Platinum $350 - Per Membership Entrance Fees Apply* Gold $280 - Adult $140 - Concession $70 - Junior $630 - Family (2x Adults + 2x Juniors) Entrance Fees Apply* Enjoy world-class Associate international and domestic sport live $180 - Per Membership at Tasmania’s premier sports venue, Only available for purchase to Blundstone Arena - Bellerive Gold & Platinum Members For further information on Cricket Tasmania’s 2014/15 Season Memberships, or to obtain a Membership 2014/15 SEASON Application form, please visit or contact: *Entrance(one off fee, Fees MEMBERSHIPS Administration Office payable for new applicants only) P: (03) 6282 0400 $200 - Adult E:
[email protected] $200 - Concession A: 15 Derwent Street | Bellerive Not Applicable - Junior $200 - Family (2x Adults + 2x Juniors) Non-Match Day Administration Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm An additional administration charge of $10.00 will be payable on all subscriptions after 31st August 2014. Cricket Tasmania membership provides you with the unique • 50% Members discount on Blundstone Arena Function opportunity to enjoy live, world-class international and domestic Categories Centre room hire sport in comfort at Tasmania’s premier sports venue, • Members exclusive discount on Hobart Hurricanes Blundstone Arena. Your support as a financial member of Cricket Platinum Supporters’ Membership Tasmania is also a valuable contribution towards ensuring that • Reciprocal privileges with other Australian and overseas Tasmanian cricket can continue to develop players for the