FLOOR EXERCISE ~ Chapter 1 ~ Requirements


FULFILLS SR #1 and #2 Does NOT fulfill #1 and / or #2 1. Minimum two (2) directly connected Acro Flight elements. 2. 2nd Acro Pass – Minimum Two (2) directly connected Flight elements, OR One (1) Aerial / Salto. • 1st Pass – Round-off, Flic-Flac, Flic-Flac • 1st Pass – Round-off, rebound, Back Roll • 2nd Pass – Front Handspring step out, Round-off • 2nd Pass – Round-off, Flic-Flac 1st Pass not two (2) directly connected Flight elements

• 1st Pass – Round-off, Flic-Flac • 1st Pass – Round-off, Flic-Flac, Back Tuck • 2nd Pass – Aerial Cartwheel May not combine SR #1 and SR #2 • 1st Pass – Front Tuck • 1st Pass – Round-off, Flic-Flac nd • 2nd Pass – Round-off, Flic-Flac • 2 Pass – Round-off, Straddle Jump • 3rd Pass – Round-off, Straddle Jump, Flic-Flac 2nd Pass and 3rd pass are not Acro Series

• 1st Pass – Round-off, Flic-Flac • 2nd Pass – Round-off, Straddle Jump • 3rd Pass – Round-off, Flic-Flac, Flic-Flac

• 1st Pass – Fr. Handspring step-out, Fr. Handspring to (2) Feet • 2nd Pass – Front Handspring step-out, Round-off

FULFILLS SR #3 Does NOT fulfill SR #3 Passage – Minimum two (2) Different elements from Group 1 (Leap / Jump / Hop) or Group 1 – Xcel GOLD Skills Chart (directly or indirectly connected), one (1) of which is a Leap with minimum 120° Cross or Side • Switch Leap (120°) – Straddle Jump (120°) • Leap (120°), run, Round-off, Schuschunova Round-off breaks Dance Passage • Switch Leap (120°), run, Jeté en Tournant • Leg Hop, step, Split Jump (120°) Neither element is a Split Leap with (120°) Cross / Side Split • Leap (120°), step, Cabriole • Cat Leap 1/1, step Straddle Jump (120°) Neither element is a Split Leap with (120°) Cross / Side Split

FULFILLS SR #4 Does NOT fulfill SR #4 Minimum 1/1 Turn on one (1) Foot • 1½ Turn on one (1) Foot • Chassé 1/1 Not a Turn on one (1) Foot • 1/1 (360°) Turn on one (1) Foot • 2/1 Turn on one (1) Foot Restricted element

FLOOR - 5 FLOOR EXERCISE ~ Chapter 1 ~ Requirements


FULFILLS SR #1 and #2 Does NOT fulfill SR #1 and / or #2 1. Two (2) separate Acro Flight series, each with a Minimum of two (2) directly connected Acro Flight elements. 2. 2nd Acro Pass – Minimum two (2) directly connected Flight elements, OR one (1) Salto “B”. • 1st Pass – Round-off, Flic-Flac, Back Tuck • 1st Pass – • 2nd Pass – Front Pike Salto Front Tuck, Round-off, Flic-Flac, Back Layout 1/1 Twist May not combine SR #1 and SR #2 • 1st Pass – Front Handspring, Front Tuck • 1st Pass – Round-off, Flic-Flac, Back Layout 1/1 Twist • 2nd Pass – Round-off, Flic-Flac • 2nd Pass – Front Tuck 2nd pass, Salto “A” VP, missing “B” Single Salto

• 1st Pass – Front Handspring step out, Round-off, Flic-Flac • 2nd Pass – Round-off, Back Layout • 1st Pass – Front Handspring step-out, Round-off, Back Tuck • 2nd Pass – Front Handspring step-out, Round-off

FULFILLS SR #3 Does NOT fulfill SR #3 Dance Passage – Minimum two (2) Different elements from Group 1 (Leap / Jump / Hop), (directly or indirectly connected), one (1) of which is a Leap with minimum 150° Cross or Side Split • Switch Leap (150°), Side Leap (130°) • Leap (150°), run, Round-off, Schuschunova Round-off breaks Dance Passage • Switch Leap (150°), run, Tour Jeté 1/2 • Switch Leap (150°), Switch Leap (150°) Elements must be Different • Leap (150°), run, Wolf Hop 1/1 • Cat Leap 1½, step, Straddle Jump Neither element is a Split Leap with (150°) Cross / Side Split

