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such tare anti t the Volume 73 Number 41 March and 3, 1970 "., Spring vacation l"aIII >us A - airs cOnsic ers may be longer the ram Spring vacation may last one t day longer ~ o" I of II ~"s n-ien"s than planned if the icl proposal initiated by arnenc uirc the Spurs passes on The paragraph as approved Faculty Faculty Council on Thursday evening. With six amendments left pending to The amendment struck out the word by Council states "No Classes would begin Tuesday, March 31, the Student Bill of Rights, Campus Affairs "lawful" from the bill of rights and added disciplinary eas 'egulation rather than on shall discriminate against any 'the ! Monday, March 30, Committee adjourned yesterday "means not prescribed by state and , following spring vacation, if the student because of race, religion, national that proposal afternoon. Committee Chairman, Dr. federal laws." were adopted. ASUI origin or sex, nor shall any regulation in E-Board will Duane LeTourneau scheduled another Problem the with lawful any other way deny to student equal comider the measure at their meeting meeting for Wednesday at 4 p.m. at the any the "The basic problem with the word 'tudent laws." tonight, Union Building. protection of the re- ! lawful is that Faculty Council would be "Re-insertion of "sex" into this Because March 29 is Easter, the Spurs Campus Affairs passed eight able c to to determine what is lawful or would felt that it would be better if students did amendments to the Bill of Rights paragraph not endanger the oda. unlawful," said Orwick.. not have to drive back to University's prerogative to establish Moscow on that including amendments which may void "This is comparable to the first 10 cult, Traffic separate dormitories and bathrooms for day. will be heavy due to the the University of Idaho's authority to amendments S to being declared void where male and female students," commented holiday. Also, students who have to travel regulate women's hours and living group law," with prohibited by Enlow. long distances would be unable to attend visitation procedure. "The tally rest of the paragraph guarantees "Individual could church that day, Roger Enlow, a member of Campus living groups enact and defines what is lawful means. This is hours but the could not," said Spurs have been circulating petitions to Affairs committee and ASUI E-Board, University e just fear mongering. We still have the Willms. I show student support for their presented a series of amendments to the and proposal. standard of federal and state laws," Holly Aldridge, Discriminatory rules Tri Delt, who is handling if/t Student Bill of Rights from E-Board, The Willms added. cha "Also the living groups could make the campaign for Spurs, said that student amendments were written by F Board at Kristi ter, Greenawalt, Campus Affairs rules which state that only members or response has been good, and chances are a meeting Sunday. member and heir a member of E-Board, members and invited who that the proposal will pass, although there Tom Carroll, chairman of the Student "orderly" guests would proposed that be used to not infringe on the of members will be nothing definite until Thursday Committee for the Bill of Rights, said his "lawful" privacy of only replace in the passage. the living admitted," night, committee also supported the amend- group be he said. reed ments. Orderly unclear "The University could not establish ding "Who would determine what visitation regulations," he added. Distortion removed "orderly'eans?" In Section IV paragraph 1 concerning At the beginning of the meeting ASUI Orwick asked. Miss Green- '":, II awalt's proposal was withdrawn. disciplinary hearings and procedures a President Jim Willms said the reason for Legal nod glvell section was changed E-Board the amendments was to remove distortion by e amendment to read, "Disciplinary action which might allow an unrestrained "I think i the University is well except that action necessary for minority to capitalize on the good faith of protected," said E-Board member ".. 'order Mike termination of violations, shall not be igloos. projects others. Mann. "The amendment to this section is taken against any student until after his After Willms had spoken, John Orwick only to stop people from arbitrarily guilt has been ascertained at a fair and I BOISE —A bill to quoted former president John F. shutting other people down." of a permit units of impartial hearing, before a judicial body government to Kennedy, "Those who make peaceful e an cooperate across state authorized by the Faculty for that lines has been signed Gov. Don revolution impossible make violent Sex -old 1 by is back purpose." revolution inevitable." dan Samuelson and will become law. Sex was re-inserted into Section III E.Board adds phrase E-Board member Mike Mann said paragraph four which f zoo The legislation is of special interest concerned The E-Board amendment added the to everyone might agree with Willms but disciplinary i the Moscow, regulations. (continued pn paga g Lewiston and other border cities people don't agree on the degre'e to which won that'wanted authority to enter into joint student rights are protected. s of projects with neighboring communities SPRING WAS BUSTIN'UT ALL OVER —until It started to snow. Moscow's 'I'o define latent across the state line. green grass and sunshine were curtained Saturday night by a late snowfall. Cast- Gov. Samuelson names Thatcher ts at "Our purpose when we met ing light on the wintry subject are lights outside the Education Building. (Bower Sunday tate was to define the intent of the Student The Washington Legislature passed a Photo) Bill and of Rights where the intent was not similar law in 1957, but that law provided clear," and Mann said. "Ibelieve the amendments we to fill Education Board vacancy. that there must be similar legislation in proposed come closer west, the adjoining state before such to the original intent of the document than does the )lish- agreements can be effected in BOISE (AP) —Gov. Don W. Samuelson Thatcher received his B.S, from Voters to consider candidates, Student- Faculty conference committee." degree now border-spanning communities. announced today appoinment of J. the University of Utah in Business and The first amendment debated sique by Kenneth Thatcher of Idaho Falls as a Economics. He attended the University of Moscow had expressed interest in the Campus Affairs concerned addition of the neat. member of the State Board of Education. Idaho and received his masters degree legislation because it would permit word "only" to Section-I paragraph 2 of ed in revision of ASUI constitution The appointment is for a six-year term. several projects under consideration, the document. from -the University of Idaho in Educa- e are Thatcher replaces Eldon W. Dick Smith including a mutual source of water tional Administration. land Elections for student body president At the time of Argonaut publication, one of Rexburg. Thatcher was a teacher, principal, and for Moscow, Pullman, the University The d to and vice president, and for Executive Steve new version of the document said Sm>th is a potent>al Republ>can a superintendent from 1925 through 1956 in of Idaho and Washington State Univ- person, Shawley, had announced his f the Board will be March 11.Also on the ballot candidacy as "University approval shall not be candidate for governor. several Eastern Idaho and Northern Utah ersity. In addition, there has been talk a write in. for voter consideration will be the revised required for the organization of any school districts. ce as of a single football stadium to Candidates'osters are limited in serve constitution of the Associated Students of student organization. The operation of "As a former trustee teacher the two universities. number and place by Article VI of the From 1956-69, Thatcher was the the University of Idaho. ASUI constitution. such an association is subject only to principal, superintendent of schools and .chairman of the BYU-Ricks Center for A similar bill was passed by the 1969 The constitution will be adopted only if Buildings and number of posters regulations necessary for the orderly university faculty member," Samuelson Continuing Education in Rexburg and said in "Mr. Idaho Legislature, but was vetoed by two-thirds of those voting approve, and permitted are engineering,.3; Memorial scheduling of events." The amendment a statement, Thatcher is Idaho Falls. During this period of time, he was Samuelson on the advice of Atty. Gen. then only if 35 per cent of the student body gymnasium, 2; home economics, 1; life approved. eminently qualified with such a rich has also taught Adult Extension class for Robert M. Robson. The attorney votes. educational background, plus a general sciences, 3; Ridenbaugh, 1; physical Free to support causes the University of Idaho. explained that he had spotted An official list of candidates, subject to distinguished public service record." a drafting science, 1; student union, 1; university "Students shall be free to support For six years he was chairman and flaw. He participated in the drafting of a an eligibility check was released by Jim classroom center (on enclosed ramps member of the Board of Wasatch causes by means not prescnbed by state The term of Mrs. John G. Walters of new bill this year, which was passed by Willms, current ASUI president, only), 3; education 2; women's 2. Chemical Company, prior to its merger gym, or federal laws and which do not disrupt Boise, now president of the board, also both houses and has now been signed by Contending for president are Jim No posters will be allowed on the with Mountain Fuel Supply. and endanger the essential operation of expires this month but Samuelson has the governor. McFarland and Dick Sullivan. And for not The other Education Board Administration Building since the paint the University or infringe physically upon yet announced vacancy vice president, Mary Ruth Mann and Tom whether he will reappoint on that particular building is damaged by the rights of others" according to an E- her was caused by the expired term of Board Carroll. or name a new member. masking tape, according to E-Board Board amendment approved by the chairman, Mrs. John Walters of Boise. for the 13 positions on E-Board Campus Affairs Committee Vying regulations. Campus Affairs committee. Thatcher is a former state legislator, Sources in Boise close to Mrs. Walters are John Burlinson, Ron Ball, Gomer will meet at 4 p.m. Wednesday serving for eight years as a state senator disclosed late Monday night that she Davis, Dennis Harwick, Doug Hill, Mike from Madison County. He served as thought after a talk with the governor, in the SUB to finish ruling and Dennis Chemodurow, Bob Taber assistant majority leader in the Senate that she was not going to be re-appointed on the Btudent Bill of Rights. Burgess. Sixth St. discussed; and as chairman of two committees, to the Board. Also Steve Goetz, Spencer, Tom The committee will not adjourn Craig Education and Forestry and Public Governor Don Samuelson is expected to Slayton, Greg Sanford, Mike Hunter, Jack Lands. fill the vacant board seat later today. until the document has been Emerson, Philip Pecoraro, Don Miller, fully considered. Visitors are Brian Hensley, Marty Schnell, Steven J. corrections considered encouraged to attend. Russell, Robbie G. Russell, Joe Shelton and Ellen Heard. A meeting was held last Friday to Cecil Rasmussen, job superintendent discuss the condition of Sixth Street and for Skyline Construction predicted that 4" the corrective measures that ought to be most of the massive hauling would be ;:::.:::.'::..Election Briefs . taken to improve the situation. completed by last weekend assuming the; weather stayed nice. He said that after the massive dirt moving is completed, tw I ~ I I only one or two trucks will be needed, Constitution

