KwaJalein Hourglass

VOL XXI, NO 227 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1984 AGREEMENT FOR TALKS THREATENED BY DRUG GANGS MAY END YEARLONG FREEZE u.s. DIPLOMATS SANTA BARBARA, Cal1f of a year ago to protest reduce tenslons -- we surely (UPI) -- The Unlted States NATO's deployment of U S have -- and that thlS dlS­ FLEE COLOMBIA and the Sovlet Unlon have nuclear mlsslles In Western course ought to encompass BOGOTA, Colombla (UPI) -­ "more than 10" offl cers agreed to resume nuclear Europe arms reduct10n, dlsagreements More than 10 U S dlplomats had left, but she would not arms talks In a move that But McFarlane tWlce sug­ over reglonal lssues from and thelr famll1es have fled respond to rumors that the admlnlstrat10n offlc1als gested that progress on arms Afghan1stan to Central Amerl­ Colomb1a follow1ng threats ambassador, Lewls Tambs, sald mlght lead to a thaw In control could lead to easlng ca, bllateral lssues In WhlCh by drug gangs angered over 57, was leavlng hlS post relatlons between the super­ of tenslons In other areas there 1S an opportunlty for Colombla's pledge to extra­ because of the threats powers as well more exchanges, trade, the dlte narcotlcs trafflckers "I have no lnformatlOn Natlonal Securlty Advlser "I thlnk that the rela­ resolutlon of problems" to the Unlted States, a U S about any plans for hlm to Robert McFarlane announced tlonshlp between arms reduc­ Slnce Reagan's speech to spokesman sa1d today I eave the count ry," she Thursday that Secretary of tlon talks as well as the the U N he has won an elec­ "A Ilmlted number of of­ sald, addlnq, "People are State George Shultz and So­ cllmate of the relatlonshlp t10n landsllde, forclng the flcers and thelr famllles always looklng for other v1et Fore1gn Mln1ster Andrel as reflected In reglonal d1S­ Sovlets to recognlze the U S have left over the last four work " Gromyko would meet In Geneva agreements lS clearly accept­ posltlon would not change, to flve days," sald an em­ It lS not unusual for on Jan 7 and 8 to d1SCUSS ed by the presldent They and Sovlet leader Konstantln bassy spokeswoman ambassadors to offer thelr an agenda for future arms are related," he sald Chernenko has apparently con­ "It's for a llmlted perl­ reslgnatlons after a preSl­ control talks Asked 1f the talks would solldated hlS power wlthln od of tlme, but we don't dent lS re-elected Sources He sa1d the talks would mark the start of a thaw 1n the Kremlln know when they wlll come sald Tambs, a former hlStO­ be held "wlth the obJectlVe relatlons, McFarlane sald Chernenko lndlcated back The embassy lS carry­ ry professor from Arlzona of reach1ng mutually accept­ the process that began 1n through dlplomat1c channels lng on normally, although State Unlverslty, had 1ndl­ able agreements on the whole September wlth Presldent Rea­ he would llke the talks to w1th extra securlty precau­ cated he would leave the range of quest10ns concern- gan's U N speech and hlS resume Reagan tentatlvely tlOns " Bogota post 1f Presldent 1ng nuclear and outer space Wh,te House meetlng wlth Gro­ approved the ldea Monday and The spokeswoman sald Reagan were re-elected arms" myko resulted In the absorp­ gave a flnal go-ahead Wednes­ Moscow sa1d the talks dld tlon of each slde's world day as he vacat10ned at hlS not represent a resumptlon Vlews ranch 1n Callfornla Two U.S. Tourists of the strateglc force and "We're at a moment where "ThlS 1S good news," lntermedlate-range mlsslle each slde has dec1ded to McFarlane quoted hlm as say­ Kidnapped By Moslem Rebels negotlatlons they walked out make a determlned effort to lng ZAMBOANGA, Phlllpplnes forces chlef Lt Gen Fl- (UPI) -- Moslem rebels have del Ramos, conflrmed the re- FOUR DEAD FOLLOWING RUSSIAV DEFECTION kldnapped two Amerlcan tour- port later but that he had lStS In a remote southern no further detalls He sald 1s1and, a U S Embassy he expected Ramos to send a NORTH KOREANS ACCUSE spokesman sald today after letter on the lncldent securlng conf1rmat1on of a shortly pollce report on the abduc- The earller pollce re- U.S. SIDE OF FIRING FIRST tlon port sald the Amerlcans be- PANMUNJOM, South Korea murder" almed at dlsruptlng llne that blsects the truce Alan Croghan, the embassy longed to a medlcal mlSS10n (UPI) -- A Russlan defector efforts by the two Koreas to vlllage, known as the JOlnt spokesman In Manlla, ldentl- asslgned In the Sulu arch1- dashed across the demlllta­ lmprove relatlons securlty area, an oval­ fled the Amerlcans as John pel ago But Croghan sald rlzed zone between the two The wounded Amerlcan was shaped zone 800 meters ln Rabaner and Helmut Herref, Ramos descr1bed them as Koreas today, spark1ng an 1dentlfled as Army Pvt Ml­ dlameter, pursued by 20 to who were reportedly selzed tourlsts exchange of gunflre between chael A Burgoyne of Port­ 30 North Korean guards flr­ wlth two Flllplno gUldes on Pollce In Zamboanga sald Unlted Natlons and North Ko­ land, M1Ch , a Pentagon lng thelr plstols ln an at­ Jolo Island late Monday the report from Jolo dld rean forces that left four spokesman ln Washlngton sald tempt to stop hlm, a UNC Sketchy reports on the not reveal whether any de- Koreans dead and a U S pr1- The spokesman sald Burgoyne statement sald kldnapplng were flrst flIed mands had been made by the vate wounded was wounded In the neck but The U N troops flred by the reglonal command In kldnappers, descr1bed by un- The gunbattle was the "hlS wounds are not llfe­ back, and 1n the ensulng bat­ Zamboanga named w1tnesses as followers most ser10US lncldent report­ threaten1ng " tle, a South Korean sold1er Croghan sald actlng armed of a Moslem commander ed In the truce vlllage of The RUSS1an defector, was kllled and an Amerlcan PanmunJom Slnce Aug 18, 1dentlfled as a member of a serVlceman wounded, the com­ 1976, when North Korean sol­ North Korean-sponsored tour mand sald dlers axed to death two U S group, escaped un1nJured "One UNC seCUrl ty guard Army offlcers In the DMZ The North Koreans demanded was kllled and another wound­ North Korea, ln a broad­ h1S return, charg1ng he was ed sho tly before noon today cast monltored In Tokyo, "taken away by force" after whlle taklng defenslve ac­ called the lncldent "a braz­ cross1ng the dem111tarlzed t10ns agalnst an armed attack en crlmlnal act" It accused zone on the UNC slde of the JOlnt guards of the US-led Unlt­ The shootlng erupted at securlty area at PanmunJom," ed Natlons Command of flrlng 11 50 a m when the Russ1an a command offlclal sald fl rs t to comml t a "ba rbarl c bolted across the border- Three North Korpans dled Britain Announces Plan CIA Files Complamt Over ABC Report To PullOut Of UNESCO WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The LONDON (UPI) -- 8rlta1n 1C and Cultural Organlzatlon, CIA Wednesday flIed a com­ has announced 1t would fol­ has come under flre for al­ plalnt wlth the Federal Com­ low the example set by the leged overspendlng and lnef­ munlcatlons Commlsslon al­ Un1ted States and pullout flclency, and blas agalnst leglng ABC News dellberately of UNESCO at the end of 1985 the West -- charges leveled dlstorted the news and V10- 1f the organ1zat1on d1d not by the Unlted States when lt lated the falrness doctrlne 1mplement some leforms by announced last year lt plan­ The spy agency, WhlCh then ned to w1thdraw from the or­ tends to avo1d publlClty, lS Fore1gn secretary Slr gan1zat1on by the end of upset wlth an ABC report on Geoffrey Howe, saylng Br1t­ 1984 an lnvestment fraud case In aln d1d not bel1eve UNESCO Howe sa1d he accepted Hawall, where the defendant prov1ded "value for money," that progress had been made Ronald Rewald contends the made the announcement Thurs­ 1n attempt1ng to reform CIA hlred h1m to conduct 11- day 1n a debate 1n ParI 1a­ UNESCO, but sa1d "much re­ legal actlvltles ment on Br1ta1n's fore1gn malns to be done" In a statement announclng a1d budget for 1984-85 He sa1d Br1ta1n, Wh1Ch flllng of the FCC complalnt, "I am wrltlnq to the together wlth the Un1ted the CIA sald ln part (UNESCO) dlrector general, States prov1ded one th1rd of "Durlng a serles of broad­ glvlng hlm not1ce of w1th­ UNESCO's annual budget, casts 1n September 1984 on drawal Unless resclnded, would "cont1nue to work for the Ronald Rewald fraud case, that notlce w111 become ef­ reform ln cooperatlon w1th 'ABC World News Tonlght' Arbab Mohamed And HIS Son are p~ctured ~n fectlVe on Dec 31, 1985," other countrl es" throughout falsely and wlthout founda­ the Derubed camp, where 4,000 to 6,000 Sudanese have he sald 1985 tlon charged that the CIA come seek~ng rel~ef from the extreme drought cond~­ Under UNESCO's charter, Br1ta1n's share of had consplred to assass1nate t~ons caus~ng w~despread fam~ne ~n Afr~ca The mother one year's notlce lS requlr­ UNESCO's budget lS off1c1al­ U S c1tlzens and had com­ ~s dead, not uncommon ~n or out of the camp as mothers ed for a nat10n to w1thdraw ly 11sted at 4 6 percent -­ mltted other unauthorlzed and ch~ldren are most vulnerable See related story on UNESCO, The Un1ted Na­ about $9 mllllon and lllegal acts" Page 2 (UPI photo) tlOns EducatlOndl, SClentlf- UNESCO lS based In Par1s ABC had no comment W or lid./ Locali PAGE 2, fWURGLASS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1984

