Sept. 30 Issue Final
UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA Tuesday September 30, 2003 Volume 50 Number 6 Two Endowed Chairs in Political Science Dr. Ian S. Lustick, professor of political director of the Solomon Asch Center for Study ternational Organization, and Journal of Inter- science, has been appointed to the Bess Hey- of Ethnopolitical Conflict. national Law and Politics. The author of five man Professorship. After earning his B.A. at A specialist in areas of comparative politics, books and monographs, he received the Amer- Brandeis University, Dr. Lustick completed international politics, organization theory, and ican Political Science Associationʼs J. David both his M.A. and Ph.D. at the University of Middle Eastern politics, Dr. Lustick is respon- Greenstone Award for the Best Book in Politics California, Berkeley. sible for developing the computational model- and History in 1995 for his Unsettled States, Dr. Lustick came to ing platform known as PS-I. This software pro- Disputed Lands: Britain and Ireland, France Penn in 1991 following gram, which he created in collaboration with and Algeria, Israel and the West Bank-Gaza. In 15 years on the Dart- Dr. Vladimir Dergachev, GEngʼ99, Grʼ00, al- addition to serving as a member of the Council mouth faculty. From lows social scientists to simulate political phe- on Foreign Relations, Dr. Lustick is the former 1997 to 2000, he served nomena in an effort to apply agent-based model- president of the Politics and History Section of as chair of the depart- ing to public policy problems. His current work the American Political Science Association and ment of political sci- includes research on rights of return in Zionism of the Association for Israel Studies.
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