Search for Permanent College of Business Dean Continues
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Volume 78, Issue 7 Smithfield, RI November 5, 2010 Bryant’s Search for permanent College annual Up ‘til of Business dean continues By Meagan Voulo and selects the Staff Writer best out of that Dawn group of people By Ashley Fullard On June 30, 2010, Jack to invite to cam- Staff Writer Tri7s, the dean of the College pus for in-per- of Business at Bryant Univer- son interviews. Tragedy is an unfortunate sity, officially resigned. Tri7s According to part of life that we will all was the first appointed dean Demoranville, at have to go through at some of the College of Business and this point in point. What differentiates us he served this position for 5 time, the search from each other is how we years. He was very well-liked commi8ee has choose to respond to tragedy. and an excellent dean, but he received the Yes, there will be some sort of also loved teaching. When his names of accept- denial stage that we go contract was up, Tri7s de- able applicants through, but then we have the cided to return to the finance from the search choice to dwell in denial or department as a professor. firm and they accept it for what it is and Since July 1, Carol Demor- are in the move on. anville, a former professor of process of This is especially true for marketing, has been serving scheduling the patients at the St. Jude’s as the interim dean of the Col- phone inter- Children’s Research Hospital. lege of Business. Demor- views, which Every one of these children anville is not directly will take place has been diagnosed with can- involved in the search for the in November. If cer, but rather than give in to new permanent dean, but she all goes accord- The search for the Dean is well underway (Jessica Komoroski) it, they fight every day to take has knowledge about the on- ing to plan, in- of the dean of the College of For example, students back their lives. Since St. Jude going process. According to terviews will take place on has opened, the survival rate Business include supervising could present research re- Demoranville, a search com- campus in December and a the activities of the faculty garding their honors thesis, has increased from 4% to 94% mi8ee was put together this new dean could be selected in just a mere half century. and participating in the international business, or past summer, which is re- between January and Febru- strategic planning process of MBA consulting projects. Stu- Without the generous dona- sponsible for finding potential ary. tions of thousands world- Bryant University. Demor- dent organizations are also applicants, evaluating them, In addition to searching for anville is currently deep into encouraged to get involved in wide, it wouldn’t be possible and conducting interviews. external candidates to the fill for the staff to conduct their this planning process. She ex- the event. Classes will be can- Demoranville will continue the position of dean, Bryant is plained that the goal is to find celled for the day so that all research and treat these chil- serving as the interim dean also considering internal can- dren free of charge. out how Bryant needs to students have the opportunity until the new dean is ap- didates. However, Demor- adapt to a changing market- to participate and observe. A Up ‘til Dawn is a student- pointed. anville is not up for the led, student run fundraiser place, decide how to provide commi8ee made up of 2 fac- The search commi8ee on position because it was previ- quality education, and most ulty members from the School that is held on college cam- campus is made up of faculty ously established that the in- puses nationwide to raise importantly, figure out what of Business, 2 faculty mem- and students. The commi8ee terim dean would not be students will need in the fu- bers from the School of Arts & funds for St. Jude’s. Students is also working with a search eligible for the permanent po- stay up until dawn sending ture. Demoranville believes Sciences, 2 people from Stu- firm, which is typical at high- sition she was selected as the in- dent Affairs, 1 from Academic out letters asking for dona- level positions. The principal If an external candidate is tions to help these cancer- terim dean due to her experi- Advising, and 2 students se- of the firm has a lot of con- selected, it is unlikely that he ence with managing a lected by the faculty senate stricken children. tacts in aca- Up ‘till Dawn started on business. She is also knowl- are working on this event. demia, so he edgeable about accreditation The commi8ee is also consid- the Bryant campus three years can put out The major responsibilities of the ago by Amanda Mackay and and assurance of learning, ering handing out awards for inquiries dean of the College of Business which are two vital aspects of categories such as best faculty since then has raised $55,000, about the raising $25,000 of that last serving as dean. paper, best student paper, and open posi- include supervising the activities Furthermore, Demor- best presentation of the day. year alone! This year they tion at hope to raise even more, but of the faculty and participating in anville worked closely with The next major project is Bryant to the former dean, so she knew between Academic Affairs contributions from the Bryant people who the strategic planning process of community are essential to a lot about current projects. and Student Affairs to set up he thinks One thing that Demoranville a business incubator on cam- their success. Participating in would be in- Bryant University. Up ‘til Dawn is easy: gather enjoys about this temporary pus. Demoranville explained, terested. or she will start working im- position is, “you never know “we make students at Bryant 50 addresses of potential In addition, announce- mediately due to previous donors (twenty-five to get what the day’s going to bring; come up with [business] ideas ments have been put out in contract arrangements at there’s always something new starting in their Business101 into the event) and address The Chronicle of Higher Edu- other job locations. If the con- them on an envelope and that comes up.” classes [during freshman cation which describes the po- tract is up in the summer, a Demoranville and Bryant year]” so it is important to you’re done. By addressing an sition available. In order to dean could potentially begin envelope you have possibly administration are currently provide them with the tools apply, prospective candidates working in the summer. Un- working on two major proj- they need to get their busi- saved a child’s life and very must go through the search fortunately, the applicants for few people can say that. ects. The first is a research nesses started. Currently, firm. The firm will make the dean are confidential at this day that will tentatively take they are working on finding This year, Colleges Against first pass through resumes point, but when campus-wide Cancer and Greek Life have place this spring on April 20. space on campus for students and applications and then for- interviews begin, there will be The day is all about celebrat- to work. By the end of this se- teamed up to make this the ward the best candidates to more information regarding best Up ‘til Dawn event yet. ing academic excellence at mester or the beginning of the search commi8ee. Next, potential candidates and the Bryant by allowing faculty next semester, everything the commi8ee has phone in- decision process. and students to present re- should be ready to start set- See “Dawn”on page 2 terviews with the candidates The major responsibilities search they are working on. ting up the incubator. In this week’s Archway Bus iness - Don’t fear public speaking (6) Spor ts - Intramural Athlete profile (7) Opinion - Harry Potter Vs. Twilight (11) Vari ety - Saw 3D, Paranormal Activity 2 (14) page 2 november 5, 2010 ‘Ways and Watch original, student-made Means’ to get films at the Bulldog Film Festival By Meagan Voulo categories: narrative films, documentaries, ani- mation, experimental, art films, and music Staff Writer videos. money for your On Tuesday, November 9th, SASS is hosting At last year’s Bulldog Film Festival, the au- the 3rd annual Bulldog Film Festival. The dience award and the judge’s award went to event will be in Janikes Theater from 7pm to Mind the Gap, directed by Kristal Williams- club 9pm. A reception will be held outside the the- Rowley from Boston University. According to ater following the festival in addition to a Cory, one of the SASS commi8ee members By Angela Marchio representatives present their short Q & A session with the winning direc- working on the Bulldog Film Festival, Kristal’s Class of 2011 Representative proposal to the commi8ee, tors. Each year there film was “about the and the commi8ee asks clari- are typically over 50 daughter of a train The Ways and Means fying questions in order to film submissions conductor in Boston Commi8ee is a subcommi8ee be8er understand their re- from Bryant Univer- who stalked the vic- of the Student Senate, which quest. sity and other col- tims of train acci- is chaired by the Senate Treas- The commi8ee deliberates leges in the New dents.” In addition, urer, Aaron Fortin ‘11. The and comes forward with a England area. The the two other films commi8ee is comprised of six recommendation to the Sen- three faculty mem- selected by the au- senators and six general stu- ate.