Republic of Congo 2010

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Republic of Congo 2010 SAMPLE OF ORGANIZATIONS PARTICIPATING IN CONSOLIDATED APPEALS ACF GOAL MACCA TEARFUND ACTED GTZ Malteser Terre des Hommes ADRA Handicap International Medair UNAIDS Afghanaid HELP Mercy Corps UNDP AVSI HelpAge International MERLIN UNDSS CARE Humedica NPA UNESCO CARITAS IMC NRC UNFPA CONCERN INTERSOS OCHA UN-HABITAT COOPI IOM OHCHR UNHCR CRS IRC OXFAM UNICEF CWS IRIN Première Urgence WFP DRC Islamic Relief Worldwide Save the Children WHO FAO LWF Solidarités World Vision International TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY................................................................................................................................. 1 Table I. Summary of requirements, commitments/contributions and pledges (grouped by sector)........... 3 Table II. Summary of requirements, commitments/contributions and pledges (grouped by appealing organization) ................................................................................................................................3 2. 2009 IN REVIEW............................................................................................................................................. 4 2.1 CONTEXT................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 HUMANITARIAN ACHIEVEMENTS TO DATE AND LESSONS LEARNED..................................................................... 7 3. NEEDS ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................................................... 12 4. THE 2010 COMMON HUMANITARIAN ACTION PLAN............................................................................... 14 4.1 SCENARIOS.............................................................................................................................................. 14 4.2 STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES FOR HUMANITARIAN ACTION IN 2010........................................................................ 14 4.3 STRATEGIC MONITORING PLAN ................................................................................................................... 14 4.4 CRITERIA FOR SELECTION AND PRIORITIZATION OF PROJECTS ........................................................................ 16 4.5 SECTOR RESPONSE PLANS ........................................................................................................................ 17 4.5.1 Food .............................................................................................................................................. 17 4.5.2 Shelter and Non-Food Items.......................................................................................................... 18 4.5.3 Water, Sanitation & Hygiene.......................................................................................................... 20 4.5.4 Health and Nutrition ....................................................................................................................... 22 4.5.5 Education....................................................................................................................................... 24 4.5.6 Protection ...................................................................................................................................... 25 4.5.7 Livelihoods..................................................................................................................................... 27 5. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................................... 28 6. CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................................. 28 ANNEX I. LIST OF PROJECTS..................................................................................................................... 29 Table III. Appeal projects grouped by sector (with hyperlinks to open full project details) ........................ 29 Table IV. Total funding per donor (to projects listed in the Appeal)........................................................... 31 Table V. Total humanitarian assistance per donor (Appeal plus other).................................................... 32 Table VI. Summary of requirements, commitments/contributions and pledges (grouped by IASC standard sector)........................................................................................................................................ 33 ANNEX II. ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................... 