Fritz Schulenburg-Beetzendorf (Autor) A Little History of the Schulenburg Family Copyright: Cuvillier Verlag, Inhaberin Annette Jentzsch-Cuvillier, Nonnenstieg 8, 37075 Göttingen, Germany Telefon: +49 (0)551 54724-0, E-Mail:
[email protected], Website: ForewordfromtheHeadof theSchulenburgFamily On28thofOctober1237,theMargraveandtheBishopofBrandenburgsigned acontract on the distribution oftaxes (“the tithe”)between thechurchand the Margrave’s government. Eighteen witnesses from both sides signed the treaty,whichcanstillbeseenintheMuseumoftheBrandenburgCathedral. OneofthewitnesseswasthepriestofCöln,avillagewhichlaterbecamepart ofBerlin.ThisiswhyBerlinclaimstooriginatein1237.Anotherwitnesswas Wernerus de Sculenburch, who was a knight and the head of the administration of the Margrave’s government; today this person would be called prime minister. Since Wernerus is the oldest proven ancestor of the Schulenburgs,thehistoryofthefamilydatesbackto1237aswell. Sincethenthefamilyhasexperiencedgoodandbadtimesandthelivesofthe family members reflect their respective times. Today, 777 years later, the family consists of 70 male cousins and their family members. A family gatheringtakesplaceeverysecondyear.The109thfamilygatheringtookplace in September 2013 in Vienna which is where the famous JohannͲMatthias SchulenburgmetPrinceEugenroughly300yearsago. As the current Head of the Schulenburg Family, I would like to express my gratitude to Fritz, for writing the first history of the