Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 DOI: 10.1515/acpa-2016-0011

Early diversity along the Upper Rhine Graben: The fossil flora of Rauenberg,


State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart, Rosenstein 1, 70191 Stuttgart, Germany; e-mail: [email protected]

Received 11 July 2016; accepted for publication 7 October 2016

ABSTRACT. The macroflora of Rauenberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, is treated monographically. The plant-bearing sediments are marine, mainly well-bedded clay- to siltstones, the so-called Fischschiefer, which are part of the Bodenheim Formation. Based on nannoplankton they are dated to nannoplankton zone NP 23 (Rupelian, Lower Oligocene). The plant remains, mainly leaves and some fructifications, are preserved as compressions. The taxonomic assignment is based on gross morphology and cuticle characteristics. The flora yields marine algae and remains of the very diverse terrestrial flora. A total of 68 taxa, including three types of algae, one cycad, 12 conifers, and 49 dicots, among them 5 palms, are described. The following fossil spe- cies are described for the first time: Laurophyllum rauenbergense, Myrica obliquifolia, Distylium metzleri, ? Berchemia altorhenana, ? Ternstroemites maritiae, Trachelospermum kelleri, Oleinites altorhenana, O. rauen- bergensis, Dicotylophyllum badense, D. oechsleri, D. vesiculaeferens, D. ziegleri, ? Viscophyllum hendriksiae, and Cladites vesiculaeferens. Dicotylophyllum vesiculaeferens and Cladites vesiculaeferens bear peculiar, complex cuticular structures presumably representing salt-secreting glands. Both taxa are interpreted to derive from one plant species of yet uncertain systematic affinity. The flora bears a high proportion of broad-leaved, presum- ably evergreen taxa, whereas the diversity of modern Arcto-Tertiary taxa (sensu Kvaček 1994) is rather low. Most abundant are Platanus neptuni, Daphnogene cinnamomifolia, and Tetraclinis salicornioides. On the family level, Lauraceae (10 species) and Pinaceae (8) are most diverse, followed by (4–5), Cupressaceae, and Myricaceae (4 species each). Surprisingly, Fagaceae are documented solely by a single leaf of Eotrigonobalanus furcinervis f. haselbachensis, and the record of Pentaphyllaceae remains ambiguous (? Ternstroemites maritiae). Sloanea olmediaefolia is recorded for the first time from western parts of Europe. Remarkable is the presence of the rare cycad Ceratozamia floersheimensis. The following possible vegetation units are suggested: zonal broad- leaved sclerophyllous evergreen forests and an intrazonal coastal pine-laurel-palm association on near-coastal sandy soils, as well as gallery forests along streams. No records of swampy environments were recovered. The climate may be characterised as follows: Cfa climate in transition to Cwa (and Am or Af) climate sensu Köppen, mean annual temperature 19–24°C, mean annual precipitation 1300–1700 mm, mean temperature of the warm- est month 28–29°C, mean temperature of the coldest month 8–14°C, mean precipitation of the wettest month >230 mm, mean precipitation of the driest month 18–38 mm, wettest month between May and October, driest month between November and March. The warm period was the wetter one. The flora from Rauenberg most closely resembles that of Flörsheim (Kvaček 2004a) and shows relations to the Paratethys realm, for example the Tard Clay Formation. Relations to the floras from , Saxony-Anhalt, and North Bohemia, similar in age, are rather restricted: broad-leaved deciduous taxa are much less diverse, and the numerous presumably evergreen taxa and palms present in Rauenberg have not been recorded in the other regions, indicating a more complex vegetation differentiation than a simple north-south gradient. The high number of taxa of uncertain affinity at Rauenberg points to the need for further taxonomic studies of the flora of this time interval. Comparisons with European assemblages of the early Oligocene reveal that the vegetation diversity in Europe during this time interval is far from being well understood.

KEYWORDS: leaves, cuticles, taxonomy, vegetation reconstruction, Rupelian, NP 23 330 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016


Introduction ...... 330 Betulaceae vel Ulmaceae . . . . . 347 Geographical, geological setting and age . . . 331 Myricaceae ...... 347 Materials and methods ...... 333 Juglandaceae ...... 350 Systematic part ...... 333 ? Rosales ...... 351 ? Rhamnaceae ...... 351 Fungi ...... 333 ? Fabales ...... 352 Microthyriaceae ...... 333 ? Fabaceae ...... 352 Algae ...... 333 Oxidales ...... 352 Phaeophyceae ...... 333 Elaeocarpaceae ...... 352 Phaeophyceae vel Rhodophyceae . . . 333 Malphigiales ...... 354 Ferns ...... 334 Salicaceae ...... 354 Schizaeales ...... 334 Malvales ...... 354 Schizaeaceae ...... 334 Malvaceae ...... 354 Gymnosperms ...... 334 Saxifragales ...... 354 Cycadales ...... 334 Hamamelidaceae ...... 354 Zamiaceae ...... 334 ? Santalales ...... 355 Araucariales/Cupressales ...... 335 ? Loranthaceae ...... 355 Doliostrobaceae ...... 335 Cornales ...... 356 Cupressales ...... 335 Hydrangeaceae ...... 356 Cupressaceae ...... 335 Ericales ...... 357 Pinales ...... 336 ? Pentaphyllaceae ...... 357 Pinaceae ...... 336 Symplocaceae ...... 357 Angiosperms ...... 338 Gentianales ...... 358 Laurales ...... 338 Apocynaceae ...... 358 Lauraceae ...... 338 Lamiales ...... 360 ...... 343 Oleaceae ...... 360 Arecaceae ...... 343 Fam. indet...... 362 Proteales ...... 345 Results ...... 367 Platanaceae ...... 345 Discussion ...... 370 Buxales ...... 346 ? Buxaceae ...... 346 The Flora of Rauenberg in the European context 375 Fagales ...... 346 References ...... 384 Fagaceae ...... 346 Plates ...... 390 Betulaceae ...... 357 Apendices ...... 436


During the early Oligocene, Earth’s ecosys- Serie (Mai & Walther 1978), Kleinsaubernitz tems adapted to cooling climatic conditions (Walther 1999), and Seifhennersdorf (Walther following the preceding Late Eocene thermal & Kvaček 2007)). maximum (Zachos et al. 2008, Roth-Nebel- In the Upper Rhine valley and the Mainz sick et al. 2014). In Europe, diverse floras of Basin, early Oligocene marine sediments are this period are known from the southeast- known for their rich fossil record. From the ern margin of the Paratethys Sea (Hun- Mainz Basin, Kvaček (2004a) revised the plant gary, Tard Clay Formation; Kvaček & Hably record from marine deposits of Flörsheim, 1998, Hably & Erdei 2015) and the north- and Pross et al. (1998) studied palynomorphs ern margin of former Europe, that is, North (Bodenheim drill core), both NP 23, Rupe- Bohemia (Bechlejovice (Kvaček & Walther lian in age. In the region around the town of 2004), ­Kundratice (Kvaček & Walther 1998), Rauenberg near Wiesloch, these clay- to silt- Markvartice (Bůžek et al. 1976, Kvaček stones were mined in several clay pits. In the & Walther 2001), Suletice-Berand (Kvaček respective museum collections, such material & Walther 1995)) and Saxony (Hammer- is usually held under the locality name Frau- unterwiesenthal (Walther 1998), Haselbach enweiler, which is located in the northwestern J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 331 part of Rauenberg. This study follows the pro- The clay pits around Rauenberg are situated posal of Maxwell et al. (2016) and simply sum- in the Upper Rhine Graben (Fig. 1), a region marises all material from different clay pits of intensive tectonics during the Palaeogene under Rauenberg. While fish, e.g., Micklich and Neogene and still active today. The sedi- & Parin (1996), dinoflagellate cysts, calcare- ments exposed in the clay pits stem from the ous nannoplankton and foraminifera (Grimm second Rupelian transgression (Hardenbol et et al. 2002), and birds, e.g., Mayr (2004), Mayr al. 1998). They are assigned to the marine & Micklich (2010), have been studied in detail, to brackish Froidefontaine Subgroup, Boden- this is not the case for other organism groups heim Formation, which extends widely in the such as molluscs, insects, reptiles, and . Upper Rhine Graben and its subbasins (Grimm A short note on the macro-flora was published 2005, Grimm et al. 2011). In the Rauenberg by Winterscheid & Gregor (2008). In the syn- clay pits the Wallau and Hochberg Mem- thesis of the Rauenberg fossil lagerstätte, bers of the Bodenheim Formation are devel- Maxwell et al. (2016) provide a comprehensive oped. Lithologically the sediments are partly summary of all organismic groups present well-bedded or laminated clay- to siltstones. at Rauenberg, including a preliminary list of Rhythmic sedimentological events and chang- fossil plant taxa and the ecological implica- ing carbonate content resulted in lamination, tions of this flora. Since most of the plant taxa among other processes. Frequent mass occur- are entire-margined, a taxonomic assessment rences of calcareous nannoplankton produce requires the application of cuticular analysis. laminae of calcareous mud or calcareous sand The results of those taxonomic studies are pro- layers. Based on calcareous nannoplankton, vided in the present paper. Due to the high the Hochberg Member is assigned to NP 23. organismic diversity, the fossil lagerstätte of Rupelian age is supported by dinoflagellate Rauenberg offers a unique insight into an early cysts and foraminifera (Grimm et al. 2002). Oligocene ecosystem (Maxwell et al. 2016). The Formation, which is characterised The State Museum of Natural History by coarser sediments, represents the fully Stuttgart (SMNS) houses a large fossil collec- marine coastal equivalent of the Bodenheim tion from Rauenberg including plants, inver- Formation and comprises sands and gravels tebrates (insects, molluscs, crustaceans) and (Grimm 2005). Barite concretions in these vertebrates (fish, reptiles, birds). These are sandy sediments of the Alzey Formation available thanks mainly to the private collec- bear, among other fossils, abundant remains tors Rudolf Metzler and Harald and Annette of pine cones and wood (Mallison 2002). For Oechsler, who have conducted fieldwork over detailed geology and stratigraphy see Max- many years. Additional material derives from well et al. (2016). museum field campaigns. The collection of fossil plants comprises over 650 slabs. In the course of this study, the respective collection MATERIALS AND METHODS in the Naturmuseum Augsburg (NMA) was also examined, which was the basis for the The fossil flora of Rauenberg yields mainly leaves publication by Winterscheid & Gregor (2008), and more rarely fructifications, as well as marine as well as the collection at the Staatliches algae. The plant material is preserved mainly as Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe (SMNK). carbonised compressions and is highly scattered, as is characteristic of marine sediments. Private collec- Comparative studies of the cuticle slides from tors preferred to collect complete specimens rather the flora of Flörsheim (Kvaček 2004a) were than very fragmented ones. Such material has been limited because these slides are almost com- collected only since 2007, when the author contacted pletely dried. the collectors. Little stratigraphic information is avail- able for the collection material from private collectors. Accordingly, potential changes in composition in the geological section cannot be traced. This information GEOGRAPHICAL AND GEOLOGICAL has been rigorously documented only since the SMNK SETTING AND AGE began field campaigns. The plant material was studied gross morphologi- cally and, if possible, by cuticular analysis. Unfortu- The town of Rauenberg is located 16 km nately, much of the material collected prior to 2007 south of Heidelberg, State of Baden-Württem- either is coated by varnish or has been transferred berg, Germany, along the Upper Rhine valley. to an artificial resin, both hampering cuticle studies. 332 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016

A B North Sea

Rhenish Germany Massif North European Platform W Be,S,K Bohemian Fl Massif Rhine Ra Frankfurt Graben L Mannheim Nuremberg Bu,E-K Rauenberg Massif Stuttgart Central Munich Western Tethys

C Upper Rhine Upper Rhine D Series Stage Graben Graben MP Ma South North CalcareousNannofossils DinocystZone EuropeanMammalsMN- Zones 26 Upper Hydrobia Beds NP25 tia n c Wiesbaden, Rüssingen Fm. 27 t MP26 a D15 ne

AQUITAN. Upper Cerithium Beds h

Middle Cerithium Beds C b Molasse alsacienne Lower Cerithium Beds 28 MP25 CHATTIAN Freshwater Beds Freshwater Beds NP24 29 Oligoc e UPPER Serie grise Serie grise a Alzey, Bodenheim, Alzey, Bodenheim, MP24 Stadecken Fm. Stadecken Fm. n

30 a i b RUPELIAN Upper Salt Fm. MP23 Haustein e l Pechelbronn Beds 31 NP23

OLIGOCENE Middle Salt Fm. Ru p D14

LOWER * Plattiger Steinmergel a MP22 32 Lower Salt Fm. Lower Salt Fm. NP22 PRIABON. 33 MP21 UPPER D13 Melanienkalke NP21

Melanienkalke D12 c MP20 conglomerates

BARTON. Lymneenmergel Lymneenmergel Upper Rhine Graben Rhine Upper

EOCENE * Hochberg Member (Fischschiefer) conglomerates Planorbenkalke Planorbenkalke Rauenberg

LUTETIAN Graben Rhine Upper

Fig. 1. Geography and stratigraphy. A – Early Oligocene (Rupelian) palaeogeography of Europe, showing important Oligocene localities discussed in the text. Map modified from Meulenkamp et al. (2000) based on Spiegel et al. (2007). B – Location of Rauenberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany. C – Lithostratigraphy of the Upper Rhine Graben, modified after Rasser et al. (2008). D – Estimated biostratigraphic age of the Hochberg Member (Fischschiefer). Fl – Flörsheim, Mainz Basin; Ra – Rau- enberg; S – Seifhennersdorf; W – Weisselster Basin, Germany; Be – Bechlejovice; K – Kundratice, Czech Republic; Bu, E-K –Budapest and Eger-Kiseged, Hungary; L – Linz, Austria. Figure 1 after Maxwell et al. (2016) slightly modified

Nevertheless, cuticles were prepared from about 300 taxon wherever possible. Ten measurements of every specimens, of which >200 attempts were successful. cell type (stomata, non-modified epidermal cells, tri- To prepare the cuticles, the samples were treated with chome bases per leaf) were taken wherever possible. 5–10% hydrochloric acid (HCl) followed by 10–20% Averages refer to values per leaf. Cuticles were stud- hydrofluoric acid (HF) to dissolve the sediment. The ied under a Leitz interference contrast microscope. leaf fragments were then macerated with Schulze´s SEM studies were performed on a Zeiss EVO LS 15. reagent (HNO3+KClO3), followed by treatment in All cuticle slides are stored in the SMNS. 5% potassium hydroxide solution (KOH). The cuticles Acronyms in this study: NMA – Naturmu- were stained with safranin and embedded in glycerol. seum Augsburg, SMNK – Staatliches Museum für The cover glasses were sealed with nail polish. The Naturkunde Karlsruhe, SMNS – State Museum of cuticles of many specimens are heavily infected by Natural History Stuttgart. fungi, often masking the stomata. Abbreviations in descriptions: l × w for length × For cuticle descriptions, representative values width, l/w ratio for ratio length/width. were obtained by measuring at least three leaves per J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 333

SYSTEMATIC PART tiny aerocysts. In marine deposits of different ages, Cystoseirites-type algae are sometimes Systematics follows the Open Tree of Life frequent, for example in the surroundings of (Hinchliff et al. 2015). Linz, Austria, earliest (Kovar 1982), and Sarmatian deposits of Romania (Givu- lescu 1975, Paraschiv 2004). From Rauenberg FUNGI this is the only remain; from Flörsheim (Mainz Basin) no aerocyst-bearing algae have been Microthyriaceae Sacc. reported.

Microthyriaceae gen. et sp. indet. Phaeophyceae vel Rhodophyceae Pl. 8, figs 1–3 Laminarites Sternberg M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/473. D e s c r i p t i o n. Cylindrical spores with roun- Laminarites latus Engelhardt ded poles and concentrically growing fruiting Pl. 1, fig. 4 bodies in different stages. 2004a Laminarites latus Engelhardt; Kvaček, p. 3, R e m a r k s. Similar spores and fruiting bodies pl. 1, figs 9, 10. are met frequently on fossil leaf material, e.g., M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/97 (together with Kovar (1982). In Rauenberg they occur spora- Platanus neptuni), 188, 197, 199, 207, 213+214, dically, while hyphae of fungi are much more 242, 295, 347. common. From Upper Oligocene sediments in Greenland, Worobiec and Worobiec (2013) D e s c r i p t i o n. Fragments of thalli, band- treated similar structures taxonomically. The like, straight to gently bent, parallel-sided, specimens from Rauenberg are not assigned densely spaced strands sometimes faintly more closely because diagnositic features visible, up to 160 mm long, up to 17 mm wide, are poor. unbranched.

ALGAE R e m a r k s. These thalli differ from the below- described ones by their larger width and the absence of branchings. In specimen SMNS P Phaeophyceae 1952/242 the margins are darker, possibly indi- cating that the margin was slightly ­thicker. Cystoseirites Sternberg Thallites Walton Cystoseirites communis Unger Pl. 1, fig. 1 Thallites multifidus (Brongniart) Kvaček 1847 Cystoseirites communis, Unger, p. 125, pl. 38, Pl. 1, figs 2, 3 figs 1, 2. 2004a Thallites multifidus (Brongniart) comb. nov.; M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1953/111. Kvaček, p. 4, pl. 1, fig. 1.

D e s c r i p t i o n. Filamentous, multiply bran- M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/1, 39, 78, 126, 131, ched thallus, filaments up to 1 mm wide, bea- 138, 148, 323; SMNS P 1953/104, 121, 122. ring elongated aerocysts of up to 4 mm length and about 1 mm width. D e s c r i p t i o n. Thalli (multiply) dichoto- mously forked, sometimes forming dense mats, R e m a r k s. The aerocysts account for the branches up to 3 mm wide. assign­ment to the Phaeophyceae. Cystoseiri- tes communis was first described from Rado- R e m a r k s. Remains of this type are quite boj, Croatia (middle Miocene, Sarmatian). common. From Flörsheim one small specimen These algae differ from Cystoseirites altoaus- has been described bearing a close resemblance triacus Kovar by having elongated, rather based on the few available characters. 334 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016

FERNS termination ambiguous, margin dentate or crenulate, somewhat rolled into the sediment. Schizaeales R e m a r k s. This pinna fragment differs from Schizaeaceae Kaulf. the above-described ones by the vein pattern in which the midvein is straight and the late- Lygodium Sw. ral veins arise under wider angles.

Lygodium kaulfussii Heer emend. Gardner et Ettingshausen GYMNOSPERMS Pl. 1, figs 5–7 Cycadales 1861 Lygodium kaulfussi, Heer 1861, p. 409, pl. 9, fig 1. Zamiaceae Reichenbach 2004a Lygodium kaulfusii Heer emend. Gardner et Ettingshausen; Kvaček, p. 4, pl. 1, fig. 11. Ceratozamia A. Brongniart

M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/55 (pinna), 322, 332 Ceratozamia floersheimensis (isolated lobes). (Engelhardt) Kvaček D e s c r i p t i o n. A single palmate pinna and Pl. 1, fig. 8; Pl. 8, figs 4–7 two fragments; palmate pinna length × width 1911 Iris floersheimensis Engelhardt, p. 319, pl. 37, (hereafter l × w) = 12 × 15 mm, base cuneate, fig. 27. pinna dissected into four lobes, three of them 2002 Ceratozamia floersheimensis (Engelhardt) comb. rather complete, lobes 2 mm wide, neither nov.; Kvaček, p. 305, figs 1–21. margin nor apices preserved; veins ascending 2014 Ceratozamia floersheimensis (Engelhardt) Kva- steeply and forking, midvein vague; two isola- ček; Kvaček, p. 234, pl. 1, figs 6–7, pl. 2 fig. 10. ted pinnae (i.e. lobes) both lacking base and M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/456. apex, l × w = 21 × 5 mm (SMNS P 1952/322) and l × w = 19 × 4 mm (SMNS P 1952/332), D e s c r i p t i o n. Fragment of a leaflet, texture narrow with parallel, finely crenulate/serrate coriaceous, l × w = 50 (incomplete) × 8 mm, margins, main vein slender, smoothly wavy, narrow, parallel-margined, gradually tapering higher-order veins ascending steeply from the towards one end; venation parallel. main vein, then turning towards the margin, M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Adaxial and abaxial course wavy, forking at least once, usually cuticle thick, bearing cells of two types: (1) twice or even three times, ending in the mar- elongated ones, anticlines straight to some- ginal tooth apices. what bent, length very variable up to 150 µm, R e m a r k s. Compared to the records from width 10–18 µm, cross-walls mainly distinctly Flörsheim (Kvaček 2004a) and Geiseltal oblique, curved or S-shaped, (2) short rows (Eocene, Barthel 1976), this is a remarkably (100 to at least 150 µm long) of more stron- tiny palmate pinna. Its margin is not preser- gly cutinised short cells, length variable up to ved, thus the termination of the veins remains 50 µm, width 9–13 µm, epicuticular striation unclarified and the pinna lacks unambiguous to folding paralleling the cell rows; stomatal main veins running into the lobes. The latter complexes confined to abaxial cuticle, mainly fact may, however, be an artefact caused by longitudinally oriented, mono- to di- (or tri-) poor preservation, whereas the isolated lobes cyclocytic, subsidiary cells up to 6, very vari- are better preserved. able in shape, e.g., l × w = 93 × 71 µm, 114 × 74 µm), stomata somewhat recessed, remains Filicopsida sp. of guard cells occasionally still present, e.g., l × w = 40 × 34 µm, 34 × 29 µm. M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/69. R e m a r k s. This is the fragment of a narrow D e s c r i p t i o n. Fragment of pinna, l × w = 9 cycad leaflet lacking base and apex, although (incomplete) × 3 mm, with distinct midvein, it tapers at one end. It was detected among the further veins arising from it at about 45° material accessed since 2007, when collection of angle or more, once or twice forking, marginal strongly fragmented material was encouraged J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 335 by the author. Among cycads, short, thic- Endlicher in which the needles usually appear kly cutinised cells arranged in rows are cha- to be less coriaceous and less regularly arran- racteristic of the genus Ceratozamia (Kvaček ged (compare e.g., Kvaček 1971a, pl. 31, fig. 2002). Diagnostically relevant features to dis- 17, Kunzmann 1999, pl. 24, figs 1–4). The tinguish C. floersheimensis and C. hofmannii assignment to the variety taxiformis, which is are few. Of these, the presence of venation characterised by larger stomata than the vari- forkings remains open in the specimen from ety sternbergii (Mai & Walther 1985), remains Rauenberg because the fragment is rather somewhat ambiguous. Winterscheid and Gre- small. The leaflet attachment also remains gor (2008) listed D. taxiformis from Rauenberg unclear because the base is missing. Based on without a figure. Although the collection file cuticular features, C. hofmannii differs from number given in that publication does not cor- C. floersheimensis by having distinctly smal- respond to the number on the specimen itself, ler, short cells (Kvaček 2004b). In this respect, I assume that those authors referred to this the here-described specimen clearly matches specimen for two reasons: (1) it is the only C. floersheimensis. Apart from Rauenberg and specimen in the respective collection in the the type locality Flörsheim, C. floersheimen- Naturmuseum Augsburg that may be assigned sis is known from the Oligocene of Hungary to Doliostrobus; and (2) in their publication, (Budapest-Nagybátony, Tard Clay) and Slove- numerous collection file numbers do not cor- nia (Trbovlje) (Kvaček 2002, 2014). A modern respond to those on the specimens themselves. relationship exists to C. microstrobila Vovi- Doliostrobus taxiformis is one of the ancient des & J.D. Rees, C. morettii Vázquez-Torres taxa in this assemblage. & Vovides, C. latifolia Miquel, and C. delucana Vázquez-Torres, Moretti & Carvajal-Hernán- Cupressales dez (Kvaček 2014). Cupressaceae

Araucales/Cupressales Sequoia Endl. Doliostrobaceae Kvaček Sequoia abietina Doliostobus Marion (Brongniart in Cuvier) Knobloch Pl. 1, fig. 10; Pl. 8, fig. 8 Doliostobus taxiformis (Sternberg) Kvaček ? taxiformis Mai & Walther 1964 Sequoia abietina (Brongn. in Cuv.) Knobl., Kno- bloch, p. 601. Pl. 1, fig. 9 M a t e r i a l. NMA 2016-3/2179. 1833 Cystoseirites taxiformis, Sternberg, fasc. 5–6, p. 35, pl. 18, figs 1–3. D e s c r i p t i o n. Foliated shoot 70 mm long, 1971a Doliostrobus taxiformis (Sternberg) comb. nov.; needles densely spaced, helically arranged but Kvaček, p.118, pl. 31, fig. 19, pl. 32, figs 1–5. oriented in one plane along the twig, needles 2008 Doliostrobus taxiformis (Sternberg 1833) up to 11 mm long and 1.1–1.4 mm wide, entire- Kvaček 1971; Winterscheid et Gregor, p. 4. margined, needle width tapering towards M a t e r i a l. NMA 2006-104/1497. base, twisted and somewhat decurrent along the twig, lacking a distinct petiole, apex acute D e s c r i p t i o n. Terminate foliated shoot, acuminate. branched twice near base, 110 mm long, tape- ring towards apex; leaves helically arranged, M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Non-modified epider- basally decurrent along axis, apical part free, mal cells elongate, mainly rather rectangu- awl-shaped. lar to oblique, arranged in rows paralleling the needle length, stomata confined to stoma M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Large, straight-walled bands, mainly oriented paralleling the rows of non-modified epidermal cells of possibly stoma- non-modified epidermal cells, stomata cyclocy- bearing zones, presence of stomata ambiguous. clic to amphicyclic, subsidiaries more strongly R e m a r k s. For this specimen, cuticle prepa- cutinised than non-modified cells, well stai- ration was not successful. Gross morphologi- ning, polar cells smaller than lateral ones, sto- cally it is more similar to Doliostrobus taxifor- matal aperture narrow oblong, 19–29 (average mis than to Chamaecyparites hardtii (Göppert) 26) µm long. 336 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016

R e m a r k s. Gross morphologically the need- usually less than 10 mm; specimen SMNS P les of Sequoia are usually wider than those of 1953/109 a twig fragment consisting of four Taxodium. The prevailing orientation of the whorls about 15 mm long and branching buds. stomata parallel to the needle length unequi- M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Cuticle thick, anticlines vocally confirms this assignment. This is the of non-modified epidermal cells distinct, undu- only specimen documenting this species at late with knobs, forming quadrangular cells in Rauenberg. non-stomatal areas and more irregular poly- gonal cells in stomatal areas, often one or two Taxodium Rich. papillae (strongly cutinised regions) on the surface of the non-modified epidermal cells, Taxodium sp. very variable in size, quadrangular cells up to Pl. 1, figs 11–13 50 µm in length, polygonal cells 25–40 µm in diameter, stomatal complexes partly incom- M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/88, SMNS P pletely amphicyclocytic, adjacent stomata 1953/103. SMNK 7710. sometimes sharing subsidiary cells, aperture D e s c r i p t i o n. Detached shoots with longest bordered by a thick, rather quadrangular Flo- needles in the middle part, needles helically rin-ring, aperture diameter 6–12 µm. inserted but spread in two opposite ranks, R e m a r k s. The true organisation of the leaf directly attached to the axis (sessile, no peti- arrangement, namely four leaves in one whorl ole), l × w up to 9 × 1 mm. (not decussate) and marginally adnate, was R e m a r k s. The assignment to Taxodium is recognised by Kovar (1982), although she based on shoot shape, needle arrangement and hesitated to assign these remains to Tetracli- needle width. Abietoid shoots of Sequoia are nis. The twig SMNS P 1953/109, reminiscent more robust and bear thicker needles. Twigs of T. brachyodon (Brongniart) Mai & Walther with cupressoid foliage reminiscent of Sequoia (pl. 1, fig. 15), is assigned to T. salicornioides or Glyptostrobus are absent in Rauenberg. because different positions on the living plant A further, poorly preserved, rather thick twig may have been reflected in morphological vari- fragment shows cupressoid foliage and is assi- ability. gned to the Taxodioideae. Records of the Taxo- dioideae are remarkably scarce in Rauenberg Pinales and are restricted to shoots. Pinaceae Lindl. Tetraclinis Mast. Pinus L. Tetraclinis salicornioides (Unger) Kvaček Pl. 1, figs 14, 15; Pl. 8, fig. 9 Pinus (Strobus) sp. 1

