Yuri Rybin,Aleksander Rusinov | 96 pages | 21 Aug 2012 | Bloomsbury Publishing PLC | 9781849087414 | English | United Kingdom Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War 2 by Yuriy Rybin

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Andrey Yurgenson Illustrations. Aleksander Rubinov Illustrations. Following the destruction wrought on the Air Forces during the first days of Operation Barbarossa in Junethe found itself desperately short of fighter aircraft. Premier Josef Stalin duly appealed directly to Prime Minister Winston Churchill for replacement aircraft, and in late the British delivered the first of Hurricanes that would Following the destruction wrought on the Red Army Air Forces during the first days of Operation Barbarossa in Junethe Soviet Union found itself desperately short of fighter aircraft. Premier Josef Stalin duly appealed directly to Prime Minister Winston Churchill for replacement aircraft, and in late the British delivered the first of Hurricanes that would be supplied to the Soviet Union under the Lend-Lease agreement. Specifically requested by the USSR, the Hurricanes were quickly thrown into action in early - the Soviet Air Forces' most difficult year in their opposition to the Luftwaffe. Virtually all the Hurricanes were issued to Soviet fighter regiments in the northern sector of the front, where pilots were initially trained to fly the aircraft by RAF personnel that had accompanied the early Hawker fighters to the USSR. The Hurricane proved to be an easy aircraft to master, even for the poorly trained young Soviet pilots, allowing the Red Army to form quickly a large number of new fighter regiments Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War 2 the polar area. In spite of a relatively poor top speed, and only a modest rate-of-climb, the Hurricane was the mount of at least 17 Soviet aces. Get A Copy. Paperback96 pages. Published August 21st by Osprey Publishing first published January 1st More Details Osprey Aircraft of the Aces Other Editions 2. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Aug 22, Roy Szweda rated it really liked it Shelves: ww2. Lent this off the good mate who is an Osprey fan, he had my Tomcat book which is excellent and sets a high standard. This book is a similar, familiar format with plenty of graphics and information crammed into under a hundred pages. Perhaps where its value lies in what I might call obscurity; although plane fans will know and love this magnificent Hawker machine not enough has reached print about its achievements up north. Not surprising since the Hurri was making an impact from day one to the ve Lent this off the good mate who is an Osprey fan, he had my Tomcat book which is excellent and sets a high standard. Not surprising since the Hurri was making an impact from day one to the very end and beyond in all theatres, all weathers and at the hands of all nationalities it seems. Although it had its critics by the time of its Soviet debut they came around to appreciate its ruggedness, toughness and firepower. The only ones who likely hated it were those on the receiving end. This book covers the lot. Who flew them, what they achieved, how many kills they scored in this and other planes as well as the diverse missions in all kinds of conditions. I Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War 2 a lot from this book and suggest that if you are a fan of WW2 aviation then have a gander. Middlethought rated it it was amazing Aug 05, Patrick rated it it was amazing May 13, Richard Bednarz rated Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War 2 really liked it Sep 13, Stockfish rated it it was amazing Mar 17, Scot Bradley rated it really liked it Jun 01, Rafael rated it really liked it Oct 29, Ifor rated it it was amazing Apr 04, Jonathan marked it as to-read Aug 23, Toryn Green added it Oct 21, Magnus marked it as to-read Jan 28, Alex added it Apr 08, Julio Campos added it Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War 2 22, Michael marked it as to-read Dec 27, Len added it Mar 15, Hein Poblome marked it as to-read Jul 28, Krzysiek Chris marked it as to-read Sep 05, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. About Yuriy Rybin. Yuriy Rybin. Other books in the series. Osprey Aircraft of the Aces 1 - 10 of books. Books by Yuriy Rybin. Escape the Present with These Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War 2 Historical Romances. You know the saying: There's no time like the present In that case, we can't Read more Trivia About Soviet Hurricane No Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War 2 or quizzes yet. Welcome back. Just a moment while we sign you in Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War 2 your Goodreads account. Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War 2 – Warlord Games Ltd

Welcome to Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War 2 Inspector! It is a little-known fact that there were female fighter aces Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War 2 World War II. The Soviet Union had a number of excellent female pilots. At the absolute nadir of Soviet fortunes during World War II, famed Russian pilot Marina Raskova suggested the formation of all-female air force units. Joseph Stalin then personally ordered the formation of several air units specifically intended to be composed entirely of women. By Order No. Marina Raskova on a stamp issued on the centenary of her birth in These all-female units were in Aviation Group This group was composed of the No. Stalin never rescinded his order and the all-female units went into action even as the Soviet fortunes improved. The Night Witches got down and dirty in the mud just like the male pilots. Here, a bunch of Night Witches pushes their truck out of the