June 10, 2020

Thai Enquirer Summary

Political News

 Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has dismissed speculation about a looming cabinet reshuffle, saying that he has not thought about it and asked the media to stop reporting on the issue which he likened to a soap opera.

 He insisted that changing cabinet ministers is his exclusive decision.

 “I know when and how, but not at this moment,” he said, adding that he has many other things to do. “Do not ask me when I will change the Cabinet. I will tell you myself when there is to be a reshuffle. Or I may not tell you, as I may go ahead and do it myself, because it is at the sole decision of the Prime Minister,” he said, adding that there is already a quota system for the coalition parties.

 When asked about the prospect that Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwan may become the new leader of the Phalang Pracharat Party (PPRP), Gen Prayut retorted: “Why not? If he accepts the position, it is his own business”.

 The Prime Minister also brushed aside speculation that 3 economic ministers including Finance Minister , Energy Minister Sontirat Sontijirawong and Minister of University, Science, Research and Innovations Suvit Maesinsee who are close associates of Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak, may quit. Gen Prayut only said he had instructed them to do their jobs the best they can.

 Opposition MPs walked out of parliament chamber yesterday (June 9) in protest against a lack of details in the government’ plan to reallocate 88 billion baht to a central fund to fight Covid-19 and rehabilitate the economy.

 Worawat Ua-apinyakul, deputy chairman of the ad-hoc committee vetting a draft bill on the budget transfer who led the walkout, said he noted that the government’s transfer draft bill lacked elaborate details. Without the details the panel cannot make thorough examinations. He said large amounts of the central fund were earmarked to solve drought problems, not help fight the outbreak.

 Mr Worawat voiced frustration at the Defence Ministry for hampering the panel’s work, noting ministry representatives submitted a document marked as classified to the committee for consideration but retracted it shortly after. The document is believed to be the government’s plan to reallocate money to the central fund. He slammed the chairman of his ad-hoc committee for refusing to call for the return of the document from the ministry.

 Benja Saengchan, a committee member from Kao Klai Party, said the defence [ministry] is untouchable. The ministry claimed that the document was classified and took it back immediately, preventing the panel from thoroughly examining the document.

 Finance Minister Uttama Savanayana, as the Phalang Pracharat Party (PPRP) leader, is under pressure to call a general assembly to elect a new executive board.

 Deputy party leader Paiboon Nititawan said after a meeting of executive committee members yesterday (June 9) that Mr Uttama must schedule the general assembly for June 19-21, warning that if Mr Uttama fails to do so, rebel MPs from other factions inside the PPRP will mobilize more than half of the party’s MPs to petition the Election Commission (EC) to call the general assembly.

 It is also speculated that the rebel MPs’ rebellion is intended to necessitate a cabinet reshuffle, to unseat the economic team, led by Deputy Prime Minister Somkid.

 There are a few new developments on the case of missing pro-democracy activist Wanchalearm Satsaksit who reportedly went missing in Phnom Penh last week.

 Cambodia’s national police force is reported to launch an investigation into the alleged abduction of Mr Chalearm despite earlier calling his disappearance “fake news,” prompting frustration over delays from a rights group that demanded an independent and transparent probe.

 Amid mounting calls for an investigation, including a request via a diplomatic note from the Thai Embassy in Phnom Penh, National Police Commission spokesman Chhay Kim Khoeun confirmed yesterday (June 9) that a probe into Wanchalearm’s disappearance is underway.

 Chhay Kim Khoeun denied allegations by Mr Wanchalearm’s supporters in that authorities in Phnom Penh had carried out the alleged abduction at ’s behest.

 Chhay Kim Khoeun said according to official records, Mr Wanchalearm wasn’t even living in Cambodia at the time of his alleged kidnapping. “According to our investigation, Satsakit disappeared from Cambodia in 2017,” he said.

 There is also a report that Mr Chalearm’s visa which allowed him to stay in Cambodia for 2 years has expired since December 31, 2017. Cambodian authorities found no evidence that Mr Chalearm applied to renew his visa.

 Following a weekly cabinet meeting yesterday (June 10) Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha told reporters he had asked Thai security officials about MR Wanchalearm’s reported abduction and indicated that his government would cooperate with authorities from a foreign country in investigating the case.

 He also made clear that Thailand would not “interfere in another country’s authority” as part of any investigation.

 “I’ve nothing to do [with this issue] and I seek fairness for Thai officials,” Gen Prayut added.