1841 Thuytes salicornioides Unger, p. 11 pl. 2 figs Pl. 1, fig. 16 1–4. 1989 Tetraclinis salicornioides (Unger) comb. nov. ; M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/292. ? SMNK 7747. Kvaček, p. 48–51, pl. 1 fig. 11, pl. 2 figs 2–14, pl. 3, figs 3, 4. D e s c r i p t i o n. Five-needled fascicle, needles 2008 Tetraclinis salicornioides (Unger 1841) Kvaček 33 mm long, complete, slender, with a central 1989; Winterscheid & Gregor, pl. 1 fig. 2. keel, apex acute. M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/20, 21, 70, 118, R e m a r k s. Though the sheath is hardly pre- 144, 187, 194, 198, 226, 262, 294, 300, 313, served, this remain corresponds very well with 324, 326, 417, 420, 421, 422, 428, 457; SMNS the single fascicle of P. (Strobus) sp. described P 1953/109. NMA 2006-118/1497. from Flörsheim by Kvaček (2004a). D e s c r i p t i o n. Fragments of twigs, most of them consisting only of one whorl of lea- Pinus (Strobus) sp. 2 ves fused in four, in some specimens several Pl. 1, fig. 17 whorls still attached to each other, remains of branched twigs exceptional; whorl length M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/89+90, ? 91, 248. J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 337

D e s c r i p t i o n. Five-needled fascicles, need- Pinus sp. 6 les 72 mm (SMNS P 1952/89+90) to 89 mm Pl. 1, fig. 20 (SMNS P 1952/248) long, slender, with a cen- tral keel, apex acute. 2008 Pinus sp. – dreinadelige Belaubung; Winters- cheid & Gregor, p. 4. R e m a r k s. These fascicles differ from the M a t e r i a l. NMA 2006-111/1497. foregoing species by having distinctly longer needles. In specimen SMNS P 1952/248, four D e s c r i p t i o n. Single, almost complete, three- needles are visible, and in specimen SMNS P needled fascicle, full needle length 66 mm. 1952/91 only three; the others probably are R e m a r k s. This is the only record of a three- covered by sediment. needled pine species. Pinus sp. 3 Menzel Pl. 1, fig. 18 Pinus engelhardtii Pl. 3, fig. 10 M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/92, 460. NMA 2006- 103/1497. M a t e r i a l. SMNK 7706. D e s c r i p t i o n. Two-needled fascicles, up to D e s c r i p t i o n. Slender elliptic cone, l × w = 115 mm long, up to 1 mm wide, rigid, apex ?, 83 (? 85–90) × about 40 mm, cone scales curved sheath up to ? 5 mm long. strongly outwards, apophyses narrow-rhombo- idal, with short umbo and mucro. R e m a r k s. The needles appear to be rather delicate but stiff. R e m a r k s. This cone differs markedly from the below-described ones by its distinctly Pinus sp. 4 recurved cone scales with narrow apophyses. Pl. 1, fig. 19 Pinus (Pinus) cf. thomasiana M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/143. (Goeppert) Reichenbach D e s c r i p t i o n. Pair of needles 155 mm long Pl. 3, figs 11, 12 (incomplete), 1.5 mm wide, base and apex 2002 Pinus nodosa Ludwig; Mallison, p. 19, pl. 3 figs incomplete, needles gently bent. 6–8. 2004a ? Pinus (Pinus) cf. thomasiana (Goeppert) R e m a r k s. This species differs from the fore- Reichenbach; Kvaček, p. 6, pl. 3 figs 10, 11, 13. going one by its broader and probably longer needles. M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/? 48, 176; SMNS P 1953/106, 110. Pinus sp. 5 D e s c r i p t i o n. Broad conical cones, l × w = 2008 Pinus sp. – zweinadelige Belaubung; Winters- 40–60 × 28–37 mm, petiole adherent, cone sca- cheid & Gregor, p. 4, pl. 1, fig. 1. les thick, apophyses rather flat, rhomboidal, M a t e r i a l. NMA 2006-101/1497, 2006-102/ wider than high, with medial keel, (ex)centro- 1497. mucronate; towards cone apex, keel and umbo shifting towards top of the apophyses. D e s c r i p t i o n. Two-needled fascicles, needle length 72 mm (complete)–80 mm or somewhat R e m a r k s. These specimens have been embe- more. dded by transfer technique in artificial resin. It is likely that specimens SMNS P 1952/176 and R e m a r k s. This species differs from Pinus SMNS P 1953/110 represent part and counter- spp. 3 and 4 by having shorter needles. Speci- part shared between the private collectors and men NMA 2006-101/1497 has been figured by later placed in the collection of the SMNS. In Winterscheid and Gregor (2008, pl. 1 fig. 1) all specimens the apophyses are rather flat, as under an incorrect inventory number: 2006- is characteristic for Pinus hampeana, which is 184/1497. known only from the Miocene. The Palaeogene species P. thomasiana (Goeppert) Reichenbach bears a resemblance, but the apophyses are 338 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 domed, whereas they are relatively flat in our asymmetric, stomata sunken, stoma l × w = specimens. Whether this state is an artefact 15–19 (average 17) × 12–18 (average 14) µm, due to diagenetic processes remains unclear. stomatal aperture narrow, slit-like, ledges From baryth concretions of the Alzey For- somewhat thickened, pore short, mesophyllous mation, Pinus nodosa Ludwig (Mallison 2002) oil cells abundant, variable in size (7–66 µm). resembles the here-described pine cones, R e m a r k s. The complete size of the here- although details of the apophyses and umbo described specimen can be only roughly esti- are less distinctly preserved in these speci- mated. Trichome bases have not been obser- mens. ved. The stomata may resemble Actinodaphne Concluding from the assignment, the pine pseudogermari Walther & Kvaček and Lau- cones from Flörsheim were also clearly diffi- rophyllum acutimontanum Mai. In L. meuse- cult to determine (Kvaček 2004a). P. thomasi- lii the stomata are somewhat diffusely over- ana is assigned to section Sylvestres Van der lapped by the delicate surface of the adjacent Burgh, Series Nigrae Novák, showing close cells, while in A. pseudogermari the overlap is affinities especially to modern P. nigra Arnold sharply delimited. L. acutimontanum differs and P. heldreichii Christ (Mai 1986). both from A. pseudogermari and L. meuselii by its mostly stronger overlap of the stomata ANGIOSPERMS by domed cells leaving a rather narrow, irre- gularly slit-like opening above the stoma. The Laurales margins of the central opening appear some- what thickened, unlike L. meuselii. Previously, Lauraceae Juss. A. pseudogermari was known only from the Upper Eocene. Actinodaphne Nees Daphnogene Unger Actinodaphne pseudogermari Walther in Mai & Walther 1985 Daphnogene cinnamomifolia Pl. 2, fig. 26; Pl. 9, figs 1–3 (Brongniart) Unger 1985 Actinodaphne pseudogermari Walther nov. Pl. 2 figs 1–6; Pl. 9 figs 4–9 spec.; Mai & Walther, p. 33, pl. 22, figs 1–4, Bild 1/12–15, Bild 13/3–4. 2002 Daphnogene cinnamomifolia (Brongniart) Unger; Mallison p. 39, pl. 9, figs 3, 4. 2002 Actinodaphne pseudogermari Walther in Mai & Walther, 1985; Kunzmann & Walther, p. 2004a Daphnogene cinnamomifolia (Brongniart) 266, figs 4a, g, 5d, e. Unger; Kvaček, p. 9, pl. 6, figs 10–14, pl. 7, figs 7–9. M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/17. 2008 Daphnogene cinnamomifolia (Brongniart in Cuvier 1822) Unger 1850; Winterscheid D e s c r i p t i o n. Fragment of a leaf base with & Gregor, p. 4. a short and swollen petiole, midvein promi- nent, petiole and midvein with distinct wrin- M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/ 8, 13, 15, 24 B, 38, kles parallel to the leaf axis, laminar shape 49, 51, 60, 64, 68, 71, 76, 77, 116, 121, 136, ambiguous, base angle acute, base straight but 140, 164, cf. 165, 174, 182, 185, 227, 228, 260, convex directly above the petiole and some- 261, 267, 273, 279, 296, 303, 314, 319, 320, what asymmetric; l × w = 65 (? 120) × 25 (? 328, 331, 357, 358, 364, 415?, 418, 423, 425– 26–27) mm, entire-margined, secondary veins 427, 430, 432, 449, 450, 451, 453, 455, 466, arising at an angle of up to 45°. 471, 472; SMNS P 1953/1–14, 16–19, 21, 22, 49, 69, 76. M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Adaxial and aba- xial cuticles thick, glabrous; adaxial cuticle: D e s c r i p t i o n. Petiolate, entire-margined lea- anticlines very thick, curved to somewhat ves, texture coriaceous, petiole up to 20 mm wavy, non-modified cells 17–26 (average 22) long, laminar shape oblong to elliptic or some- µm across; abaxial cuticle: anticlines distinct what ovate, l × w = 19–110 × 7–47 mm, but less thick than adaxially, straight to cur- l/w ratio = 2.2–5.6, base straight to somewhat ved, size of non-modified cells 17–23 (average rounded, base angle acute, apex straight to 21) µm, stomatal complexes brachyparacytic, acuminate, apex angle acute; midvein straight, J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 339 basal secondaries suboppositely suprabasal very well. This specimen resembles Laurophyl- acrodromous, usually prominent, running lum sp. 2 (Winterscheid & Kvaček 2014, pl. 9 onto upper third of the lamina, further secon- fig. 12). Since the species diversity of Daphno- daries distinctly weaker, arising at angles of gene-like foliage is still unresolved, the charac- about 40–50° in broader leaves and narrower teristics of the indumentum may help differen- angles in smaller ones, such secondaries being tiate fossil species. restricted to the upper part of the lamina, Daphnogene cinnamomifolia is among the brochidodromous, abmedially looping veinlets most common species in Rauenberg. Unlike arising from suprabasal secondaries, tertiaries at Flörsheim, no fragmentary twig has been (mainly hardly visible) percurrent. recovered. The variability of laminar size is very similar in both localities (Flörsheim M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Adaxial cuticle thick, l × w = 50–120 × 10–53 mm, Rauenberg 19–110 anticlines of non-modified cells distinct, from × 7–47 mm). almost straight or curved to moderately undu- late, cells 15–38 (20–31) µm across, largely gla- Laurus L. brous to trichome bases rather densely spaced; abaxial cuticle delicate, in larger leaves more Laurus abchasica delicate than in smaller ones, anticlines of (Kolakovskii & Shakryl) Ferguson non-modified cells delicate, rounded to undu- Pl. 6, figs 11–13; Pl. 10, figs 1–3 late with smaller amplitude and wave length than adaxially, cells 12–35 (16–20) µm across, 1958 Laurophyllum abchasicum, Kolakovskii stomatal complexes brachyparacytic, oval to & Shakryl in Kolakovskii, p. 346, pl. 7, figs 1–3, pl. 10, figs 4–8. rhomboidal, often asymmetric, weakly stai- 1974 Laurus abchasica (Kolakovskii & Shakryl) ning, subsidiaries not offset from guard cells, comb. nov.; Ferguson, p. 64, figs 7A–H, 8A–D, aperture very short, slit-like, stoma length 9A–D, 10. 10–20 (14–17) µm; trichome bases scattered to 2004a Laurus abchasica (Kolakovskii & Shakryl) Fer- dense, considerably variable in shape and size, guson; Kvaček, p. 6, pl. 4, figs 1, 2, pl. 5, figs either situated in the plane of the cuticle or 1–3. raised above the cuticle surface, trichome pore M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/268, 377, 382; slit-like or a roundish pore 6–13 µm in dia- SMNS P 1953/65, 75. meter, sometimes with a thickened poral rim, D e s c r i p t i o n. One almost complete leaf and encircling cells ± distinct, intensively staining fragments of narrow elliptic, entire-margined and ± radially elongated; globular mesophyll- leaves, l × w up to 96 (about 120) × 22 mm, ous secretory bodies sometimes preserved. base ? acute, apex angle acute, apex shape R e m a r k s. Variability of trichome density and almost straight to somewhat acuminate, tex- of the undulation of the anticlines both ada- ture moderately firm. xially and abaxially, largely going along with M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Cuticles of both sides variability of leaf size, have been explained moderately thick, largely glabrous, anticlines repeatedly as an expression of the leaf position of non-modified epidermal cells strongly zig-zag on the living plant, that is, by whether they are undulate, undulation moderately deep, bead- sun or shade leaves, e.g., Kvaček & Walther like thickenings at tips of lobes, cells of simi- (1978). Sometimes presumable shade leaves lar size on both sides 15–44 (average 25–32) are described as forma lanceolata and sun µm across, SMNS P 1953/65 with hypodermis leaves as forma cinnamomifolia, e.g., Walther adaxially; abaxial cuticle: stomatal complexes (1999). Due to morphological overlaps, this dis- paracytic, shape roundish to rhomboidal, guard tinction is not applied here. cells and subsidiary cells hardly staining and Trichome base variability (bases raised hardly delimited from each other, stomatal above surface or not, shape of encircling cells, complexes l × w = 16–26 (average 18–21) µm × shape and size of trichome pore, presence of dis- 13–28 (average 18–22) µm, l/w ratio = 0.6–1.5 tinct poral rim) has not yet been examined in (average 0.9–1.1), stomatal aperture spindle- terms of its taxonomic value. Specimen SMNS shaped, ledges slightly thickened, aperture P 1953/76 is distinct due to the thick poral rim length 5–16 (average 9–12) µm. of the trichome pore (pl. 9, fig. 6), while the other cuticular features match Daphnogene R e m a r k s. A single leaf (SMNS P 1953/75) is 340 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 almost complete. The largest leaf whose api- stomata overlapped by subsidiaries, stomatal cal half is preserved probably measured about aperture narrow spindle-shaped to narrow 110 mm in length and 22 mm in width. The elliptic to slit-like, ledges not very pronounced, cuticular structure of these remains clearly stoma length 16–25 (18, 19) µm, trichome points towards Laurus abchasica. Lauro- bases common, indistinct; mesophyllous secre- phyllum fischkandelii Kunzmann et Walther tory bodies rare. (2002) is described from the late Eocene of R e m a r k s. While specimens SMNS P the Weißelster Basin; it differs by its very 1952/275+276 and SMNS P 1953/64 are frag- narrow and strongly omega-like undulation ments of large, probably narrow elliptic lea- of the anticlines both adaxially and abaxially. ves, SMNS P 1952/184 is a long, narrow elon- Remarkable is the presence of a hypodermis on gate fragment. These remains differ from the specimen SMNS P 1953/65 from Rauenberg. below-described Laurophyllum rauenbergense Ferguson (1971) describes for taxon XXIII by their bigger leaf size, less coriacous lamina, from Kreuzau, which corresponds to Laurus distinctly bigger cells of the adaxial cuticle and abchasica, “primary cells often subdivided by dense spacing of the trichome bases abaxially. secondary cell walls” on the adaxial cuticle, Unlike L. kinkelinii from Flörsheim, these but does not mention whether this refers to specimens lack dense mesophyllous secre- a hypodermis. L. abchasica records are more tory bodies. It remains open whether this is common during the late Oligocene and the an artefact caused by preservation or cuticle subsequent Miocene than in the early Oligo- preparation. The close similarities to L. saxo- cene. Apart from two leaves recorded from nicum Litke and L. medimontanum Kvaček Flörsheim (Kvaček 2004a), Rauenberg is the have been pointed out by Kvaček (2004a), as second early Oligocene record. was a possible relationship of L. kinkelinii to Persea. Laurophyllum Goeppert

cf. (Engelhardt) Laurophyllum kinkelinii Laurophyllum kinkelinii (Engelhardt) Kvaček Kvaček 2004 var. glabrum Kvaček Pl. 2, figs 7, 8; Pl. 11, figs 5–9 Pl. 2, figs 9–11; Pl. 12, figs 1–4

2004a Laurophyllum kinkelinii (Engelhardt) Kvaček 2004a Laurophyllum kinkelinii (Engelhardt) Kvaček comb. n.; Kvaček, p. 7, pl. 4, figs 10–12, pl. 5, comb. n. var. glabrum Kvaček var. n.; Kvaček, figs 10–12. p. 7, pl. 4, figs 13–16, pl. 7, figs 1–3.

M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/184, 275+276 (part M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/378, 396; SMNS P and counterpart); SMNS P 1953/64. 1953/87. D e s c r i p t i o n. Entire-margined leaves mode- D e s c r i p t i o n. Macromorphology very similar rately coriaceous, petiole up to 15 mm long at to L. kinkelinii; l × w = 53 (? 65)–62 (? 90) × least, laminar shape (narrow) elliptic, oblong, l 15–19 mm, l/w ratio about 3.2–6.7. × w = up to at least 120 × 18–25 mm, l/w ratio Micromorphology also very similar to L. kin- about 4.8–6.7, leaf base narrow acute, apex kelinii except for: adaxially, anticlines slightly not preserved; midvein stout, mainly straight, undulate, non-modified cells 22–45 (33–37) µm secondaries vaguely visible, rather widely across, striation upon veins and radial striae spaced, curved. near rare trichome bases; abaxially scattered M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Adaxial cuticle thick, large trichome bases with distinct radial stria- well preserved, anticlines distinct, smooth, tion; mesophyllous secretory bodies present. straight, curved to shallow undulate with wide R e m a r k s. SMNS P 1952/396 and SMNS P wave length, non-modified cells 19–41 (31, 31) 1953/87 are medium-sized, elliptic specimens µm across, largely glabrous, epicuticular striae (l/w ratio about 3.2 and 4), while specimen mainly above veins and near margin, radial SMNS P 1952/378 is somewhat larger and striae around trichome bases; abaxial cuticle more elongated (l/w ratio about 6.7). These lea- delicate, non-modified cells domed, anticlines ves show larger cells with somewhat undulate therefore often difficult to trace, 12–24 (18, anticlines on the adaxial cuticle as compared 21) µm across, stomatal complexes paracytic, to L. kinkelinii. They differ from the Flörsheim J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 341 material by the striae adaxially and abaxi- L. pseudoprinceps strongly except for the lar- ally and the lower frequency of mesophyllous ger stomata 25–30 (–35) µm (Kvaček & Bůžek secretory cells. 1966, Bůžek et al. 1996). This species has also been reported from Markvartice although wit- Laurophyllum pseudoprinceps hout measurements (Bůžek et al. 1976), from Weyland & Kilpper s.l. Hradek nad Nísou (Holý et al. 2012), from Pl. 2, figs 12–16; Pl. 12, figs 5–7 the Cypris Shale (Bůžek et al. 1996) and from the Oder 2a lignite mine (Knobloch & Kvaček 1963 Laurophyllum pseudoprinceps n. sp.; Weyland 1976) with the following variability in stoma & Kilpper, p. 23, figs 14–19, textfig. 6. length: 25–30 (36) µm (Hradek), (20–) 23–27 1971b Laurophyllum pseudoprinceps Weyland & Kilp­ (–30) µm (Cypris Shale), and (22–) 27–30 (34) per; Kvaček, p. 50, pl. 1, figs 4–6, pl. 3, figs 3–5, pl. 4, figs 1–4, text-fig. 1. (Oder 2a). For L. pseudoprinceps from Flörs- 2004a Laurophyllum pseudoprinceps Weyland & Kilp­ heim, Kvaček (2004a) describes the stomata as per s.l.; Kvaček, p. 8, pl. 4 figs 3–5, pl. 5, figs 22–25 (–30) µm long. This brief enumeration 7–9. points to the difficulties of separating the two M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/22+27, 30+31, ? 217, species based on stoma length. All specimens 265, 270, 282, 302, 312, 344, 345, 362, 365, 389, from Rauenberg included in L. pseudoprinceps 392, 403, 409, 412, 446; SMNS P 1953/15A, bear stomata with an average length from 48, 84. 20–23 µm, larger than that described for the type material of L. pseudoprinceps by Weyland D e s c r i p t i o n. Fragments of coriaceous lea- & Kilpper (1963). However, they well match ves, rarely almost complete, laminar shape the stoma size of L. pseudoprinceps given by elliptic to narrow elliptic, l × w = 40–85 × Kvaček (1971b). Only in specimen SMNS P 10–28 mm, l/w ratio = 2.3–4.3, base angle 1953/15 are the stomata somewhat longer: (narrow) acute, base mainly cuneate, some- 20–33 µm (average length 24 µm). Thus it times slightly convex or wavy, petiole complete remains disputable whether this single speci- in specimen SMNS P 1952/312: 10 mm long, men should be better assigned to Ocotea hra- straight, widened at base; apex angle (nar- dekensis. row) acute, apex mainly straight to somewhat acuminate, margin entire, sometimes line-like Laurophyllum rauenbergense thickened, midvein straight, secondaries only Kovar-Eder sp. nov. rarely visible, basal ones sometimes more pro- minent. Pl. 2, figs 17–25; Pl. 10, figs 4–9 M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Adaxial and abaxial 2004a Laurophyllum cf. villense (Weyland & Kilpper) cuticles thick, largely glabrous, anticlines vari- Kvaček; Kvaček, p. 8, pl. 6, figs 1–7, pl. 7, figs 4–6. able from almost straight to undulate, often pitted, especially adaxially; non-modified epi- Holotype designated here. SMNS P dermal cells 15–32 (average 18–24) µm across 1953/82. adaxially; abaxial cuticle: non-modified epider- P a r a t y p e s. SMNS P 1952/93, 391, 445; mal cells 16–36 (average 23–30) µm across, sto- SMNS P 1953/47, 73, 85. matal complexes paracytic, often asymmetric, butterfly-like in shape due to the presence of S t r a t u m t y p i c u m. Bodenheim Formation, big lateral subsidiary cells bordering the sun- Hochberg Member, “Fischschiefer”, NP 23, ken guard cells, stomatal ledges thick, stomata early Oligocene. length 17–27 (average 20–23) µm, specimen L o c u s t y p i c u s. Rauenberg, Baden- SMNS P 1953/15 stoma length 20–33 (average Württemberg, Germany. 24) µm; mesophyllous oil cells present. D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s. Referring to the town R e m a r k s. The stoma length of the type mate- of Rauenberg, where the fossil outcrop is rial of Laurophyllum pseudoprinceps is indica- located. ted as “meist zwischen 17 und 21 µ” (Weyland & Kilpper 1963). Kvaček (1971b) characte- Additional material. SMNS P 1952/278, rises the stoma length of L. pseudoprinceps 350, 379, 395, 397. Cf.: SMNS P 1952/231, P as 17–25 µm. Ocotea hradekensis resembles 1953/59. 342 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016

Based on gross morphology only. Furthermore, specimen SMNS P 1952/231 SMNS P 1953/91,? 94. bears rare trichome bases both adaxially and abaxially, with faint radial striation around Differential diagnosis. Differing from the trichome base, which could point towards L. villense (Weyland & Kilpper) Kvaček by its L. kinkelinii var. glabrum (see above). In short stomata and absence of striae, and from the latter species, however, the cells of the L. kinkelinii by its smaller, non-modified epi- adaxial epidermis are distinctly bigger than dermal cells of the adaxial cuticle. in L. rauen­bergense. Moreover, leaves larger D e s c r i p t i o n. Rather small, narrow, entire- than typical L. rauenbergense forms are some- margined, coriaceous leaves; petiole up to times difficult to assign unambiguously to 16 mm long, laminar shape oblong to some- either L. rauenbergense or L. kinkelinii (see what ovate or minimally elliptic, l × w = also Kvaček 2004a). 35–72– ? 120 × 7–10 mm, exceptionally up to 13 mm, l/w ratio = 4.4–9.2, base cuneate to Laurophyllum sp. A decurrent, base angle narrow acute, base Pl. 6, fig. 8; Pl. 12, figs 8, 9 straight to somewhat convex, midvein stout, mainly straight, secondaries not visible. M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/336. M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Adaxial cuticle: thick- D e s c r i p t i o n. Almost complete, entire-mar- ness variable, moderately thick or thick, gined leaf, laminar shape elliptic, l × w = 67 anticlines slender to thick, sometimes knobby, (? 72) × 29 mm, l/w ratio about 2.5, base angle mostly straight to curved, non-modified cells acute, base almost straight to weakly ? obtuse, 9–30 (13–24) µm across, in specimens SMNS apex angle acute, apex acuminate, secondaries P 1952/391 and SMNS P 1953/82 domed, prominently (supra)basal acrodromous. mainly glabrous; abaxial cuticle: delicate, non- modified cells domed or almost undomed, often M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Adaxial and abaxial difficult to trace, 11–33 (19–27) µm across, cuticle thick, non-modified epidermal cells on stomatal complexes paracytic, stoma shape both sides very similar, anticlines straight, variable due to subsidiaries which partly thick, cell size adaxially 15–22 (average 18) cover guard cells, aperture narrow, slit-like, µm, abaxially 14–26 (average 20) µm; abaxial stomatal ledges unpronounced, stoma length cuticle: stomatal complexes paracytic, subsi- 12–21 (14–18) µm, trichome bases indistinct, diary cells resembling the non-modified epi- rare to almost glabrous; mesophyllous secre- dermal cells in shape and size, stoma length tory bodies present. 12–18 (average 15) µm, (stoma width unclear), aperture indicated by short, thickened ledges, R e m a r k s. This Lauraceae is characterised aperture length 5–10 (average 7) µm; meso- by its small, linear to narrow ovate and oblong phyllous oil cells present. leaves. The length/width ratio of the lamina is usually >5. In Flörsheim this laurel is R e m a r k s. Based on gross morphology this even more common than Daphnogene foliage. leaf coincides with Daphnogene cinnamomi- Kvaček (2004a) hesitated about the unambi- folia. It differs distinctly by having a thick guous assignment to Laurophyllum villense, abaxial cuticle and prominent anticlines. The probably due to the cuticular striation (Wey- stomatal complexes are neither rhomboidal land & Kilpper 1963) and the younger age nor asymmetric, and they stain as well as the of the type material of L. villense. More rele- other cells. The assignment among the Lau- vant is the difference in stoma length, which raceae is supported by mesophyllous oil cells. is shorter and very similar in Flörsheim (16– 20 µm, Kvaček 2004a) and Rauenberg (12–21 Laurophyllum sp. B (average 14–18) µm) as compared to L. villense Pl. 6, fig. 9; Pl. 13, figs 1–3 (up to 28 µm, Weyland & Kilpper 1963). The assignment of the specimens SMNS P M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/47. 1952/231 and SMNS P 1953/59, which match well the gross morphology of L. rauenber- D e s c r i p t i o n. Basal part of a coriaceous gense, is somewhat ambiguous because the sto- leaf, base angle acute, base probably decur- mata are less masked by the subsidiary cells. rent; petiole 14 mm long, fragmentary, lamina J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 343 l × w = 70 (? 140) × 15 (?) mm, midvein dis- Arecales tinctly bent, base probably entire-margined. Arecaceae Schultz M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y: Adaxial and abaxial Brongniart cuticle well preserved, both distinctly gra- Palmacites nular, adaxial one thicker than abaxial one, anticlines straight to somewhat curved, thi- Palmacites lamanonis Brongniart cker adaxially than abaxially, non-modified Pl. 3, figs 1, 2; Pl. 13, fig. 5 cells 18–31 (abaxially 26, adaxially 24) µm 1822 Palmacites lamanonis, Brongniart, p. 38, pl. 3, across, glabrous; large mesophyllous oil glands fig. 1. present, e.g., 34 µm in diameter; abaxial cuti- 2004a Palmacites lamanonis Brongniart; Kvaček, cle: stomatal complexes brachyparacytic, sub- p. 23, pl. 20, figs 1, 2. sidiary cells sickle-shaped, not or hardly offset 2008 Trachycarpus (Flabellaria) raphifolia (Stern- from guard cells, guard cells sunken, aperture berg) Takhtajan; Winterscheid & Gregor, pl. 2, fig. 2. slit-like, ledges slender lines, stoma length 11–23 (18) µm, aperture length 6–12 (9) µm. M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/66, 74, 75, 95, 96, 111, 112, 113, ? 122, 129, 175, 280; SMNS P R e m a r k s. This leaf may belong to Daphno- 1953/113+114, 124. gene because it is possible that the suprabasal acrodromous secondaries are masked due to D e s c r i p t i o n. Fragments of fan-shaped lea- fragmentary preservation. The stomatal com- ves, lamina plicate, petiole unarmed, hardly plexes resemble those of Daphnogene but are extending into the lamina; specimen SMNS P relatively well cutinised and larger. The rela- 1953/124 most complete, petiole l × w = 112 tively robust abaxial cuticle and the granular × 33 mm (incomplete), fragment of lamina structure of both surfaces are further details 225 mm long, 20 mm wide. pointing towards a different systematic posi- M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Cuticle moderately tion within the Lauraceae. coriaceous, ? hypostomatic, adaxial cuticle: anticlines irregularly thick, areas with irre- Laurophyllum sp. C gularely shaped cells, 12–25 (average 16) µm Pl. 6, fig. 10; Pl. 13, fig. 4 across, alternating with narrow elongated cells with striae; abaxial cuticle in stoma-bearing M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1953/81. condition: anticlines regularly slender, straight to somewhat curved, cells ± elongated to shor- D e s c r i p t i o n. Narrow oblong, entire-mar- ter than wide, cross walls mainly oblique, l × gined leaf, texture firm, l × w = 65 × 8 mm, w = 10–15 (average 13) × 5–11 (average 7) µm, l/w ratio = 5.9, base and apex attenuate, petiole stomatal complexes loosely spaced, brachypa- 5 mm (incomplete), curved; midvein straight, ratetracytic, guard cells often indistinct and secondaries weakly brochidodromous, widely masked by fungi, ledges thickened, stomata spaced, ascending under steep angles (about l × w = 14–20 × 10–18 µm (n = 3). 30°) and somewhat bent. R e m a r k s. According to the pragmatic classi- M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Adaxial cuticle well fication provided by Read and Hickey (1972), cutinised, anticlines slender, smooth, widely these leaves match the fossil genus Palmaci- undulate, non-modified cells 16–48 (average tes, unlike those described below. The cuticle 29) µm across; abaxial cuticle poorly preser- does not allow further systematic assignment ved, only stomata discernable, stomata sun- (compare Mai & Walther 1978). Fragments of ken, 13–16 (average 15) µm long, only the area fan palms lacking a costa are more common in close to aperture visible, slender ledges mar- Rauenberg than in Flörsheim (Kvaček 2004a). king the narrow aperture; both sides glabrous. R e m a r k s. There is no doubt about the family Sabalites Saporta assignment of this leaf. Gross morphologically Sabalites major (Unger) Saporta it resembles Laurophyllum rauenbergense, Pl. 3, figs 3, 4 but the adaxial cuticle is more reminiscent of L. kinkelinii. The stomata are small even 1847 Flabellaria major, Unger, p. 42, pl. 14, fig. 2. for L. rauenbergense. 1865 Sabalites major (F. Unger) G. Saporta, p. 83, pl. 2. 344 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016

