The Student Voice, Inc
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LlB I:: RTY, MISS ISS IPP I - ,\ len' s murder." body wa s removed from the street he saw Hurst shoot Lee without Negro who saw a state represen A week ago, Allen's son's car outs ide the gin. provoca tion. A llen sa id a Liber tativc kill ilnothe r Ncgro active and a Liberty grocery that em A llen, a witness to the killing, ty law officer picked him up min in voter r egistration here almost ployed Negroes had been fired testified at the coroner's jury that utes after the shooting, drove three years ago was shotgunne d on. freed Hurst, but later said he him to the coroner's jury, and to death Friday night, January Allen had witnessed the slay lied beca use he feared for his told him what so say on the 31. ing of Herbert Lee, an Amite own safety. SNCC workers told stand. Allen was told to say Louis Allen of Route 2, Liberty County farmer, at a Liberty cot )fficials of the United States De Lee had threatened Hurst with was fo und dead in his front yard. ton gin on September 26 , 1961. Jartment of J ustice he would a metal tire iron and that Hurst He had been shot with a shotgun Le<! , who worked with SNCC vote change his testimony and tell the had killed him in self defense. three times. wo rke l-s in Amite County, was tr uth if protection wa s offered, Allen had been warned that lo In A tlanta , the Student Non shot by E. H. Hurst, then a but he wa s r efused. c al whites were out to " get him. " violent Coordinating Committee member of the state legislature. In Februa ry, 1963, Allen told In August, 1962 he was ar asked the Justice Department for Hurst was acquitted by a cor on a worker from the Student Non rested and beaten by a Liberty " a comolete investigation of 1\ 1- er' s jury before Lee's lifeless violent Coordina ting Committee CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 THE STUDE T VOICE VOL. 5 No~.4 The Student Voice, Inc. 6 Raymond Street. N.W., Atlanta 14, Ga. F EBRUAR Y 3, 1964 I IN "',SS,SS,", SIX HELD INCOMMUNICADO; HAT TIESBURG WO RK ER TRIED JACKSON, MISS ., J anuary 31- HA ITIESBURG , MISS. -- ;\ Six persons have been moved voter regi stration worker for the from a ja il in Canton, Mississippi Student Nonviolent Coordinating to the J ackson city jail an' ~d~a~r~eU~~~~~-!!u;:~~~~'~:n~'1f being held "incom of "contributing to the according to workers for the Stu- delinquency of a m inor." dent Nonviolent Coordina ting Lawrence Guyot, 24 , refused Committee. bond when he was arrested here OWNERS OF T he s ix were arrested in Can- January 27. Bond had been set ton over a three- day period from at $1 ,000. THIS BUSINESS January 22 to 24 for " violation Guyot was sentenced to s ix of the building code," " intimi- months in jail," $500 fine with dating an officer, " " disturbing five months s uspended and 30 SURRENDERED TO the peace" and " contr ibuting to days to be served. A t state the deliquency of a minor. " Ten insistence a $500 peace bond was others arr ested during that time a lso lodged. are still held in the Madison Presiding Judge \Nilliam County jail. Haraldson told the court that Guy- All of the arr ested we re en- ot " has willfully •• • taken ad gaged in anti- segregation activi- vantage of children of his own ties un der the auspices of the race." This rEferred to hi., Council of Feder ated Organiza- alleged action of urging child 'One of many Klansmen that demonstrators must face tions - a coor dinating body of ren to stay out of school to picket. civil r ights group s working in Guyot s tated in court that he Mis s issippi. had "never directly tried to in- fluence anyone to stay out of On J anuary 20 police halted school" and that his primary Demonstrations Gain oper ation of all Negro taxicabs inter est was voter registration. CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 CONTINUE D ON PAGE 3 Additional Support ATLANTA , GEORGIA - Tht Atlanta refuses to meet their Summit Leadership Conference r equests. ORE VIOLENCE IN MISSISSIPPI! has voted here to continue pro The Leadership gr oup, a coali See Page 2 test s against segregated eating tion of right s groups in ~ tlanta, places and hotels if the city 01 CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 -. '~-'.;--.