Established 1961 Friday ISSUE NO: 17360 MUHARRAM 30, 1439 AH FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2017 The disappearance New-look UAE cabinet English FA bosses face calls 4 of 1980s Kuwait 8 named after reshuffle 46 to quit over Sampson affair MP calls to impose exit visas on expats See Page 7 2 Friday Local Friday, October 20, 2017 PHOTO OF THE DAY The problems with polygamy Local Spotlight By Muna Al-Fuzai
[email protected] Polygamy can be found in Arab societies, and in other non-Islamic societies too. Regardless of the social and familial effects of this phenomenon, some men still prac- tice it and some women agree with it. But it remains con- troversial, and many women and men do not support the idea, although its debate is provocative for women and exciting for men! Polygamy raises the question: Can a married man who remarries be truly equitable and just to all his wives? Is he ever thinking of their welfare or only aiming to satisfy his desires? This article seeks to shed light over this case based on two incidents. Newspapers recently published a report A popular mural in Souq Al-Mubarakiya in Kuwait City. — Photo by Jaber Abdukhaleq / KUNA from Saudi Arabia that police arrested a woman who poured boiling oil on her husband after he married anoth- er woman. The husband appeared in a video wailing with selves, if we dare to self-reflect. But then I became sad again, pain after his entire back was scalded. The video circulat- because most of us do not self-reflect.