M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/23, 132, 169, 173; R e m a r k s. The most complete specimen is SMNS P 1953/115. that figured by Winterscheid and Gregor (2008: pl. 2 fig. 1), which is on exhibit in NMA. Other D e s c r i p t i o n. Fragments of costapalmate lea- more complete specimens (SMNS P 1953/116, ves, lamina plicate, petiole unarmed, hastula NMA 2006-112/1497) have been embedded by acuminate-attenuate; most complete specimen transfer technique in artificial resin. Although (SMNS P 1952/169): petiole incomplete, l × this hampers cuticle studies, the method pre- w = 105 mm × 35 mm, fragment of fan-shaped vented the specimens from falling apart. lamina 225 mm long, 145 mm wide, hastula The other specimens are far less complete. extending about 100 mm into the lamina. SMNS P 1952/12 is an axis with the very basal R e m a r k s. These palm leaves differ from parts of the pinnae preserved only; it is the those described above by having the hastula only one with cuticle preservation. In SMNS P extending considerably into the lamina. In 1952/141, the rhachis is more slender and the modern palms, hastulas may be very diffe- subdivision of the pinnae is well visible. The rently expressed adaxially and abaxially in material at hand does not allow determination one and the same species (Dransfield et al. of whether the segmentation of the pinnae is 2008). Therefore it cannot be ruled out that of diagnostic value. A single similar speci- these leaves represent the abaxial side of the men has also been described from Flörsheim above-described taxon Palmacites lamanonis. (Kvaček 2004a). Though the segmentation of the pinnae is not mentioned there, the close-up Phoenicites Brongniart view in pl. 20 fig. 4 resembles our specimens. Phoenicites borealis Friedrich specimens from Phoenicites sp. Geiseltal (Rüffle 1976) and the Weisselster Basin (Mai & Walther 1985) differ by hav- Pl. 3, figs 7–9; Pl. 5, fig. 1; Pl. 13, fig. 9 ing twice-bigger stomata and by their thicker 2004a ? Phoenicites sp.; Kvaček, p. 23, pl. 20, figs 3, 4. cuticular ledges forming the front cavity. 2008 Phoenicites sp.; Winterscheid & Gregor, pl. 2, fig. 1. ? Calamoideae gen. et sp. indet. M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/12, 141, 473; SMNS Pl. 3, fig. 6; Pl. 13, figs 6–7a P 1953/116. SMNK 7793. NMA 2006-112/1497, 2006-180/1497. M a t e r i a l. NMA 2016-1 /1497. D e s c r i p t i o n. Fragments of pinnately diss- D e s c r i p t i o n. Fragment of a very strongly ected foliage; pinnae suboppositely arranged, armed leaf or petiole, length 108 mm (incom- rhachis up to 11 mm wide; most complete frag- plete), width 30 mm (incomplete); hook-shaped, ment of a rhachis 178 mm long (NMA 2006- very massive spines regularly spaced, attached 112/1497), pinnae plicate, narrowing into to the ? rhachis or ? petiole, spines 3–4 mm cuneate base, divided into two unequally wide long and up to 3 mm wide at their base; vena- segments, longest pinna fragment 140 mm, tion of adjacent tissue parallel with perpendi- venation very fine, densely parallel. cular anastomoses. M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Cuticle very delicate, M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Non-modified cells ± cell outlines often indistinct, in non-stomatal distinctly arranged in rows paralleling the regions anticlines straight or somewhat cur- length of the ? leaf, but cells not elongated, ved, otherwise shallow undulate, cell outlines 7–15 (average 12) µm long, rectangular to rectangular to oblique, arranged in rows, oblique, anticlines thick, appearing in double 12–16 µm long and 5–7 µm wide (n=6); sto- lines; stomatal complexes loosely spaced, para- matal complexes in bands, rather widely tetracytic to cyclocytic, oriented mainly paral- spaced, oriented parallel to the pinna axis, leling leaf length, guard cells sunken, stomatal paratetracytic, number of lateral subsidiary aperture narrow, spindle-shaped, with distinct cells obscure, guard cells weakly cutinised, sto- cuticular ledges, stoma length 12–19 (average mata small, 14–22 (average 16) µm long, front 15) µm, aperture length 8–11 (average 9) µm. cavity wide elliptic, 8–10 µm long (n=5), cuti- cular ledges distinct, their ends not meeting R e m a r k s. This remarkable remain is embe- each other, aperture spindle-shaped. dded in artificial resin. It definitely derives J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 345 from a palm. This is suggested by the parallel 37, 42, 59, 81+84, 82, 86, cf. 128, 130, 133, 137, venation in combination with the spines and 151, 153, 160, 178+179 (part and counterpart), confirmed by the cuticles, i.e., stomatal com- 180, 181, 195, 201, 202, 212, 216, 218, 219, 220, plexes. Nevertheless, it is somewhat difficult 221, 230, 236, 239, 241, 253, 257, 263, 266, 272, to interpret which part of the leaf is at hand. 277, 297, 304, 308, 309, 341, 346, 352, 355, 363, The regularly spaced spines are attached to one 387, 398, 401, 424, 429, 433, 434, 435, 436, 438, side of a thick, possibly even woody rhachis or 439, 440, 443+448 (part and counterpart), 462, petiole, whereby on the other side a fragment 464, 465, 467, 469, 474; SMNS P 1953/20, 23, of the lamina appears attached. 24A–32, 34, 36–42, 44–46, 67, 78, 83, 96, 98, Armature is quite common among palms, 120. SMNK 7480, 7598 left, 7664, 7669, 7688, and not restricted to Calamoideae (Dransfield 7727, 7812, 7891. NMA 2006-117/1497, 2006- et al. 2008). 120/1497, 2006-128, 129/1497, 2006-148/1497, 2006-151/1497, 2006-153/1497, 2006-155/2006, Arecaceae gen. et sp. indet. 2006-158/1497, 2006-161/1497. Pl. 3, fig. 5; Pl. 13, figs 7b–8 D e s c r i p t i o n. Simple petiolate leaves, tex- 2008 Problematicum: cf. Arecaceae gen. indet.; Win- ture coriaceous, lamina oblong, narrow elliptic, terscheid & Gregor, p. 6, pl. 3 fig. 1. mostly symmetric but sometimes also some- what asymmetric, variable in size, l × w = 29 M a t e r i a l. NMA 2016–2/1497. (38)–160 (180) × 15–73 mm, l/w ratio = 2–4.4; D e s c r i p t i o n. Probably a leaf, petiole stout, petiole up to 15 mm long, basally widened; base length 37 cm, incomplete, width 8 cm, ? lamina angle acute to obtuse, base straight or some- consisting of fine, flexible filiform segments, what concave to convex, sometimes cuneate segments up to about 23 cm long, of uncertain to decurrent, apex angle acute, apex straight arrangement. to acuminate, leaf margin mostly entire near base of the lamina, then simple serrate, some- M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Cells arranged in times generally almost entire; teeth mainly rows, not clearly traceable, stomata scattered, small with long basal and very short apical arranged parallel to cell rows, 36–41 µm long, sides, apex mainly rounded, sometimes even stomatal complexes probably paratetracyctic. hook-shaped, densely or widely spaced but at R e m a r k s. This specimen is characterised by rather regular distances within single leaves, the peculiar structure of its lamina. The cuticle some leaves rather coarsely serrate; midvein points towards affinity to Arecaceae. The sto- mostly straight, secondaries brochidodromous, mata are distinctly larger than in Phoenicites rather widely spaced, intersecondaries pre- sp. and even larger than in P. borealis (Rüffle sent; further venation details available only 1976, Mai & Walther 1985). This specimen was from specimen NMA 2006-128/1497: seconda- published by Winterscheid and Gregor (2008) ries arching with apically adjacent secondary; erronously under coll. no. 2006-181/1497. marginally, further smaller-scale arches are formed by veinlets originating from seconda- ries, free veinlets end up in tooth apices of the Proteales margin; tertiaries and fourth-order venation Platanaceae T. Lestib. random reticulate.

Platanus L. M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Adaxial and abaxial cuticle thick, mostly well preserved; anticlines of non-modified epidermal cells slender, mostly Platanus neptuni (Ettingshausen) Bůžek, Holý et Kvaček distinct, undulated, undulation U-shaped, wide, giving the appearance of puzzle-like Pl. 4, figs 1–10; Pl. 14, figs 1–6 indenting, or small and narrow, non-modified 1967 Platanus neptuni (Ettingshausen 1866) comb. epidermal cells 30–70 (average 37–56) µm ada- nov.; Bůžek et al., p. 203, pls 1–4. xially and 22–67 (average 34–47) µm abaxially 2004a Platanus neptuni (Ettingshausen) Bůžek, Holý across, trichome bases mainly two- to four-cel- et Kvaček; Kvaček, p. 10, pl. 8, figs 1–13. led, single-celled mainly upon veins, periphery M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/ 3, 4, 5, 9, 14, 16, strongly thickened, adaxially rare to almost 19, 24 A, 25, 26, 32+97 (part and counterpart), absent, abaxially scattered or more abundant, 346 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 inner diameter 12–25 µm, attached peltate M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Cuticle poorly preser- trichomes rare, 46–73 µm in diameter, only ved, anticlines of non-modified cells straight, exceptionally cellular partitioning visible, cuti- forming vaguely traceable polygonal cell cule surface striate to wrinkled, parallel upon outlines, stomatal complexes ? anomocytic, veins and near leaf margin, sometimes present roundish with broad spindle-shaped aperture also in non-venous areas, striation stronger (one well visible, others masked by organic and running radially around trichome bases; ­material). abaxial cuticle: stomatal complexes anomo- R e m a r k s. This leaf was transfered to artifi- cytic, irregularly and widely spaced, stomata cial resin. The organic material is preserved elliptic, l × w = 27–45 (average 32–40) × 22–38 only fragmentarily but the secondary venation (average 27–34) µm, l/w ratio = 0.9–1.4 (ave- is discernable on the resin surface. The assign- rage 1.1–1.2), epidermal wall of guard cells ment remains somewhat ambiguous because thickened, ledges thickened, forming an ellip- the ramification of the venation characteristic tic to broad spindle-shaped outer front cavity, of Buxus is not preserved and due to poor cuti- 14–36 (average 18–31) µm long, aperture cle preservation. a ± faint slit. Certification of this record would extend the R e m a r k s. This is by far the most common stratigraphic range of Buxus egeriana, which fossil species at Rauenberg, accounting for was known hitherto from the earliest Miocene about one sixth of all plant remains (>100). (Linz, Austria, Kovar 1982, Cypris Formation, Most leaves are symmetric and no compound Kvaček et al. 1982). specimen was recovered. Therefore, we are dealing with leaves of P. neptuni rather than Fagales with P. fraxinifolia-type leaflets. While most specimens can be determined based on gross Fagaceae Dumort. morphology, some are more ambiguous; some such specimens in the museum´s collection Eotrigonobalanus Walther & Kvaček were found determined as, for example, Carya (P 1952/32+97, part and counterpart, pl. 4, fig. Eotrigonobalanus furcinervis 1). Based on the cuticles, the assignment to (Rossmässler) Walther & Kvaček forma Platanus neptuni is unambiguous. Although haselbachensis (Kvaček & Walther) Kvaček foliage is abundant, no fruiting heads of Pla- & Walther in Walther tanus were detected. Pl. 6, fig. 14; Pl. 14, fig. 7

Buxales 1989a Dryophyllum furcinerve (Rossmässler) Schmal- hausen forma haselbachensis forma nova; ? Buxaceae Dumort. Kvaček & Walther, p. 220, figs 2 d, 3 a, c. 1989b Eotrigonobalanus furcinervis (Rossmässler) Walther & Kvaček forma haselbachensis ? Buxus L. (Kvaček & Walther) comb. nov.; Kvaček & Wal- ther, p. 584, figs 7–10, pls 34–36, pl. 39, figs ? Buxus egeriana Kvaček, Bůžek et Holý 2–4, pls 44–46. 2004a Eotrigonobalanus furcinervis (Rossmässler) Pl. 6, fig. 19 Walther & Kvaček ssp. haselbachensis (Kvaček & Walther) Kvaček & Walther in Walther; M a t e r i a l. NMA 2006-168/1497. Kvaček, p. 13, pl. 10, figs 10, 11, 17. Non 2008 Eotrigonobalanus furcinervis (Rossmässler) D e s c r i p t i o n. Coriaceous, entire-margined Walther & Kvaček 1989; Winterscheid leaf, petiole fragmentary, 1 mm long, laminar & Gregor, pl. 1 fig. 4. shape narrow elliptic to oblong, l × w = 27 (28) M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1953/60. × 8 mm, l/w ratio = 3.5, base angle acute, base straight, apex ? emarginate, midvein stout, D e s c r i p t i o n. Single petiolate leaf, lamina straight, secondaries very densely spaced, oblong, slightly obovate, l × w = 85 (95–100) probably brochidodromous, single secondaries ×22 mm, l/w ratio about 4.4, base angle acute, forking, further venation not discernable, mar- base cuneate running into the thick peti- gin strongly thickened, probably by a fimbrial ole, petiole length 5 mm, incomplete, margin vein. entire, midvein straight, stout, secondaries J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 347 slender, arising at about 45° and rather regu- Betulaceae Gray vel Ulmaceae Mirbel lar distances, gently curved, presumably bro- chidodromous. Betulaceae vel Ulmaceae M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Adaxial cuticle not gen. et sp. indet. preserved; abaxial cuticle delicate, only above Pl. 6, fig. 20; Pl. 14, fig. 8 veins anticlines rather well discernable, straight, stomatal complexes in groups, densely M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/437. spaced, ? cyclocytic, shape roundish, stomata D e s c r i p t i o n. Petiolate, membranaceous leaf, l × w = 19–25 (average 22) × 20–23 (average petiole slender, 4 mm long, incomplete; lamina 22) µm, l/w ratio = 0.9–1.2 (average 1), cuticle asymmetric, ovate, l × w = 56 (? 62–65) × 20 mm, above guard cells thin, stomatal ledges indi- l/w ratio about 3.1–3.3, base angle obtuse, base stinct, front cavity short elliptic to roundish, rounded, apex angle acute, apex shape incom- trichome bases scattered, 6–11 (9 average) µm plete, probably straight; margin sharply and in diameter. densely serrate, probably double serrate; mid- R e m a r k s. Remarkably, this is the only leaf vein slender, straight, secondaries delicate, representing the Fagaceae in Rauenberg. Alt- somewhat bent, spacing of secondaries 3–5 mm. hough the cuticle is not very well preserved, M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Cuticle delicate, its systematic affinity is clear due to the com- anticlines slender, straight to somewhat bent, bination of gross morphological and cuticular cell outlines polygonal, 17–22 µm across, ? sto- features. This mainly entire-margined subspe- mata indicated as more strongly cutinised, cies largely devoid of trichome bases of stellate broad oval spots, ? anomocytic. trichomes is rather common in the late Eocene and early Oligocene. Due to the cuneate leaf R e m a r k s. Gross morphologically, this leaf base, cf. Trigonobalanopsis sp. (Mallison 2002, is reminiscent of Betulaceae and, due to the pl. 10 fig. 1) from the Alzey Formation in the asymmetric shape, affinity to Ulmaceae can- Mainz Basin may represent a leaf of Eotrigo- not be excluded. It remains open whether the nobalanus rather than of Trigonobalanopsis. scattered thickened regions on the cuticle are interpreted correctly as stomata. From Flörs- heim a single leaf ascribed to Ostrya atlantidis Betulaceae Gray Unger (Kvaček 2004a) differs by having mar- ginal serration which is distinctly double ser- Betula L. rate, with first-order teeth much longer than the second-order ones. Betula dryadum Brongniart Pl. 6, fig. 1 Myricaceae Rich. ex Kunth 1828 Betula dryadum Brongniart, p. 49, pl. 3, fig. 5. M a t e r i a l. SMNK 7711. Comptonia L. Hérit. D e s c r i p t i o n. Two-winged fruit, nutlet Comptonia difformis (Sternberg) Berry narrow obovate, 3.2 mm long, 1 mm wide at widest part, style remnant incomplete, wings Pl. 6, figs 6, 7 skin-like, fruit width including wings about 1821 Asplenium difforme, Sternberg, p. 29, 33, pl. 24 4.5 mm. fig. 1. 1825 Aspleniopteris difformis Sternberg, p. 21, pl. 24, R e m a r k s. Fruits of this type are usually assi- fig. 1. gned to Betula dryadum. Often they are found 1906 Comptonia difforme (Sternb.); Berry, 495. associated with Betula bracts as in Armissan 2004a Comptonia schrankii (Sternberg) Berry; Kva­ (Upper Oligocene, France; Brongniart 1828) ček, p. 12, pl. 9, fig. 13. or Seifhennersdorf (Lower Oligocene, Ger- M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/166, SMNS P many; Mai 1963). From Rauenberg, however, 1953/118. NMA 2006-146/1497. no bracts have been detected so far, although they are woody and therefore predestined for D e s c r i p t i o n. Pinnate leaves, SMNS P fossilsation. 1952/166 35 mm long (about 2/3 to 3/4 of 348 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 complete length preserved), 3.5 mm wide, roundish, weakly cutinised, aperture broad SMNS P 1953/118 57 mm long, ? half of com- roundish, acute at poles, l × w=20–25 (average plete length, 8 mm wide, pinnae tightly spaced, 23) × 20–23 (? 27) (average 21) µm, aperture basal side convex, apical side straight to gently length 9–12 (average 10) µm. concave, attached with full width to midvein, R e m a r k s. The wide variability of Myrica pinnae widest in the middle part of the leaf, lignitum leaves is well known not only from tapering towards base and apex; in specimen the type locality of Parschlug, Austria (Mio- SMNS P 1953/118, pinnae and especially their cene; Kovar-Eder et al. 2004), but also from margin slightly curled; venation of pinnae not the marine deposits of the surroundings of visible. Linz, Austria, earliest Miocene (Kovar 1982). R e m a r k s. Specimen SMNS P 1952/166 bet- The here- described specimen is the only one ter matches Comptonia schrankii (Sternberg) from Rauenberg that meets M. lignitum gross Berry but the other one (SMNS P 1953/118) morphologically. Due to the scarcity of pel- more closely resembles C. difformis (Sternberg) tate trichomes as well as the thinly cutinised Berry. Kvaček (2004a) supposes that both spe- anticline separating the base cells of the tri- cies reflect ecotypes of a single species rather chome bases, the assignment remains a bit than discrete species; this is supported by the ambiguous. co-occurrence of the two types in ­Rauenberg. Recently, Winterscheid and Kvaček (2014) figured a specimen as M. lignitum from Ors- Myrica L. berg near Bonn, discussing its gross mor- phological similarity to M. joannis (Etting- shausen) emend. Kovar-Eder. The acute Myrica cf. lignitum (Unger) Saporta teeth starting already near the leaf base sup- sensu Ettingshausen & Standfest port the assignment to M. joannis instead of Pl. 4, fig. 11; Pl. 14, fig. 9 M. lignitum. 1847 Quercus lignitum Ung.; Unger, p. 113, pl. 31, figs 5–7. Myrica longifolia Unger 2004a Myrica lignitum (Unger) Saporta; Kvaček, Pl. 4, figs 18–20; Pl. 15, figs 1, 2 p. 11, pl. 9, figs 11, 12, 16, 17.

M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/361. 1850 Myrica longifolia, Unger, p. 159, Taf. 27 Fig. 2, Taf. 28 Fig. 1. D e s c r i p t i o n. Moderately coriaceous leaf, 2004a Myrica longifolia Unger; Kvaček, p. 11, pl. 9, shape somewhat obovate, l × w = 60 (? 65) figs 5–8, 14, 15. ×16 mm, l/w ratio about 4.1, base cuneate, 2008 Myrica lignitum (Unger 1847) Saporta 1865; petiole not preserved, apex incomplete, ? acu- Winterscheid & Gregor, pl. 1, fig. 3. minate, margin entire in the lower part of the M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/50, 186, 334+335 lamina, then simple serrate, teeth distinctly (part and counterpart); NMA 2006-105/1497, developed, hook-shaped, basal side convex, 2006-106/1497. apical side concave, sinus rounded, apex blunt to acute; midvein almost straight, secondaries D e s c r i p t i o n. Narrow linear leaves, l × w = only exceptionally and faintly traceable, cur- 85–92 (? 84–100) × 6–9 mm, l/w ratio = ? 9–16, ved upwards eucamptodromous or brochido- symmetric, base decurrent, petiole not clearly dromous. delimited from base, at least 20 mm long, straight; apex in all specimens incomplete, M i c r o m o p h o l o g y. Cuticle delicate, adaxi- margin simple serrate, wavy due to its rather ally and abaxially anticlines straight to cur- widely spaced, small and acute teeth, or almost ved, distinct, non-modified cells 29–40 (ave- entire; midrib straight to gently bent. rage 35) µm across adaxially, 19–26 (average 23) µm abaxially; trichome bases extremely M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Cuticles of both sides rare, roundish, bicellular, joint anticline of thin, abaxially even more delicate than ada- base cells weakly but margin strongly cutini- xially, preserved in tiny fragments; anticlines sed, inner diameter 10–12 µm, a single peltate of non-modified epidermal cells straight to trichome observed, 76 µm across; abaxial cuti- somewhat bent, abaxially more slender than cle: stomatal complexes anomocytic, stomata adaxially, non-modified cells 18–36 µm across, J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 349 usually four-celled, rarely two- or three-celled L o c u s t y p i c u s. Rauenberg, Baden-Würt­ prominent trichome bases, inner diameter temberg, Germany. (i.e., without margin) 13–24 µm, ± distinctly S t r a t u m t y p i c u m. Bodenheim Formation, surrounded by a ring of well-cutinised, thick- Hochberg Member, “Fischschiefer”, NP 23, walled small cells (sometimes even the cells in early Oligocene. the wider surrounding area of a trichome base appear more strongly cutinised); stomata only Diagnosis. Ovate, oblong to elliptic leaves, exceptionally preserved and vaguely discern- lamina somewhat asymmetric, margin entire able, anomocytic nearly roundish, 20–22 µm near base, towards apex simple serrate with long (n = 2), aperture a short, narrow oval. widely spaced, minute teeth; two-celled tri- R e m a r k s. Specimen SMNS P 1952/50 was chome bases narrow oval to 8-shaped, joint found determined erronously as Sideroxylon. anticline of base cells very delicate. The successfully prepared tiny cuticle frag- D e s c r i p t i o n. Leaves ovate, oblong to ellip- ments mostly yield a single trichome base and tic, typically somewhat asymmetric, texture the immediately surrounding area. Judging thin to medium thick, l × w = 62 (? 65)–110 from these fragments and the cell pattern (? 120) × 10–25 mm, l/w ratio = 4.1– about 7, reflected on them, the area surrounding the base angle acute, base straight, cuneate, petiole trichome base is more strongly cutinised than straight, up to 18 mm long (SMNS P 1952/85), the remaining cuticle. Diagnostically relevant apex long attenuate, apex angle acute, mar- cuticular features rarely have been descri- gin basally entire, then minutely simple ser- bed (Mai & Walther 1978, Kvaček 2004a). In rate, teeth widely spaced, density higher api- the material from Haselbach (Mai & Walther cally, teeth narrow, apex acute, sinus acute or 1978), the trichome bases are two-celled. rounded; midvein straight or somewhat bent, In Flörsheim, Kvaček (2004a) notes two- to secondaries craspedodromous or semicraspe- mainly four-celled trichome bases, which mat- dodromous (SMNS P 1952/63+99), arising at ches well with the here-described material in about 60° angle (SMNS P 1952/85). which four- and three-celled bases are more common than two-celled ones. Myrica ligni- M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Adaxial and abaxial tum (Unger) Saporta differs by having clearly cuticle delicate, anticlines of non-modified two-celled trichome bases. In the Eocene to cells straight to somewhat curved, non-modi- early Oligocene, M. longifolia was widespread fied epidermal cells adaxially 18–36 (average from Central Europe to the Tethys and Medi- 24–25) µm, abaxially 16–45 (average 24–28) terranean region, including Geiseltal, Häring, µm across, two-celled trichome bases rare, Socka, and Armissan, and is often interpre- oval to 8-shaped, margin strongly cutinised, ted as indicative of drier climatic conditions inner diameter 14–19 µm, joint wall of base (Rüffle 1976). cells very delicate, peltate trichomes rarely attached, 75–105 µm in diameter (n = 3), mar- Myrica obliquifolia Kovar-Eder sp. nov. gin minimally undulate; abaxial cuticle: sto- matal complexes anomocytic, stomata elliptic, Pl. 4, figs 12–17; Pl. 15, figs 3–9 l × w 20–26 × 17–27 µm, aperture elliptic to ? 2004a Myrica cf. joannis Ettingshausen 1858 emend. roundish, 6–8 µm long, poles acute. Kovar-Eder 1996; Kvaček, p. 11, pl. 9 figs 9, 10, 18, 19. R e m a r k s. Specimens SMNS P 1952/85, 162, 232, and 255 are the most complete ones. Holotype designated here. SMNS P Except for specimen SMNS P 1952/162, which 1952/85. has been transferred to artificial resin, cuticle Paratypes designated here. SMNS P details are available. 1952/162, 232, 238, 255; SMNS P 1953/99. The micromorphology (stomata and peltate trichomes attached to two-celled bases) is suit- F u r t h e r m a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/63+99 able for generic identification. These leaves (part and counterpart), 204, 386. NMA 2006- differ from the hitherto known fossil species 142/1497. of Myrica by their somewhat asymmetric D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s. Referring to the some- leaf shape combined with minute and widely what asymmetric leaf blade. spaced teeth. The anticline separating the two 350 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 base cells is remarkably delicate, unlike that spaced, craspedodromous to semicraspedo- of, for example, Myrica lignitum or M. undu- dromous, arising at wide angles of about 80° latissima (Knobloch et Kvaček 1976). near the base, higher up angle of origin decre- Myrica cf. joannis from Flörsheim (Kvaček asing, secondaries smoothly bent, subparallel 2004a) differs from M. joannis Ettingshausen towards each other, sending abaxially further 1858 emend. Kovar-Eder 1996 (Kovar-Eder veinlets into the teeth below, terminating in 1996) by having more abundant and bigger marginal teeth, tertiaries percurrent, course teeth. More­over, M. joannis bears variably almost straight to somewhat sinuous, angle straight to undulate anticlines of the non-mod- obtuse. ified epidermal cells both adaxially and abaxi- R e m a r k s. This remain is a faint leaf impres- ally. In contrast, M. obliquifolia shows straight sion with well-preserved venation. It is one of to curved anticlines. It cannot be ruled out, the rare leaf records of temperate deciduous however, that we are dealing here with sun taxa from Rauenberg. The differentiation of leaves and that the more delicate shade leaves Carya fragiliformis and C. serrifolia is still with possibly more undulate anticlines are not open (Walther & Kvaček 2007). preserved in Rauenberg. In this context, note that Myrica cf. joannis from Flörsheim shows Carya quadrangula (Kirchheimer) Leroy undulate anticlines. Peltate trichomes appear to be rare in both M. joannis and M. obliqui- Pl. 6, fig. 21 folia. 2004a Carya quadrangula (Kirchheimer) Leroy; An asymmetric base is described for Myrica Kvaček, p. 11, pl. 9, fig. 2. hakeaefolia (Unger) Saporta sensu Engelhardt M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/159, SMNS P from Markvartice (Bůžek et al. 1976). These 1953/102. specimens are very fragmentary, the cuticle is not available, and the authors hesitate about D e s c r i p t i o n. Somewhat flattened endo- the generic affinity. carps, elliptic-ovoid in shape, l × w = 36 × 25 mm, apex conical-acuminate, base rounded to weakly truncate, surface smooth; specimen Juglandaceae A. Rich ex Kunth SMNS P 1952/159 with two narrow, long lacu- nae and the separating septum. Carya Nutt. R e m a r k s. The two specimens are not only very similar in shape and size to each other Carya fragiliformis but are also strikingly similar to the specimen (Sternberg) Kvaček & Walther described from Flörsheim (Kvaček 2004a). Pl. 6, fig. 22 Whether Carya ventricosa (Schlotheim) Schim- C rostrata 1825 Phyllites fragiliformis, Sternberg, p. 42, pl. 50, per and . cf. (Schlotheim) Schimper fig. 1. reported from the Alzey Formation (Mallison 2004a Carya sp.; Kvaček, p. 10, pl. 9 fig. 1. 2002) are conspecific with the here-described 2007 Carya fragiliformis (Sternberg) Kvaček & Wal- specimens remains open. ther comb. nov.; Walther & Kvaček, p. 110, pl. 11, figs 1–3, pl. 23, figs 8–10. Engelhardia Lesch. Ex Blume M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/58.