ON THANKSGIVING DAY News Briefs Grain Shipments Needed J NEW YORK (UPI) -- Thousands of people Three Receive Organs lIned 's Broadway Thursday and To Curb Death Rate mIllIons more watched on televIsIon as Donald Of Child-Abuse Victim', Duck, GarfIeld, OlIve Oyl and other cartoon In Africa's Drought Camps WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Three young chIldren In characters floated by at the annual Macy's ADDIS ABABA EthIOPIa (UPI) -- The death rate MIchIgan and Texas were In crItIcal condItIon -­ ThanksgIvIng Day parade at two drought refugee camps only a few ~undred one was declared stable today -- follOWIng * * * mIles fro~ the caPItal WIll Increase If more ThanksgIVIng Day operatIons to receIve the heart, QUEBEC (UPI) -- FIve mInIsters resIgned graIn shIps do not arrIve soon at EthIopIa's lIver and kIdney of a 14-month-old VIctIm of al­ from Quebec's CabInet Thursday, thrOWIng the maIn port, U N offICIals saId Thursday leged chIld abuse government Into ItS gravest crIsIs sInce It The offICIals saId 50 peoDle were dYIng a day "ThIS has truly been a day of gIvIng thanks," swept to power eIght years ago promIsIng In­ at the Korem refugee camp -- up from 40 a dav a the famIly of 2-year-old SheIla StIfter, who un­ dependence for the French-speakIng provInce week ago -- and 70 people a day were dYl ng of derwent the lIver transplant, saId In a statement The CabInet mInIsters, JOIned by two pro­ starvatIon at the Batl camp Both camps are In "Never agaIn WIll thIS day be Just turkey and separatIst leglslators, sald they qUIt to the Wallo provInce north of AddIS Ababa where all the trImmIngs for us Instead, It WIll be a protest PremIer Rene Levesque's refusal to separatIst rebels are actIve In theIr fIght to day to remember the tremendous love, encourage­ make Independence from the CanadIan qovern­ topple the t'arxlst aovernment ment and support we recelVed from all of you" ment the major platform plank of the rulIng Alan Court, program dIrector of the UnIted Na­ The chIldren receIved the organs of Arnold G Partl QuebecoIs In the next electIon tIons ChIldren's Fund In EthIopIa, saId It was Shalda of AustIn, Texas, who suffered head In­ * * * essentIal more food be delIvered to the Red Sea JurIes Nov 11 and was declared braIn-dead TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras (UPI) -- Honduras lS port of Assab l-Jednesday conSIderIng askIng the admlnlstratlon to "We may have further problems and more deaths The boy's body was flown to Ann Arbor, t'l ch , bUIld a U S mIlItary base In the country on our hands If we don't get more shIpments Into where hIS organs were removed, offICIals at the and allow the permanent statIonIng of U S Assab soon," Court saId ~lchlgan hospItal saId troops, a government offIcIal sald Thursday "Trucks and planes have moved supplIes Inland The chIld's father, Arnold ~"ark Shalda, 25, Gen Walter Lopez Reyes, armed forces to the drought areas that WIll sustaIn the re­ has been charged WIth Injury to a chIld and was chlef, wIll head the delegatlon to WashIngton lIef effort for a few weeks Those stocks could beIng held In the TraVIS County JaIl on $30,000 next week to dlscuss a mllltary treaty renew­ eaSIly run out before the end of December, and ball AuthorItIes say they plan to upgrade the al and tensIons In Central AmerIca, Ubodoro If a shIp doesn't come In tomorrow, more people charge to murder ArrIaga, mInIster of the presldency, saId WIll be dYIng a month from now," he saId The lIver was flown to Dallas, where doctors * * * EthIopIa has been defIned by the UnIted Na­ at ChIldren's ~edlcal Center transplanted It LOS ANGELES (UPI) -- Rebels fIghtIng NIc­ tIons as the hungrIest country In the world Into SheIla A 6-month-old gIrl receIved the In­ aragua's leftIst government -- theIr CIA fant's heart In Ann Arbor, and a 9-year-old boy funds cut off by the U S Congress -- are receIved hIS kIdney at ChIldren's HospItal In De­ survIvIng wIth the help of covert aId from troIt the armed forces of El Salvador and Honduras, I Small Arms Range Notice Contra offIcIals saId Thursday , From EC In an IntervIew wIth the Los Angeles Tlmes,1 The small arms range WIll be In operatIon Go rdener' s Cremation Death a prIncIpal rebel leader, Adolfo Calero, saId I Saturday, ~ov 24, from 9 30 to 11 30 a m the Contras have raIsed more than $3 mllllon A hazard area WIll eXIst durIng those hours At Presidential Palace sInce the summer He saId the rebels have ex- I at the northwest end of KwaJaleln Island at penses of about $600,000 a month the small arms range and extendIng 1,650 me­ * * * ters from the Island, oceanSIde All person­ Sparks Rumors Of Singh's Death BUCHAREST, RomanIa (UPI) -- RomanIan PresI­ nel and water craft are adVIsed to stay out NEI' DELHI, IndIa (UPI) -- PolIce Thursday dent Nlcolae Ceausescu, who has ruled the In­ of the hazard area durIng the above tImes hunted for the kIllers of a HIndu gardener who dependent-mInded East Jloc natIon for nearly Red warnIng flags WIll be posted at the was burned alIve at the PreSIdentIal Palace, two decades, has been re-elected leader of the small arms range durIng the operatIon Ques­ sparkIng false rumors In the capItal that the I~ CommunIst Party for a fIve-year term tIons concernIng thIS operatIon WIll be an­ dIan preSIdent had been assasSInated * * * swered by callIng the Central PolIce StatIon The body of the gardener, IdentIfIed only as AMMAN, Jordan (UPI) -- The PalestInIan at 84445 Balblr, 50, was found In hIS quarters In the ParlIament-In-exIle began Its fIrst workIng preSIdentIal compound at 9 a m \~dnesday by sessIon today, a day after KIng HusseIn urged chIldren of a nelqhborlng famIly adoptIon of a JOInt MIddle East peace lnl­ PolIce saId hIS hands and legs were tIed and tlatlve based on Israel's wIthdrawal from that an empty can of kerosene was found nearby Arab lands It seIzed In 1967 A case of murder was regIstered In the death The 378-member PalestIne NatIonal CouncIl, No suspects had been arrested by Thursday whIch was declared to be In sessIon wIth 257 nIght AccordIng to newspaper reports, Balblr members present, was to dISCUSS ItS agendc was descrIbed as a loner who was a good worker * * * and served many years tendIng the sprawlIng BEIRUT, Lebanon (UPI) -- PreSIdent Amln lawns and gardens of the PresIdentIal Palace He Gemayel, speakIng on the 41st annIversary of had no known enemIes, the reports saId Lebanon's Independence from French rule, saId Ilhen polIce swarmed the compound follOWIng hIS country's prIorIty was to end the IsraelI the death, rumors spread lIke WIldfIre that Pres­ occupatIon of the south Ident Zall SIngh had been assasSInated In a speech broadcast lIve on Lebanese Fearful reSIdents frantIcally telephoned po­ state-run radIO and teleVISIon, Gemayel asked KwaJaleln Island lIce and newspaper offIces, forCIng the DreSI­ hIS people to cooperate WIth the army at­ dent's offIce and New DelhI admInIstratIon to IS­ temptIng to unIte the country torn by nIne sue offICIal denIals years of CIVIl strIfe * * * FinanCial News IN SECOND INTRUSION IN 11 DAYS ASUNCIO~, Paraguay (UPI) -- Four members Dollar clOSIng In Tokyo was of a team searchIng for fugItIve Josef Men­ unavaIlable - market closed Two Soviet Bombers gele saId Thursday that senIor Paraguayan and In ZurIch was offICIals promIsed them the qovernment would 2 4990 SWISS francs hunt for Adolf HItler's "angel of death" CLOSING METALS Intrude Japan's Airspace * * * Gold TOKYO (UPI) -- Two agIng SovIet bombers today LONDON (UPI) -- A gang of masked men beat unavaIlable - market closed defIed 34 Japanese fIghters and VIolated Japan's up a mIner on hIS way to work today, and SIlver aIrspace over western Japan In the second such three people were hurt In clashes between unavaIlable - market closed IntrusIon In 11 days, a Japanese defense offI­ strIkIng mIners and polIce as hundreds more CIal saId workers abandoned an 8-month-old coal strIke DOW JONES CLOSING AVERAGES The two TU-95 Bears, part of a squadron of In tIme for ChrIstmas bonuses 30 I ndu s t n a 1s up 18 78 at 1220 30 seven subsonIC SovIet bombers, flew through Ja­ 20 Trans up 9 41 at 532 99 pan's aIrspace for about three mInutes and 20 15 UtIlItIes up 2 05 at 145 72 seconds, the offICIal saId 65 Stocks up 7 63 at 484 11 The bombers lanored the warnlnqs of Japanese Volume unavaIlable radIO statIons a~d fIghters that scrambled from Notice Of Barge Arrival SEE LISTINGS IN GRACE SHERWOOD LIBRARY four aIrfIelds In the 17th VIolatIon of Japan's terrItorIal aIrspace by SovIet warplanes sInce From GLOBAL SAFETY Surf And Sun 1967 The barge Islander WIll arrIve at Echo AS OF 12 01 A M The IntrUSIon of southbound warplanes marked PIer Sunday Island reSIdents are adVIsed FrIday, November 23, 1984 a bUIldup of some 20 SovIet bombers In the U S - that the barrIcaded area WIll be off lIm­ Dally raInfall 06 bUIlt base at Cam Ranh Bay, VIetnam, sInce 1983, ItS Monday Monthly total 7 25 the offICIal saId Those persons gOIng to and from the Small Yearly total 48 44 Boat MarIna must use Lagoon Road and EIghth TOMORROW ON KWAJALEIN Quake Rips Through Street See route to the marIna on the Sunn se 6 45 a m sketch below Sunset 6 26 P m Moonn se 8 42 P m Central California ~At-'tIOTH LAKES, Callf (UPI) -- An earthquake 1\\" i~11 , -_, I i ~ Moonset 8 34 a m HI TIde 5 18 am, 4 7' - 5 31 pm, 6 0' regIsterIng nearly 6 on the RIchter scale rIpped ECHO ""'---__ t. ~ l J\ _ ill Lo TIde 11 06 am, Ll 6' through central CalIfornIa today, trIggerIng a SUNDAY rock slIde, knockIng food off store shelves and Sunn se 6 45 a m Moonrlse 9 42 P m frIghtenIng people In dozens of communItIes - .:] 00 (~jJ)~'I~ Sunset 6 26 p m Moonset 9 33 a m CalIfornIa InstItute of Technology offICIals HI TIde 5 52 am, 4 3' - 6 08 pm, 5 6' saId the quake, whIch struck at 10 13 am, was Lo TIde mIdnIght, 0 6' -11 38 am, 0 9' centered about 20 mIles south of Mammoth Lakes, ~ jl r I [] IJ I :;! I MONDAY a skI and fIshIng resort In the SIerra MountaIns o 1 0 0 -=,.,I~I Sunn se 6 46 a m Moonrl se 10 38 p m PrelImInary readIngs IndIcated the quake reg­ I "'1 I Sunset 6 26 p m Moonset 10 30 a m Istered about 6 on the RIchter scale LJ\I ,,, ,f~~ 91t~ I HI TIde 6 29 a m , 4 0' - 6 43 P m , 5 2' Deputy DIck ~ood saId there were no reported L Lo TIde 12 40 am, 1 0' -12 11 P m , 1 3' InjurIes In the quake The tremor was felt from ~,"".~r-=--~ I FOR TOTAL FORECAST CALL 84700 Sacramento In the north to BakersfIeld ln the south, and from the mountaIns to the coast Commentary HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1984, PAGE 3 Ne.w "kamikaze chemicals" Svetlana: a reminiscence By WILLIAM F BUCKLEY JR enhance useful drugs On March 11, 1967, I dlsembarked at the alrport In Geneva, By DEBORAH WORMSER SWltzerland, havlng flown from New York, and remarked ldly the DALLAS (UP I) -- "Kaml kaze chem ca 1s" that block dangerous only other alrplane on the tarmac nearby, an Alltalla 727 A few bacterlal enzymes and enhance useful drugs and pestlcldes are hours later the press of the entlre world was ablaze wlth the leadlng the way to advances In agrlculture and medlclne news of the most lnflammatory defectlon of modern tlmes Svet­ The chemlcals are already used agalnst penlclllln-reslstant lana Alllluyeva, the daughter of Joseph Stalln, had defected to bacterla and show promlse agalnst pestlclde-reslstant lnsects the West l It stralns the lmaglnatlon to thlnk of a comparable and the paraslte that causes the rare and fatal form of )~eumo­ apostasy Slmon Wlesenthal JOlns the Amerlcan Nazl Party Prlnce nla assoclated wlth Acqulred Immune Deflclency Syndrone Charles Renounces Throne, JOlns IRA Dr Rlchard Wallace, dlrector of the mlcroblology department Slnce even mlddle-age boys wlll sometlmes be boys, on learr.­ at the Unlverslty of Texas Health Center In Tyler, sald reSlS­ lng that the Alltalla plane I had cozled up agalnst was In fact tance to penlclllln 15 an lncreaslng Droblem In treatlng gonor­ the surreptltlouS vehlcle carrylng the fabled Svetlana to her rhea secret destlnatlon, I telephoned a New York Journallst and told In September, the U S Food and Drug Admlnlstratlon approved hlm breathlessly, "I've got a ternflc beat for you l I walked up the use of the addltlve potasslum clavulanate It lntercepts the lnto the Alltalla plane on a hunch and actually talked to Svet­ bacterlal enzymes and blnds to them, preventlng an attack on the lanai And I sald to her, 'Why have you defected?' And she sald, penlclllln 'Because In Indla, I came across an lssue of Natlonal Revlew, "In a sense, It'S a sUlclde compound," Wallace sald "Its and I was so overwhelmed by the arguments of your Journal of purpose In llfe lS to block one set of enzymes and, In dOlng so, oplnlon that I could stand lt no longer, and so went to the 1tall ows that good substance to v,ork " West l '" Blg laugh To use an Amerlcan football aral~gy, the potasslum clavulan­ Then the tons and tons of publlClty Svetlana goes to Amerl­ ate acts llke the offenslve llne to fend off the bacterla's de­ cal Besleged by reporters I Goes lnto secluslon l Wrltes blg best­ fenslve enzymes so the chemlcal quarterbac~ -- In t~lS case, selllng book, telllng all about her awful father l Marrles JOlns penlclllln -- can overcome the bacterla RUSSlan Orthodox Church, underscorlng her total dlvorcp from her Wallace, who helped conduct cllnlcal trlals on the compound Bolshevlk, athelst past Has Chlld Dlvorces Settles down In for the FDA, sald the mlxture could restore penlclllln's tarnlsh­ Prlnceton, N J Then creeplng obscurlty Has Svetlana, fl- ed reputatlon as a wonder drug nally, found what she wanted? In hlS trlal on 21 patlents wlth penlclllln-reslstant pneu­ Some tlme went by, and a few years ago a colleague at Natlon­ monla or bronchltls, the potasslum clavulanate-penlclllln mlX­ al ReVlew brlngs me, wlth astonlshment, a letter, to WhlCh lS ture worked for all of them wlth only mlnor slde effects, malnly attached a check for $500 made out to Natlonal Revlew It was gastrolntestlnal upset from Svetlana, In WhlCh she sald that that Journal of conserva­ Dr Paul R Ortlz de rontellano, a researcher at the Unlver­ tlve thought and oplnlon was her favorlte publlcatlon, and that Slty of Callfornlc ~t :an Franclsco, sald the penlclllln addltlve she wlshed to help sustaln lt Dazzled by countlng the dauqhter lS one of several s",clJe compounds belng studled by researchers of Joseph Stalln as a moral and flnanclal supporter of the prln­ worldwlde clpal conservatlve fortnlghtly In Amerlca, I dlscovered that sbe Some lnsects are aenetlcall} reslstant to tradltlonal lnsec­ had befrlended James and Falth McFadden, an earnest and lntelll­ tlcldes because tney produce enzymes that break down pestlcldes, gent Chrlstlan couple In New York, McFadden havlna been aSSOCl­ he sald ated wlth NatlOnal ReVlew ever Slnce leavlng the Army It all "The sUlclde substrates strengthen the actlvlty of the lnsec­ led to meetlngs wlth Svetlana tlcldes by blocklng the enzymes that cause reslstance In the We lunched tWlce, and corresponded and talked on the tele­ lnsect," he sald phone several tlmes At one of the lunches she spoke of her frus­ In prellmnary tests on houseflles, the substance "worked tratlon at attemptlng unsuccessfully to be In touch wlth her son, very well" Wl th no known s 1de effects for humans, he sa 1d a doctor In Moscow, and her daughter, also In RUSSla She com­ Two other Unlverslty of Callfornla at San FranC1SCO research­ plalned of her exploltatlon by lawyers and accountants and pub­ ers reported promlslng results uSlng the drug dlflouromethylornl­ llshers, complalned wlth a harshness of tone that made the 11S­ thlne on the paraslte that causes pneumocystls carlnll pneumonla, tener, less than easlly dlsposed to belleve she had been so sys­ the rare and fatal dlsease that attacks AIDS patlents tematlcally vlctlmlzed, both sad and apprehenslve Because all other treatments had falled, Drs Dan Santl and She renewed, then, her tale of her desperate concern for Jeffrey Golden tested the drug on SlX gravely 111 patlents In San reachlng out to her chlldren In RUSSla ~er luncheon companlon Franclsco, he sald lmprovlsed one or two Byzantlne schemes by WhlCh a communlcatlon "In all cases, they got a very good response In terms of from her mlght succeed In reachlng those chlldren, and thlS got suppresslng the paraslte," he sald, "but that doesn't mean the from her a smlle, half gratltude, half condescenslon How could patlent dldn't eventually dle of some other lnfectlOn " Amerlcans fall to understand that anfractuous schemes of the The compound works by attacklng an enzym2 cruclal to the sort I was proposlng slmply dld not work when deallng wlth the growth of the paraslte Wlthout the enzyme, the paraslte cannot Sovlet state? Even lf the letters arrlved, they mlght compromlse thn ve, he sa 1d her chlldren, and thlS she could not rlsk But I must not The same compound proved promlslng In trlals In Sudan agalnst thlnk her ungrateful another parasltlc dlsease, sleeplng slckness She wanted so much to be useful "You must use me to trans­ "There hasn't been that much drug development In parasltlc late anythlng you recelve In Russlan that you wlsh to publlsh " dlseases and thlS lS the most promlslng," he sald The promlse was readlly made -- the trouble belnq that her En­ Another sUlclde substrate, vlnyl gava, may prove useful In gl lsh, whlle fluent, was not pollshed, so that, althouqh lt the treatment of epl1epsy, Ortlz de Montellano sald crossed my mlnd to check Solzhenltsyn's Harvard commencement ad­ "When you have low levels of qava your nerves are more exclt­ dress wlth her, havlng found some passages perplexlng In trans­ able And lt turns out that patlents wlth epllepsy seem to have latlon, I deslsted I called her after Bllly Graham had traveled low levels of gava, an amlno aCld " to RUSSla and made the astonlshlng announcement that he had When the gava levels are low, the nerves are very sensltlve found there ample opportunlty to practlce Chrlstlanlty She sald, and a stlmulus wlll cause them to go lnto selzures, he sald "Does he not know that the Blble 15 forbldden to be sold In the "So lt was declded that lt mlght be useful to make a sUlclde SOVl et UnlOn?" substrate for an enzyme lnvolved In controlllng the levels of And then she went to England, wlth hlgh splrlts, to do a few gava," he sald hours of televlslon wlth Malcolm Muggerldoe, wlth whom she stay­ Researchers declded to target the enzyme that breaks down ed for a week Last year, vlsltlng wlth Muaqerldge, I reported gava, called gava transamlnase, wlth the sUlclde substrate that the surprlse I had had on readlng a letter of extraordlnary VltU­ lnactlvates the enzyme peratlve lntenslty by Svetlana to her frlend Falth McFadden about Prellmlnary trlals on 34 patlents In Amsterdam and Wales ap­ how awful, how venal, how exploltatlve ~uqgerldge had proved to peared promlslng, but slde effects were uncertaln and Amerlcan be In hlS deallngs wlth her Slnce Malcolm Muggerldge 15 explolt­ trlals and tOX1Clty studles stlll are needed, Ortlz de Montellano atlvr about people about as St Francls of ASS1Sl was explolt­ sald atlvl about blrds, I had put the letter down wlth the awful Although most sUlclde substrates are several years from com­ feellng that Svetlana had -- how do you say lt In Russlan? -­ merClal avallablllty, Ortlz de ~lontellano sald he 15 exclted by turned the bend the research EVldently she has Though that lS hard to conclude about her to the extent that she lS emotlonally motlvated Russlan lltera­ On this date in history ture groans wlth testlmony to the attachment of RUSSlans to In 1765, Freuerlck County, ~d , repudlated the Brltlsh Stamp RUSSla Mother Russla got back the Chrlstlan llbertarlan Svet­ Act lana, who In her conversatlonal mentlons of her father, the fa­ In 1804, the 14th presldent of the Unlted States, Franklln ther of modern Russla, could only brlng herself to refer to hlm Plerce, was born In Hlllsboro, N H as "He " She became unba 1anced, but the call of her homeland, In 1971, the People's Republlc of Chlna was seated In the and famlly, overrode her reason, what was left of lt Unlted Natlons Securlty Councll The heart-tearlngly worst of lt all 15 that, back In the In 1973, lt was announced that a U S hellco~ter force had Sovlet Unlon, she wlll be governed by monsters who do not for­ landed at a prlsoner-of-war camp In North Vletnaw, but dld not glve desperate gestures of sanlty and falth The West does not flnd any of the Amerlcan prlsoners lt had hoped to rescue need Svetlana, and the Sovlet Unlon needs her only to make her In 1980, a devastatlng earthquake struck southern Italy, pay for the embarrassment she caused the soclety her father god­ kllllng 3,000 people fathered She needs the prayers of her fellow Chrlstlans

