. Giv. OnN-For All Support the , For Mor. Unit.d Locil N.ws, Pietur •• Found.tion Drive {[h~~ro~"'t lPointt lRtUitUl R.,d Th. R.vi.w Grosse Pointe's Newspaper for More Than 23 Years' ~27 CIRCULATION PAID MONTHLY GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6,1949 BY CARRIER 15c A MONTH-SINGLE COPI1..3 5c VA. 2-1162

* * * * * * ~ * * * Council Favors Plans us Overloading Charges Are Answered for 57 Sites; Building To Pass Million Mark OINTE--! DIRECTOR The proverbial "shot in the arm" was given to hoUJin, S-Day Week I FUN AT WOODS' PARTY Official in Grosse Pointe Woods by the Village Council Tuesday ~ 1 jl A RAG RAP H $1 *" when It approved plans for the constructlon of 57 new homes by The Point., .., --- I rangIng from $11,500 to $17,500 in sales value each. The total I, ' Seen for · Explains value will be well over a mIllion dollars. I" on GoodlOW, chaIrman of ~ The b u i1d e r s are Emil KlwaDls scholarshIp fund Schultz, R. H. Corteville and ounced that Don .DeClalr Park Police Problems Local Group Hector M. Couvreur, Th,y plent of the club's first olar,hlp award has enrolled A strong pOSSIbilIty that the Recent charges by Grosse J U - d plan the construction of cola- the UnIVerSIty of DetrOIt. Grosse Pomte Park PolIce of- POinte Woods Council that OUts mte nial, bungalows and ranch fIcers will be elaced on a type homes. The youth was a member of !!Chool buses are being over- Sc.hultz plans to erect 33 e semol class at St. Paul flve-day-a-week schedule was T h D · loaded, endangering the hves bungalows and ranch. type gh last June mdlcated by Eventt B. Lane, ore rIve .. . - Park murucipal manager, who of all passengers, were an- The rest of the country IS homes on 's court off Mrs Ruth Taylor, Grosse IS studymg the matter WIth swered by Walter SchweIkart, watching DetrOIt's experIment m Cook road. He SaId that some mte hbranan, begms a James MacMlllan, 'police com- preSIdent of Lake Shore Coach federated gmng, Fntz C. Hyde, of the homes would be offered klv column about library ",missIOner. . '. co-chaIrman of the Metro1¥llItan at $13,500. . IVlbesand Interestmg books Line, whIch dally proVides IUmt of ,United Foundation's CorteVll1e's is developin, a I " Park Police officers are now " week, see page eIght. workmg 48 hours a week. transportation for 902 public ITorch DrIve, told 175 women subdlvlSlon on Brys drlvA! bt° .. . . school cluldren, the majority today. tween Marter road and MIlk Lane saId that the change Will l : I Ichlgan State AlumnI As. mean the addItIon of at least from Grosse POinte Woods. Hyde spoke before the brst rIver. HIS draWings lOclude 2q , lahon of Grosse Pomte four men to the department. j ImeetlOg of the workers of Dlvl- all-bnck one-and-one-half atory ns a pot-luck supper at the He added that the Park would In a letter to the School Board Islon 1 m the Grosse Pointe Neigh- ranch type homes, to be sold at ar Memonal Center, Wed. the CouncIl complamed that as horhood Club. Mrs. John L. Ken- from $11,500 to $13,800. Director George Elllas,~' more than hkely follow the pat- day Oct. 12 at 6:30 p.m. tern of police departments across many as 80 chddren were Jammed ower, dIVISion resIdentIal cblUI'- Scbultz and Corteville hope to lms of a State (rId tIlt are the John B Rogers Com- mto one bus WIth a normal ca- man preSIded. get construcbon under way u pany, theatrical producers, the country, which have adopted luded on the progra,m. Res- 40-hours-a-week schedules. paclty of 50. T~e women attendlOg the meet- soon as pavmg, sewage and atlon can be made by call- arrived In Grosse POinte Accordmg to Lane, fmal action The councIl urged that actIon 109 are part of a force of 15,000 other unprovements reqw.red at Mrs Mmard Muman at TU. Sunday to begIn rehearsals on the Issue WIll be taken at a be taken to elImmate thIS hazard- volunteers Who WIll solICIt 225,-1 theIr plots are completed. They I 0116 for the Grosse POinte Op- counCIl meetmg m the near ous condlbon and to paint sCbool 000 residences and 26,000 small Ihope to have ~ number of home. ! . . -/ timIst Club's Facts and Fan- future. buses WIth specIal desIgnated busmesses between October 18 ready by next spnng. .. Don Thurber who L! admm- cies, a colorful mUSIcal re- colors. and November 10, They will seek I Counellman Arnold DiMtDI ratOl of the Wayne County I ... S h I B d~' al IdonatIons for support of more favored the pnce seale of the-prOoo -- apter of the NatIonal Foun- view to be presented at the -Photo b, Dee C 00 oar OLliCI s reported I posed homes. ' hon for Infantile ParalysIs PIerce School auditOrium, 300 Atte nd Here are some of ~ 390 boys and. girls that attended the matter to Schwelkart. "We have to make room ... \ Oct. 27-29. He urged per. a member of the Grosse the "Hard Times Party" sponsored by the Grosse Pointe Followmg IS Mr. Schwelkart'l -- the lIttle man In these villa, .. mte Theatre sons with any talent to -re- Woods Partv reply: well as the bIg one," he explaifted . . .. port for castmg Monday, 0/ Woods.. Country Club Sub-DiVision Saturday at Country Your recent lettel' addressed as he VOICedthe mobon that the ., To Whom It May Concern. Oct. 10 at 7.30 pm at the "ld Club Woods. Merchants gave 75 prIzes. to the Grosse POinte Board of plalUl be approved subJect to tbe , : rns Court, located on Fair- Neighborhood Club, 17145 For Chf, ren EducatIOn Inference to the school completIon of the lII1provemeDtL I. Ime near Mack III named In , . Wat1!rloo. Seventy.five boys and gIrls won N 1 F· d A 'D D ' buses has been referred by the' Due to a few unexpeeted Uleh- nor of Woods' attorney Jules prIZes at the annual Wemer Roast OV. ...-e s _ ay Board to us for attenbon. mClpahties relatIve to Mr" CouY- rns and Hard TImes Party sponsored lid! "In reference to the over- reur'1 plan to bwld 24 hoD-. ill • • • , by the Grosse POinte Woods crowdIng of school buses we WIsh the north S!de of Cook road off 'Ir- WIlliams, Mrs. I 000 Women , Country Club SubdlvlSlon Asso- For Horwr Roll Names to adVise you that at tbe begm- Mack, a hearmg wtU be held .. y H. Hubbard. Mrs. JulIUS cIatIon Satur day at County Club nIng of each school year It takes thethnext counell meetiDI...... OCt.~u. t~r and Mm T Van Zlle, WOodIS. About 300 adults and' a llttle tIme to straIghten out our WI property ownen __ rosse Pomters, recently at- Attelld State chIldren attended. I'D-Day" for the mcluslon of names on the broJW:e honor plaques schedules WIth the Board of Edu- area. ded the Speakers' Inshtute to be erected m.the 'War M"~IIl!! -Cell~er 15 Tuesday. Nov. 1. lio ~tJon as to the number o~ bll5e5 The eOUDcil,how ..... , ...... d- m- the DetroIt Cancer GOP RaIIy BesIdes nOIsemakers and bal- name sor tral1&luons can be accepted after that date, Norbert Neff, requIred. and we If at any bme ftdent that Couvreur 1VOIllW lie htute loons for all cluldren present, Thauman of the Honor Roll comnuttee, announced. bnd that the buses are over- able to proc:eecl with his p-. ~ ThIs mshtute, the first ot Its Close to 1,000 women attended speCIal awards were gIven for- The honor roll plaques WIll be<$ - crowded put on addltlonal eqUlP- bw1# 24 bungalows and eolmlW II: d, IS desIgned to mdoctrlD- the 2-day program of the Federa. best costumes placed m the Hall of Honor Im- I R -d. ment, wluch we bave done thIS I type homes In the $13,000 to $11,- ( e futme speakers how to tlOO of Repubhc Women s Durmg the program. Mr. Ken medIately mSIde the front door e81 ents year the same as preVIous years 000 bracket. ., t mfOim the layman about of MIchIgan at the War Memor- Scott, head of the aSSOCIatIOn.In- of the Memoflal Center and WIll "In reference to the prope~ than HO health and communIty WhIle In thUI bUl1ding frame of 1 knO\~n factS!)f cancer de- lal Center Tuesday and Wednes- troduced Mr A. A Ghesqulere, be, a permanent record and tn- FI-O'ht to Curb placards to be posted on the buses IservIces whIch have United In one mmd, the council told C. J, Wal. hon, control l'nd care. day. presIdent of the VIllage. bute to the men and women from ~ thIS has never been found to be bIg drIve for $8,550,000. lace, developer of the Lake Shore I .. .. Mrs. Peter GIbson, of Monroe, Committee chaIrmen M 0 r r y Grosse Pomte Who served 10 the 1 satIsfactory because the school Mrs. Harry W. Kerr desCribed Lane SubdlvlSJon, to complete MIS Joseph M, Verhelle, presIdent of the FederatIOn de- German and Joe Van Hull stated armed forces durmg the last war. Street Hazard chIldren remove them and the successful methods of sohcltabon. Improvements at that locatIon or ho dIrected the publlclty for SCribed It one of the mo,t succes- that the followmg merchants con- Dunog the past months, the drivers would be CQntlnually re- Area chalnnen attendIng the face the loss of)us bond. e Jesuit Seminary Assocla- iul programs In the history of tnbuted prIzes and refreshments: Committee has exerted every Action IS underway to close the placmg them, whIch IS an Impos- rn.eetmg mcluded Mrs. J. Arthur Wallace plan3 to eventually l ons benefIt tea at the LeWIS. the organIzation. Boston Shoe Store, Lloyd DavIS effort to list everyone who two Woods Theatre parking lot sIbulty OWIng to hIS other dutIes. I Mullen, Mrs. BenJamm E.. Young, construct 22 $25,000 ranch type n road horne of Mrs Jomn The local chapter \~a~ ho~tes3 Men's: Wear: C a val e r Drug, should be included and to check entrances on Bouremouth as the 'At the present tIme we are I and Mrs. RIchard S. Weber. Oth. homes. , t MUiphy, recently reported to delegates and members from Roesch McKnight FurnIture Co., and double-check their names. result of appeals to the Woods operatIng fIfty-one school trIpS er workers present Included Mrs. i i e program netted $1,100. throughout the state Delphme Kmt Shop, Plymouth FollOWIng are the ehglblhty re- councll by reSIdents of LInVIlle, each day for the Board of Edu- Herbert J. Woodall, Mrs. FrancIS , • I .. H th C • f Motor Corp, G r 0 sse Pomte qUlrements as explamed by the! Raymond and Bouremouth Icahon and parochIal schools, thlr- P Boyer, and Mrs. Angus Goetz. ea Oal1!)' , RIchard PTA wfll hold theIr Catherme Curtis, preSIdent 0 I W d M k tAP H Illd I C h h t 11 ., t meetmg ot the new school Women's Investors Research of I 00 s ar e, a ay CommIttee: ars USIng t ese entrances ave I y-one operate 10 your VI age Hydf' explamed the purpose of ear On Monday, Oct. 10 at 8 WashIngton, DC. began the pro- Ha~dware, Alger Jewelry. K~le. The tndlvldual must have been I created a serious traffIC hazard on gomg to the different schools. the Torch DrIve and the relations I At I t I , m at the school , gram WIth an openmg day lunch- ger s Shoe Store, Alger Thea re, on the actIve lISt of any branl:h; these streets. accordllng to Cad We, of course, would like to have of varIous partlclpatmg groups. ,.aSSOCll1 wn . .. .. eon WIth a talk on . Broader IIndustrial NatIOnal Bank and of the Army (WACs, Army I WeIdeman, Jr, spokesman for the our buses palOted red, whIte and I. I P t tIt f W ' BlaIr Pharmacy. Nurses). Navy (Waves, Navy reSIdents who appeared before blue, which would desIgnate to I Fundamentall.y, the To;, c h CIty of Grosse Pomte COW\e11. I~ I I Am youth interested in the a en la lIes or omen Also F W Woolworth Co, N ) C < G d( S ,I the Counell Tuesday Ithe -ub"c that <)jest? ore sch 11DrIve IS a people s movement, he man. Chester F. Carpenter, who ned program of the Allied Oth kId d S I • urses. oas. uar par", I . I' ... U • ... 00 d "Its t f IS also th W' Co ty er spea ers mc u e en- Wllgll'v's Market Boos Dodge Mannes (Women Mannes). A second entrance on Mack was I buses, but due to the expense I saJ mcep Ion arose rom on e ~yne un oulh planned for the fall and ator John Martm. of Grand ISales .Woods Soda Grille Jack _ _ I suggested by WeIdeman as an thIS IS prohIbItive for the revenue all quarters of the CIty, from peo- Board of SupervIsor s AssoclatJon ter sea:oOns should contact RapIds, State GOP ChaIrman Packard Sales S S Kresge Also Sea bees, V 5, V-8. V 12, answer to the problem obtamed at the resent t f IpIe 10 all walks of lIfe. They had was elected chaIrman of the wood I a a1 members Joy Chamber-. Owen J. Cleary, Congrl',sman Co, Gordon's ApParel S hop, t-12 a;d ho:r ~rr:~ s~~~~~ The counCIl plans to conduct a I fare of SIX cents pWe ha:e ~e:n I created a CommunIty Chest 30 Out-County Supervisors Asso- n.:'ll 8250, of Eugene Cope, Donald L Jackson from Cahfor- IGnnnel Muslc Store. WXYZ-TV, ramm sc sd NVI on N I hearmg shortly WIth offICIals of transportmg these .school chll-I years ago combIning local health clabon at theIr annual meetIng 1 5-2486. ma and Mrs Mary Streit. vlce- \ Smead s Gift Shop, Fmske Apph- of the Army an avy and avy Woods theatre Sloan Co buIld- d f th t t and community servIces. Iheld m EcOrse last \~eek h Stat GOP mmlttee 1 Officers Reil'rve and Army Offl-' h . ren or e pas seven een l'ears I ThIS Assoc at on}S ade t c aIrman. e co '1 ance House, Storkvl11e Toy Shop cers Reserve Of InactIve Status ers, and t e property owners. and so far no school chIld has 'Today they sbll want that or- I h C I I m up 0 ARVEST MOON" Local commIttee women mclud- and Cunmngham Drug Stores. .' ever been In ured 10 our 0 ra-I ganlzatlon but also somethmg It e ounty Supervisor s repre- Mesdames Charles A Dean Jr, The commIttee e~cludes the IN 0 hons which Jwe are ver ~ud else. They want a plan for sens- sentIng all the commumtJes Ul James J Murfin, James McEvoy, 'Cout Guard Auxil~ary, Tem- 0 pponents f 'd h t t y p Ible sohcltahon on behalf of char- Wayne County except DetrOIt. OWlfY People's I Fred.erIck S Ford, Harold B I Stolen Auto porarv Reserve ManUme Serv- 0 an ope I can mues. bl ppea Is 1 ell A member of the County Board ~ ~ ree and F W Pearce, Ice, .Mermant' Marine. Red fe- S I "If you ha;-e any further com- ::sal::a: ,natlona as w I smce 1936. Mr Carpenter's ex- an At C Ie . ------CrO@S aDd otMr non-armed or fty late plaints we would apprecIate be- .. penence IS expected to be of val- ce en r I H I Found On serviees. 109 adVised, but \l.hen you obtam The answer to thiS demand I ue to the Assoclahon e next dance for Young I Lady urt 11 Am one kIlled In combat area 0 N T B II t Iany mformatlOn. please obtam Ihas been the creatIon of the Umt-I He IS also chalrInan of the Leg- oplp of Grosse Pomte WIll be W 1 R k on Itovernment payroll even' n 0\ • a 0, ,the number of -the bus, the date Ied Foundation, an Instrument for Islature Cormmttee of the Board 'd al the War Memonal Center I t though not enrolled 10 the armed! U I and time \\hele anv overcrowd- the solICItation of funds once for of Sueprvlsors, a member of the S Lake Sllore Bus as ac nless new candIdates fill' by Ing may take place" Iall " aturdd) Oct. 15 from Q 30 I I An auto reported stolen from force~ Saturda)' Oct. 8 the last date I d . PensIOn ConuDlttee and a mem- to 12 30 p.m Clark WI!.- Mrs Carl Whltchuck 53. of tne garage of Robert Hoff, 276 Indl~ Idual must ha\'e ~n ed for filmg. Cltv of Grosse POIDte 19Abccor mg to tdhe School B °a r d ------Iber of the Wayne County HOSPItal t t rt g ms and hIS orchestra WIll pro- t V J D - A t 14 I • I I uses are use 0 ranspo O 2 I Committee e Ih 1247 LakepoIDte ~uffered a deep Ken"ood, ",as found on the wash- prior 0 - ay, ugus • munlclpa OulCla S WI I be re- chIldren each mornmg 369 to I New Hours for . e dance musIc I cut on her tOlehead when she Ing rack at Sunoco servIce sta- 1945 el~ted at the CIty electIOn Tues- Pierce School 334 to Mason 105 I ------Tag~ed "Harvest Moon;' the shpped whIle boardmg a Lake tlOn, Kercheval at McMIllan Eh~,blhtv 1<; luntted to l'E'SI- day, Nov. I. I to KIrby. 47 'to Parcells, and 39 Lak f P k Sewer Plan ncr .' onf' In 8 senes of fall I Shore bus on Jl'ffl'r<;on at Wav- BIll MclntQ';h, station manager, (Conbnuec! OR Pare 31 I, No OppOSitIon 1ter F. IPostponed al Cpnter's Young People s box: S I Carpenter. John Mack. Sidney Grosse Pomte Woods' Lake I mmlttee I P k I took Mrs Wh:t- •We recl'lHd a call to plck.up Cars trike Morgan, commISSIOners whose Woods Street Closed Front Park WIll be open only on 1 Grosse POinte Park, City and ' ar po Ice a car at 267 Kenv.ood Our driver A ~r' ('''arles Lord chaIrman of .:huck to Bon Secour, ho,pltal made a ,II ht ml~take and re- two-year terms expIre A bloc'" part~ \\111 be held Saturdays and Sundays dunng Farm .. ",ere granted a month'. OJ e C()'11lnlttee an1l0unced that I where 12 stllche< were Il'qUired tUlned "lthgMr Hairs auto Pa •.k GI.rl~ Also unopposed are Norbert on OXford road ~tween Helen October from noon untIl 8 pm., Ipo.tponement on the DetroIt's rd tablE'S"'111al~o be avaIlable Ito mend her Injun. P I If H Id Se I ~ Neff, clerk Theo G OsIU•• lreis, and Jackson on Wf'dner -'4 "'W(lr"~ ~t~tl' "h~lhE'1 Hoff "a~ ('hal"eO <; m l' ~Icm- '''' A_ .4., Slarr RpIlPii f (>I ' lt~ (If Ihelr homl'< nednesday, v..-t 12 tel tamm('nl WIll pre\ ail ' the park a~~~~e_foT 1«' .katmg plete an alternate plan ThiJ Week's I Flo\d Stan fnllndl'r Clf the COt Treated at Bon> Sf'(OUI< ,h'~- P" H I l\,.~ I C S S S C l'~llh \,~, >ched- (lr rer urns pltal "'('IE' Janet \kChalF,H' II air e p l .. a ) "T. KET ON ALENOW" - ,tarr ommE'n" n n. 0 f 9-6 B fi Id d C 1 ,..:" ' uled to make 8 per'onal appear- • 1 , eacons e an ilro me H. RD., " R Th d v as part of the F\~hC'T 9 of 1112 Devonshire I evtew I One Injured 1 It. un rl\ier Le S. B ks T A. Fil Be~.,d Paie One In thIS week'sl ~~~lOn ~~o:' prOl'rAm benefit I I ~C'~ v.:; hlto~\ AnKil~~ °:5 A hIt-run drlver \l.ho flpd arter I cture erws 00 Op rtuls, ms e\ I~, nf' thl! folloWl"l artIcles flven at the GrO!'~e Pom!r War 1..f'<"' ,.. I LI1.lludlll' lon, Ihe get hill IK-en,.e oomllf', a'let nntlty The Ill,t altl atl,un " II bt> NI. .1tv ra I{", fll( ,. On Januarv 15 Robert Fr ,a~' \ " '>d\ "lie tel Chl<.lllO can \ and M' ~ \V Ot-"n R, toll',OIl \","'oj ~ I" k. I I" "PP<~I III lOUl1.. f .lllll\ of North",e.1t"1 n l:mH" - poll<."~ col Smith WIth hl~ 1,,1..,1 film. Arthur Konsfk. of the Detr~lt lale't holIclav" pl('lu"l' Holland , '""Lt' --~------~llv \~II\ (ondu('t a tlaJnlng (our~ ------"Caravan to Tibet' hooked for Automobile Club IS completlJlll a ,md &ol~,um ' \\111 featu f' the for Park Po!lC'f'men teldtl\f' to Phi '"' I D 21~1 '" H.'la Phi Alumnae !X-I'l)n ()ii' . l' I)an~~ 8ro k-~n F"Ir4 T".p"',' .'f"/t' '>C 00 aU"l,'rlllm on Irafflr and parkmll. stud\ for the l,t('h t,>I~n~ of thE' Hagu(' Rot- an.-., ....f .~,a• ,~ Ihp nC'", M"hlll'an l'n,lrllll'l Traf. .- "" d .. 6 '()O I' " C "I T~a "'un d\'. ,,,)V at" ," Itv of Gros~e Pomle I('-clam ilnr! A,"-: lottof,,'I, R.... ,r ,\l."~,,r 'l'rl,onaIIIH'< \1r' 1,1",d of (011"1\ offJ(I~I, ~It \o .. 1f "~' ,h01l1 Ih.. 2' ~'<~d(j\l