D e s c r i p t i o n. Single, fragmentary, probably Engelhardia orsbergensis (Wessel sessile leaflet, texture thin, laminar shape & Weber) Jähnichen, Mai & Walther asymmetric, ? oblong to minimally obovate, l × Pl. 6, figs 15–17 w = 70 (? 100) × 30 (? 35) mm, l/w ratio about 2.8, base asymmetric, base angle wide acute, 1855 Banksia orsbergensis Wessel & Weber, p. 146, base weakly convex, apex not preserved; mar- pl. 25, figs 9a–d. gin sharply serrate, teeth with acute sinus 1977 Engelhardia orsbergensis (Wess. & Web.) Jäh- and apex, basal and apical sides variable, nichen, Mai & Walther comb. nov., p. 326–341. near base straight, convex or concave, and in M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 2228/1. SMNK 7499, higher parts of the lamina flexuous to retrofle- 7609+7610 (part and counterpart). NMA 2006- xuous; midvein straight, secondaries densely 108/1497. J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 351

D e s c r i p t i o n. Leaflets, laminar shape ? Rosales oblong, l × w = 38–70 × 7–12 mm, base convex to shortly cuneate, somewhat asymmetric, no ? Rhamnaceae Juss. petiole, apex angle acute, apex straight, margin simple serrate, teeth distant, tiny, acuminate, ? Berchemia Necker ex de Candolle midvein straight to gently bent, secondaries and ? intersecondaries arising at >45° angles ? and 1–3 mm distances (NMA 2006-108/1497). Berchemia altorhenana Kovar-Eder sp. nov. R e m a r k s. Though no cuticle is available, Pl. 5, fig. 5; Pl. 16, figs 7–9 these are unambiguous records of Engelhardia orsbergensis leaflets. The assignment is based Holotype designated here. SMNS P on the asymmetric base and the absence of 1953/92. a petiolule, which makes it probable that we are dealing with leaflets that were directly S t r a t u m t y p i c u m. Bodenheim Formation, attached to the rhachis. The leaf base variabi- Hochberg Member, “Fischschiefer”, NP 23, lity is well within that of E. orsbergensis, as has early Oligocene. been demonstrated by Jähnichen et al. (1977) L o c u s t y p i c u s. Rauenberg, Baden-Würt­ in their comprehensive study of Englhardia temberg, Germany. from the Palaeogene and Neogene of Europe. Some more leaf fragments may be assigned to D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s. Referring to the geo- either Engelhardia or Myrica. graphical position of the fossil site in the Upper Rhine Graben.

Engelhardia macroptera S t r a t u m t y p i c u m. Bodenheim Formation, (Brongniart) Unger Hochberg Member, “Fischschiefer”, NP 23, early Oligocene. Pl. 6, fig. 18 D i a g n o s i s. Petiolate leaf, small, elliptic- 1828 Carpinus macroptera Brongniart, p. 48, pl. 3 fig. 6. oblong, base convex, apex rounded, entire- 1866 Engelhardia macroptera (Brongniart) Unger, margined to faintly crenate, secondary p. 52, pl. 16, figs 9–11. veins delicate, numerous, regularly spaced; M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/107, 154+155 (part anticlines deeply undulate, undulation roun- and counterpart), 206. ded to zig-zag, stomatal complexes probably anomocytic, stomata narrow oval, marginally D e s c r i p t i o n. Incompletely preserved trilo- overlapped by a cuticular ledge, front cavity bate involucres, lobes entire-margined, nar- narrow elliptic to narrow spindle-shaped row, apex rounded, medial lobe 22–33 mm with distinct ledges, stoma orientation pro- long, lateral one 18 mm long (specimen SMNS bably subparallel, trichome bases with well- P 1952/154), medial lobe somewhat obovate, staining foot cell, surrounding cells radially 6 mm wide in its widest part, width of lateral arranged. lobes up to 4 mm, at the base of the involu- D e s c r i p t i o n. Leaf petiolate, petiole very cres only the position of the nutlets is visible; slender, 6 mm long; almost complete, slightly venation (SMNS P 1952/154): medial lobe with bent near petiole base; lamina moderately cori- three veins running parallel to the lobe length, aceous, l × w = 25 × 12 mm, l/w ratio = 2.1, central vein stronger than lateral ones, further shape elliptic-oblong, base convex, base angle venation reticulate, lateral lobes also with at obtuse, apex rounded, uppermost apex not least two main veins and reticulate further preserved, apex angle obtuse, margin entire venation. to faintly crenate; midvein straight, ribbed, R e m a r k s. Though rare and mainly fragmen- secondaries slender, hardly tapering towards tarily preserved, these involucres add evidence leaf margin, densely spaced, about 2–3 mm for the presence of Engelhardia in this assem- apart, vein spacing and angle rather regular, blage. This is remarkable because neither veins running strongly parallel to each other, a leaf nor a fruit have been reported from the slightly diverging towards the margin, further flora of Flörsheim (Kvaček 2004a). details not available. 352 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016

M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Adaxial and abaxial (Wall.) Brongn., B. lineata, B. longeracemosa cuticle delicate, anticlines of non-modified cells Okuyama, and B. sinica Schneid. show sub- slender, smooth, deeply undulate, undulation parallel stoma orientation resembling B. alto­ rounded to zig-zag, non-modified cells 24–38 rhenana. The abaxial cuticle surface of the lat- (average 35) µm across, simple trichome bases ter taxa is, in contrast to our fossil, distinctly scattered on both surfaces, abaxially more granulate or granulate-rugulate in B. lineata. abundant, with foot cell surrounded by radi- The stomata of the studied modern species are ally arranged cells, trichome foot cell 9–14 µm smaller than in B. altorhenana, accounting for across, well staining; abaxial cuticle: type of some ambiguity of the generic assignment. stomatal complexes probably anomocytic, sto- mata narrow oval, marginally slightly overlap- ped by surrounding cuticle forming a cuticu- ? Fabales × lar ledge, stoma l w = 17–25 (average 21) ? Fabaceae Lindl. × 10–21 (average 15) µm, front cavity narrow elliptic to narrow spindle-shaped with distinct ? Leguminocarpon Goeppert ledges, 10–17 µm long, stomata orientation probably partly subparallel. ? Leguminocarpon sp. Pl. 6, fig. 5 R e m a r k s. The dense and parallel spacing of the secondaries, which hardly taper along M a t e r i a l. NMA 2006-173/1497. their course, are reminiscent of Rhamna- ceae (Berchemia). Berchemia multinervis (A. D e s c r i p t i o n. Two shortly petiolate pods in Braun) Heer, known from the Miocene (Bůžek opposite position attached to a fragmentarily 1971), differs by its bigger leaf size. Berchemia preserved petiole; pod shape elliptic, one cap- has also been described from the Miocene of sule rather complete, l × w about 20 × 6 mm, Kreuzau (Ferguson 1971), including small lea- base acute, apex probably shortly acute or ves such as our specimen. Camptodromites sp. somewhat rounded. Kvaček & Teodoridis (2011), originally descri- R e m a r k s. The systematic affinity of these bed by Ettingshausen (1868) as Berchemia pods remains ambiguous. multinervis from Kučlín, resembles the here- described specimen by its dense secondary venation, but its leaves are subsessile. Unfor- Oxidales tunately, SMNS P 1953/92 does not provide any information about the tertiary venation, Elaeocarpaceae Juss. which is characteristic in Berchemia, and the L. records mentioned in this context do not give Sloanea information on cuticle structure. Cuticles of 15 southeast Asian species of Sloanea artocarpites Berchemia have been studied for comparison (Ettingshausen) Kvaček et Hably (Appendix 1). There is no match of the fossil Pl. 5, fig. 4 with a single modern species, but the general 1869 Quercus artocarpites, Ettingshausen, p. 63, cuticle characteristics may point towards affin- pl. 55, figs 19, 19a. ity to Berchemia. B. affinis Hassk. is similar 1976 Dicotylophyllum sparsidentatum sp. n.; Bůžek regarding the zig-zag course of the anticlines et al., p. 105, pl. X, figs 1–7, pl. XX figs 5, 6, pl. and the trichome bases (with a dark-staining XXI, figs 1–6, text-fig. 8. centre and girdling cells, pl. 23, fig. 9). The 2001 Sloanea artocarpites (Ettingshausen) Kvaček stoma shape of our fossil with somewhat over- et Hably comb. nov.; Kvaček et al., p. 117, pl. 4 figs 8, 9, pl. 6 fig. 8. lapping surrounding cuticle resembles B. line- 2004a Sloanea artocarpites (Ettingshausen) Kvaček ata (L.) DC, for example, and to a lesser extent & Hably; Kvaček, p. 15, pl. 11, figs 6–9, 13–15. also B. kulingensis Schneider, B. philippinensis M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/61. Vid., and B. racemosa S. & Z., whose stomata are deeply sunken among strongly papillae- D e s c r i p t i o n. Middle part of a delicate leaf, like domed non-modified cells (pl. 23, figs 7, base and apex lacking, shape elliptic or ovate, 8). Regarding stoma orientation, B. floribunda somewhat asymmetric, l × w = ? 70 × 54 mm, J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 353 margin wavy to crenate and minutely serrate, a tendency towards reticulate near the leaf teeth narrow, single, rather widely spaced, margin, fourth-order veins randomly reticu- apex and sinus acute; midvein slender, late (NMA 2006-114/1497); lowermost pair straight, secondaries craspedodromous to wea- of secondaries arising nearly oppositely at kly brochidodromous, relatively widely spaced leaf base, ascending steeply near the margin (up to 18 mm), originating alternately to sub- (SMNS P 1952/340). oppositely, gently bent, sending abmedial side M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Adaxial cuticle thick, veinlets towards the margin; no further mor- anticlines distinctly undulate, forming puzzle- phological details or cuticle preserved. like cells 17–28 (average 23) µm across, glab- R e m a r k s. Based on the serration of the leaf rous; abaxial cuticle more delicate, anticlines margin and the acute teeth, this leaf resembles of non-modified cells, undulate, anticlines Sloanea artocarpites more closely than S. olme- weakly cutinised, with shorter amplitude and diaefolia (Kvaček et al. 2001). In Flörsheim, wave length than adaxially, 12–27 (average S. artocarpites is documented by several speci- 17) µm across (NMA 2006-114/1497), stomatal mens (Kvaček 2004a). Further occurrences complexes anomo- to weakly cyclocytic, subsi- are Seifhennersdorf (Walther & Kvaček 2007), diary cells somewhat more strongly cutinised Holý Kluk Mts. (Radon et al. 2006), possibly (more intensively staining) than the other also Bechlejovice (Kvaček & Walther, 2004), cells (SMNS P 1952/340), stomata roundish, all dated to the early Oligocene. 11–16 (average 13) × 10–15 (average 12) µm (SMNS P 1952/340) and 9–12 (average 10) × Sloanea olmediaefolia 8–10 (average 9) µm (NMA 2006-114/1497), (Unger) Kvaček & Hably aperture elliptic to roundish, 3–5 (average 4) Pl. 5, figs 2, 3; Pl. 16, figs 4–6 µm (in both specimens) long, simple trichome bases only above veins, rare. 1850 Artocarpidium olmediaefolium, Unger, p. 36, pl. 14, figs 1, 2. R e m a r k s. Leaf NMA 2006-114/1497 is 2001 Sloanea elliptica (Andreánszky) Kvaček & Hably among the best preserved of all the inves- comb. nov.; Kvaček et al., p. 117, pl. 2 figs 1–5, tigated material. It is not only complete but pl. 4 figs 1–5, pl. 6 figs 1–7. shows venation details and minute dentation. Sloanea olmediaefolia 2008 (Unger) Kvaček et Hably; Its cuticle preservation is less favourable, Hably & Kvaček, p. 140, fig. 1: 1–5. 2008 Eotrigonobalanus furcinervis (Rossmaessler probably because it was transfered to artificial 1840) Walther & Kvaček 1989; Winterscheid resin. Although the leaf margin of specimen & Gregor, p. 5, pl. 1, fig. 4. SMNS P 1952/340 is not preserved, the leaf shape and secondaries are already reminiscent M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/340. NMA 2006- of Sloanea, which is confirmed by the well- 114/1497. preserved cuticle. Kvaček (2004a) stressed the D e s c r i p t i o n. Leaves membranaceous, differences in the undulation of the anticlines lamina slightly asymmetric, ovate to elliptic, abaxially and the type of stomatal complexes l × w = 82–88 × 32 (34–35)–40 mm, l/w ratio between Sloanea elliptica (now S. olmediae- = 2–2.6; petiole straight, 11 mm long, basally folia) and S. artocarpites. Accordingly, the somewhat widened, abscission mark oblique here-described leaves match S. olmediaefolia (NMA 2006-114/1497); base cuneate to slightly better due to the undulated anticlines and concavo-convex, apex acuminate; margin wavy the stomatal complexes, which are cyclocytic, dentate, minutely toothed, teeth more closely though weakly. The cyclocytic type is indicated spaced near base, more widely spaced apically, by more intensively staining subsidiaries in minute terminal glands probable on some specimen SMNS P 1952/340. The leaf shape teeth (NMA 2006-114/1497); midvein straight and size variability of S. olmediaefolia from to slightly bent, ? 7–8 pairs of secondaries the Tard Clay between Óbuda (Budapest) and arising alternately to suboppositely, widely Eger-Kiseged is considerable (Hably & Erdei spaced, 8–15 mm (NMA 2006-114/1497), run- 2015), and our specimens are closer in size to ning slightly curved across the lamina, ending those from Eger-Kiseged. S. olmediaefolia was in tooth apices, craspedodromous, sending known previously only from the early Oligocene off abmedial branches that also end in mar- of the Paratethys Province (Hungary and Slo- ginal teeth; tertiaries forked percurrent with venia) (Kvaček et al. 2001). Our record extends 354 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 its geographical range during the early Oligo- are unknown for P. leuce. The relatively small cene considerably westwards and northwards size of the lamina accounts for the systematic and is a further substantiation of the floristic assignment to P. germanica. relationship between the early Oligocene flora of the Budapest region and that of the western Malvales coastal regions of Palaeo-Europe. Malvaceae Juss.

Malphigiales Craigia W.W. SM. et W.E. Evans Salicaceae Mirb. Craigia bronnii Populus L. (Unger) Kvaček, Bůžek et Manchester Pl. 6, fig. 2 Populus germanica (Menzel) Walther 1845 Ulmus bronnii Unger, p. 79 pro parte, pl. 25, figs Pl. 5, fig. 6 2–4. 1991 Craigia bronnii (Unger); Kvaček, Bůžek et Man- 1926 Menispermites germanicus Menzel, p. 32, figs chester, p. 552. 1–3. 1978 Populus germanica (Menzel) comb. nov.; Wal- M a t e r i a l. SMNK 7748 (part and counterpart). ther, p. 90, pl. 3, fig. 16, pl. 8, figs 1–9, pl. 9, figs 1, 2, pl. 36, figs 1–8, pl. 37, figs 1–5. D e s c r i p t i o n. Flattened, detached, oval 2004a Populus germanica (Menzel) Walther; Kvaček, valves of a fruit capsule, 12 mm long with p. 15, pl. 11, figs 10–12. peripheral, incompletely preserved wing, diam- M a t e r i a l. SMNK 7568, ? 7725. NMA 2006- eter 27 (? 30) mm, partly preserved as com- 107/1497. pression and partly as imprint, central suture well visible, wing poorly preserved, only main D e s c r i p t i o n. Membranaceous leaves, veins discernable, spreading radially, some- petiole lacking, l × w = ? 55–70 × 60–70 mm times dichotomising towards margin. (SMNK 7568, NMA 2006-107/1497) and 9 × 12 mm (SMNK 7725), shape suborbicular, R e m a r k s. In this poorly preserved, rather base rounded (SMNK 7568) and ? concavo-con- large specimen, seeds are not demarcated and vex (SMNK 7725), apex ? rounded to obtuse, it remains open whether it was sterile. Crai- ? acuminate in the uppermost part (SMNK gia is best known from the North Bohemian 7725), margin wavy (SMNK 7568); midrib brown coal region, where it is preserved in straight, secondaries craspedodromous, basal the form of different organs: fruits, foliage, secondaries arising directly at base, position flowers, and flower buds (Kvaček 2004c). This of further secondaries subopposite, almost is the only record of Craigia in the flora from straight (SMNK 7568) or slightly bent (SMNK Rauenberg. 7725), single secondaries forking or sending abmedial veinlets, terminating in glandular Saxifragales marginal teeth or lobe sinus; tertiaries percur- Hamamelidaceae R. Br. In C. Abel rent, fourth-order venation reticulate, fimbrial vein ± distinct along leaf margin (SMNK 7568). Distylium Siebold et Zucc. R e m a r k s. Specimens SMNK 7568 and NMA 2006-107/1497 are embedded in synthetic resin. Distylium metzleri Kovar-Eder sp. nov. This enables the leaf venation to be traced in Pl. 6, fig. 23; Pl. 16, figs 1–3 transmitted light and reveals the existence of a fimbrial vein (SMNK 7568). Because the Holotype designated here. SMNS P very small lamina, the assignment of speci- 1952/43. men SMNK 7725 may be ambiguous. Kvaček S t r a t u m t y p i c u m. Bodenheim Formation, (2004a) pointed to the similarity of Populus Hochberg Member, “Fischschiefer”, NP 23, germanica and P. leuce (Rossmässler) Unger early Oligocene. from the Staré Sedlo Formation (Knobloch et al. 1996), stating that the two species may L o c u s t y p i c u s. Rauenberg, Baden-Würt­ be conspecific but that the cuticle structures temberg, Germany. J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 355

D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s. In honour of Rudolf features – asymmetric lamina, brachyparacy- Metzler, one of the major collectors of the flora tic stomata, and the characteristic trichome from Rauenberg. bases – indicate affinity to the Hamameli- daceae. Distylium fergusonii differs by its D i a g n o s i s. Slender, smooth concentric epi- entire margin also near the leaf apex, by the cuticular wrinkles developed upon guard cells abaxial cuticle which is less strongly cutini- and subsidiary cells, wrinkles thicker, distinct sed than the adaxial one, and by the greater and parallel upon veins, trichome bases scat- abundance of trichome bases. The epicuticu- tered above veins, cuticular wrinkles near tri- lar structure is clearly highly variable, from chome bases ± radially oriented. almost absent (Mai & Walther 1978, there D e s c r i p t i o n. Apical two thirds of a simple, as D. cf. fergusonii; Ferguson 1971) to well asymmetric leaf, texture thin, laminar shape developed in the material from Wackersdorf elliptic or ovate, l × w = 51 (? 65) × 22 mm, (Knobloch & Kvaček 1976) and Oberdorf apex almost straight to somewhat acuminate, (Kovar-Eder & al. 2001). D. fergusonii plexus apex angle acute, leaf margin entire in the cen- from the Kristina mine, Hrádek, bears thick tral part of the leaf but sparsely and minutely cuticles on both sides, and the strong wrin- denticulate near apex; secondaries faintly vis- kles abaxially obscure the anticlines of the ible, brochidodromous, widely spaced (distance non-modified cells (Holý et al. 2012). Leaves between two adjacent secondaries 13 mm), of D. heinickei (Mai & Walther 1991) bear veins diverging from the secondaries towards tiny marginal teeth, as does the here-descri- the leaf margin, forming further loops, a single bed specimen. Studies of the type and origi- intersecondary and few tertiaries visible, the nal material revealed that the cuticle is very latter percurrent. delicate and the epicuticular structure is less strongly developed, and in cf. Distylium sp. M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Cuticles of both sides (Walther 1999) the cuticle is smooth. No deli- very thick and well preserved; anticlines of cate concentric crinkles have been reported non-modified epidermal cells thick, undulate, on the guard and subsidiary cells in D. fer- slightly knobby; undulation shallower adaxi- gusonii or in D. heinikei. ally than abaxially, non-modified cells almost Since leaves of Distylium are rather rare in equal in size on both sides, adaxially 26–31 the fossil record and usually not abundant at (average 32) µm, abaxially 23–40 (average single sites, it is difficult to judge fossil spe- 31) µm; abaxial cuticle: stomatal complexes cies variability. Especially for D. fergusonii the brachyparacytic, somewhat asymmetric due variability of the described records is broad, to subsidiary cells that are partly unequal in raising doubts about whether they all are con- size; pair of guard cells elliptic oblong, 18–26 specific. (average 21) × 19–23 (average 22) µm, l/w ratio = 0.8–1.3 (average 0.9), outer front cavity nar- ? Santalales row oval, almost reaching the poles, formed by distinct cuticular ledges, epidermal wall of ? Loranthaceae Juss. guard cell not very distinct, poles somewhat thickened; upon guard and subsidiary cells, ? Viscophyllum Knoll slender concentric cuticular wrinkles devel- oped; single, big and prominent, thickly cutin- ? Viscophyllum hendriksiae Kovar-Eder ised trichome bases above veins, one to two sp. nov. rings of small cells surrounding the trichome Pl. 7, figs 1–5; Pl. 23, figs 1­–6 base centre, inner diameter about 20 µm, diameter including girdling cells about 70 µm, Holotype designated here. SMNS P epicuticular wrinkles distinct, thick and radi- 1953/70. ally arranged around trichome bases but run- ning parallel above veins. P a r a t y p e s. SMNS P 1952/11, 57, 158; SMNS P 1953/71, 77. NMA 2006-134/1497. R e m a r k s. This is one of the rare leaf findings in this flora showing secondary veins and ter- S t r a t u m t y p i c u m. Bodenheim Formation, tiaries. Unfortunately, the basal part of the Hochberg Member, “Fischschiefer”, NP 23, lamina is not preserved. The combination of early Oligocene. 356 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016

L o c u s t y p i c u s. Rauenberg, Baden-Würt­ of SMNS P 1953/70 and 77 appears skin-like, temberg, Germany. unfragmented and brownish. In all specimens the cuticle is thick but mainly present in D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s. In honour of Janine small fragments. The cuticular features leave Hendriks, technician at NMA, for her assis- no doubt that these specimens are conspecific. tence in my study of the collection there. In particular, this concerns stoma shape and D e s c r i p t i o n. Long-petiolate, leathery, size as well as the peculiar cell pattern in non- entire-margined leaves, petiole up to at least stoma bearing condition (large polygonal cells 25 mm long and up to 3 mm thick, broader with a network of smaller meshes indicative near petiole base, often bent; lamina ellip- of a ? hypodermis). In SMNS P 1952/158 the tic to broad elliptic, l × w = 35 (? 38)–56 × stomata are randomly distributed, while in the 15–31 mm, l/w ratio = 1.6–3.4, base cuneate, other specimens the stoma orientation appears gradually tapering into the petiole, apex angle rather parallel. It remains open whether the acute, shape (almost) straight, utmost apex differences in stoma orientation are related to blunt; midvein straight, visibly continuing into the problem that cuticle samples were obtained the petiole, midvein thick and pronounced in mainly from near the leaf margin close to the specimen SMNS P 1952/11 but slender and leaf base to avoid coverage by varnish. hardly visible in other specimens, secondaries These leaves probably are assignable to the very delicate, widely spaced, steeply ascending fossil genus Viscophyllum Knoll. V. weylan- and arching about 1–2 mm in front of the mar- dii (Walther) Walther (Mai & Walther 1985), gin (brochidodromous) (NMA 2006-134/1497), described from the Upper Eocene of the Weis- further details unclear. selster Basin, is similar in leaf shape and in the steeply ascending secondaries; it differs by M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Cuticle thick, glabrous, its smaller leaf size, smaller stomata (which anticlines mainly straight, thick but often not are wider than long) and the type of stomatal well traceable, hypostomatic; adaxial cuticle: complexes with clearly visible subsidiaries. non-modified epidermal cells polygonal, very large, up to 114 µm across, cell surface subdivi- ded into smaller fields indicating ? hypodermis; Cornales abaxial cuticle: non-modified epidermal cells ± distinctly arranged in rows, subquadran- Hydrangeaceae Dumortier gular to pentagonal, with central thickened Hydrangea L. papilla, cells about 22–43 µm across (SMNS P 1952/11), that is, much smaller than stomata, or non-modified cells polygonal as in non-sto- Hydrangea microcalyx Sieber 1881 mata bearing condition, stomata ± completely Pl. 6, fig. 4 surrounded by a thick cuticular fold, thus type 1881 Hydrangea microcalyx, Sieber, p. 16 pro parte: of stomatal complexes ambiguous, stomata figs 26, 27, 31. arranged parallelly (SMNS P 1952/11) or 2014 Hydrangea microcalyx Sieber 1880; Winter- randomly (SMNS P 1952/158), oval to almost scheid & Kvaček. roundish, l × w = 43–83 × 33–57 µm, epidermal M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/145. wall of guard cell indistinct, cuticular ledges very thick, forming an elliptic to broad spindle- D e s c r i p t i o n. Tetramerous, petaloid calyx, shaped, very prominent, 34–56 µm long front 17 mm in diameter, single calyx leaves ellip- cavity, aperture short, narrow oval to spindle- tic to roundish in shape, tapering towards shaped, parallel epicuticular striation present, base, point of attachment to axis narrow, on guard cells concentric; SEM study did not apex obtuse or somewhat emarginate, entire- yield further details. margined, every leaf shows a midvein running straight into the apex, especially the basal R e m a r k s. The texture of specimens SMNS secondaries arise at narrow angles, ascending P 1952/11 and 57 is extremely leathery; in steeply, eventually forking across the lamina, SMNS P1952/158 and SMNS P 1953/71 it is further details not available. less leathery but still thick. In all these speci- mens the carbonised leaf material is frag- R e m a r k s. Only a single specimen is availa- mented into tiny splinters, while the lamina ble from the abundant material which is J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 357 surprisingly well preserved. Its four leaves M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Adaxial and abaxial are unfused, closely spaced and touching each cuticle thick, glabrous; anticlines of non- other. The specimens from Kučlín (Sieber 1881, modified epidermal cells densely undulate Kvaček & Teodoridis 2011) differ in that the but not very pronounced, cells 32–49 (ave- leaves are obovate and not as closely spaced rage 42) µm across; abaxial cuticle: anticlines as in the specimen from Rauenberg. The lat- of non-modified epidermal cells even less ter more closely resembles the specimen from distinct than adaxially, undulate but faintly Seifhennersdorf figured by Mai (1963: pl. 10, traceable only (cell size not measureable), fig. 9) and the specimen from Hammerun- type of stomatal complexes unclear, stoma terwiesenthal (Walther 1998: Abb. 2 fig. 20). elliptic, stomata surrounded by a thick The specimens from Seifhennersdorf (Walther cuticular wrinkle, guard cells less stron- & Kvaček 2007: pl. 13 figs 7, 8) are incomplete gly cutinised, occasionally with concentric and thus not well comparable. This large vari- striae, cuticular ledges strongly thickened, ability, however, is within the natural variabi- forming a narrow oval outer front cavity, lity of Hydrangea species Mai (1963). stoma l × w = 32–45 (average 38) × 26–35 H. microcalyx is an accessory element in the (average 30) µm, l/w ratio = 1.1–1.5 (average volcanic floras of Bohemia and Saxony from 1.3), aperture length 24–35 (average 29) µm, the late Eocene to Oligocene. The revision of cuticle surface with scattered, almost paral- the flora from Orsberg near Bonn also includes lel wrinkles. H. microcalyx (Winterscheid & Kvaček 2014). R e m a r k s. Laminar shape and size remain This is the first record from the Oligocene ambiguous due to the fragmentary preserva- coastal floras of the Rhein Graben. tion of this leaf. The cuticle suggests a pos- The east Asian H. paniculata Sieb. et Zucc., sible relationship to the Pentaphyllaceae. H. petiolaris Sieb. et Zucc., and H. quercifolia Stoma shape and size, the concentric wrin- Bartr. from North America are regarded as the kles around the stomata, and the occasion- most similar relatives (Mai 1963). ally occurring, ± parallel wrinkles covering the abaxial surface may point towards affin- Ericales ity to Gordonia. The very dense undulation of the anticlines on the adaxial cuticle raises ? Pentaphyllaceae Engl. in Engl. & Prantl uncertainty, ­however. ? Ternstroemites Berry emend. Hickey Symplocaceae Desf. ? Ternstroemites maritiae Symplocos Jacq. Kovar-Eder sp. nov. Pl. 5, fig. 7; Pl. 17, figs 1–3 Symplocos deichmuelleri (Kvaček & Walther) comb. nov. Holotype designated here. SMNS P 1952/342. Pl. 5, figs 8–10; Pl. 17, figs 4–6 S t r a t u m t y p i c u m. Bodenheim Formation, 1998 Dicotylophyllum deichmuelleri Kvaček & Wal- Hochberg Member, “Fischschiefer”, NP 23, ther, p. 14 pl. 6, figs 7–12. 2004a Symplocos volkeri Kvaček sp. n., Senckenberg early Oligocene. Lethaea, 84, p. 17, pl. 14, figs 2, 3, 13–15. L o c u s t y p i c u s. Rauenberg, Baden-Würt­ 2007 Dicotylophyllum deichmuelleri Kvaček & Wal­ temberg, Germany. ther; Walther & Kvaček, p. 127, pl. 18, figs 16, 17, pl. 24, figs 12, 13. D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s. Dedicated to Marit 2008 Eotrigonobalanus furcinervis (Rossmaessler , technician at the SMNS, who 1840) Walther & Kvaček 1989; Winterscheid patiently made numerous cuticle preparations & Gregor, pl. 1 fig. 4. 2014 Symplocos volkeri Kvaček 2004; Winterscheid for this study. & Kvaček, p. 30, pl. 5 figs 7, 8, pl. 12 fig. 1. D e s c r i p t i o n. Apical fragment of a coria- 2014 Dicotylophyllum deichmuelleri Kvaček et Wal- ceous, probably entire-margined leaf, l × w = ther; Kvaček et al., p. 42, figs 7G–J, 8L. 35 (? 70) × 22 (? 24) mm, laminar shape unclear, M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/62, 65, 79+98 (part apex angle acute, apex shape nearly straight. and counterpart), SMNS P 1953/43. 358 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016

