Florida State University Libraries Electronic Theses, Treatises and Dissertations The Graduate School 2006 Expression of Axdazl and Axvh in Axolotl Germ Cells, Suggest that Regulative Germ Cells Specifications is a Primitive Trait Conserved in the Mammalian Lineage Matthew J. Drum Follow this and additional works at the FSU Digital Library. For more information, please contact
[email protected] THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES EXPRESSION OF AXDAZL AND AXVH IN AXOLOTL GERM CELLS, SUGGEST THAT REGULATIVE GERM CELL SPECIFICATION IS A PRIMITIVE TRAIT CONSERVED IN THE MAMMALIAN LINEAGE. By MATTHEW J. DRUM A Disse tation submitted to the Depa tment of Biologi.al S.ien.e in pa tial fulfillment of the e/ui ements fo the deg ee of Do.to of Philosophy Deg ee A0a ded1 Sp ing Semeste , 2004 The membe s of the Committee app ove the Disse tation of Matthe0 J. D um defended on Ap il 4, 2004. __________________________ Hen y W. Bass P ofesso Di e.ting Disse tation __________________________ Cathy W. Levenson Outside Committee Membe __________________________ Geo ge W. Bates Committee Membe __________________________ Robe t H. Reeves Committee Membe __________________________ G ego y M. E i.7son Committee Membe App oved1 __________________________ Timothy S. Moe land, Chai , Depa tment of Biologi.al S.ien.e __________________________ Joseph T avis, Dean, College of A ts and S.ien.es The Offi.e of G aduate Studies has ve ified and app ovedthe above named .ommittee membe s. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I 0ould li7e to a.7no0ledge and than7 the membe s of my .ommittee 8past and p esent91 Dan Ga :a, Bob Reeves, Geo ge Bates, G eg E i.7son, Jim Fadool, B ian C othe , John Teem, and Cathy Levenson fo giving me thei input and di e.tion du ing my time at FSU.