Phone V Alley 1-5400 for Piclc-Up Service

14200 t. w'AKKtH Of Newport VA. 1-8111 ~1Executi"e OBSERVE 25TH, ANNIVERSARY fo Address Plll'rells PTA J In needy dlrec(ul' If Oell al '" t 1'5 Col.pUrnthll1 Ph! r~ nnd 1'1' IUI!III \\111 tll~ ~~k~rll;n11lIrU~\~t!~I~~IO~rrlh~ lrt"'1I~ Parent Tt!I\Lhcl'l A•• I ;1 \1 \u bL ht'ld Btthe ILlu101 urol \ Cdobel' 13 at 800 m t I\M II.nnuuncl!d b) lIuw rd n WolU .Auodll.l!on prl!11

eo'nnlhll or London 1'.nJ;llInd IIrPrtuntl!d [rom Fordllllm r~ t nnd .pcnt II. )lI!UI' In

~durr~ Ilnd sehmtlflc demon Ital /ls throl1ghout thl! country

Off 'fOr'S of tht:! A!lIoclllolion for hr 1{l~1I50 1l!1lS0n In IlddlUon ~ \\olff IIfC AUM!d R Tllp 1'1 \ (' pruldl!nt I\nd proRrnm harmnn Ml'll Roblll't Eo Cou nil \ll:t' pl't'lIldl!nt Ind Boclal hl rmon Mrtl' Vlold CICH!rdon ct'r ....lrlcnt nnd nlll'nltltlco mm III t' chnirmllll Mp PII nrn Monnhnll II;Cfl!llIl') nnd CMrlr~ \\ Schank. treasurer An l'~llUU\'C! cummUtl'!o I, mrrL.r I or MnI JO!l!ph V Rurk lIcmbct'llhlp cllftlrmnll II' CI' rill! W Gardnlll" I'll Irrll nr I lhnlrmll.n onlll t{ D Ir II mncll corntnlltll thllir man Mnnohall C Jl\tne~ prln C1p3 nlltheorclcl'n \11' ltnc.~\,111 bl! hl!ld n tll! It'Ond ThUI"!dll) or n\lrrnnll' m ntl ~ rommcndml in Orlobrr rIt'l'l't In April 1050 \ I I'll Ill! I"'If'P nil IlII be held on Ihl' thrdTiursda)

AND OTHER BUILDING MATERIAL By CDAPLOW WE THINK NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! LUMBER PRICES ARE ON THE UPSWING! Knotti P,ne Panelong WINTERIZE \ our namr ,,1I1i Top :.ooldl Malrrillb :~£I:;~:,no:~i~~nZi.!:~r~:£~Jf~1i5~~~u~ff ~\~~IIIrrI"'r. nonn '3u I'a ""."kl II wUlroalnnc "" O".,dl"." ~~:~ITl:X RUcK 97 e ~.. r ntluu ,uum ", ml .rla\ "" 0' tI • ..-lIt S1 n •• n It lur lU ."mptf. :I~r~~"tlq '4 •q ~A'C~~~1'1'r. CO\lm" \TIO" '1 SJStill I' ("um!'ltlt I np or 1'0 l\ 0; m•• lah Innn rnollb ~Upmtll Carr.. 00 I _I. 0 oil. 0 p 'nu ~ lid". "u~ .. " .. I, PRE.WINTER tn'TIII \ 1'\\ ~lr"T" I" E\ l-n\TIU"o