D e s c r i p t i o n. Petiolate leaves, texture are very similar and Kvaček et al. (2014) medium thick, l × w = 40–55 (? 58) × 17–33 mm, already suggested Symplocos as the probable l/w ratio = 1.8–2.8, laminar shape broad ellip- genus for the leaves assigned to D. deichmuel­ tic to slightly obovate, petiole 4–9 (? complete) leri. mm long, bent or straight, basally widened Comparing the leaves from Flörsheim and (SMNS P 1952/65); base angle acute to almost Rott (Kvaček 2004a, Winterscheid & Kvaček 90°, base rather straight to concave near the 2014), S. deichmuelleri shows considerable very base and then somewhat convex, apex variability in leaf shape and secondary vena- angle acute to obtuse, apex straight to some- tion but consistency regarding the cuticu- what acuminate; margin almost entire near lar structures. The figure of Kvaček (2004a: the base with only single teeth, simple serrate pl. 14, fig. 14) suggests papilla-like thicken- with more densely spaced teeth towards apex, ings on the surface of non-modified cells, as teeth ± tiny, basal and apical sides almost in the material from Rauenberg. This was straight, sinus rounded or acute, apex rounded confirmed by comparative studies of the origi- or (bluntly) acute and glanduliferous; midvein nal cuticular slides from Flörsheim. Although straight, secondaries markedly more delicate smaller than the leaves from Flörsheim, those than midvein (SMNS P 1952/62), arising at from Rauenberg more closely resemble the about 40–50° angle from midvein, angles of record from Flörsheim than the specimens adjacent veins variable, near their origin run- from Rott. No glands have been reported from ning almost parallel to midvein before turning the tooth apices of specimens from Flörsheim outwards, tertiaries percurrent, course slightly or Rott. More material is therefore necessary convex to sinuous, higher-order veins forming to decide whether we are dealing with a sin- a dense network. gle species. M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Adaxial cuticle deli- cate, abaxial cuticle thick, both sides glabrous; Gentianales adaxial cuticle with faint anticlines, straight Apocynaceae Juss. to bent, non-modified cells 18–33 µm across; abaxial cuticle: non-modified cells distinct, Trachelospermum Kvaček smaller than stomata, 13–26 (average 17–18) µm across, surface of non-modified cells Trachelospermum kelleri papilla-like thickened, anticlines straight to Kovar-Eder sp. nov. curved, stomatal complexes brachyparacy- tic, stomata not sunken, narrow oval, only Pl. 6, figs 24, 25; Pl. 18, figs 3–5 faintly if at all delimited from narrow subsi- diaries, stoma l × w = 19–29 (average 21–24) H o l o t y p e. NMA 2006-121/1497. × 14–18 µm, aperture narrow oval, 6–9 µm P a r a t y p e. SMNS P 1953/101. long, cuticular ledges distinct, almost rea- ching the poles, slender polar I-pieces some- S t r a t u m t y p i c u m. Bodenheim Formation, times present, faint concentric striation on Hochberg Member, “Fischschiefer”, NP 23, stomata (SMNS P 1952/62). early Oligocene. R e m a r k s. Specimens SMNS P 1952/62 and L o c u s t y p i c u s. Rauenberg, Baden-Würt­ SMNS P 1953/43 show secondary veins near temberg, Germany. the base. In the latter the tertiary and higher- D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s. In honour of the pri- order venation is also well visible, while its vate collector Manfred Keller, who donated his cuticle is less well preserved than in the other collection to the Naturmuseum Augsburg. remains. The cuticle is best preserved in speci- men SMNS P 1952/65. In SMNS P 1952/62 the D i a g n o s i s. Long-petiolate, narrow oblong to marginal teeth in the apical part of the lamina slightly obovate, entire-margined leaves, base are bigger and the apical glands on the teeth acute to cuneate, apex acute, venation delicate; are distinctive. In the other specimens the cuticles delicate, small mesophyllous secretory glanduliferous teeth are easy to miss. bodies very dense, remains of ? guard cells and The features of the abaxial cuticle of Symplo- secretory material masking the cuticular fea- cos volkeri and Dicotylophyllum deichmuelleri tures of the stomata. J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 359

D e s c r i p t i o n. Long-petiolate, entire-mar- Trachelospermum steiningeri Kvaček gined, coriaceous leaves; petiole 11–14 mm long Pl. 6, figs 26, 27; Pl. 17, figs 7–9; Pl. 18, figs 1, 2 (almost complete), straight to slightly bent, basally slightly widened and with longitudi- 2004a Trachelospermum steiningeri, Kvaček, p. 18, nal folds (NMA 2006-121/1497); base cuneate, pl. 15, figs 1–8, 11–15. base angle acute, shape straight; apex angle acute, shape straight (NMA 2006-121/1497); M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/101, 366. lamina narrow, oblong or slightly obovate, l × D e s c r i p t i o n. One complete leaf (SMNS P w = 75 (? 80–85) × 15 mm, l/w ratio = ? 5.3– 1952/101) and one fragment lacking base, apex 5.7 (SMNS P 1953/101), l × w = 38 × 11 mm, and margin (SMNS P 1952/366), moderately l/w ratio = 3.4 (NMA 2006-121/1497); vena- coriaceous; SMNS P 1952/101: laminar shape tion delicate, midvein straight, secondaries wide elliptic, l × w = 38 × 25 mm, l/w ratio = slender, connecting at different distances from 1.5, petiole straight, 8 mm long, incomplete; margin, intersecondaries present; secondaries, base concave, base angle acute, apex angle intersecondaries and tertiaries forming irregu- obtuse, apex retuse, margin entire, somewhat lar vein network with meshes of different sizes undulate; midvein straight, distinctly tapering and shapes. apically, secondaries slender, arising at angles M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Cuticle of both sides of about 50–60°, angles decreasing apically, delicate, non-modified cells not discernable, distance between secondaries up to 5 mm (in cuticular features of stomata characteristically the central part of the lamina); course slightly masked by intensively staining remains of the diverging between each other and somewhat ? guard cells and secretory material, stomatal concave near the margin, intersecondaries pro- complexes ? anomocytic, stomata (broadly) oval, bably present. somewhat oblique in shape, recessed at poles, M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. SMNS P 1952/101: cuti- l × w = 24–30 × 19–27 µm (SMNS P 1953/101, cle of both sides delicate, glabrous, anticlines n = 4) and 21–28 (average 24) × 15–18 (average only faint, smoothly curved to somewhat wavy, 17) µm (NMA 2006-121/1497), length of sto- non-modified epidermal cells 18–34 (average matal aperture 17 µm (n = 1); densely packed 25) µm across adaxially and 17–20 µm (n = 3) with mesophyllous, differently sized secretory across abaxially, small secretory bodies very bodies up to 12 µm in diameter (NMA 2006- dense, diameter 10–15 µm; abaxial cuticle: 121/1497). type of stomatal complexes questionable, sto- R e m a r k s. These remains are to be assigned mata broad oval to roundish, l × w = 14–18 to the genus Trachelospermum as defined by × 12–19 µm, l/w ratio = 0.9–1.2 (n = 5), epi- Kvaček (2004a). They differ in leaf shape and dermal wall of guard cells hardly developed, venation from T. steiningeri. Micromorphologi- guard cells hardly staining, stomatal ledges cal differences are the absence of anticlines of slender, slightly thickened, forming short, non-modified cells, the presence of ? guard cell broad spindle-shaped front cavity with acute remains and secretory material masking the poles, length of front cavity 9–10 µm, aperture stomatal cuticular features, the shape of the a faint slit. stomatal aperture, and probably also the type SMNS P 1952/366: adaxial and abaxial of stomatal complex. cuticle well preserved, glabrous, smooth, anti- Apocynaceae gen. (Kvaček 2004a) is similar clines of non-modified cells straight to moder- in leaf shape, the presence of dense secretory ately bent, slender, non-modified epidermal bodies in the mesophyll, and stoma shape. It cells polygonal, on both sides very similar in differs from the here-described specimens by size, 19–34 (average 25) µm across; abaxial the short petiole and dense spacing of the sec- cuticle: stomatal complexes cyclocytic, subsidi- ondaries. Although Apocynaceae gen. shows ary cells similar in size and shape to non-mod- similarity to Dicotylophyllum sp. 11 from Kun- ified cells but less strongly cutinised, stomata dratice (Kvaček & Walther 1998) in leaf shape elliptic, l × w = (22) 25–31 (average 25) × 19–23 and venation, the cuticles of the latter species (average 21) µm, l/w ratio = 1.2–1.6 (average differ by the type of the stomatal complex, 1.3), epidermal wall of guard cells faintly vis- aperture shape, idiocuticular striation and the ible only, ledges slender, not strongly cuti- lack of mesophyllous secretory bodies. nised, forming an elliptic front cavity, length 360 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016

(7) 11–17 (average 14) µm, aperture slit-like, P a r a t y p e s. SMNS P 1952/388; SMNS P poles I-like, slightly thickened; small, secre- 1953/62. tory bodies present. S t r a t u m t y p i c u m. Bodenheim Formation, R e m a r k s. The gross morphology of speci- Hochberg Member, “Fischschiefer”, NP 23, men SMNS P 1952/101 points to affinity to early Oligocene. Trachelospermum, but specimen SMNS P 1952/366 is too fragmentary for any assi- L o c u s t y p i c u s. Rauenberg, Baden-Würt­ gnment based on gross morphology. In temberg, Germany. both specimens the shape of the stomata D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s. Derived from the and front cavity as well as the small secre- geographical position of the fossil site in the tory bodies, which are dense in specimen Upper Rhine Graben. SMNS P 1952/101, support this assignment. The cyclocytic stoma complex type is evident D i a g n o s i s. Broad elliptic to ovate, medium- in SMNS P 1952/366 only. Kvaček (2004a) sized leaves, non-modified cells abaxially described it as anomocytic to incompletely remarkably small, stomata densely spaced, cyclocytic for the specimens from Flörsheim. subcircular, epidermal and poral wall of guard The different interpretations are not contra- cells indistinct, prominent simple bases of pro- dictory but probably result from the fact that bably peltate trichomes with rim-like thicke- the cuticles from Flörsheim were unstained ned margin. and that the thinly cutinised subsidiaries D e s c r i p t i o n. Leaves elliptic to ovate, are probably more difficult to discern there. texture moderately thick, l × w up to 115 × In specimen SMNS P 1952/101 the stomata 43 mm, l/w ratio = 2.6 (SMNS P 1953/62), mar- are smaller and more roundish than in speci- gin entire to smoothly undulate, base angle men SMNS P 1952/366 (therefore described obtuse, shape somewhat convex, apex angle separately), but in both the stoma length is acute, shape acuminate; midvein slender, within the variability provided by Kvaček straight, secondaries poorly visible, delicate, (2004a). However, no giant stomata have originating at about 50° angle, vein spacing been observed in the here-studied material. about 10 mm in the basal half of the lamina, At first glance the adaxial cuticle of SMNS P secondaries running almost straight close to 1952/366 gives the impression of domed non- the margin (SMNS P 1953/62). modified cells, but this interpretation reflects the dense remains of small secretory bodies. M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Adaxial cuticle less Trachelospermum steiningeri is known so robust than abaxial one, unequivocally pre- far only from Flörsheim and Rauenberg, and served only in SMNS P 1952/191; both sur- the number of available specimens is still very faces finely striate along veins; adaxially, limited, leaving intraspecific variability poorly anticlines of non-modified epidermal cells understood. curved to somewhat sinuous, 17–27 (average Kvaček (2004a) compares T. steiningeri to 21) µm across, while abaxially distinctly T. asiaticum (Sieb. & Zucc.) Nakai, an ever- smaller, 6–17 (average 12) µm across; in green woody liana of upland forests and brush- SMNS P 1952/388 anticlines of non-modified wood, and to further Trachelospermum species cells not traceble; abaxial surface: stomatal in SE Asia. complexes anomocytic, stomata more weakly cutinised than the other parts of the abaxial Lamiales surface, epidermal and poral wall of guard cells indistinct, stomata roundish, l × w = Oleaceae Hoffmanns & Link 16–21 (average 18) µm × 16–23 (average 18) µm, aperture broad elliptic to roundish, 6–9 Oleinites Cookson emend. Sachse (average 8) µm long; simple trichome bases scattered, inner diameter 5–13 µm, margin Oleinites altorhenana Kovar-Eder sp. nov. collar-like, 4–9 µm thick, surrounding cells Pl. 5, figs 17, 18; Pl. 18, figs 6–9 ± radially arranged, occasionally with faint radial folding, trichome heads disc-shaped Holotype designated here. SMNS P or globular about 20–25 µm in diameter (? 1952/191. and bigger). J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 361

R e m a r k s. The most complete specimen is D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s. Referring to the type SMNS P 1953/62 but the cuticle is best pre- locality. served in SMNS P 1952/191, which represents D i a g n o s i s. Small, spatulate, entire-mar- only the apical half of a leaf. The adaxial gined coriaceous leaves, cuticle very thick, cuticle either had less preservation potential brittle, non-modified epidermal cells very or else the unclear details of the cell out- large, anticlines undulate, stomatal complexes lines hamper its recognition. Only in speci- subcircular, widely spaced, epidermal wall of men SMNS P 1952/191 is the adaxial cuticle guard cells faintly developed but poral wall well unambiguous. The type of trichome base as developed; simple tichome bases ­prominent. well as the roundish, weakly cutinised and thus indistinct stomata point to the morpho- D e s c r i p t i o n. Leaves obovate, spatulate, tex- genus Oleinites (Sachse 2001). This new fossil ture coriaceous, l × w = 13–20 (? 25) × 4–11 mm, species differs from Oleinites hallbaueri (Mai) l/w ratio = 2.5–3.3, base cuneate to decurrent Sachse by the entire margin of the leaves, with gradual transition into a ? short petiole, and from O. hallbaueri and O. maii (Bůžek, apex rounded to somewhat emarginate, mar- Holý & Kvaček) Sachse by the small, roun- gin entire, midvein slender, straight, no fur- dish stomata which are hardly delimited from ther details available. the non-modified cells with short, elliptic to M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Adaxial cuticle very roundish aperture, and by an adaxial cuticle thick, abaxial cuticle somewhat thinner, cuti- that is usually difficult to identify. O. pachy- cle of both sides characteristically brittle, brea- phyllus (Kvaček 2004a), described from Flörs- king into tiny fragments, simple trichome bases heim, differs both in gross morphology (elon- scattered, abaxially probably more common gate, narrower leaf) and in cuticular features than adaxially, with strongly thickened, collar- (much thicker cuticles, larger non-modified like margin (up to 10 µm), surrounding cells ± cells and large stomata). radially arranged, thickened, sometimes radi- Oleinites altorhenana more closely resem- ally elongated, a single small head found atta- bles O. liguricus from Torre Sterpi, northern ched, 39 µm in diameter (SMNS P 1952/380); Italy, Messinian (Sachse 2001) both macro- adaxial cuticle: anticlines up to 3–4 µm thick, and micromorphologically. As in the here- widely and shallow undulate, non-modified introduced fossil species, the adaxial cuticle of cells 22–64 (average 36–48) µm across; abaxial L. liguricus is difficult to discern. Apart from cuticle: anticlines of non-modified cells poorly the difference in age, O. liguricus differs by visible, stomatal complexes ? anomocytic, having somewhat larger stomata. widely spaced, subcircular, epidermal wall of Among modern genera, similar trichome guard cells poorly developed, ledges thickened, bases and roundish stomata occur in Chionan- forming a broad elliptic front cavity with acute thus and Olea (Sachse 2001). poles, short, slender polar I-pieces sometimes weakly developed, stoma size l × w = 22–30 × Oleinites rauenbergensis 20–26 µm (in all specimens only few stomata Kovar-Eder sp. nov. available), length of front cavity 10–14 µm, Pl. 5, figs 12–16; Pl. 19, figs 1–6 double-contured. R e m a r k s. The cuticle of this fossil species is Holotype designated here. SMNS P preserved mainly in very tiny fragments repre- 1952/380. senting few cells, and only a few stomata were P a r a t y p e s. SMNS P 1952/299, 402. suitable for taking measurements. From the smallest leaf (SMNS P 1952/299, l × w = 13 F u r t h e r m a t e r i a l. ? SMNS P 1952/6; ? × 4 mm) the adaxial cuticle is available, and SMNS P 1953/93 (pl. 5, figs 15, 16). the abaxial side probably is represented by a tiny fragment with a single trichome base. S t r a t u m t y p i c u m. Bodenheim Formation, Based on the obovate, spatulate lamina along Hochberg Member, “Fischschiefer”, NP 23, with the thick and brittle cuticle, the undu- early Oligocene. lated course of the anticlines adaxially and L o c u s t y p i c u s. Rauenberg, Baden-Würt­ the trichome base, this specimen is grouped temberg, Germany. here. Nonetheless, adaxially the non-modified 362 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 epidermal cells are smaller (average 36 µm). spinose; midvein straight, secondaries craspe- In specimen SMNS P 1952/6 it is unclear dodromous, intersecondaries present, adjacent whether the trichome bases are one-celled. ones looping, secondaries and intersecondaries Specimen SMNS P 1953/93 is similar in gross arising at angles of >60°, tertiaries and higher- morphology except for the distinctly thickened order veins polygonal reticulate, with margi- leaf margin. From this specimen only the ada- nal fimbrial vein. xial cuticle is available. The size and pattern R e m a r k s. This leaf is preserved as a faint of the non-modified cells correspond to those of imprint with little carbonized material espe- Oleinites rauenbergensis. cially along the veins and leaf margin. The leaf These spatulate small leaves are reminis- surface is covered by abundant roundish frui- cent of Ericaceae and especially of the recently ting bodies of fungi. described Andromediphyllum ungeri from Gross morphologically, Pungiphyllum Flörsheim (Kvaček 2004a). The cuticle, how- waltheri from the Eocene plant site Eckfeld ever, differs by its brittleness, much bigger differs by the pattern of the tertiary vena- cells adaxially, the thick abaxial cuticle with tion where the tertiaries arise from the mid- smaller stomata lacking distinct striae, as vein between the secondaries (Frankenhäuser well as the presence of trichome bases of the & Wilde 1995). The here-described specimen Oleinites type. Oleinites dieteri (Kovar-Eder) closely resembles the specimen from Kundrat- Kvaček (Kvaček 2004a) from early Miocene ice figured by Kvaček & Walther (1981: pl.7 lignite deposits of Styria (Kovar-Eder & Mel- fig. 1), for example, where the tertiaries origi- ler 2001) is similar in leaf size and shape but nate perpendicularly mainly from the second- differs by the acute to acuminate apex and aries, forming a polygonate network. marginal serration. The cuticle of the latter The single remain reported from Flörsheim species is brittle and the cells of the adax- (Kvaček 2004a) represents the apical half of ial cuticle are similarly large with undulate a leaf. Although P. cruciatum is a character- anticlines, as in the here-described material. istic element of Oligocene and Miocene plant Moreover, the stomata resemble O. rauenber- assemblages, it occurs mainly as an accessory gensis in shape and size and peltate trichomes element. are present. The strong idiocuticular stria- tion, however, distinguishes O. dieteri from O. rauenbergensis. The Oleaceae affinity of Dicotylophyllum incertae sedis these small spatulate leaves continues to be ­disputable. Dicotylophyllum badense Kovar-Eder sp. nov. Pl. 7, fig. 16; Pl. 19, figs 7–9 Fam. indet. Holotype designated here. SMNS P Pungiphyllum Frankenhäuser & Wilde 1952/200.

Pungiphyllum cruciatum S t r a t u m t y p i c u m. Bodenheim Formation, (Al. Braun) Frankenhäuser & Wilde Hochberg Member, “Fischschiefer”, NP 23, Pl. 5, fig. 11 early Oligocene.

1995 Pungiphyllum cruciatum (Al. Braun 1851) nov. T y p e l o c a l i t y. Rauenberg, Baden-Württem- comb.; Frankenhäuser & Wilde, p. 101. berg, Germany. 2004a Pungiphyllum cruciatum (Al. Braun) Franken- häuser & Wilde; Kvaček, p. 19, pl. 16, fig. 11. D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s. Rauenberg, the fossil site, is located in Baden, Baden-Württemberg. M a t e r i a l. NMA 2006-126/1497. D i a g n o s i s. Leaf coriaceous, narrow, entire- D e s c r i p t i o n. Basal half of lamina, length margined, cuticles thick, anticlines straight to and width incomplete, l × w = 55 × 25 mm, base curved, stomatal complexes cyclocytic, oval to cuneate, base angle acute, base almost straight, roundish, front cavity formed by distinct cuti- petiole 5 mm long, incomplete, straight, lami- cular ledges, reaching the poles, polar I-thi- nar shape not evident, with deep lobation, two ckenings moderately developed, aperture short lobes preserved, sinus widely rounded, apex oval, simple trichome bases rare. J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 363

D e s c r i p t i o n. Fragment of the middle part D e s c r i p t i o n. Leaf fragment lacking base and of a narrow leaf lacking base and apex, l × w = apex, texture coriaceous, l × w = 29 (? 55–60) × ? 40 × 18 mm, entire-margined, midvein some- 18 (19–20) mm, laminar shape probably ellip- what bent, texture very coriaceous. tic, margin coarsely serrate, teeth spiny, sinus rounded, basal and apical sides straight to M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Adaxial and abaxial concave; midvein slender, somewhat bent, sec- cuticle thick, anticlines straight to curved, ondaries craspedodromous, forking or sending shape and size of non-modified cells on both abmedial veinlets into the tooth apices, further sides very similar, 15–30 µm (average 23) µm venation reticulate but exact details unclear. across; simple, well-cutinised trichome bases abaxially and ? adaxially present but rare; M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Adaxial and abaxial stomatal complexes cyclocytic, subsidiary cells cuticle thick with scattered simple trichome very similar to non-modified epidermal cells bases, margin collar-like thickened, surroun- but more intensively staining, stomata oval to ding cells short, radially arranged, the ? disc- roundish, l × w = 24–37 (average 30) × 25–34 shaped or globular head left a depression and (average 29) µm, epidermal wall of guard a circular marginal ridge on the cuticle surface; cells often indistinct, front cavity 5–17 (ave- adaxial cuticle: anticlines slender, deeply sinu- rage 11) µm long, almost reaching the poles, ous, cuticle surface distinctly, coarsely striate, formed by thick and broad cuticular ledges, non-modified epidermal cells 29–54 (average aperture short oval, polar I-thickenings ± well 41) µm across; abaxial cuticle: anticlines thick, ­developed. sinuous, non-modified epidermal cells 37–54 (average 46) µm across, stomatal complexes R e m a r k s. Remarkable is the extremely firm anomocytic to indistinctly cyclocytic, subsidi- texture causing a peculiar pattern of cracks ary cells corresponding in shape and size to that is unique among the plant remains of non-modified cells, stomata elliptic to -subcir Rauenberg. So far, no putative taxonomic affi- cular, l × w = 25–29 (average 26) × 18–26 (ave- nity can be suggested for this leaf. rage 22) µm, guard cells less strongly cutinised than other cells, ledges well developed forming Dicotylophyllum oechsleri a broad elliptic to roundish front cavity, 9–13 Kovar-Eder sp. nov. (average 10) µm long. Pl. 7, fig. 17; Pl. 22, figs 1–4 R e m a r k s. Gross morphologically this leaf is reminiscent of Ilex (Walther & Kvaček 2008) Holotype designated here. SMNS P or Mahonia (Kvaček & Bůžek 1994). The 1952/454. cuticluar features do not confirm an affinity to S t r a t u m t y p i c u m. Bodenheim Formation, Mahonia. The variability of the epidermal fea- Hochberg Member, “Fischschiefer”, NP 23, tures of Ilex is wide (Baas 1975), making com- early Oligocene. parisons a challenge. Especially the stomata and type of stomatal complexes are diverse L o c u s t y p i c u s. Rauenberg, Baden-Würt­ (Baas 1975, plate 2). Ilex aquifolia, for exam- temberg, Germany. ple, bears a thick adaxial cuticle with undu- D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s. Dedicated to Harald late anticlines and strong striation (Walther and Annette Oechsler, who have collected the & Kvaček 2008) alike Dicotylophyllum oechs- Rauenberg plant site systematically for many leri. In I. opaca the trichome bases resem- years. ble those encountered on our fossil (Walther & Kvaček 2008, pl. 6 fig. 9). Ilex foliage from D i a g n o s i s. Coriaceous leaf with spiny mar- Kreuzau (Germany, Miocene; Ferguson 1971) ginal teeth; adaxial and abaxial cuticle leath- bears no resemblance gross morphologically, ery, anticlines undulate, stomatal complexes the adaxial cuticle is devoid of striae, and the loosely spaced, anomocytic to indistinctly stomatal complexes are clearly cyclocytic, but cyclocytic, subsidiary cells corresponding in the stomata resemble our fossil in shape and shape and size to non-modified cells, stomata size, as do the non-modified epidermal cells of elliptic to subcircular, front cavity short elliptic the abaxial cuticle. Trichome bases also occur to roundish, prominent trichome bases of prob- but remained unfigured and therefore cannot ably peltate glandular trichomes scattered. be compared. Ilex castellii Kvaček & Walther 364 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016