FULFILLS SR #4 Does NOT fulfill SR #4 Minimum 1/1 Turn on one (1) Foot. • 1½ Turn on one (1) Foot • Chassé 1/1 Not a Turn on one (1) Foot • Double (720°) Turn on one (1) Foot

FLOOR - 6 Revised 11/19/18

FLOOR EXERCISE ~ Chapter 2 ~ General Information

I. RECOGNITION (COUNTING) of VALUE-PARTS A. Any floor exercise skill / element listed on the Xcel Skills Chart for each Division or listed in the Xcel Code of Points may receive VP credit two (2) times in an exercise, provided that the element occurs in a different (i.e. preceded or followed by different VP element). Any element listed in the Xcel Code of Points is given the value that is listed, even if it is different than the value listed in the JO Code of Points. 1. If a leap / jump / hop is performed that cannot be specifically found in the Xcel Skills Chart or in the Xcel Code of Points, the Judge may award comparable Value-Part credit if they can recognize the “root” element. This would include variations of leg position, as well as landing position of any previously valued leap / jump / hop. 2. Any new element not listed in Xcel Skill Charts or in Xcel Code of Points: a. Must be evaluated by the Regional Technical Committee Chair and the National Xcel Committee Chair. b. Element Evaluation Forms can be found on the www.usagym.org website in the Forms section under Women. c. A copy of this evaluation must be presented to the Meet Referee or Chief Judge prior to the competition in order to ensure proper awarding of difficulty. • Evaluations will be valid for one current Xcel quadrennium (Xcel quadrennium begins August 1 of the year following the Summer Olympics and ends four years later on July 31) and will be posted on Regional websites. • “A” Dance elements on Beam and Floor Exercise: if a variation of an “A” Dance element is NOT listed in the Xcel Code of Points; the Judge may award “A” value if it is comparable to the “root” element. 3. If the same element is performed a third time, or is performed a second time in the exact same connection (see Exception #5 below): a. No VP credit awarded. EXCEPTION: VP credit can be awarded for element performed for third (3rd) time, IF not previously awarded VP credit because: • Element lacked completion first (1st) or second (2nd) time performed, OR • Element performed in exact same connection a second (2nd) time. b. All applicable Execution and Amplitude deductions are applied. c. No Special Requirement awarded. Element must receive VP credit to fulfill SR. 4. All Saltos and Aerials must land on any part of bottom of feet first to receive VP credit. a. Simultaneously landing bottoms of feet and hands, • Deduct 0.50 for Fall. • Award VP/SR credit. b. Bottoms of feet do not land first, • Deduct 0.50 for Fall. • Do not award VP or SR. 5. Acro Flight elements with hand support are eligible: a. To receive Value-Part credit regardless of the number of times performed (provided the series are different). b. May fulfill Special Requirements. 6. Acro elements such as Rolls / Cartwheels / Walkovers are eligible for Acro VP credit with an optional ending position not specifically listed in the Xcel Code of Points.