AROMATIC MILORGANITE LUBRICATION RED CEDAR LINING BARGAIN la ,Ip. Ill.' I Cp\ Q • .. rl h 10 COMPLETE OPERATIONS I".: . :n ~ . 95 1/ ':'1.~'u 20c: $5 ~~~ TAX INCLUDED ONLY ._~,-UII 01 ,nur Ia,"" 1", GAS HEAT 1 Dra n and refill TRANS1I1IBSION ....Ith riGht Grlldt' h Gh ~:~~::: SSe qualtylubrcanl 1010 WAIT - F.H.A. TERMS Drn n and refill AXLE wl!h ('orrl'!rt grarlt' top qual ty lubrlcanl STONEWALL BOARD Dram CRANKCASE-rel'lll ....llh hlll:he51 ,rade CII ht Payrnent 60 DaYI After Inllallatian t~~r:i~:.~\~l"~!~ I hr al" CIIARRIS enmpll'l!'lv \II th ('orrcet lubr l."onl for ffi'r:~.~:r"lflulll~~.'3~ 1'1 flit Il" FREE ESTIMATES r l, ItAIJIJ\TOR In I' i\ I"'" III I I I f f' , A call Will brine on cI'Igmcer who Will IUJlI::elt the I U\llIln II bon burnllr far your particular Inllallahan Nothln~ Il I Ul II I ~I I ~Il{' 1 I 11TIIt\1T'Il \1 .. but fh,t IInll equIpment ullld all ,4,GA certified I lilly holl \1It fllANln All work luaranlcod lIun.cd Gnd In,ured I I rllu",r WUlII., 11 t I 1 Call MUNSON Today B & B CHEVROLET CO. HEATING CO. RNII L JLl'l'!,ltbON nl CIti\NL LA "~: .. " LA 7 6601 II."" 7,10 Till 7 •• 1 7, III Till ~ 10981 Gratillt near Qulllr DrlVII VA. 2.1103 4-The Grolle Pointe Re"iew- Thunclo,. October 6. 1'4' NEW POINTE MATRONS I f:J ('j · ry II Ann()unce Birlh lJPPLIEs N ews Expert ned pInk carnations. Latest advue to homemakeu r GIFTS and FIRING The brlde's mother wore a who are mterested 10 applymi St Matthew Women's Club willi - SpeCialSale-- At Totvn Hall toast color go')'n of lace and Mrs. the streamlined techniques of 10" sponsor sponsor a luncheon Sat. i Murphy wore navy blue SIlk, dustry to theIr cllOles us to taka urda)', Oct. 15 Ilt parish hall, Har. Completc Dlllnl'L S~t Scn i Cl1fton M Utley. NBC radiO Itnmmed WIt. navy blue lace. advantage of the warmlOg up I per at BucklOsham. I Ice for 8 Loul'e palt ! " cln Iq news anal)st Will give the latest Charles B Murphy served 'as perIod. Re"el vatlOns can be made by soft tones of llHhS g news Crom Europe ~hen he ap-1 best man, and the ushers were In Industrv saving time means calhng TU 2.13495 lose dnd gla) _ letn, pears at Detroit Town Hall, RIchard Halcott, Robert Stewart, saving money and studIes show I The Club plans to Iesume It. Wednesday mornIng, at eleven Theodore Granger, Edward Alds- Photo 11). Moffett , Pbolo b~ ~oweU that 10 dolO' one speCIfIC Job square dance sessIOns on Friday. Re,. S500 Sel ~300 Reduced to o'clock, October 12 He Will speak I worth of ChIcago. John Cosgrove MRS. !\IICHAEL J. MURP.Y MRS. PAUL HOOPER there IS usually an mcrease In I Oct. 14 at the hall. I at Fuller Theatre. , Iof Kokomo, Indiana, and RIch. speed from the beg10mng of the 1 ;;;;;;;;,,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:====-==::::::

Utley spent the summer 10 lard Towar Master MlI.'hael Tal. Fihns Approved III task to the time of greatest out. II D b L t S. 1949 Europe gathenng matenal for hIS co preceded the ushers. 200 PI BETA PHI A LUM N A E put. en y ec ure eries, -1950 broadcasts and lectules He' Arter a ten day trip to Ber.IFor Children , Irma H. Gross, head of the de- DENBY HIGH SCHOOL AUDITO lpeaks over the NBC chammght. muda the young couple Will re-I EXPECTED AT BENEFIT TEA partment of home management RIUM 1y, and m addition has two spon. SIde ;n Rochester, Mlchlpn. The Grosse Pomte Motion PIC-I and child development at Mich. At 8 P. M. , IOred radIO programs 10 Chicago. Iture CounCil recommends the fOI- Some 200 alumnae of Pi Beta unity to sponsor the Arrow Craft, lian State College, apphes thu Od II-Dr. I utber Gable. "ADVANCE/IIl!lIoTSIN ~UF'{[" On,=I' each fortmght, he broad. pI S 'If 0 10w1Ogplctules for October: PhI and their iuests Will meetj display. The committee mc1udes prinCiple to household tasks. For Nov. ~\'!:TII!~,~Ie,"WHAT IS HAPPEl'oIl'oGTO OlR 1l0'OIUC cuts the Amencan commentary I was 11 '/JelL 'CHILDREN 1 Wednesday, October 12, ..for tea I Mrs. DWight Hansel WIlson, pres. example, If you have four beds. Nov 22-~:fE~~!~1l poel, "THE CVRRENT INDVSTRIALREL\TIO" over NBC teievulon statIon ta at the GlOsse POInte Memorial I ident of the Greater DetrOit alum. to make, It probably WIll save I De. I-Dr . .Ioho SuJlhan. "UNDERSTANDINGP \ftt 'T~' ChIcago. 111/ 1Ve'lf U-.l! Choir ~'The..~~en,Promise;" "Mr ..SSlf,~War Center. nae clubs, Mrs Paul J. Keller, Jr. you tIme I! you make them 10 I .Ian It-./obn ~Ietralte, "SPOTUGHT os WASHI1\GTO' I nhlS lecture. "Hot News ~oueh; .You re My Everytb?J&\ I The tea featules a display, of prellldent of the Grosse POinte successIon rather than stoppmg to I ~:t2~~~1 K~~~':l:r\va';:::. ~~I~I~~o:'l~~s l~~L\\ i\~1JB1RG" from Europe," Utley WIll explain I Though nearly 200 slllgets turn- ..~e ~Ultf' th;t Lo~~~e Pme;d handmade Anow Cralt goods, I group; Mrs Walter G. :aernard, dust In between bed making. Marcb l"u~~ItOA Huchel, ~NEGROCONTRIBIiTIOlIoS~~ ~\I:il~r~~ why he dIes not think that the! eel 1)ut tOJ' the openmg meetmg I' e. ra Oil o.:-~: II'P an I produced 10 the PI Beta Plu Ml'll. D. Meeker, MISS Jenme In. homemakmg, there ate Martb 2&-Howard Hlnlnl, "IT'S lIlAGIC" Marshall Plan IS all.sufflclent as I' o't' the JilW- cholf sponsored in :al'': in.. coa~t; "BrU~Y, Le:~ Settlement school in the heart of I JaCQ.ues, Mrs. Harold O. Love. many dJ!ferent Jobs dUring the I Seolon Ticket. (9 Notoble benincs I • preventative of future wars "I D~h~it- by the. University of ID~I" ay; an OD e 5 1'1 the. great Smoky mountams. The Mrs. C. Patterson, Mrs. E. P.I day-washing dIShes, makmg I $3.00 Includinc Tox 5 Single Admlllion do not thmk," he says, ,.that thIS I Mlchgan ExtenSIOn Service, en. I • dISplay mdudes quamt coverlets Rol>trtson, Mrs. A. B. Stearns and beds cookmg, dusting and others. Oc Including Tox country can malntam effective rollments are still open. ~en are PoOR TEEN-AGERS and afghans designed by the hill I Mrs. J. L. Asselin. lIt homemakers realIzed that I ;> ~ nulltary outposts everywhere. If I partl~ularly mVlted to lOin. Reg. "Lost Boundaries;" "Sand;" and I people. chlldlen's wooden chaIrs, I Pouring at the tea WIll be Mrs. I every tIme they changed from it tries, It wJll not be strong: ISt"atl?n IS $5 DO... "Johnny Stool Piceon." I hand-loomed luncheon sets, and Wl1son, Mrs. B. Raymond Hoob. one Job to- another they went, -.verywhere ... our enemies Willi ChOIr meets at 7'30 pm on even mother-and-daughter skIrtS.: ler, and Mrs. A. P. TeetzeJ, Jr. through thls "warming up pen. I know that and cash 1D on It." Tuesdays at the Rackham Mem. P bli. S. Mrs K. M. McColl Is in charge I Others asslstmg at the long od," they would stay Ilt one Job Advance reservations for the I orlsl. located at Farn~worthand I U Clty eSSlon I of the ~a and the Settlem~nt I double table tea table durlOg the Ilonger. . I Utley lecture are avaIlable at I Woodward . I.. ?" school <.hallman IS Mrs. Fredenck afternoon will be Mrs. Delos P. ThiS same Idea apphes to clean- I GrIDDell's, WOo 2-1124. I The cahber of the grouP.ls such Is Your PubliCIty Showmg I L. FIsher. I I Heath, Ml's. Burton Warner, Mrs. ing a group of roonu. If all duts. I I t~at Prof Maynard Klein. the: Program and publICity chalr- ThIS IS the first year the Grosse' Bernard and Mrs. Keller. mg IS done m the group of rooms ,dll:ector, plans to do reany out. I men and volunteer publiCIty P int g h had 0 ort '~K 11 h h . t ts at one time then the vacuum Physicl. st Begins standing choral works. some of workers Will get a double-barrel. 0 e roup as an pp - I f .lYltr;hseft. er as aSMer Oasslsan cleaner used' 10 all there LS less h. h '11 '-- ted hid t th th d I or e a ernoon, rs rison s. I , w IC WI est. In fact, It never I approximately 10 countnes. I ment and Labor." On Sweetest Day, as a civc re- " . an a u 0 UI con ent y for was. The chaotic condition of the memberance to less prIVIleged I the future on the crater of a world today, IS proof of that. But, merqbers of our community, the SOli Is Bor" volcano. the pomt IS.we nevel befOle were DetrOIt Sweetest Day CommIttee I "We must help our Children to really ready to admIt It." I ...... ill distrIbute more than 5,000 Dr and Mrs WIlham C Quin. I ------__ . _ rift boxes to resIdents of homes Ian of Flsher road announce the for orphans, mvahds and old birth of a son, DaVId Frank on folks. September 22 No jlam~s-no Jllm~s- no fll~/-no .ftN~S!You Ballet Russe De Monte Carlo avoid all these worries with an electric water Preserves Classic Tradition heater. Once it's in. Ballet Russe de Monte Cario, Iformance and the professional tled1cated to pr!!Servlng the tra-' stage From there It was taken I Stalled you can forget dinon of clas>lc ballet has !'uc- IOta Germany. the Scandlvana- eessfull~ followed thl!! policy mto vlan cou.ntneo; and Rus~la where it's In the house. thIS, Its 11th consecutIVe natIOnal It feU upon frUItful soli and de- I tour ...eloped and grew to tremendous Although the Ballet beheves proportIOns of popularity FOR MEN the baSIS for all theater ballet IS Ballet found It.~ ....a" from IeI4 • 1rMtd, the clas."lc tradition It IS b... no France mto England and the ho-. or lftnoelJa9 means narrow or ,nobbl~h In Its United State" too but It ~a.q not' ... attltude-Wltne"" It< productlOn< until thl' Ballet Ru«e ....a" NO OTHER TYPE OF of the ga.. 'Rodeo' and the brought here b... Dla/:hlleff that Every member of the lauuly can bawd ... Frankie and Johnnv" ....e rea IIv fell under It-

• IGNITION A ~. , F~ YOUNCSTERS • LUBRICATION --.811-. ~l tu \",u~tH,ut \\ It II • T U bl h. Ilr.U \1"11"."b .",1 H"" k Malena',

WI' carr v of Ii, ,al Bo\' Scnlll- P'l'rl Plpe,_ BilL BURLEY SFRnC't MAN Child Llr.. ~nd Pia\ p, ,~t" Shot'< for Bo~s ~nd GlrI~