C g'V@'SUI '>)fl l,iiii j Art displayed; compared with the existing fleet of seven. Rasmussen also agreed to the proposal Some of the major changes included that sidewalks and street areas be on the revised ASUI Constitution to be winners chosen cleaned each morning by seven, because the frost would hold down the dust during voted on in the general election March 11 the sweeping operations. The general include: consensus of the group was that if the to travel later University washed the streets, an over-all Change from the name Executive '%A"4 muddy condition would be created. Board, to Senate The traveling Art Show is now on The truck drivers were warned about display in the Vandal Lounge. Guided by a observing the speed limit on Sixth Street. Change in Senate membership from critique by an outside artist as to the According to campus policeman, Al nine to thirteen members artistic merit of each piece of art, the Art Renfrew, the speed limit on Campus Exhibit committee selected 25 works for Placing ASUI Vice-President as Street is 20 miles per hour and that all R".c the show. Of these, 23 will travel in the trucks operating above that speed would chairman of the Senate show for about 6 months, receive a citaticn. Elimination of Class Officers Those receiving the three top awards Idaho State Patrol issued three of the wilt be included in the exhibit. The trucks warning citations, it was noted Elimination of Departments by name because they were operating without President Hartung Award went to Ann mud (to be named in the Woodruff for "Child in Grass." The Arts flaps. Idaho state law requires that they regulations) Committee Award was presented to be equipped with these flaps. Addition of a clause outlining the Marvette Schille for "Woman in Bud." The committee discussed and approved several of the recommendations responsibilities of the Attorney An untitled work portraying red faces, submitted by the ASUI E-Board and Jim General done by Linda Woehl received the ASUI Willms. award. Each of these winners will receive V,;; Addition of an impeachment clause "h $50, Caps and gowns must be ordered for appointed officials. Other works chosen to travel to by March S. They may be ordered (N',;Ic other Idaho Colleges through the Student from the bookstore. (eg Government Association were by artists Marg Banks, Michael Barr, Sandra Campaign Posters Dutchman, Sidney Grubb, Judy Hayden, ASUI president and vice president Bill Ewing, and Mrs. Henkelman. candidates will present their views and answer questions at a smoker Because of new paint in the Administra- Also selected were works by Jim Lo- this Wednesday in the Vandal Lounge tion Building, there will ney, Marilyn Hirte, Marshal Nottz, Lynn be no campaign of the Student Union Building. On Smith, Lynn Reisenauer, Dick Sulli- 5)~~ posters allowed in the building. (Full poster Thursday. E-Board candidates will van, George Wright, and George Wray. regulations Artists whose works were not chosen bts guests at another smoker at the are included in the election i%4 may pick them up Wednesday or same time and place. The smokers story in this issue. Thursday afternoons from 2-4 p.m. are being sponsored by issues and T'rave on displ ay in SUB Identification must be shown, Forums. ' ling art show %Q+jV(jj@gg$'cyxgc"~y~ y)4 Qg jc.gj'xjgkkzrgwogjjjrco»>ygtt, I 9,(P33 Pale a March 3, 1970 For what it's worth