 Regarding reports of the Ministry of Defence’s move to request private mobile phone information from mobile network operators as revealed through the ministry’s letter to the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC), political activist Srisuwan Janya announced that he will today petition the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) to look into the matter.

 Meanwhile, secretary-general Takorn Tantasith said the NBTC has been requested by the Defence Ministry and the Department of Disease Control to track locations of 140 mobile phone subscribers, who are COVID-19 patients who are deemed to be in a high risk group.

 Mr Takorn insisted that the NBTC cannot access personal data of these mobile phone users. It can merely retrieve information about facilities where these patients received treatments in a 7-day period.

 In a separate development, the Office of the Ombudsman decided to accept political activist Srisuwan Janya’s petition asking it to seek the Constitutional Court’s ruling on

the nomination of Suchart Trakulkasemsuk as to whether he is eligible to become a new member of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), announced Ombudsman secretary-general Raksagecha Chaechai.

 Mr Srisuwan claimed that the nomination of Mr Suchart was decided by the NACC selection committee tasked with selecting a new member may be unconstitutional as Mr Suchart has not left the National Legislative Assembly (NLA) at least 10 years as required under Section 11 (18) of the anti-corruption law.

Economic News

 Analysts feel that wiith the prospect of lifting the ban on inbound passenger flights (even if selective) is a sign of some light at the end of the tunnel.

 The Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) has reported that Japanese investors/businessmen (likely via Jetro) have asked for a daily quota of business travelers so they can complete investment negotiations and fill in senior vacant positions.

 This, analysts say, is very encouraging. Production is set to return to normal. Also perhaps finally some of the ongoing industrial land purchase negotiation at WHA and AMATA can be concluded.

 The influx Japanese executives would also be positive for familiar hotel operators that have strong brand and can be "relied" with regard to safety. Among the top would be the Bangkok and eastern region properties of MINT, ERW, CENTEL and the Centrepoints.

 This move prompted the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand (CAAT) plans to call a meeting with airlines next week to discuss whether they will be allowed to resume international routes expected on July 1.

 CAAT director Chula Sukmanop said the meeting will focus on airlines’ readiness to resume overseas services, details of airlines’ preferred international routes and CAAT travel regulations.

 Mr Chula said he could not answer whether the CAAT will extend its inbound flight ban further. He said he is awaiting a signal from the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA). Mr Chula expects the situation to become clear in the next 1-2 weeks.

 Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak said the government is considering to reopen the country’s borders, with priority to COVID-19-free countries, in the 3rd or final quarter of this year.

 He said relaxation of inbound travel restrictions will boost the tourism industry, which has suffered heavily in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis.

 The Cabinet has approved the exemption of hotel operating fees, worth 40 baht per room, for 1 year (from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021), Government spokesperson Naruemon Pinyosinwat announced after a weekly Cabinet meeting yesterday (June 9).

 The exemption of the fee on 783,855 rooms would help hotels while the government is expected to lose 31.35 billion baht in revenue.

 The tourism ministry is planning to roll out programs worth 8-12 billion baht to stimulate domestic tourism. There is hope that the program will work. Domestic tourism was about 6.4% of nominal GDP in 2019, based on estimates by Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT), which could mean that there could be some boon for the tourism sector.

 The Cabinet also approved a 10-billion-baht budget for its sugarcane farmers, whose output has been hit by drought.

 The government expects that around 300,000 sugarcane farmers would receive the financial aid, said Ratchada Thanadirek, a deputy government spokeswoman.

 Thailand’s cane production next season is expected to further decline by around 20%, the Office of the Cane and Sugar Fund has forecast, as drought continued while farmers planted new crops in April and early May, and as the coronavirus pandemic hits the global economy and reduces demand for sugar.

 Thailand is the world’s 2nd-largest sugar exporter, behind Brazil, but its production plunged by more than 40% in the December-April season from a year earlier, as it crushed the lowest volume of sugar cane in a decade as a prolonged drought undermined yield.

 The Cabinet also approved a business restructuring plan for the debt-ridden Bangkok Mass Transit Authority (BMTA). The process is expected to take around 7 years in order to help the BMTA to cut losses, Transport Minister Saksayam Chidchob announced after a weekly Cabinet meeting yesterday (June 9).

 Under this business rehabilitation plan, the BMTA will rent out a total of 2,511 buses from 2 or 3 different companies.

 The weekly Cabinet’s meeting has approved the drafting of a bill that would allow for the tax collection of foreign digital platforms. The measure was proposed by the Ministry of Finance.

