(Iowa City, Iowa), 1962-04-20
Traflie Accident Kills Another SUI Student A traffic accident Wednesday Listed in very good condition All three students were resi The death was Johnson Coun which she was riding crashed night took the life of the third at Student Health Infirmary dents of Quadrangle Dormitory. ty's sixth traffic fatality this into a tree on Bowery street. SUI sludent to be killed in auto Thursday were Rodney Reimer, Highway Patrolman Howard The 1961 Corvette was driven by AI, Granville, driver of the car Shapcott said the three students year - three oC them occuring Allen Bower, A4, Glen Ellyn, accidents in four days. this week. Marvin Kent Peterson, AI, and John Szaton, AI, Tinley were thrown from Reinmer's 111. Dayton, was fatally injured at Park, Ill. Reimer suffered mUl 1955 model ear. Peterson was Eleanor FirzlafC, A4, Dubuque, Another SUI sludent, Kenneth 11:30 p.m. when the car in which tiple bruises and Szaton was taken to University Hospitals, died Monday morning at Univer Quirk, At, Alla, died Tuesday he was riding missed a curve treated for scalp cuts and where he died at 12:35 a.m. o( sity Hospitals oC injuries received night after a car crashed into and overturned in a shallow bruises. a ruptured liver and spleen. in an automobile accident Sun the back of II molar scooter on ditch Hi miles south of North Both may be released from the Charges against Reimer are day night. Miss FirzlafC suffered which he was riding on Highway Liberty. Infirmary today. pending. head injuries when the car in 6 in Coralville.
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