Soil Biota in a Megadiverse Country: Current Knowledge and Future
G Model PEDOBI 50459 No. of Pages 46 Pedobiologia xxx (2015) xxx–xxx Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Pedobiologia - Journal of Soil Ecology journal homepage: Soil biota in a megadiverse country: Current knowledge and future research directions in South Africa a,b,c, a a,d c Charlene Janion-Scheepers *, John Measey , Brigitte Braschler , Steven L. Chown , e b,f g h,i Louise Coetzee , Jonathan F. Colville , Joanna Dames , Andrew B. Davies , a j k c Sarah J. Davies , Adrian L.V. Davis , Ansie S. Dippenaar-Schoeman , Grant A. Duffy , l m n o Driekie Fourie , Charles Griffiths , Charles R. Haddad , Michelle Hamer , p,q e,n k r David G. Herbert , Elizabeth A. Hugo-Coetzee , Adriaana Jacobs , Karin Jacobs , n a e n Candice Jansen van Rensburg , Siviwe Lamani , Leon N. Lotz , Schalk vdM. Louw , k s t e,n Robin Lyle , Antoinette P. Malan , Mariette Marais , Jan-Andries Neethling , p p,q u b,f Thembeka C. Nxele , Danuta J. Plisko , Lorenzo Prendini , Ariella N. Rink , t l k k,l Antoinette Swart , Pieter Theron , Mariette Truter , Eddie Ueckermann , k v q a,b Vivienne M. Uys , Martin H. Villet , Sandi Willows-Munro , John R.U. Wilson a Centre for Invasion Biology, Department of Botany and Zoology, Stellenbosch University, Private Bag X1, Matieland 7602, South Africa b South African National Biodiversity Institute, Kirstenbosch Research Centre, Claremont 7735, South Africa c School of Biological Sciences, Monash University, Victoria 3800, Australia d Section of Conservation Biology, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Basel, St. Johanns-Vorstadt 10, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland e National Museum, P.O.
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