Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1959-04-16
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,. " owo'n and tM Peop" of Iowa Cft., Liibllslled In l868 Five cents a Copy Iowa City, Iowa, Thursday, AprIl 16, i95§ • ,U es eSlgns; inisters' eet ". ooms , * . * ,* Herter Called 'Iastr:o Begins Visit World Allies . .: : I . • Tell Sorrow Most Likely 'In Guerrilla Unifor:m At Action Successor· WASHINGTON (uPIl - Bearded CutrD lived up to hi' ,..putll' Cuban Prime Minister Castro, clad tlon by arrivlnt In Wuhlnllton LONDON (UPJ) - America's Eisenhower To Confer Sol Brings Sunburn And Sorrow, " , ~is IlQw·famous guerrilla army I littl. mDl't th.n two hOUri Ill". free world allles expressed shock QIlitorm. arrived Wednesday for Slale Department' agel)ts. Wash· and sorrow Wednesday at the re· With Dulle, First -n Hoday visit and was nearly ington police and Castro's own signation of U.S. Secretary of WASHINGTON (uP!) _ Actlne mobbed by some 500 wildly cheer security specialists began sur· State Dulles. The Communist Czech Secretary of State Christian A. !til' weli.wishers at the airport. rounding the Prime Minister with Radio applauded the news. Herter was reported by Admlnis So Turn Blisters Into Browns 'ijte 32·year-old rebel, who over· some of the tightest security pre Radio Prague said Dulles' resig· tration sources Wednesday to be Jllrew Cuban Dictator Batista last cautions afforded any recent nation was the "tarewell of a typ!o the odds-on favorite to succeed the SUI students have learned that of ultraviolet rays to reach the other lime of th day, an aller- arrected area. Diluted house vine· ~'! Year's Day, voiced hope that foreign visitor. Both the ' Cuban cal rcpresentative or the out-dated ailing John Foster Dulles in t a little sunning is a dangerous skin. nate way is to expose the skin gar provides an inexpensive lotion IQ' tHp would result in closer Embassy and U.S. officials received and old-fashioned power policy." key cold war Cabinet post. thing. The sun is good medicine No malter what method is ad- aft f 4 p.m. on the first day for which is most errective. widcrstanding between Cuba and anonymous threats against Castro's The Communist radio said Dulles Th f h vised, tanning is d rived through an hour. gradually moving up to Another homemade preparation Il\t\ United States. Hc has often life. ese sources, some 0 then, for ealth and body building. but progressive exposures to the sun had succeeded in maintaining some close to the White House. pre. an overdo e can lead 10 sunburn earlier afternoon hours until the can ists of a thick paste made with tri\icized this country recently for Even so. the crowd at the airport unnecessary East-West tensions by dieted Herter would be named in a and sorrow. until the skin adapts itself to Ihe desired tan appears. been friendly towards ordinllry baking soda and water. blvini too ncarly mobbed Castro as he de- sticking to his power policy. the few days to succeed Dulles, wllo rays. ACler this procedur, exposure Biltlstll. scended the ramp of his Cubana failure of which. it maintained, had resl'gnAd his arduous cold war "s- However, a smoolh, even coat Here arc some suggestions for . I ' cl Apply the paste and kcep it in · I' I h tl rt h' 8 b . th · d" .. of tan can be acquired without I b thl Th f' t ti IS re aUv y safe. However. extra place with a bandage. Baking AIr mes pane 5 or y a er IS becomc 0 VJOUS even In e UnIte slgnment afler phvslcians diseov. w se sun a ng. e Irs me, p.m. arrival. States. I' any burn beyond the merest rcd- expo e the skin for only 15 to 20 precautions should be observed soda can also be used as a Jiguid er ng what al'peared to be a new denlng of the skin. This can be minutes to Ihe sun. Increase the when sunbathing ncar water. sand. solution by dissolving some in Castro WII dr.... d In 1)1. IIrHn Th. Communl.t CZKh r.dlo cancer in his syslem. f.tl,u. uniform, .nd Clhied In w.. tho flr.t behind tho Iron Prllident EIsonh_,r'. r.fusal accompli hed (ll by sunlight alone lime or exposure by 10 minutes or any other highly reflectivc sur· waler. army kit ond • book In hi, I'ft Curt.in to _""nt on Dull ..' to be plMOd down on the qwa. - without benefitS of lotions. each day until the tan and tOler-! face. Regardless of what remedy you h.nd. rul,n.tl..,. tlon durl", ...tlonint .t Avo creams, or other such aids, (2) by ance arc developed. If you gct a mild sunbul'O that apply. keep this thought il\ mind l{ you are extremely uncomfort· Many of ItJl9sc in the. welcoming The official Soviet News Agency ,u.t., GI .. led te NIM ,"cui.. the usc of lotion, cream, or oint- Sincc the ultra·violet light in the docsn'l require medical attention, Warmer crowd wery! · exiles [(Om the Do· Tass distributed the news or Dulles' tlon that !to rnltht offer the I_ ment which prevents burn by per· sun's rays i more intense between Ithe simplest form of rclief lies in able and have a fever, see a doc minipan Republic where BatiSta resignation , in Moscow without to Dull ..' y~ br-'ltor, .,..t!. mitling only a certain quantity 10. a.m. and 2 p.m. than at any talcum powder sprinkled over the tor.