FLOOR - 9 Revised 11/19/18 FLOOR EXERCISE ~ Chapter 2 ~ General Information

RECOGNITION (COUNTING) OF VALUE-PARTS (continued) B. Elements considered DIFFERENT for counting VP: 1. Different number in Xcel Code of Points or listed separately on Xcel Skill Chart. 2. Same number in Xcel Code of Points, but meet following criteria: a. Saltos performed with different body positions. 1) Tuck / Pike / Stretched Saltos considered different elements. 2) Body shape maintained during majority of Salto determines recognized element body position. b. Different Degrees of Turn (½, 1/1, 1½) Addition of ¼ Turn does not make element different, unless specifically listed in Xcel Code of Points. EXAMPLE: #1.115 Tuck Jump and Tuck Jump ¼ Turn considered Same element. c. Take-off for Leap / Jump / Hop from one (1) or both legs. EXAMPLE: #1.101 Split Leap / Split Jump considered Different elements. d. Xcel Acro series will receive credit as Different series when at least one of the following occurs: 1) Different number of Acro VP elements receiving credit in 2nd series, OR 2) Acro VP elements in the second 2nd series in a Different order, OR 3) Different Acro VP element in first 1st or second 2nd series. EXAMPLES: a) First Series: Front Salto Tucked step-out, Front Handspring, Front Salto Stretched Second Series: Front Salto Tucked step-out, Front Handspring, Flyspring, Front Salto stretched. • Considered Two Different Series due to addition of Flyspring. • VP credit awarded to all elements. b) First Series: Front Salto Tucked step-out, Round-off, Flic-Flac, Salto Backward 1/1 twist. Second Series: Round-off, Flic-Flac, Salto Backward 1/1 twist. • Considered Two Different Series due to deletion of Front Salto Tucked. • VP credit awarded to all elements. c) First Series: Front Aerial, Round-off, Flic-Flac, Back Salto Tucked Second Series: Round-off, Flic-Flac, Back Salto Tucked • Considered Two Different Series due to deletion of Front Aerial. • VP credit awarded to all elements. d) First Series: Front Handspring step-out, Round-off, Flic-Flac, Back Salto Tucked Second Series: Round-off, Flic-Flac, Back Salto Tucked • Considered Two Different Series because of addition of Front Handspring • VP credit awarded to all elements. e) First Series: Round-off, Flic-Flac Second Series: Round-off, Flic-Flac, Flic-Flac • Considered Two Different Series with addition of Flic-Flac in second series. • VP credit will be awarded to all elements. • In reverse order, they would also be considered Two Different Series due to different number of elements in the series. C. Elements / Series considered the SAME for recognition of VP: 1. Salto with 2-foot landing or with step-out, considered same element. EXAMPLE: Front Salto Tucked step-out “A” / Front Salto with 2-foot landing considered same element.

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FLOOR EXERCISE ~ Chapter 2 ~ General Information RECOGNITION (COUNTING) OF VALUE-PARTS (continued) D. DIFFICULTY RESTRICTIONS 1. RESTRICTED ELEMENTS: Elements are Restricted based upon their Value as listed in the Xcel Code of Points not based on the quality/amplitude of the performance. a. If a restricted element is performed: (All Divisions) 1) Deduct 0.50 from SV 2) Do not award Value-Part credit 3) The element cannot be used to fulfill Special Requirements 4) All appropriate execution and amplitude deductions would be applied to all elements, whether or not they receive Value-Part credit.

2. BRONZE DIVISION ~ RESTRICTIONS a. Only Skills listed on Bronze Skill Chart and allowable “A” elements are allowed. 1) “B” VP or higher elements are not allowed. EXCEPTIONS: Straddle Jump and Side Leap (60° – 180° or more) = “A” VP. 2) “A” VP not allowed in Bronze Division include: a) Saltos b) Aerials c) Salto-like elements that land in a sitting, prone, or split-sit position 3) Maximum of two (2) Acro Flight elements allowed in the routine.

3. SILVER DIVISION ~ RESTRICTIONS a. Only Skills listed on Silver Skill Chart and allowable “A” VP, and “B” Dance VP are allowed. 1) “B” Acro VP are not allowed. 2) “C” VP or higher elements not allowed. 3) Maximum of one (1) Salto or Aerial in the routine.

4. GOLD DIVISION ~ RESTRICTIONS a. Only Skills listed on Gold Skill Chart and “A” VP and allowable “B” VP are allowed. 1) “B” VP Saltos are not allowed. 2) “C” VP or higher elements are not allowed.

5. PLATINUM DIVISION ~ RESTRICTIONS a. Only Skills listed on Platinum Skill Chart, “A” and “B” VP and “C” Dance VP are allowed. 1) “C” or higher Acro VP or higher elements are not allowed. 2) “D” VP or higher elements are not allowed.

6. DIAMOND DIVISION ~ RESTRICTIONS a. Only Skills listed on Diamond Skill Chart, “A”, “B”, “C” and one (1) “D” VP elements are allowed. No Bonus awarded for “D” elements. 1) More than one (1) “D” VP element are not allowed. 2) “E” VP elements are not allowed.