(Letters to the editor) In front nf the eight ball Joe Allen

For I The Majority Slant much hi They culmii - 14 seal their own fate Untvei Editor, the Argonaut; c The minority groups of the United . or Thi'age'tttot, I States are often referred in our American I of inferior fo democratic society as being Thi Two prominant examples in the OI status. the last twenty-five years are '. bs news during In the aftermath of the trial we find of the liberals and their tactics, Hitler situation 'M The seven and their lawyers were the the Negroes and Japanese. This more rioting the followers of the seven showed them he could be much more by ones that decided to make a three ring in our society is basically caused by the who also'laim their leaders did not radical than they could and play their circus out of their trial, no one else. But majority slant in our educational receive a fair trial. This rioting is merely game much more violently than they textbooks have instead of pursuing this area further, let textbooks. Most of our a further indication to me that the could, the rest is common knowledge us turn to some of the effects of the trial little or no Negro, Japanese, or other ideological goals of these men is anarchy history. on different segments of American minority history. If there is any, it is at best and tyranny at worst, Tire of violence society, presented in the viewpoint of the white Hell will fly Influence silent majority majority always being in the "right". We Someday soon it is possible that the are now told by Natasha Dillinger I think that the Chicago Seven thought There are not too many people that the daughter of convicted David Dellinger American people may also sgrow tried of know the refrigerator was invented by a M !3i that by their court room antics they would that, "They'e going to see hell now. violence in the street, and when they do, American had detention Eat cf fly be able to influence many of the so- called Negro or that They'e asking for it and they'e going to they will elect men to the government World War II. Yes, the picl tl silent majority and bring them over to camps during get it." But let us ask ourselves, just who that will see to it that the people who for the invention of pre J; their side. But' feel that their primary Negro was responsible is going to get it? Natasha Dellinger I commit these acts of violence and civil will adit effect was to turn more people against the-modern refrigerator. But authors presume means the society that convicted disorder commit them only once'. our textbooks because a pro tl them than originally were. not print this in her father. So no matter what the violent left say's the T The American Judicial system is one of minority was involved instead of tl they are doing, all they are really doing is coz T the most important and fairest segments majority. For pouring gasoline on their own funeral fire. not that there ste li my answer I like to go back to the of our government, without it we would It is true, believe it or $0's and tha pre-Nazi Germany. Then as now, have total anarchy, and fortunately most were detention camps in America during we saw a radical left bent on destruction Lately we have heard much about the World War These camps held Japanese- phi a of the people of America realize this. II. and trial of att planning to completely change the old the Chicago Seven. The five When the seven and their lawyers tried to Americans that had American citizenship r system of government for a new one more convicted criminals of that incident and turn this system upside down, the and they were deprived of some of their suitable for their purposes. They their lawyers claim that they did not constitutional rights. The most important ag pursued majority of thinking Americans saw them with their violent policies and receive a fair trial. Fourteenth !32. afl eventually for the criminals the court proved five of one violated was the 'ii members of the right began to be unhappy I personally feel that they received as them to be. Amendment, Section 1 of the United with the tactics employed these fair a trial as any citizen of our country States Constitution. pr by Hoffman unfair? liberals. could have received, although I am The reason this not in our history books Jo I Some say that Judge Hoffman was Hitler displeased disturbed by the fact that they did not mark against all the I totally unfair, but let us remember first is that it is a black One of those receive heavier sentences. If there were te that was most displeased that he was not the one that made chaos ideals and values'America stands for. was a man named Adolf Hitler's any problems with their trial, the America' St Hitler. out of the trial and secondly he did not Most authors want to keep Nazi came about as a direct problems were ones they created by their LO dt party result convict them, a jury made up of their image of being pure and wholesome. But of the violent actions of the left. The total disregard for the American Judicial fellow American citizens if were to print this kind of Wl( pl found them they majority of German people became tired system. guilty. information, it would start a deteriat'on en si of this image. The American textbooks are slanted to a the white majority in the personification 0 .Guest Column Richard Rolland and Lauren Scrafford- of inferority in our American minorities. This personfication of inferiority is a basic cause of America's racial disturbance today. An excellent way to correct this situation is through our Frank Bogardus and civil rights D.L. speaks to you John Foley history of white majority to understand completely the histpry of our country. ei This author is of Japanese ancestry, but I CI believe in America's ideals and values. John Otani What if Immanuel Velinovsky is right Lindley Hall Part II We hold these truths to be self-evident, Let's take a look at some Violations of of Malcoum X, the'lack Muslims, that all inen are created equal, that they Freedom in America both past and Stokley Carmichael an(I his,cry for Black mython Editor are endowed by their Creator with ceitain present. Since our first Revolution scores Power, Ceasar Chavas-'and the Chicano reply inalienable rights, that'among these are of dissenters have been tarred and Unionization movement, the Black However, we realize that you skeptical Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of feathered, while to burn the plant of an Panthers and their cry for Black control D.L. Enterprises has always subscribed readers won't believe this until you see Happiness, unpopular newspaper is an old American of the Black community, even recent Editor, the Argonaut; to the theory that nature is smarter than the proof with your own eyes. So, in the That to secure these rights, custom. Laws'rohibiting acts as. innocuous as I refer to Mr. Fronek's letter in the all of us. This past weekend is a case in near future, at a time and date to be Governments are instituted among Men, Never enjoyed full rights Rock Festivals, Feb. 27th issue of the Argonaut regarding point. The U of I Sports Car Club announced, James Cash will walk on the deriving their just poweres from the Immigrants and racial and religious the story, "Death by the Pound", that scheduled an autocross for Sunday and cwater of Robinson Lake. Proof positive consent of the governed —That when any . minorities have never enjoyed the full When a people. decided it is time to appeared in the latest Amython. There nature made it snow. for the doubting few. : For'm of Government becomes rights of citizenship or the equal assert the fact of their existence and to are three points that need expressing. After all, what is an autocross? Is 't destructive of these ends, it is the Right of protection of the law. Radical political reach out and take their inalienable 1.Words are profane or obscene only anything but a bunch of men with viriliiJ the People to alter or to ABOLISH it, and movements and efforts to organize labor rights, Frank Bogardus and his "Middle because of the social values one ascribes complexes driving smog generators, A PRETTY GIRL...ETC. to instite new Government. unions have been opposed with injunction, Americans" scream Communism. to them. Obscenity does not exist on racing around a parking lot, attempting to D.L. Enterprises will soon be holding These are the Civil Rights, as stated in intimidation, and violence. The fact is that with the United States paper, it exists in the mind of an get from nowhere to nowhere in the its annual SweetDream Girl competition. the Declaration of Independence, which Alien and Sedition Laws, which sound Underground Gestapo (C.I.A.) there is interpreter. An author can use society's fastest possible time? How would you like to represent D.L, Mr. Bogardus spoke of in the last issue of strangely up to date, were first imposed little or no chance of outside agitators obscene words either to express a form of They have their different classes of Enterprises at fairs, rodeos, parades, attd the Arg. There are no if's, and's, or but's. when the French Revolution released influencing the actions of the oppressed in common language, used by one or more of cars (based on the engine's ability to business conventions all over the world? 'revolutionary ideas of EQUALITY AND America. The problem lies not in his characters, to express a sense of produce carbon monoxide). and their Well this is your chance. The contest is of DEMOCRACY which the upper classes Communism, but in a feeling of white moral depravity, or to shock his reader. different classifications of drivers (has he Free competition ideas open to ail girls, with no restrictions as to throughout the civilized world correctly Supremacy and Racial Bias which has The "obscene" words used in Mr. killed anybody in the past three weeks?) There are two basic assumptions in age, weight, color, etc. The contestants American Democracy. The first is the viewed as a dangerous threat to their withheld the constitutional right of Non- Zimmerman's story are the words of his but in reality it is nothing different from will be judged on their appearance, faith that truth defeats error, that in the power and privilege. Whites and poor Whites in America today. characters. The author is using these the games you used to play on your brains, and personality. If you are market place of free competition in ideas, Slavery issue words to depict the language of his tricycle. We have a dream interested in entering, write your name, truth will eventually triumph. Another serious curtailment of civil characters. By refusing the author the use Anyway, the sun and the earth saw this We have a dream in America —which address, and telephone number on a sheet The second fundamental basis of liberties accompanied the slavery issue of these words we are limiting itis art. evil thing coming. The fumes, the noise most of us take for granted —that all of paper and leave it at the SUB democratic government is an implicit preceding the Civil War. After the Nat and the violence, being counter to the people are born equal and that they have Argonaut not degraded information desk. You will be notified, social contract in which the majority Turner insurrection in 1831, abolitionist purpose of life, caused nature to cancel the same opportunities to get what they gives up the persecution of the minority meetings were suppressed, the mails 2. To say that the author's intention in the game. Nature speaks but who will closed want out of life....And yet all our lives "M" providing the minority gives up the to abolitionist books and writing the story was to degrade the listen? IS FOR. ~ we have probably heard about people practice of revolution. In both of these newspapers, and abolitionists were Argonaut is absurd. Anyone desiring to do being at "the bottom" or "the top" of D.L. If you, the interested student, wott)4 aspects the American Dream of threatened with death if they crossed such certainly could find an easier way Enterprises will! In the place of something called the social ladder. the like to vote on any of the above subjects, Democracy has failed. southern soil. than writing a short story and submitting autocrosses why not have bicycle- Social stability in our land of Equal crosses? You stamp "yes or "no'onananvtlandship Justifiable revolution The North, meanwhile, sought to avoid to Amython for possible publication. can still have the vehicle opportunity can be compared to the classifications it collect to Mendel Rivers, Care of the Revolution to our Founding Fathers, conflict by preventing discussion of the In the first place, Amython is not part of (ten speed, three speed, ': Indian Caste System as far as its rigidity and balloon Pentagon. was justifiable in a republic only when the slavery question. Abolitionists were the Argonaut. It is a separate ASUI pig) and driver classifications is concerned, In the United States forty (What's NDF is here. Can you dig it? '. ruling powers interfered with the efforts viewed as dangerous troublemakers. This publication administered by a separate his weight? Can he chew bubble percent of the Sons of Unskilled Workers gum and of the minority to gain power through suppression of civil liberties, was a staff. The Argonaut prints and distributes open a door at the same time? ). follow in their father's footsteps, while criticism, persuasion and political failure for it neither preserved slavery the Amython but has nothing to.do You could still race around really fast and only five percent achieve the level of „'," activity; if the government did so nor prevented conflict. whatsoever with.its contents. you wouldn't mess up the earth. Think The second annual sfttoits«« professionals. about interfere, then revolution became a duty, 3. The effect of Mr. Zimmerman's it. E-8osrd candidates and prsgi. In the past decade the number of acts of Social order in school Brothers and Sisters it is time for another story is to make you sick. He deyftial and vice presidential csndi. suppression have been too numerous to The American school reflects the socio- presents you Revolution. even think of listing them. Let's think with a repulsive scene completely The Fool on the Hill dates will be ftt just economic order in everything it does in March 9 at 7:30 P debasing the social value of a human what it teaches, who it teaches, who does body The James Cash for in the Uphsm Hall cafeteria and at the same time connects this with Governor the teaching, who does the hiring and campaign is booming right along The smoker is sponsored by your country. Why? Does he simply with firing of teachers, and what the children enjoy lognthmettcally Upham Hall. making people sick? I think increasing speed The learn in and out of not. The the classroom. list of important political figures who Idaho Argonaut The The intent of the author is to disturb you teenager who Must quit school in — have thrown their support behind J.C. is Volume 73 Number il Fsbfsafy 27, 1870 morally to shake you up. He wants you MOSCOW, IDAHO order to work so his family may survive far too long to mention here, but 9 to think about where this insane game of with this A candidate forum is being plan- a in no way has an equal opportunity to kind of support he is sure to win. The Idaho Argonaut is published by the Associated must be typewritten and are limited to a maximum war is leading to. If you can kill a person, ned by Issues and Forums for the Idaho under the au- length oi 250 words tone typewritten double compare with the DEBUTANTE Students oi the EIniversity oI page, going destroy human oi Idaho Board of Regents. spaced.) Letters to the editor mast be signed and a life, why can't you use upcoming ASUI general election. thority of the University off to Vasser. J C has sp nt the last week attempting Published twice weekly, oa Tuesdays and Fridays,. the author's name and address mast appear legibly. the remains of your act to help destroy Students who are run- author's Empirical support for the position considering while the University is in regular session. The name will be withheld from publi(.'a- that other lives? to get a good running mate to round out tioa on request. a ning for office are urged to contact The offices of the Idaho Argonaut are located in caste system exists in America is the ticket. His first choice, The Idaho Argonaut is distributed without charge a very well the basement of the Student Union Building, Deakin provided by data on income Doug Hill Mike McLaughiin Nu at on the University sf Idaho campus aad ig the city and education known sorority girl on campus, refused Sigma Avenue, Moscow, Idaho 83843. Amython Editor of Moscow. Mail sabscrtptioas are available on ce- among Blacks. 882-9113. so he can make basic is entered as second class the opportunity on the grounds that she The Idaho Argonaut gest at the rate of 33 per semester of $5 per yefr. 83843. Blacks receive half plans for postage at the post office Moscow, Idaho eqaests for subscriptions should be addressed in was far too busy. (D.L. believes. Oh yes! ) the forum. Many Blacks Office hours are 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. on Sundays care aI the Associate Editor. are unskilled workers and However, if one of you nice straight V Advertising material and and Wednesdays and noon to ii p.m. on Mondays classified advertise- as a group their incomes are scarcely Greek would I Messages and letters to the editor ments must be submitted to the Advertising k(h(s- people like to be Lt. and Thursdays. more than half those of unskilled may be len ia the Argonaut mailbox in the SUB gen- ager by noon on Friday for Monday's paper and by whites. A new telephone service for Governor of the Great State of Idaho, A free dance, featuring "W»t Monday through noon on Wednesday for Fftday's Advertis- Of the Blacks eral office 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday. paper. living in rural areas, fully please contact Jim Cash or John nobody Letters to the editor may be accepted for publica- ing rates available on request. All advertising car- U of I students has been put into Foley at if they gave a band aftd 40 per cent earn less than $1,000per year. wherever ttoff provided they are properly submitted before respondence should be addressed hi care oi: Bgs- effect. Called "Campus you can find them came?" will be in the SUB ball- iness Even within the Today", 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication. All letters , the Argonaut. same occupational It is not by accident that James Cash groups and at the same students can listen to a brief out- room at 8 p.m. Sunday educational levels has the initials that he does. The list of Blacks earn considerably less than line of current campus events by Admission ts tree Editor people that he has cured of incurable grise Lcbdsll whites. Semi-skilled Black dialing 882-6737 at any time. The dance is being sponsored by Assoc. Editor Cliff Eidamglar factory disease is longer than a roll of Scott's * workers Managing Editor Carolyn Cron earn in a life time, only 72 Dick Sullivan and Tom Carroll News Editor Toilet Tissue. Jim also does a fine of Janet ilugg per cent as much job I as do their white Festers Editor Laura tones keeping his friends drunk on wine I Social Editor counterparts. Pslifkal Edifsf Bill Fitzgerald Educated Blacks earn less Cs-Spans Editors Chuck Malloy, Mark Cacpaf ~ ' College educated Blacks, earn less Advsnklng Manager Sob Tabac on l LA~ LI >S t)Nty Advatkfsg Salesman Mady Rsthchild the average than do whites with only an ~ Rich Smith eight-grade education. It is plain to see IIIE Gaftt(cuE safs IT Adele Hadley here that . Jerry Gsicsechea Education of the Black ~HhS R SEXm Sggq- Community is not the answer to I' . faassSsds Dennis Frlfx the O(JV+S problem of racial bias An E'dhor Donna Oaorgs and Black Need Pfanayrsgffar Robert Sower Suppression as Mr. Bogardus asserts. ftsfs Is DePth flaps Kit Fsrsy The only real answer is to stop the buck- Phsfsyrsph»s Erich Kana Mike Nughss llepsn»s passing about communist agitation in the Cbsryi Christly Mike Kfn, Vsi~ a ghetto and recognize the rights of Rk clash . Daanaa Kent, Safbars Ms ~ others JOA M vpay. Don. Itrt sb D»m stated in the Declaration 4 . Raysold. Dkk of Independence Lswry.'kh and the United States Bill of Rights, Power to the People. Usda Sack» MI. Bogardus. I suggest you read Darrell Huff's book, "How to lie with . Statistics", yo(lditLa Poor jPjis@@.c;„,

