1947-05-17 [P
Sanford Wins Again; Leafs Drop Buccaneers, 9-2 Sanford Edges 5-4 RAMBLERS FACE Tennis Club Battles ROWE REGISTERS Erratic Pirates Swept Victory Over Warsaw SOX ON SUNDAY Raleigh Here Today SIXTH VICTORY Off Feet By Smithfield Nessing Prove Big Guns In Jackets Play Bladenboro Raleigh’s powerful Eastern Caro- Here is an unofficial tentative Phil Vet Hasn’t Lost Yet; Corsairs On Nesselrode, lina Tenhis association netters col- lineup of today's matches: Carry Without Nate Andrews; In Eastern State court Mates Trounce Powerful Spinner Clin- lide with the new Wilmington Bob Andrew* vs. Bill Weathers, Reds Attack; on the Robert Poklemba Absent From Game Today aggregation today Horace Emerson vs. Ed Cloyle, By 8 4 Score Lineup; ton, Lumberton Win Strange clay courts at 3:00 p.m. Rev. Walter Freed vs. High If necessary, some matches will Kiger, Leslie Boney, Jr., vs. C. R. Play Sox Here BY JIGGS POWERS CINCINNATI, May 16.— {#) — Tonight take place on the asphalt at Green- Council, Gene Fonvielle vs. Father Joe Ness- Back by a 15-hit Nesselrode and While both and Two are booked in the field Lake. John Sloan vs. M. attack, Schoolboy j *fink Sanford Warsaw games Dillon, Jimmy Smithfield-Selma's Leafs sliced a that carried run Rowe boasted his sixth consecu- single in Eames. one-two home were the male side of Wil- W. in the men’s their Sanford’s battling it out, Lumberton Eastern State League for the com- Although Stubbs, singles. two-game series with the Wil- Benton, the out the star once tive victory, without a to- pitcher, grounded clayed roles waltzed to a mington tennis has proven slightly Other matches may be arranged.
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