-Photo. Feature by Jo Moore. Cloudy now liv~s under political asYlum comment. DuUes has been the roetor Allon W. Dulle. ef ih " " 'i . '1' • t' .' 'f -- I .' r - ----- -------------- ~Igh 70s f{:r~~dT~j~~~~ea n stron~m~l} ~:~s~'h'b1.hl:;rpai~y~; CB nl,t"!:=;a~iciaJ& \lQn 'rl,A11.Et~ r{;) ,.,~,~ 1. M (a;/man i·, Sner,.ds Friday. Rain The well.wlshers carried Amer!- vilification had been somewhat quickly discounted these report . ,'.11'.' , .. ' ,t, ': ~'Iu tJ f"l tno(. I G 1\ il t'.TI:11'.1 I"", can and Dominican fiags and 1\Ia- muted si!'C& h ~ I~ness. They aid ther pected-jIIc ' post l ' ,T-" rk ' A"t 1T L ,\ " I)It A cards bearing Iluch me sages;8s Pelping' New ' Cku1a. News to g to herter, the W,year~otd 0 ,:11 a ,... 0' '/';: ost L"'" " Fidel Castro - we embraec you Agency also broadcast the report former Massachusctts governor • ~ r,.1 "'"'"1" , ' ,"I', with all our hearts." without comment. who has been Acting Secretary H l • ',I M LOS ANGELES IA'I - ' An Omaha mailman tinally e 'caped from Cuban security police checked However, an unexpected tribute since the Dullqs' cancer was .1IIe· onors eet Professor those allowed on the airfield to to Dulles was paid by an uniden. tected in mid-February. the Los Angeles Freeway system Wednesday afler spending mosL welcome Castro. They turned away tined diplomat at the Sovlct Em- Such a move would meet with of tbe night lost in the frustrating maze. about a dozen Georgetown Univer- bassy in London. "Leaving policies approval in congressional circles James Van Allen, noled sur Charles Abboud, 58, wearily made his way to pOlice headquarters fEo Lecture sity students who said they were aside, the man's devotion to this where Herter, a former House physicist and recent recipient of after his escape and asked for help. Appointments to two commis· opposed to Castro's mass execu- principles were indeed admirable." member, is generally respected. the Army Distinguished Serv\ce He told this sLory: sions and four student-faculty On Music lions of Batista followers. he said. ' The President said he would not Award, will be the guest speaker About 6 p.m. Tuesday he was driving his ear inlo the Civic committees were made Wednesday The official greeting party in- Proaldent EI ..nhow.r's .n· name his nominee until alter he at the Honors Round Table Tues. Cenler Freeway Exchange, following a car carrying his son Ray, his night at a special meeting of the "Renaissance Paris: A Musical cluded Cuban Ambassador Ernesto nounc.mont that Dull.. w.. conferred with Dulles, for six daughter-in-law Evelyn, and his granddaughter Barbara Jean, 2. They SUI Student Council. Tapofraphy" will be presented to Dlhigo; Assistant Secretary of State .,.pplnt down c.mo II • shock hectic years this nation's chief day al 8 p.m. in the House Cham· were on their way from Omaha to visit Evelyn's parents here. Dick Runke, L2, Palos Heights, ~ Humanities Society by Daniel Roy R. Rubottom Jr., who Is in to W.. tom &11...,., .von though strategist in the diplomatic cold ber of Old Capito\' 111.. was appoJnted Commissioner Heartz, professor at the University charge of this country's Latin Am. it WII not UMlCpect,d. war with the Soviet Union and its Van Allen will prescnt an in- But he lost them. He kept drivi ng. which is about al1 you can of Student Organization and Don of ,Chicago, Monday at 8 p.m. in eric an relations; State Departmcnt This was mixed somewhat with satellites. formal discussion on the value of do on the busy Los Angeles Freeway. Somehow he gol on the outbound Lindholm, A4, Burlington, Com Shambaugh Auditorium. Chief of protocol Wiley T. Buchan- a feeling of relief that the die was aut Horter w.. In tho fwefrent usfng information "which the stu- l:\an Bernardino Freeway. missioner Of Studc,nt A[fairs. Three . H\!artz received his doctorate an, and George W. Healy, Presi- finally cast.