s KRIEGER'S SMART SHOES 16411 E WARREN Groves Buick, Inc. TU. 2-0740 ... 15777 HARPER "~r~~~1tr TU 1.6161 \ junior .L~ague ({ ((\ For ... And About • • • Smart Moderns INTE P£RSONALITI ES Th. Gro... Pointe Rowlew-Thu,.da • 0 C ALe Huguenots PREPARE FOR .,)1""\ L AAU/17 Directors Meet £Ioyd ClJel~'tl Smith To Honor ThE; Boal d of 011 ellUII of the Grolle Pomte nrs. Amellcan AUoclatlOn of University Women wlll meet a of Mrs George TI ue, 132 MOrin road, at 10 30 a.m, 1st President Otlober 13 pho/ds Ofami/fJ 6lradition The twelfth annual meetmg of I I the Huguenot Society of MIChl- \ iJ,J By TONI EBNER .1 In th~ crop of celebl aled 1\ 01 k, Mri. Smith has rovered gan has been arranged by Mrs 111 f;)" \lonal tlilules leglsl.el'ed In 32 states thl ee veaJ s Lloyd DeWitt SmIth, of Grand I """ HAVE YOU ••• I. hoI Who In Amenca" "The South my lavollte,' Maraul blvd. flrbt vICe.presldent, • ever bE:en dIsappointed ,he tlalm<, '. with all ot to take place on Saturday. Oct. ... '"th ele .b one of Grosse Polnte'~ t I I professlOnat our plOofs because your ha\ I,Is ho~pllallty and lrue SII1- 15, at the Grosse Pomte War Me. 'II ost plolmnent matrons, MI~ or neckhne wasn't niht? If ovd DeWllt SmUh, leI Ily .. Whde Vl~1 LlI1g the mOllal, 32 Lake Shore road. The I erfe t. CalOhnas, MJ> SmIth w ..s gl a. date chosen IS the bihhday of the P iii >\1 a pall lot she ha~ JOined • C Ion We Have the Solution ••• I' t10usly en tel talned m the Gov. I ot ganl.l1ng pI pSldent, Mrs Georae nes Il,tll many clubs whIch A telt porirait' ~~;::~;~; :;~ -one minute With the new I~nd :' I I~ I lhe I beglllnings when this ernol. manSIOn W Moran of Marshall. now ~Jon- MIs. Smith attended AlbIOn orary President for LIfe to whom I camera You will lee Just how you v.lll look on the finlsned unl!v "as In Itb Infancy The pOItrait :OIY of her own famIly College and In earlIer days de. appropflate greetmgs WIll be ex. etcbe~ Udlk [or many gen- \ alert mUCh of hel lune to tended allons 10 ,uch notable. as ,nu>lc. At lhe plano she took A board meetmg at 11 am: dJlJJdJulif.d .6.11 jJJ1AJLia Ilism Bl,ldford. who came gleat delIght m playmg as an Will be followed by luncheon and, VA. 2.373% una DRCHEVAL tnl' rountrv on the MdY- alcompan!>t Today hel Jlngers an afternoon meetmg Mill. \\er and . later became the ,lIe busy ...urkmg on e"Qulslte ChaJles W Holden, chaplain, WIll lerl10r of Ma-,acbuselts needlepoml pieces ~any of conduct a memOllal service A Ovtllookmg a commandmg her mo~t select CO\'elS hal e program 1~ bemg arranged by ht on CapItal Hdl In Hart- been gl\ en '8wav and only a Hany N Deyo, sec.ond vice pre~l. rd, Connecticut, thel e IS a few ornament her home at 731 dent An electIOn of officers Willi blet \1 hl(h names ItS found- Gl and '\1alals take place Puolo by Carl JO} ner and on the roll are hI elve Recently wid 01\ e d :'vIIS ReservatIOns should reach Mrs Welcommg another load of artIcles for the annual her fOlebearers. 3ml h ha~ \lllh her, her Smith not later th,lIl Oct. 13. Rummage Sale sponsored by the Women's ASSOCiation of In keepmg WIth the h ad,- daughler and granddaughter, Grosse POInte Woods Presbytenan Church ,are, left to l\Irs Lloyd DeWitt Smith ns of her predece.,ol >, MIs. Gall. fight, Mrs. WIlliam Ferguson, Mrs. BaSil Cnst and Mrs. 'Ih has adlolUy been con- In the summer she ldkes British Groups I Kenneth SmIth, chairman. The Sale opens at 9 a.m In ted \lllh a number of hl~- mu~h of her hmE' to the found- 'peclal pI,de In her rose gar- the church at Mack and Torrey road, on Fnday and Sat- Ing of Glo~~e POinte Colon\' den and enJoys aho the prox- '1'0 Hear Visitor lcal 01 gamzat,ons. She IS on of New England WomE'n and 1111'tyof he, reSidence to the urday, October 7 and 8. e Board of TI ustees for the Irolt Historical SOCiety and IS thell pre,ldent lake "At the mSlration of Mr A R I AG E SALE been fOI the past 22 yeal s. Though hel helltage e'lll- "I Il)"e to live neal enough SinclaIr, Actmg Bntlsh Consul ANN UA L RUMM nently -PI mgs frOm colomal '0 I can dangle my feet m the Genel al. a GI and Rallv of all the pie-Ident of the Daughter. , 1812.,he IS editor of theIr settIng. Mrs SllHth some< flom \\ atel" she admits Wistfully. BIll1sh GI oup~ In Deb'OII I~ belDg , a famIly ....hlch IS plOmlnenl m At one tlme one of her gleal- planned for Fllday, Oct 7 at 8 BEN EFITS C H U RC H SC H 00 L " lanai magazme FlOm her . I Mlchlgna Hel great gl dnd- (,t Intel esls wa, centel ed pm. In St Andl ew's Hall, 431 E nalso stems many al tlcles of . '. OIfilance and most exples- mothel \1a~ Mary Howell al (Jund boating on the lake Congre~~. Glo

There wlI! be no charge fO! WOIkll1g \\Jth Mrs Kenneth I Metzler. Mrs L. W Westen Ille, admiSSion I SmIth. chairman. are Mrs. WII- I Mr- K E Stnght and Mrs. Ger- Guaranteed Irs. Savage 44 Expecte d ~+DAR Lunc heon ----- Illam Gamble ca-chalrman, M,s laid Schroeder. \ ~ • I BaSIl CIISt. Mrs H C Goodnch, Permanent Waves The Service Commllt,ee of Fort Spurner, secretary and treas,Her, Opera FestIval :\iJs R :-'!nntgomery Lowell, Mrs 'N P t I I! " l I f BY STAFF ., Pontchal tl am Chapter, Daughters respectively. I E C Vance. Mrs. LOIen Wild, on- ro I o Chicago of the Amerl~an RevolutIOn Willi Members from Grosse POinte The Seventh Annual Fe~tJval \il s 0 G Hanna. Mrs C W. DId you know that all CARE I JI • I \ meet at the home of MI. Paul of the PhIladelphIa La Scala I Schank. \1rs A H Bennetl, d ~ For Appointment 19583 , I. J Meiser of Renfre'" Ioad on FII"I expected Include Mrs Ernest C I Opera Company sponsored by the :md MI' Fredeflck Leonard. food packages overseas are e. Mack Ave. , j onjerence day. Oct 7. About 40 are ex- Halrls, Mrs Albert E Cooney, DetrOit Grand Opera Association, Among tho-e expected to assist hvered to hungry people \'dth- I Call pected to attend the blldge lunch- Mrs H Sanborn Brown and Mrs Will be held Masomc AudItorIum, I beh md lhe counters. are Mrs' out the payment of duty or spe. ~ TU 1 7a58 Grosse Pointe Woodl eon meeting I Carl D. MacPhel son. through 9. I WlIliam Ferguson, Mrs. La\hrop I clal fees. CARE s non-proht op- I _ \ Across from I'! Edward J. Savage, of The hostess \\111 be a•• lsted b) I ------_ I ~iorse, Mrs. C. C. Anderson. MIS I eratlOn makes thiS pOSSIble. • Colomal Farms J..,hlreroad.OtgaDlzmgsecre. !\iI' l\1elle J ChurchIll. Mrs RUMMAGE SALE Most Antalhc explorers haVel\lax SahlbUly, Mrs. Lo\\ell!Order a CARE package today general of the Notional So- Adolph P. Bleckl M,- J han been English. \iontgomery NIl's Gordon Cam- from CARE, DetrOit 1 I N En j d W I Dl5e, MIs Halold C Belf and I --______y of ew g lI.n omen,1 Mrs Gilibel t K PullIam 1 St Ambrose Altar Society WIll 1 attend the National Board I The new chall man. M" Hall \ sponsor a rummage sale at the ng of the 'society Wednes- E Bal nal d of Melli ...eat her I Dad new rectory bUIldmg, 1013 Mary. and Thursday, Oct. 12 and 13, IWIU preSide durmg the busme,s land. on Thursday and Friday, hIcago, over Wh ICh th e P resl- I sessIOn. aSSIsted by Mrs Ra)o Oct 13 and 14 from 10 a m on t General. MISS JulIa C. FiSh, Sackett and :-OilS. WillIam B both days. , leveland, WIll preside. I , . vents mclude a reception and er Wednesday at the IIhnOis lehc Club a boa Id meeting on I rsda) mornJng at Hotel Stev- ... and a luncheon that noon, PLAY SWING at the IllinOIS Athletic Club ea Thul"day afternoon at the j e Shore Dn ...e home of MI s I BOOGIE AND ~~~G~vtttj~ nkhn M MIller Will honor the lanaI OffIcers. I POPULAR PIANO PERMA.LIFT GIRDLES AND BUS hlcago. Evanston and Rock- I d Colomes are actJng as co- te<.es for the SOCIal actiVIties IN 20 LESSONS! ndll1gthe board meetJng [ "hat a "Perma hfT". GIrdle with "Xo Bones About S( [ It" and a "Perma.lift" Bra with. "The Lift that DELPHINE'S ThInk of It' Our perfe('ted modern method of Popular ne\'tr lets )OU down" can do for your figure beauty. The Plano Pla~ In/( Will enabl!" you to "fill In'' the latest pIeces seeret is in the e"e1uSlve magic inset that gives \\ lth chords, breaks. vallat Ions and sparklfJIg em belhshments. each" Perma lift" Bra its gentle, firm, KNIT SHOP lasting aupporl- 19467 MACK AVE. WE CUARANTEE RESULTS THE LIFT THAT NEVER lETS YOU DOWN each "Perma lift" Blk! Xo. of Woods Theatle The ment~ Your' Perma hrt" n 'Ion .. Tues .• Wed. t to 6 "Perm. 1,1t"Girdle In cs c~lra Thurs. Fn., Sat. 'til 9 p.m. ~nl1f '4"Z 'fl..-hlJ:an Thf' ...~rf' Rmldlnr Phoae WOOdward J..eotI Brantlll SInd I... IGq;ll Park .. d. (C," "~ ...trb,,l~ Rd) V"'. 1-~14 ~nlroJ acro