Y 9 '>'age4 March 3, 'I 970 gB 4' Delta Sigma Phi Lange to present lecture series chooses finalists The Delta Sigma Phi Dream Girl finalists were chosen Sunday evening and serenaded that night. They are Becky ~t: on Gothe, language, literature Carter, DG; Chris Croasman, Theta. H.K. Iinhart, Alpha Chi; Victor Tri Delta; and Leslie Lange, an authority on German Lange, John F. Woodhull, professor of . country and received his Ph.D. at the Robson, Gamfna literature, Phi, hr will present a series of three modern languages at Princeton University of Leipzig in 1934. lectures Other girls competing included: iI 14 at the University of Idaho this University, will speak on "Goethe, The A Visiting Professor at several Debbie week. .. Anderson, French; Relevance of Humanism," Thursday at American colleges and the Universities of Marilyn Cegnai, A Phi; Ann Cusack, Pi Phi; of 3:10 p,m. in the Home Economics Lounge. Cologne and Heidelberg, he was named Jeanette Eire s s Hays; Debbie George, Olesen; and ysf'afrk „'," "Understanding Another Culture" will Honorary Professor at the Free Mary Garndjean, Kappa. foi be his topic Thursday night at 8 in the University, West Berlin in 1963. In 1950 Other contestants were Bev Ot Student Union Building, and Lange will and 1967. Lange was a Guggenheim Gray rt Campbell; Kathy Hoene, Houston; 'a speak on "The Mirror of Language: fellow, from 196647 a McCosh fellow, and Pain I Nelson, McCoy; Nancy M Borges, Nabokev and Beckett" at 3:10 most recently, held a Fulbright grant to Olsen, Alpha Gam; Erika Schuster, Ethel p.m. in the Home Economics Lounge on lecture in Australia I.,sring the summer of Steele; arid )I Janice Wolff, Forney. Friday. 1969. I ~ ,b The queen will be In addition, he will speak on "Forms of Recipient of the gold medal of the crowned at is intermission of the Delta Sig Modern Fiction" at 11 a.m. on Friday in Goethe Institute in 1967, Professor Lange ~8 skiIIL 6I+II Carnation Ball, a formal dance to be held Room 13of Wilson Hall at WSU. was also awarded the Prize for Germanic Saturday night in the SUB following a Lange has been chairman of the Scholarship of the German Academy in banquet .' Pam Garrabrandt, A Phi, is the ,,: All I department of Germanic languages and the same year. current queen. literatures at Princeton since 1957. Prior Since 1965 he has been president of the M is to this teaching appointment, he was a International Association of Germanists Ea. 0 faculty member at the University of and was on the executive council of the pici tl Leipzig in 1931-32, at Toronto in 1932-38, Modern Language Association of pre Ji and a professor of German literature and America. Lange serves as a member of w adn lan chairman of German studies at Cornell the advisory board of the Goethe Institute Ticket s sale set pro tl from 1945-57. and is director of the National Carl Schurz 'rig T tl Born in Leipzig, he left in 1928 to study Foundation. b col', at T Oxford University. He continued as a His publications deal with ste ll |r student at the Sorbonne in 1929, and the fOf Sr contemporary European literature and )Bzz'concert tha E University of Munich from 1929-30. In 1930 criticism, eighteenth century European phi a Mr. Lange came to the U.S. as a Gertrude Victor Lange fiction and, especially, Goethe. Professor Tickets for the Jazz Festival Concert att Davis exchange fellow to study at the Lange has recently edited a collection of Saturday, March 14 will on University of Toronto. He returned to his go sale essays on Goethe and a survey of Thursday in the SUB and several ag American scholarship in the modern downtown locations. The tickets are 1 for ag $ languages. He is the author of Goethe's non-student 'ii students and $1.50for adults, Fiction, Narrative Forms in 18th Cen- Bureau publishes booklet The Saturday evening concert pr tury Fiction and Contemporary German will I include the three Jo Poetry, and co-editor of Comparative top high school jazz I bands from the all Literature and of Germanistik. selected day contest te on zircon data and the University of Idaho Jazz Lab computer, the'Phi SE Lange speaks here as a part of Band. William Billingsley, professor of A procedure for Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar Program di computer handling of heat, weathering and other geological music, and Jerry Kenny from Boise will which was begun in 1956 to give pi descriptive data on the physical processes and consequently a study of the be featured with the University's jazz undergraduates the opportunity to meet properties of zircon crystals is outlined in morphology of the age-dated crystal group. and talk with outstanding scholars who si a new circular prepared by the Idaho grains is one means of determining the are also noted teachers, The judges for the high school contest Bureau of Mines and Geology, it was age and the geologic history of the rock in IN CONCERT four members of the University of Idaho Dance Theater rehearse will be Noah Waters of Spokane, Jerry a announced today by Dr. R.R, Reid, which the zircon i9 present. Over eighty visits have been scheduled a selection which they will perform during their concerts this Saturday. The Kenny and Robert Spevacek, instructor of 0 bureau director. "However, such analysis is tedious and for 1969-70. Participating Scholars are: performances featuring tive different types of dance, will be given at 2:30 and music. Waters is a string bass player who The circular, entitled "Computer time consuming when done manual Robert F. Byrnes, distinguished professor by 8 p.m. in the new Women's Health-Education Building. Rehearsing the dance does professional musfc and studio work d Analysis of Zircon Morphology Data" was calculation. The new circular outlines a of history, Indiana University; Charles are (from the top) Karen Anderson Cleo Schlid, Nancy Garison, and Lenora in the Northwest, Kennys just returned to p written by Marion R. Hedberg of Boise procedure for computer Frankel, professor programming of of philosophy, Anderson. Boise following national tours with c Cascade Systems and Programming and the data. By this means, the researcher Columbia University; Walter R. William several groups including Les and Larry R. Greenwood, formerly on the obtains his answers without the Goldschmidt, professor of quickly anthropology, Elgart. Spevacek, who teaches the lower r bureau staff and now ttvith the U.S. tiring work of desk calculation and with University of California at Los Angeles; brass instruments here, had experience Geological Survey. less chance of error." Julian N. Hartt, Noah Porter professor of with high school stage bands in Wisconsin According to Reid, zircon is present in A copy of the circular be obtained philosophy and theology, Yale Danae theatre prepares may University; where he organized the Badger State accessory amounts in many igneous, by interested persons from the bureau Jack H. Hexter, professor of history, Yale Stage Band Festival. metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. It is office in the Mines Building at the University; Leon Howard, professor of highly resistant to change under pressure, University of Idaho. English, University of California at Los for Saturday program There will be 14high school bands from Victor Angeles; Lange, John N. Woodhull Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington professor of modern languages, Princeton A varied program of dances, participating in the contest, The winners University; Walter ranging Admission for the concerts will be $1 J. Ong., S.J., from ballet to jazz, will be presented will be announced after their Professor of English, St. Louis by per person. University students will be the University of Idaho Dance Theatre admitted upon presentation of their performances at the 8 p.m. concert University; James Sykes, professor of during two concerts here this Saturday. activity cards. March 14. When know music, Dartmouth College. you The performances, featuring the 35- it's for keeps member dance group, will be given at 2:30 and 8 p.m. in the dance studio of the Women's All your sharf,g, choses new Health-Education Building, Humane sexuality series 'uxiliary all your special mern;, Ies Included in the cnncerts will be dances will be forever reflecting five different types of six new members movement. Beginning the the symbolized by your program, dancers will present variations on folk discusses sex education diamond engagement ring. New members of Little Sisters of dancing. They then will perform If the name, Minerva, the women's auxiliary of Sigma interpretations of ballet, modern and jazz ur~+smtl gl II The fourth program in a series of programs were entitled "Liberation of Keepsake is in the ring t Alpha Exsilon, were tapped dancing. Wednesday evening and initiated topics encompassed in a campus ministry Women," ."Changing Roles," "Playboy and on the Iag, The group will also present a selection Thursday evening, according to Jim program entitled "Toward A Humane and the Christian," and "Furor Over Sex you are assured of which contrasts the movements Mottern, SAE. of karate Sexuality" was presented Sunday at the Education." fine quality and with the expressive qualities of dance. University of Idaho by Stanley Olson, Sister Joan Margaret felt that Those chosen were Leslie Ahrens, Barb Between the selections, a commentary lasting satisfaction. Boise. He is a consultant for the State discussion between the audience and Benner, and Judy Sliman, Kappa; Mary will be given explaining the dance forms The engagement diamond Department of Education. speakers during the question and answer Kay Holden, Tri Delta; Carolyn Lenton, and their relationship to each other. is flawless, He said that the State Department of period was objective and realistic, with a DG; and Brenda Williams, Theta. According to Mrs. Diane Walker, of superb color and Education merely provides health- trend toward more frank and open assistant professor of Women's Physical pi&cise modern education curriculum guides for use by discussion and an effort to avoid the cut. Dave Poe past SAE president, said the Education and director of the group, local school districts. Each community sensaional and to arrive at a true Your Keepsake Jeweler purpose of the auxiliary is to assist the "These concerts offer an excellent men of SAE maintains control of its curriculum. understanding of human sexuality. has a choice selection in social activities and to opportunity to see the different kinds of provide little sisters for He also said that the home is the mos'. There seemed to be concern among of many lovely styles. the SAE pledges. dance and to develop an understanding of important source for a child to obtain sex members of the audience about whether He's listed in its many forms." or family living education, but the home the school districts will treat the subject the yellow pages is not always adequate when, on the of sex education with "healthy respect under "Jewelers." national average, one in three marriages and reverence for human sexuality," )I 'I ends in divorce. stated Sister Joan-Margaret, "The ilies "The education of adults is one of the audience seemed to be divided evenly . most important steps toward sex over the subject of sex education in r education in the schools," he said. "The schools." /aegeake majority of persons challenging sex There are no more planned OtAMONO RINGS programs education programs are genuinely for the near future. ',Iou !'ni"S concerned parents." Many of these persons have become alarmed after r e Student hearing or reading "rumors, innuendoes, Union Board will con- over 400 yds, and half-truths. There have been bad duct interviews for new members programs, but there has been no on Wednesday in the SUB. 60" wide and exciting new colors confirmation of these programs in SUB Board is responsible for Idaho." directing activities and policies Sister Joan Margaret of Saint associated with the SU B opera- rag.toSByd. Sdle Augustine's Catholic Center said she felt tions. ~95 yCI. that all four of the programs were Applications are available at the successful because they LOOK for Red approached SUB information desk or from Dick Sale Tag human sexuality from both liberal and Wittman, chairman of the board. conservative points of view. The four, 5irint IiiifOO tie ,'I enIS This Summer Earn College Credit Abroad entire stock over 3,000 yds. on Air-Sea-Land Travel's 1970 Study/Travel sale 81.79 yd. to $5.99 yd. HOLIDAYS ABROAD I I reg. to 88 yd. I HOW TO PLAN YOUR ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING I Please send new 20 page booklet, "Planning Your Engagement and Wedding" LOOK for Red Sale ISRAEL...... 66 Days and full color tolder, both for Tag $1,360.00 only 2Sc. Also, tell rre how !o obtain the beautiful I Kibbutz, For Further Information and Brochures I 44 page Bride's Keepsake Book at half price. s-20 Work —Study —Travel I From New York June 16th on any or all of the above tours contact I I AIR-SEA-LAND TRAVEL SERVICE ., I FRANCE/SPAIN... 6 wks. $871.00 I "'"" Including Air from Spokane l I 2 Surprise Tables Contact Air-Sea-Land for Dates. HOW TO HAVE A GREAT SUMMER I with over 1,000 yds. I HOLIDAUI Crr„ c, I GREAT BRITAIN.... 4 wks. $868 I Including Air from I ~ r rag. to Sale Spokane. I S3 yd 98It I UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, 4 Offices io Serve You I KEEPSAKE DIAMOND RINGS, BOX 90, SYRACUSE, N.Y. f3201 i Kettle Cloth You Can't Miss This ENGLAND...... 64 days $1,396.00 Ridpaih Hotel MA 4-0144 Sale From New York inclusive with tuition. Lincoln Building MA 4-0147 Sail Cloth Paris — 'nds Amsterdam —London, plus mo- Saturday, March 7 torcoach tour of East 412 ~ E Spectator Cloth Scotland and England. 30th Ave. RI 7-8057 g perss~ssCH E July 9th departure. East 10716 Sprague Ave. WA 4-8951