The Hourglass lS an unofflClal publlcatlon authorlzed under the provlslons of AR 360-81 It lS publlshed by Global Assoclates Monday through Frlday (excludlng holldays) at the dl­ rect10n of the commandlng offlcer, U S Army KwaJaleln Mlsslle Range, Marshall Islands, un­ Commandlng Off1cer Col Wlllla~ A Spln der contract DASG60-82-C-0063 Th1S lS an offset publlcatlon, w1th a dally c1rculat1on of PubllC Affalrs Offlcer Jlm Wlttmeyer 1,950 The V1ews and op1nlons expressed hereln are not necessar1ly those of the Department Edltor Courtney Danko of the Army Communlcatlons should be addressed to the Hourglass, Box 23, APO San FranC1SCO Feature Wrl ter Patrlcla Everett 96555, or call 83539 (AUTOVON 254-3539) Materlals appearlng In the Hourglass may not be re­ Copy Edltor, Clrculatlon Joan Skoglund pr1nted w1thout the approval of the command1ng offlcer, U S Army KwaJaleln Mlsslle Range Sports Wrlter Ruth Horne All want ads and notlces must be subm1tted on GA Form 8020 R-4 by 12 30 p m the worklng day prlor to publ1catlon JLocal f ~ OJrldl New§ PAGE 4, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1984

SITMAR CR... ":,;;IS,;.'S_.-- __

, \

Betsy Lane, center left, holds the well­ traveled champagne bottle as fr~end Nancy Nolan reads the dated message Tom Lane, left, and Leo Nolan, r~ght, sk~ppered the Dragon Lady when the two couples set sa~l on the KwaJ-to-Ro~ Regatta The note appears to be a f~lled-~n We d~dn't make ~t to Ro~, form letter that was part of a youth ac­ sa~d Betsy, but we st~ll t~v~t~es project aboard the T S S Fa~r­ had a "great adventure " sea, a SITMAR Cru~ses vessel based out of (Photo by NATE JACKSON, Cal~forn~a Kentron Photo Lab)

