Robert C. Morgan

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Robert C. Morgan @,rro,ur'0, c$',4/€7luKf9 iri {:lrJ lian The Pusf Becorutes Preserut Tbe artifacts tlrat make up ttt)o recent major exhibitions of the Qin and Han dynasties remind us of tbe linked bistorical bumanity in our quotidian experience. Tbe exbibitions empbasize iust bottt releuant real lsuman contact is in truly understanding otber people omd cultures. 'tt,1. ; -:li :_*:r kr,,, :::""; Earthenware dancing figurine, Western Han (206 BC - AD 8), H.45 cm, W.42 cm. Excavated from the Tomb of King of Chu at Tuolanshan, Xuzhou (2000). 54 ASIAN ART NEWS voume2T Number 3 2OlZ ost Vie\vefs \\'ho attenclecl Sl-raanxi province. In short, the exhibi- nlsccnt ancl energetic socill ertvironntcnt tlrc lclut ivt'11' r'orttprelrcnsivt. ti(n pr'()\'okecl unexpc'ctecl possibilities irr n'hich Chinese people n,ele cor-ning exl.rihition. Age c1l' F.ntpires. fbr' \Westelncls to c()nlc t() tenls rritl'r tl're into tlteir'on,r-r, Chittese Art o.l' the Qitt € histolicll basis lncl cultr,rral essimiletion N()t ()nh: n'as it a ple'lsLre to see Hcrtt D1'rtcrsties (221 BC- AD of these <;bjects. Rather than clismiss these beatrtiftrlh' clisplayecl carthenr,vare 220),ttvere ostensibly movecl ir-r lln Llnsus- ing these sorks as xrt-f()r-xl'trj sakc. atr- ()l)jects. l>ut also t<> take n()tice of thcir pectirlg way. The sheer elegancc cntanlrt- cliences appcalc'cl to gr.rsp some of tlte conclitkrr-r. 'fhe vust majolity of nolks in ir-rg fi<>r-r-r these multivalent rvolks significcl corrplexitv ancl clensifi' of China tirm lrn this shon coulcl bc callecl objects that hacl the plesence of cver')rcla]' lif'e ls trn intc- engle <>f i.ision thel' hacl lulcly enc()Lul- n()t sccn the light of clay for centulies gral part of a pelennial uncl ernelgent cr,rl- terccl pleviousll'. LLntil the late 1970s rvlten a lnole irggrcs tltt'e. Not onll' 11'91. r,isit<tt's talicn by tl're One r-r-rigl"rt ftrlther menti()n tht: sivc' regulcl tirr alcl-reology n'as lteginning elegance of the mor.rr-rting. bnt rLlso by the tlipocl r/irzg. cx caulclror-r, fhrn-r the 3r'cl to talic place in selectecl legions of Cl-rina. consi.stently superb selection of s,orks or-r century BC ancl the textilc fi'agn-rer-rt s'itl-r Vhilc the fblrnel Recl Gr,ralcls tnay have vieu'. Rathel than flagments ur-rcl blokcr-r stumpeci ckrtrcl motif.s cstiuntccl fl'on-r the tlagicallv burnccl lncl clestroyecl irnpor'- relics, ar,rcliences \\rele thrillecl kt cliscor- 2ncl centtrlv IIC that at first glxncL- apperr tant sch()llrh' t()nres ancl histr>r'ical ink el' expeftly l'estol'ecl elu'then\\'ilfe fbrms r.irttrally ur-rr-rsecl. Anothel object s'olthy paintings, r-nany of the ultifucts coming of statuary ancl blilliantly contoLrrecl of r-rotc rr'lrs l ll'onze r-nirror- fr<;nt thc into vien. clr,rling the ulchleological cligs anirral figtrlines. inclLrcling pigs. horses, \y'esteln Han that suggestccl un exempla- in thc 1970s hacl not l)een touchecl or l'relcl clogs, ancl roosters, fl'on-r the \(/estcln Han