(Kvaček & Walther 1981) differs by, among somewhat radially elongated and slightly more other characters, the absence of striae adaxi- strongly cutinised cells, single secretory struc- ally and abaxially by having bigger stomata tures (see abaxial cuticle) occur sporadically; with a thickened outer margin and broad abaxial cuticle delicate, anticlines of non-modi- ledges forming the front cavity. I. knoblochii fied epidermal cells almost straight to slightly (Walther 1999) described from Kleinsauber- bent, faintly visible if at all; cells polygonal, nitz (Germany, Upper Oligocene) differs by 14–24 (average 19) µm across, stomata wea- its smaller undulation both in amplitude and kly cutinised, difficult to discern, anomocytic, wave length adaxially and abaxially, stomata sometimes with tendency towards cyclocytic, arranged in groups, the presence of T-shaped roundish often asymmetric, stoma l × w = polar thickenings, and the lack of trichome 11–18 (average 14) × 12–22 (average 17) µm, bases. Due to all these differences this leaf l/w ratio 0.7–0.9 (average 0.8), aperture short, remains assigned to Dicotylophyllum only. slit-like or narrow oval, no thickened ledges developed, simple trichome bases as on ada- Dicotylophyllum vesiculaeferens xial cuticle, scattered; pentagonal to hexagonal Kovar-Eder sp. nov. pocket-like structures, 11–17 (14) µm in dia- Pl. 7, figs 7, 8; Pl. 20, figs 1–5; Pl. 21, figs 1–3 meter, occurring in groups or even adjacent to each other, each with central tetralet to hex- Holotype designated here. SMNS P alet mark, sometimes still bearing vesicle-like 1952/310. secretory bodies; under SEM these structures appear elevated above the external cuticle sur- Pa r a t y p e. SMNS P 1952/306. face, occasionally cuticle remnants of head still adherent. F u r t h e r m a t e r i a l. ? SMNS P 1952/414. S t r a t u m t y p i c u m. Bodenheim Formation, R e m a r k s. The most remarkable feature of Hochberg Member, “Fischschiefer”, NP 23, these leaves is the mainly pentagonal to hexa- early Oligocene. gonal pouches with a central asterix-like tetra- let to hexalet mark, balloon-shaped secretory L o c u s t y p i c u s. Rauenberg, Baden-Würt­ bodies, as well as cuticle remains of the head temberg, Germany. sometimes still adherent. The cuticle of speci- D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s. Referring to the ves- men SMNS P 1952/306 is more poorly preser- icle-like, secretion-bearing structures (idio- ved and mainly hexagonal pouches are discer- blasts). nable. The material was studied by both light microscopy and SEM, but SEM studies were D i a g n o s i s. Narrow, entire-margined leaves, successful only on the external surface (prior cuticles delicate with pentagonal to hexagonal to separating the cuticles). It remains unclear pocket-like structures, single or, more often, whether the secretory vesicles were secreted occurring in groups or even adjacent to each only below the cuticle or above it in a gland-like other, each with a central plurilet mark, some- structure or both. These structures may have times still bearing vesicle-like secretory bodies. served to secrete salt or possibly other mine- rals. Complex salt glands do occur in different D e s c r i p t i o n. Leaves coriaceous, laminar genera of the Chenopodiaceae, Tamaricaceae shape narrow, oblong to somewhat obovate, l and Plumbaginaceae sensu Watson & Dallwitz × w = 52 (? 55) –64 (? 75) × 8–17 mm, l/w ratio (1992 onwards) (Salama et al. 1999). = ? 4.4–6.8, entire-margined, margin thi- The plant assemblage from Rauenberg also ckened, base angle acute and narrow acute, yields articulate twig fragments with cuti- base straight, apex angle narrow acute, apex cles bearing pouches sometimes still yielding straight or somewhat acuminate. vesicle-like secretory bodies. The pouches are M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Specimen SMNS roundish or irregular in shape, however, not P1952/310: Adaxial cuticle moderately thick, distinctly pentagonal to hexagonal. The twigs anticlines mainly slender, straight to finely probably derive from the same plant species undulate, partly pitted, non-modified cells as the leaves because these structures are 17–25 (average 21) µm across; simple trichome very extraordinary (see Cladites vesiculaefe- bases scattered, trichome pore surrounded by rens sp. nov.). J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 365

Dicotylophyllum ziegleri R e m a r k s. Due to its large non-modified cells Kovar-Eder sp. nov. and stomatal complexes, along with the pre- Pl. 7, fig. 6; Pl. 21, fig. 9; Pl. 22, figs 5–7 sence of epidermal secretory bodies, this leaf is reminiscent of Illicium, but cuticular studies of Holotype designated here. SMNS P modern Illicium (Oh et al. 2003) indicate diffe- 1953/86. rences. Modern species were compared based on S t r a t u m t y p i c u m. Bodenheim Formation, photographs provided by T. Denk, one of the co- Hochberg Member, “Fischschiefer”, NP 23, authors of the mentioned paper. The cuticular early Oligocene. features are rather consistent across modern species of Illicium. The stomatal complexes are L o c u s t y p i c u s. Rauenberg, Baden-Würt­ brachyparacytic or more rarely (hemi)amphi- temberg, Germany. brachyparacytic showing distinct polar T-pieces (Oh et al. 2003), while they are cyclocytic to acti- D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s. In honour of the late nocytic and lacking polar T-pieces in the here- Prof. Bernhard Ziegler, director of the Stuttgart described specimen. In Illicium the etherial oil State Museum of Natural History 1969–1994. cells are surrounded by 6–8 radially elongated D i a g n o s i s. Entire-margined, narrow cells, whereas in our specimen the surrounding obovate, shortly petiolate leaf; non-modified cells are not elongated and the glands are sun- cells large, abaxially large cyclocytic to some- ken in pouches. In Illicium the anticlines are what actinocytic stomatal complexes, stomata mainly undulate and the cuticle shows strong narrow oval, ledges thickened, front cavity idiocuticular ornamentation, unlike Dicotylo- narrow spindle-shaped, almost reaching the phyllum ziegleri in which the cuticle is smooth poles, lacking polar T-pieces, aperture slit-like, and the anticlines are straight. discus- or bowl-shaped multicellular glands Illicium eocenicum (Jähnichen 1976), which somewhat recessed in cuticle and overlapped is to be excluded from Illicium according to Oh by surrounding cells. et al. (2003), differs by the presence of polar T-pieces and the strong idiocuticular pat- D e s c r i p t i o n. Shortly petiolate, medium- tern from Dicotylophyllum ziegleri. Illicium thick leaf, laminar shape narrow obovate, l × geiseltalensis (Jähnichen 1976) – also to be w = 42 × 11 mm, l/w ratio = 3.8, petiole 2 mm excluded from Illicium (Oh et al. 2003) – dif- long (? incomplete), almost 2 mm wide, basally fers by having smaller stomata with T-pieces, widened; base cuneate, straight, base angle smaller non-modified epidermal cells and acute, apex angle acute, in the uppermost part secretory cells, and idiocuticular striation (Mai obtuse, apex slightly retuse; midvein straight. & Walther 1985). M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Adaxial and abaxial “Illicium” limburgense Kräusel & Weyland cuticle well preserved, medium thick, smooth; (Walther 1999) from Kleinsaubernitz is simi- anticlines slender but distinct, almost straight, lar due to the presence of glands which appear non-modified epidermal cells 34–61 (50) µm sunken and overlapped by neighbouring cells across adaxially and 26–45 (38) µm across and rather large stomata (though smaller abaxially; abaxial cuticle: stomatal complexes than in D. ziegleri), but differs in leaf shape, widely spaced, subparallel among each other, petiole length, stoma shape and shape of the cyclocytic to slightly actinocytic, 5–8 subsidiary front cavity, and in having smaller glands cells, similar in shape and size to non-modi- and strong idiocuticular folding. Finally, there fied cells but less intensively staining, guard is no resemblance to the leaves of species cells narrow oval, l × w = 36–50 (45) × 23–31 XLIX in Ferguson (1971) that were previously (27) µm, l/w ratio= 1.2–1.9 (1.7), epidermal described as Illicium fliegelii (Weyland 1934). wall of guard cell usually weakly cutinised, stomatal ledges strongly thickened, forming Dicotylophyllum sp. a narrow spindle-shaped front cavity, almost Pl. 7, fig. 18; Pl. 22, figs 8, 9 reaching the poles, aperture a faint slit; mul- ticellular glands sunken and marginally over- M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/400. lapped by surrounding, marginally strongly thickened cells, diameter of pouches 34–47 µm D e s c r i p t i o n. Petiolate, small leaf, rather (n = 5); SEM study yielded no further details. complete, only apical quarter missing; petiole 366 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 straight, 7 mm long (? complete), almost 1 mm Magnoliaceae, have not been observed in this wide, surface corrugated; lamina elliptic, tex- specimen. The systematic position of this leaf ture medium thick, l × w = 25 (? 30) × 18 mm, therefore remains ambiguous. l/w ratio about 1.7, base angle obtuse, base convex; margin entire, thickened, midvein Cladites D.H. Scott straight, venation suprabasal acrodromous, basal secondaries arising almost oppositely about 1 mm above base, running at distance Cladites vesiculaeferens of 2–3 mm from the leaf margin, almost par- Kovar-Eder sp. nov. allel to it and hardly tapering into the upper- Pl. 7, figs 9–14, 19; Pl. 20, figs 6–9; Pl. 21, figs 4–8 most quarter of the lamina, no further veins visible. H o l o t y p e. SMNS P 1952/416. M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Cuticles of both sides P a r a t y p e s. SMNS P 1952/87, 371. delicate, membranaceous, preserved in lar- M a t e r i a l. SMNS P 1952/104, 157; SMNS P ger fragments, distinction between the two 1953/105. NMA 2006-154/1497, NMA 2016- sides difficult due to faint stomata; anticlines 4/2179. SMNK 7778. indistinct, slender, almost straight, curved to slightly wavy, non-modified cells 18–34 (ave- S t r a t u m t y p i c u m. Bodenheim Formation, rage 22) µm across adaxially, 13–22 (average Hochberg Member, “Fischschiefer”, NP 23, 19 µm) across abaxially, trichome bases pre- early Oligocene. sent abaxially and ? adaxially, prominent, L o c u s t y p i c u s. Rauenberg, Baden-Würt­ girdling cells ± distinct, roundish to pie-slice- temberg, Germany. like in shape, ± radially elongated, arranged concentrically around the trichome pore in one D e r i v a t i o n o m i n i s. Refering to the vesi- complete and sometimes a second incomplete cle-like structures embedded in the cuticle. circle, margin of trichome pore thickened, tri- D i a g n o s i s. Telescope-like articulate axes, chome pores 10–14 µm (n = 5) in diameter; branched; cuticle: non-modified epidermal abaxial cuticle: stomatal complexes only very cells short, ± in parallel rows, with ± clustered rarely vaguely discernable, paracytic, broadly pouches, cuticle there thinner, sometimes with butterfly-like due to broad lateral subsidiary central plurilet mark, secretory bodies of very cells, stomata ? sunken, 12–13 µm long (n = 2), different size sometimes still adherent, bal- stomatal ledges indistinct, outer front cavity loon-shaped, originating as protuberances and narrow spindle-shaped, almost reaching the embedded in pouches. poles. D e s c r i p t i o n. Fragments of telescope-like R e m a r k s. Gross morphologically, Hama- articulate axes, branched (SMNS P 1952/87), melidaceae, e.g., Matudaea (Mai & Walther segment length very variable, 2 mm (SMNS 1978), malvalean affinity, e.g., Byttneriopsis P 1952/87) to 26 mm (SMNS P 1952/371), seg- (Kvaček & Wilde 2010), or Lauraceae may ment width 2–6 mm. be considered for this entire-margined, three- veined leaf. From the Daphnogene-type, this M i c r o m o r p h o l o g y. Cuticle very thick, leaf differs by its rather delicate basal secon- anticlines strongly cutinised in older parts of daries arising almost oppositely and very close branches but thin in apical/distal part; non- to the base, running into the apical third of the modified epidermal cells short, ± in parallel lamina, hardly diminishing in width. Paracy- rows, pockets developed, cuticle there thinner, tic stomatal complexes occur in, for example, pockets ± clustered, variable in size, about Ericaceae, Hamamelidaceae, or Magnoliaceae, 20–50 µm in diameter, sometimes with a cen- while sunken ones may point to Lauraceae tral trilet to tetralet mark, secretory bodies affinity. In the here-discussed specimen they of very different size, balloon-shaped, some- are very small and only vaguely discerna- times still adherent, originating as protu- ble if at all. Similar trichome bases do occur berances and embedded in pouches; in SEM among Lauraceae, for example in shade lea- view secretory bodies appear interconnected ves of Daphnogene (pl. 9, figs 4, 5). Oil-bearing (pl. 21, fig 6); external surface of these struc- idioblasts, as encountered in Lauraceae or tures in SEM view roundish to somewhat J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 367 angular concavities with ± distinct centre and and their vein-bearing wings are attached obli- ± distinctly developed marginal cuticular rim quely to the fruit body. (pl. 21, figs 7–8). Spiny branch R e m a r k s. These articulate stems, lacking Pl. 7, fig. 15 stomata, superficially are reminiscent of rhi- zomes. The pocket-like structures of the cuti- M a t e r i a l. NMA 2006-23/1497. cles are similar to those described for Dico- tylophyllum vesiculaeferens. They differ in D e s c r i p t i o n. Fragment of axis, 23 mm long being more roundish or only weakly angular, and about 2 mm wide, with spiny acute apex, and no complex structures elevated above the two suboppositely originating branches, one of cuticle surface have been observed. The cuti- them complete, 52 mm long, terminating also in cle from a more distal part of the axis SMNS attenuate spine, the second branch incomplete. P 1952/416 implies that secretional structures R e m a r k s. The main axis and the branches developed from the cuticle and were embed- are cleary acute and attenuate spiny. This ded in it (pl. 20 fig. 9). Collection compart- remain is similar to Fabaceae but spiny axes ments separating the cuticle from the epider- also occur in other families, for example in mis have been decribed from Tamaricaceae, Rosaceae such as Crataegus or Prunus. Frankeniaceae, and Plumbaginaceae (Salama et al. 1999). The present structures possibly are similar. I suggest that the cross-like mark RESULTS represents the region where the secretion was transferred to the stem surface. Depending The plant assemblage of Rauenberg yielded on whether situated on the leaf or the stem, 68 fossil species (Tab. 1). Three different types of glands may be raised on the cuticle surface marine algae were distinguished, among them or sunken among epidermis cells, for example representatives of the Phaeophyceae with aero- in Plumbaginaceae (Limoniastrum axillare, cysts (Cystoseirites communis). Most remains, L. monopetalum) (Salama et al. 1999). The mainly leaves but also seed cones and other fragments of articulate branches and D. vesi- fructifications, derive from terrestrial plants. culaeferens therefore probably derive from the The taxonomic assignment of the terrestrial same fossil species, and the complex secretory plant remains is based both on gross morphol- structures may represent salt glands (see also ogy and on cuticular features. Twenty-six fami- the section describing Dicotylophyllum vesicu- lies are documented, but nine taxa cannot be laeferens). As for D. vesiculaeferens, the syste- assigned to the family level. Fourteen fossil spe- matic affinity of the articulate stems remains cies of angiosperms are described for the first open. time: Laurophyllum rauenbergense (Laura- A similar remain from Flörsheim has been ceae), Myrica obliquifolia (Myricaceae), Disty- described as a rhizome (Kvaček 2004a, rhi- lium metzleri (Hamamelidaceae), ? Viscophyl- zome B). This specimen was studied for com- lum hendriksiae (? Loranthaceae), ? Berchemia parison, but it is an impression only, devoid of altorhenana (? Rhamnaceae), ? Ternstroemites organic material. maritiae (? Pentaphyllaceae), Trachelospermum kelleri (Apocynaceae), Oleinites altorhenana, Winged fruit or seed incertae sedis O. rauenbergensis (Oleaceae), Dicotylophyl- Pl. 6, fig. 3 lum badense, D. oechsleri, D. vesiculaeferens, D. ziegleri, and Cladites vesiculaeferens. The M a t e r i a l. NMA 2006-113/1497. diversity of Lauraceae (10) is highest, followed by Pinaceae (8), Arecaceae (4–5), Myricaceae D e s c r i p t i o n. One-winged oval fruit or seed, (4), Cupressaceae (3, Taxodioideae 2, Cupres- l × w = 7 × 4 mm, wing membraneceous, l × soideae 1), and Juglandaceae (3). All other w = 17 × 9 mm, dorsal line continuing rather families – Schizaeaceae, Zamiaceae, Doliostro- straight to seed or fruit body, ventral line cur- baceae, Platanaceae, ? Buxaceae, Fagaceae, ved, no veins visible. Betulaceae, Betulaceae/Ulmaceae, ? Rhamna- R e m a r k s. This remain may be of coniferous ceae, ? Fabaceae, Elaeocarpaceae, Salicaceae, origin. Fruits of Cedrelospermum are smaller, Malvaceae, Hamamelidaceae, ? Loranthaceae, 368 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016

Table 1. List of taxa and physiognomy. Abundance categories: I – 1 specimen, II – 2–5 specimens, III – 6–10 specimens, IV – 11–50 specimens, V – < 50 specimens. Laminar sizes in the Rauenberg flora: nanophyll 25–225 mm², microphyll 225– 2.025 mm², notophyll 2.025–4.500 mm², mesophyll 4.500–18.225 mm² (Webb 1955), calculated l × w × 2/3 (see Leaf Architecture Group 1999)

Taxon Organ type Abundance Leaf margin Texture Laminar size

Algae Cystoseyrites communis I Thallites multifidus IV Laminarites latus IV

Ferns Lygodium kaulfussii leaflet II Filicopsida sp. leaflet I

Cycads Ceratozamia floersheimensis leaf I

Conifers Doliostrobus taxiformis ? taxifomis leafy twig I Sequoia abietina leafy twig I Taxodium sp. leafy twig II Tetraclinis salicornioides leafy twig IV Pinus (Strobus) sp. 1 fascicle I Pinus (Strobus) sp. 2 fascicle II Pinus (Strobus) sp. 3 fascicle II Pinus (Strobus) sp. 4 fascicle I Pinus sp. 5 fascicle II Pinus sp. 6 fascicle I Pinus (Pinus) cf. thomasiana cone II Pinus engelhardtii cone I

Angiosperms Actinodaphne pseudogermari leaf I entire coriaceous notophyll Daphnogene cinnamomifolia leaf V entire coriaceous nanophyll- notophyll Laurus abchasica leaf II entire moderately microphyll coriaceous Laurophyllum kinkelinii II entire moderately microphyll coriaceous Laurophyllum cf. kinkelinii var. glabrum leaf II entire moderately microphyll coriaceous Laurophyllum pseudoprinceps leaf IV entire coriaceous microphyll Laurophyllum rauenbergense leaf IV entire coriaceous nanophyll, microphyll Laurophyllum sp. A leaf I entire coriaceous microphyll Laurophyllum sp. B leaf I entire coriaceous ? microphyll Laurophyllum sp. C leaf I entire coriaceous microphyll Palmacites lamanonis leaf IV Sabalites major leaf II Phoenicites sp. leaf II ? Calamoideae gen. et sp. indet. leaf/petiole I Arecaceae gen. et sp. indet. leaf I Platanus neptuni leaf V basally entire, coriaceous micro- to then serrate mesophyll ? Buxus egeriana leaf I entire coriaceous nanophyll Eotrigonobalanus furcinervis f. hasel- leaf I entire coriaceous microphyll bachensis Betula dryadum winged fruit I Betulaceae vel Ulmaceae gen. et sp. indet. leaf I sharply ? double membrana- microphyll serrate ceous Comptonia difformis leaf II coriaceous ? nanophyll, microphyll J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 369

Table 1. Continued

Taxon Organ type Abundance Leaf margin Texture Laminar size Myrica cf. lignitum leaf I basally entire, moderately microphyll then serrate coriaceous Myrica longifolia leaf II almost entire to moderately microphyll serrate coriaceous Myrica obliquifolia leaf III basally entire, delicate to microphyll then minutely moderately serrate coriaceous Carya fragiliformis leaf I sharply serrate membrana- notophyll ceous Carya quadrangula fruit II Engelhardia orsbergensis leaflet II serrate membrana- nanophyll, ceous microphyll Engelhardia macroptera involucrum II ? Berchemia altorhenana leaf I entire moderately nanophyll coriaceous ? Leguminocarpon sp. fruit I Sloanea artocarpites leaf I wavy dentate, membrana- notophyll minutely toothed ceous Sloanea olmediaefolia leaf II wavy dentate, membrana- microphyll, minutely toothed ceous notophyll Populus germanica leaf II wavy membrana- microphyll ceous Craigia bronnii fruit I Distylium metzleri leaf I apically remotely membrana- microphyll dentate ceous ? Viscophyllum hendriksiae leaf III entire coriaceous microphyll Hydrangea microcalyx calyx I ? Ternstroemites maritiae leaf I entire coriaceous microphyll Symplocos deichmuelleri leaf II apically simple moderately microphyll serrate coriaceous Trachelospermum kelleri leaf II entire coriaceous nanophyll, microphyll Trachelospermum steiningeri leaf II entire moderately microphyll coriaceous Oleinites altorhenana leaf II entire moderately notophyll coriaceous Oleinites rauenbergensis leaf II entire coriaceous nanophyll Pungiphyllum cruciatum leaf I deeply lobate, ? membrana- microphyll lobes spiniform ceous Dicotylophyllum badense leaf I entire coriaceous ? microphyll Dicotylophyllum oechsleri leaf I coarsely serrate, coriaceous microphyll teeth spiny Dicotylophyllum vesiculaeferens leaf II entire coriaceous microphyll Dicotylophyllum ziegleri leaf I entire moderately microphyll coriaceous Dicotylophyllum sp. leaf I entire moderately microphyll coriaceous Cladites vesiculaeferens axis III

Hydrangeaceae, ? Pentaphyllaceae, Symplo­ Ceratozamia floersheimensis. Conifer diversity caceae, Apo­cynaceae, and Oleaceae – are repre- is rather high (12 species), of which Pinus (two sented by one or two species. The most abundant five-needled, one three-needled, three two-nee- fossil species are Platanus neptuni, followed by dled species, and two species based on cones) Daphnogene cinnamomifolia, Tetraclinis sali- and Tetraclinis salicornioides (twig fragments) cornioides, Laurophyllum pseudoprinceps, and are well represented, whereas Taxodium sp. Palmacites lamanonis, while other species are is documented by three, and Doliostrobus and represented by one or few remains only. Remains Sequoia each by only a single foliated twig of ferns are extremely rare and not diverse: remain. Remarkably, in the Rauenberg assem- Lygodium kaulfussii, Filicopsida sp. Cycads blage, Fagaceae are almost absent except for are represented by a single leaflet fragment of a single leaf of Eotrigonobalanus furcinervis 370 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 f. haselbachensis, and the record of Pentaphyl- (a single leaf of Eotrigonobalanus furcinervis laceae is scarce and the remains ambiguous f. haselbachensis) and both the scarcity and (? Ternstroemites maritiae). Fan palm remains ambiguity of the Pentaphyllaceae (? Ternstro- are more common than those of feather palms, emites maritiae). The extremely low represen- and ? Calamoideae are represented by a single tation of foliage of deciduous woody taxa may strongly armed remain. also partly reflect mechanical stress during Thirty-nine terrestrial woody angiosperm transport. Nevertheless, the absence of the taxa are represented by simple entire-mar- respective winged fruits (except for a single, gined or mainly minutely serrate leaves. Two poorly preserved remain of Craigia bronnii, taxa, Pungiphyllum cruciatum and Dicotylo- Betula dryadum and involucres of Engelhar- phyllum oechsleri, show large spiny teeth. The dia macroptera) may be interpreted as low leaf texture of more than two thirds of the representation of such taxa in the vegetation. dicots is coriaceous or moderately coriaceous, The transport distance remains open, but the while less than one third have membranaceous basinal Bodenheim Formation was deposited leaves. The prevailing laminar size of the foli- further away from the coast than its near- age is microphyll (67%), followed by notophyll shore equivalent, the Alzey Formation (Grimm (13%), nanophyll (8%), and mesophyll (1%). 2005). Rather shallow depositional depth was Cuticle preservation is reasonably good, but widely assumed by different authors (Weiler fungal infection is very common. The stomata 1966, Micklich & Hildebrandt 2010, Micklich are often masked by penetrating fungi, and the et al. 2009), but Grimm et al. (2002) argued hyphae netwok disturbs the cuticular picture. for about 200 m water depth. Based on a com- parison with modern relatives of the fish taxa, Maxwell et al. (2016) again propose moder- DISCUSSION ately shallow conditions. The rich and diverse plant record is more supportive of the latter TAPHONOMY interpretation.