FLOOR - 11 Revised 11/19/18 FLOOR EXERCISE ~ Chapter 2 ~ General Information

RECOGNITION (COUNTING) OF VALUE-PARTS (continued) E. CONSIDERATIONS FOR AWARDING VALUE-PART CREDIT WHEN A FALL OCCURS: 1. Fail to land on any part of bottom of feet first when performing Salto element: a. No VP credit awarded. b. No Special Requirements awarded. c. Deduct 0.50 for Fall. d. Deduct for Execution and Amplitude errors, in addition to the Fall. F. FLIGHT ELEMENTS 1. Flight element that fails to show Flight (moment when both hands and feet are free of floor), award VP credit for actual element performed. 2. Acro skill / element without Flight, may not fulfill Acro Special Requirement requiring Flight. 3. Dive Forward Roll does not fulfill Flight requirement, (due to support on shoulders and back). G. REQUIRED TECHNIQUE FOR THE RECOGNITION OF VALUE-PARTS • Leg positions / Posture / Body position / Amplitude requirements as indicated in Xcel Code of Points and Xcel Updates. • Required technique must be fulfilled in order to award the VP as listed. • In some cases, appropriate Execution and Amplitude deductions would be taken rather than recognizing a different element. 1. Turning Jumps / Leaps / Hops and Turns on One (1) foot with 360° Turn or more: • missing 1° – 44° of Turn deduct 0.05 – 0.10 • missing 45° – 89° of Turn deduct 0.15 – 0.20 • missing 90° or more of Turn award VP for the element performed Deductions for balance, Execution and Amplitude errors are also applied.

Clarification regarding Completion of Turns: • Once heel drops onto floor during Turn, the turn is considered complete. • Appropriate VP credit awarded for Degree of Turn completed, prior to heel drop.

2. Jumps / Leaps / Hops, also with ½ Turn and ½ Turns on one (1) foot: a. Jumps / Leaps / Hops: values based upon completion of (180°) ½ Turn. Must finish minimum of 1° past half-way mark, between two (2) VP Wolf Jump = “A” 1) Degree of Turn completion determines value awarded. 2) Evaluate how much of Turn was completed to determine value to award. 3) Turn completed to within 89° or less of designated Degree of Turn, award higher VP. 4) Turn must finish closer to higher Degree of Turn. 5) Execution deductions applied for Incomplete Turn. b. ½ Turns on One (1) foot must finish at minimum of 91° 1) To receive VP credit and SR credit. 2) Use deductions listed in Chapter 3 for Full Turns.

FLOOR - 12

FLOOR EXERCISE ~ Chapter 2 ~ General Information

RECOGNITION (COUNTING) OF VALUE-PARTS (continued) 3. Split Leaps and Jumps: Bronze Silver

NO Deduction NO Deduction NO Deduction NO Deduction No SR

Lower or No VP Up to 0.20 Up to 0.20 Up to 0.20 Up to 0.20 70 70 40 No SR 40 Lower or No VP Gold Platinum Diamond

NO Deduction NO Deduction NO Deduction NO Deduction NO Deduction NO Deduction No SR No SR No SR Up to 0.20 Up to 0.20 Up to 0.20 Up to 0.20 Lower or No VP Lower or No VP 130 130˚ 130 130˚ Up to 0.20 Lower or No VP Up to 0.20

100 100

a. Each Division has a specific required Degree of Split for leaps and jumps with cross or side split and the split angle specified in the Dance SR (SR #3). b. Deficiency of up to 20° from Division-specific required Split is allowed and will receive VP credit (and SR credit, if applicable), but will receive “up to 0.20” angle deduction. c. Lower VP or NO VP credit (as applicable) would be given for the element if the Split is more than 20° from the required split angle in the division. EXAMPLES: • Split Leaps: Platinum Division, Split requirement 150°. 130° – 134° leg separation, Split Leap will receive “A” VP credit and Special Requirement credit with “up to 0.20” deduction. 135° – 149° leg separation, Split Leap will receive “B” VP credit and Special Requirement credit with “up to 0.20” deduction. • Straddle Jump 1/1 Turn: Platinum Division, Split at 120°. “A” VP credit for Jump 1/1 Turn. d. “B”, “C”, and “D” VP Group 1 elements requiring a 180° split must meet a minimum angle of 135° to receive the VP credit as listed in the Xcel Code of Points. e. Elements are designated as Restricted elements based on their value as listed in the Xcel Code of Points, NOT on the quality/amplitude of the performance. f. Leg swing Hop with free leg horizontal or above: 1) Deduct up to 0.20 for Insufficient Amplitude, if free leg is below horizontal (using 20˚ variance). 2) No “A” Value-Part credit awarded, if free leg lifted less than 70˚ from floor.

