Parking & Travel Plan

Northbrook Hotel, 24 Northbrook Road, , Essex, IG1 3BS

May 2018

Prepared by:

Encon Associates Limited 10 Chapel Lane Arnold Nottingham NG5 7DR A3670

Parking & Travel Plan 24 Northbrook Road, Ilford, IG1 3BS

Date of Report: 23 May 2018

Report Reference: A3670

Issued by: MJB

Checked by: GM

P a g e | 2 May 2018 Parking & Travel Plan 24 Northbrook Road, Ilford, IG1 3BS


1 Introduction ...... 4

2 Statement of Intent ...... 5

3 Existing Site Information ...... 6

4 Staff Travel Survey ...... 8

5 Parking Plan ...... 9

6 Transport Data & Opportunities for Sustainable Travel ...... 11

7 Scope of the Plan ...... 16

8 Aims and Objectives ...... 17

9 Targets ...... 18

10 Measures ...... 19

11 Monitoring & Action Plan ...... 21

APPENDIX A – Guest Travel Pattern Survey (example) ...... 23

APPENDIX B - PTAL Calculator Results ...... 25

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1 Introduction

1.1 This Parking & Travel Plan has been submitted in connection with the planning application for the retention of use of the existing premises at 24 Northbrook Road, Ilford, Essex, IG1 3BS as a hotel, on behalf of the applicant, Mrs N Sanghera.

1.2 This Parking & Travel Plan will:

• describe the means by which residents, visitors and users of the hotel shall be encouraged to travel to the site by means other than private car • set out the level of parking provided on site, taking account of the availability of public and private parking off site

1.3 In addition, the plan will take into account specific issues of encouraging sustainable travel for trips to and from a hotel. These include:

• hotel guests travelling at the start and end of their stay • guests making journeys whilst they are resident at the hotel • any difference in behaviour during peak seasons

1.4 The existing hotel premises at No 24 Northbrook Road provides 11 guest rooms The hotel employs 5 people on a part time basis and there is parking for up to 5 cars at the front of No 24 Northbrook Road.

1.5 In accordance with the requirements of the London Borough of Redbridge Council (LBR) this Parking & Travel Plan has also been produced in line with TfL’s current travel plan guidance released in November 2013. The ATTrBuTE assessment tool for building, testing, reviewing and evaluating travel plans is no longer in use by TfL. It is expected that new travel plan guidance and tools will follow in 2018.

1.6 On a national level, National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 2012, requires developers and local planning authorities to place greater emphasis on travel by sustainable modes of transport.

1.7 On a local level, Redbridge Borough Council’s Local Plan 2015-2030 (formally adopted in March 2018), contains the planning rules by which the Council will assess planning applications. The aim of the policies therein is that all new development contributes positively to the social, economic and environmental well-being of the Borough.

1.8 Policy LP22 Promoting Sustainable Transport requires that a Travel Plan is provided to set out a package of measures to reduce reliance on private vehicles, reduce the need to travel, and promote travel to and from the development by walking, cycling and public transport. Whilst this does not mean that the use of the private car should be abolished, in fact Car Sharing between

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people known to each other should be actively encouraged; it does state that there needs to be a modal shift away from the car towards other sustainable transport methods in order to reduce congestion and carbon emissions.

1.9 Policy LP23 Cycle and Car Parking sets out to ensure that new developments provide sufficient cycle and car parking spaces and meet the maximum & minimum standards set out in the London Plan.

2 Statement of Intent

2.1 One of the objectives for this Parking & Travel Plan is to demonstrate the hotelier's commitment to promoting sustainable travel which is of the utmost importance to them and has the full backing of the organisation who have a primary concern to promote sustainable travel for its staff, visitors and resident guests of the hotel. As such, this report will identify and assess the sustainable travel opportunities that exist in the vicinity of the hotel. The report will detail potential measures that are within the control of the hotel manager and could further promote sustainable transport opportunities. This includes a marketing strategy to raise awareness about the Travel Plan and the opportunities for sustainable travel to and from the site and the provision of facilities within the development to promote the use of sustainable travel modes. The objectives for the plan are both environmental as well as the health and wellbeing of all those connected to the hotel.