ubiquitous Russian mud. The Night Witches The most famous or notorious, depending on your point of view female pilots flew in the Night Witchesthe all-female No. The Night Witches unit a nickname given to them by the Germans flew over 23, missions in obsolete biplane bombers. The Night Witches regiment was considered a success and produced 24 Heroes of the Soviet Union there was another handful in the th Regiment. Receipt of this award granted an annual stipend, placement of a bust of the recipient in his or her home town, and various other highly desirable emoluments. I mention the Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War 2 Witches because they were the female pilots most people are probably most familiar with. Also, it is to show that female pilots were a very real phenomenon in the Soviet Union and not just a gimmick. Now, before anyone gets excited and defensive about this, no, the female pilots did not win the war all by themselves and were more of an adjunct to the main forces. They were not the core of the Red Air Force and were viewed with some skepticism even by their fellow male pilots. Female pilots did serve a useful function and performed well as part of a team, often operating together or as the "wingmen" wing women? The Germans considered the female Soviet pilots "unnatural. There apparently were two Soviet female aces, and at the very least one. These two ladies followed similar career paths and perished around the same time during She has received almost no recognition in the West largely because she died midway through the conflict and thus did not get a chance to write her memoirs or get interviewed by Western war correspondents. She learned to fly long before the war at the age of She later became a flight instructor at the Kalinin Airclub. She was 19 when the war broke out and she enlisted immediately pursuant to a law allowing women into the military. Lilya joined one of the three all-female units, the th the Night Witches were the th. Yak-1 fighters. Designed by Aleksandr Sergeievich Yakovlev inthe Yak-1 first flew Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War 2 January was built of metal and wood and the cockpit was notable for giving pilots excellent views. Lilya was known for maintaining a feminine Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War 2 that was "a model of femininity and charm. As a result, Lilya became known as the "White Rose of Stalingrad. The th was based on the east bank of the Volga at Srednaia Akhtuba. She was awarded her first two kills on 13 Septemberthus earning the distinction of becoming the first female pilot to ever shoot down enemy aircraft. She claimed another Bf on 14 September this was not officially recognizedthen another Ju 88 on 27 September this was officially recognized. Lydia Litvyak. So, she transferred to the th Fighter Regiment later the 73rd Guard Regiment. Lilya continued her successful flying and shot down another Ju 88 and a Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War 2 on 22 March but was wounded in the process. While Lilya managed to fly back to base, this led to a long hospital stay. After her release in May and while flying an upgraded Yak-1b fighter "WHite 23"Lilya quickly shot down an artillery observation balloon on 31 May after executing a lengthy flight behind enemy lines to attack the balloon from behind. Later, she shot down another Ju 88 on 16 July during the Battle of Kursk. She was credited with another Bf on 19 July and Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War 2 on 21 July Lily perished on 1 August at the age of 21 on a mission over Orel while escorting some Ilyushin Il-2 Sturmovik ground-attack planes. Her No. Being recognized as a "free hunter," or able to go on your own "seek and destroy" missions as a freelancer, was the highest honor a Red Air Force fighter pilot could receive from fellow pilots. During her career, Lilya flew in combat missions. She was given credit for at least five kills and possibly as many as a dozen. Lilya's remains were found in buried in the village of Dmitrievka, Shakhterski district also known as Dmitrovka in the Cherkasy region of Ukraine. This disproved a common belief that Lilya had been taken captive, which was considered dishonorable, and thus opened her to further posthumous accolades. She since has become a sort of cult figure in some circles and there may be a film made about her life. Yekaterina Budanova. Yekatinera and Lilya were great friends and worked almost virtually as a team, though they did not always fly together. Yekaterina was about five years older than Lilya and in some ways guided her young friend. As the more outgoing of the two, Budanova "hardly stood out from the fellows. While outgoing, though, Budanova was absolutely committed to the war effort. She wrote to her sister: I am now devoting my entire life to the struggle against the vile Nazi creatures. If I am fated to perish, my death will cost the enemy dearly. And, of course, that is exactly what happened. Budanova began her career with the th Fighter Aviation Regiment. She remained with the unit and began flying combat missions around May Yekaterina also began shooting planes down in September or October Some say that she shot down a Bf on 14 September There is better proof that she claimed a Ju 88 and Bf on 2 October Another possible victory was a Ju 88 on 6 October She then transferred to the 9th Guards Regiment unit. Two kills of Bf s followed on 10 December She shared the destruction of Bf on 30 May By Julyshe officially had 11 claims. Finally, after shooting Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War 2 one Bf her undisputed fifth solo victory and damaging another, Yekaterina took heavy fire near Antratsit in Luhansk Oblast on 19 July The plane caught on fire. However, Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War 2 did not manage to get out of her Yak and perished as her plane burned up at the age of She is buried on the outskirts of the village of Novokrasnovka in the Donetsk Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War 2, Ukraine also near Mariupol. Her plane also bore the white lilies of a "free hunter. So, although Lilya apparently wound up with more victories and more posthumous fame, the relationship between the two women was quite the opposite. Yekaterina was the planner and Lilya more of the follower. No comments:. Post a Comment. Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom. Popular Pages Home. More Info. Search Here:. Navigation Welcome to Film Inspector! Keep In Touch Twitter Facebook. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy. Yekaterina Budanova and Lydia Litvyak. Lilya remains the top female ace of all time. Budanova and Litvyak innot long before their deaths. Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War 2 - Osprey Publishing

Uh-oh, it looks like your Internet Explorer is out of date. For a better shopping experience, please upgrade now. Javascript is not enabled in your browser. Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War 2 our site. Learn how to enable JavaScript on your browser. NOOK Book. Home 1 Books 2. Read an excerpt of this book! Add to Wishlist. Sign in to Purchase Instantly. Explore Now. Buy As Gift. Overview Following the destruction wrought on the Red Army Air Forces during the first days of Operation Barbarossa in Junethe Soviet Union found itself desperately short of fighter aircraft. Premier Josef Stalin duly appealed directly to Prime Minister Winston Churchill for replacement aircraft, and in late the British delivered the first of Hurricanes that would be supplied to the Soviet Union under the Lend-Lease agreement. Specifically requested by the USSR, the Hurricanes were quickly thrown into action in early — the Soviet Air Forces' most difficult year Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War 2 their opposition to the Luftwaffe. Virtually all the Hurricanes were issued to Soviet fighter regiments in the northern sector of the front, where pilots were initially trained to fly the aircraft by RAF personnel that had accompanied the early Hawker fighters to the USSR. The Hurricane proved to be an easy aircraft to master, even for the poorly trained young Soviet pilots, allowing the Red Army to form a large number of new fighter regiments quickly in the polar area. In spite of a relatively poor top speed, and only a modest rate-of-climb, the Hurricane was the mount of at least 17 Soviet aces. The author of many articles, several of his features are now the standard works of reference on air combat on the Soviet-German Northern front. Yuriy Rybin was also the first researcher to impartially describe the combat history of legendary Soviet ace of the , Boris Safonov, who was the first fighter pilot to be twice awarded the Star of Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War 2 Hero of Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War. Andrey Yurgenson is one of Russia's premier aviation artists. He has illustrated numerous articles on the history of Russian aviation in Russian and foreign aviation magazines since the early s. Yurgenson's artwork had also been published in more than 20 books. Related Searches. Book of a Thousand Days. This beloved romantic fantasy from award-winning, New York Times bestselling author Shannon Hale celebrates its This beloved romantic fantasy from award-winning, New York Times bestselling author Shannon Hale celebrates its 10th anniversary with a gorgeous new cover. When Lady Saren refuses to marry a man she fears, she and her maid, Dashti, are locked in a View Product. Concise Garden Wildlife Guide. This beautifully illustrated concise guide is packed with information on the wildlife that can be This beautifully illustrated concise guide is packed with information on the wildlife that can be found in Britain and the near Continent, including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects, molluscs, and crustaceans. It covers around species, all of which are Concise Insect Guide. This beautifully illustrated pocket field guide is packed with information on the marvellous Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War 2 of This beautifully illustrated pocket field guide is packed with information on the marvellous variety of insects that inhabits Britain and the near Continent. It includes more than species, including dragonflies, bees, wasps, beetles, bugs and flies, all of which Food-focused travel guides for the world's most exciting citiesThis book is a food tour in Food-focused travel guides for the world's most exciting citiesThis book is a food tour in your pocket, featuring more than of the best restaurants, cafes, bars and markets recommended by a team of in-the-know Londoners. You'll also find insights Enna Burning Books of Bayern Series 2. Facing Soviet Hurricane Aces of World War 2 terminal cancer diagnosis, David Bryant looks back on his life and writes powerfully Facing a terminal cancer diagnosis, David Bryant looks back on his life and writes powerfully about the moments when he unexpectedly encountered God in the most unlikely places: a high security prison; at the bedside of a dying child; in The Little Books of Tips series is a collection of books, each 50 tips in The Little Books of Tips series is a collection of books, each 50 tips in size, delivering wisdom and advice on a whole range of popular subjects covering food, gardening, craft, sports and hobbies. Over quarter of a million copies Fresh home-baked bread is one of Bloomsbury Publishing. Aircraft of the Aces