ly feltile pcriocl essocietccl s'ith the pr-o- sincc the cleys of the Qin ancl Han cly- periocl (206 BC to AD 9). Moreovet'. one cluctior-r of ptrlpc>sefr-rlly clesignccl hoLrsc nasties in u'hicl-r they servecl a variety of coulcl vien' lif'e-size guarcls ancl civil of'- holcl goocls. These cliverse objccts gave fr-rnctions b<>th in the ckmestic encl pul>lic ficials, also n-rolclecl lncl carvecl in ealth- e"'iclence' of an important culturc- in thc sphcres of evelyclay lif-e. This exl.ribi- enwzrre fl'or.n the earliel Qin (227-207 ruriclst of gl'owth ancl of positive change, a tion r.r.'oulcl heve been en entirely clif-fer- BC) excavltecl as recently as 1999-2000 ctrltule in w'hich the comfirrts of lif'e s,'er-e ent shoq, hacl it been ckrnc for,rl clecacles fl'om the Qinshi Hr,rangcli Mausole'ut"n in irnportxnt but also l'e'velxtory signs of a ag<>. At thxt time. r-rrost of thc objects on Above left:Civil Official, Qin dynasty (221-206 BC), earthenware, H. 184 cm. Excavaled in 2000, pit K0006, mausoleum complex of Qin Shihuangdi (d.210 BC), Lintong, Shaanxi Province. Above center,' Kneel lng Archer, Q in dyna sty (221-206 BC), earthenware, H122 cm. Excavated in 1 977, pit no.2, mausoleu m complex of Qin Shihuangdi (d.210 BC), Lintong, Shaanxi Province. Above right:Unarmored General, Qin dynasty (221-206 BC), earthenware, H.197 cm. Excavated in 1978, pit no.1, mausoleum complex ofQin Shihuangdi (d.210 BC), Lintong, Shaanxi Province. Photographs: Courtesy Qin Shihuangdi lvlausoleum Site Museum. Lintono Yoltne 27 Number 3 2OlZ ASIAN ART NEWS 55 Dog, Eastern Handynasty(AD25-220), earthenware, H.42.5cm. Unearthed in 1987, Dongguan, Nanyang, Henan Province. Photograph: Courtesy Henan Museum, Zhengzhou. Head Ornament, Warring States period (47 5-221 BC), gold, turquoise, and carnelian, Diam. 0.3-0.6 cm. Excavated in 2008-9, tomb no.16, Majiayuan, Zhangjiachuan, Gansu Province. Photograph: Courtesy Gansu Provincial institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology, Lanzhou. Modef of a Multistory House, Eastern Han dynasty (AD 25-220),earthenware with pigment, H.175 cm, L. 87 cm. Excavated in 1988, Jiaozuo, Henan Province. Photograph: Courtesy Henan Museum, Zhengzhou. Pillow in the Shape of a Twin-Headed Bird, Eastern Han dynasty (AD 25-220), silkjin (warp-faced compound plainweave), 10x46x 16cm. Excavated in 1959, tomb no. 1, Niya, Mrnfeng, Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Photograph: CourtesyXin.iiang UyghurAutonomous Region Museum, Urumqi. Tripod Food Container (Ding) with Gloud Wine Container (Zhong) with Interlacing Gowry Container with Bulls and Mounted Pattern, Western Han dynasty (206 BC-AD 9), 2nd Dragons, Western Han dynasty (206 BC - AD 9), Rider, Western Han dynasty (206 BC AD 9), century BC, - lacqueroverwood, H.25.6 cm, Diam. ol parcel-giltand silvered bronze, H. 59.5 cm, max. Diam. bronze, H. 50.2 cm, Diam. 25 cm. Excavated in mouth '1 21.2 cm. Excavated in 1972, tomb no. (Lady 37 cm. Excavated in 1968, tomb no. 1 (Liu Sheng, 1956, tomb no. 10, Shizhaishan, Jinning, Yunnan Dai, d. ca. 168 BC), Mawangdui, Changsha, Hunan d.113 BC), Mancheng, Hebei Province. Photograph: Province. Photograph: Courtesy Yunnan Provincial Province. Photograph: Courtesy Hunan Provincial Courtesy Hebei Provincial Museum, Shijiazhuang. Museum, Kunming. Museum, Changsha. 