Glrdl~ illustrated $7.50 tn£ Bra $2.50

Home8Sanitation SYSTEM IS "MAID" FOR YOU! The liXht Kirln dean. int tool, make hOIl"e- 9 COMPLETE UNITS IN 1 Vlorll e"ortlelO~ Dud I" (lean placelO are ------eauh BCch'lble "lth New! "Hindi-Butler" the "ex.hle Kirb" un. (,1 filT t.~ ,drHi l ,lfldi!t ~dll~ IllatIOn !') 'Item. f I 1t t~ rl In l,t t t: }.t I d l~ InOloer II culminated the weddm, of Jean- wele the toast Sltln of maId of Joan Mulfol'd, daughter oC Mr 'luslOn The lace II an heIrloom ette Dumontler, dau,hter ot the 1I0no.' LOUIse Dumontler and the mers She gl aduated f Unf )U~, and Mrs, John W. Mulford of worn by her maternal ,reat E. S, Dumonllels of Bradford aqua and old rose 5atln of brldea- troIt Consel valol \ o/~~In the Ilt. Provencal Road, became the bride grandmother. de Cutera of New Road, and Paul Hooper, son of maIds Marlaret Schrewe and June, ' USIC It.~ of Michael J Murphy, II, son of Orleans, She carrIed ,ardenlaa the P. E. Hooperl of MarselUls MaJion Fleld'a ,ownS Mr and Mrs Charles R Murphy and stephanotIS. , Road, In St. Paul's Church last Ted Hogan was best man With LORRAINE GRAETZ of Ba1tour Road, Saturday after- Mary Alldrea Mulford selved illc Satulday. Richard Schlevenan and Bert I noon at Christ Church as her sIster'. maid.oC-honor'l Accentuatln, the tradItional Walker u.hel'm, I ,The brIdal gown was of an-j Susan Mulford, another sister. For her triP that followed a ti~ue IVory satm, fashioned WIth I was Junior bncU!amald, followed k receptIon in the Roose Vanker ClWta WIde lapels and deep curts on the by Marlon Wilbul 'BUlin Tower , HOnlenla ers Hall, the bride chanpd to a wine long fItted sleeves. the full skIrt Sally F~ Martha Johnson and I ,abardlne SUIt With iTay aece.- fallmg mto a long tram Hel Cull Nancy PIerson They wore ,owns I , " r" {l 'r: sones OJ~ length veil was created of pOInt of Forest Green lace over tafteta van JJ a,,'e .1 tnle STUDiOS d'apphque lace combIned WIth and camed bouquets of yellow Phone Ro) al Oak 8050\1 11. St, Jlathew If/ameli 1042C Talbot tarnatlons and whIte chrysanthe. Doin ()"las ks LESSONS "'lJP~tits0Jl mums. The maid-ot-honor car. 6 Shomor LUI/cheon GIFTS and FIRING News Expert fled plnk carnatIons. Latest advlSe to homemakeu r The bride's mother wore a I who are mterested 10 applym, St Matthew Women's Club will Spe{lQI Sale-- A.t Totvn Hall toast color gown oC lace and Mrs, I the streamlIned techniques of in. sponsol sponsor a luncheon Sat. I Murphy wore navy blue sIlk,' dustry to theIr chores IS to take urday, Oct 15 at parIsh hall, Har- Complete 0111'"101 Set SCf\ Chfton M Utley, NBC radIO I tmnmed wltll navy blue lace, advantage oC the warmmg up per at Bucklnllham, 1 Ice Cor 8, Loul'e patl I I eln In Dews analyst Will gIve the latest Charles B Murphy served 'Is perIod. Re.el vatlOns can be made by soft tone~ ()f IIIU,S green, news from Europe when he ap• best man. and the ushers were In Industry saving lime meclns calling TV. 2-13495 lose and IIla\- pears at DetrOIt Town Hall,1 RIchard Halcott, Robert Stewart, savmg money and studIes show I The Club plans to lesume its Wednesday mornmg, at eleven Theodore Granger Edward AIds. PholOl)'yMollelt . Photo by l'owell that m domg one speCifIC Job square dance sessIOns on FrIday, Rer. 5500 Sel ~300 Reduced to o'clock, October 12 He Will speak Iworth of ChIcago, 'John Cosglove MRS. MICHAEL J. MURP.Y MRS. PAUL HOOPER there IS usually an Increase In I Oct. 14 at the hall. I at FlSher Theatre, \ lof Kokomo, IndIana, and Rlch- speed Crom the begmnmg oC the I ~ Utley spent the summer mjard Towar Master Mlchael Tal. Fihns Approved task to the tIme of greatest out. I D b L t S. 1949 Europe gathermg material for hIS co preceded the ushers. I '200 PI BETA PHI ALUMNAE put en y ec ure eries, .1950 broadcasts and lectures He' After a ten day trip to Ber.1 For Children Irma H. GlOSS, head of the de. DENBY HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM lpeaks over the NBC cham night. muda the young couple WIll Ie- EXPECTED AT BEN EFIT TEA partment of home management At 8 _. M., Iy. and In addItIon has two spon. SIde ;n Rochester, MIchIgan. The Grosse POinte Motion PIC. I and chIld development at MIch. ... r- lored radiO programs m ChIcago. ------ture Council recommends the Col. Some 200 alumnae of Pi Beta unity to sponsor the Arrow Craft Igan State College, applies thIS Ocl II-Dr I Ulher Gable. "ADVANCElIII!STSIS ~UF'(E' Once each fortmght, he broad. PI S '11 0 lowmg pictures Cor October: IPhI and theIr guests WIll meet I display. The committee Includes prinCIple to household tasks. For Noy. 3-~~:~II!~~.e, "WHAT 18 HAPPENING TO OlR ILO\OllIC casts the American comm.entary tl 'PelL ICHILDREN I Wednesday, October 12, ..for tea I Mrs. DWIght Hansel WIlson, pres- example, If you have Cour beds I Noy. U-~lfE't::'~D panel. "THE CURRENT INDUSTRIAl IIELUIQ\I over NBC teleVISIon station lal at the Grosse POinte MemOJiallldent of the Greater DetrOIt alum to make, It probably WIll save I Dec, 8-Dr. lobn Sullh all, "VNDER8T4.SDlNG P \1It 'T,' Chlca,o. 1 III Ne'lf [1-.11 Choir ~'Tb~"C:~een,promlse;" "Mr ..SD~,~War Cepter nae clubs; Mrs Paul J. Keller, Jr: you tIme If you make them 10 I IUl. It-.lohn '\IetuUe, "SPOTLIGHT OS WASHI:'ooGTO\ I nhls lecture, "Hot News :oueh, .You re My EVeJ'yth~(,,, The tea featul es a dIsplay' of preSIdent of the Grosse Pomte succession rather than stopplOg to I ~::. 2C~~~1K~~~~r~:;:~~, ~~=~f~~o:l~~<;('~:L\\ ~)~\ LJBlRG" from Europe," Utley WIll explaIn I Though nearly 200 smgers turn- ::~~e ~lt~C tb;t Lo~~~e Plne;d handmade An ow Craft gOOds'j group; Mrs, Walter G. Sernard, dust In between bed making, Marrh t~~!lton HUcbtl, "NEGRO CONTRIBL'TIO:'ooSTOI:,,~~~C~ why he dIes not think that the eel out fOY'the opemng meetmg Ie . .s:a on ?~~: fg5 an I produced in the PI Beta PhI Mrs, D. Meeker, MISS Jennie In. homemllkmg, there ale I ~Iarrll 21-Roward Blnms, ''IT'S lIIAGIC" Marshall Plan IS all-suffIcIent as oT'the .iliW- choir sponsored 10 I:ar~In.. COD~t, "B~~Y' Le:~Settlement school in the heart Of I' Jacques, Mrs. Harold O. Love, many dIfferent Jobs dunng the Sea.on Tickets (9 Notable Evenings) • preventatIve of future walS. "I D~troit by the. Umver~ity of I D~I" ay; an on e s I( the. great Smoky mountaIns. The Mrs. C. Patterson. Mrs. E. P.I day-wasrung dIShes, makmg I $3.00 Includin- Tax Single AdmiSSion do not thl'1k," he says, "that thIS MIchigan ExtenSIOn Service, en- . I dISplay Includes quamt coverlets Ropertson, Mrs. A. B. Stearns and beds cookmg, dushng and others. • SOc Including Tox country can mamtam effectIve I' lollments 31 I' st~ll open: ~en are EOR TEEN.AGERS and afghans deSigned by the hill Mrs. J L, AsselIn. I If homemakers realIzed that I I ;; military outposts everyw'!ere. If particularly Invited to Jom, Reg-I "Lost Boundaries;" "Sand;" and I people. chIldren's wooden chairs, Pourmg at the tea WIll be MIS every tIme they changed from :::::::! it trIes, It WIll not be strong jlstratl?n IS $5.00,. I "Johnny Stool Pireon." i hand-loomed luncheon sets, and Wilson, Mrs. B. Raymond HOOb-/ onp. job t~ another they VIent , 'verywhere , .. our enemies WIlli ChOIr meets at 7 30 pm on, Ieven mother-and.daughter sklr~.ller, and Mrs. A. P. Teetzel. Jr. through thIS "warming up peri- I know that and cash 10 on It." T~esdays at the Rackham Mem-: P bli. S. Ml S K M, McColl IS In charge I Others assIsting at the long od," they would stay at one Job Advance reservations for the: orlal. located at Farn~worthand I It clty eSSlOn I of the tea and the Settlement Idouble table tea table durlJl' the I longer. I UUty lecture are avaJlable at I WoThodwarld f h . h "r Y Publ t Sh ." school chall man IS Mrs. Fredenck I afternoon will be Mrs. Delos P. ThIS same Idea applIes to clean- GrlJll1ell's, WOo 2-1124. I I' ca lber 0 t I' grouP.ls SUI' sour ICIy owmg. i L, FIsher. I Heath, Mrs Burton Warner, Mrs. ing a ,roup of rooms, If all duts_1 ------t~at Prof Maynard Klein, the Program and pubhclty cha.lr-I ThIS IS the first vear the Grosse I Bernard and Mrs. Keller. In' IS done 10 the group of rooms ,dl~ector, plans to do really out- men and volunteer publIcIty P t h"h d t I ,; h. at one time then the vacuum PhYSI"CI.st Beg•.ns standing choral works. some of workers will get a double-barrel. I om e group as a an oppor - lVlrs Keller has as er assIStants led' 11 I . I I I for the afternoon Mrs Onson S c eaneI'" us In a • there IS ess Which WIll be persented at the I'd answer at the third annual ! Wh' T ' I' E R' loss of speed than usmg a warm- Denbv uctures Chnstmas concert scheduled forjPubllcltycOnIerence sponsored bY1Women's AllIance B .~te, M~.Meet:;.. Mrs •.. mgupperlodlneachroom. ~. ' 01 December 20 Theta SIgma PhI, nallonal Pl'O- ,ngI' an rs. arner.. , Deml)nstratlOn III black light on The proJect is planned for fesslonal women's Journallshc THe b I To help guests make their sel------the topic of atomIC energy and adults who IJke to sing and who fraterruty, Mohday, October 10,1 0 ea r ros y echon of Arrow C,aft goods Mrs .-----.- televisIon by Dr, Luther Gable, are llerhaps missmg the pleasure I 8 pm, Lecture Hall, DetrOit In- Ot C b f th D t 't I FIsher and Mrs. John Ward MedIcal SOCIety »oted uranIUm and radium physl- they enjoyed as a member ot a stltute oC Arts. IS ros y 0 e e rOI I Strong will act as sales girls. They •• cist opens the tradItional Denby I h h hIll h f I Board of Education WIll address WIll be asSIsted by Mrs. W. B. Seeks DIabetICS ' I' 51' 00 or co ege c olr or 0 I the Women's Alliance of Grosse Cl M N tt C h lecture senes on Tuesday, Octo- a church chOIr In theIr home ANNOUNCE BIRTH j arq, ISS ane e arna an, ber 11 t Pomte Umtanan Church Tues- Mrs. HalOld Flemmg, Mrs. DeWItt The MIchIgan DIabetes Associ. Wld~IY known for his SCIentific own. Mr. and Mrs Leon E, Ricelh j day\ Oct 11, at 1 30 P m. a~, the Suplee, Mrs, Edward F. Brewster, allon, an afflhate oCthe Amellcan experIments, Dr. Gable IS the In- announce the bIrth of a sIX-pound f church. HIS SUbJe<;~WIll be You I Mrs. Don Klpka. and MISS EJleen Diabetes ASSOCIation. and Wayne ventor of a new type of radlO- A R CO Leauue PlaJis daughter bom at 540 pm. Sun-I and Your School. i Klckey. County MedIcal SocIety are active counter, which IS so simple: 6 day at East SIde General Hos- He WIll be mtroduced by Mrs I ------sponsonng a DIabetes Detection in operatIon that hIS h,teners' S ond C'er .0 1 pIta). The young lady has been IDonald Corey, program chaIrman., Ch ' F . Week startIng October 10-16, ThIs eould make one of theIr OWDand I ec IJ, .JJ J named Mlchela Ann Mr RlCelhl Mrs. Mernll Bates WI]] be 101 rzsNl/as atr IS a nation-wIde program carried try for the Atoffilc Energy Com-I The AReO League WIll hold o~rates the WIlson DaIry Store I charge of the tea table followlni I A. out by phYSICIans themselves. m~sslOn's award oC $10,000 for) theu; second meeting of th6 $!a- at Mack and Washmgton. Ithe lecture. Dra'l~'S tlel1 tZOl1 MedIcal men report that today fil1 '>tonte - l r '- "'tt " moments WllIl Loafer Sox Downy. • lon~ hl,toncal e~olutlOn From Carlo I' a dLIf"<'t de~cl'ndant of soft knttted 100' c wool snugs the GIVES YOU ALL THESE fEATUIES! the ~oc'al spectacle.' of I'll' IUlI- t thl~ (II "'In aI compan~. and It, feel from ankle 10 toe and cbamois- Ian Court It found great favor dll ector S('r~(,1 Denham ha' de. ~'..RIll WIIitM' • Added yea,. of lit. like padded qlove-leather 801es in the French Court So manv '-oted hlm'f>1f to kE'('plnl! IIhv(' the e Smooth, silent operation cushion the step Hand embrOIder. people appeared In the French art and tradItIOn of th" hrntilge I • Storage tanle ends waittn, SJ)e('tade!' that thr Kmg opened The Ball!'t Ru''C de MontI' ed Here is the meet eomfortQbl. Th. 15 Yean Buick Experience of CROVES e Special low electric rate an Academv to tram them 10 the Carlo \\ 111 appear at Ma'onrr I ~hp-on In footwear proper movrment ;on'; dE-port- Temple Auoltt5rJUm on October I FOR WOMfN BUICK, Inc•. ~ Your Assurance that the • Iteqvires no deanin, Jrlent From thC' A


