Section : General Awareness

( Marks : 40.00)

Ques 1. Nataraja is a depiction of the god

1. Shiva 2. Bishnu 3. Bramha 4. Indra

Ques 2. Which one is the highest mountain in

1. 2. 3. 4.

Ques 3. Which state has the longest coastline in India

1. Tamil Nadu 2. Andhra Pradesh 3. Goa 4. Gujrat

Ques 4. Pepsin is released by the zymogen cell of

1. Intestine 2. Duodenum 3. Stomach 4. Liver

Ques 5. Which state is the largest producer of bauxite in india

1. Andhra Pradesh 2. Goa 3. Bihar 4. Odisha

Ques 6. Which one is not a Baltic State

1. Estonia 2. Latvia 3. Belarus 4. Lithuania

Ques 7. Which animal has largest brain in the World

1. Dolphin 2. Octopus 3. Blue Whale 4. Sperm Whale

Ques 8. Which one is not a dwarf planet

1. Pluto 2. Ceres 3. Neptune 4. Eris

Ques 9. Albert Einstein received Nobel Prize in the year 1. 1912 2. 1915 3. 1918 4. 1921

Ques 10. Who is known as the 'Metro man' in India

1. C Rangarajan 2. Montek Singh Ahluwalia 3. E Sreedharan 4. Ratan Tata

Ques 11. Who is the first space tourist

1. Dennis Tito 2. Richard Garriot 3. Jake Garn 4. None of the above

Ques 12. By which process Pigeons navigates using

1. Magnetic waves 2. Sound waves 3. Position of star 4. Color of soil

Ques 13. Which one is the feminine form of Lord Vishnu helping devas to retain their immortality

1. Aditi 2. Mohini 3. Lakshmi 4. Padma

Ques 14. Which country has the highest parcentage of land is covered by forest area

1. Malaysia 2. Laos 3. Brazil 4. Suriname

Ques 15. Which monarch is known as 'the Sun King' and also the longest of monarchs of major countries in European history

1. Louis XIV of France 2. Henry III of England 3. Louis XIII of France 4. Edward I of England

Ques 16. Which two seas are joined by the Suez Canal

1. Bering Sea and Red Sea 2. Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea 3. Baltic Sea and Libyan Sea 4. None of the above

Ques 17. Who is the first woman to win a nobel prize

1. Marie Curie 2. Irene Joliot-Curie 3. Gertrude B. Elion 4. Rosalyn Yalow

Ques 18. Total number of indian research station in Antarctica 1. 3 2. 5 3. 2 4. 6

Ques 19. In which year Russo-Japanese war was started

1. 1894 2. 1898 3. 1904 4. 1907

Ques 20. In which state, the President's Rule was first imposed in India

1. Andhra Pradesh 2. Bihar 3. Assam 4. Arunachal Pradesh

Ques 21. Rabindranath Tagore (first non-European) won noble prize in 1913 for the book

1. Gitimalya 2. Balak 3. Manasi 4. Gitanjali

Ques 22. The World Athletics Championship, 2013 was held in

1. New York 2. Moscow 3. Berlin 4. Tokyo

Ques 23. Officially, Indian Republic Day celebration continues for a duration of

1. One day 2. Two day 3. Three day 4. Four day

Ques 24. Which one is the world's longest novel

1. A Suitable Boy 2. L'Astrée 3. Remembrance of Things Past 4. War and Peace

Ques 25. Total number of gold medals win by Usain Bolt in World Athletics Championships till 2013

1. 6 2. 8 3. 9 4. 10

Ques 26. The Maasai Mara National Reserve is in the country

1. Tanzania 2. Kenya 3. South Africa 4. Botswana

Ques 27. The National Stock Exchange of India is located at

1. Mumbai 2. Delhi 3. Chennai 4. Kolkata

Ques 28. Which species of bird flies at the highest elevation

1. Bar-headed Goose 2. Swift 3. Canvasback 4. Teal

Ques 29. Who first distinguished the main blood groups in human body

1. Simon Flexner 2. Alexander S. Wiener 3. Paul Ehrlich 4. Karl Landsteiner

Ques 30. Berana is a wedding ceremony of

1. Punjabi 2. Assamese 3. Sindhis 4. Bengali

Ques 31. In which place the zero degrees latitude and zero degrees longitude is found

1. Gulf of Guinea 2. Kenya 3. Gulf of Mexico 4. Gulf of Mannar

Ques 32. The central administrative office for Euro currency is located at

1. London 2. Frankfurt 3. Madrid 4. Zurich

Ques 33. Who is known as the 'Father of History'

1. Homer 2. Thucydides 3. Herodotus 4. Archimedes

Ques 34. Ayurveda is a combination of how many components

1. 8 2. 13 3. 18 4. 24

Ques 35. On which novel, the Sherlock Holmes character was first appeared

1. The Hound of the Baskervilles 2. The Sign of the Four 3. The Valley of Fear 4. A Study in Scarlet

Ques 36. Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary is located in the State

1. Gujrat 2. Madhya Pradesh 3. Rajasthan 4. Odisha

Ques 37. 'Faster, Higher, Stronger' is the motto of which international games event

1. FIFA World Cup 2. Olympic 3. World Athletics Championship 4. Afro-Asian Games

Ques 38. The value of 'pi' was first calulated by the indian mathematician

1. Varahamihira 2. Aryabhata 3. Panini 4. Budhayana

Ques 39. Which one is the last major city in India through which Grand Trunk Road passed before entering in Pakistan

1. Attari 2. Jalandhar 3. Ludhiana 4. Ambala

Ques 40. How many electrons in a Hydrogen atom

1. One 2. Two 3. Three 4. Four

Answers are: Ques 1: 1 Ques 2: 4 Ques 3: 4 Ques 4: 3 Ques 5: 4 Ques 6: 3 Ques 7: 4 Ques 8: 3 Ques 9: 4 Ques 10: 3 Ques 11: 1 Ques 12: 2 Ques 13: 2 Ques 14: 4 Ques 15: 1 Ques 16: 2 Ques 17: 1 Ques 18: 1 Ques 19: 3 Ques 20: 1 Ques 21: 4 Ques 22: 2 Ques 23: 3 Ques 24: 3 Ques 25: 2 Ques 26: 2 Ques 27: 1 Ques 28: 1 Ques 29: 4 Ques 30: 3 Ques 31: 1 Ques 32: 2 Ques 33: 3 Ques 34: 1 Ques 35: 4 Ques 36: 3 Ques 37: 2 Ques 38: 4 Ques 39: 1 Ques 40: 1