56 ASIAN ART NEWS tlolume 27 Number 3 2OlZ clisl'rirtr ncle still lrtrliecl in ntucl c()ntinUecl thc intl-:roItllr-rt societltl :rncl r'llrv rruiting to lrc rrnr:rllltecl. luncl gor cr-nr.rrcntlrl chunges clr.rling givrn thc lcuul protoco] irtvolvccl tltc lcigr-r of Qin Shi Hr,teng ut the in Irr.ginninv titi rcccnt lrrthuc<>, ()Lllsrt ()f the eel'lirr Qin clVnustr'. logiclrl r entr-ir-c. 'l'lrtrs. ltinlllv itrrntissi<>rr nlrnv of tltc csscnti:rl ir-r gr':rntccl t:ts in the lete l9-0s lrncl grcclicnts of sctting fil'tlt u ntun- ILrs r'otrlinrrcrl into lltc 21s1 r.c|rtu lgclrblc (()ltstitLlti()ltxl lrgrccllcllt rv s hcrr it is still in tltr, ltrocrss ol .trll( )tls , 'lhr'i.rjs rro1ll1l ,, )nlirtuL. huppe nir.rv. tlrrorrsh tltc IIun rLlttil its cncl it-r Al) 120. 'I hus. orrc <tf thc su1-rlcrrrc oth thc Qin uncl thc Hun vulr-res of tltis exhibitior-r is thet the ch lltstics llrc fcl)fc:icltt objccts on clisplev offl'r- sigr-rs <>f ecl in tltt .lgL'rtl lirtrpit'es. e ncn stubilitl ilt (lhinll. IrLor.n lr \\'Jr:rt hlpprnccl clrrlins nrilit:rrv l)ersllcctivc. this is shon n this lirul Ituncllccl-r'clrr in tlrc riort-r-t lintcst()lte lrrntctl ltr-tci pclrocl Iretlrntc tlte lirtrnclltti()lt ()f thc- ir'on hclntcts (.sholrftail usccl tlrt' lristorr'. ctrltrrlc. lrncl ltolitics <>f bt thc utilit:lr\' (excuvutccl rn (lhinu. Qin us lit' klcxv Chinl tocllrr'. 1998). ()nc nrisltt rll-gr,rc thesc r-e1t- TIrt Qin officirrllr lrcsins in 22 I Il(. rcscrlt thc Iisc ol ()lte c()untt'\ its rtncl cncls in 20(r IJ(]. rr ltilc tltc IIun ltn eltcln:rtirr to sgcrlrl ls ir-r thc c()ntinr.rr(l f |o|t tltlrt rlittc Uutil .\ l) pr-evi<>us \\':rrr-ing Stlrtt-s Terracottafigurineplayingase(ancientChineseplucked lteliocl 220 us.r"tc <>f thc lrr_rgcst tlr r.r;rsr ir,s (.r-t-2ll llc). lt nas thc lise of i. cr,i,,rs trisr<,rr n,,,.:,i:;, ;l;.. :iLli'l#::llil,?;lj.".t_?35;3?5I1f;:tiHi"??fsH,P?;[ lr clor.rrinunt lrncl colrcLent firr-cc ot'clcllv chltnges nlrclc clr.rling tltc at Tuolan Mountain in Xuzhou (2000). throlLgh<>trt Asilt. Qir-t. ltlinlu'ilv trnclet' thc fict'cc. \'ct stll fLLr-rctiorr ()l' llrist()cfllts lutcl luncknr ner.s. llut thr nrilitulv itcc()urcnlcltrs t (]in (urrtil lrilizirtg ltlt ol' Shi Htrung 2lO tlttr-clx givin{r Irint clircct uclntin jstnltivc nclc onlv onc e xltnrltlc <>f this cohcrcncc lJ(- ) ll <>ulcl hlrlc :t lustins int|xtct throuult- (()lttl.()l ()\.cr ntt l)rusilntr\.. rr Iro cor.rr :ts nlrtlc clelrr in lr sccortcl illl)()rtllltt e\- ()tlt 'l'lris tht IIlttl clvt.l:tstv lltltt lirll<xvccl. p'rsec1 thc ovcruhelnrirrg ntejor.ilr of tltc hilrition. I)t't'rutrs rttr tl.te I{ttr,qs: A.ltttlc Stril \'ottlcl irlclr.tclc tllt' rrrrificlttion of (lltinl t I ltoprrlltior-t.
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