 The bill so-called “E-Service Act” would start collecting tax from foreign digital platforms that do not have a Thai subsidiary. This includes platforms that provide online music, movies, games, stickers, advertisement and hotel booking.

 The collection will add at least 3 billion baht into the government’s coffer per year as estimated by the Finance Ministry.

 Foreign digital platforms are making at least 1.8 million baht per year in Thailand. If passed, they will have to pay value-added tax (VAT) and be liable for sales tax, according to information from the Revenue Department.

 The Cabinet approved excise tax exemptions for various businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic including night entertainment venues, night clubs, bars, pubs, horse racing facilities, massage parlours, restaurants that sell liquor and golf courses, effective until September 30, 2020.

 In addition, the Cabinet has delayed doubling the excise tax on cigarettes to 40% which will raise retail price for cigarettes priced below 60 baht per pack, from 20% for another year from the original date on October 1, 2020.

 The Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) has come out to float the idea that it would set up a fund to help bonds issued by issuers that are non-investment grade due to the coronavirus outbreak.

 The securities watchdog requested the Finance Ministry offer tax privileges to make the fund's establishment viable, and funding must be sought from several sources, said Deputy PM Somkid.

 Grassroots economy:  In the 1.9 trillion baht fund, 400 billion baht is earmarked for the grassroots economy. So far some 28,425 projects worth up to 593 billion baht have been identified says National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDC) and these projects belong to state agencies and local administrative organizations dealing with community businesses, One Tambon One Product (OTOP), community tourism and small-scale infrastructure development.

 Broker Kim Eng says that if these projects are rolled out, it could generate demand for construction materials , small/medium machinery and electrical equipment. Potential beneficiaries VNT, WIIK, SCC, SCCC, TPIPL and even farm tractor maker Kubota (parts supplied by SAT).

 Apart from these other to benefit in the multiplier are the hire purchase companies like SINGER and JMART, MTC and SAWAD.

 In regards to the On the progress of international (THAI)’s rehabilitation plan, reports said the national carrier has successfully completed negotiations with creditors in 3 countries, namely Switzerland, Germany and Japan, and is planning to seek bankruptcy protection in the United States before it starts negotiating with creditors there.

 Thai Airways has asked German and Swiss courts to protect its planes, deposit accounts and other assets overseas from creditors, according to government spokeswoman Naruemon Pinyosinwat.

 The national carrier will seek the same recognition from courts in other countries, including Japan and the United States.

 THAI has until August 17 to come up with a rehabilitation plan to present to the Central Bankruptcy Court.

 The World Bank downgraded Thailand’s economic growth outlook for this year to a -5%, from 2.7%, citing a host of unfavourable factors including supply chain disruptions, lockdown measures, declining trade and tourism and weakening domestic consumption due to the coronavirus crisis which have triggered an economic downturn.

 The World Bank’s revision is in line with a 5.3% decline projected by the Bank of Thailand, representing the biggest GDP contraction among the emerging Asean economies analysed.

 This will mark the first full-year contraction since the 2008 global financial crisis, which resulted in a 2.3% downturn for the economy in 2009.

 “The baseline assumes a muted spread of the outbreak in Thailand, a significant worsening of global growth prospects in 2020 and structural challenges in disbursing public spending,” the World Bank said.

 Thailand’s cross-border trade plunged 9.45% in 4 months (from January to April) to 415.241 billion baht due to the COVID-19 pandemic that forced the country to shut down its borders with neighbours, according to Keerati Rushchano, Director-General of the Foreign Trade Department.

 The Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) urged the government to reopen its borders to travellers to enter the kingdom for business purposes. FTI vice- chairman Montri Mahaplerkpong said the border closures have suspended regional trade and business activities.


General News

 The Centre for COVID-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) reported 2 new COVID-19 cases, all Thai nationals who returned from overseas, over the last 24 hours, bringing the total to 3,121 cases, and no new deaths.

 The 2 new cases were a 22-year-old male student who returned from Saudi Arabia and a 31-year-old female who came back from the Netherlands, said CCSA assistant spokeswoman Dr Panprapa Yongtrakul.

 Thailand has recorded no new local transmission for 15 consecutive days.

 Globally the situation continues to rise with just over 7.3 million cases so far. Total active cases remained at 3.3 million while the death numbers are near 414,000.

 The top 3 countries with most additions are Brazil, United States, and India. They added 31,1897 (Brazil), 19,056 (United States) and 10,218 (India).