The flora of Rauenberg derives from mainly ALGAE AND well-bedded to laminated clay to siltstones of Band-like, thin, brownish, hardly carbon- marine origin (Bodenheim Formation). Terres- ised fragments not showing venation represent trial plant fossils are not condensed in layers marine algae (Laminarites latus, Thallites or lenses but are found widely scattered, as multifidus). Parallel-veined carbonised plant is characteristic for marine sediments. Frag- tissue was erroneously interpreted as “reeds” mentation of the plant material, resulting (Micklich & Hildebrandt 2010). Cuticular in leaves lacking apex or/and base, is com- analysis revealed that such specimens repre- mon, indicating mechanical stress; relatively sent highly fragmented palm foliage. A single small-leaved taxa (predominant laminar size remain turned out to represent the cycad Cera- microphyll) comprise >70%. Tetraclinis sali- tozamia floersheimensis. No remains of reeds cornioides, one of the few abundant species, and sedges (Cyperaceae) or grasses (Poaceae) is represented mainly by single whorls, while have been encountered. The presence of the articulate twigs are extremely rare. Although sirenian “Halitherium” suggests the pres- foliage of Platanus neptuni is by far the most ence of seagrass meadows in the surround- common, not a single remain is reminiscent of ing regions (Reich et al. 2015, Maxwell et al. a plane tree inflorescence or infructescence. 2016), but no seagrasses (Zosteraceae) have These pecularities, along with high species been detected among the rich fossil material. diversity but low representation of most taxa, indicate transport from the growing site to the VEGETATION ANALYSIS AND final place of burial: that is, a highly allochtho- RECONSTRUCTION nous plant assemblage. Fungal infection of the leaf material may have started already prior Based on the autecology of modern rela- to abcission; the often strong degree of infec- tives, autecological traits are inferred for the tion points to a certain time span between leaf fossil species (Tab. 2). Probably more than abcission and final burial. The allochthonous 60% of the woody angiosperms were evergreen, deposition may explain the rarity of Fagaceae while presumably deciduous taxa make up less J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 371 than 20%; for about the same percentage it in the sense of IPR-vegetation analysis) as remains unclear whether they regularly shed the most likely zonal vegetation type. Today, their foliage. Deciduous representatives were Fagaceae, Lauraceae, Pentaphyllaceae, and Betulaceae vel Ulmaceae sp., Carya, possibly Magnoliaceae are dominant in this forest type Engelhardia, Platanus neptuni, Populus ger- and diversity is very high on the species level manica, and possibly Sloanea. The presence of (Wang 1961). Numerous species (especially of winged fruits of Betula dryadum and Craigia Fagaceae) are closely allied, indicating rather bronnii as well as the calyx remain of Hydran- recent diversification. Such diversification may gea microcalyx indicate higher diversity of be assumed due to the hybridisation fidelity of deciduous taxa than indicated by leaf remains. modern oaks, which was discussed recently by Except for ferns, all terrestrial taxa reported Kovar-Eder et al. (2015). (64) were woody. About 35% presumably were Evergreen taxa with coriaceous, ovate to tall trees or trees. About the same percentage lanceolate, either entire-margined or minutely encompasses taxa that likely were small trees serrate leaves are dominant in this forest type. or shrubs, and >10% may represent lianas or Broad-leaved deciduous taxa and conifers do climbers. Presumably anemophilous and zoo- occur but are not important, except for some philous woody taxa are almost equally repre- hardwoods in ecotones and also pines in suc- sented (about 40% each). Based on the hum- cessional series. Palms do occur but are less mingbirds recorded from Rauenberg (Mayr prominent than in rain forests (Wang 1961). 2004), Apocynaceae, Loranthaceae, and Pen- Regarding composition, Rauenberg differs from taphyllaceae may be considered to be possi- evergreen sclerophyllous broad-leaved forest bly bird-pollinated taxa. Taxa with a presum- (sensu Wang 1961) in that only the diversity ably zoochorous fruit vector predominate over of Lauraceae is comparable, while Fagaceae anemochorous ones (>40% versus about 35%) and Pentaphyllaceae are hardly represented and about 10–15% were possibly dischorous or and Magnoliaceae are lacking. This may be autochorous. linked to taphonomic bias caused by transport The IPR vegetation analysis (Kovar-Eder prior to deposition. This interpretation is sup- & Kvaček 2008, Teodoridis et al. 2011b) ena- ported by the presence of evergreen Fagaceae bles a semiquantitative evaluation of the zonal (3 species) and Pentaphyllaceae (2 species) in vegetation type. This approach has been suc- the nearby flora of Flörsheim (see section “The cessfully tested and calibrated by application flora of Rauenberg in the European context”). to modern vegetation in China and Japan In this context the evidence of Ceratozamia, (Teodoridis et al. 2011a). For the Rauenberg Platanus neptuni, Sloanea, and Trachelo- fossil flora, this analysis indicates broad- spermum in Rauenberg is highly relevant. leaved evergreen forests as zonal vegetation Ceratozamia is restricted to Central America (BLE-component 49%, BLD-component 19%, (Mexico, Belize and Guatemala) today, where SCL+LEG component 13–14%, conifers 12% of it occurs in mountains (800–1800 m) extending all zonal taxa) (Appendix 2). This result must to lowlands; ecologically it ranges from tropi- be considered together with the allochthonous cal rain forests and less humid broad-leaved deposition of the Rauenberg assemblage (see to seasonally dry forests with oaks and pines section “Taphonomy”), which may have led to (Jones 1993). The relict species Platanus ker- a certain overrepresentation of the BLE and rii, which is regarded as an ecological equiva- SCL+LEG components at the cost of the BLD lent of P. neptuni, occurs in Vietnam and Laos. component. Nevertheless, the here-presented Modern representatives of Sloanea, as opposed result is regarded as robust for two reasons: to the fossil species, thrive in SE China and the threshold of the BLE component for broad- Vietnam to Thailand (Kvaček & Hably 2001). leaved evergreen forests is >40% (Teodoridis Evidently, a comparison to modern vegetation et al. 2011a) and the number of presumably types is limited in terms of composition. zonal taxa is high as compared to other fossil For Rauenberg, the attempt to reconstruct leaf assemblages. the vegetation is based on the autecology of Sociological and physiognomical compari- modern relatives and a comparison with mod- sons consistently indicate affinity to evergreen ern vegetation. The diversity and abundance sclerophyllous broad-leaved forest (sensu of pines and palms indicate open near-coastal Wang 1961; i.e. broad-leaved evergreen forest pine forests with palms on sandy soils. This 372 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016

Table 2. Similar living relatives of the recorded terrestrial taxa, physiology derived from modern relatives: leaf physiology, growth form, primary pollination type, and primary dispersal mechanism; small tree < 15 m, tall tree > 15 m

Similar living Inferred leaf Primary Primary disper- Taxon Growth form relative physiology pollination type sal mechanism

Ferns Lygodium kaulfussii Lygodium – climber – – Filicopsida sp. ? – – – –

Cycads Ceratozamia Ceratozamia floersheimensis evergreen small shrub zoophilous endozoochorous kuestleriana and allies

Conifers Doliostrobus taxiformis ? Araucariaceae/ evergreen tall tree anemophilous anemochorous taxifomis Taxodioideae Sequoia abietina Sequoia sempervirens evergreen tall tree anemophilous anemochorous Taxodium sp. Taxodium deciduous tall tree anemophilous anemochorous small tree Tetraclinis salicornioides Tetraclinis articulata evergreen anemophilous anemochorous or shrub Pinus (Strobus) sp. (5-needled) Pinus evergreen tall tree anemophilous anemochorous Pinus sp. (3 sp.) (2-needled) Pinus evergreen tall tree anemophilous anemochorous Pinus sp. (3-needled) Pinus evergreen tall tree anemophilous anemochorous Pinus (Pinus) cf. thomasiana Pinus evergreen tall tree anemophilous anemochorous Pinus engelhardtii Pinus evergreen tall tree anemophilous anemochorous

Angiosperms Actinodaphne pseudogermari Actinodaphne evergreen tree or shrub entomophilous endozoochorous ? Cinnamomum Daphnogene cinnamomifolia evergreen tall tree entomophilous endozoochorous camphora Laurus nobilis and small tree Laurus abchasica evergreen entomophilous endozoochorous L. azorica or shrub Laurophyllum kinkelinii – Lauraceae evergreen tree entomophilous endozoochorous complex Laurophyllum pseudoprinceps Ocotea evergreen tree entomophilous endozoochorous Laurophyllum rauenbergense Lauraceae evergreen tree entomophilous endozoochorous Laurophyllum sp. A–C (3) Lauraceae evergreen tree or shrub entomophilous endozoochorous Palmacites lamanonis Arecaceae evergreen tree or shrub entomophilous endozoochorous Sabalites major Arecaceae evergreen tree or shrub entomophilous endozoochorous Phoenicites sp. Arecaceae evergreen tree or shrub entomophilous endozoochorous ? Calamoideae gen. et sp. Arecaceae evergreen tree or shrub entomophilous endozoochorous indet. Arecaceae gen. et sp. indet. Arecaceae evergreen tree or shrub entomophilous endozoochorous Platanus neptuni Platanus kerrii deciduous tall tree anemophilous anemochorous shrub auto-/endo- ? Buxus egeriana Buxus in SE-Asia evergreen or small tree zoochorous Eotrigonobalanus furcinervis f. Trigonobalanus evergreen tall tree anemophilous dyschorous haselbachensis verticillatus Betula dryadum Betula deciduous tree (or shrub) anemophilous anemochorous Betulaceae vel Ulmaceae gen. Betulaceae, anemo-/dyscho- deciduous tree (or shrub) anemophilous et sp. indet. Ulmaceae rous Comptonia difformis Comptonia peregrina deciduous shrub anemophilous dyschorous shrub Myrica cf. lignitum Myrica ? evergreen anemophilous endozoochorous or small tree shrub Myrica longifolia Myrica evergreen anemophilous endozoochorous or small tree shrub Myrica obliquifolia Myrica evergreen anemophilous endozoochorous or small tree Carya fragiliformis Carya deciduous tall tree anemophilous dyschorous Carya quadrangula Carya deciduous tall tree anemophilous dyschorous deciduous, Engelhardia orsbergensis/ Engelhardia serrata, semi- tall tree anemophilous anemochorous macroptera Oreomunnea mexicana evergreen, evergreen J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 373

Table 2. Continued

Similar living Inferred leaf Primary Primary disper- Taxon Growth form relative physiology pollination type sal mechanism climber or small deciduous, ? Berchemia altorhenana Berchemia to medium-sized entomophilous endozoochorous evergreen tree deciduous, ? Leguminocarpon sp. Fabaceae tree entomophilous auto-/zoochorous evergreen Sloanea artocarpites Sloanea in SE-Asia evergreen tall tree entomophilous endozoochorous Sloanea olmediaefolia Sloanea sinensis evergreen tall tree entomophilous endozoochorous Populus germanica Populus deciduous tall tree anemophilous anemochorous Craigia yunnanensis, anemo- / ento- Craigia bronnii deciduous small tree anemochorous C. kwangsiensis mophilous shrub or small Distylium metzleri Distylium evergreen ? autochorous tree shrub, tree, entomo-/ orni- ? Viscophyllum hendriksiae Loranthaceae evergreen zoochorous liana thophilous deciduous, shrub, small entomophilous/ Hydrangea microcalyx Hydrangea anemochorous evergreen tree or climber autophilous? Pentaphyllaceae entomo-/orni- ? Ternstroemites maritiae evergreen tree or shrub endozoochorous (former Theaceae) thophilous Symplocos deichmuelleri Symplocos evergreen tree or shrub entomophilous endozoochorous Trachelospermum kelleri Trachelospermum evergreen liana entomophilous anemochorous Trachelospermum steiningeri Trachelospermum evergreen liana entomophilous anemochorous deciduous, tree, shrub, endo-/anemocho- Oleinites altorhenana Oleaceae ? evergreen liana rous deciduous, tree, shrub, endo-/anemocho- Oleinites rauenbergensis Oleaceae ? evergreen liana rous Pungiphyllum cruciatum ? ? ? ? ? Dicotylophyllum badense ? evergreen ? ? ? Dicotylophyllum oechsleri ? evergreen ? ? ? Dicotylophyllum ? evergreen ? ? ? vesiculaeferens Dicotylophyllum ziegleri ? ? evergreen ? ? ? Dicotylophyllum sp. ? ? evergreen ? ? ? Cladites vesiculaeferens ? ? ? ? ? interpretation is supported by the Alzey For- cinnamomifolia, Laurophyllum pseudoprin- mation, which represents the near-coastal ceps, Myricaceae, Populus germanica, Carya, sandy facies of the basinal Bodenheim Forma- Hydrangea microcalyx, and Craigia bronnii. tion and its poorly preserved plant remains Most other taxa represented by few or single (Mallison 2002). Daphnogene cinnamomifolia remains may derive from zonal evergreen scle- and Myricaceae possibly were also represented rophyllous broad-leaved forests. Some of the in these forests, along with Ceratozamia floers­ aforementioned probably were more general- heimensis, Carya and Engelhardia orsbergen- ists and may have thrived in these zonal for- sis/macroptera, and Platanus neptuni. Coastal ests as well, for example Daphno cinnamomi- pine forests bound to sandy soils do occur in folia, Engelhardia orsbergensis/macroptera, a wide variety and with numerous pine spe- L. pseudoprinceps, and Platanus neptuni. The cies along the eastern coast of the United ecological plasticity of Platanus neptuni was States, although they are regarded mainly as already discussed by Walther (1985). secondary stands there (Okuda 1994). Cla- dites vesiculaeferens and Dicotylophyllum CLIMATE vesiculaeferens, which presumably derive from one plant species which was characterised Climate estimates are based mainly on the by complex ? salt-excreting glands, thrived modern occurrence of the zonal vegetation type, along the coast. Gallery forests along streams that is, southern regions of evergreen scle- probably were characterised by associations rophyllous broad-leaved forest (Wang 1961), of Platanus neptuni along with Daphnogene which is assumed to be the closest analogon 374 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 for the flora of Rauenberg. Additionally, the climatic requirements of most similar living

relatives of taxa such as Ceratozamia, Craigia, (mm) 21–27 18–38 Platanus neptuni, and Sloanea are taken into DMMP consideration. Thus, the climatic conditions are most comparable to regions in Southeast Asia and America at around 20° N latitude (mm) > 230 > WMMP today. In Southeast Asia, evergreen sclero- 204–349 phyllous broad-leaved forests extend mainly in regions with temperate, humid, summer hot climate (Cfa climate sensu Köppen 1936, 140.4 (104)

Peel et al. 2007) or temperate, winter-dry, 3_dry (mm) summer hot climate (Cwa climate) (Appendix 3). In the distribution area of Ceratozamia, in the southernmost parts of North America

and northern Central America, tropical wet 658.2 (239) 3_wet (mm) and tropical monsoon climate prevails. Floris- tic relations of the Rauenberg flora are, how- ever, closer to Southeast Asia than to America.

Therefore, the Rauenberg climatic conditions GSP (mm) 1323.0 (497) are interpreted as being comparable to the southern limits of Cfa climate, with possible tendencies towards a drier season in winter (Cw climate) and transition to tropical mon- 1000–1300 1217–1322 1300–1700 MAP (mm) soon (Am) or tropical winter-dry (Af) climate. The climate may be further characterised as follows: Cfa climate in transition to Cwa (and 6–10 8–14 9.5 (2.6) 9.5

Am or Af) climate, mean annual temperature 12.6–13.6 (MAT) 19–24°C, mean annual precipitation CMMT (C°) (MAP) 1300–1700 mm, mean temperature of the warmest month (WMMT) 28–29°C, mean 25–28 28–29 25.8 (1.7) temperature of the coldest month (CMMT) 25.0–25.9 8–14°C, mean precipitation of the wettest WMMT (C°) month (WMMP) >230 mm, mean precipitation of the driest month (DMMP) 18–38 mm, wet- 16–18 19–24

test month between May and October, driest 18.0 (1.3) 17.2–20.5 MAT (C°) month between November and March. The warm period was wetter than the cold one. The upper limit of the derived MAT range appears somewhat high even when compared to exist- ing ones for the Eocene (e.g., Kvaček et al. 2014, Zanazzi et al. 2007). For Rauenberg, CLAMP and the Coexistence Approach (CA) have also been applied (Moraweck et al. submit.) indicat- ing somewhat lower MAT and WMMT values, while the CMMT estimates are fairly similar to that delivered by the modern occurrence of the zonal vegetation type (Tab. 3). CLAMP and CA signal a year-round growing season. MAP and growing season precipitation delivered by the different attempts overlap, but CA points towards lower MAP than that derived by the zonal vegetation type today. Most remarkably, CA Mainz Basin NP 23 (Pross et al. 1998) CLAMP (Moraweck et al. submit.) CA (Moraweck et al. submit.) Comparison with climate in southern regions of evergreen sclerophyllous broad-leaved forests in SE Asia and regions of most similar relevant modern relatives (this study) especially the CA, the zonal vegetation type applied Method Table 3 . Climate estimates derived by the application of different methods. MAT – mean annual temperature, CMMT – coldest month mean temperature, WMMT – warmest month mean temperature, MAP – mean annual precipitation, GSP – growing season precipitation, 3_wet – mean precipitation of the 3 wettest months, 3_dry – mean precipitation of the 3 driest months, WMMP – wettest month mean precipitation, DMMP – driest month mean precipitation J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 375 today and, to a minor degree, also CLAMP sig- plant debris from the growing site to the burial nal considerable seasonality in precipitation. place caused sorting and selection on the one For NP 23 in the Mainz Basin, Pross et al. hand, and on the other hand may account for (1998) estimated a Cfa-climate with lower val- a mixture of plant remains from presumably ues for temperature and precipitation (Tab. 3) very different habitats. In contrast, early Oli- but did not refer to possible seasonality. Those gocene taphocoenoses from northern Bohemia authors arrived at their results based on the and adjacent parts of Germany (mainly Saxony) CA applied mainly to the pollen record from derive mainly from lacustric deposits in the the Bodenheim drillcore. These estimates were adjacent volcanic hinterland (volcanic floras later accepted by Kvaček (2004a). The here- sensu Kvaček & Walther 2001) or were depos- presented estimates for Rauenberg are based ited in coastal lowlands (Leipzig Embayment, on a detailed taxonomic framework that ena- Mai & Walther 1978). Sorting and selection bles correlation with a zonal vegetation type due to transport was less severe, e.g., Seifhen- (southern regions of evergreen sclerophyllous nersdorf (Walther & Kvaček 2007), Bechlejo- broad-leaved forest), and the climate in the vice (Kvaček & Walther 2004), Haselbach Flo- region of the occurrence of these forests today ristic Complex (Kunzmann & Walther (2012). serves as a source for the climate proxy. These general characteristics are noteworthy The here-presented estimates for Rauen- for the following comparisons. Floristic com- berg also differ from those presented by Grimm plexes (sensu Mai 1995) aim to characterise the et al. (2011), who suggested a subtropical- development of the forest flora across Europe. mediterranean climate for the Alzey Forma- The flora of Rauenberg, however, is compared tion, the coastal equivalent of the Bodenheim here mainly to individual floras instead of flo- Formation. The basis for their assumption is ristic complexes. This provides a better basis unclear. Climate proxies for early Oligocene to further develop the scheme of floristic com- floras from North Bohemia and adjacent parts plexes, especially regarding age correlation. of Germany are also generally cooler than those The following comparisons are performed presented in the current context for Frauen- regionally, followed by stratigraphic position. weiler (Kvaček et al. 2014). This is based on the high diversity of broad-leaved deciduous FLORAS FROM THE RHINE GRABEN woody taxa there. These differences are not in AND THE PARATETHYS REGION conflict with the present results. Rather, they reflect climatic differentiation within former Europe, where the climatic conditions along the Flörsheim near Mainz, Germany, western coast (and also southern coast) were Upper Rhine Graben warmer and probably exhibited a somewhat Unsurprisingly, the floras from Rauenberg more pronounced seasonality of precipitation. and Flörsheim, both very diverse, deriving The prevailing leaf size class microphyll may from the Bodenheim Formation and dated to support this latter assumption of pronounced nannoplankton zone NP 23, show closest simi- seasonality of precipitation. larities compared to the remaining European record. Platanus neptuni and Daphnogene cinnamomifolia are the most common spe- THE FLORA OF RAUENBERG cies at both sites. Rauenberg and Flörsheim IN THE EUROPEAN CONTEXT share 26 fossil species of 16 families (Tab. 4). The cycad Ceratozamia floersheimensis was Diversified early Oligocene floras are known first described from Flörsheim. Remarkable from marine deposits in the Upper Rhine Gra- is, among others, the presence of the follow- ben (Bodenheim Formation) and from the Para- ing taxa in Rauenberg (absent in Flörsheim): tethys region (Tard Clay Formation) as well as Doliostobus taxiformis, Engelhardia orsber- from the early Miocene (Ebelsberg Formation gensis and E. macroptera, Myrica obliquifolia (Rupp & Ćorić 2012; formerly “Älterer Schlier”, (rather common in Rauenberg), Distylium, and Upper Oligocene). As for Rauenberg, these Sloanea olmediaefolia. Fagaceae and Penta- plant assemblages are characterised by highly phyllaceae (three species each, some of them allochthonous deposition (Kovar 1982, Kvaček abundant) play a much more important role in 2004a, Hably & Erdei 2015). Transport of the Flörsheim than in Rauenberg, and the record 376 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 from Flörsheim includes the following taxa Weber) Winterscheid & Kvaček, Vaccinioides not discovered in Rauenberg: Chamaecyparites cf. lusatica (Litke) Kvaček & Walther, Penta- hardtii (Göppert) Endlicher, Laurophyllum phyllaceae (3 species), Vitaceae (2), and others acutimontanum Mai, Daphnogene engelhardtii of cryptic affinity. Kvaček, 2 species of Andromediphyllum, Sym- plocos oligocaenica Kvaček, Oleinites pachy- Tard Clay Formation, Hungary, phyllus Kvaček, and Smilax weberi Wessel Paratethys region in Wessel & Weber. As in Rauenberg, also in The marine Tard Clay Formation is dated Flörsheim broad-leaved laurophyllous species to the nannoplankton zones NP 21–23, i.e. with entire or minutely serrate margin pre- early Oligocene. Based on maceral, biomarker vail over presumably deciduous modern Arcto- as well as stable isotope composition, facies Tertiary taxa (sensu Kvaček 1994). Among the changes from marine to brackish and reverse latter, Betulaceae are represented by leaves were traced (Bechtel et al. 2012). Based on the of three genera (Alnus, Carpinus, Ostrya) in preservation type, most terrestrial plant taxa Flörsheim, each with one species, but Betula, are known by gross morphology only, and no which is documented by a winged fruit from complete inventory of revised taxa is avail- Rauenberg, is not among them. Craigia and able. This hampers a full comparison (Hably Hydrangea have been detected only in Rauen- & Erdei 2015). Apart from the presence and berg. Mai (1995) established the Floristic Com- abundance of Platanus neptuni, Daphnogene plex Nerchau-Flörsheim (see section “The flora cinnamomifolia and Tetraclinis salicornioides, of Rauenberg in the context of the concept of Rauenberg and the Tard Clay Formation share floristic complexes”). the occurrence of Ceratozamia floersheimensis, Orsberg, Siebengebirge, Rheinland-Pflaz Doliostrobus taxiformis, and Sloanea olmedi- (Germany), southern margin aefolia (Tab. 4). None of the Lauraceae (Lau- of the Lower Rhenish Embayment rophyllum) identified based on cuticles from the Tard Clay Formation occur at Rauenberg. Based on the dating of the nearby site Rott Contrary to Rauenberg, Eotrigonobalanus fur- (mammal Paleogene zone MP 30), this recently cinervis is very common. Taxa characteristic revised leaf and fruit flora is thought to be of the Tard Clay Formation such as Ziziphus late Oligocene/early Miocene in age (Winter- zizyphoides (Unger) Weyland, Cedrelosper- scheid & Kvaček 2014). The taphocoenosis mum aquense (Saporta) Saporta, Raskya from the lignites (mainly fructifications) yields vetusta (Ettingshausen) Manchester & Hably, an impoverished Younger Mastixioid Flora Kydia kraeuselii (Rásky) Hably and the diver- (sensu Mai 1995), while the younger taphoc- sity of putative legumes distinguish this early oenosis from bituminous oil shales represents Oligocene flora from the Hungarian part of the remnants of riparian and swamp forests. the Paratethys region from that of the Upper Among conifers, Orsberg and Rauenberg Rhine Graben (Rauenberg and Flörsheim). share Sequoia abietina and Tetraclinis sali- cornioides. The swamp element Glyptostrobus Linz, Austria, Central Paratethys europaeus (Brongniart) Unger, represented by twigs and cones in Orsberg, underpins the dif- This flora derives from the Ebelsberg For- ferences in facies to Rauenberg. In addition to mation, formerly “Älterer Schlier” (Kovar taxa shared with Rauenberg (Tab. 4), leaves of 1982). Nannoplankton indicates zone NN 1, Dombeyopsis lobata Unger, present in Orsberg, i.e. Lower Miocene (Rupp & Ćorić 2012). Sim- and a single fruit of Craigia bronnii from Rau- ilarly to Rauenberg, the terrestrial plant enberg represent a single Malvaceae species. remains occurred widely scattered in the sedi- Laurophyllum acutimontanum and L. haemi- ment and were associated with both marine sphaericum (Roselt & Schneider) Winterscheid and terrestrial organism groups (Kovar 1982). & Kvaček occur only in Orsberg. L. sp. 2 from In both regions, near-coastal sandy sediments Orsberg resembles the leaf SMNS P 1953/76 are developed (Alzey Formation in the Upper included in Daphnogene cinnamomifolia from Rhine valley, Linzer Sande along the Para- Rauenberg. Leaf taxa not present in Rauen- tethys coast around Linz). Rauenberg and Linz berg include: Acer, Alnus, Corylopsiphyllum share, among others, the diversity of pines and celtifolium (C.O. Weber in P. Wessel & C.O. fan palms (Tab. 4), indicating near-coastal J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 377 pine forests on sandy soils, and the abundance cinnamomifolia, Laurophyllum pseudoprin- of Platanus neptuni, Daphnogene cinnamomi- ceps, Platanus neptuni, and Populus german- folia and Tetraclinis salicornioides. Except for ica. The latter two do occur in both regions numerous taxa present solely in Rauenberg, abundantly, but Eotrigonobalanus furcinervis major distinguishing features are the presence is common only in the Haselbach Floristic of Cunninghamia miocenica Ettingshausen, Complex. Both floras further share the pres- Trigonobalanopsis rhamnoides (Rossmaessler) ence of Distylium, Symplocos and palms of Kvaček & Walther, Acer, Fagus, Betulaceae putative calamoid affinity, although all are (2), and Ulmaceae (2) only in Linz. Some of represented by different species. Lauraceae these discrepancies presumably reflect differ- are much less diversified in the Floristic Com- ences in age, such as the absence of Doliostro- plex Haselbach (4 species) than in Rauenberg bus in Linz or the absence of Cunninghamia (10). Remarkable is the absence of Ceratoza- in Rauenberg. mia, Craigia, Hydrangea, Sloanea, Trachelo- spermum, and Oleaceae from the Floristic Complex Haselbach. FLORAS FROM THE LEIPZIG EMBAYMENT (GERMANY) AND THE VOLCANIC FLORAS FROM THE ČESKÉ STŘEDOHOŘÍ MOUNTAINS, Bechlejovice, České středohoří Mountains, NORTH BOHEMIA (CZECH REPUBLIC) Czech Republic AND SAXONY (GERMANY) This fossil leaf assemblage derives from diat- omites deposited in a lake that had developed The Floristic Complex Haselbach, in a volcanogenic environment. Radiometric Leipzig Embayment, Weisselster Basin, dating of a tephrite intrusion (26.8 ±1.34 Ma) Saxony, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany indicates an older age of this flora than this date. Due to the presence of archaic taxa The Floristic Complex Haselbach (Mai Kvaček & Walther (2004) consider this flora & Walther 1978) comprises a suite of mainly to derive from the basal part of the Lower Oli- parautochthonous assemblages reflecting gocene and assign it to the Floristic Complex different, prevailingly intrazonal habitats Haselbach – Valeč. The plant remains docu- such as swamp forests, riparian forests, pio- ment flora and associations in the nearby lake neer vegetation and fluvio-lacustric aquatic surroundings. The lack of cuticles hampers assemblages of the extended near-coastal low- floristic comparisons. In Bechlejovice, the only land in the Leipzig Embayment (Kunzmann available conifer is Torreya. Among angio- & Walther 2012). The stratigraphic assignment sperms, Platanus neptuni does occur but it is to the Lower Oligocene is based on palynologi- extremely rare. Bechlejovice and Rauenberg cal data (occurrence of Boehlenpollis hohlii share Carya, Craigia bronnii, Comptonia dif- Krutzsch; Krutzsch 2011). Plants of lacustric, formis, Laurophyllum pseudoprinceps, Pungi- swampy, and fluvial settings are highly diver- phyllum cruciatum, Sloanea artocarpites, and sified both in the leaf and fruit record, whereas possibly also Zamiaceae (Tab. 4). Otherwise, zonal taxa are mainly restricted to the fruit Bechlejovice differs by the high diversity of record (Mai & Walther 1978). Conifers are broad-leaved deciduous taxa (4 genera and at very diverse, including numerous taxa of least 5 species of Betulaceae, at least 4 maple wetland and swamp environments as well as species, etc.) compared to broad-leaved lauro- Tsuga and Cephalotaxus, while Doliostrobus, phyllous ones. It also differs by the presence which is present in Rauenberg, has not been of conservative taxa such as Platanus schim- recorded (Tab. 4). Generally, broad-leaved peri (Heer) Saporta & Marion, Sterculia crass- deciduous woody angiosperms are diversified inervia (Ettingshausen) Procházka & Bůžek, in the Floristic Complex Haselbach, while nei- and Haemanthophyllum. ther Alnus, Carpinus, Salix, Acer or Liquidam- bar, to mention some, have been encountered Kundratice, České středohoří Mountains, in Rauenberg. Shared woody angiosperms Czech Republic between Rauenberg and the Floristic Complex Haselbach are mainly restricted to coriaceous The flora of Kundratice was deposited in ones that probably preferred intrazonal set- a volcanic lake. Radiometrical dating of the tings. This includes fan palms, Daphnogene base of the superimposed basalt provided an 378 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016

Table 4. Floristic comparisons. Taxa in the flora of Rauenberg compared to Oligocene European sites

Haselbach Markvartice Orsberg Bechlejo- Kundratice Suletice- Tard Clay (Hably Complex (Mai Seifhenners- Hammerun- (Bůžek et al. Flörsheim (Winterscheid Linz, Austria vice (Kvaček (Kvaček Berand (Kvaček Kleinsaubernitz Taxa in Rauenberg 1979, Hably & Walther 1978, dorf (Walther terwiesenthal 1976, Kvaček (Kvaček 2004a) & Kvaček (Kovar 1982) & Walther & Walther & Walther (Walther 1999) & Erdei 2015) Kunzmann & Kvaček 2007) (Walther 1998) & Walther 2014) 2004) 1998) 1995) & Walther 2012) 2001) Microthyriaceae + Cystoseirites communis C. altoaustriacus Thallites multifidus + Laminarites latus + Lygodium kaulfussii + + Filicopsida sp. Ceratozamia floersheimensis + + ? Zamiaceae Doliostobus taxiformis + Sequoia abietina + S. langsdorfii + + + + + Taxodium sp. + Taxodium dubium + T. dubium T. dubium + Tetraclinis salicornioides + + + and T. bra­chy­ + + + + + + + + odon Pinus (Strobus) sp. 1 + P. palaeostrobus P. palaeostrobus P. palaeostrobus Pinus (Strobus) sp. 2 Pinus sp. 3 + P. sp. Pinus sp. 4 Pinus sp. (3) P. div. sp. Pinus sp. 5 Pinus sp. 6 Pinus (Pinus) cf. thomasiana + Pinus engelhardtii + Actinodaphne pseudogermari Daphnogene cinnamomifolia + + D. div. sp. D. sp. + + + + as D. lanceolata + 0 Laurus abchasica + + Laurophyllum kinkelinii + +