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0 'hi March BL 1970 Police scientist speaks StS Zenier named Girl )lane winner local law er)forcers to 0 ing and ~ Becky 'r. Theta; j') Pi Kappa Alpha contest Harry W. More, Jr., chairman of administrative problems that face him in terson, the Department of Police Science at San the areas of organization, budgeting, data lamma Jose State College, San Jose, Calif., will processing, records 'ystems and other I'ygt j Alpha Gam, was be the featured DIBM Zenier, named award were Randy Rauch and Mark speaker at the Institute administrative techr . ues applicable to Debbie II I(appa Alpha Dream Girl at the sixth Tiddens. for Local Law Enforcement local law enforcemem Girl Dance Saturday Administrators, nar, A ~uaj Dream night The Outstanding Pledge Award is based to be at the University of Sponsored by the um I ersity's Bureau of e Ballroom. Other Idaho Wednesday- 11-13. Eire, g.(he SUB finalists on scholarship, pledge education, social Friday, March Public Affairs Research the institute will d Mary Critell, French; Connie More, a former with the also

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Editor's Note: With the 1970 major St Louis Cardinals The Pirates strong hitting and lack of already includes Rick Wise league campaign near, the pitching should make them finish no Fryman, and Chr Argonaut will take a pre season look On paper, the Cardinals are as strong as higher than fourth place in the strong Short, Jim Bunning, who came from Ls any team in the major leagues. In 1967 National League East. Angeles and at all the teams in the major leagues, , who came fr I and outcome and 1968 success came easy for them, but St. Louis should provide I give predictions on the added punch Io hr in success 5. of the season. This is the first in a 1969, the Cardinals realized the staff : 14 would not be easy as they ended up in The Phillies could surprise series of four articles. The Philadelphia Phillies dumped many peo I ae fourth place in their division. this year. but the guess Richie Allen to solve one problem in the here is that they ot The National League Eastern Division The Cardinal pitching staff will will need another i organization, but little did they know year before they I probably be one of the strong points for should be a close race this season, Last there would be more problems with Curt serious contenders. fo year'e exciting race between the Chicago them. (20-13), Steve Carlton Flood. Flood is a fine ball player, but it 6. ot Cubs and the New Mets should be (17-11), Nelson Briles (15-13), and Mike York appears that his heart will not be with ba repeated this season, but this time the Torrez (10-4), provide the Red Birds with Philadelphia as he has already raised Last year the Montreal Expos provided M result will be different as the Cubs will one of the most respected starting controversy. Canada with its first major league team come out in front, The St. Louis Cardinals rotations in the league. The The last time Philadelphia was Expos were supported well as theY should also be strong contenders in what The obtaining of Richie Allen could contender for the pennant was in 1964. In drew a total of 1,212,970 fans inspite of thI could be the strongest league in baseball. make the difference between winning and that year, the Phillies were ahead in the last place finish. The Expos probably will losing. If he is happy, the Cardinals will race most of the year, but a collapse in not improve in the standings, but have a very fine player. Allen was in a they 1. September ruined their chance for the should improve in the wop loss column. 'he trade which shipped centerfielder Curt collapse of the Cubs last year can October classic. Since that year, The pitching staff will be led by former Flood, catcher Tim McCarver, be accredited to counting their chickens Philadelphia has come up with many new Idaho Vandal star Bill Stoneman (ll-lgi Joe Hoerner and outfielder Byron Browne before they hatch. The Cubs were in first faces, and their new look will be headed Stoneman pitched a no-hitter last year M ic to Philadelphia, who in turn gave Allen, place for 155 games, and most of that span by Frand Lucchesi, manager. and he has been impressive in other Ea. o pitcher , and infielder of time waS spent enjoying a seven or Tim McCarver will be the new catcher games pitched. Two newcomers on picl tl . tits eight game lead over the second place for the Phils, McCarver has had bad staff should help out for the Expos. Jps pre J; Allen could either play first base or left club. The Cubs found themselves spending seasons for the St. Louis Cardinals, but if Sparma, obtained from Detroit, and adn field, depending on what strategy Red Jjnt their world series check at the Allktar he can return to his form in 1967, then the Britton from Atlanta gives the pro tl Schoendiest, Cardinal manager will use. Expss break. The Cubs failure could make a Phils will have-a fine catcher on their some respectable starting . T tl If moves to the catching better team out of them however. hands, Ron Fairly will probably play at first col f duties, then Allen will probably play first The Chicago Cubs head into the season The infield positions will have only one base, and Coco Laboy, who was a ste li base. If Ted Simmons gets the call as IIIII with what could be the best all around seasoned player in the line and that rookie last season will be solid at tha F catcher, then Torre will move to first up, thirtj material in baseball. The pitching staff will be Deron Johnson at first base. From base. Gary Sutherland and Bobby Wine phi a base, and Allen will play left field. has three potential 20 game winners with there, the Phils are full of player as will fill in at second base and shortstpp ati The other positions of the infield are young (21-5), Bill Hands (20- they will have Denny Doyle at second, respectively. stable with Julian Javier at second, Mike 14) and Ken Holtzman (17-13). The Cubs Don Money at third and perhaps Larry The outfield will be led by Rusty Ststtb ag Shannon at third, and Dal Maxville at also have the two most respected relief Bowa, whot hit .287 and led the Pacific in right field. From there, it will be atl shortstop. 9 pitchers in baseball with Ted Abernathy Coast League in stolen bases with 48, will battle with Adolfo Phillips, Bob Bailey, rii The outfield, which were strong points and Phil Regan. get his chance at shortstop. Mack Jones and Jose Herrera. pr I for St. Louis one year ago, is now a The Cubs are also solid behind the plate The pitching department will not be too The Expos have names who should gjvs Jo I possible weak point. Lou Brock provides with , and the infield bad. Dick Selma could be challenging for the fans m Jarry Park something to yell I the Cardinals with an able rightfielder, positions will once again be strong with a position in the starting rotation which about. te but the other two Ernie Banks, Glenn Beckert, Don positions are a problem. If Allen leftfield, Sf Kessinger, and Ron Santo. plays then one problem would be solved. The di John Callison will be a welcomed Cardinals traded and Vade PI member of the team as he will provide Pinson, so center field will be vacant. Chicago with a third good outfielder, and Seven teams qualify for NCAA sl WHO SAYS TRAVEL IN MOSCOW IS HARD? Argonaut Photographer Mike this is something they lacked last year. The Cubs will probably Callison in Hughes pictured one student's answer to that question. It may be slow, but it put 4. Pittsburg Pirates . a right field, Jim Hjckman in center field, gets you there. 0 and Billy Williams in left field. There is an old saying that says "Good The NCAA tournament picture in col- Iowa won the Big Ten crown with a jpij- pitching can stop good hitting." If one is lege basketball came into sharp focus Ernie Banks has never played in a 107 squeaker over Purdue's defending to argue for that statement the during the weekend with UCLA, Iowa, World Series, but fortunately for Banks, champions despite a record 61 points would be an by he is on a strong team that could make the example Davidson, Temple, Ohio University, Rick Mount for the losing Boilermakers. which can be used. They have the most Rice and Texas — October classic this year. El Paso qualifying Davidson won the Southern Conference Angel Flight fearsome hitting in baseball, but they for a crack at the national champion- taps tourney by beating 7. Richmond have no pitching. 8141, 2 ship. Temple won the Middle Atlantic Four regulars finished in the top ten in The addition of these seven leaves only Conference playoffs by shading St, It has been said "there is no such thing batting average in the National League- three berths still open in the 25-team field Joseph's Pa. 63-59. as Mother attends Goose, Disneyland, Dr. Seuss, Roberto Clemente, Matty Alou, and and will conference they be decided this week. or nursery rhymes, but after the 1969 Manny Sanguillen, but they only had one Officers for Arnold Air Society that Drake can qualify by beating St. Louis Ohio U. gained its spot by pulling out a Seven new members have been tapped performance of the Amazin'ets, sports pitcher who won more than 15 games, and sponsors the Angel is Thursday. The other two spots will go 77-76 victory over Bowling Green to wrap for Angel Flight, the 25-member sponsor Flight an honorary fans now can believe in almost anything. that was Steve Blass with 16 wins. social organization of Air Force ROTC Saturday to the winner of the Atlantic up the Mid-American Conference title. corps for Arnold Air Society of the Air After the three game sweep in the Other than the pitching department, the Officers Coast Conference tourney and the Santa Rice took the Southwest Conference by Force ROTC. for Arnold Air are Larry National League play-off games, and the Pirates seem strong. Clemente, Alou, and Clara at U. of Pacific game. beating Texas Christian 82-73 New Angels are Debbie Hancock, commander; Carm Walga- coupled Anderson, DG; stunning victory over the Baltimore Willie Stargell provide for the best UCLA mott, deputy commander; Ron gained its chance for a fourth with the defeats of Texas Tech by Kathy Critell, French; Marilyn Hirte, Lauer, Orioles in the World Series, the Mets did outfield trio in baseball. The infield comptroller; and Skip Cressey, consecutive national title and its sixth in Southern Methodist 85-80 and Texas A&M Hays; Judy Lindstrom, Pi Phi; Laurie something that many teams do after such positions will have Al Oliver at first, Bill information officer. seven years by routing California 109-95 by Baylor 70-68. McCullough, Alpha Chi; Jody Studebaker, success, and that is "hit the night clubs." Mazeroski at second, Gene Alley at just a week after its upset defeat at the Texas-El Paso, which won the NCAA Pi Phi; and Janice Zahalka, In addition to the civic service project A team must decide McCoy. whether to play shortstop and Rich Hebner at third. hands of with the Angels, the society also sponsors Oregon. The Ducks lost their title in 1966 as Texas Western qualified by baseball or go on the entertainment Sanguillen, who hit .303 last should the fall registration dance year slim chance of catching UCLA in the shading Utah 83-82 and clinching the Kathie Kelly is the each year. Its circuit. The Mets decided to entertain, be adequate at Angel Flight catching this year. Pacific@ by losing to Washington 90-73, Western Athletic Conference crown. commander. Other officers are Jill primary purpose is to help the cadets and can hardly blame them. Their lack of enjoy ROTC more. Jackson, executive officer; Cande Carey, spunk that made them so famous in 1969 Members of both the Angel Flight and administrative officer; Genny will now show up in the early going of the Arnold Air Society were among the Popplewell, information officer; Gai season. They will probably start off slow students from 10 Pacific Northwest Fisher, operations officer; Kristy Karn, and finish strong like last year, but they universities to attend Pledge Trainer; Jan Peterson, comp- the annual should fall short this year. conference at Washington troller; Joanne Hillis and Amy La- State The pitching staff still remains as the University last weekend. Marche, rush chairman; and Debbie strong point for New York. Other universities represented Meyer, drill commander. at the (25-7), Jerry Koosman (17-9), and Gary conference were Montana, Montana Gentry (13-12) should perform as well as State, Oregon, Oregon State, Willamette, "One of our major functions is to last year. Their bullpen will be a highlight Portland, Puget Sound, Washington and publicize the Arnold Air Society and Air of the team with Tug McGraw and Ron the host WSU. The highlight of the Force ROTC," Miss Kelly said. "We also Taylor heading the staff. weekend was the Military Ball Saturday do what we can to help keep up the morale The Mets still have the depth in other evening in the Wilson Compton Union. of the cadets through our joint activities areas, and Manager Gil Hodges is The Weekend meeting also included an fortunate for that. The will Ci" and parties. Mets probably awards luncheon "Each year we carry out a civic service Saturday noon with alternate Don Clendenon and Ed speaker Colonel Robert project with Arnold Air. This year we Stevens, project Kranepool at first base; Ken Bowswell officer for the supersonictransportbeing raised $130 on a Christmas fund raising and Al Weis at second base; and Ron built the drive for State Hospital North." by Boeing Airplane Company and Swoboda and Art Shamsky in right field. retired Air The Arnold Air Society that sponsors Force officer. Lt. Colonel Joe Foy comes from Kansas City in a Lewis the Angel Flight is an honorary social Ciccoli, national executive trade that sent Amos Otis and Bob secretary for Arnold Air organization of Air Force ROTC. Its Society and Johnson from the Mets. Foy could give another retired Air membership includes selected juniors and Force officer of the Mets stability at third base, but if he Washington, also seniors in the ROTC program and the D.C., attended the is not able to do the job, Wayne Garret scholarship ROTC cadets. meetings. will then get his try. Jerry Grote will be behind the plate again, and the other outfield position will Senior. 0 t e'.eryiews .'','",',::;:.:,':::,:,',:.:,'::."..:,':,.': baseball or hit a night club