Political News Headlines in Thai Media

 Government officials and pro-government media went on the offensive on Tuesday claiming that dissident Wanchalearm Satsakit was growing marijuana at his flat in Phnom Penh which they linked to his disappearance.

o Link- https://www.thaienquirer.com/14200/government-officials-and-pro- government-media-are-trying-to-destroy-wanchalearms-character-it-is-nothing-new/

 The Thai government said on Tuesday that reports that its coronavirus response center was sharing mobile tracking data with the Ministry of Defense were true but added that it was not intruding into user’s private data.

o Link- https://www.thaienquirer.com/14139/thai-coronavirus-response-center-is- sharing-mobile-tracking-data-with-the-ministry-of-defense/

 Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha said after the cabinet meeting on Tuesday that there is no need to speculate whether the cabinet will be reshuffled because he will tell the public once he has decided.

o Link- https://www.thaienquirer.com/14175/cabinet-reshuffling-will-not-happen-now- while-ccsa-plans-to-discuss-reopening-international-tourism-on-friday-pm-said/

 As Thailand eases its lockdown measures and opens its doors back up to Thai nationals who have been stranded abroad, those that return home must undergo 14-days of state quarantine.

o Link- https://www.thaienquirer.com/14102/quick-interview-with-former-state- quarantine-inmate/

officially announced this week that it will now allow students to dress according to their chosen gender, effective on June 9.

o Link- https://www.thaienquirer.com/14205/thammasat-university-greenlights-gender- inclusive-dress-code/

 The hashtag #ก็ผมหนูปะคะ or “but it’s my hair” went viral on Twitter as Thai students were outraged over guidelines rolled out by the Ministry of Education, allowing for schools to dictate whether students will still have to follow grooming regulations.

o Link- https://www.thaienquirer.com/14161/students-outraged-over-grooming- regulations-sparking-viral-hashtag/

 Opposition members in parliament are worried that the government coalition may snatch vacant House committee seats during the session on Wednesday, according to Pheu Thai whip Sutin Klungsang.

o Link- https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/politics/1932028/pheu-thai-party-frets- over-seat-snatching

 Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has put the brakes on a cabinet reshuffle push by factions within the ruling (PPRP), saying the government still has other more pressing concerns to tackle, particularly the coronavirus crisis.

o Link- https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/politics/1932048/prayut-puts-brakes- on-reshuffle

 Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha on Tuesday defended the use of the emergency decree to curb the spread of Covid-19, calling it a legal tool for the authorities to enforce virus control measures.

o Link- https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/politics/1932004/pm-defends- emergency-decree

 Police arrested and fined a group of student activists who held a rally Tuesday against the alleged abduction of an anti-government dissident.

o Link- https://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2020/06/09/activists-arrested-while- campaigning-over-dissidents-abduction/

 Opposition lawmakers walked out of a parliament meeting on Tuesday to protest against a lack of details in the government's plan to reallocate 88 billion baht to a central fund to fight Covid-19 and rehabilitate the economy.

o Link- https://www.bangkokpost.com/thailand/politics/1932032/mps-walk-out-of- covid-oversight-committee-meeting

Economic News Headlines in Thai Media

 Business owners at the Chamchuri Square shopping mall sent a petition this week to Princess asking for her help in negotiating with the mall’s management for lower rent, according to the business owners and students.

o Link- https://www.thaienquirer.com/14180/shopowners-at-chamchuri-square-sent-a- petition-to-the-bureau-of-princess-maha-chakri-sirindhorn-to-lower-rent/

 The World Bank said on Tuesday that the global economy will contract by 5.2 per cent in 2020, representing the deepest recession since World War II.

o Link- https://www.thaienquirer.com/14158/world-bank-sees-a-contraction-of-5-per- cent-for-thailand-in-2020-local-think-tank-sees-worse/

 Thai Airways [THAI] are entering into negotiations with creditors to avoid potential roadblocks when the company enters the bankruptcy court in August, officials said Tuesday.

o Link- https://www.thaienquirer.com/14196/thai-airways-enters-into-talks-with- creditors-to-prevent-asset-seizure/

 The cabinet has approved on Tuesday the drafting of a bill that would allow for the tax collection of foreign digital platforms. The measure was proposed by the Ministry of Finance (MOF).

o Link- https://www.thaienquirer.com/14184/cabinet-approves-the-drafting-of-a-bill-to- collect-tax-from-foreign-digital-platforms/

