KwaJalein Hourglass VOL XXI, NO 227 U S ARMY KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1984 AGREEMENT FOR TALKS THREATENED BY DRUG GANGS MAY END YEARLONG FREEZE u.s. DIPLOMATS SANTA BARBARA, Cal1f of a year ago to protest reduce tenslons -- we surely (UPI) -- The Unlted States NATO's deployment of U S have -- and that thlS dlS­ FLEE COLOMBIA and the Sovlet Unlon have nuclear mlsslles In Western course ought to encompass BOGOTA, Colombla (UPI) -­ "more than 10" offl cers agreed to resume nuclear Europe arms reduct10n, dlsagreements More than 10 U S dlplomats had left, but she would not arms talks In a move that But McFarlane tWlce sug­ over reglonal lssues from and thelr famll1es have fled respond to rumors that the admlnlstrat10n offlc1als gested that progress on arms Afghan1stan to Central Amerl­ Colomb1a follow1ng threats ambassador, Lewls Tambs, sald mlght lead to a thaw In control could lead to easlng ca, bllateral lssues In WhlCh by drug gangs angered over 57, was leavlng hlS post relatlons between the super­ of tenslons In other areas there 1S an opportunlty for Colombla's pledge to extra­ because of the threats powers as well more exchanges, trade, the dlte narcotlcs trafflckers "I have no lnformatlOn Natlonal Securlty Advlser "I thlnk that the rela­ resolutlon of problems" to the Unlted States, a U S about any plans for hlm to Robert McFarlane announced tlonshlp between arms reduc­ Slnce Reagan's speech to spokesman sa1d today I eave the count ry," she Thursday that Secretary of tlon talks as well as the the U N he has won an elec­ "A Ilmlted number of of­ sald, addlnq, "People are State George Shultz and So­ cllmate of the relatlonshlp t10n landsllde, forclng the flcers and thelr famllles always looklng for other v1et Fore1gn Mln1ster Andrel as reflected In reglonal d1S­ Sovlets to recognlze the U S have left over the last four work " Gromyko would meet In Geneva agreements lS clearly accept­ posltlon would not change, to flve days," sald an em­ It lS not unusual for on Jan 7 and 8 to d1SCUSS ed by the presldent They and Sovlet leader Konstantln bassy spokeswoman ambassadors to offer thelr an agenda for future arms are related," he sald Chernenko has apparently con­ "It's for a llmlted perl­ reslgnatlons after a preSl­ control talks Asked 1f the talks would solldated hlS power wlthln od of tlme, but we don't dent lS re-elected Sources He sa1d the talks would mark the start of a thaw 1n the Kremlln know when they wlll come sald Tambs, a former hlStO­ be held "wlth the obJectlVe relatlons, McFarlane sald Chernenko lndlcated back The embassy lS carry­ ry professor from Arlzona of reach1ng mutually accept­ the process that began 1n through dlplomat1c channels lng on normally, although State Unlverslty, had 1ndl­ able agreements on the whole September wlth Presldent Rea­ he would llke the talks to w1th extra securlty precau­ cated he would leave the range of quest10ns concern- gan's U N speech and hlS resume Reagan tentatlvely tlOns " Bogota post 1f Presldent 1ng nuclear and outer space Wh,te House meetlng wlth Gro­ approved the ldea Monday and The spokeswoman sald Reagan were re-elected arms" myko resulted In the absorp­ gave a flnal go-ahead Wednes­ Moscow sa1d the talks dld tlon of each slde's world day as he vacat10ned at hlS not represent a resumptlon Vlews ranch 1n Callfornla Two U.S. Tourists of the strateglc force and "We're at a moment where "ThlS 1S good news," lntermedlate-range mlsslle each slde has dec1ded to McFarlane quoted hlm as say­ Kidnapped By Moslem Rebels negotlatlons they walked out make a determlned effort to lng ZAMBOANGA, Phlllpplnes forces chlef Lt Gen Fl- (UPI) -- Moslem rebels have del Ramos, conflrmed the re- FOUR DEAD FOLLOWING RUSSIAV DEFECTION kldnapped two Amerlcan tour- port later but that he had lStS In a remote southern no further detalls He sald 1s1and, a U S Embassy he expected Ramos to send a NORTH KOREANS ACCUSE spokesman sald today after letter on the lncldent securlng conf1rmat1on of a shortly pollce report on the abduc- The earller pollce re- U.S. SIDE OF FIRING FIRST tlon port sald the Amerlcans be- PANMUNJOM, South Korea murder" almed at dlsruptlng llne that blsects the truce Alan Croghan, the embassy longed to a medlcal mlSS10n (UPI) -- A Russlan defector efforts by the two Koreas to vlllage, known as the JOlnt spokesman In Manlla, ldentl- asslgned In the Sulu arch1- dashed across the demlllta­ lmprove relatlons securlty area, an oval­ fled the Amerlcans as John pel ago But Croghan sald rlzed zone between the two The wounded Amerlcan was shaped zone 800 meters ln Rabaner and Helmut Herref, Ramos descr1bed them as Koreas today, spark1ng an 1dentlfled as Army Pvt Ml­ dlameter, pursued by 20 to who were reportedly selzed tourlsts exchange of gunflre between chael A Burgoyne of Port­ 30 North