Msr. 13 TACOMA PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Will interview candidates for elementary snd SPORTSMAN'S Fri. sscondsry teaching fields. U.S. Citizenship. BARBER SHOP You can fiy. Msr. 13 MONTGOMERY WARD. All degrees snd majors in Collsgs of Business; English Moscow's Lergest and Finest As a TWA hostess. Fri. Jsurnsiism. Msthsmstics. U.S. Citizenship. And you )

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E;, I

~ March 3. 1970 Page 7 , ~ 'j]e ~ S U444eS "rleS 4(I!!I'j,

'4fj "Se II -; y> s( ~ Vise, re Grant res and Christ me TELLO —Idah, State's "Mister "Bugs did."'As a matter of ~I from Los fact Bugs did If" was goaded mto a lot TO Came from succe of things no other freshman ever sketba . accomplished. ded punch Io p He was the first frosh to play in the state DHIVFRSITY IDAHO brothers. finals. Madison lost by i OF IDAHO, MOSCOW. Humes, who specializes in I two. many people Willie t- des«uctlon, has five older brothe Madison won '- e is that they "ame the sectional for the nd all of them starred in basketball t eighth straight time in =;;--.'UCIBI)t, ore they are Willie's senior >OI, ome level In Mad year, but never got beyond the regionals, was Lawrence Humes, Little All- losing by 3,20, and1in the finals. He was II American on the all-regional three years, all sectional four lil.„ Idaho State def~ jets W " 'hampion Evansville team of years, and the xpos provided leading scorer in the Ohio Lawrence was Willie's idol and h Valley area as a junior league team. , (29ppg) and senior for Of action Eood idol to have. He scored 2236 (27 ppg). highlight Big Sky well as they something only 27 s inspite m A JC All-American at Vincennes of the The Conference basketball race regulation play and the first four minutes ;tistory have topped University in Vincennes, Ind., Willie gives. Big Sky probably will was Weber State of overtime play to stop Montana State. Willie says, "Lawrence started it, Then some surprising answers when decided last week by ngs, but they asked why all played, In the summertime we he College, but the battle for the bottom four MSU failed to score from the 3:03mark )ss column. we chose to go to junior college where he positions continued hot and heavy over after leading 7144 late in the game. went from 1 to 8 at night and on school did. "When I was a junior in high school I led by former Gonzaga. behind Bill and we played from 4 to 8. I started saw Michigan the weekend. Quigg Doug Ieman (11-19), days City win the state ball in the third grade in tournament Idaho made the big move, defeating Reahume, rallied in the final minutes to ter last playing Madison. on television. O'eil year, Montana and 99-77 within tie the regulation game at 71-71. They have Little. League Basketball like Simmons played guard for Michigan City 8MS to move sive in other Montana State's Don Luce took game ',sonte other areas have Little League and impressed me with his quickness. I one game of getting out of the league omers on the scoring honors with 24 points. Gonzaga's Baseball. knew when he went to Vincennes that they cellar. Gonzaga and Montana State, he Expos. Joe had 21 points while teammate "My brothers and I played against each had to have a quick offense and meanwhile, traded victories with Quigg troit, and Jim wouldn''low Baline other. There was Lawrence and Bugs the ball down. Gonzaga winning Saturday night 79-76 in Bundy added 19. es the Expos "I Gonzaga is now third in league play (Howard) and the rest of us. Bugs played never met O'eil until the summer overtime and Montana winning Friday Iitchers. 4, . with its 64 mark, and is 9-14 over-all. at Western Kentucky, and the College of after my senior year, when he picked me night 644)1. y play at first Gary Koethe is shown making a driving lay-up in Conference basketball Mntana is nest at 5-9 and 6-17 with Southern Idaho andilndiana State. I think up to show me the school. Coach (Allen) Big Sky Weber State ventured out only once rho was a Iop action Montana State fifth with its 4-10 league one reason I play well is because you Bradfield and Coach (Jerry) Reynolds against Montana. Malcolm Taylor looks on. over the weekend, and lost 87-85 in solid at third mark and 4-21 over-all, Idaho remains in always want to do something better than were fine people, and the campus was so overtime to Idaho State. Weber thus d Bobby Wine the cellar with its 3-9 record, but is 7-14 anyone else, especially a brother. like friendly I knew I was going there. closed out its Big Sky conference season and shortstop, Lawrence who is so successful. I always The answers are a little more with a 12-3 record. The victory moved over-all. told him I was going to be better than predictable when Willie is asked he "wo second-place Idaho State to within one at why ~~Ianna ~a" by Rusty Staub s ~er him." came to Idaho State when every school in 114, but ISU also ended its league season. e, it will be a Willie, at last count the nation's seventh- the mid-West wanted him to for Weber has a game Wednesday in Seattle s, Bob play Bailey, scorer, has become better them. "I'd never against Seattle University and then ra. leading than a been west and wanted to lot of people. He has gone over 40 points see some of the country. Besides, O'eil returns to Provo, Utah for the opening Big Sky ryho should give six times, including three in a row, and he was here. round Saturday of the NCAA regional mething to "rom yell does most of the damage in the second Idaho State is fortunate to have the Inrizz ies playoffs. half. finest backcourt due ever to team at the Weber State, playing in its second Last weekend Idaho State won three Pocatello school, possibly the best in the consecutive NCAA regional tournament, John Nelson and Adrian Prince scored Idaho shot 56 per cent from the field, 36 wrestling games with hot second halves and Humes Intermountain West this year, possibly will meet Long Beach State of California 29 and 20 points in leading Idaho to an for 64. Montana made 26'of 58 attempts. was the hottest Bengal of all. In the the best in Big Sky Conference annals, in the first game. Utah State and Texas at emphatic 82-65 Big Sky Conference Idaho State University. with eight of its Friday 95-79 win over Montana State and among the nation's best in 1970. Vandals El Paso meet in the second game. CAA basketball victory over Montana Friday repeat victory 10 men reaching the finals, captured its Willie rallied ISU from a close 39-37 Humes is one guard and the other is Sophomore James Bonner scored on a night at Memorial Gymnasium. fourth straight Big Sky Conference halftime lead with 34 second-half points L)'Neil Simmons, the 6-0 thief who could fast break lay-in at the buzzer to give ISU The victory was just the second in 11 Cellar dwelling Idaho knocked off wrestling championship saturday night. and a conference record 48 for the night. pick your pocket with his hands tied. its victory. Bonner's basket came after conference games. for the tough luck Montana 99-77 Saturday in a Big Sky Saturday Idaho State set a team Simmons, last year'0 Most ISU guard O'eil Simmons stole the ball The Bengals scored 106 points to 85 for Big Sky Vandals —whose hopes of escaping the Conference basketball victory, the rown with a 108- scoring record with a 124-97 win over MSU Valuable Bengal, is scoring at a 19.8 clip away from Rich Nielsen, who was driving its closest challenger. Montana State. cellar weren't helped by Montana State' Vandals second in a row over the ue's defending after 57-49 with a season high of 36 points. He shoots for a final shot for Weber, and flipped it Weber State was third with 59 points, leading only at halftime. 64-61 upset of Gonzaga at Spokane. MSU is Grizzlies. rd 61 points Humes in what has to be the world's longest spinless down court to his teammate. Montana fourth with 31, Idaho fifth with by was off the first stanza with 4-9. Idaho, paced by Malcolm Taylor's 24- IIoilermakers. jump shot knuckleball. And on that press, and 23 and Gonzaga sixth with six. only 11, but poured through 30 in the Idaho as a result of three straight point effort, led only 18-17 with 10 minutes The lead changed hands 16 times em Conference when Willie doesn't steal, O'eil does. Or game's latter stages for 41. shoving fouls on the part of Montana gone but ran 10 straight points for a 28-17 was tied 14 times. Both Idaho State'and Montana State tchmond vice-versa, Weber's 6-foot-8 814), Humes scored 45 as Idaho State ripped moved out to an early 10-5 lead. edge and never was threatened after that, Willie Sojourner, captured four individual crowns, but Idle Atlantic 124-100 As for ambitions, 'I hope to have a shot Montana Monday night to tie that The game stayed relatively close until The Vandals, who made almost every center, had tied the game at 82-all with 21 depth made the.. difference for the y shading Sl. record. An amazing 82 second- half at pro ball. I just want to play for any in time on a three- ! points near the end of the first half the Grizzlies thing they shot up', hit a sensational 43 of seconds left regulation Bengals, ~ brought ISU back from a 45-42 halftime team I can help." Apparently Willie's point play. began to make turnover after turnover 76 basket attempts for a sizzling 61 per ISU captured four second places and deficit and Humes tanked 31 of those 82. wanderlust is appeased because he goes ISU guard Willie Humes took game and the Vandals opened up to a 39-31 cent. Montana was well below that mark two thirds as all of their entries placed by pulling out a Humes makes it not only on offense, on, "Maybe I could play for the Louisville scoring honors with 27 points. Before half time edge. with only 41 per cent. among the top three in every weight. I Green to wrap although his 708 points and 30.8 are Colonels. Louisville is only 35 miles from fouling out in the overtime period ppg Nelson, sturdy post man from Spokane, Guard Tim Cummings played by far his Weber and University of Montana each ference title. impressive. Only 6-1 and a not my home in Madison. I want to try Sojourner scored 25 points and pulled was brilliant inside for the Vandals, best game as a Vandal as he turned in a captured one title. t Conference outstanding coaching and teaching too, I guess in by particularly jumper, he is scoring 13 field goals in 19 tries, many off fine offensive performance of hitting on down 17 rebounds. 