 Health experts warned on Tuesday that opening up the country too fast to tourism could risk the painstaking gains made by the coronavirus lockdown and contribute to a second wave of infections.

o Link- https://www.thaienquirer.com/14137/private-sector-calls-for-tourism- resumption-but-health-experts-warn-against-hasty-reopening/

 It’s been half a year since the first signs of COVID-19 surfaced. It has taken away hundreds of thousands of lives and destroyed the livelihood of millions, but we’re finally beginning to recover. But as the pandemic slowly and painfully subsides, it is worth noting that we cannot return to business as usual.

o Link- https://www.thaienquirer.com/14192/opinion-we-cannot-return-to-business-as- usual-after-the-pandemic/

 The Joint Standing Committee on Commerce, Industry and Banking (JSCCIB) supports the move to make Thailand a member of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) to boost the nation's international trade in the post-pandemic period.

o Link- https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/1932096/industrial-group-supports- thailand-joining-cptpp

 State-owned public broadcaster MCOT is threatening to sue the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) if the telecom regulator's board meeting on Wednesday fails to reach a resolution on the amount of compensation it would give to the company for the 2600-megahertz spectrum recall.

o Link- https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/1932120/mcot-mulls-lawsuit-against- nbtc-over-compensation

 The Thai Travel Agents Association (TTAA) aims to attract 1 million outbound tourists who booked tour packages over Songkran but failed to use them because of the pandemic to travel domestically instead, in hopes of raising 20 billion baht in tourism revenue.

o Link- https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/1932156/travel-agents-hopeful-of- domestic-tourism

 The local stock market's rally is not reflective of Thailand's economic fundamentals or the performance of SET-listed companies, making a profit-taking sell-off highly likely in the third quarter, says an academic.

o Link- https://www.bangkokpost.com/business/1932292/q3-profit-taking-sell-off-on- the-cards

 Thailand’s Finance Ministry is to roll out an incentive scheme to encourage Thai people to travel and spend domestically, in order to revive the local tourism industry, hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic.

o Link- https://www.thaipbsworld.com/finance-ministry-considers-incentives-for-thais- who-spend-on-local-tourism/

Issues to be watched out for

 May 28-June 10, 2020 – The government’s “Rao Mai Thing Kun” bond sale will be made available to the general public and non-profit entities.

 May 26-June 16, 2020 – The application period for the next governor of the Bank of Thailand (BoT).

 May 29, 2020 - The deadline for those who missed out on the government’s 5,000-baht cash handout scheme who wish to appeal their case to the Finance Ministry.

 June 20, 2020 – A by-election on the Constituency 4 of Lampang is expected to be held.

 June 25, 2020 – The deadline for the Office of Attorney General (OAG) whether to appeal or not appeal the lower court’s acquittal of Panthongtae “Oak” Shinawatra, son of former prime minister , for alleged money laundering.

 June 30, 2020 – The Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand (CAAT) is expected to lift ban on incoming flights.

 June 30, 2020 – The government is expected to lift lockdown restrictions imposed under the emergency decree.

 July 2020 – The Expressway of Thailand (EXAT)’s planned opening schedule of the new Motorway Route 7 Section from Pattaya to Map Ta Phut.

 July 2, 2020 – The shortlist of candidates for the new governor of the Bank of Thailand (BoT) will be concluded.

 July 15, 2020 – The House is set to deliberate on the draft budget bill for the 2021 fiscal year.

 July 16, 2020 – The deadline set for the Phalang Pracharat Party (PPRP) to hold a general assembly to select a new executive board.

 August, 17, 2020 – The first day of hearings for Thai Airways International Plc (THAI)’s bankruptcy case.

 August 29, 2020 – The deadline for farmers to return the banned agri-chemicals, paraquat and chlorpyrifos, in their possession to sellers.

 September 21, 2020 – The National Economic and Social Development Council (NESDC, formerly known as the National Economic and Social Development Board or NESDB) is to revise the 20-year national strategy at an annual meeting to respond to the COVID-19 crisis.

 September 30, 2020 – The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) is set to extend the revised equity short-selling regulations from June 30 to September 30 as stock market volatility remains high in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

 October, 2020 – The bidding for construction and operation for the 140-billion-baht Orange Line western extension linking the Thailand Cultural Centre with Bang Khun Non.