NOTE: deductions for Insufficient Amplitude (Height) and Execution may be taken, in addition to Insufficient Split deduction. 4. Twisting Saltos: a. Incomplete LA (long axis) Twist: • missing 1° – 44° of Twist deduct 0.05 – 0.10 • missing 45° – 89° of Twist deduct 0.15 – 0.20 • missing 90° or more of Twist award VP for element performed

b. EXAMPLE: 1½ Twist “C” missing 90° of Twist. Award “B” VP credit for 1/1 Twist. Deductions for any Balance, Execution and Amplitude errors are also applied.

FLOOR - 13 Revised 11/19/18 FLOOR EXERCISE ~ Chapter 2 ~ General Information

RECOGNITION (COUNTING) OF VALUE-PARTS (continued) Clarification regarding Completion of Twists: • at the moment the feet land on floor at finish of Salto, twist is considered complete. • Appropriate VP credit awarded for Degree of Twist completed, when feet land on floor, with front foot being decisive. H. SPECIFIC ELEMENT TECHNIQUE CLARIFICATION 1. #1.101 “A” Split Jump vs. #1.110 “A” Sissonne a. Cross Split Jump has 2-foot take-off and landing, Sissonne has 2-foot take-off and 1-foot landing. b. Cross Split Jump shows required degree of Split (for each Division) with legs even. c. Sissonne requires a certain degree of Split (for each Division); legs are in diagonal position with Front leg forward-downward at minimum of 45° and Back leg backward-upward. d. Deduct up to 0.10 for Front leg of Sissonne less than 45°, for Insufficient Amplitude. 2. #1.204 “B” Split Leap forward with leg change (Switch Leap) a. First Leg should swing forward to minimum of 45° prior to swinging backward to the required degree of Split (for each Division). First Leg does not reach 45°, award “B” credit and deduct up to 0.10 for insufficient height of leg swing. b. Deduct up to 0.20 for Insufficient Split after leg change, or credit the actual VP performed. c. Stag-Switch Leap (Stags, never extends First Leg, prior to Switch) award #1.101 “A” Split Leap. 3. #1.208 “B” Schuschunova a. Must show 180° Side Split position and then rotate legs rearward to attain horizontal stretched body position in the air before landing. b. Slight forward lean of body in the initial jump phase, rather than strict vertical torso, is acceptable. 4. #1.210 “B” Ring or #1.210 “B” Stag-Ring Leap / Jump A release of Head backward past the vertical line is considered “Ring” position. Expected Amplitude of Rear Foot is to top of Head. a. Insufficient Arch, deduct up to 0.10. b. Rear Foot at shoulder or upper back height, deduct up to 0.10. c. Rear Foot at hip height or no backward Head Release, (regardless of the height of the leg), considered Split Leap with bent back leg #1.101 “A” or Sissonne #1.110 “A”. d. Ring Jump expectations are: • Front Leg must be minimum of 45° from floor, forward-downward diagonal position; • deduct up to 0.10 for Insufficient Amplitude of Front Leg. e. Ring Leap expectations are: • Front Leg should first brush / extend close to horizontal. • Front Leg is not a minimum of 45° from floor when Ring shape is executed, deduct up to 0.10 for Insufficient Amplitude of Front Leg. f. Stag-Ring Jump or Stag-Ring Leap, expectations are: • Front Leg bent minimum of 90° with no extension of leg. • Division required leg separation, from Front Knee to Back Knee. 5. #1.305 “C” Switch Leap ¼ (90°) Turn (Switch-Side Leap) a. First Leg should swing forward to minimum of 45°, prior to swinging backward. 1) Fail to swing first leg forward to minimum of 45° but completes ¼ (90°) Turn, award “C” VP credit. Deduct up to 0.10 for insufficient height of leg swing. 2) Fail to swing first leg forward to minimum of 45° and shows an incomplete ¼ (90°) Turn, award “B” VP credit (Switch Leg Leap). Deduct up to 0.10 for insufficient height of leg swing. b. ¼ (90°) Turn must occur in air; not prior to leg swinging backward. 1) Leg swings to Minimum of 45°: ¼ (90°) turn occurs early – before leg begins Backward swing, award “C” VP. Deduct up to 0.10 Lack of Precision in Dance elements. 2) Leg swing to Minimum of 45°, ¼ (90°) turn is incomplete, award “B” VP (Switch leg leap). Deduct up to 0.10 Lack of Precision in Dance elements. c. Side-Split position must show 180°. d. Rond de Jambe technique is acceptable 1) Front leg swings forward to minimum of 45° prior to ¼ (90°) Turn 2) Then moves across horizontal plane to Side-Split position. e. First Leg in Stag position, award “A” VP credit. 1) First (swing) leg is bent minimum of 90° 2) No extension of leg prior to leg switch.