XXI PRESENTS "By A Slow Bottle To Eller" By PATTY EVERETT When they emerged from the thlCk qrowth Another bottled message -- the second they declded upon a more casual stroll found by a KwaJaleln resldent ln elght along the rocky shore ~Ca... I~ months -- dellvered ltself Vla sall mall There, on the only sandy stretch of to a shore ln the atoll recently After beach -- not looklng "the worse for wear THE MUSICAL beachlng ltself on Eller, an lsland the and tear," sald Lane -- lay the green glass MP ROOM 730PM $500 Slze of a postage stamp, the champaqne­ maller bottled note lay awaltlng Plckup untll Because Lane lS a self-proclalmed "bot­ Betsy Lane clalmed lt Nov 11 tle freak" and aVld bottle collector, her or Lane, along wlth husband Tom, and Nancy eyes zeroed ln on the ratner ordlnary con­ bECEMBER Ll.. 7. 8 and Leo Nolan, set sall Saturday, Nov 10, talner "I guess what struck me as funny on thelr boat, Dragon Lady, to partlclpate lS lt had the cork ln It,'' she sald The ln the KwaJaleln Yacht Club-sponsored cork, and what upon flrst glance appeared KwaJ-to-Rol Regatta as a partlally peeled-off label, caused a But the wlnds were not wlth the Dragon closer lnspectlon of the bottle and the Lady and her crew, and after spendlng Sat­ dlscovery of the note urday nlght on Legan, the couples scotched The magnum that then 10!-year-old Jen­ Kimij Kararik Tok Kom thelr orlglnal destlnatlon plans and de­ nlfer Clark salled her note ln, sald Lane, clded to dlve the wrecks on the lagoon was "not even beach-washed, lt could have "K~m~J karar~k tok kom" ~s the Marshall­ slde of Eller But even those plans chang­ Just washed up," taklng nearly two years ese way to say welcome, l~terally -- "We ed to explorlng the lsland when the weath­ to reach ltS flnal destlnatlOn make you no longer strangers " er turned lnclement, and the four set out, Unllke the sender's more economlcal Maurlce and Debb1e Jones are new reS1- sa 1 d Lane, "beat 1 ng our way th rough the method of mall, Lane's response, WhlCh dents on KwaJaleln They hall from Cocoa Jungle" wlll lnclude a letter, plctures, maps wlth Beach, Fla , and th1S 1S thelr f1rst tr1p Island vegetatlon was dense, and the arrows lndlcatlng pOlnts of lnterest, and to KwaJ explorers were forced to crawl the short, the KwaJaleln Hourglass, wlll travel the Maur1ce 1S an eng1neer w1th RCA flnal dlstance to reach the other slde more conventlonal route -- Vla alr The Joneses thlnk llfe on KwaJale1n w1ll be "great, mellow, and easy-go1ng " Rough Waters 3(c¥SV4) (UPI) -- Marle Osmond, whose falry- tale marrlage to college basketball star '~~ r Stephen Cralg made world headllnes two years ago, has separated from her husband ~ ~ A famlly spokesman sald, "They are ln a , N reconclllatlon perlod and w1ll not be 1SSU­ ~ lng any further comments or statement" , The statement came 1n response to rumors CELEBRATES S I I. about a separat10n Slnce Marle has spent CHRISTMA so much tlme recently at her fam1ly's Utah 4- home The couple had llved ln Los Angeles ; ~h#llg Slnce the b1rth of the1r son last year FAMOUS MAKER , MERCHANDISE SPECIALLY PRESENTED ON , SGA Memorabilia Sale SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 24 J FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING }'- Saturday, Nov 24, 9 30 a m 11 T-Sh lrts $2, $3, $4 , J Cj3an~Q#I. ~m If , Old Ekataks CAMERAS 1977-1982 , lZ 00-'1- OOrm PORTABLE SOUND SYSTEMS BARWARE Cook Books GI FTWARE HOLl DA Y $1 BLOUSES CASUAL SHOES GOLF SHIRTS GOLF BAGS School Medals SCUBA GEAR LUGGAGE TOYS YOrZWE YUK CLUB 25¢ TRIM-A-TREE 23 November 1984 I SHOP School Letters Specla1 T G I F Nlght , 50¢ Come over, relax and enJoy our speclal pupu's Each Frlday from 4 30 - 7 30 Macy's Porch "' 25 Shopping Days 'Til Christmas! p m wlth taped Hawallan or country and western mUS1C ~~~~-~'''~~~~' D1SCO mUS1C from 9 p m untll mldnlght wlth a dlSC Jockey 24 November 1984 tj)1 =;;;;;;t- ~ eUUC eull D1SCO mUS1C from 9 p m untl1 mldnlght wlth a dlSC Jockey * DINNER * ("6) *DANCE a ENTERTAINMENT* ORIENTAL BUFFET US COURSE) LOCAL TALENT SHOWCASE Saturday and Sunday afternoon mOVle SPECIAL TABLE DELICACY LIVE BAND, DISCO AND matlnee - show tlme 2 00 p m BALLROOM DANCING Saturday An Affalr To Remember $~, k~ 24, 1914 Zj~ ZfNit eu Sunday Terms of Endearment 7,30 PM UNTIL MIDNIGHT * NO HOST BAR * ~ 15 00 PER PERSON For t1ckets contact G1na Hubshman, 82516, Rudy Agcao1l1, 83579, or 8111 Malone, 82684 §po-rts HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1984, PAGE 5 NFL Roundup NEW YORK (UPI) -- Rafael Septlen klcked a 23-yard fleld goal wlth four seconds re­ malnlng Thursday, brlnglng Dallas a 20-7 Jake Koller shows h~s vlctory over New England that featured 10 w~nn~ng stance, mak~ng sacks by the Cowboys of Patrlots quarter­ another out at f~rst for back Tony Eason the Kolohe The defenslve effort, led by safety The Kolohe took the A Mlchael Downs and tackle Randy Whlte, help­ D~v~s~on champ~onsh~p ed brlng the Cowboys a cr,tlcal vlctory Wednesday by shutt~ng out that boosted them a half game ln front of the Keones 4-0 ~n Game 2 Washlngton and the New York Glants ln the of the World Ser~es Natlonal Football Conference East tltle race In the other game Thursday, Gary Danlel­ son threw three touchdown passes to help the Detrolt Llons return from a 14-0 defl­ Clt to defeat the Green Bay Packers 31-28 Downs lntercepted Eason's second pass of the day and returned lt 27 yards for a Dallas touchdown to set the tone of the defenslve show, but the Cowboys' defense surrendered two fourth-quarter touchdowns that allowed New England to tle the score wlth 1 58 to play (Photo by NATE JACKSON, That set up the game-wlnnlng drlve, ln Kentron Photo Lab) WhlCh the Cowboys moved from thelr own 39-yard llne followlng the klCkoff down to the ~ew England 6 Softball Scoop A 13-yard throw from Danny Whlte to The Kolohe agaln experlenced the sweet Sports Schedule Doug Donley and passes of 11 yards to Tony taste of vlctory Wednesday on Brandon Hlll and 16 yards to Doug Cosble moved Dal­ Fleld by defeatlng the Keones 4-0 ln Game For The Week las downfleld for Septle~'s fleld goal 2 of the A Dlvlslon World Serles for the Softball The Cowboys, 8-5, are wlthln one V1CtO­ champlonshlp tltle FRIDAY, Nov 23 ry of achlevlng the1r 19th consecutlve The Kolohe started wlth a surge ln the Brandon 5 15 C D1V World Serles Game 2 Wl nm ng season top of the f1rst lnnlng, as Jeff Beckley Str1pes vs N1ppers New England fell to 8-5 and suffered a and Gary Shotts each slngled to get on Dally 5 15 Entertalners vs Sun Devlls setback ln ltS battle for an Amerlcan Foot­ base, and Charlle Valdez trlpled to put SATURDAY, Nov 24 ball Conference wlld card berth The Los two runs on the board The Keones' defense Brandon 5 15 C D1V World Serles Game 3 Angeles Ralders can move a game ln front then went to work to retlre the slde wlth If Needed of the Patrlots ln that squabble wlth a Valdez stlll standlnq on thlrd OR B D1V World Ser Game 1 vlctory over Indlanapolls Sunday Beckley opened the top of the thlrd Medlcare vs Sundt Strokes The Patrlots' loss also puts Mlaml lnto wlth a hard hlt that Keones thlrd baseman Dally 5 15 No Needs vs SKF the playoffs as the AFC East Dlvlslon Wln­ Ryan Boro dld well to stop, holdlng Beck­ SUNDAY, Nov 25 ner ley at flrst Shotts flled out and Valdez Brandon 1 30 B D1V W Ser Game 1 or 2 On Sunday, lt'S Atlanta at Clnclnnatl, slngled to center fleld, advanclng Beckley Dally Noon Enterta1ners vs Ham Squad Buffalo at Washlngton, Houston at Cleve­ Then Gordon Oyamot dld the same to score 1 30 Entertalners vs Na Alll land, Kansas Clty at the New York Glants, Beckley Wlth another fly catch out, Don 4 30 Marlners vs Kanes the Los Angeles Rams at Tampa Bay, Phlla­ Hullum hlt a scorcher to br1ng ln Valdez MONDAY, Nov 26 delphla at St LOU1S, San Dlego at P1ttS­ for the fourth and flnal Kolohe run A Brandon 5 15 Spartans Gold vs SKF burgh, Chlcago at M1nnesota, Indlanapolls flelder's cholce brought up the Keones for TUESDAY, Nov 27 at the Los Angeles Ralders, San FranC1SCO thelr half of the lnnlng Brandon 5 15 Posslble Game 3, B D1V WS at New Orleans and Seattle at Denver The The Kolohe threatened to score agaln Dally 5 15 Spartans Gold vs No Needs New York Jets are at Mlaml Monday nlght several tlmes, but were stopped by the Ke­ WEDNESDAY, Nov 28 ones' defenslve tactlcs Dally 5 15 Hamburger Squad vs Sun Dev NBA Results In the top of the fourth, Keones left THURSDAY, Nov 29 flelder Scott Webster made a speedy throw Dally 5 15 Marlners vs No Needs (UPI) -- Wednesday's Natlonal Basket­ to flrst, but Larry Thomason was speedler, FRIDAY, Nov 30 ball Assoclatlon results Boston 135, Gold­ touchlng base whlle flrst baseman Jona Brandon 5 15 Game 1, E D1V World Serles en State 91, Washlngton 97, Kansas Clty Sallk was ln the alr catchlng the ball (Teams to be announced) 92, New York 109, Cleveland 101, Phlladel­ Webster flelded the next shot, forclng Volleyball phla 112, Indlana 107, Mllwaukee 108, Chl­ Thomason out at second and throw1ng to FRIDAY, Nov 23 cago 98, Detrolt 114, San Antonlo 101, At­ flrst for the double play Jake Koller 6 30 Ebeye 2000 vs Volley Boys lanta 122, Utah 90, Los Angeles Lakers 102, reached flrst on an error, then on the 7 30 Salt Spray vs Slx-Pack Phoenlx 97, and Denver 112, Los Angeles next batter, second baseman Albon Peter SUNDAY, Nov 25 Cll ppers 106 fumbled and recovered the ball to make 6 00 M C Express vs Swat B There were no games scheduled Thursday the throw to f1rst for the thlrd out 7 00 Swat A vs Rubber Bumpers A In the top of the seventh, w1th Beck­ MONDAY, Nov 26 Volleyball Action ley on flrst wlth a good rlght fleld h1t 6 30 Kapakahls vs Splkers Inc A maklng hlm 3-for-4 for the game -- and 7 30 Whew vs M1S-FltS The Swat B overwhelmed the Splkers Inc two out, Ray Ezeka1a struck out Valdez 8 30 Altalr vs Rubber Bumpers B B 15-4, 15-4 ln Mlxed Dlvlslon volleyball for the thlrd out -- and the flrst tlme ln TUESDAY, Nov 27 actlon Wednesday nlght four at-bats that Valdez d1dn't make a hlt 6 30 N1ght Owls vs Splkers Inc A For the Swat, Kev1n Waugh and Mlke Don­ for Kolohe 7 30 M C Express vs Rubber Bumpers B aldson shared top scorlng honors, each The Keones came close to scor1ng more WEDNESDAY, Nov 28 servlng for seven pOlnts Megan Stegmann than once, but could never cross the 6 30 Ebeye 2000 vs Kapakahls followed closely wlth SlX plate In the bottom of the flrst lnnln9, 7 30 Swat A vs Volley Boys Wlnnle Lum served for three pOlnts for wlth Mlke Sam and Peter on b1se wlth hltS, THURSDAY, Nov 29 the Splkers, and Marc Loop added two and two out, the Oyamot-Koll 'r team -­ 6 30 Whew vs Splkers Inc B * * * pltcher to flrst baseman -- made the thlrd 7 30 Swat B vs Slx-Pack The Rubber Bumpers held on to best the out FRIDAY, Nov 30 Nlght Owls 15-17, 15-4, 15-4 ln the later In the bottom of the thlrd, Oyamot 6 30 Rubber Bumpers A vs Splkers Inc A Open Divlslon volleyball match Wednesday caught a low llne drlve that robbed Lance mght Yamaguch1 of a hlt Addendum Darlene Koenlg led the Bumpers ln scor­ Beckley made an excellent llne drlve lng wlth 14 pOlnts catch 1n the bottom of the fourth for out Mlke Ellas was top server for the Nlght three, leavlng a man on base for the Ke­ To Emon Beach Rules Owls wlth 11 pOlnts ones From SPECIAL SERVICES In the last-dltch effort by the Keones PlaYlng catch or team sports w1ll be High Rollers to score ln the bottom of the seventh, conf1ned to the area north of the guard Pete Boll1an was top scorer for the wlth one out, Sam batted and Koller grab­ tower men ln the Leftovers Mlxed Bowllng League bed the ball, scrambllng for flrst and MUS1C boxes and rad10s w1ll be kept to Wednesday He rolled a 233 hlgh game nearly sacrlflclng hlmself for the second a reasonable volume so as not to 1nter­ Lance Yamaguchl had a 224 game for second­ out Boro slngled to rlght center fleld fere w1th llfeguard commun1cat1on (mega­ hlgh Hal Cunnlngham's 588 serles took top to keep the K~ones' hopes allve, but Paul phone) Th1S wlll 1nclude Emon Beach pa­ honors, Lance Yamaguchl followed wlth a Tlmas made the fly catch for the th1rd V1llOns 585 serles for second-hlgh out, cllnchlng the t1tle for the Kolohe L1tter1ng the beach area 1S proh1blted For the women, V1 Cunnlngham rolled a * * * Each patron 1S asked to p1ck up h1S or her 188 for hlgh game, and a 486 for hlgh se­ The Marlners powered thelr way to an own trash and d1spose of 1t ln deslgnated rles Shlrley Salhus bowled a 170 game for 18-8 vlctory over the Spartans Gold wlth trash barrels second-hlgh, and Maureen Glarratano took two home runs each by Ak1ra Harry and Patrons are requested not to carry bev­ second-hlgh ser1es wlth a 441 Wayne Coleman, and one each by Kabw1J Bobo erage conta1ners 1nto the water KWGA monthly meet~ng and m~n~tournament and Kalanl Ka1m1naauao Wednesday on Dally The llfeguard has the flnal authorlty Saturday at 1 p m Meet on clubhouse porch Fleld regardlng any unsafe beach