2.2 The Travel Plan will aim to deliver the following:

• A partnership approach to influence the travel behaviour of its staff, visitors and guests • Encourage safe and viable alternatives to SOV (single occupancy vehicle) travel to the site by staff • Educate staff, visitors and guests of the social, environmental, economic and health implications of their travel choices • Improve accessibility for all

2.3 The local authority should therefore have confidence that the requirements of Policy LP22 are being met.

2.4 The plan will be implemented and monitored by the Travel Plan Co-ordinator (TPC) who will oversee the implementation and monitoring for the site as a whole. The TPC role will include raising awareness of the Parking & Travel Plan and including details on the hotel's website.

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2.5 The Travel Plan Coordinator appointed for the site hotel is Mrs Nishatro Sanghera, owner of the hotel.

4 Chelmsford Gardens Ilford IG1 3ND Email: [email protected]

2.6 A description of the role of the Travel Plan Coordinator is provided in section 7 of this report.

3 Existing Site Information

3.1 The hotel is an established business located in Ilford, London which is a substantial residential area bordering the districts of and Cranbrook with several other residential areas within a mile walking radius of the site.

3.2 The site falls within the IG1 postcode area, though areas to the west of Ilford Hill and the A406 are part of E12 instead. The population of Ilford, comprising the Clementswood, Loxford and Valentines wards, was 45,333 in the 2011 census.

3.3 The application site is a 3 storey structure in a row of similar properties on Northbrook Road, falling within the local highway authority of Redbridge. Northbrook Road is a two way street, approximately 800 metres in length which connects with Cranbrook Road A123 to the north and with York Road to the south. Northbook Road consists mainly of residential properties.

3.4 There are a number of restaurants and cafes along Cranbrook Road, all within half a mile of the hotel, offering a range of dining options.

3.5 Valentines Park, approximately 1km to the east of the hotel, is a large open space containing sports facilities, a boating lake and public open space.

3.6 The area is served by Ilford railway station on the from which is approximately a 7 minute walk, 640 metres to the east of Northbrook Road. This service is operated by Greater Anglia and TfL Rail. The nearest station is on the Central line which is approximately a 25 minute walk, 2km to the north of the hotel. The nearest stations are Woodgrange Park, 3km west of the hotel and Barking 3km to the south.

3.7 Ilford is serviced by providing bus services connecting Ilford with the surrounding areas including destinations between Stratford and Romford. The nearest bus stops to the hotel are:

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• Cranbrook Road (Northbrook Road stop), approximately 600m to the north, a 7 minute walk away • Ilford Station, approximately 600m to the east, a 7 minute walk away

3.8 The main vehicular transport routes in the area are Cranbrook Road A123 which runs in a north south direction from its junction with the A12 Eastern Avenue in the north and the A124 Longbridge Road to the south. The other major road in the area is the A406 which lies 500m to the west, this is a 26 mile ring road around Central London running from Chiswick in the west to Woolwich in the east. There are several other residential streets, in the immediate area set out in a grid style layout.

Map Showing Site Location

3.9 The existing hotel is a double fronted villa in a road of similar size properties. The site is a short distance from Ilford town centre and the surrounding streets are a mix of residential properties, offices and other commercial buildings.

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4 Staff Travel Survey

4.1 The hotel employs 5 members of staff on a part time basis and a survey has been undertaken on their travel arrangements to and from work. Due to the proximity of the site to large residential parts of Cranbrook, Seven Kings and Ilford, all staff have been recruited from the local area. Currently, 4 employees walk to work and 1 cycles. The proximity of and level of public transport services in the vicinity of the site make this a viable mode of transport for members of staff as an alternative to the car and the current staff may occasionally use the bus. No employees currently use a car to travel to work. The following table shows the travel mode survey of currently employed members of staff:

Staff Travel Mode Survey – January 2018

Car Walk Public Transport Cycle

0 4 0 1

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5 Parking Plan

5.1 Parking Standards

The Redbridge Local Plan 2015-2030 includes parking standards set out in "Cycle and Car Parking" (Policy LP23). The policy aims to ensure new development provides sufficient cycle and car parking by meeting the minimum and maximum parking standards outlined in the London Plan, Chapter 6 "London's Transport". Section 6A.8 of the London Plan states that there are no maximum standards set for hotels but In locations with a PTAL of 4 –6 (this site has a PTAL rating of 5), on-site provision should be limited to operational needs, parking for disabled people and that required for taxis, coaches and deliveries/servicing.