till VlAl': h""t \\ II II 'I LI",,, tiff" \1..lh",h " ...I BI'lel. Mllienall

We (arrv ofti, 1~1 Bov YOlJt- P "Ii BILL BURLEY P'~l- Sf:R\,I('t: MAN Child L,r" ~nd PI~\ P"l~"Shoe, for Bo:--s ;;nd Glrl~ KRIEGER'S SMART SHOES 16417 (. WARREN Ciroves Buick, Inc. TU. 2.0740 15777 HARPER R .. ::ht.. ... or, ... tRI A:'ool'"T TII a r" TU 1.6' 6' !fanior ({ ({ U W For ... And About ... Smart Moderns , • .I. INTE PERSONALITIES Th. Cro.... Pointe Review-Thursday, Octob., 6, 1949-5 Huguenots PREPARE FOR SALE II AAU/17 Directors Meet II rs. £Ioyd We Wilt 8mith To Honor The Boald of Dlleltol. of the Grosse POinte Btanch oC die t, Amellu;n Allociallon of University Women will meet at the hOJDll of Mrs George True, 132 Moran rOld, at 10 30 a.m,. Tl:lur~d~,. I 1st President I Ottober 13 ,, II plwlds f1'ami/y 6lradition The twelfth annual meetmg of I ~M " Bv TONI EBNER the Huguenot SocIety of MIChl- h Wf I" n the crop of celeol aled \lolk, Mrl. SlnJth has covered gin has been arranged by Mrs (I I Lloyd DeWitt Smith, of Grand lJonal flllUies leglsl.eled 1Il 32 states In lhl ee veal' .."" HAVE YOU 0 0 • ~, nO' Who In America" "1he South b n;y lavollte," MaraiS blVd, first vice-president, I • e\el been dlsappomted With re " one of Grosse Pointe's ~he dalm., '.. With Ill! at to take place on Saturday, Oct, I I I , profeSSIOnal \ our ptoots becaule your hall f Ii tl 'I I t plOl1l1nent matrons, Mr- !J~ h'hPltllllty and 11ue sm- 15, at the Gros~e Pomte War Me- "'i. lei Ity' WhJle \%llIng the mOllal, 32 Lake Shore road The perfect. or neckline wasn't fight? l yd DeWitt Smith s a pa IIlOt she ha. Jomed CalOhna;" MI~. SmIth was gl a- date chosen IS the bihhday of the • HGY. the Solutio..... "~ ,ill~ uously entel tamed m the Gov. .. _~_:::'::'._:!~~w. te' II lth many clubs whtch orgalllzmg preSident, Mrs. George ,- A test portrllt IS mlde In one mmute With the new llnd ... 1"ll ernol , manSIOn W Moran of Marshall, now Hon. I "- . ':1 I lile begulOtngs when this camerd You Will lee Just how you WIll look on the finished Yi , II, II ltl 1'.11S Smith attended AlbIOn olary PreSident for Life, to whom I r ! nIl' as Ib mfanlY The pOI tnut lUl) of her own family College and III eatller days de. appropllate greetmgs Will be ex- tche- uellk for many ien- loted mLlch of hel time to tended. 1 ~ I tlons to ~uch notable. as mU,>lc At the plano she took A board meetmg at 11 ami jJJJJdJuJif.d .6.11 PaUUa , 11am BI eldford who came 1(1eat delight III playmg as an VA. 2-373% 141:t3 KERCHEVAL Inl' tounlry on the May- atCOmpdnl,>t Today hel ftnger~ :~ll b:ft(~]~~:~ b~:~~~eon ~~ I I a I e bu.v \\ orklng on eAqUlslte 11 er ana - later became the Challes W Holden, chaplain, Will l needlepOInt piece<; Many of \ernor of Ma,~acbuse\ts conduct a memm lal service. A 1 her mo~t select co\elS ha\ e I'edookmg a commanding program lS bemg arrangecI by been gl,en -away and onlv a I ~ i~H ht on CapItal HIll III Hart- Harry N. Deyo, second vice presl- I few ornament hel home at '731 Connechcut, there IS a . 1~t t GJ and '\tal als dent An election of offIcers Will I~t 1\ hIt h names lIs found- take place. Photo by Carl Joyner Recently wid 0 \\ ed, MI s. I , and on the loll are h\ elve ReservatIOns should reach Mrs Welcommg another load of articles for the annual I) If her fOlebealers. 31111th ha' wah hel, her Rummage Sale sponsOled bv the Women's AssociatiOn of II daughter and gl and daughter, I Snuth not later theln Oct. 13. " n keepll1g with the tl adl- , '. I Mrs. Lloyd DeWitt Smith (,all, Grosse POinte Woods Presbyterian Church ,are, left to ire, 5 of her predece,~ol~, MIS, ! In the summer ~he takes light, Mrs. WIlliam Ferguson, Mrs. BaSil Crist and Mrs. lth hdS adrOitly been can- British Groups It much of her tllne to the found- 'peclal Pi Ide m her lose gar- Kenneth SmIth, chaIrman. The Sale opens at 9 a.m In , ted II Ith a number of hls- <[ mg of GI o~'e Pomte Colon v den and enJoys al,o the prox- the church at Mack and Torrey road, on Friday and Sat- . Ical 01 ganlzatlons. She IS on '1'0 Rea r Visitor 'l of New England Women and 11111 ty of hel I e"dence to the Board oC Tl ustees tor the urday. October 7 and 8. I~ their pre~ldent Idke ! I trait Historical Society and Though hel helltage emi- "I lIke to 11\ e neal enough been for the past 22 years. : SI~~~I;~e l~~:~~tio~1~~~~r c~ns~l' ANN UAL RUMMAG E SALE ~ nently ,pllllgS h om colonIal '0 I can dangle my feet In the pre,ldent of the Daughters Genel al a GI and Rally of all the II,

g of the socIety Wednes- E Blll nard of Melliweathel load I ne'" lectOlY bUlldmg. 1013 Mary-I and Thursday, Oct 12 and 13, I WII! preSIde dUring the bu~me<~ I land, on Thursday and Friday, hlcago, over which the Prest-I sesSIOn, aSSisted by Mrs Ray II Oct 13 and 14 from 10 a m. on I I t .General, MISS Julia C. FIsh, Sackett and MIS. Wilham Booth days. I,

leveland, Will preSIde. I ents mclude a reception and er Wednesday at the Illmms ehc Club; a boal d meetmg on rsday morrung at Hotel 5tev- I and a luncheon that noon, PLAY SWING at the IllinOIS AthletIC Club. I. a Thul sday afternoon at the BOOGIE AND e Shore Drive home of Mrs I } ~~~G~1f~ khn M MIller Will honor the onal Officers I POPULAR PIANO PERMA.LIFT GIRDLES AND BRAS Icago, Evanston and Rock- I Colollle~ are actmg as co-' esses for the SOCIal activIties IN 20 LESSONS! dmg the board meetmg. (( IIhat a . Perma ltft". Girdle with ";\0 Bones About S It" and a "Perma.hft" Bra with "The Lift that DELPHINE'S Think of It' Our perfected modern method of Popular ne'er lets }OU down" can do for your figure beauty. The Plano Plavm~ WIll enable you to "fill m' the latest pieces secret u in the e"ciuSlve magic Inset that gWeI "Ith chords, breaks, val latIOns and sparklftlg embelhshments. each "Perma lift" Bra iu gentle, firm, NIT SHOP lasring IUpport- 19467 MACK AVE. WE GUARANTEE RESULTS THE LIFT THAT NEVER lETS YOU DOWN ea.ch "Perma 11ft" Blks No of Woods Theatte The ~u('ce~~ of ove, a half mJlhon other Chllstensen Pupils GIrdle its bone-free, BOTANY i. the grealt,,,t ploof of \I, hat we lan do fOi You, \\ hether you non-roll, .tay-up comfort. • FLEISCHER'S al e a Begmner or Advaneed pupil Phone or call NOl\, for FREE DEMONSTRATION - No Obligation. Over cae bundted Perml lift" Gtrdle and Bra • MINERVA fifh" ~chools In Amertca (A Nallonal InstitutIOn), established ... ithout • worry-wur -~YARNS 45 ~ ears ~J .. "'II.," 11111 them every- FREE ~ ...here-the aPERT INSTRUCTION NO BONES ABOUT 1L:.~ n 'Ion., Tues., Wed, t to 6 menls Your' Perma hft" C;uiU ~2 '\ttrl'll.-:an Tht.arrt 8mldlne Phoae WOod".rd 3-tO'H "Perm. lift' Girdle i'HS e'tra Thors . Fri., Sat. 'til t p.m. Girdle and Bra Bnnrll Stndl'" ."'ft Porl<.ld. « '" "r-.tchol. Rd) u-.. 1.»14 contro) aero'S hIps and tummy flne .. lUl TU.1-1074 non-stretch front and back gwe ) au the) outMul pan~ls make It ,

Glrdl~ illustrated $1.50 the Bra $2.50

Home8Sanitation SYSTEM .... U !l Pat OIl IS "MAID" FOR YOU! The light Kirh, dean- ing tool .. make hOll.e- 9 COMPLETE UNITS IN 1 "ork e"nrtle~~. liard , tv dean plares are eaulv arces\lble \\ IIh New! .. H.nJi-Butlcr" the flexIble KlTb, ,an. (.'1ll,11'l ... n,t 11Il'f1ll1l "hit Itation ~)""tem. fOI It t' rlll11 I t tilt' In ll"llt' op"",. tun \1\ r K \ \ r at flfftwlHMl GIFTS Shown Only By Personol Kirby Representatives Thun, Fri. I "v~ly Accessone<; • L \ 'i l222 T .<\,1\ fOI an Jo~('lllllC: f ('~ H"mE' pI ('-entatIOn Phonf' Tt ;.'It!l3 '- Sat. F,VelI. Fnr thl! Home , THE KIRBY COMPANY DRESS SHOP LROS". POI:'IoTF. WOODS q (,R\1!flT . L\ 'i 4410 15641 HARPER AVE Between Somerset .Ild Bolfour BJu". AooH 7 Mill Ro.Id ~~rolle Pointe. Revirw-Thursday. October ,. 1949' 'Monroe Eleven Invades Harrison 5 Belanger Leads St. Paul 11, College U t R ta Y To ;J2.0 Win Over St. Charles Clique IGrosse Pointe Gridiron pse i.e l~ B ED QUIRK , I By JOHN DRAKE Inm~ed <;COlln~by 8 thin yard uague a er St Paul'sYeleven broke mto the doodleSt Paul'sIn theirbrokelastoutscoringa dlpsy-at- GlOsse POinte High gndders But he didn't let the mal gin I De~plte a 597 ~el1e, by Alkt v. JnDlng column WIth a smashmg tempt A leverl>e, coupled With a AdD U t Will meet theIr sec0nd bUlle~IVelstop-next play he plunged Runltle Hou~ton's Wlnnlllg strea 32.1 Victor' over St Charleb last lateral to Hartledge~flnally ended G tte~l m~h emson mv~rslt y, IBorder CItIes Ledgue opponent thlouRh lentel, and the game was In the GIO~be Pomte Roto.lry Club I ltha g ranvi e, 10, are severa s u- on home ground~ Satul day when hed up BlOgall'S kIck was y.lde. Bowling League was unexpected- S,f cld.nday Theat GrosseFlyers POInteshoy. ed Highthe TWhe toucIhondownpasswasto aMarchalndcomp ete dlentsc ass hornare thMISananarea InBtlheksenlOrac more, theY. face a tWlCe-bedten Mon_hed Thed bpectatolsh h weref L f agallt ly ~t(1pped' FllddY 1night by Half!- _ r"<)mlSeof a great team With good surprise to St. Charles a1>thev daughter of Mr and MI's. Jess roe eleven The. gdme IS sc - tledte to t e slg to ee S run. son Carpets, J to aefensl\ e work and a strong run. had lost track of the ball WIth 1 BlackmOi e, 1329 Bel kshlre and uled to begIn .It 2 30 P m nmg as he and hIS teammates Houston IS In first pldLe II hiIe _ Ta'ia zuhg attack th t t b 11 h dl R Ob t B d f M d Last Saturdav the Blue DeVIls worl-ed the ball to the Grosse I Hanlson Ib Just a few pomts out !: I • th B I IS m rica e a an ma M e~ I flBged son13~ M r an lost their flrst ledgue test to Pomte 8 Just before the end of of last place ar y m e game e anger The St. Paul lme was excep- rs. ar e rI ge, oran Royal Oa..k, 12 to 6, before a the fust quarter Moto! Clt~ TlIP~ dnd Glosse By JOYCE CLi.Mt.N'1~ broke away on a 30'yard tOUch-I tlonally good WIth Bob Modaff Representing the freshmdn large Grosse POinte attendance. The first mmute of the becond Pomte Renew share second dewn run and mmutes later lookmg fme at tackle Hartledge, class are Clarence 0 Dell, son of It marked the local squad's first qual tel saw Leet dash first to the I IdLe It was a busy weekend for Grosse Pomte, t( "n ager' "'"b" lb""b wlbMond,y .. gbl • g.lb."n. oft.nlh g"d.n, !"m.lly of P,,,,, '"d ' ~ foe ''. yo'd, ~d • ~o". onlly .ood '" the b"kf",d. M"", ,9< L,""'ln, ."hacd Ln'd, wn of Th. A,",,,, p"poll'" by lb'" lh"ogb B"oed John.. n ,,,,h .. 1 Cl ~ 0;; ;:., 'fb' 8",be, b~l go' .~qUmnl" .. P.ggy Mo"Jand', ho"", Pe",. d &" times IS try for the extra of the Flyer substItutes saw ac- 1 Mr and Mrs Challes B Lord, 269 fdSt and 1I1USIVeback Roy Leet, the Acorn hne to block Tender-I Cd e Ph 3 to 1 ts mcluded Joan Smlthe' dte II,S ' point missed the crossbars lion during the g<''lle I McMIllan' Wilham Isbey, son of scored eady In the first quarter son's kIck for the eXk'a pomt ,KOPPb almacy . Saber. Other gues rs n Boh A,nderson St. Charles made theIr only I Dr and Mrs Edward K Isbey Thev recovered a Grosse Pomt~ The rebt of the second quarter Captdln John Jeakle led Punch ILl'ndglen 'n Mlck Rosen, Susan Senff 'n Dan Webh P squad at the NeIgh. j 856 Westchester and Jean Stevel, fumble soon after the kick-off I wa~ played deep In Grosse POinte an u yon I b with a 573 TWIll Clark, Ann Maycock n Mike Shain, Marv E(J'~1'n Ben half when they recovered a Flyer I borhod Club at 2 30 p m daughter of Mr and Mrs. Carll and WOIked the bdll steadily up, tl'rrltory At one moment the I wm 0\ e~ ~uto ICdUd 2?4 game hauf, Manlyn Norton 'n Blli Palm, and GletLhul Beek ,F1lII- fumble on the St Paul 28-yard " I Stevel, 1312 Balfour. Ito the POinte 19.yald lme IBlue DeVIls were trYing to work sellcs W IC Int U e a ~ B ett ' er n ,.ur,1.pe They moved to a first SophomOl es In the glOUp al e From the ]9 Leet broke aLOund the ball away from theIr own I Earl Holzbaught's five cdught al r . down on the 16 and then their Announce Date I John F Boydell, III, 226 Ken-I nght end and ovel the hme-hne 5')drd lInc A few mm~tes later a Fdlms Mdlket on 0lle of their Satulday afternoon, the second home footbdJl g'Jl'P of the attack bogged down The St wood Wllham Rogers son of Mr. to seore, evadmg several POInte pass by GlOgan was batted down off nights dnd copped thlee. Ed dttrus news- REGISTERA TION I Mr. and Mrs C. 0 WatkinS, of The coach 1

t"le Clerk's office will be o~n from 8 00 0 "\" u"t I BUMPL'\G and PAINTING 800pm

I • • Electors are url;ed to check the status ~f t'1€',

rC'f'y;tratl()n (" f' r I)'y telephonrng the (It\ I. c lake Shore Motor Sales TLJ 55S00, 171 50 Maumee Avenue

