Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1959-06-11
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oi owan 'emng TM Stat. Un'oerritv of IOWG. and tM P'OP'!.~ lowtJ CUll Established In 1868 - Five Cents a Copy Leased Wire and International ~ased Wire Iowa Cit~', Iowa. Thursday, June 11. 1951 Jtiry Of 12-Whites Reds Say--- ',Get Ouf'; RESULTS n Want Ad - -To' Try Assault Case TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (UPIl - An all.male, all·white jury was picked Wednesday night to try four white youths for the rape of a 19- year·oid Negro coed. Grant Wood Painting Shown The jury was finally approved at U. S.. Refuses Again 4:07 p.m·. CST after a long first day's session marked by a tense In Iowa Memorial Union moment in the morning when an , overflow crowd of Negro spectators One of the last pictures painted encountered in his European visits was cleared from the bullding. by Granl Wood, famed for his por· during the 20's resulted in the adop· trayal of rural mid·western life, is tion of his famous hard, meticulous, Allies Given Forty-one prospective jurors were being exhibited in the East Lobby dismissed before the 12·man panel balanced style. He found the med of the Iowa Memorial Union. ium of his expression in the mid· Steel Union , ?\denauer Oilers Apology J was finally approved by both the state and the defense. "Parson Weems' Fable," valued western people and things around Sitting on the jury are: at $25,000, was painted by Grant him. Two Choices H. R. Brown, a salesman; El. Wood while he was on the staff Some oC his more famous paint wood L. Koch, a student at Florida of the SUI art department in 1939. ings include "Stone City," "Am· Would Modi~y to Minister Of Economics State University; C. A. Puckett Jr., The painting has been loaned to the erican Gothic," "Daughters of the By Gromyko a salesman; James W. Griffith Jr., University for exhibition by Mrs. Revolution," and "Dinner for Wage Stand BONN, Germany (uP}J-Chan· \ by Erhard ye terday on hi reo er Erhard' public challenge of a plumber; Roy Underwood, a gro J. P. Marquand, wife of the novel· Tre hers." "Spring in Town" and cellor Konrad Adenauer and the turn from the United State . lh 83·year-old Adenauer's decl. GENVEA IUPIl - The Soviet cer; Aubrey C. Willis, druggist ; L. ist. "Spring in the Country" were his NEW YORK I UP) - The steel Christian Democratic Party apol. Adenauer' unu ual apology ap ion to reron!n ehanccllor. Union Wednesday ,ove the We tern D. Singleton, a bujlder; Howard Earl E. Harper, director of the last paintings before his death in industry offered Wednesday to mod· ized tonight to Economics Mini • I parently placed Erhard on the Erhard, a ked whether be wa Alii a nt"W ultimatum to lIet out R. McLendon, a tire company own· Union, said thal Mrs. Marquand t942. ify its wage-freeze stand in nego· ter Ludwig Erhard for statements road to the chancellor hip at some now r conciled to playin, a u. of Berlin In a y ar. U.S. Secretary er; Rufus Graddy, a gas station indicated this will be the last publiC tlations with the United Steelwork· that were "apt to damage his es· future date, perhap even before bordlnate role to Arenauer, re- oC State Christian Hert r 11l\In(" owner; J. P. Rowe, a well driller; showing of the painting in the U.S. ers if the union would accept com· teem" in the struggle over West 1961, the time for the next gen· plied, "In any case. the question diately rejected the demand. Nathaniel Ward Jr., a hotel em· She plans to end it to Russian for pany proposals for eliminating German leader hip. eral election . The statement was has been cleared up." Soviet ForelCn Minister Andrl'i ploye; and A. H. King, a farmer. exhibition after the Union showing. Air Crash "waste and inefficiency" in the Will Rasner, party spoke man, issued by the party Collowing re. The statem nt approvt'd at a Gromyko fonnally issued ~ ulU· The young Negro victim waited and then intends to restrict it to plants. said the Chancellor and Christian ports that were interpreted In peclal party m tinll said : rontum in the form of a 1oscow in lin anteroom throughout the day her private collection, Harper David J. McDonald, president 01 Democratic members oC parlia· some quarters u disqualifying "The fraction welcom the ··Interim" Berlin Peace Packale but did not appear in cOllrt. said. Kills Two the union, Immediately rejected ment in the party "fraction," had Erhard' as a future chancellor. talement