PIPILOTTI RIST Born 1962 in Grabs, Switzerland Lives and Works in Zurich, Switzerland
PIPILOTTI RIST Born 1962 in Grabs, Switzerland Lives and works in Zurich, Switzerland EDUCATION 1986–1988, Audiovisual communications (video), School of Design, Basel, Switzerland 1982–1986, Commercial art, illustration, and photography, University of Applied Arts Vienna, Vienna, Austria PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES 2002-2003, Visiting professor, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 1988–1994, Member, Les Reines Prochaines (band), concerts, performances, and LPs/CDs 1987–1994,Computer graphics designer, various industrial video studios, Basel, Switzerland 1986–present, Freestyle video/audio works and installations AWARDS AND HONORS 2018, 18th Aurora Award, Aurora Picture Show, Houston, TX 2014, Prix Meret Oppenheim, Switzerland 2014, Willi Reber Art Price, Chur, Switzerland 2014, Baukoma Award for Marketing and Architecture, Best Site Development, Kerzers, Switzerland 2012, Bazaar Art International Artist of the Year, Hong Kong, China 2013, Zurich Festival Prize, Zurich, Switzerland 2011, Best Architects 11 Award, Dusseldorf, Germany 2010, Cutting Edge Award, Miami International Film Festival, Miami FL 2009, Best Exhibition of Digital, Video, or Film Award, The International Association of Art Critics (AICA), New York, NY 2009, Joan Miró Prize, Fundació Caixa Girona, Spain 2009, President of the Jury's Extraordinary Award, 6th Seville European Film Festival, Seville, Spain 2007, St.Galler Kulturpreis der St.Gallischen Kulturstiftung, St. Gallen, Switzerland 2006, Honoree, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum Young Collector’s Council Annual Artist’s Ball, New York, NY 2004, Universität der Künste, 01award, Berlin, Germany 2001, Zürcher Kunstpreis, Stadt Zürich, Switzerland 1999, Wolfgang Hahn Preis, Museum Ludwig, Cologne, Germany 1997, Premio '2000' della Biennale di Venezia , Venice, Italy1997, Kwangiu Biennale Award, Korea 1997, Prenta Preis der Kunsthalle Nürnberg 1996, DAAD, Berlin, Germany 1994, Manor-Kunstpreis, St.
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