1461:> E. JEFFERSON VAney 2.11~5 NORBERT P. NEF~ Between Phihp 8nrl M8nlstlque I. I ...,

r-. ~ l-I!'''' ('1 1 ~ ...~ ....n~ fI' fir "4i@' ~~ ,.,. I 1--- fIdlISSllllDStmulI,chlul Rtpall'll Palntl". and DIeDNtlll1 Window Shadel Grosse Pointe CClIIUnUIll1 ICllntll\uldl CW~~~I~tl~k~~IC Neot Clean DecoratIng - WINDOW SHADE REVIEW 11lr::itl~.,t'I~\e'lIlru. "'lfUII IWII~l'l and PaPQrhanRlng I'Inl Ct... WOtkOUUIIIl.ad MOTC~I:LE~~I:rd ~tl~.W:I''''1l1 U[tERT WALL CUANIIfO CLEANING Want-Ads VA. I 3014 CAW. DICk Repairing and RaplacJng CASH RATE VA 1 B164 entlnlmumc.b.r •• IOfIlIIlll1 ~&SON I'lckup and Delivery I"atrt~ Contl'llltor fdr ~~~~s r~~l1.:~~~~dl-;foi:J u~.... MUMFORD~ Cummtrtbl II.. OIIIIJI ~ CHARGE RATE uaRflu .. rLllUnll ."'lIcllt. ABLE SERVICE BOOS lIoult Wtrtnl FLOOR COVERING ALL MAKES rlllOrttetntnltUnI, 16127 East Warren VA 2.5727 NI0446 g~fL~~TU. 5.3044 MOTORS HARRY A ZABLOCKI by, Window WI,hln, UPHOLSTERING ELu-mIi1~i:lfllol~TnACTOn Classllled" GAS BURNERS SOLD CEMENT WORK CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY WIRED Ind INSTALLED WIll(a. Orlnl Ratw.lI ... I~ John W. Reesor OISPLAY RATES No .rDb T60 Imall No Job T"" Bla_~ Tgg SmaU We Build Fine Fumlture ANTIQUE REPAIRING - Upon Request LAkeVIew 6 4864 E L MARSACK PAINTING TU I 6461 ar:: \!t-:aP~:.(h CONTRACTOR Fine Cabinet Wor-.. Drlll.ttl Ollittl Naw ualUllIort WI FumlllU'lI Itaflnbhln' A 2-4558 INTJ:.lUOU PAINTING HellalriJl, PET SHOPS , and DECORA'1'lNG St".rtU::~=~wd:;tth tIMI The Qua"I, Workmanahlp WE BOARD BIRD8 FARRAR-SOLOSY Rc!rerenetl GrossePointe Review lUll l't~ Wull 18G18 E WARREN ... 1512t Kercheval 1I0H8£ MEAT LA 7.2730 .'lIIoWa ..... Drtlukl!\lDlnlllllndMlrllond FlelllLl.llllfdrrOIiIl 14811 ALMA TU.1.9110 ~uy Chirp It! 'tllllIH .. AL rIll' lIIullenG' rlntQullllr bird. Radio Repair 5.111':11 LAWNMOWIRS Kill)' Luter. Pet 8uppllt. IIUFF 8 lET 8110P IUDI MALK V" ~olIlb RADIO AND Llnan SarvJew TELEVISION ShRVICE ROBERT'S 163:10 Eo Warren TV 2-Ui50 VE D 01180 Open 10 11m Ullp.m Guaranteed Work Plek Up and DeUvef1

DRY CLEANERS POINTE CLEANERS & TAILOJ.l.S (WINDMILL POIN'IEI Men s and Ladle5' Suits Tailored to Order AlteraUons Rf!1.ln.Ing. <.learung and Pres5.U1g 14931 E. JEFFERSON. AT CITY LIMITS Fre4 M. SI:ha1aD Elt.1925 Open Evu. Till '1 DO VA-Mota

OFFiCE SUPPLIIS Eas~ Office Supply;:g toz!!. LAKEVIEW :at .JEFFEaso!f (An'lUl4l:anltrtnnlalran) WE DELIVER VA 2 5524 RaUB' '" I Dally-' to ~ lIQ .atDlQ7 COMPLETE OFFICE &m'l'LlEB AND EQUIl'MEMT


Repam:d. Replnl!ed and Cleaned- Metal Decb-Porcls. Flat RDOfing WE 1lE-1l00F OLD DOUSES Pioneer Roofing and Sheet Metal 4108 EASTLAWN VAlloy 2 1548.


moNEB - VActJtml CLEANER AND WASHER SERVICE Niagara 0995 call Mornlnp 01' Evnlllp _ AL JARCHOW .. ,J.::'21':I= V&1:tllAH Rl!paln

For S/Jl1ce Reservation on T1Iii:. ::: J'alliable Directory Call J'..4.. 2455~

" \l(S~ ~~AR~~CY




CUNNINGHAM DRUG I 8.1 at NOlle D~n. NOTREDAME PHARMACY II. 'ul a~%'IOUIIDim. LLER ORUGS h nlllil W.lllun AR '" PHARMACY • Nn I • ~

II .t_l.~ A~n~~.G5 I tIlt 1I0Mt' DFLIVERY ,n {1rC'llhllhlll nl'JlI 'i\"llin Iii \ '\1tlNTII 11\ rl\UlUlll no. ItIlDlIIlaartlJM.1I .... 1949 I-Th. C..... 'e1... R,,'.-Th ... da[. Oc...... S. 1 School. Activities St. P~~!R'L-!!is~;!~li~/IIS

• 'I. u r ..h 0 iref!tt.ry I Library Spotlight Th. ~hool ."If ood pol,oo" ".AU'. chool '''''Iees and Bible cla~s be'ln ~I' Alends Howe vel, wll e Monday, c 0 el , • • • T~e~~. o them~elves 1II0 d b f h t f'1 whleh tes - Tt: 20'54 Sunda) , Ose Pomte Public LI-] thiS agency, el!ecllve cto er tlOn Most of the chlldlen num- II e Pdreslen J befole ,UIl1- pI P meeting, ~ponsored bv the JunIOrs The meet ng I\k hi sermon HI> theme I\lll b~ 'The In- ale Mesdames E .Iu I' d t th Id age The Woods Branch IS now open"Ina Olganlze ast une I 't Ir g and theel was tell f II fllC vltatlon to Hea\ ~n" There are t"'o Knoll G Kurz .1 Laforel W Luckett. bral ~ has aITIVe a e 0 IdS:t d 10 a m to bel ed among the enlollees last I I g Peter MtKee, 6A a ,", )0 e~ ,on ~. ~ a y u nf pep" " IJ Mat nlllllbel C II • Cahln F SlIckl .. D D, Paotor bl h . .0.. - I C to, n I' 'I D ' C dEl D C k C." Mill Butrlr~ 'lforrow, Parlob Worker Our Wish IS to e,ld I~ a I It I' hoped the mOIJ1lng hours, bounQarles Others have gone to daY befOie fOi mal school open- {" amel o~ dn ~nlJth e I 00 I~I, to~ethll \ ,I~ a cn".L /1 U feh 9 30 a m Church school Cla.. ~s friendly contact between the I Fllday and Sa~urday may be a 0101e distant places 'mg these offICers repOl ted to Ml d;lmel s, helpe to ma mgs Ive \ A [I'll l h, ( I, I~d bv.... from Ihe Nur""", through tho Adu t bllc lIbrarv and tl1~ community , If'S I I at JUnior girls ended t IS pep meetmg WIth Pr p I (EPISCOPAL) Departmenl .,a~h Sunda) pu . d to be a pallj boon to early shoPPJls. YOu: All of the children In the km., F. J Welcenbach, Patrol ponsol: I • •• In I,pllau I 1I00a m lIfo,mng"orshlp S~rmon of l,hlCh It IS prouk I t do your marketing m thiS \'lcm- ga ten exceptmg those \~holto check on patrol a~slgnmentsl Lorhmoor Rhd llJld F&1nuv Drive b' the paslor From II eek to wee II e pan 0 'b to mclude libl alY 1'1 r , d d t lemmd St Pdul, can detlmtely be PlOud of It- ['J

ReI' Eelgar H Yeoman, VIcar I I1ar::..e pm, \'oun, P~ople's Luth~r present a list o.t recently acqUl:~ I ~~ks ~n S~~~I ,hoPPlng list The1d we~ e ~~l l~~ eJ~~~1 t~l~hdeer:c~~:r. ~c;::~o~;~~~~le:~o:"ctutIO of their lid': SUndd) s g"plessed delight that thell 11- dergalten thele are 30 new chll.' supervised by the boys III the I ou I an, a an, a y c ernan, Ie Mddrlll(h COnr,e 9 30 A M -Church School Rudolph H Boyc~. 'IUllster been over 00 , r . I brary Will be open dm'mg the f I I mmedlate school vlcmlty were Arn Reed, Larry Gellne,w and DIck Hosh.m~ 11'00 AM-~::~'~~ Pra) er and I S~~d~)'a O~~Ob~':-'o~~ms ....o.. hlp '''thl attention filmChl~~~~n::;d ~:~~~ noon hour Friday Many of these d[~;1 ~hha~ ~;~~o~~n::~n~ ::: ~UllY manned when Trombly pu.! • June Allard, Donna Klem. DOlothy FIL~gelald ~nd Pe sermon b' the paslor hours for the I t chlldlen who bOdrd a bus when a h I I plls trooped to school for classes I W('I e seen cal rymg pennants and eahng'ice CI ('dm co ggv (Nursel y Dunng Sen Ice) I 1000-1200 noon, Church school for Itbraly actiVIties, In hgenera 0 school I~ dIsmIssed In the after- flom othel' sc 100 s301n o~r ~om- Ion Thursday September 8 Othel s who were addmg theIr VOlce~ to Ihe (j nes- '======:;1 the chIldren . acquamt you WIth t e services noon ha\'e had no opportunity to mumty Of tie W 0 ave I ' . \VI') e Dick Kalse" Mary Jo Tron.bly, Ann !lid I lC~, ng ; II 1;'~~r~nle~:;"~~hate~~~~'J'n, ~~~f~a\allable m all the department of use the public ItbralY so close at come hom the outslQ.e, 14 ale At an all school assembl~ I Tum Bachman, -Larry Reynolds, Cathellne An~l C'(j~ne~I SIXTH CHURCH of CHRIST ~~aJseadults )'our publJc Iibl'ary together With I hand. from Michigan, mostly DetrOit, FTlday, Septembel 9 the Pa- i Delore~ Chllens, Chuck Boult and Diane Zem ,Ire JO. -.:J 00 pm, Youth Fello".hlp meet- the need5 that an expandmg pro., ,.... thl ee are flom OhiO and New trol boys were Introduced to I • •• p nne SCIENTIST - DETROIT I mg. I gram ueates Our project IS stlU, The Woods Branch had ItS yO! k each, two are from Canada, their schoolmates Representa-I Tills Flldav evenmg Octo bet 7 the Sf, 14730 Kerche\ AI A' enue Thllnda): th f t' e stage We wel- I d h f M h I b d d ., enJOI dd" II I 12 30 noon CIrcles of the woman s' m e orma IV beglnnmg as alibI ary station -an one eac ~s rom assac U-, l.1ves flom the c u Iseusse .r dance In honol of the Fleshmen as a I ewa I Pi SUNDAY SERVICES socIety ha\e meetmgs m the horn.. come sugge,tlOns, letters and opened December 1 1928 In the sells, IllinOiS, Kentucky, Pennsyl-I their "'on-duty" responslbilltle~ tndUled durmg lnltlahon The dance t tI d {d (01 II hat 10 30 am and 500 I>m 7 ~-I~f~h~ Churc':.ec;~t1~m~tS~ I Ideas from our readers, Let USj Goodrich COnfectlo~ery store III Vdma. Iowa, New Jersey, Nevada and techniques WIth their scchol- WII! be held In St Paul s g~m llQm 8591 t: 11 _~'ul1ln Nrx-t ~~~r 13 ~ears of age I know the type of program you the VIllage of Lochmoor, now and Flollda. Of the mne new I mates Mr Welcenbach em- furnished bv Ro~ton Clark'~ orchestt a Ad ;) ~IU'lCWill ? 45 pm. ChOir rehearsal thl.nk would be most de5,lrable. known as Grosse POinte Woods. youngsters who come from our phaslzeA the deSirable relatlOn- We hope that all the Paulltes WIthout nlls~lon IS SII~~ Sunday School Friday: ",II ronduct I, • • • Ten yean l~ter tlus station be- community. three are from St. ships t'1.at should eXIst. bet\,\,een will be plesent to enJoy the evenmg of fu~~ceptlon ard their'" FIrst ..... IOD-10 30 a.1n , a ~~."'bl~rlc~~'::::,~ this church, First. we mtroduce our new I cam~ a branch m quarters of Paul's and the Convent, two ale the Patrol boy and the pedes- , ~ Second Sesslon-ll-4$ am follo"'ed by a F,rst QUarterly Confer- I director of Grosse Pomte Pub- Its own rented store on Mack from Kerby, and one each IS trai'h "Safety Patrol" filmed on studIes " Wednesday Evenu1g Teot1morual lence !lc LJ.bral'les, Mr. Robert Orr. avenue. One yera ago the store [rolT' Mason and the MIllen the streets of DetrOIt DV Jam cun Iculum He talked shal e 'ome of hiS RU::tm;":n~::a week da)< I FAITH--L-t:-T-H-E-R--\.-"(--C-HURCH :'>!r. and Mrs Orr and their two was enlarged to almost double School Handy wa~ shown It VIVidly I about the moon and the possibIlity WIth us We feel loa'thtre 10'00 am to 9 00 p.m -Sunday I • pa~o:s~rr~r:,on cat RPb~:ge chIldren Susan, ajled seven, tts ongmal SIze It remams' 11 • Illustrated the alertness and CO-I of !Ife on Mal s The boys and I many more pal ('nts ~bo 1ls 230 to 500 I> m I and Be' C E. Sbolulter and RobbIe, five, are !tVLng 10 however madequate for the de- Our new Pri I~r~ as fO o~si operation required of pedestrians gll'ls I\ele afterward gIVen an eapable of lOnlrlbutlng k ,------, Fnda) their recently purchased home, mands of thiS gro\\ mg com- I GI ade One--- ona gure, e and patrols In traffiC situations I-opportunity to ask questlOm mannel and It \1 auld ~ ------.~- a 00 pm. Scmor )O\lng people. 16929 ""lIage Lane HeS1rlents mUtlity. Lan g b a u e r,. Judith Dobbins,. I It was a vel Y enllchlng expen- fine thing for all to De I .. ------., s':lt~5d:r m, Cale-chu;m mstrucllOn of Grosse POinte City smce the • • .. 'James Clarke, Nancy Berteel, Detective Sergeant A rn ol.d I ence to have a parent come and more VISItS of thl" n}'\i )!]J. , lIunday: I first of August, they have to a During thl' year 1929 to 1930.1 Karen ThornqUlst, Robert Lamb Hough of the Grosse Pomte Palk ----- __ ;;;;;;;;;;;;======-=-____ UIe <5t. ' au 9 30 a m Church school for all agesh few short \\ eeks made a real 2984 books "ere Circulated at Gldde Two-Marglt MJller, Carol Police Department spoke to the G ~ sermon11"00 a'Samuel.m \'orshlpthe Conselr.ated"servIce \\.Jt I place fOI themselves In the ; the,", L