To further encourage a modal shift away from the private car to more sustainable forms of transport, provision of cycle parking in new developments will be actively encouraged. Secure accessible and sheltered cycle parking should be provided in accordance with the London Plan. Section 6A.13 of the London Plan states that short-stay cycle parking should be available for visitors with step-free access within 15 metres of the main entrance.

For both long-stay and short-stay parking, consideration should be given to providing spaces accessible to less conventional bicycle types, such as tricycles, cargo bicycles and bicycles with trailers.

It is recommended that supporting facilities are provided at land uses where long stay cyclists require them, i.e. places of employment. Supporting facilities include lockers, showers and changing rooms.

5.2 On-Site Parking – Cars

The hotel provides 4 on-site car parking spaces which can be used by guests. There is 1 on-site parking space available for staff, although no staff currently travel to work by car.

5.3 Street Parking – Cars

The area outside the hotel is not in a controlled parking zone and parking permits are not required for street parking. Northbrook Road is unmetered parking with several free to park bays opposite the hotel. The street does have single yellow lines which indicate restrictions on waiting and parking times in accordance with signage attached to a nearby lamppost. At the time of writing, no such signage was present on Northbrook Road, however it is assumed that parking restrictions will most likely apply between 8:00am and 6:00pm.

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5.4 Cycle Spaces

• Policy LP23 and the London Plan state that the minimum cycle parking spaces for hotels are1 long stay space per 20 bedrooms and 1 short stay space per 50 bedrooms. The existing hotel currently provides secure cycle storage for 6 cycles.

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6 Transport Data & Opportunities for Sustainable Travel

6.1 PTAL

The Public Transport Accessibility Level (PTAL) is a detailed and accurate measure of the accessibility of a site to the public transport network, taking into account walk access time and service availability. The method is essentially a way of measuring the density of the public transport network at any location within Greater London. A grade between 1 and 6 is given, including subdivisions 1a, 1b and 6a and 6b, where 6a and b is excellent, 5 is very good, 4 is good, 3 is moderate, 2 is poor and 1a and b is very poor. The PTAL score for this site is level 5 which is classed as "very good". See Appendix C for PTAL calculator results.

6.2 Bus Services

Ilford is serviced by London Buses providing bus services connecting Ilford with the surrounding areas including destinations between Stratford and Romford.

6.3 There are 2 bus stops close to the hotel. The first is on Cranbrook Road (Northbrook Road stop), approximately 600m to the north, a 7 minute walk away. 4 bus services currently operate from this stop to locations across the district including Romford, Dagenham, Leytonstone and Redbridge. Service 128 is a 24 hour daily service between Romford and Claybury Broadway, stopping at Ilford Rail Station. Service 145 is a 24 hour service on Friday and Saturday nights between Dagenham and Leytonstone.

6.4 The alternative bus stop is Ilford Station, approximately 600m to the east, a 7 minute walk away. Mulitple bus services currently operate from this stop to locations including Claybury Broadway, Dagenham, Chigwell, Romford, Limes Farm and Loughton.

6.5 The bus stops are within the 640m threshold defined with the PTAL methodology as a "maximum acceptable walking distance to access bus services from development sites". The bus stops have shelters, seating (south direction only on Cranbrook Road) and timetables.

6.6 The frequency of bus services in proximity to the site are summarised below:

Bus Service From To Frequency (Monday to Friday)

Claybury 10-15 minutes between 7am and 7pm 128 Romford Broadway 20-25 minutes between 8pm and 7am

Claybury 10-13 minutes between 7am and 8pm 128 Romford Broadway 20 minutes between 8pm and 7am

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Bus Service From To Frequency (Monday to Friday)

20 minutes between 6am and 7am Becontree 150 Chigwell Row 10-14 minutes between 7am and 8pm Heath 14-20 minutes between 8pm and midnight

7-22 minutes between 6am and 7am Becontree 150 Chigwell Row 10-13 minutes between 7am and 8pm Heath 15-20 minutes between 8pm and midnight

16-22 minutes between 6am and 7am 145 Dagenham Leytonstone 10-14 minutes between 7am and 9pm 14-16 minutes between 9pm and Midnight

16-20 minutes between 5.30am and 7am 145 Leytonstone Dagenham 10-14 minutes between 7am and 7pm 12-15 minutes between 7pm and midnight

10-20 minutes between 5.20am and 7am 366 Beckton Redbridge 7-10 minutes between 7am and 8pm 11-15 minutes between 8pm and midnight