82-73 coupled second ISU's rebounders, and ISU Indiana because the basketball there is Defending champions repeating their among the offensive board, and took 12 rebounds 10 of 12 field goal attempts and 22 points. Idaho led only 18-17 with 10 minutes xas Tech by is an aggressive team that picked a really something." tittes were M'otltana State's Dirk up to lead a 41-33 Idaho rebounding edge. John Nelson added 19 big points and gone in the Montana game but ran in 10 and Texas A&M record 82 boards Monday. straight points for a 28-17 edge and was Kilpatrick at 126 pounds and Idaho State' Prince, slender 6-5 guard, had the finest Adrian Prince hit for 15 before fouling out He is also great defensively. Over the never threatened after that. Tim Shade at 150. sjmoting night of his Varsity career, of the game. won the NCAA three-game weekend Humes was a major Idaho women defeat Idaho Malcolm Taylor's ,making.10 of.14 basket tries, mostly 15-20 Montana's John Harrell led the scorin'g was paced by Scoring the fastest pin of the bout and em qualified by part of the Bengal full-court press that 24 but scoring honors went the foot jumpers, and took nine rebounds as parade with 27 points and he also led the points, game biggest upset of the meet was Weber's clinching the forced onto 27 and 34 opponents 25, Spokane Community well. rebounding department with 12. Dave to Montana's John Harrell who had 27 Ben Dew, who pinned ISU's previously Tce crown. turnovers, while making only nine, 13, and unbeaten Millward in Additionally, Tim.Cummings and Don Gustafson, the 2nd leading scorer in the points. Ray only 1:25 in a eight themselves. Gonzaga off 13 consecutive battle at 190 pounds. Millward The Idaho women's basketball team Beane, who contributed 11 and nine points Big Sky, was held to only 14 points as was ripped was the Humes is one of the last exponents of in the final three minutes of defending heavyweight defeated Spokane Community College in a offensively, and Marv Williams did a teammate Don Wetzel. points champion. the set shot, often from further than 25 game Friday at Moscow 31-19. Leading superb job of shutting off the outside feet. He is also one of the few guards you scorer for the Idaho B team was Leslie shooting of Montana's Dave Gustafson, r,s see outside the pro ranks to make Ellsworth with 9 points. Karen Stanek, No. 2 scorer in the conference. Gustafson effective use of a hook shot. Two men Gay Lunders and Carol Olsen each scored managed only two field goals in the can't stop him, but they have often tried. 6 with Stanek leading all rebounders with second half as the Vandals moved out to Opponents utilize zone defenses to stop his 10. Idaho defense consisting of Sharon their big lead. drives and them with outside he destroys Hoffman, Sue Crea, Marlys Oschzner held John Harrell, center the bombs. He ranks second in assists. springy for S.C.C. scoreless in the second and third Grizzlies, was solely His biggest scoring night was his first responsible for l~ periods. i''i CALL keeping the Grizzlies in the game, as he Se?t ,Is a Bengal. ISU ripped up traditional In two games at Pullman Saturday hit for 25 ) rival Boise State ll9-89 and Willie pumped points and pulled down a big W.S.U. defeated the B Team 41-35 and the of rebounds. in a record 51 points. He scored 14 of share their A team 58-35. The Idaho B team led until WANTED I them in the last three minutes in as hot a Oi ~ the last four minutes of play when W.S.U. scoring display as you can imagine. He scored seven straight points to win. High DO YOU NEED A JOB7 If you commute tied the school record of 47 with a long between Lewiston and scorer was Karen Stanek with 8 points. Moscow at least I III'='wimmers Iiomb from 25 feet out and when he got the travel for ihal Cold shooting by the Idaho A team put twice a week then you can make some tall again he took three men into the bread Idaho down 12 points in the first quarter bv selling ads to Lewiston mer- orner. Without even looking at the hoop chants for the and they never came within scoring range Big Sky swimmeet Argonaut. If interested oe fired a two-hand jumper from the fifth call Bob Tsber at 882-5684. for the remainder of the game. Lynda row that swished. The 4,000 people Rearick hit for 12, Judy Linehan for 7 iammed into ISU's 3,500 capacity Gym Coach Chet Hall and the Idaho Vandal and Fern Stevens for 6 as the Idaho were roaring but the noise got even louder swimming team will travel to Pocatello defense could not contain W.S.U'S Jan MISCELLANEOUS seconds later when Willie made a clean to participate in the Big Conference Gunther and Joan Leigh who scored 18 Sky steal and lay-in for 51. swimming meet. and 15 points respectively, EUROPE —$286 from West Coast; $265 His brothers notwithstanding Willie Montana, Idaho State, Idaho, and Weber The Idaho A team travels to Pacific from Midwest; $226 from East: all round appeared destined for stardom the State are contenders for Lutheran this weekend for the Pacific first place, but trip! Over 40 flights to choose from. Con- moment he stepped on a basketball floor. according to Hall, Montana is Northwest Tournament. They will meet the team to tact; I. S. E. A., P. O. Box 1356, Pomona, 'Ie played JV for half a season his beat. California 91769. the University of Alaska in the first round reshman year at Madison's 1200-student The Coach Friday morning. way Hall looks at it, ".onsolidated High School. He moved up "Montana will be the strongest team, but o the varsity and wasn't moved out of the I hope we can win enough places to FOR SALE tarting lineup for 3 1,2 years. When possibly sneak in Idaho State for the isked if anyone else had ever started at Women bowlers championship." Coach Hall doesn't think Furnished Trailer House for Madison H.S. as a frosh, Willie looks a Idaho will win the meet, but he feels if rent, $70.00, married couple. little unhappy and then admits, "Bugs the swimmers are at their best, then third no pets or children, 836-3619 did." take second place could easily belong to the Vandals. or see Al at Sportsman Barber To understand how remarkably well Dan Kirkland, Jim Dean, Terry Idaho placed second recently in B Shop. Willie played as a frosh. you have to Theison, and Bob Bonzer are four good division of the Northwest Collegiate understand how the Indiana State High contenders for first place in their Women's Ass'n tournament with ! School Playoffs work. Over 600 high Bowling respective divisions. a five woman team score of 2,411. schools in Indiana qualify no matter what Idaho will travel to Pocatello on WSU first place in B Division with a their season record is. Eight teams are in Wednesday for the meet on Thursday, I'~",'",k a section, four regional winners in a semi- team score of 2,422. In A division, ,i/f I Friday and Saturday. i',I, state playoff, and the four semi-state Portland state took first with a team j winners in the state finals. The last 16 in score of 2,383. the semi-state playoffs are called the 'Doris Alberts, Idaho, rolled a 3 line Ijj i gi II'll I Sweet Sixteen. total 566 to take top B honors in the Mooso)AI P"Z '9 601 singles division. As a frosh Willie took Madison to the 'RGONAUT sectionals and was named All-Section as Other team members from the U of I clogsleqA88 Madison won. However they lost in the were Becky Meserole, Susan Germer, s,ueg pue Keg ! regional. Ask Willie if anyone else ever Lynda Sullivan, Adele Smith and Jan CLASSIFIED AD made All-Section as a frosh, he says Percz, captain. POLICIES

Classified ads should be sub- mitted to: Classified Ads Idaho Argon Iut (CALL I ~ FOR Student Union $ k'IL University of Idaho II,'I ~ i k Moscow, Idaho 83843 37l~ or bring to the Information Desk of the Student Union, or con- tact Dennis Fritz, 882-9971.