condltlons )Focus NOyEMBER 23, 1984 Study Says Worship Services Llamas Don't CATHOLIC Saturday Mass (Antlclpated) Earn Their Keep 5 15 pm, Island Memorlal Chapel Ann £llJ1ders LAMARIE, Wyo (UPI) Sunday Masses Llamas scare coyotes away 7 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel from sheep ln pens but 9 15 am, Island Memorlal Chapel don't earn thelr keep on 11 15 am, ROl-Namur Communlty Center the open range, accordlng Monday-Frlday Masses Dear Ann Landers Newport News ln Vlrglnla, to a Unlverslty of Wvomlng 9 15 am, Blessed Sacrament Chapel Please settle a dlsagree­ have now seen lt all study Confesslons ment between my slster and Sara Hand J and D R M1Ck Botkln, a unlverSl­ Monday-Frlday, 9 aM, Blessed Sacrament me She says parents have of Hampton announce the en­ ty anlmal sClentlst, sald Chapel Also ln the chaplaln's offlce, call an obllgatlon to dlvlde gagement of her mother, two male llamas were placed 82116 beforehand, and ln Tr 835, call 84535 thelr property equally Betty T , to thelr father, ln separate pens, each wlth beforehand among thelr chlldren when Chrls R , both of Hampton two lambs and two coyotes they wrlte a wlll -- that Ms T lS the daughter of that had not been fed for CHURCH OF CHIRST thlS would prevent a lot Mr and Mrs A T of Mathews more than two weeks Sunday worshlp 1S held at 9 a m ln of hard feellngs and Jeal­ A September weddlng lS plan­ Although the coyotes Room 20, George Seltz School Vlsltors are ousy ned were starvlng, one llama welcome For more lnformatlon call 82613, As an example she pOlnts How do you explaln an prevented the coyotes from 82639 or 82451 to the flght that lS gOlng ltem llke that? -- June In kllllng both lambs, whlle on among our four COUSlns Phoebus only one lamb was lost ln CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS They are squabbllng over Dear 7une It appears the second pen Servlces are held ln Room 18, George thelr father's old house that the ch~ldren of Ms T Botkln sald the more Seltz School Prlesthood meetlng lS at 8, and a small plece of land and Chr~s R of Hampton are effectlve llama was then Sunday school at 9, sacrament serVlces are (He lsn't even dead yet) pleased that the~r parents taken to the Unlverslty of at 10, and the rellef soclety meets at I say the father should are gett~ng marr~ed and Wyomlng Archer Research and 11 a m Vlsltors are welcome For more In­ leave hlS property to whom­ dec~ded to announce ~t ~n Extenslon Center near Chey­ formatlon, contact Mark Hanson, 82885 ever he pleases -- that lt the press "Judge not enne, where coyotes had Servlces on ROl-Namur are held at 8 a m lS not wrltten anywhere kllled 14 lambs ln three ln the ROl-Namur Communlty Center Call Len that hlS chlldren are en­ Dear Ann Landers I was weeks Cooper, 99600, for lnformatlon, and Rlchard tltled to lt lnterested ln the letter When the llama and lambs Smlth, 99467, for transportatlon Wlll you please prlnt from the babysltter who sald were let out to pasture, 10 your oplnlon on thlS sub­ the youngster she took care lambs were kllled by pred­ PROTESTANT Ject? -- Albuquerque Read­ of dldn't get enough sleep ators, Botkln sald Sunday mornlng worshlp serVlces wlll be er How much sleep lS enough? "From observatlon. lt lS held at 8 and 11 at the Island Memorlal Dear Al I have -­ Please check wlth your ex­ eVldent that llamas have no Chapel Chaplaln Rlchard QUlnn wlll preach many t~mes -- but I would perts and flnd out the fear of coyotes," Botkln the sermon entltled "Home for the Holldays " be happy to do so aga~n sleep r~qulrements for 2-to- sald, but the llama's fall­ Speclal mUS1C wlll be provlded at both Parents are under no 6-year-olds -- Same Boat ure to prevent predatlon serVlces by Lyn Barrett slnglng "Bless ThlS obl~gat~on to leave the~r In Cheyenne ln open pasture also shows House," accompam ed by Gl nny Sml th The ch~ldren anyth~ng The Dear Boat Most 2-to-6- llamas are not a permanent Chapel Cholr wlll slng at the 11 o'clock conduct of your cous~ns ~s year-olds should get from Solutlon to the predator serVl ce prec~sely what brought me 10 to 12 hours of sleep ~n problem Sunday school classes for all ages are to th~s conclus~on a 24-hour per~od, but there held at the George Seltz School at 9 30 a m Grasp~ng, greedy ch~ldren ~s no hard and fast rule Charlene Tilton Adults are present to asslst newcomers ln deserve to be d~sappo~nted Some ch~ldren, same as To Leave "Dallas" flndlng thelr classrooms They have probably d~s­ adults, requ~re less sleep The Sunday evenlng worshlp serVlce on appo~nted the~r parents than others HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -­ ROl-Namur wlll be held at 6 30 ln the many t~mes P S It ~s w~se to put Charlene Tllton has declded Communlty BUlldlng, and wlll be led by youngsters to bed before not to return to her seven­ Chaplaln Bennett Dear Ann Landers Wlll they get cranky year role as Lucy EWlng ln The Gospel SerVlce wlll be held Sunday you klndly read the en­ the "Dallas" TV sen es nex t evenlng at 7 ln the Island Memorlal Chapel, closed ltem and comment? Copynght 1984 season, a spokesman for the and wlll be conducted by Chaplaln QUlnn I was sure that at age 57 News Group Chlcago Inc actress sald JOln us for a relaxlng tlme of worshlp and I had seen and heard ever~ News Amerlca Syndlcate There were confllctlng fellowshlp thlng, but after readlng Hourglass want ads get reports for the actress's thlS ln the Dally Press- results I I I departure from the natlon's Cleaning Woman No 1 prlme tlme serles It was not clear lf Tllton qUlt or her optlon was Cleans Out Hotel Your Individual dropped DORKING, England (UPI) -- Marla Unsworth Tllton clalms she was was a cleanlnq woman at a hotel for 13 Horoscope lnformed by Lorlmar, WhlCh years, durlng WhlCh tlme -- a court was produces "Dallas," that told -- she stole ======Frances Drake =====::::::::::::::::== termlnatlon results from -- Flve crystal chandellers. 426 towels, FOR MONDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1984 the company's "creatlVe about 1,500 knlves, forks and spoons, and declslon to no longer ex­ 60 pounds of suqar cubes ARIES You're senous mmded today and pand her character on the -- One foldlng bed, 180 plllow cases, (Mar 21 to Apr 19) able to accomplish more than usual show " 236 sheets and 283 rolls of tOllet paper Bypass nsky expdIlSlon In bUSiness You may change your ITUnd, though, Her spokesman sald last -- Thlrteen coffee percolators, 41 mugs, AIm for long-term growth that IS about a poSSible purchase Fnday, "Charlene wl11 10 kettles, a sUltcase of antlques, 60 steady If not spectacular Gains Will SAGITTARIUS accrue today (Nov 22toDec 21) complete the remalnder of ashtrays, 60 pounds of butter, flower pots TAURUS Irutiate a savmgs program and thlS season's taplngs and soap (Apr 20toMay20) aVOid expenditures Maintain an even through next Aprll Whlle -- One tOllet seat Although Investment adVice IS course today and aVOid erratic moves Charlene was surprlsed and Nobody suspected anythlng untll two helpful, It may be too soon to act to­ CAPRICORN .3t dlsappolnted, she looks hotel employees checked a bag she was put­ day Partners Will enJoy fanuhar (Dec 22toJan 19) ~ haunts torught You'll welcome the company of an forward to fLture projects tlng lnto her car and found foodstuffs GEMINI old friend now Later, you'll want to and wl11 leave amlcably " purlolned from the Burford Brldge Hotel ln (May 2lto June 20) catch up With correspondence, study A Lonmar offlclal sald, Dorklng, south of London T1us IS the tune to apply yourself or bookkeeping "Charlene declded not to Pollce ralded her home and found all the and not let dIStractions Interfere With AQUARIUS stuff neatly stored, and unused Even routme Be sure not to neglect (Jan 20toFeb 18) return so she could spend phYSical exercISe Thoroughness and careful plannmg more tlme wlth her famlly Unsworth was amazed at the Slze of her haul CANCER IS the key to a busmess success now and other career ventures " (June 21to July 22) Lay the proper foundatIOns Don't be The accent IS on teamwork today A m such a hurry Double ~*.~*.~*.~~*.~*.~~A'.fft cooperative spmt Will help you realize PISCES .... goals Attend to the I eqwrements of (Feb 19toMar 20) ....- Citizen's Arrest ti FOR A NEW YOU I li cluldren If you keep your eyes and ears open, ~ ~ LEO you'll come up With unportant mfor BURBANK, Callf (UPI) ti CHECK US OUT FOR THE li (July 23 to Aug 22) matlon today Friends offer some Two men arqulng over rent ~ LATEST IN • • ~ Monung hours are best for work ac­ good advice got lnto a shovlng match complJshments Later a change m YOU BORN TODAY have busmess and then made cltlzen's ar­ ~ * VITAMINS & MINERALS ti plans affects your schedule Complete talents, but are happier m work that ~ * STRESS TABLETS ~ home projects reflects your Ideals Both practical rests of each other and VIRGO and unagmatlve, you can successfully wound up ln Jall, pollce li * SPEC IAL FORMULAS FOR ti (Aug 23toSept 22) commercialize your artIStic talents sald ~ EYES., SKIN., HAIR., ~ You may be malung plans for a Sculpture, musIc and art are fields Andre Savard, 39, and ti TEETH., NA I LS ti fanuly get-together An unproved that may espeCially appeal to you ~ * FOOT CARE ITEMS ~ ability to concentrate abets your pro­ You naturally gravitate toward Robert Meyers, 49, each gress on all fronts careers m wluch you can use your m told pollce he had been ti '" LIBRA tellect Literature, reporting, pushed by the other durlng ~ RIGHT NOW ; (Sept 23toOct 22) teachIng and pubhc spealung are a dlspute over rent, Sgt If the cupboard IS bare, now's the fields that would brmg you much Tom Hoefel sald ~ AT i tune to stock up on supplies Attend to fulfillment You need to develop your household budgets News comes from mcentlve to reach the top Birthday The men were booked Mon­ a neighbor of Enc Sevareld, TV news analyst, day nlght at Burbank Jall i TEN- TEN i SCORPIO Charles M Schulz, cartoorust, and and released on thelr own (Oct 23 to Nov 21) Tma Turner, smger recognlzance, Hoefel sald rf!tJtf:iJt~I8::fJf1:lIf.r:lJt~Jt~Jt~Jf~ JEnHOURGLASS, tertainmen FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1984 PAGE t 7 TELEVISION Nov 2.4 - 30 MOVIES Nov 2.4 - Dec 2 ROI-Namur Richardson Ivey Yokwe Yuk Trad winds KwaJaleln 7 30 6 30 8 30 7 30, 12 40 8 00 Al1 P M Saturdav 7 30 -- Chlldren' s Programs 11 00 Rlchard Slmmons S Cannonball Run II Emlllo And H1S An Affalr To 10 50 Rlchard Slmmons 11 20 Hee Haw/Salute A 7 30 PG Maglcal Bull Remember Champlons 11 15 Anlmals, Anlmals 1 00 World Of Dlsney T Greystoke -- -- 11 40 Hee Haw/Salute 1 50 Sllver Spoons 9 30 PG G PG PG 1 20 "Adventures Of Roblnson 2 15 Wlld Klngdom Crusoe" 240 Battle Llne S Lone Wolf 2 55 World Of Dlsney 3 05 Thrlllmaker Spots U Mcquade Closed Cannonball Run II Plnball Summer 3 45 Washlngton vs USC 3 30 Denver vs San Dlego N 6 15 Washlngton Week 6 15 NFL Revlew/NFL Magazlne PG PG PG 6 45 Infonnatlon Features 7 00 Rlpley's Belleve It Or Not 7 05 60 Mlnutes 7 50 CBS Weekly News M Everythlng' s Fl res tarter 8 00 Entertalnment ThlS Week 8 50 SOlld Gold o Ducky Amltyvllle III 12 40 a m only Elmer 8 50 Trapper John, M D 9 40 Trapper John, M D N 9 40 "I, Monster" 10 30 "Joe Bass" G R R G I- __ 11_0~ ~a.!u.!:dE.. LN-.lgl!t_L ..!y~ __ 11 i5_S~tu.!:dE.y_N-.lgl! ____ _ Sunday T Where The Boys 7 00 Rellglous Programs 7 00 Hour Of Power U Closed Are Amltyvllle III ChamplOns 7 55 60 Mlnutes 7 50 ThlS Is Your Llfe E 8 50 AFI Salute To Lllllan 8 15 CBS Weekly News R R PG Glsh 9 15 "Rlddle Of The Sands" 10 05 Glltter/Father Murphy 10 55 Cosmos W 11 20 ThlS Is Your Llfe 11 55 Mlchael LeGrande And Frlends E Plnball Summer Closed Closed Greystoke 11 45 Battle Llne 1245 Father Murphy D 12 10 Mlchael LeGrande And 1 35 Dlff'rent Strokes PG PG Frlends 2 00 Double Trouble 1 00 Wlde World Of Sports 2 30 Wlde World Of Sports T Everythlng's Where The Boys 1 55 Denver vs San Dlego 3 25 Washlngton vs USC H Closed Champlons Ducky Are 4 40 NFL Revlew/NFL Magazlne 5 55 Washlngton Week U 5 30 Cosmos 6 25 Informatlon Features PG G R 6 30 CBS Weekly News 7 05 AfterMASH 7 30 Sllver Spoons 7 30 Entertalnment ThlS Week F Everyth 1ng , s Where The Boys 7 55 Wlld Klngdom 8 20 Dallas R Ducky Plnball Summer Are Fl res tarter 820 AfterMASH/Dallas 910 "Hotel" I 9 40 "Morgan" 10 50 Regls Phllbln G PG R R 11 20 Regls Phllbln 12 10 "Morgan" S Everyth 1ng' s --- -2-1~ ;y:n~s-H:p: ---- Mond~~O-R~a~'~ :o~e------A Champlons Ducky Plnball Summer Up The Creek T 2 40 MUS1C 'Tll Mldnlght 3 25 Classlc Country PG G PG R 3 05 Nashvllle Gospel 3 50 Comedy Shop/Famlly Feud 3 30 Sesame Street 4 30 Donahue (James Coco) S 4 30 Famlly Feud 5 20 General Hospltal U Elmer Closed Champlons Hard To Hold 4 50 General Hospltal 6 05 Facts Of Llfe N 8 00 5 35 SOlld Gold 6 30 Glmme A Break G PG PG 8 50 6 25 L A Ralders vs Seattle 6 55 Frontllne 11 35 9 10 Hart To Hart 7 50 "" liT lE JEUNE SPOT SNIICK 8111 liND lOUNGE