10-20 minutes between 5.45am and 8am 366 Redbridge Beckton 8-11 minutes between 8am and 7pm 8-15 minutes between 7pm and midnight

167 Ilford Station Loughton 15-20 minutes between 7am and 11pm

15-20 minutes between 7am and 8pm 167 Loughton Ilford Station 30 minutes between 8pm and midnight

10-20 minutes between 6am and 8am 179 Ilford Chingford 10-14 minutes between 8am and 7pm 15-20 minutes between 7pm and midnight

15-20 minutes between 5am and 7am 179 Chingford Ilford 10-14 minutes between 7am and 7pm 12-20 minutes between 7pm and midnight

15-25 minutes between 6am and 7am 364 Ilford Dagenham 7-11 minutes between 7am and 8pm 12-16 minutes between 8pm and 11pm

11-15 minutes between 6am and 7am 364 Dagenham Ilford 7-12 minutes between 7am and 8pm 15 minutes between 8pm and 11pm

13-15 minutes between 7am and 7pm 462 Limes Farm Ilford 22-30 minutes between 7pm and 11pm

12-16 minutes between 7am and 8pm 462 Ilford Limes Farm 30 minutes between 8pm and 11pm

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6.7 Rail - Ilford Station

The area is served by Ilford railway station on the Great Eastern Main Line from Liverpool Street station which is approximately a 7 minute walk, 600 metres to the east of Northbrook Road. Operated by Greater Anglia and TfL Rail, trains run to London Liverpool Street and Shenfield at approximately 5-10 minute intervals from 5.40am to midnight, Monday to Friday. On Saturdays trains run at approximately 10-20 minute intervals and on Sundays at approximately 30 minute intervals.

6.8 Underground & Overground Stations

6.9 The nearest London Underground station is Gants Hill on the Central line which is approximately a 25 minute walk, 2km to the north of the hotel. The station is on the of the Central line in Zone 4 which connects Epping in the north with West Ruislip and Ealing Broadway in the west. Local connections include Gants Hill, Redbridge and Leytonstone to the south and , Hainault and Chigwell to the north. Liverpool Street is a 20 minute direct journey with connections to the Metropolitan, Circle and Hammersmith & City lines.

6.10 The nearest London Overground stations are:

• Woodgrange Park, 3km west of the hotel. • Barking, 3km to the south of the hotel.

6.11 Trains run from these stations between Barking and Gospel Oak.


Ilford station will be completely rebuilt as part of the Crossrail programme, including a new station entrance, better ticket hall and new lifts. Crossrail fully opens in December 2019, at peak times 12 trains per hour will run to central London. Journey times from Ilford will be reduced to 17 minutes to Canary Wharf and Liverpool Street; 24 minutes to Bond Street and 52 minutes to Heathrow.

6.13 Cycling Network

There is a local cycle route through Valentines Park and along part of Northbrook Road. This route leads to the Roding Valley Way, connecting Woodford to Ilford on traffic free paths and short on- road sections. These and other cycle routes are identified on the Cycling Map produced by Redbridge Local Authority. These consist of on road cycling routes considered suitable for cyclists. The map shows the routes (redlines) which pass close to Northbrook Road (red circle).

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Cycle Map (extract from Redbridge i)

6.14 Cycling forms a viable alternative mode of transport for members of staff despite the lack of official cycle lanes in the area.

6.15 Pedestrians

Northbrook Road is a relatively quiet street with pavements on both sides and street lighting, similar to the other residential streets in the vicinity.

6.16 Cranbrook Road is to the east of the hotel with a mix of residential properties, restaurants, shops and commercial premises, it has pavements and street lighting on both sides and is a busy bus route.

6.17 The site is situated to the west of Ilford town centre, a 10 minute walk from the site with a varied range of shops, grocery stores, banks, restaurants and a post office.

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6.18 The building is well located for staff walking to the site from the nearby residential areas and it also allows the potential for staff and other building users to walk to local facilities at lunchtime without the need to drive.

6.19 Given the excellent location and quality of the existing pedestrian infrastructure and the residential areas contained within the pedestrian catchment area, there are excellent opportunities with a high prospect for pedestrian travel to and from the site. Measures and incentives to encourage pedestrian travel are detailed in Section 10 of this report.

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7 Scope of the Plan

7.1 The existing hotel premises at No 24 Northbrook Road provides 11 guest rooms and employs 5 people and there is parking for up to 4 cars for guests at the front of the building.