,FelL>' to al PaUl.. T',.,Vhe~e~lc~~v~l!~ CHBISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES ',j and 42' ale now at the Maire was honored recently by a VISIt of PLU M BING & convement season 0 t 800m REDEF'IIER IUETHODIST Are Sm. O.sease, and Oealh Real? School Others have gone to local Mr George Taylor parent of a be held, the early sen.,ce a a "ernler at Harper \\111 be the stlbject of the Lesson- . " IHEATING COMPANY (J,.osse [Pol'nte \ and the late sen Ice lat ~ 30 a V'd a Rev DOUIW Toepel Pastor Sermon '" all ChrlShan ScIence public, parochial and private mem~r of thiS group Mr Taylor Bl~e 9c~.:.'s~dio';.15 t 10~';,ft's.15 ~J1tc~e l~C~ron I Sunday. October 9' • h R b~~~~~~ihrough the ...orld on Sundal'. schools and some to New York: who IS a SCientIst, talked to the Show Room Open I clock VIS.tOrs and I 11 00 a m Morning "ors lp. ev T (P 1m 67 1.21 i M h tts d I b t t f th Mon. _ Thurs. _ Sat. fromne\\ pupils °are \\ elcorne0 I \\ToepelPI"preachinghi To .Wlil The vlded dunng wOi5ihlP sen.te:::e. I I 12 00-12 3O-Youth class. 9.30 a rn CatechIsm class ! 11 00 a m Church Ilehool for Chll- Bible contams the recipe for all heal- SPARE I a 00 pm. SenIOr Luther League 1 dren t"o to' e.ght years of \Ilg The leavos of the tree \\ ere for Lesson School for All haYride , Ithe healing of nations' Sm and slek- I Departments I Sunda) Ortobel'~' I 7 30 pm. 'FU>.ICCIlIb WIll meet at Dess are both heals:d b, Ine same, 930 a m Sunday school and adull I the churCh WorshlP-(:arol s"hllman, IPrinCiple The Iree IS hplcal of man s , REV. HUGH C. WHITE B,ble class • 0 I Procram-Robert Ho",e; Refreshments dIVine PrinCiple, "hlch lS equal to I RIBS * II 00 am, Wor.hlp and chlldren's I -Janet Fncke and Marela Iatock r I even emerltenC) oltermg full salva- I Pastor cnurch , a 00 p m Torrey Club WIll mee t.on {rom Sin ",clme". and death" , 630 pm. Church membershIp class, at the ehurch ,"I ( I 2Of9 Van Ant",erp ad TU 1-1129 , 730 p m HICh school Luther League Tuesday, OctoMr 11: Be~",U~~U1~e~~ee-?.ii~c;ro~dg. 1St Luke sl I 800 pm. The Board of Deacons will '\Ionda).8 00 bm,OctoberChurch10: ...or k'era m51ItuIe meet2150 Beaufallat Ihe homeAveor John H Butcher 25th Ann",versal'\l• 1 ,. • ------I ~~~e04:~:no~iober 11' w~~e~ay;..,,~ctB~rk 12ReVle", at the Program or • 8 15 p m Church CounCll. church Mr~ Fred Hauck '" IiI re\,e\\ I f'_ 49/1 ---..,.------I Thursday, Ortober 13 'Tlw Matur", '\lInd' by Harry A U" Ground 12 00 P m Lad,es A,d Overslr~et The. Martha Group. Mrs A Grace Evange ical EASTlllt ....STER PRESBYTERIAN ~ste<;'hesqU1ere. chairman. wJ11 be Reformed Church Manl!tlque Uld ,Jefferson 730 p m The SeSSIon ...Ill meet at '::::::r BEEF LeOn-Tender R.v Theodore V '\Ioldenke, Th D '1 the ho"'" o{ Elder WIlham M. Fergu. I For You- D R.E \I!nloter son 1636 Holly\\-ood Dn.. , Lake Pointe & Kercheval ~ Sunday. October 9 I .rtday Octo~r t4 Sunday Chureh school II 45 a m, 6 3D p m An old fashIoned famllv Grosse Pointe Park .. ~ \\ ,th classes for all age. '" lener roast "'II be held on tlle RATH'$ - THIN SLICED BEEF .This Liberation Morning Worship semce 11 00 a m ehurch ground. In case of ram the af- Sl'N, OCT q, 11 00 A" -'\Iomlng Ne" members WIll be rect'lved mto the I faIr Will be held In the church base- fellowshIp of Ihe church at thls servo mept Sf-nice b' lce Dr 'foldenke \\.III preach There 1 Re' F R Engelsdorfer POT ]tel .. oe fr"m anxlety and 11ml. ,v.1I be I Junh)r Church .. .."ice for I B-\.RA'I WORLD F,UTR BLACK HAWK tetlon. tOllether \\ tth enlarged the chIldren at thIS I1me O\lr nurserY 'lfn; FJo)d H 'll'O .. IOD, Sec'y Sl" OCT q '; 4S P \I -Conflrma. , understilndJng and usefulness. " ..1I be open to care for small ChIlo Tu 1-7052 , tion Reunion "en1(,~5 Sermon by Rev. W. SIebert. Hartford, ''''Is. ROAST hlPPlness and a sense of "ell- dr,tSI Youth groLops .....11 m~t at 6 30 I S~"::r' a o.;:,0be~h~dren s cl.... al the * bemg be, ond "hat one has h f M d M GoT WFD OCT 12 12 3t P "'_ First Grade l p ~d",e-ek pr.a"er servlc~ Wednesday Inm~~ran rRo~~ I SU~Jecte &ksru~t Womtn.s GUIde known before- 'October 12 at 730 P m th~ Old Teslament BACON Tasty 'Th!'se Christian s",ence make. : GROSSE POt'TE COSGREGATIOSU T~e:?; ~to~~:'lOn llwuP al the FRID'!.', OCT 14.745 P.'\I-Yollth J\o,ght .....az:alfl~ fOT 1111 under all con- Rlrherd S..hool. 'lfcIU.. le~ nr lte"'lle ..al hom .. of Mr and \frs George True. Charles W Srllehl. Paster 132 Moran Roall L...tenmg m to Town . dltlo"o as abundant world-",tde I sr". Ot T 16. 9)0 A \I -Chur ..h Ring .,,1denre .ho" s ,'1~~.:)m Church .ch<>ol ~~t;,~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~T1~,~Je~.; Sch",~ Anmvtr5&ry Obsorunre, S9~. I ~It; 7";, ~0'2".w. '(!cl~~for Junior W;d:'~cl~: O..t<>b~r tZ' Ho\.\ "<"u can e ....per enC'e' th~-:e Sl.:o. , OCT, 16 11... A'" -\lomlnl: 69lli. I HI 1 810 p m Stud' clas.' al the home Srn.ire- 'iermon by the Rev. Bologna benefits of Iho SClence of CKn.- 7 p mUD C f,'J Senior HI !'of '\Ir Ind '\{rs Flo ..d H Mun,on 452 H It.l~mme tiamtv 1~ cH!arh Bet forth 1n I Monda\ Fisher Road DIl;CussIon ll;ubjf"ct I 7 pm'" outr rhol" reheaT"'Rl ",th Baha' Proofs" Contmuatlon of thp Wfltlnrs - 1nd'lldlna Cr'-IIi- ::-t M('~ Sal~1 416 Hour.alne tOPiC Four Proofc: of the- true Word I '1l.... , OCT 16 , 45 r '" -F, .n,nl: , ban SClente 1extbook SClen~ I 8 I> m &ard of Deacons meelinl'( of God" I.alah 55 10 II "For as th .. S~nl.. Snmon b' Dr. 0\ and Heallh ",111 Ke\ 10 Iht' ...t tht' h()~f" of fh~ chairman. Elton rtlln cometh da~ nand retumeth B Forbes 32ll McM Uan "no! thllher but ",aterelh the earth and HaQl!'sslfr. E"~IUlif. J"dlana 5cnpt IIr..' . h' Man a"k.r Eddv Thun"', maketh It bnn« rorth the bud so I Tues Oct 18,630 pm Ann"err 1 \old 'but It onall acco-nphsh that WhICh Re' W Press Ann Arbor The f,nl ',.,.....tmR' of th~ Breakf.,1 T please and It ~all pnxper In the PORK I Club \\ 111 he Sund., q 10 a m At the thing "hereunto 1 -end It • 14730 Kercheval 10mt of the mln~...t(,l 707 t:np.ers1tv _ Plal,.(" Th.!:: Cluh 'LtC; for ~dllltc; mtff- ""' ~ ~ ..,ted In BIble stud. Th. da ....' m~t. dMI.b. _ ,~~ A~.__../ LEG 0' LAMB leon-End Cut Shoulder for ~lldv \n un.ts o( C;lX "A"f"'f"ks..Those ~ ..... ~ Avenue rltoo<;.Jnng to .. nrQ)l ocr:hould ("an Tr 2'. Detroit ~~ I CHOPS ROAST * GRO'lSF POI'TF '\If:TRODl~T I I "f'rb\" Sc-honl. Itf'TlI'\ a1 Bfoan"re VISITOR'" \\ rLCO"Y Re' Rat:1J (' White, Putor PORK Tel TU J-lI~ 63lli. '1'U1da" Ot ('OICl'rn'TlO' ill 4.50 '\1'nrmnc v.orc;,l'up and' Hrmon 1"1'1' 1"lbltC /('C11lrl'< ChUTCh 49lli. ~e4~~r~~~~e ;'rOOI 'or all d.part, ~r, t~C~ lInrl orh('r ChT't.~fld71 I n"e'1tc: A ....untrV ..tTld klnde-reart,," 111 OUR OWN HOME-CURED T!TC\\. rdf>d dUT l' th", Church ~rvl("e I 49llio ,11:('1""(l" aC'1l11,,.. IIl.o 'Wall. I 12.12 10 YOloI), clay. meetlnl 1. I W.t1aesday, Ortober I: I KOSHER STYLE BRISKET -- P ""' Offl('UI1 MIlT'''' -r~•.-: :" I _ '-. home of '\{T In" Mra Ernest 1 "'rlooil"Tf'T 8.~ SUntnf'l t.Ane B •-I,.n • Tb.."day ON""" 11 I 8 I> m Chrm •• " .. "~I no. rh"" !I' e.U 9 s ..... ('h('~r~.,' I~ u. 1(".. 1 ..,.,tT.tI,.pnZI - - GM'a' F'",r.t' ,(\.,. I , Grosse Pte. Woods Market . Qr~U'fY' , 20:tll.'l:\brk-Rf'twf'f'n f..anra..tf'T & f'auntn f'h,h Orive l\\\'\\l! t<; 't' I (\~~.. 1 S".'~Yfl - I "pen I and E\f'r~' Day-!t fa • ,I Schervish Food Market • Frf'"oh rrocllll"e • Qoalrh Gr(K'l'n~ I fL'. ].2008 WE DELIVER 18330 M~CK AVENUE, Between McKinley and Moran VA.2-5lWl 9231 E. JEFFERSON - O'~.T ""~m,,,,, h~oi 11.- •• " J"'H<\ • _ 118 E. WARREN AT JOHNl