12 25 10 00 Best Of Carson 9 50 Slmon & Slmon Matinee, 1 P m Moonlight MOVie .Ji\ r-l_1Q 10_ 4i Q0.!la.!Ju~ i..MQt~e!:.s_A!. T~l1Q iO_N~w_S.!!o~ ____ ------Saturday Saturday, 930 pm 2 15 Ryan's Hope ues~ao~ Ryan's Hope Emilio And His 2 40 Classlc Country 3 25 Glltter STI(IINGE 3 05 ThlS Is The Llfe 3 50 MUS1C 'Tll Mldnlght Magical Bull 3 30 3,2,1 Contact 4 15 Famlly Feud Sunday INVIIDEI(S 4 00 Vegetable Soup 4 40 Donahue (Evolutlon) 4 25 Famlly Feud/Gen Hosp 5 30 General Hospltal Elmer Rated PG 8 00 5 35 Facts Of Llfe 6 1560 Mlnutes 8 25 6 00 Glmme A Break 7 20 L A Ralders vs Seattle 8 50 6 30 Frontllne 10 05 Hart To Hart Rated G Senior Teens Only 9 45 7 25 "Saskatchewan" 10 55 Best Of Carson 11 15 8 55 Slmon & Slmon ELMER Elmer, PhlllP Swanson 12 05 9 45 Emerald POlnt N A S Drama RT 76 G 12 55 10 35 Donahue (Martlna Jerry surVlves a prlvate plane crash, but an exploslon leaves hlm Navratllova) bllnd He wanders from the slte frlghtened and confused and flnds hlmself r-- _ _ 11J~ Qe.!!v~r_v~ _SE.n_D..1..ego______helpless In the unseen wllderness Meanwhlle, Elmer lS a large and tooth­ Wednesday less hound on hlS way to retlrement at grandpa's house In the country 2 15 Ryan's Hope/Sesslons 3 00 Ryan's Hope Along the way Elmer SllPS out of the statlon wagon to play, and the faml­ 3 35 Sesame St /Famlly Feud 3 25 SeSSlons ly, not reallzlng he's gone, drlves off and leaves hlm 4 55 General Hospltal 4 20 Famlly Feud 5 40 Dlff'rent Strokes 4 40 Donahue (Abductlon Vlctlms) FIRESTARTER Davld Kelth, Drew Barrymore 6 10 Double Trouble 5 30 General Hospltal Mystery/Drama RT 115 R 8 00 6 35 Belleve It Or Not 6 15 Hotel A young couple were test subJects In experlments lnvolvlng halluclno­ 8 50 7 25 Remlngton Steele 7 05 QUlncy genlcs Several subJects dled and the couple were left wlth the ablllty 9 40 8 15 QUlncy 8 00 "Jane Doe" ~o force thoughts lnto another person's head When they marrled and had 10 30 9 10 "Tlnker, Tallor, 9 40 Emerald POlnt N A S a daughter, she had the ablllty to send out flre-produclng heat Soldler, Spy" Pt 1 10 30 Davld Letterman 12 15 10 55 DaVld Letterman UP THE CREEK Tlm Matheson, Dan Monahan 1 00 11 40 Donahue (Ralph Nader) Comedy RT 99 R 2 3 Four young men who are the worst students at the "slngle worst edu­ _ - - 1. _ Q ~T..1..nle.!: -- ~Pi'."-P.!T~iirsaay" ------catlOnal lnstltutlon In the country" are forced to enter an lntercolle­ 2 15 Ryan's Hope/Nuts & Bolts 3 00 Ryan's Hope glate whlte water raftlng contest wlth the promlse that they wlll be g v­ 3 05 3,2,1 Contact 3 25 MUS1C And The Spoken Word en college degrees If they Wln 3 35 Rockworld/Famlly Feud 3 55 At Home Wlth The Blble 4 50 Gen Hosp /The Muppets 4 20 Famlly Feud GREYSTOKE THE LEGEND OF Chrlstopher Lambert, Andle MacDowell 6 00 One Day At A Tlme 4 40 Donahue (Mayors Pt 1) TARZAN, LORD OF THE APES Adventure/Drama RT 130 PG 8 00 6 25 Tales Of The Gold Monkey 5 30 It Takes Two A baby boy lS ralsed as a member of a trlbe of apes who adopt hlm when 8 50 7 20 The A-Team 5 55 Goodnlght, Beantown hlS parents dle In the Afrlcan Jungles As a young man, he lS rescued and 9 40 8 10 Magnum, P I 6 20 The Jeffersons taken to England There, hlS grandfather trles to transform hlm lnto a 10 30 9 00 "Tlnker, Tallor, 7 10 The A-Team Clvlllzed man He must make a great declslon -- whether to stay In En­ Soldler, Spy" Pt 2 8 00 Magnum, P I gland and assume hlS blrthrlght as the Earl of Greystoke or to return to 12 15 10 45 An Evenlng Wlth 8 50 "Probe" the Afrlcan Jungles where he grew up and WhlCh he prefers 1 05 11 35 Donahue (Mlnorltles In Broadca s t 1ng) STRANGE INVADERS Paul LeMat, Nancy Allen '- _ _ 12_2i '::'T-.lnle.!: __ ~Pi'."_P.! _2______SClence Flctlon RT 94 PG 1983 Frldav Vlsltors from outer space land In a tYPlcal mldwestern farm town In 2 15 Ryan's Hope 3 UO Ryan's Hope Centervllle, III , In 1958 Soon the resldents begln to dlsappear Twen­ 2 40 Agalnst The Odds 3 25 Agalnst The Odds ty-flve years later they are returned after the allens have completed 3 05 Sesame St /Famlly Feud 3 55 Famlly Feud thelr study of the Earth 4 25 People's Court 4 15 People's Court 4 50 Gen Hosp /It Takes Two 4 40 Donahue (Mayors Pt 2) WHERE THE BOYS ARE Llsa Hartman, Russell Todd 6 00 The Jeffersons 5 30 General Hospltal Comedy RT 94 R 8 00 6 30 CBS Weekly News 6 15 Paper Chase Four college glrls travel to Fort Lauderdale, Fla , for Easter break, 9 00 7 30 Paper Chase 7 05 Remlngton Steele and each 1S wooed by her "dream man " I n the end everyone 1earns a 11 ttl e 9 50 8 20 Knlght Rlder 7 55 Knlght Rlder lesson from the experlences 10 40 9 10 Hlll Street Blues 8 45 Hlll Street Blues 11 30 10 00 "Tlnker, Tallor, 9 40 "DeluslOns" Second Feature At The Richardson Soldler, Spy" Pt 3 Saturday, Nov 24, 9 30 p m 1 10 11 40 Donahue (Sexual AddlctlOn) GREYSTOKE ___ 1.2_ 3Q '::'T-.lnle.!: __ ~Pi'."_P.! _3______AFTV programs and scheduled start~ng t~mes are subject to change Chrlstooher Lambert, Andle MacDowell Adventure/Drama RT 130 PG JEn tertainmen t PAGE 8. HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, NgyEMBER 23, 1984 TELEVISION PROGRAM GUIDE SHOWBIZ Kwajalein Roi-Namur Carradine Saturday Saturday HEE HAW Hee Hawlng along wlth the regulars are HEE HAW JOlnlng the regulars are The Whltes, Can Play It Easy Now LOUlse and Irlene Mandrell, Boxcar Wlllle Dub Taylor, Vern Gosdln and Carroll Baker By SUSAN KING and Buddy Klll en "JOE BASS" (1981 Drama) A compllcated story of "Inlt1ally, we all thought we had done some­ NICKELODEON THEATRE "Adventures of Roblnson a dlsturbed young whlte woman who Wlt­ thlng that was terrlflc but a llttle blt odd Crusoe " An anlmated treatment of the fa­ nesses the murder of her Ind1an lover She Apparently, there are an awful lot of odd people mous tale of the man who was marooned on a belleves lt'S all a dream untll, gradually, around," says Kelth Carradlne, explalnlng the lonely lsland, how he survlved, and some of the story becomes clear to her Holly Mer­ crltlcal and commerclal success of hlS new fllm, the anlmdl frlends he made shon, Henry Bal, James Dlmltrl, Derek Par­ "Choose ~1e " "I, MONSTER" (1972 SC1-Fl) ThlS Bntlsh thnl­ sons In "Choose ~e" -- wntten and dlrected by ler focuses on a young, curlOUS doctor who SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE Host Don Rlckles JOlns Alan "Welcome to LA" Rudolph -- Carradlne trles to experlment wlth drugs that affect Bllly Idol ln "Whlte Weddlng " There lS plays Mlckey, an escaped mental patlent who pro­ the mlnd and body Based on a story by also a spoof on Presldent Reagan ln a cam­ fesses to be a spy, a murderer, a poet, a pro­ Robert LOU1S Stevenson Note Gore lnter­ oalgn commerclal fessor and a flghter pllot He also has a pen­ mlttently throughout Chrlstopher Lee, Sunday chant for klsslng women and then proposlng to Peter Cushlng. Mlke Raven. Susan Jameson. "RIDDLE OF THE SANDS" (1980 Drama) Shortly af­ them The offbeat comedy also stars Lesley Ann Ma rg 1e Lawrence ter the turn of the century, a young En­ ~arren, Genevleve BUjold and Rae Dawn Chong SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE Host Robln Wllllams pre­ gllshman on a hollday at sea uncovers a "ThlS was never lntended to be a great mes­ sents the followlng segments an obnoxlous plot by the lmperlal German navy to launch sage plcture," states the lanky 33-year-old ac­ mlme, a beer-guzzllng hockey brawler, anr a an lnvaSlon on Enqland A frlend and an un­ tor "We aren't telllng anybody anythlng new, trouble-maklng lnfant Adam Ant lS muslcal expected ally barely avert a world cal am­ but what we are dOlng, I thlnk, lS glvlng peo­ guest lty Mlchael York, Jenny Agutter, Slmon ple a chance to look at a klnd of warped mlrror Sunday MacCorklndale and laugh at themselves a blt " AFI SALuiE TO LILLIAN GISH The 87-year-old Sl­ "HOTEL" (1983 Drama) Amenca's most eleqant ho­ Carradlne lS amazed at the fllm's vast ao­ lent screen star accepts the Amerlcan Fllm tel rolls out the red carpet and opens the peal "I've gone by the theater Hhen lt flrst Instltute's 12th Llfe Achlevement Award door to ltS lnnermost secrets San Francls­ opened, we were enJOYlnq the llnes, but ln ad­ Hlghllghts lnclude mOVle CllPS shown ln new co's prestlglous St Gregory Hotel lS the dltlon, we were all struck by the dlverslty of prlnts at the trJe frame speed -- from settlng where Bette DaV1S holds court as the crowd, everyth 1 ng from zeeks to geeks," I]e three of the 13 fllms she made for dlrector Laura Trent, the hotel owner James Brolln says wlth a chuckle "The real surpnse," he D W Grlfflth Host Douglas Falrbanks Jr lS Peter McDermott, the hotel manager, who adds, "came when we ooened 1n Orange County GLITTER Hostess Clalre Olsen lntervlews Dustln puts up wlth an asplrlng slnger, prep (Callfornla) We dld huge bUSlness there So Hoffman school students and a hlred hooker Bette now I'm Jaded and I expect lt to be a blg hlt "MORGAN" (1966 Comedy) An artlst wlth a schlZo­ Davls, James Brolln, Connle Sellecca, Mor­ wherever 1t opens " phrenlc personallty refuses to accept hlS gan Falrchlld, Lalnle Kazan Shot 1n 22 days for an unbellevably low wlfe's dlvorce ln thlS Brltlsh comedy He REGIS PHILBIN Regls and hlS wlfe exerClse wlth $750,000, "Choose ~'e" was speclally wntten by devlses a plan to lnterfere wlth her love Mr and Mrs Olympla Also on hand are Rudolph for Carrad1ne The fllm glves Carradlne affalr wlth her husband-to-be Note Mature Susle Bono wlth beauty secrets, Presldent a chance to show off theme (recPlved Cannes Reagan's daughter, Pattl Davls, on the ~ hlS comedlc talents Festlval Award for best actress), Davld War­ vegetarlan dlet, and Dr Joyce Brothers ln "I've always wanted to ner, Robert Stephens, Irene Handl the kltchen do thlS klnd of come­ REGIS PHILBIN Guests lnclude Dr Tom Kloslnskl, Monday dy -- llght romantlc chlropractor, actress Judy Landers on exer­ DUNAHUt Actor James Coco and hlS dletlclan Dr stuff," he says "The Clse and tumbllng, marathon runner Gary Null Gerard Musante, reveal how Coco lost 110 people who know me on nutrltlon, and Dr Rlchard Hamllton wlth pounds well are always com­ helo for herpes CLASSIC THEATRE "Our Town " The town of mentlng, 'Gee, you Monday ,rover's Corners, N H , lS enllvened have thlS wonderful BESI UF CARSON Johnny's guests are Gore Vldal wlth performances seldom surpassed by an klnd of humorous slde and anlmal expert Jlm Fowler all-star cast ln the televlslon verSlon of to your nature and no DONAHUE TOP1C of dlScusslon lS the lmportance Thornton Wllder's Pulltzer Prlze-wlnnlng one has ever seen lt of mothers' work at home lnstead of the out­ play Ned Beatty, , Hal on screen ' I guess slde work place Holbrook, Ronny Cox, Sada Thompson thlS lS my flrst Tuesday NEW SHOW (Serles starts) Steve Martln, Jeff chance " CLASSIC THEATRE "Saskatchewan" The peace and Goldblum, Catherlne O'Hara, and t~e New Although Carradlne stablllty of western Canada lS threatened Edltlon are the guests Buck Henry and Dave has made a name for by Amerlcan SlOUX Indlans who cross the bor­ Thomas are among the regulars, and the too­ hlmself ln the past der after the massacre of Gen George Cus­ lcal humor lS the prlme lngredlent ln the 14 years ln such fea- ter's forces, and attempt to lnclte the sen es Keith Canadine ture fllms as "t1cCabe peaceful Cree tr1be Alan Ladd, Shelley Wln­ Tuesday and Mrs Mlller," ters, J Carroll Nalsh, Hugh O'Brlan DONAHUE Donahue's guests debate the lssue of "Thleves Llke Us," DONAHUE Guests are f1ve-tlme Wlmbledon Wlnner creatlonlsm vs evolutlon "lIlashvllle" (for WhlCh he won an Oscar for hlS Martlna Navratllova and her frlends Nancy HART TO HART Whlle the Harts are ln Athens, song 'I'm Easy"), "Pretty Baby" and "Southern Lleberman and Robert Haas, Ph D and nutrl­ Greece, for a road rally, Jonathan lS pre­ Comfort," ln the past few years he has tested tlOnlst vented from votlng to end a struggle for the telev1slon and theatrlcal waters He was re­ Wednesday control of the Hart buslness emplre cently nomlnated for an Emmy for hlS role as a "TINKER, TAILUR, SOLDIER, SPY" (1980 Mys-Dra) BEST OF CARSON Johnny's guests are actress k111 er In the CBS mOVl e "Scorned and SWl ndl ed", Part 1 of 3 In thlS suspense fllled drama Tern Garr wlth a fllm CllP of "Tootsle," and he's about to start productlon on a suspense based on the brllllant, best-selllng novel blues artlst B B Klng. father of the blues, fllT'l for HBO by John Carre, a retlred Brltlsh secret and bubble sculpturer Tom Noddy, who does What prompted hlm to flnally try televlslon? serVlceman lS called back to duty to help bubble maglc "There 1s too much out there to 1gnore 1t," ex­ ldentlfy a RUSSlan counterspy who lS sabo­ Wednesday plalns Carradlne "I Just don't feel, the way taglng Brltlsh esplonage operatlons In DONAHUE Parents of chlldren who have become V1C­ the performlng arts are dlverslfYlng, that you Part 1, Smlley (Slr Alec GUlness) heads a tlms of abductlon appeal for a stronaer sys­ can afford to be snooty If I sat back and play­ probe of four ex-colleagues -- one of whom tem of flndlna thelr chlldren In at least ed the aloof blt and sald, 'I'm an artlste I'm lS a Sovlet "mole" Also starnng Alexander one case, the-FBI has refused to help, not gOlng to be ln anythlng but feature fllms,' Knox, Anthony Bates, Ian Bannen clalmlna lt ~as a waste of tlme then what happens lS you Slt around and walt for LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Davld looks over "JANE DOE" (1080 ~ys-Dra) Left for dead by a two years for the next feature fllm scrlpt to Vlewer mall, talks to actress Gena Davls, klller, a Young woman cannot remember a come around that you thlnk lS worth dOlng " and looks at alrplane lnventor Rlchard thlna ~bout herself or her llfe untll a Although Carradlne has only recently returned Kllne's new deslgn Comedlan R1Ch Hall talks dedlcated cop and a blzarre set of Clrcum­ to the staqe, he explalns, he made ~lS Broadway about hlS new book, and Paul Schaeffer slngs stances unravel the puzzle ln a surprlslng debut 15 years aqo ln "Halr" and a year later a multl-translated Beatles' tune tW1St Karen Valentlne, Wllllam DeVane, dld a productlOn of "Tobacco Road" wlth hlS fa­ DONAHUE Ralph Nader covers the process of vot­ Davld Huffman, Eva ~arle Salnt, Stephen ther, John Carradlne He took a hlatus from the~ lng, consumer fraud, nutrltlon and automo­ Mlll er ater whlle concentratlng on features and went b11 e recall s LATE Nln-lT \JITH DAVID LETTERMAN Davld features back to New York ln the late '70s to appear ln Thursday the early '70s slnqer and gUltar player Bob an avant-ga rde mus 1ca 1, "I~ake Up It's Tlme to Go "TINKER, TAILOR, SOLDIER, SPY" (1980 Mys-Dra) Dyl an, who has aone "el ectn c " He s 1ngs to Bed," at Joseph Papp's PubllC Theatre Part 2 of 3 George Smlley contlnues hlS the protest sonas ln the unlque Dylan Two years ago he appeared on Broadway as the search for a RUSSlan counterspy who lS sab­ styl e son of Hume Cronyn and JeSSlca Tandy ln "Fox­ otaglnq Brltlsh esplonage operatlons H1S Thursday flre " and earller thlS year at the Ahmanson he suspects are flve men he has worked wlth DONAHUE Part 1 of 2 I'ayors Ed Koch of New York, played, a sllmy vlll-aln ln "DetectlVe Story " through the years wlth mutual devotlon and Dlanne Felnsteln of San FranC1SCO and Har­ Opposlte Charlton Heston and Marlette Hartley respect Slr Alec GUlness, Ian Bannen, Ml­ old Washlngton of Chlcago are Phll 's guests He wlll also be seen later thlS fall ln the dra­ chael Aldrldge, Bernard Hepton, Terence Rlg­ "PROBE" (1972 Adventure) The story of a Space ma "Mana's Lovers" wlth Natassla Klnskl Carra­ by, Alexander Knox Age detectlve whose lnternatlonal movements d1ne, who composed a song for the fllm, de- AN EVEN ING WITH "The 'JnforglVab 1e Secret" focus­ are monltored and dlrected by a mlSSlon con­ scn bes h 1s character as "the ml ss 1ng 11 nk be­ es on a 15-year-old glrl 's confldence ln her trol center as he lnvestlgates the dlS­ tween Frank Slnatra and Elvls Presley He trav­ mother, WhlCh suddenly lS shattered when the appearance of a famous qem collectlon Hugh els around, hustles and slngs hlS way lnto a youngster learns the secret Barbara Feldon, O'Brlan, Elke Sommer, Burgess Meredlth, Slr meal or lnto a bed He's a real charmer but a Amanda Plummer, L01S Smlth John Glelgud, Angel Tompk1ns sleazeball at the same tlme It's a great char­ DONAHUE Focus 1S on the lack of mlnorlty repre­ Friday acter " sentatlves ln the broadcast lndustry, the DONAHUE Part 2 of 2 The b1g Clty mayors P1S­ stereotYPlng of AS1an~ as Japs, Itallans as cuss more polltlcal lssues concernlna the~ Watch The CBS Weekly News the Mafla The publlC lS represented by and thelr cltles quest Mr T to stop the use of drugs "DELUSION" (1981 Sus-Dra) A psychologlcal sus­ With Dan Rather On AFTV Friday pense thrlller as seen throuqh the eyes of "TINKEf<, TAILOR, SOLDIER, Spy" (1980 Mys-Dra) a youno nurse who has been hlred to care KwaJalem Part 3 of 3 George Smlley's efforts begln for a rlch old man As the murders of fam­ Tonlght and Sunday at 6 30 p m to payoff and a trap lS spt for the Sovlet lly members unfold, there are fewer and "mole" Slr Alec GUlness, Anthony Bates, Ian fewer suspects Joseph Cotten, Patrlcla ROI-Namur Cuthbertson, Beryl Re1d, Terence Rlgby Pearcy, Davld Hayward Saturday evenlnq at 7 50, and Sunday DONAHUE Accordlng to Patrlck Carnes, Ph D , sex­ Telev~s~on program ~nforrnat~on d~str~buted by T'lornlno at 8 15 ual addlct10n lS akln to alcohollsm the Department of Defense ComICS PAGE 9 "m davis