7.2 Travel Plan Coordinator (TPC)

7.3 The TPC will be responsible for implementing, progressing, promoting and monitoring the Parking & Travel Plan and their appointment is critical to the success of the Plan.

7.4 The TPC will advise staff on sustainable travel options and keep them informed of all changes to services available.

7.5 The TPC will give specific advice to hotel guests on sustainable travel to and from the site and for journeys during their stay. The data on notice boards displayed in reception areas should be changed as appropriate. Real time public transport data should be displayed on digital screens to update automatically if possible.

7.6 The TPC will be responsible for keeping the Parking & Travel Plan under review and when any modification is necessary, will notify users of changes to the plan as appropriate and make any amendments required to keep the Plan up to date.

7.7 The TPC will monitor the travel modes used by building users using Travel Pattern Surveys. The building occupiers should undertake staff travel surveys annually. The first scheduled survey should be within 3 months of the date of the Parking &Travel Plan.

7.8 The TPC's role will be:

• Implementation and day to day running of the Parking & Travel Plan; • Consult, where appropriate, with the relevant stakeholders including ; • Market/communicate the Travel Plan to staff, visitors and guests • Review and monitor the Travel Plan, including undertaking regular travel surveys.

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8 Aims and Objectives

8.1 Aims

8.2 The aim of the plan is to encourage more sustainable modes of transport for all building users including staff, guests and visitors with the objective of raising awareness of the Parking & Travel Plan in order to reduce car usage when travelling to the site.

8.3 Research both in the UK and internationally has evaluated the impact of travel planning on commuter travel patterns and considered the success factors for reducing car use. In 2002, a DfT study “Making travel plans work: lessons from UK case studies” examined the achievements of travel plans from 20 UK organisations. It found that on average an 18% reduction in the proportion of commuters driving to their sites had been achieved in the wake of a Travel Plan being implemented.

8.4 Reported benefits of travel plans include a reduction in congestion, relieved parking pressure, making sites more accessible and improving travel choice. Travel plans have become an important component of national and local strategies to reduce traffic and cut CO2 emissions, contributing to climate change.

8.5 Objectives

The objectives of the Parking & Travel Plan are as follows:

• Encourage site users to adopt sustainable travel habits and reduce single occupancy car use • Support public transport use and encourage walking and cycling • Minimise car traffic generated by the development • Monitor travel patterns to and from the site and develop the Parking & Travel Plan accordingly

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9 Targets

9.1 Travel Patterns

9.2 A travel pattern survey has been conducted for all current staff members of the hotel to provide the targets of the Travel Plan:

Travel Pattern Travel Pattern 2023 Mode Survey Data Survey % Target Maintain existing Driving/passenger car or van 0 0% levels Public transport - Maintain existing 0 0% underground/train/bus levels Maintain existing Cycling 1 20% levels Maintain existing Walking 4 80% levels

9.3 Given the data from the staff Travel Pattern Survey, the Parking & Travel plan should aim to maintain these levels over a 5 year timeframe.

9.4 A Travel Pattern survey should now be conducted for guests and visitors using the hotel, taking account of journeys at the start and end of the visit and also journeys taken during their stay. An example is provided within the Appendix A of this report.

9.5 The peak occupancy period for the hotel is April to October and the survey should be undertaken within the first peak period following approval.

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10 Measures

10.1 Commitment to Implementing Initiatives and Measures

The Parking &Travel Plan represents a commitment to implementing the following measures:

10.2 Public Transport

The following measures will be considered to encourage use of public transport:

a) Public transport and discounted tickets information available on website pages for staff, guests and visitors.

b) Inform all building users about travel planning websites such as Transport for London to raise awareness of travelling options.

10.3 Cycling

Riding a bike can be the fastest method of transport for many journeys in cities, especially on congested routes.

10.4 Cycle Parking

10.5 The provision of cycle parking encourages a healthy and more sustainable alternative to the car. The London Borough of Redbridge policy LP23 "Cycle and Car Parking" provides the starting point for determining parking standards, taking account of local circumstances. Policy LP23 and the London Plan state that hotels should provide 1 long stay cycle space per 20 bedrooms and 1 short stay cycle space per 50 bedrooms. The cycle parking should be secure, accessible and sheltered The existing hotel currently provides secure cycle storage for 6 cycles.