Korean guards flr­ wlth two Flllplno gUldes on Pollce In Zamboanga sald Unlted Natlons and North Ko­ land, M1Ch , a Pentagon lng thelr plstols ln an at­ Jolo Island late Monday the report from Jolo dld rean forces that left four spokesman ln Washlngton sald tempt to stop hlm, a UNC Sketchy reports on the not reveal whether any de- Koreans dead and a U S pr1- The spokesman sald Burgoyne statement sald kldnapplng were flrst flIed mands had been made by the vate wounded was wounded In the neck but The U N troops flred by the reglonal command In kldnappers, descr1bed by un- The gunbattle was the "hlS wounds are not llfe­ back, and 1n the ensulng bat­ Zamboanga named w1tnesses as followers most ser10US lncldent report­ threaten1ng " tle, a South Korean sold1er Croghan sald actlng armed of a Moslem commander ed In the truce vlllage of The RUSS1an defector, was kllled and an Amerlcan PanmunJom Slnce Aug 18, 1dentlfled as a member of a serVlceman wounded, the com­ 1976, when North Korean sol­ North Korean-sponsored tour mand sald dlers axed to death two U S group, escaped un1nJured "One UNC seCUrl ty guard Army offlcers In the DMZ The North Koreans demanded was kllled and another wound­ North Korea, ln a broad­ h1S return, charg1ng he was ed sho tly before noon today cast monltored In Tokyo, "taken away by force" after whlle taklng defenslve ac­ called the lncldent "a braz­ cross1ng the dem111tarlzed t10ns agalnst an armed attack en crlmlnal act" It accused zone on the UNC slde of the JOlnt guards of the US-led Unlt­ The shootlng erupted at securlty area at PanmunJom," ed Natlons Command of flrlng 11 50 a m when the Russ1an a command offlclal sald fl rs t to comml t a "ba rbarl c bolted across the border- Three North Korpans dled Britain Announces Plan CIA Files Complamt Over ABC Report To PullOut Of UNESCO WASHINGTON (UPI) -- The LONDON (UPI) -- 8rlta1n 1C and Cultural Organlzatlon, CIA Wednesday flIed a com­ has announced 1t would fol­ has come under flre for al­ plalnt wlth the Federal Com­ low the example set by the leged overspendlng and lnef­ munlcatlons Commlsslon al­ Un1ted States and pullout flclency, and blas agalnst leglng ABC News dellberately of UNESCO at the end of 1985 the West -- charges leveled dlstorted the news and V10- 1f the organ1zat1on d1d not by the Unlted States when lt lated the falrness doctrlne 1mplement some leforms by announced last year lt plan­ The spy agency, WhlCh then ned to w1thdraw from the or­ tends to avo1d publlClty, lS Fore1gn secretary Slr gan1zat1on by the end of upset wlth an ABC report on Geoffrey Howe, saylng Br1t­ 1984 an lnvestment fraud case In aln d1d not bel1eve UNESCO Howe sa1d he accepted Hawall, where the defendant prov1ded "value for money," that progress had been made Ronald Rewald contends the made the announcement Thurs­ 1n attempt1ng to reform CIA hlred h1m to conduct 11- day 1n a debate 1n ParI 1a­ UNESCO, but sa1d "much re­ legal actlvltles ment on Br1ta1n's fore1gn malns to be done" In a statement announclng a1d budget for 1984-85 He sa1d Br1ta1n, Wh1Ch flllng of the FCC complalnt, "I am wrltlnq to the together wlth the Un1ted the CIA sald ln part (UNESCO) dlrector general, States prov1ded one th1rd of "Durlng a serles of broad­ glvlng hlm not1ce of w1th­ UNESCO's annual budget, casts 1n September 1984 on drawal Unless resclnded, would "cont1nue to work for the Ronald Rewald fraud case, that notlce w111 become ef­ reform ln cooperatlon w1th 'ABC World News Tonlght' Arbab Mohamed And HIS Son are p~ctured ~n fectlVe on Dec 31, 1985," other countrl es" throughout falsely and wlthout founda­ the Derubed camp, where 4,000 to 6,000 Sudanese have he sald 1985 tlon charged that the CIA come seek~ng rel~ef from the extreme drought cond~­ Under UNESCO's charter, Br1ta1n's share of had consplred to assass1nate t~ons caus~ng w~despread fam~ne ~n Afr~ca The mother one year's notlce lS requlr­ UNESCO's budget lS off1c1al­ U S c1tlzens and had com­ ~s dead, not uncommon ~n or out of the camp as mothers ed for a nat10n to w1thdraw ly 11sted at 4 6 percent -­ mltted other unauthorlzed and ch~ldren are most vulnerable See related story on UNESCO, The Un1ted Na­ about $9 mllllon and lllegal acts" Page 2 (UPI photo) tlOns EducatlOndl, SClentlf- UNESCO lS based In Par1s ABC had no comment W or lid./ Locali PAGE 2, fWURGLASS, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1984 ON THANKSGIVING DAY News Briefs Grain Shipments Needed J NEW YORK (UPI) -- Thousands of people Three Receive Organs lIned New York CIty's Broadway Thursday and To Curb Death Rate mIllIons more watched on televIsIon as Donald Of Child-Abuse Victim', Duck, GarfIeld, OlIve Oyl and other cartoon In Africa's Drought Camps WASHINGTON (UPI) -- Three young chIldren In characters floated by at
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