34 Please note that appeals are revised regularly. The latest version of this document is available on Full project details can be viewed, downloaded and printed from ii i CONGO - Reference Map Legend Elevation (metres) CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC le National capital Ue 1,000 - 1,500 Bimbo First admin. level capital BANGUI 800 - 1,000 Zongo Populated place Berbérati 600 - 800 L o b a International boundary K y 400 - 600 a e Mbaïki dé First admin. level boundary ï 200 - 400 Libenge 0 - 200 Nola a Yokadouma u Mouali Gbangba L Disclaimer: The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Ngole United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its Lipeité authorities, or concerning thedelimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Bondjoumbi Babo Map data sources: CGIAR, United Nations Cartographic Section, ESRI, Europa Technologies, FAO, GEBCO, UN OCHA. LIKOUALA Kungu Enyele Anikou Goubangoyé CAMEROON Boucy-Boucy a n Botaba ï A Fort Soufflay Babali Mama Souanké Bondomako Bindama Bonga Dongou Namobessie Boloso Kounda Bondzalé Elogo N'Cali Ekoum Dia Gatongo Modzaka Oyem Dibaguie Biessi Magobé Balouma Makanza Sémbé Ouesso Impfondo Nagobé Bouomo Kilembélé Birou Mbini Ikoko Epéna Bomongo Mboko SANGHA Lengoué Bolemba Ikélemba Itanga o d in Liouesso Iv Mikoma Kinam Molenda U b Moyoy II Mobenzélé a n Bandza g 0 100 Lebango II Langon i Bendza Pikounda S a Bolomba n Makokou Mbomo CONGO g h km Bodjata a CUVETTE OVEST Mohali Dinga Yembelangoye Ngami Mosembe Ogooué Atali R Abéla Issongo Makoua Nkouda uki Ndjounou Kellé Tchéré usira Nguima Békombo Mbandaka B Angomo Ebongui Ndzakou Ourombi Oyabi Manga CUVETTE Misongo Essouta Omékingo Ingende Obala Oyeba Owando Bokanda GABON Opounga Ibéké Kouyou-Gandza Liranga Oka Bikoro Ntchouo Ngouéné Obélé Bayengué Irébou Ewo Liboka Koulamoutou Alembé Edou Oningui Mossaka Lukolela é Lébala Eba u Ollibi o Abala Pombo o Oliéme Kiri g Ossélé Gouéné O Okoyo Franceville Como Mossendé Boubé Ntsou Eba Lo Massambi Moudni koro Kouti Lien Inongo N Gamboma g Nzabi o u Mbinda a n lim Ottui Nkan ie A Angoini Bolobo Ndongo PLATEAUX C Lisoukou o DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC n Kouni Nsah g Minda Ngo o OF THE CONGO Kouango Moupoupa Tsama Mateba Djambala Impe Mpouya Voundala LEKOUMOU Kisielé Omoï Moukoumou Fimi Kutu Bikoumou Ilendo Gouengué Zanaga Mushie Dounguila Mossendjo Moukassa Boémbé Kasai Mouyombi NIARI Mbaya Kitembé Inoni Kwamouth Poudi Bikié Lu Komono POOL Ngabé kenie Maboudou Moutoko Mbé K Ingolo I Bandundu asai Bikabissémé Makabana Vinza Nkala M'Bima i Oshwe Koungoulou Niar Kiyala Boukabéne Kindanba Odziba u Bagata o Sibiti Mtima l i Masa u Makaka KOUILOU o Poundzou Mayama Mingali K Matolo o Goumb Moukasa Kaounga Dounga ng Nionzi Mouyondzi Ngomoutcha wa Tchilonga Loaka Dolisie (Loubomo) Madingou Piémé Baratier K Jacob Loutété BRAZZAVILLE K Kipessi Mindouli Yanga wi Sinansinga l Tchizondi BOUENZA BambaBamba KINSHASA u Belize Manga Kinkala Holle Kala Boko Diosso Songo Mazi Kasangulu Bulungu Banga Mbanza Masi Manimba Boukoulibouali Saint- Nganga Boko Kaounga Paul Pointe-Noire Sansa Mbiongo Madimba Tshela Kenge Fouta Luozi Kikwit Mbanza Ngungu ANGOLA Lukula Seke-Banza Cabinda i is k n Popokabaka I Boma Matadi Songololo Muanda Gungu Feshi ANGOLA iv REPUBLIC OF CONGO 2010 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Since October 2009 a total of 114,0171 refugees have fled armed clashes in Equateur Province in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and found refuge in the Republic of Congo (RoC). These clashes originated in inter-communal disputes over farming and fishing rights but later widened to other parts of the province. The intervention of the DRC police and armed forces led to an escalation of the violence. As a result, an estimated 60,000 people fled to other parts of Equateur, 17,000 sought refuge in the Central African Republic (CAR), and 114,017 crossed the Oubangui River to the Likouala region of the RoC. The size of the refugee population stabilized in January, with only a few refugees crossing the river in the past weeks. While the situation is gradually becoming normalized in Equateur, the refugees are not ready to return due to concerns over persisting insecurity The refugees have settled in more than 100 sites along a 500 km stretch of the Oubangui River between Liranga District and the border with the CAR. In most areas, they vastly outnumber the local population. Their needs range across the whole spectrum of basic services such as protection, food, health, non-food items, clean water and sanitation, livelihood support and education. These needs persist due to the fact that the social service structures in the zones where refugees settled have either been overwhelmed by the inflow of refugees, or
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