Study on the relation between industry and services in terms of productivity and value creation Final report Study for the Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry Vienna, 30th October 2014 Study on the relation between industry and services in terms of productivity and value creation Within the Framework Contract for Industrial Competitiveness and Market Performance – ENTR/90/PP/2011/FC Client: DG Enterprise and Industry Compiled by the following partners of the ECSIP consortium: wiiw, Ifo and Ecorys Robert Stehrer (wiiw, coordinator), Paul Baker (Ecorys), Neil Foster-McGregor (wiiw), Johannes Koenen (Ifo), Sandra Leitner (wiiw), Julia Schricker (Ifo), Thomas Strobel (Ifo), Hans-Günther Vieweg (Ifo), Jurgen Vermeulen (Ecorys), Anastasia Yagafarova (Ecorys) About ECSIP The European Competitiveness and Sustainable Industrial Policy Consortium, ECSIP Consortium for short, is the name chosen by the team of partners, subcontractors and individual experts that have agreed to work as one team for the purpose of the Framework Contract on ‘Industrial Competitiveness and Market Performance’. The Consortium is composed of Ecorys Netherlands (lead partner), Cambridge Econometrics, CASE, CSIL, Danish Technological Institute, Decision, ECIS, Euromonitor, FratiniVergano, Frost & Sullivan, IDEA Consult, IFO Institute, MCI, and wiiw, together with a group of 28 highly skilled and specialised individuals. ECSIP Consortium p/a ECORYS Nederland BV Watermanweg 44 3067 GG Rotterdam P.O. Box 4175 3006 AD Rotterdam The Netherlands T. +31 (0)10 453 8800 F. +31 (0)10 453 87 55
[email protected] The information and views set out in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Commission.