PEANUTS charles m schultz ~------~ JUST CORR.ECTING A FEW MI5TAKES

ero•• wold By Eugene Shelfer reggle ACROSS 50 Hasty Job for 2 Uruque 19 Epoch smIth 1 "-Jones" needed pay thIng 22 TV fare 4 Bark cloth 55 COITIda 3 Small msect 23 PavarottJ, DON'T BE so 8 Dawdle cheer 4 Scarfhke for one .JUVENILE) \ ACTYOOR 12 Cuckoo 5& Wicked gannents 25 Spaceorg ...... AGE FOR 13 Shore bird 57 FlcltIonai 5 Turku 26 Indians .~( ,~E!~~,\ 14 Heraldic Harruner 6 Abyss 27 Sparush ~ ~ bearmg 58 - Yutang 7 Hebrew m- pamter 15 "LIve and 59 Stride ner strument 28 Rodent -!" vously 8 Recorded 29 Geological 16 End of the 60 Gennan 9 Gold, m ridges rambow? river Seville 30 Record 18 Crawl 61 Letter 10 " - the 31 Egyptian 20 Eqwp writer's abbr King's Men" goddess 21 MUSical DOWN 11 G-man 35 Naval WIZARD f ID pause 1 Soft 17 StIcky gunner's 24 BIOlogical nuneral frwt mate category Avg solution Ume 25 minutes 38 Well­ 28 Idahos balanced 32 Sweet fruit 40 Forerunner 33 Neat-pm of the CIA 34 Capital 42 Tokyo, once of Yemen 45 "Brother, 36 Weight of Can You India Sparea-?" 37 Surpasses 47 Popular 39 Meat dish drInk 41 Mountam 48 Dismounted crest 49 Tore 43 Edges 50 Energy _lohnny hart 44 Fmdthe 51 Eggs Be sum 52 TWitch 46 Hollywood 53 Cover award Wednesday's Solutlon 54 Supplement 12 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 po 111

12 113 114

15 [16 17 18 19 II II ;lU ~ 21 122 123 JIll24 125 126 127

; 129 130 31 mIlton canl" 1 ir 133 134 135 l36 •• /!JUT j.jf IS TOO QUIZ 5/i:fNNAN SEE'S TUE MEI~~ SIoIIP-AND6AA&s fl.4E ","~IPt:.i'o II m A&SOIl&f-l? &'1 j.jIS 137 138 39 140 PA~l'Nfil &EING &ITrrN Sj.j/cOUD 111 BY7llf ~IPEIlINTfN~fD 141 143 FOR AMANDA RIN(5 I 142 iii m 144 145 [47 148 149

150 51 152 153 154 155

156 157 158

159 160 161 ...