 October, 2020 – The Thailand Grand Prix was rescheduled after being postponed due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Key Data

SET Index 1,408.37 -30.29

 Link - https://www.set.or.th/en/company/ipo/upcoming_ipo_set.html

Global Commodities

 Metal -Link http://www.bloomberg.com/markets/commodities/futures/metals/

 Energy -Link - http://www.bloomberg.com/energy/

 Baltic Dry Index (BDI)-Link - http://www.bloomberg.com/quote/BDIY:IND

Global Equity Market’s Movements

 Link - http://www.bloomberg.com/markets/stocks/world-indexes/asia-pacific/

Asian Equity Markets Movement

 Link - http://www.bloomberg.com/markets/stocks/world-indexes/

Information on June 9, 2020

Buying, Selling or Transfer of shares by Owners/Management

Stock Code Volume Value Action

AEC 24,259,500 0.21 Purchase AEC 5,000,000 0.29 Purchase AIMCG 25,000 8.05 Sale ACG 588,800 0.95 Purchase

BM 2,000 2.28 Purchase DOHOME 14,000 9.3 Sale DOHOME 12,900 9.6 Sale DOHOME 800 9.7 Sale ECL 200,000 0.18 Sale EP 323,900 3.59 Purchase JAS 500,000 4.04 Sale JAS 500,000 0.68 Purchase

LPH 40,000 4.46 Purchase

LPH 20,000 4.5 Purchase

MJD 5,000,000 - Transfer MJD 2,884,300 1.95 Sale MJD 1,600,000 2.05 Sale MJD 456,100 1.99 Sale MJD 5,000,000 - Transfer MINT 1,100 22.5 Sale MINT 8,600 23.1 Sale PLANET 10,000 0.89 Sale PLANET 30,000 0.9 Sale PLANET 10,000 0.85 Purchase PR9 20,000 7.25 Sale PR9 20,000 7.1 Sale

PRIME 500,000 0.34 Purchase

PRIN 39,000 1.55 Purchase

RS 900,000 12.7 Purchase SKR 918,000 4.75 Sale SMT 5,000,000 1.18 Purchase STI 20,000 6.25 Sale SUSCO 50,000 2.36 Purchase

SUSCO 50,000 2.38 Purchase

TSTE 4,000 7 Purchase

TU 300,000 12.8 Purchase

TTA 456,500 3.26 Purchase

TTA 1,300,000 3.43 Purchase TASCO 50,000 23.6 Sale KUN 10,000 0.9 Purchase

KUN 10,000 0.9 Purchase

KUN 100,000 0.92 Purchase

XD, XE or XM or other notifications

For list of Companies that have dividend payment and AGM meeting schedules click on http://www.set.or.th/set/calendarofevents.do

Trading Breakdown on the Stock Exchange of Thailand

Daily as of 9 Jun 2020 Unit: M.Baht Investor Type Buy Sell Net Value % Value % Value %

Local Institutions 7,739.73 6.7 10,354.48 8.96 -2,614.75 - Proprietary 10,853.60 9.39 10,765.19 9.32 88.41 - Trading Foreign Investors 37,110.92 32.11 36,625.22 31.69 485.7 - Local Individuals 59,855.65 51.8 57,815.01 50.03 2,040.64 - Monthly Cumulative between 1 - 9 Jun 2020 Unit: M.Baht Investor Type Buy Sell Net Value % Value % Value % Local Institutions 57,532.36 9.59 54,092.16 9.02 3,440.20 - Proprietary 55,125.34 9.19 50,798.87 8.47 4,326.47 - Trading Foreign Investors 192,919.57 32.15 187,216.33 31.2 5,703.25 - Local Individuals 294,416.69 49.07 307,886.61 51.31 -13,469.92 - Yearly Cumulative since 1 Jan - 9 Jun 2020 Unit: M.Baht Investor Type Buy Sell Net Value % Value % Value % Local Institutions 866,633.85 11.79 795,607.56 10.82 71,026.29 - Proprietary 743,226.01 10.11 741,429.05 10.08 1,796.96 - Trading Foreign Investors 2,612,055.66 35.53 2,800,281.52 38.09 - - 188,225.86 Local Individuals 3,130,089.23 42.57 3,014,686.62 41 115,402.61 -

Total Trading Value 115,559.91 Million Baht.

Background Information –

The strength of each party in the Thai Parliament as of May 8, 2019 as per the report by the Election Commission of Thailand. Elections took place on March 24, 2019

 https://www.ect.go.th/ect_th/news_all.php?cid=24

 List of MPs - https://www.ect.go.th/ect_th/download/article/article_20190508184334.pdf

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