10.6 For both long-stay and short-stay parking, consideration should be given to providing spaces accessible to less conventional bicycle types, such as tricycles, cargo bicycles and bicycles with trailers.

10.7 Supporting Facilities

The London Plan recommends that supporting facilities are provided at developments where long stay cyclists require them, i.e. places of employment. Supporting facilities include lockers, showers and changing rooms.

10.8 In addition, cycle route maps and information should be available on the website and in reception areas.

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10.9 Walking

Walking can be the most convenient method of transport for short journeys particularly as part of a multi modal journey for example when travelling by bus. It also has health benefits for keeping fit.

10.10 The following measures will be considered to encourage walking:

a) Provision of appropriate, well lit, safe entrances to the hotel

b) Provision of a designated area for changing, including lockers

c) Promotional events and literature to emphasise health benefits. Information can be found online including:




d) Distribution of walking route map handouts or displays on the Travel Information Board located in the building reception area, including details of pedestrian routes and good quality footways to and from key destinations. The map should also show the distances and journey times to the key destinations, such as food shops and transport interchanges e.g. bus stops and train stations.

e) The measures will be marketed through the use of posters, leaflets, notice boards and website

f) Promotion of 'MoveGB' a web-based fitness campaign to encourage staff to exercise more

10.11 Marketing & Promotion

There are a number of measures which can be used to ensure building users are aware of their role in achieving the aims of the Parking & Travel Plan:

a) Regularly raise awareness of sustainable travel options to staff via website pages.

b) Communicate the results of the annual travel survey (and feedback) and reinforce the travel plan activities.

c) Display travel information on digital screens if possible, or on a notice board.

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11 Monitoring & Action Plan

11.1 Monitoring

Monitoring will be carried out on an annual basis via a Travel Survey.

11.2 A full review of the Parking & Travel Plan will be carried out after 5 years.

11.3 The monitoring measures should include the following:

• An up to date audit of travelling options available to the site • Employee Travel Questionnaire • Guest and Visitor Questionnaire • Monitoring the level of usage of cycle parking spaces to establish demand • Review the results of the Travel Questionnaire

11.4 Action Plan

The following table provides the actions and timeframes for implementation:

Objectives & Targets Requirements Responsibility Target Date

Reduce car use to the site if required by the Guest Travel Carry out the TPC 2023 Pattern Survey (target to be Measures in Section 10 agreed)

Increase/maintain the number Carry out the TPC 2023 of staff who cycle to the site Measures in Section 10

Increase/maintain the number Carry out the TPC 2023 of staff who walk to the site Measures in Section 10

Increase/maintain the number Carry out the of staff who use public TPC 2023 Measures in Section 10 transport

Carry out Travel TPC Annually Survey and review Fully monitor the effect of the Travel Plan Carry out Full Review TPC After 5 years

11.5 The measures described in this Parking & Travel Plan will be implemented within the time period and identified and maintained for the lifetime of the development.

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This Travel Plan has been prepared by:

Encon Associates Limited

10 Chapel Lane




Tel: 0115 987 55 99

Email: [email protected]

Signed for and on behalf of Encon Associates Limited

Mark Bentley MIHT

Date: 23 May 2018

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APPENDIX A – Guest Travel Pattern Survey (example)

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Guest Travel Pattern Survey

Britannia Inn Hotel, Mansfield Road, Ilford, Essex, IG1 3BD

1. Home Postcode

2. Gender



3. How did you travel to the hotel today?

Bus Walk

Bicycle Motorbike

Car driver Train/Tube

Car passenger Other (please specify)

4. How far did you travel to get to the hotel?

Up to 5 miles Over 5 miles & up to 10 miles

Over 10 miles & up to 20 miles Over 20 miles & up to 50 miles

Over 50 miles & up to 70 miles Over 70 miles

5. What is the main reason for your stay at the hotel?

Business Leisure

Other (Please state) ______

6. What is the duration of your stay at the hotel?

1 night 2-3 nights

3-5 nights 5-7 nights

Over 7 nights

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7. How do you intend to travel during your stay at the hotel? Please tick all that apply.

Bus Walk

Bicycle Motorbike

Car driver Train

Car passenger Underground

No intention to travel anywhere else

Thank you for cooperation.

Please be assured that all your answers remain confidential.

Please return this form to the Travel Plan Co-ordinator who issued it to you.

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APPENDIX B – PTAL Calculator Results

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