- " .... PAGE 2 FEBRUARY 3, 1964 THE STUDENT VOICE Iniunction Bans POLICE SHOOT Vote Discrimin"·I1"~'" FOUR STUDENTS JACKSON, MISS . - - TwoSNCC AMERICUS, GEORGIA - Fif workers and at least two other teen loca 1 white men - includ youths were hit by gunfire when ing seven public officials - have police shot into a demoristra been permanently enjoined by a tion here February 3. Federal coun from interfering The shootings occurred when with voting and voter registra about 1,000 Negro students gath tion in Terrel! County. ered at 10:00 P.M. to protest the The Depanment of Justice earlier release of a white man sought the injunction in 1962 after whose automobile hit a student more than a dozen armed white on an unlit section of Lynch men broke into a voter registra Street. They were also protest tion meeting sponsored by the ing the police beating of three Student Nonviolent Coordinating youths which took place shonly Committee (SNCC) at the Mount after the accident. Olive Baptist Church in Sasser. About 500 students from Jack son State College surrounded the The leader of the gr oup, Ter scene of the late afternoon ac rell County Sheriff Z .T. Mat cident and observed pOlice re thews, told reporters at the chur- lease the driver after short ques- ch meeting "We want our colored T-he-st-HGe-nt,..a..girl, was people to go on living like they taken to Baptist Hospital and ha ve for the past 100 years. We' treated for a broken hip. a little tired of this voting Students watched as police Iness." le injunction was handed down beat three youths while dispers ; ederal Judge J . Robert El ing the crowd. Gil Moses, for mer student at Oberlin College >n January 24. and a reporter for the Mississippi ne court order permanently Free Press, was hit by the butt e njoins the 15 "from interfering in any act or act s from the pur end of a police rifle. Richard Murphy, a white youth who is pose of interfering with the right WASHINGTON D.C. - - Five year-old RickySchuler stands in the also with the Free Press,was hit of any person to register or to hallway of the $90.00 per month apartment from which his morhpr over the eye by police with a vote for candidates to public Mrs. Catherine Schuler was threatened with eviction when she com rifle and knocked to the ground. office" and punishing any per plained about the condition of the apartment. Mrs. Schuler, mother A third youth, James Jones, was son for exercising the right to of five, and members of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Com register and vote." mittee, refused to allow the eviction. The other tenants in the three roughed up by police. He is a student at Utica College in Mis Matthews, deputies Matthews story building, supported her action and are now participating sissippi. and R.M . Dunaway and Dawson in a SNCC organized strike against realtor David E. Berry. Police Chief Waymon Cherry irard Later in the evening SNCC were enjOined from failing workers passed out leaflets at furnish reasonable police nr,~r,,· ,. _ ->-.. a college basketball game call tion for . Official Cancels Meeting ing for a protest demonstration. "threatening" JACKSON, MISS - -- The chief except members of the legisla About 1,000 students gathered or "prosecuting" anyone who administrator of the National ture, local officials and Chamber after the game and began walk votes or tries to register to vote. Aeronautics and Space Agency members necessarily excluded ing back and forth across the All defendants were enjoined refused to speak before a segre- Negroes. "The state does not street, singing freedom songs - -ir-Om -committin any act of vio gated meeting here January 28 in permit Negroes to vote in suf and asking for installation of a lence against persons voting or response- to protests from the -- ficient numbers to elect public traffic light. SNCC workers here registering to vote and from en Student Nonviolent Coordinating officials," he stated. r~~por[ that a couraging others to intimidate Committee. / Spokesmen for NASA confirm- quested from city authorities on prospective voters. James Webb JieadofNASA, and ed Webb's decision withSNCC of several occa sions. Terrell County vote registrars, congress~Z George P. Miller ficials in Atlanta. "Mr. Webb Police tried to disperse the including Deputy Matthews were (D~alif:f' chairman of the House does not intend to speak at a seg crowd by firing shots over the enjoined in 1960 from denying SClency and Astronautics Com- regated meeting," stated Oakley heads of the students. When a qualified voters the right to re mittee, were schedulf I to appear B. Lloyd, Director of Public In brick was thrown by someone gister. befpre a special welcome dinner formation for NASA. on the sidelines toward police, Terrell County - .s a white f9-t the MissiSSippi State Legis- Several cancellations of sche CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 population of 4,600 and a Negro lature sponsored by the Jackson duled appearances in Jackson population of 8,300.