FLOOR - 14

FLOOR EXERCISE ~ Chapter 3 ~ Execution & Artistry Faults

LARGE FAULTS up to 0.30 Bent Arms in support up to 0.30 Bent Legs max 0.30 • 90° or more bend max 0.60 • Maximum on any one (1) element (0.30 Bent Arms+0.30 Bent legs) up to 0.30 Squat on Landing (Hips even with or lower than Knees) up to 0.30 Insufficient Height of Salto elements • Does not apply to accelerating element in directly connected Forward Acro series. EXAMPLE: Front Handspring – Front Layout – Front Tuck. • Front Layout is accelerating element, do not deduct for Insufficient Height. up to 0.30 Brush / Touch landing surface with one (1) or two (2) Hands (no support) up to 0.30 Insufficient Extension (Open) of the body prior to landing an Acro element

VERY LARGE FAULTS 0.50 Support on Mat with one (1) or two (2) Hands 0.50 Fall on Mat to Knee(s) or Hips 0.50 Fall / Failure to land on bottom of feet first on Aerials / Saltos: • No VP / No SR / Deduct for Fall 0.50 Simultaneously landing on bottoms of feet and hands or knees: • Award VP / Award SR / Deduct for Fall. 0.50 + 0.50 Spotting assistance upon landing an element with a fall after the spot 0.50 Spotting assistance upon landing an element – award VP and SR 0.50 Spotting assistance during an element – do not award VP and SR SPECIFIC EXECUTION ERRORS each up to 0.10 Incorrect Rhythm during execution of Direct Connections each up to 0.10 Lack of Precision in Dance Skills / VP elements EXAMPLES: Lack Definite Arm / Leg position on Turns / Leaps. Degree of Turn not exact. each up to 0.10 Failure to Land with Feet / Legs together on Jumps / Leaps / Hops onto (2) feet. each up to 0.10 Failure to perform Turns in High Relevé each 0.10 Concentration Pauses (2-seconds prior to elements or connections) up to 0.20 Poor relationship of Music and Movement throughout up to 0.20 Relaxed / Incorrect Footwork on Non-Value-Parts throughout the exercise up to 0.30 Relaxed / Incorrect Leg position / Body posture and Insufficient Flexibility in Non-Value-Parts throughout the exercise up to 0.30 Missing Synchronization of Movement with Musical Beat throughout the exercise 0.05 • each time 0.10 • at the end of the music 1.00 Absence of Music or Music with Words / Song CJ deducts off Avg. (whistles, animal or human sounds are allowed) No Deduction Coach on the Floor Exercise mat ARTISTRY Insufficient Artistry throughout the exercise Consider: * 0.05 – 0.10 • Originality / Creativity of in elements and connections * 0.05 – 0.10 • Quality of Gymnast’s Movements to Reflect her Personal Style * 0.05 – 0.10 • Quality of Expression (i.e. projection, focus)

* 0.10 Maximum taken for each category

FLOOR - 19 Revised 11/19/18 FLOOR - 20 FLOOR EXERCISE ~ Additional Skills Chart “A” Value-Part Skills

BRONZE SILVER GOLD PLATINUM DIAMOND Group 1: Group 1: Group 1: Group 1: Group 1: Leap / Jump / Hops Leap / Jump / Hops Leap / Jump / Hops Leap / Jump / Hops Leap / Jump / Hops 1. Split Jump 1. Split Jump 1. Split Jump • All Leaps / Jumps 1. All Leaps / Jumps (min. 60°) (min. 90°) (min. 120°) Cross / Side Split Cross / Side Split 2. Stride Leap 2. Stride Leap 2. Stride Leap (min. 150°) (min. 150°) (min. 60°) (min. 90°) (min. 120°) 3. Side Leap 3. Side Leap 3. Side Leap (60° - 180° or more) (min. 90°) (min. 120°) 4. Straddle Jump 4. Straddle Jump 4. Straddle Jump (60° - 180° or more) (min. 90°) (min. 120°) 5. Leg Swing Hop 5. Leg Swing Hop 5. Leg Swing Hop with free leg Horizontal with free leg horizontal with free leg or above or above horizontal or above 6. Switch Leg Leap (min. 120°) Leaps and Jumps with a 135° or more Split angle will receive Value-Part credit as listed in the Xcel Code of Points. Refer to Xcel Code for appropriate application of Insufficient Split deductions and awarding of Value-Part credit.