by the chancellOf that Introduced to the Bi, Four ConCer· The state charges that the four The painting has been described the propo al. approved a statement designed to I The chancellor told newsmen he never Int nded ony dlsquollfi. ence plenary It'Slion. clear up serious complaints made that peace hod been d clared art· white youths, ranging in age from as a humorous and imaginative Army Men In another development the in· calion or Fed ral Economics Min· Gromyko .aid that unless the 16 to 24, dragged her from a car version of the story of George dustry announced its refusal to ister Erhard. The fraction expre· We t ollrees to sl,n a German where she was parked with a Negro Washington and the cherry tree. It VENICE, CaliC. (uPIl - A twin' bargain separately with the union . l'S its special conJid nee in the Peace Treaty within a y al' Rus· student at Florida A&M Univensity pictures young George as he shows rotor army helicopter engaged- in The steelworkers Tuesday an. Lab In, Orbit In Few Years, l'conomic minister. It rt'grets sla will sign a pact at once with and another Negro couple and his father the fallen tree. training exercises along the South· nounced plans for opening bargain. totem n which w re apt lo E Gt>rmany, termlnatilll west· raped her. Wood was born in Anamosa in ern California coast plunged into ing sessions next week with each dama,e hi teem." ern rights in Berlin. Many of the prospective jurors 1m, aUended Cedar Rapids the Pacific ~~n~sday. killing two of 12 companies. The negotiatoTS Erhard, 62, who had thrt'atened Hertl'!" rejectNl the "extraor. Wednesday were asked whether the schools, and later taught art in persons and IIlJurlng fIve ~nthe~s . are trying to reach an agreement Aeronautics Official Says to re lin in th party's worst dlnary" Soviet proposal as "wholly racial issue would affect their Cedar Rapids from 1919 to 1925. One of the dead was killed In' and head orr a strike before the cur· SAN DIEGO, Calif. CUPJ) _ official circles for the project," crl I In a decade, told Chri liar! unacceptable" after he had en. judgment on the guilt ot innocence He came to SUI in 1934 and in 1935 sl;antly in the cr~sh and the other rent contract expires June 30. Project Outpost, a program lor aid J. R, Dempsey, vice presi. Democratic leader that "events gllied in a serl 5 of em r,ency of the white boys. was made associate professor in dl~d later ~t Damel Freeman Mem· The industry disclosW"e that It puUing a laboratory in orbit where dent of Convair Division of Gen. of recent day nd weeks in ulted consultations with top Western Without exception they said it the grapllic and plastic arts depart· orlal HospItal. would be willing to thaw its wage· man can learn to work in the eral Dynamics Corp. me d ply." leaders. would not. ment. He r peat d that he had "ever Names of the dead were with· freeze demands in return for con· strange new worid of space, will H t peel h t f d' tl claim d th chancellor hlp aI. " The U.S.S.R.," Hem.- teI4 Thirteen oC those dismissed said He was later granted a full pro· held by authorities. The five who cessl'ons from the unl'on was made e S op s or 0 pre IC ng be undertaken within the nexl few when a program to orbit a iabora· favorite to succe d Adenhauer if Gremylco, "sMulci kMW by II8W they were opposed to capital pun· fessorship in Fine Arts, which r~~eived ml~or injuries were iden· by R. Conrad Cooper, chief in· years, a top Convair executive tory might be started but he said the chancellor had tuck to his tNt tfIo United It.... will ..."'Of' islunent, and several added they made him one of the first top·rank. llfled by police as Lt. Harold Mar· dustry negotiator in the contract predicted Wednesday. it should be launc~ed before ]965 original pion to tep down and MtOtla.. under ...1"." ""'-... were opposed to the death sentence ing American artists to be given vin, pilot; Lt. Harry Christopher, talks in New York. Cooper said "There is increasing support in if the United StateS is to be ready ardu..-." in a rape ' case, anyway. a professorship on the faculty of run for the pr id ncy of We t Capt. Carl D. Jones, C!lP~' John acceptance by the union of the in· to make the mo t effective u e oC Germany, a figurehead po t. The U.S. Secretary of State in· Tonight, in a surprise move, the a major university. MacFarland and SpeCialist 5tb dustry's proposed contract revis· I h super rockets und r d velopment. In. tcad, while Erh rd wa vi it.