Automotive Outsouring Analysis
Automotive Outsourcing Analysis June 2018 June 2015 1 Source : DRAUP 1 The Top 10 Automotive Services Companies Corresponds to more than 65% of total Outsourced Workforce among G500 Auto Companies Outsourced HC split among G500 Companies 11% 10% 10% • Top 10 Automotive Services Companies comprises of ~65% of total Automotive Outsourced HC among G500 companies • Bertrandt, Altran and EDAG are the top 7% three service providers having more than 30% of outsourced Workforce among 5% 5% G500 Companies 4% 4% 4% • 75% of total Outsourced Workforce is 3% associated with 10 G500 Companies • Renault, Volkswagen, Tata Motors, BMW, and Daimler are top 5 Automotive Companies outsourcing to more than 50% of total Outsourced Headcount Among G500 Auto Companies 2 Note – DRAUP data curated from Bertrandt financial reports published annually and updated in June, 2018 Source : DRAUP 2 Definitions for Analysis on Automotive Outsourcing Subvertical Definition It includes HVAC, Seats, Body Electronics, Climate Control, Cockpit modules, Headlamps, Injection molds, Body Engineering Cables & Wiring, Thermal Systems, Lighting, Interiors & Exteriors etc. It includes airbags, inflators, active safety systems, passive safety systems, seatbelts, safety electronics, Safety systems retractor pretensioner, anti-braking system etc. It includes Lidar, Radar, OTA, Advanced Driver Safety, Connected Solutions, Artificial Intelligence, V2X, V2V, Autonomous & Connected Cars Parking Assist, Computer Vision, Lane Keep Assist etc. It includes drivetrain, engine, transmission, diesel Systems, Starter motor, generator, exhaust systems, Powertrain Engineering calibration, vehicle dynamics, engine peripherals, drive shaft, propeller etc. Chassis Engineering It includes suspension, steering, braking systems, clutch systems, differential etc. Infotainment Systems It includes car multimedia, audio systems, dashboard, handsfree etc.
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