIENTS WITH DISSOCIATIVE DISORDERS bodilyoremotionaldiscomfortinDDpatients.Self- hypnotizability was correlated with frequency, dura- mutilating individuals have been reported to have tion and severity of self-mutilation. Although BPD deficits and problems in resolving their anger, anxi- and chronic childhood trauma are very often found ety, frustration and depression, in coping with stress in patients with DD and frequently reported by pa- and in reducing tension. Generally, a of psy- tients who injure themselves, our study did not con- chological relief is common among self-mutilators firm an association between presence of self- (34). Self-mutilation has been suggested to have the mutilation and both BPD co-diagnosis and trau- function of terminating the dissociation precipitated matic experiences. Because several types of abuse by a strong emotion (11, 12, 35). Intensity of and higher rates of BPD diagnosis often coexist in dissociative symptoms may be at a maximum just be- DD patients, focusing on these variables may be mis- fore self-mutilation, so that the self-mutilator does leading. Results of this study suggest that self-muti- not feel pain normally during mutilation, but then lation may arise directly as a response to the innate feels immediate release with a marked decrease in hypnotic capacity regardless of the severity of trau- the stressful symptoms (35). The relative lack of pain matic events and presence of BPD co-diagnosis in reported by 80.5% of our DD patients may be a result patients with DD. These findings also agree with of hypnotic analgesia, which refers to the dissociative those of previous studies (40), which have indicated reduction or removal of pain under trance. Con- that dissociation and self-mutilation might be re- firming this assumption, in a recent psychophysical lated independent of abuse history. pain study of patients with BPD, attenuated pain per- Several limitations of the present study warrant ception or analgesia during self-mutilation has been attention. First, the relatively small sample size found to be due to altered intracortical processing should be emphasized. A larger sample of subjects similar to certain meditative states (36). Corre- with DD needs to be recruited. Second, the value of spondingly, a group of researchers (37) found that retrospective histories of trauma is questionable, PET scans of normal subjects with hypnotically in- given the possibilities of underreporting, over- duced paralysis were similar to the PET scans of the reporting or “false memory.” Last, the clinical char- patient with conversion paralysis. These suggest that acteristics of self-mutilation in this study were hypnotic states and dissociative reactions may share assessed by a questionnaire without known psycho- a common neurophysiological mechanism. metric properties. Ideally a standardized, valid and In this study, DD patients had significantly reliable instrument for assessing self-harm behaviors higher mean scores on ERS than patients with MD wouldhavebeenused.Aswithmanysurveys,self- (3.0 vs. 1.6). Similar to our findings, other studies report bias may have operated. Conclusions drawn (17) show that dissociative disorders and mood dis- from these results must take into account the limita- orders correlate with ERS scores with mean values of tions of generalizability. 3.3 and 1.8, respectively. Besides, there are several In sum, the current findings have important the- studies that have reported ERS scores in relation oretical and clinical implications for understanding with dissociative experiences. An association be- the relationship between dissociation, self-injury tween pain threshold, ERS scores and dissociative and innate hypnotic capacity. A clinical implication symptoms has been reported in a group of healthy of these findings is that mental health professionals volunteers (38). Welburn et al. (39) have recently need to routinely inquire about various forms of self- suggested that ERS discriminates feigned dissocia- mutilating acts in assessing of DD patients and to ad- tion from those with dissociative disorders. Also, a dress hypnotic capacity that may contribute to the significant association between self-mutilation and self-mutilating behavior, irrespective of the presence hypnotic potential was found in the present investi- of BPD and childhood traumatization. Examining gation. DD patients with higher innate hypnotic ca- the ERS is a particularly important target for several pacity were more likely to report self-mutilating reasons, because there is a strong association be- behaviors. High hypnotic capacity, in conjunction tween self-injury and innate hypnotic potential. 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