PAGE 10, HOURGLASS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1984 OFFICIAL NOTICES lS to provlde lnformatlon on the unusual BEACH TOWEL NEAR EMON BEACH SNACK BAR last THE NEXT MEETING OF THE RETAIL ACTIVITIES llvlng condltlons found on and around the week Call 84410 after 3 p m to clalm Advlsory Councll wlll be held at 3 pm, lsland Change 1 to KMR Requlat10n 385-6 Nov 26, ln the RKL Conference Room The requlres that all new employees attend the WANTED councll has been establlshed to asslst the flre and safety brleflng WhlCh lS lncluded WOMAN'S BICYCLE, IN REASONABLE CONDITION commander, KMR, and the merchandlslng man­ ln thlS orlentatlon All parents are urged Call evenlngs at 82870 ager of Global AssoClates ln establlshlng to attend to learn of the hazards WhlCh and re-evaluatlng merchandlslng pollcles eXlst on land as well as ln the ocean and SERVICES OFFERED and programs and provldlng gUldance and on the reef Chlldren accompanled by a par- MATURE NON-SMOKER WILL HOUSE- or traller­ recommendatlons The followlng are members ent are welcome (Global Safety) Slt any tlme durlng the next SlX months of the councll CW3 H Prendevllle, KMR, Loves pets Call Jon, 82804, 83451 chalrman, 82181, J Young, merchandlslng REMINDER TO USERS OF POOLS AND BEACHES manager, 83307, B Slms, Global Assoclates, ADULT POOL The buddy sustem w1ll be 1n ef­ COMMUNITY NOTICES 83357, R Thornley, REDAC, 83413, D Greene, fect at all tlmes, FAMILY POOL The buddy HOLIDAY FAIR Please submlt all outstand­ KREMS, 99197, R Ward, E C Servlces, system wlll be ln effect durlng after-hours lng recelpts, bllls for payment to Janlce 84448, L Schwan, member-at-large, 83605, usage for lap sWlmmlng (6-11 pm), CORAL Burnett, 475B, by Nov 30 J Moury, member-at-large, 83232, KeVln SANDS BEACH The buddy system wlll be 1n Allas, hlgh school member Island resldents effect at all tlmes, EMON BEACH When no HOLIDAY BAKERS Cakes, loaves, ples, pea­ should contact thelr representatlves to llfeguard lS on duty, the buddy system w1ll nut butter and chocolate-chlp cookles or provlde lnput for the next meetlng Retall be ln effect (Speclal SerVlces) any donatlons welcome for the YYWC Dec 6 faclllty to be dlscussed lS the Ten-Ten bake sale on ROl Start now Info, 84577 Clarence Okamoto, Ten-Ten manager, wlll at­ FOOD SERVICES tend thlS meetlng and wlll be avallable to BECAUSE OF A PRIVATE PARTY ln the dlnlng ETAWI CIRCLE WILL MEET NOV 27, 12 45 pm, answer questlons (Retall Offlce) room Saturday, Nov 24, regular menu ser­ FellowshlP Center MarJorle Wells wlll V1ce wlll be held 1n the Banyan Room share her experlences at the 1984 Republl­ THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF LOST AND FOUND can Conventlon In Dallas Vlsltors welcome ltems currently belng held at the Central FOR SALE Call 82580 for detalls Pollce Statlon Items may be clalmed by AFFORDABLE LUXURY Your chance to own a BQ call1ng the CPS and maklng arrangements to room 1n the Reef Towers Contact M1ke Davls BSA TROOP 314, "The Islanders" Due to the meet wlth the found property custodlan at W82040, H82665 or 84315 Sorry, no Chll­ pendlng departure of Scoutmaster, a meetlng In accordance wlth the provlslons of LEOI- dren a 11 owed of all parents of Scouts lS scheduled for 190-17 and 190-18, those ltems of found Tues ,Nov 27, 7 30 pm, Scout Hut It property valued at $25 or less and all bl­ COMPLETE KING-SIZE BED SET, $250 82395 lS necessary for all parents to attend cycles left unclalmed for 30 days wlll be sold at publlC auctlon AlcohollC beverages, BIANCHI ULTRALIGHT 10-speed Itallan racer. WOULD THE PERSON WHO BOUGHT A GIRL'S blue tobacco, ammunltlon and monles wlll not be green. alumlnum alloy rlms, suede leather and whlte sun dress at the Hollday Falr sold at the auctlon The next auctlon wlll seat, sz 12 shoes Excellent condltlon, Boutlque call AllX at 82589 I have sash be held at 10 am, Saturday, Nov 24, at $400 Contact Butch Brown, 83277 the rear of the Central Pollce Statlon A LUTHERAN CONFIRMATION CLASS wlll begln Found Property ARE YOU MAKING SHELL CANDLES FOR THE holl­ Monday evenlng, Nov 26 For lnformatlon 3 watches dlvlng equlpment days? Do you need wax? If so, call 82288 call 83605 or 84577 1 camera remote control 2 n ngs 1 T-shlrt 660-SF COVERED PATIO OF Tr 605, large, KTC-SPONSORED BIXBY FAREWELL doubles tour­ 3 ponchos 1 watch band fenced yard, Or1ental entryway, excellent ney (doub ellm and random draw for part­ 1 cooler 1 measurlng tape condlt1on Traller lS transferable and not ners) Sun ,Dec 9 Llml ted to 48 entn es 1 makeup bag 1 speaker on the condemned 11St Matchlng rugs op­ Fee $5 per player Slgn up at Yuk bulle­ sum of money 6 sets of keys tlonal Movlng to house, $975 Call 82791 tln board Potluck follows at Emon quantlty alcohol bey 1 cassette player Blcycles 5352 7621 8739 GIRL SCOUT UNIFORM, blouse, shorts, sz 10, THE MICRONESIAN HANDICRAFT SHOP WILL hold BI053 B5635 7693 9439 $5, woman's golf shoes, sz 8, llke new, a pre-Chrlstmas sale Thursday, Nov 29, A2743 B5961 8289 9650 $5 Call AllX at 82589 7-8 30 pm, Termlnal Among other glfts, B4293 6793 8309 9729 flne selectlon of sharks, dolphlns B4520 6905 8473 1 no decal COMPANY TRANSFERABLE HOUSE wlth pat1o, 2 B4897 7503 8548 (E C Servlces) alr condltloners, curtalns, rugs, 2 exhaust MICRONESIAN HANDICRAFT SHOP ANNOUNCES 2nd fans, lots of flowers and trees See at handlcraft sale for ROl resldents on Thurs­ PET OWNERS ARE ADVISED THAT KMR ORDINANCE 474B Call 82424 day, Dec 6, 4 pm, Outrlgger Baked No 32 and Global Assoclates Procedure goods also for sale Info, call 82435 1301, Ammal Control, requl re that all pets PCS PATIO SALE, Saturday, Nov 24, 8 a m - be reglstered and that teglstratlon be re­ 5 pm, 474B TV, toys, books, plants, BETA SIGMA PHI MEETS AT Epple Hoover's, newed annually Durlng the week of Nov 26 pots, Chrlstmas tree, decoratlons, more 443B, 7 30 pm, Nov 27 Vl Bradley wlll through Dec 1, all pets must be reglster­ present "Fun Wlth Flowers" ed or rereglstered at the Anlmal Control PCSING LARGE PLANTS, small plants, record Offlce, located at BUlldlngs and Grounds, player, 2 speakers, raln barrel stand, tool HAPPINESS IS THE ANNUAL TREE-LIGHTING Faclllty 780 Reglstratlon hours wlll be cablnet, metal shelves, off-whlte drapes, ceremony, Dec 4, 7 P m Plan to attend 8-11 a m and 1-4 p m In order to expedlte 1 tr1ple, 1 double sheer curtalns, muumuus the reglstratlon process, pet owners or the Qtrs 476B Call 82771 after 5 p m BUILDINGS AT CAMP HAMILTON WILL BE OFF­ owner's responslble representatlve must llmlts Sunday because of palntlng contact the veterlnary serVlces technlclan LITTON MICROWAVE OVEN, $250, Slnger deluxe at 82633 to obtaln rables lnnoculatlon and sew1ng machlne ln cablnet, $250, 19" Sanyo BARGAIN BAZAAR PICKUPS ARE MADE Tuesday to schedule the spaYlng of female pets color TV, $250, TV antenna w/30' mast, $35, afternoons Call Jan, 82478, lf you have ThlS must be accompllshed prlor to regls­ rugs 9x12 rust, 9x12 whlte, $20 each, donatlons tratlon Anlmals under 3 months of age wlll bathroom, whlte, $10 Call 82668 be lssued a vaCClnatlon tag and be glven STORYTIME AT THE LIBRARY each Tuesday at temporary reglstratlon status SpaYlng of COLLECTOR'S CAR MODEL, not a toy For ad­ 10 a mAll 3-, 4- and 5-year-olds lnvlted reglstered female pets must take place on vanced modelers 1931 Alfa Romeo Monza the next V1Slt of a llcensed veterlnarlan wlth 1,452 pleces. $200 Call 82553 to KMR, and owners wlll be notlfled by the Tonight At The Movies Anlmal Reglstratlon Offlce when thlS V1Slt STEMWARE, MODERN PATTERN, more than 100- Rlchardson - Lone Wolf Mcquade has been scheduled Pet owners wlth ques­ plece set, $20, cable table, nlce flnlsh, 7 30 ------PG tlons regardlng reglstratlon or lost pets 3-ft dlameter. $20 Call 83672 Ivey Hall - An Affalr To Remember are lnvlted to call the Anlmal Control Of­ 6 30, 8 30 ------PG flce, 84989 (Anlmal Control Offlre) REGULATOR WITH GAUGES, compass, men's sz Yokwe Yuk - Danlel XL wet sUlt, two BCDs, two backpacks, two 7 30, 12 40 ------R WASP SEASON IS HERE -- and wlth It lS the welght belts W83662, H82935 Tradewlnds - Amltyvllle III potentlal danger of belng stung Meat ten­ 8 00 ------PG derlzer or household ammonla applled to PULSAR nIVE WATCH, $60 82532 after 5 p m the wound can brlng qUlck rellef from the Tonight On Television paln of the stlng If you are allerglc to LOST Kwajalein bee stlngs, get medlcal help lmmed1ately DIVE HAT WITH FIVE PATCHES KwaJ Scuba 4 50 General Hospltal by call1ng the hosp1tal at 82224 or EMER­ Club, PADI Open Water, Warrant Offlcer 5 35 The Muppets GENCY 82222 Island resldents are request­ Eagle, Turtle, and U S Forces Europe 6 00 On~ Day At A Tlme ed to 1nspect the1r quarters, play and Please call 82778 6 30 CBS Weekly News work areas and to report wasp nest loca­ 7 20 Paper Chase/Knlght Rlder tlons to B&G at 84990 B&G wlll eradlcate WHITE CANVAS WIDE-BRIMMED BOATING HAT 9 15 Hlll Street Blues these nests on call only Resldents may Lost Sun, Nov 18, between Small Boat 10 05 "Death Py InvltatlOn" purchase commerc1al aerosal wasp spray from Marlna, Palm St and ProJect Lane Hat 11 30 Donahue (Halr Styles) Surfway or Macy's West The best t1me to trlmmed w/corks, plns Great sentlmental 12 20 Mov 1 e_ Ileoea t use the spray 1S after sunset, when wasps value Call Pat, H82434, W83395, lf found Roi-Namur have returned to thelr nests Be sure the 5 30 General Hospltal wasps are dead before dlscardlng nests MAN'S GOLD ROPE CHAIN, LOST over the 6 15 Paper Chase (Bulldlngs and Grounds) Nov 18 weekend Sentlmental value, reward 7 05 Remlngton Steele offered Call Mlke at 82757 7 55 Kmght Rlder AN ISLAND ORIENTATION WILL BE HELD Nov 27, 8 45 Hlll Street Blues 2 pm, 1n the Banyan Room of the Yokwe FOUND 9 40 "Tlnker, Tallor, Soldler, Yuk Club The purpose of thlS orlentatlon CHILD'S RED SWIM TRUNKS Call 82527, or Spy" Pt 3 (Contlnued next column) plck up at Tr 756