FLOOR Group 2: Turns: Group 2: Turns: Group 2: Turns: Group 2: Turns: Group 2: Turns: 1. ½ Turn on one (1) Foot (any leg position) -

2. Forward Swing Turn 21 3. Backward Swing Turn

Acro Skills: Acro Skills: Acro Skills: Acro Skills: Acro Skills: 1. Handstand: 1. Handstand 1. Handstand Partial (Vertical – Mark) (Vertical – Mark) (Min. 45°– Legs Together) Vertical: Revised 11/19/18 Legs (Together / Stag / Split) 2. Bridge, Kick-over 2. Bridge, Kick-over 2. Bridge, Kick-over (from Stand or (from Stand or Lying (from Stand or Lying Lying position) position) position) 3. Backward Roll 3. Backward Roll 3. Backward Roll to Push-up shape to Push-up shape to Push-up shape 4. Headstand 4. Headstand 4. Headstand FLOOR EXERCISE ~ Elements and Values

Group 1 - Leaps, Jumps and Hops A B C 1.101 1.201 1.301 Split Leap forward or Split Jump in Tuck Jump with separation of legs to place, also with bending of the forward Cross Split (180°) during flight phase. leg and / or back leg (Stag or Double-Stag NOTE: An additional 1/4 turn in a Leap position in flight phase) or will be awarded the Same Value- Part as the Root Leap / Jump unless listed under a Different number. Leaps, Jumps and Hops with the Same number and Different degrees of Turn (1/2, 1/1, 1½ or more) are considered Different elements. Double Stag Jump or Leap with 1/1 (360°) turn

Leap not listed in the Xcel Code that has a 180° Split and 360° Turn is valued at “C”.


1.102 1.202 1.302 Split Leap forward with 1/4 turn (90°) or Split Jump with 1/1 turn (360°) 1/2 turn (180°), also Split Jump with 1/2 (180°) turn (not illustrated)




These two elements are considered different.

1.103 1.203 1.303 Jeté en Tournant - 1/4 to 1/2 turn (90°–180°) with take-off from one leg into Split Leap

FLOOR - 22 FLOOR EXERCISE ~ Elements and Values

Group 1 - Leaps, Jumps and Hops A B C 1.108 1.208 1.308 Side Split Jump (180° separation <) with Jump with a 1/1 turn (360°) to a Side Split landing to front lying support (Schuschunova); Jump (180° separation <) with landing to also Jump with a 1/2 turn (180°) to a front lying support (Schuschunova) Side Split Jump (180° separation <) with landing to front lying support

(Schuschunova) 360

Leap with 1½ turn (540°) in horizontal plane, legs together, landing in front lying support – take-off from one leg (Khorkina) 180


1.109 1.209 1.309 Scissors Leap forward or backward Scissors Leap forward with stretched Tour Jeté with additional 1/2 turn (180°) with stretched legs (Hitch Kick) legs (1/4, 1/4 turn) – (90° – 90°) – landing on one or both legs (Strug), or in Split sit position (Produnova)

90 90

180 180

Fouetté Hop with leg change to Cross Split (leg separation 180°) Backward or Forward Cabriole to land on one foot (Tour Jeté)

180 180


FLOOR - 25 FLOOR EXERCISE ~ Elements and Values

Group 1 - Leaps, Jumps and Hops A B C 1.110 1.210 1.310 Sissone (front leg at minimum of 45°) Ring or Stag Ring Leap or Jump Tour Jeté to Ring Leap (Boucher) (rear leg at head height) – take-off from one or two legs


Ring or Stag-Ring Jump 1/1 turn (360˚) (Johnson)


1.111 1.211 1.311 Tuck Jump backward with arch Split Leap forward with leg change (Sheep Jump, feet to head height) to Ring Leap (180° separation < after leg change)

Switch-leg Stag Ring Leap

FLOOR - 26 Revised 11/19/18