(Il Cost —663 for the first 16 words ues~ UB and 6c for each additional word., Ik i I>k i & Thurs. The Argonaut reserves the right ~ Community Govt. ~ New Approach to Student Involvement to refuse publication of any ma- ~to eixsr terial. ~ Living Group Autonomy ~ Representatives of the Students tuolty employer

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p ~rPa Page 8

Speaker notes

,c,eos o sou ~I I h,. I 14 , j,''g,, ae'f WOsA8ll C canc encl P..IsI t s fo "The lives of women are changing inflation can best be solved by working 01 faster than the ideas about them... and it together as fellow human beings " 'a is part of the woman journalist's job to In a different light, Miss Shadduck M help the ideas catch up," Miss Louise answered the old question of what should Shadduck told some 60 guests attending a reporter know. "The old answer." she ',. I'II-- the annual Theta Sigma Phi Matrix Table. said, "is everything." But the reporter of Miss Shadduck, 'administrative our day should know everything in a A. Ii assistant to Congressman Orval Hansen, limited area, The need for specialized 4 if'»= f::~ was guest speaker at the annual banquet 'reporting is expanding." *rSl )'mp sponsored by the women's national Miss Shadduck also remarked on the journalism honorary. two levels of responsibility —that of management "Intelligence and employees. "Freedom is a characteristic of both ~Cee ~ e M ia from government restraint as promised t sexes," Miss Shadduck said. "And the 4 s Eat in the first I I r t o differences amendment imposes on the t ~ between men and women are ~A t I I s syh. picl tl media this responsibility,"'she said. "The bigger in the h pre mind than in the fact." J; reporter must respect a person's private k According to Miss Shadduck, the lives h ado rights except when the overall interest of of women are becoming more like pro tl the the public overrides." lives men tl traditionally lead. "Women col' stay longer in school, work for a living, According to the journalist, the primary and their ste li primary purpose is no longer function of newspapers is to report what child-bearing," she "The media l tha X said. its readers do, feel and think. "The more educatfon, phi a women get the must be both teacher and interpreter." P'." less they hear 'you think like a '.: ati man,'hich "TOWARD A SOCIAL LANDSCAPE," a photography exhibit consisting of over '.::g e is supposed to be some sort of a Miss Shadduck listed the Canons of the :::100 photographs by five contemporary American photographers, is now on::::::: compliment. Instead they think like 'id ag American Newspaper Society as a guide display at the University museum. The exhibit is from the Eastman respectable, aware, and alert humans." George House, atl to newspapers. In conclusion she said, "I I Miss Shadduck stated that woman' the photography museum of the Eastman-Kodak Co. rii the can't think of any profession, with the point of view has been a The five photographers present different perspectives and outlooks in cap- pr stepping stone for possible exception of the clergy, where so journalists but eventually turing ordinary people and ordinary things, according to Ellis Burcaw, Museum Jo I most women much good can be done." want to onto general Director. I get assignments for the women's page, "Women's use te pages 'he Matrix Table was held jointly by more indepth reporting thari used The three reproductions pictured above are by Duane Michals, Danny Lyon and;: St they to, the Washington State University and she stated. "Few want to be social." Gsrry Winegrand. The museum is open daily from 1 - B p.m. It is housed in the",, dt just University of Idaho chapters in the "In politics, the women's divisions of brick building next to the Life Sciences Building. p) Compton Student Union Building in s 9w both parties are rebelling about being Pullman. si segregated from the mainstream," Miss Shadduck stated. Miss Shadduck quoted Faculty leade:s, prominent journalists Margaret Mead "The a as saying big and community leaders from all over change is that women don't 0 have to spend Idaho and Washington were invited to No one laughed their whole lives having babies." "Now, attend. d Laura Lorton was in charge of the P c banquet for the Idaho Chapter, President caret,orIi r ~i"e ra(is" sotie"y of the Idaho Theta Sigs is Kerrie Quinn. enoun(es w I t he said of the President: "He gets Miss Shadduck, also a member of Theta criticized and poked fun at Nixon's when stuff so you can give your kids better wasn' to trim his budget down and he Sigma Phi has been active in journalism Black comedian Dick Gregory choices for the Supreme Court, but said ready answers why they shouldn't use it than money to the ABM and vetoes and politics for many years. From 1958- very funny at Washington State 'Thank God black folks are strong enough gives more your folks are giving you." funds for education. If the white folks in 1969 she acted as the executive secretary University Friday. today in this country that no one man, be Gregory charged bitterly that "20 years America want to know who that's going to of the Idaho Department of Commerce But Gregory, speaking to an audience of he the President of the United States or a ago in this country it was only black kids and Development. 3,000 persons —most of hurt the most, just look around this the syndicate was VI approximately Supreme Court Justice, is going to decide pushing dope to, and we audience tonight." yf n them students at Washington State our fate and destiny." cried to the white folks to stop it and you c The University of Idaho gave her an University —really wasn't trying to get Gregory lambasted white parents who looked the other way. You didn't realize B honorary degree during the laughs most of the time. He was speaking G The speaker told his audience in Bohler smoke and drink in front of their children that if you let the syndicate give dope tp commencement of 1968. Currently she is as Dick Gregory, civil rights activist, and a gymnasium at WSU that he felt sorry for and then expect them to understand why little black kids and get away with it, it first vice-president to the National he delivered a scathing denunciation of all the young white kids of America they shouldn't do the same. He said the would only be a matter of time before Association of Presswomen. what he called the 'white racist society "because parents have been your writing , "biggest problem in this country today is they'd give it to your young white kids. American." and institutions of checks that are going to bounce on you. not air pollution but moral pollution, Now you live with it!" again and again told his f Gregory Black folks know how sad that is, because There are eight million alcoholics in this The speaker said "blacks do not hats youthful audience that 'you have been left 0I down through the years our black mothers country today who affect the lives of 75 white folks, they hate the system and they grants and no more S Company with all the problems and fathers wrote checks for us that they million people, and nobody cares about hate the white racist institutions." tricks." He r knew damn good and well were going to that." He advised the young people in his claimed "the system lies to you 24 hours a "The old fools have used up all the n bounce." audience to write for information ..n day, and when you catch it, then we call it to U of I "and they'e left S $1,500 tricks," Gregory said, narcotics. "Get some information on t' a generation gap." you kids now to solve all the problems you u The Gregory warned the young people that University of Idaho has received a did not create." n "a lot of you aren't going to be coming 31,500 grant for chemical engineering Gregory, who ran as a maverick back to school in September because scholarships as part of 3M Company's candidate in the 1968 Presidential race, annual Nixon is going to be tricking with your aid-to-education program. The was very critical of President Nixon and Mommy and Daddy's money," and he money may be awarded to one or more ridiculed Vice President Agnew. He Loutse Shadduck drew one of his longest bursts of qualified students as the university applause ~IIIIOnC decides. l a"ura er instead of about perpetuating worrying Nationally, 3M is giving about 556,000 over- $ the race, we must worry about to be shared during the 1970-71 academic it," Miss Shadduck said. featuring populating year by universities, colleges and other generation's clothes Citing the younger educational institutions and organizations as an example, the woman politician said, in 33 states. "Kids wear clothing that make the girls Big Lash —$2.00 and boys look alike as a protest against the arbitrary regimentation on the basis Vandal Mountaineers meet Lid Liners — of sex. Kids treat women not like tonight in 2.00 the SUB at 7:30. A $ "women," but like people who happen to program on the Cascades will be women." be presented Lid Shadows — by Bob Hicks m, 611 S. Main $3.00 "Problems which face us like over WSU. (next to the fire station) ail colors population, pollution of our air and wars and streams, crime, violence, For AII Your Printing Needs Paint Brush —$1.35 'l Dance programs 00% hypoallergenic FUN and GAMES Letter cards Formal Invitations ~~~~)))~~~~~~ House Papers V„c~Lkki ~,X45L.L L News Letters I~ NEW SPRUCE TAVERN ~ Dance I e 4l ~ iI Va1'il: Ik Programs NL Letter Cards %l] 8 fiPILJd j ggiF.9gfill FAINOUS Spruce Burgers h. 4 Regulation Pool Tables or eny other printing needs ~~~~~531 S. Main~

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Highway dept. constr. conf. —sfl Hfghwsy dept. constr. conf. —sll College bowl —7p.m„SUB "Baby the rain must fall" —7 snd TWA tss —2:30p.m., SUB Dance — dsy. campus dsy, campus ASUI csndtdstss 9 8 p.m. SUB ballroom, no forum —7.30 p.m., SUB Baby the rstn College bowl —7 must fall 7 snd 8 admission (What if they gave p.m., SUB Aims film —noon. SUB . vsdsl lounge Bsskstbsll: s bsytd Gonzsgs —8 p.m., SUB snd nobody Vandal Mountaineers —7:30p.m .. VSC films —4 p.m., csme7) snd 7 p.m., Boysh Memorial Gym Basketball: Gonzsgs — SUB theatre 8 p.m. Spokane Miss U of I pageant —8 p m SUB