Laurophyllum cf. kinkelinii + glabrum Laurophyllum + + + L. cf. pseudo- L. cf. pseudo- + L. cf. pseudo- + + + pseudoprinceps princeps princeps princeps Laurophyllum rauenbergense as L. cf. villense Laurophyllum sp. A Laurophyllum sp. B Laurophyllum sp. C Palmacites lamanonis + Sabal cf. lamanonis Sabalites major Sabal major Sabal raphifolia Sabal sp. Phoenicites sp. as ? Phoenicites sp. Arecaceae ? Calamoideae gen. et sp. Calamus indet. daemonorops Arecaceae gen. et sp.indet. Platanus neptuni + + + + + + + + + + ? Buxus egeriana B. egeriana Eotrigonobalanus furci­ + E. furcinervis E. furcinervis cf. E. furcinervis + nervis f. haselbachensis Betula dryadum B. sp. fruits, + + B. kleinsauber- B. buzekii nitzensis Betulaceae vel Ulmaceae gen. et sp. indet. Comptonia difformis as C. schrankii + C. acutiloba C. acutiloba cf. C. acutiloba C. cf. difformis + Myrica cf. lignitum M. lignitum M. lignitum M. lignitum M. lignitum Myrica longifolia + + Myrica obliquifolia Carya fragiliformis Carya sp. C. cf. serrifolia, C. serrifolia + C. cf. serrifolia C. serrifolia C sp. J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 379

Table 4. Floristic comparisons. Taxa in the flora of Rauenberg compared to Oligocene European sites Table 4. Continued

Haselbach Markvartice Orsberg Bechlejo- Kundratice Suletice- Tard Clay (Hably Complex (Mai Seifhenners- Hammerun- (Bůžek et al. Flörsheim (Winterscheid Linz, Austria vice (Kvaček (Kvaček Berand (Kvaček Kleinsaubernitz Taxa in Rauenberg 1979, Hably & Walther 1978, dorf (Walther terwiesenthal 1976, Kvaček (Kvaček 2004a) & Kvaček (Kovar 1982) & Walther & Walther & Walther (Walther 1999) & Erdei 2015) Kunzmann & Kvaček 2007) (Walther 1998) & Walther 2014) 2004) 1998) 1995) & Walther 2012) 2001) Microthyriaceae + Cystoseirites communis C. altoaustriacus Thallites multifidus + Laminarites latus + Lygodium kaulfussii + + Filicopsida sp. Ceratozamia floersheimensis + + ? Zamiaceae Doliostobus taxiformis + Sequoia abietina + S. langsdorfii + + + + + Taxodium sp. + Taxodium dubium + T. dubium T. dubium + Tetraclinis salicornioides + + + and T. bra­chy­ + + + + + + + + odon Pinus (Strobus) sp. 1 + P. palaeostrobus P. palaeostrobus P. palaeostrobus Pinus (Strobus) sp. 2 Pinus sp. 3 + P. sp. Pinus sp. 4 Pinus sp. (3) P. div. sp. Pinus sp. 5 Pinus sp. 6 Pinus (Pinus) cf. thomasiana + Pinus engelhardtii + Actinodaphne pseudogermari Daphnogene cinnamomifolia + + D. div. sp. D. sp. + + + + as D. lanceolata + 0 Laurus abchasica + + Laurophyllum kinkelinii + +

Laurophyllum cf. kinkelinii + glabrum Laurophyllum + + + L. cf. pseudo- L. cf. pseudo- + L. cf. pseudo- + + + pseudoprinceps princeps princeps princeps Laurophyllum rauenbergense as L. cf. villense Laurophyllum sp. A Laurophyllum sp. B Laurophyllum sp. C Palmacites lamanonis + Sabal cf. lamanonis Sabalites major Sabal major Sabal raphifolia Sabal sp. Phoenicites sp. as ? Phoenicites sp. Arecaceae ? Calamoideae gen. et sp. Calamus indet. daemonorops Arecaceae gen. et sp.indet. Platanus neptuni + + + + + + + + + + ? Buxus egeriana B. egeriana Eotrigonobalanus furci­ + E. furcinervis E. furcinervis cf. E. furcinervis + nervis f. haselbachensis Betula dryadum B. sp. fruits, + + B. kleinsauber- B. buzekii nitzensis Betulaceae vel Ulmaceae gen. et sp. indet. Comptonia difformis as C. schrankii + C. acutiloba C. acutiloba cf. C. acutiloba C. cf. difformis + Myrica cf. lignitum M. lignitum M. lignitum M. lignitum M. lignitum Myrica longifolia + + Myrica obliquifolia Carya fragiliformis Carya sp. C. cf. serrifolia, C. serrifolia + C. cf. serrifolia C. serrifolia C sp. 380 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016

Table 4. Continued

Haselbach Markvartice Orsberg Bechlejo- Kundratice Suletice- Tard Clay (Hably Complex (Mai Seifhenners- Hammerun- (Bůžek et al. Flörsheim (Winterscheid Linz, Austria vice (Kvaček (Kvaček Berand (Kvaček Kleinsaubernitz Taxa in Rauenberg 1979, Hably & Walther 1978, dorf (Walther terwiesenthal 1976, Kvaček (Kvaček 2004a) & Kvaček (Kovar 1982) & Walther & Walther & Walther (Walther 1999) & Erdei 2015) Kunzmann & Kvaček 2007) (Walther 1998) & Walther 2014) 2004) 1998) 1995) & Walther 2012) 2001) Carya quadrangula + + C. costata C. cf. quadrangula Engelhardia orsbergensis + + + + + + + Engelhardia macroptera + + + + + + ? Berchemia altorhenana ? Leguminocarpon sp. L. div. sp. L. div. sp. Leguminosae gen. et sp. indet. Sloanea artocarpites + cf. S. arto- as as + as carpites Icaciniphyllum Dicotylophyllum Icaciniphyllum artocarpites sparsidentatum artocarpites Sloanea olmediaefolia + Populus germanica + + Craigia bronnii Dombeyopsis + + and Dombey- + and Dombey- + and Dombey- + as Pteleaecar- + + lobata opsis lobata opsis lobata opsis lobata pum europaeum Distylium metzleri ? Viscophyllum hendriksiae Hydrangea microcalyx + + + + ? Ternstroemites maritiae Symplocos deichmuelleri + + as Dicotylophyl- as Dicotylophyl- lum lum deichmuelleri deichmuelleri Trachelospermum kelleri Trachelospermum + steiningeri Oleinites altorhenana Oleinites rauenbergensis Pungiphyllum cruciatum + + + + Dicotylophyllum badense Dicotylophyllum oechsleri Dicotylophyllum vesiculaeferens Dicotylophyllum ziegleri Dicotylophyllum sp. Cladites vesiculaeferens Winged fruit or seed incertae sedis Spiny branch age of 32.7 ± 0.8 Ma (Bellon et al. 1998). species of Lauraceae in Kundratice and 10 in Thus, the flora is presumably closer in age Rauenberg, both sites have only Daphnogene to that of Rauenberg than that of Seifhen- cinnamomifolia and possibly Laurophyllum nersdorf (see below). Conifers are relatively pseudoprinceps in common. They further diverse, represented by Cephalotaxus, Taxus, share Pungiphyllum cruciatum, Sloanea Tetraclinis, and Torreya. Tetraclinis is the artocarpites, and Symplocos deichmuelleri. only shared one between Rauenberg and Kun- Both sites are characterised by the absence dratice (Tab. 4). Neither Pinus nor Taxodi- (Kundratice) or almost absence (Rauenberg) oideae are recorded from Kundratice. Decid- of Fagaceae. The Floristic Complex Seif- uous angiosperms comprise Acer (at least hennersdorf-Kundratice (Kvaček & Walther 5 species), Alnus, Betula, Carpinus, Craigia, 1998) is characterised as Mixed Mesophytic Cercidiphyllum, Ostrya, Tilia, Ulmus, and Forest vegetation with considerable diversity Zelkova, of which Kundratice and Rauenberg of broad-leaved deciduous taxa, i.e. modern share only Betula, Carya, and Craigia. Of five Arcto-Tertiary elements. J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 381

Table 4. Continued

Haselbach Markvartice Orsberg Bechlejo- Kundratice Suletice- Tard Clay (Hably Complex (Mai Seifhenners- Hammerun- (Bůžek et al. Flörsheim (Winterscheid Linz, Austria vice (Kvaček (Kvaček Berand (Kvaček Kleinsaubernitz Taxa in Rauenberg 1979, Hably & Walther 1978, dorf (Walther terwiesenthal 1976, Kvaček (Kvaček 2004a) & Kvaček (Kovar 1982) & Walther & Walther & Walther (Walther 1999) & Erdei 2015) Kunzmann & Kvaček 2007) (Walther 1998) & Walther 2014) 2004) 1998) 1995) & Walther 2012) 2001) Carya quadrangula + + C. costata C. cf. quadrangula Engelhardia orsbergensis + + + + + + + Engelhardia macroptera + + + + + + ? Berchemia altorhenana ? Leguminocarpon sp. L. div. sp. L. div. sp. Leguminosae gen. et sp. indet. Sloanea artocarpites + cf. S. arto- as as + as carpites Icaciniphyllum Dicotylophyllum Icaciniphyllum artocarpites sparsidentatum artocarpites Sloanea olmediaefolia + Populus germanica + + Craigia bronnii Dombeyopsis + + and Dombey- + and Dombey- + and Dombey- + as Pteleaecar- + + lobata opsis lobata opsis lobata opsis lobata pum europaeum Distylium metzleri ? Viscophyllum hendriksiae Hydrangea microcalyx + + + + ? Ternstroemites maritiae Symplocos deichmuelleri + + as Dicotylophyl- as Dicotylophyl- lum lum deichmuelleri deichmuelleri Trachelospermum kelleri Trachelospermum + steiningeri Oleinites altorhenana Oleinites rauenbergensis Pungiphyllum cruciatum + + + + Dicotylophyllum badense Dicotylophyllum oechsleri Dicotylophyllum vesiculaeferens Dicotylophyllum ziegleri Dicotylophyllum sp. Cladites vesiculaeferens Winged fruit or seed incertae sedis Spiny branch

Seifhennersdorf, Upper , Saxony, that of Rauenberg. Both sites, however, share Germany Carya, Craigia bronnii and Hydrangea micro- calyx (Tab. 4). Seifhennersdorf is characterised The flora of Seifhennersdorf (Kvaček by the scarcity of Eotrigonobalanus furcinervis, & Walther 2007) derives from diatomites that as is Rauenberg, and the occurrence of Quercus developed in a maar lake. Radiometric dating of lonchitis Unger. Lauraceae are less diverse in the overlying basalts provided an age of 30.7 ± 0.7 Seifhennersdorf and both sites share only Daph- Ma (Bellon et al. 1998). Thus, this flora is some- nogene cinnamomifolia and Laurophyllum pseu- what younger than that of Kundratice and Rau- doprinceps. Remarkable is the presence of puta- enberg. Taxa of aquatic and swamp associations tive Oleaceae, although they are represented by distinguish the flora from Seifhennersdorf from different species in Seifhennersdorf (Oleinites that of Rauenberg. The high diversity of decidu- hallbaueri (Mai) Sachse, O. maii (Bůžek, Holý ous woody angiosperms, such as Acer (at least & Kvaček) Sachse) and Rauenberg (O. altorhe- 7 species), Betulaceae (4 genera), and Rosaceae nana, O. rauenbergensis). Platanus neptuni also (4 species) distinguishes this flora strongly from occurs in Seifhennersdorf but is less abundant 382 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 than in Rauenberg. Besides Kundratice, Seif- T. salicornioides is among the common spe- hennersodrf is the type locality of the Floristic cies. Among deciduous taxa, Rauenberg and Complex Seifhennersdorf-Kundratice (Kvaček Markvartice share Betula dryadum, Carya, & Walther 1998). and Craigia bronnii. Markvartice, however, includes further broad-leaved deciduous taxa Hammerunterwiesenthal, Saxony, Germany such as Acer (at least 3 species), Cercidiphyl- lum, Rosa, and Ulmus not documented in Rau- Age constraints of this flora were provided enberg. Both sites share the presence of Sloanea by radiometric dating of the basaltic tuffites artocarpites and putative Oleaceae, although there: 30.48 ± 0.41 Ma (Walther 1998). Depos- different species (Oleinites maii in Markvar- ited in a maar lake, this plant assemblage is tice, O. altorhenana and O. rauenbergensis in less diverse (25 taxa). Rauenberg). Documented in Rauenberg (solely With its extremely low diversity of coni- by a single leaf of Eotrigonobalanus f. furci- fers – Pinus, Tetraclinis salicornioides, both nervis haselbachensis), Fagaceae records are present in Rauenberg (Tab. 4) – and diversity absent at Markvartice. Mai (1995) and Kvaček of broad-leaved deciduous taxa – Acer (4 spe- & Walther (2001) assign this assemblage to the cies), Alnus, cf. Carpinus, cf. Cercidiphyllum, Floristic Complex Nerchau-Flörsheim. Craigia, Hydrangea, Vitis – this flora resem- bles most of the other volcanic floras of this Suletice-Berand, České středohoří Mountains, region but differs from the assemblage of Rau- Czech Republic enberg. Hammerunterwiesenthal and Rauen- berg share only Craigia and Hydrangea. Out Radiometric dating delimits the age of this of three laurels, Daphnogene cinnamomifolia flora at between 28.3 ± 1.4 Ma and 19.8± and probaly Laurophyllum pseudoprinceps 0.5 Ma (Bellon et al. 1998). This taphocoenosis occur at both sites, while L. acutimontanum is was embedded in diatomites that developed restricted to Hammerunterwiesenthal. Trigo- in a volcanic lake setting. The comparison is nobalanopsis rhamnoides represents the only biased because cuticles are rarely preserved. Fagaceae at this site. Fan palm findings are Conifers are not diversified; neither pines generally rare in the volcanic floras; a single nor Taxodioideae occur. Only Tetraclinis sali- one derives from Hammerunterwiesenthal. cornioides is rather frequent (Tab. 4). Among Lauraceae (at least 4 species), Laurophyllum Markvartice, České středohoří Mountains, acutimontanum, which is not recorded from Czech Republic Rauenberg, is the most common one, followed by Daphnogene cinnamomifolia and Lauro- The stratigraphic position of this flora, phyllum pseudoprinceps. Platanus neptuni is which derives from tuffaceous diatomite and abundant. Broad-leaved deciduous taxa are less ash tuffite, is somewhat ambiguous. Based on diversified than for example in Seifhennersdorf regional geology, floristic composition and rela- or Kundratice. Among these are Acer (at least tion to other floras, such as that from Seifhen- 3 species), Carpinus, Celtis, Ostrya, Rosa, and nersdorf, this flora is estimated to be somewhat Zelkova, none of which have been detected in younger (Bůžek et al. 1976). Kvaček & Walther Rauenberg. Suletice-Berand and Rauenberg, (2003) assign this site to the Děčín Formation however, share Carya, Craigia bronnii, Engel- which is regarded mainly late Oligocene in age. hardia orsebrgensis/macro­ptera, Hydrangea Taxodioideae are hardly documented, pines are microcalyx, and Sloanea artocarpites. Putative absent, Taxus and Torreya are represented by Oleaceae are represented by different Oleinites single specimens. The only common conifer is species at both sites. Kvaček & Walther (1995) Tetraclinis salicornioides. The assemblage from assign this assemblage to the Floristic Com- Markvartice differs from others of this region by plex Nerchau-Flörsheim. the prevalence of evergreen laurophyllous taxa. The diversity of Lauraceae is almost as high as Kleinsaubernitz, Saxony (Germany) in Rauenberg. Both sites, however, share only Daphnogene cinnamomifolia and Laurophyl- This rich flora derives from drill cores lum pseudoprinceps (Tab. 4). Similarly to Rau- through maar lake deposits in which the plant- enberg, D. cinnamomifolia, L. pseudoprinceps, bearing sediments are 270 m thick. Based and Platanus neptuni are very abundant and on regional geology, Kleinsaubernitz was J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 383 correlated to the Upper Oligocene (Walther Paratethys realm. Otherwise, M. longifolia 1999). This was rendered more precisely to occurs only in the Floristic Complex Haselbach. Spore-Pollen-Paleogene zone 20G (Goth et Generally, Lauraceae (10 species), Myricaceae al. 2003), corresponding to the lower Upper (4 ) and Arecaceae (4–5) are more diverse in Oligocene (Krutzsch 2011). Conifers are very Rauenberg than in any of the compared flo- diverse (Pinaceae 3 species, Cupressaceae 5, ras. The diversity and relative abundance of Taxaceae 1), but Kleinsaubernitz and Rauen- pines at Rauenberg, versus their absence or berg share only five-needled Pinus, Sequoia scarcity in the volcanic floras, indirectly sup- abietina, Taxodium, and Tetraclinis salicorni- ports the interpretation of near-coast pine for- oides (Tab. 4). Angiosperms include laurophyl- ests in Rauenberg. At all compared sites from lous taxa as well as “modern” Arcto-Tertiary this part of Central Europe, Acer is present ones, each group represented about 50%. Con- and more or less species-diverse, while there trary to Rauenberg, Fagaceae are very diverse is not even a single record from Rauenberg. (8 species), among them the archaic Eotrigo- The high diversity of further “modern” Arcto- nobalanus furcinervis f. haselbachensis as well Tertiary elements distinguishes all these as Trigonobalanopsis rhamnoides and Fagus sites from Rauenberg. The diversity of taxa saxonica Kvaček & Walther. The presence of with simple, coriaceous, entire-margined or further archaic taxa such as Majanthemophyl- minutely toothed, probably evergreen leaves in lum petiolatum Weber, together with taxa Rauenberg is not only higher than in the floras known from Miocene deposits such as “Illi- from the region of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and cium” limburgense Kräusel & Weyland and Illi- North Bohemia, but many of them have never pophyllum thomsonii Kräusel & Weyland, are been recorded there. The latter two arguments unique. Deciduous taxa are rather diverse (e.g. (differences in diversity of “modern” Arcto-Ter- Acer, Alnus, Betula, Carpinus, Celtis, Craigia, tiary elements and in prevailing leaf physiog- Ulmus) but Kleinsaubernitz and Rauenberg nomy) as well as the presence of different palms share only the presence of Betula and Craigia in Rauenberg explain the different estimated bronnii. Further taxa occurring at both sites zonal forest types, namely mixed mesophytic are Comptonia difformis, Sloanea artocarpites, forest or transition from mixed mesophytic to and Distylium, the latter being represented by broad-leaved evergreen forest for most of the different species. Among the floristic record floras from North Bohemia, Saxony and Sax- from the volcanic region of North Bohemia ony-Anhalt, but broad-leaved evergreen scle- and adjacent parts of Saxony, Kleinsaubernitz rophyllous forest for Rauenberg. The floristic is quite peculiar, which encouraged Walther complex Haselbach repeatedly was interpreted (1999) to establish the Floristic Complex as mixed mesophytic forest (Mai & Walther Kleinsaubernitz. 1978, 1985, Mai 1995). Only recently broad- leaved evergreen forest was predicted based SUMMARISING THE COMPARISON OF on the IPR vegetation analysis (Kvaček et al. RAUENBERG WITH THE FLORAS FROM THE 2014). The percentage of the BLE component LEIPZIG EMBAYMENT AND THE VOLCANIC of zonal woody taxa is, however, lower there FLORAS FROM SAXONY AND THE ČESKÉ (42.5%) than in Rauenberg (48.6%). Regarding STŘEDOHOŘÍ MOUNTAINS age correlations, the plant assemblages from From a purely floristical viewpoint the fol- Kundratice and Seifhennersdorf are probably lowing characteristics are noteworthy: Daph- closest to Rauenberg, but their floristic match nogene cinnamomifolia, Laurophyllum pseu- with Rauenberg is lower than that of Markvar- doprinceps, Platanus neptuni, and Tetraclinis tice, whose age is less unambiguous. salicornioides are the taxa which are present and mostly also very abundant at almost all THE FLORA OF RAUENBERG IN THE CONTEXT sites. Additionally, Rauenberg and all volcanic OF THE CONCEPT OF FLORISTIC COMPLEXES floras share the presence of Craigia bronnii, The plant-bearing marine sediments which is usually an accessory element. Rau- (Bodenheim Formation, Hochberg Member) enberg is distinct by the presence of Ceratoza- are well correlated biostratigraphically by mia floersheimensis, Doliostrobus taxiformis, nannoplankton, dinoflagellate cysts and the Myrica longifolia, and Sloanea olmediaefolia, mammal genus Apterodon (Figure 1, Max- which indicate an affinity to floras from the well et al. 2016). The age is therefore limited 384 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 to the middle Rupelian, i.e. approximately ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS >30 Ma and < 33 Ma The stratigraphic con- I am very grateful to Dr. M. Barbacka (Buda- straints for the flora of Flörsheim are very pest), Prof. H. Freitag (Kassel), Prof. L. Hably, Prof. similar (Kvaček 2004a, see also Introduc- G. Kadereit, Dr. L. Kunzmann (), Prof. tion). The assemblages from Rauenberg and Z. Kvaček (Prag), Dr. F. Stauffer (Geneva), PD Dr. Flörsheim share many more taxa than any of M. Thiv (Stuttgart), and Prof. A. Weber (Vienna) for scientific discussions. Dr. G. Gregor (Munich), Dr. the other compared floras. The Floristic Com- M. Rummel, J. Hendriks (Augsburg) and Dr. E. Frey plex Nerchau-Flörsheim, first established by and C. Eck (Karlsruhe ) enabled me to study the col- Mai (1995), was further characterised by lections of Naturmuseum Augsburg and Staatliches Kvaček and Walther (2001), who included Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe. Prof. Z. Kvaček also the assemblages of Markvartice and (Prag), Dr. L. Kunzmann and C. Kunzmann (Dresden), and PD Dr. Wilde and K. Schmidt (Frankfurt/Main) Suletice-Berand. The radiometric constraints provided the cuticular slides from different Bohemian of Suletice-Berand between 28.3 ± 1.4 Ma sites and localities in Saxony and adjacent regions, and and 19.8 ± 0.5 Ma (Bellon et al. 1998) unam- from Flörsheim for comparison. Dr. F. Stauffer pro- biguously indicate that floristically similar vided modern leaf material of Berchemia from the Her- assemblages are not necessarily time equiva- barium of the Jardin Botanique Genève. Dr. T. Denk (Stockholm) provided photographic material of cuticles lent. Assuming the validity of the radiometric from modern Illicium. R. Noll provided information on dating, Suletice-Berand needs to be excluded. fossil material from the Alzey Formation. M. Kamenz The age of the assemblage from Markvartice (Stuttgart) patiently prepared all the cuticle material, remains somewhat ambiguous (see above) K. Wolf-Schwenninger (Stuttgart) prepared the SEM images, and my husband H. Sommer (Stuttgart) pro- and that of Nerchau is open (Mai & Walther vided the macro-photos and prepared the plates. I sin- 1991). Therefore, the typification and defini- cerely thank all of my colleagues and my husband, as tion of the respective floristic complex should well as Z. Kvaček and L. 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Plate 1

1. Cystoseirites communis Unger, SMNS P 1953/111 2–3. Thallites multifidus (Brongniart) Kvaček 2. SMNS P 1952/1 3. SMNS P 1952/39 4. Laminarites latus Engelhardt, SMNS P 1952/295 5–7. Lygodium kaulfussii Heer emend. Gardner et Ettingshausen 5. SMNS P 1952/55 6. SMNS P 1952/322 7. SMNS P 1952/332 8. Ceratozamia floersheimensis (Engelhardt) Kvaček, SMNS P P1952/456 9. Doliostobus taxiformis (Sternberg) Kvaček ? taxiformis Mai & Walther, NMA 2006-104/1497 10. Sequoia abietina (Brongniart in Cuvier) Knobloch, NMA 2016-3/2179 11–13. Taxodium sp. 11. SMNS P 1952/88 12. SMNS P 1953/103 13. SMNK 7710 14–15. Tetraclinis salicornioides (Unger) Kvaček 14. SMNS P 1952/118 15. SMNS P 1953/109 16. Pinus (Strobus) sp. 1, SMNS P 1952/292 17. Pinus (Strobus) sp. 2, SMNS P 1952/90 18. Pinus sp. 3, SMNS P 1952/460 19. Pinus sp. 4, SMNS P 1952/143 20. Pinus sp. 6, NMA 2006-111/1497

Scale bar: 10 mm Plate 1 391

J. Kovar-Eder Acta Palaeobot. 56(2) 392 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016

Plate 2

1–6. Daphnogene cinnamomifolia (Brongniart) Unger 1. SMNS P 1952/71 2. SMNS P 1953/12 3. SMNS P 1953/8 4. SMNS P 1953/18 5. SMNS P1952/472 6. SMNS P 1953/76 7–8. Laurophyllum kinkelinii (Engelhardt) Kvaček 7. SMNS P1953/64 8. SMNS P 1952/184 9–11. Laurophyllum cf. kinkelinii (Engelhardt) Kvaček 2004 var. glabrum Kvaček 9. SMNS P 1952/396 10. SMNS P 1952/378 11. SMNS P 1953/87 12–16. Laurophyllum pseudoprinceps Weyland & Kilpper s.l. 12. SMNS P 1952/344 13. SMNS P 1953/48 14. SMNS P 1952/345 15. SMNS P 1953/84 16. SMNS P 1953/15A 17–23. Laurophyllum rauenbergense Kovar-Eder sp. nov. 17. SMNS P 1953/73 paratype 18. SMNS P 1952/350 19. SMNS P 1952/93 paratype 20. SMNS P 1953/82 holotype 21. SMNS P 1953/85 paratype 22. SMNS P 1952/379 23. SMNS P 1953/47 paratype 24–25. Laurophyllum cf. rauenbergense Kovar-Eder sp. nov. 24. SMNS P1952/231 25. SMNS P 1953/59 26. Actinodaphne pseudogermari Walther, SMNS P 1952/17

Scale bar: 10 mm Plate 2 393

J. Kovar-Eder Acta Palaeobot. 56(2) 394 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016

Plate 3

1–2. Palmacites lamanonis Brongniart 1. SMNS P 1952/175 2. SMNS P 1953/124 3–4. Sabalites major (Unger) Saporta 3. SMNS P 1953/132 4. SMNS P 1952/169 5. Arecaceae gen. et sp. indet., NMA 2016-2/1497, scale 50 mm 6. ? Calamoideae gen. et sp. indet., NMA 2016-1/1497 7–9. Phoenicites sp. 7. SMNS P 1952/12 8. SMNS P 1952/141 9. NMA 2006-112/1497 10. Pinus engelhardtii Menzel, SMNK 7706 11–12. Pinus (Pinus) cf. thomasiana (Goeppert) Reichenbach 11. SMNS P 1952/176 12. SMNS P 1953/106 13. Pinus sp., SMNS P 1952/150

If not noted otherwise, scale bar: 10 mm Plate 3 395

J. Kovar-Eder Acta Palaeobot. 56(2) 396 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016

Plate 4

1–10. Platanus neptuni (Ettingshausen) Bůžek, Holý et Kvaček 1. SMNS P 1952/32 2. SMNS P 1952/81 3. SMNS P 1952/14 4. SMNS P 1952/26 5. SMNS P 1952/220 6. SMNS P 1952/86 7. NMA 2006-128/1497, 7a. venation details, scale bar 5 mm 8. SMNS P 1952/37 9. SMNS P 1952/24A 10. SMNS P 1952/19 11. Myrica cf. lignitum (Unger) Saporta sensu Ettingshausen & Standfest, SMNS P 1952/361 12–17. Myrica obliquifolia sp. nov. 12. SMNS P 1952/238 paratype 13. SMNS P 1952/232 paratype 14. SMNS P 1952/162 paratype 15. SMNS P 1952/255 paratype 16. SMNS P 1953/99 paratype 17. SMNS P 1952/85 holotype 18–20. Myrica longifolia Unger 18. NMA 2006-105/1497 19. SMNS P 1952/50 20. SMNS P 1952/186

If not noted otherwise, scale bar: 10 mm Plate 4 397

J. Kovar-Eder Acta Palaeobot. 56(2) 398 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016

Plate 5

1. Phoenicites sp., NMA 2006-180/1497, scale bar 100 mm 2–3. Sloanea olmediaefolia (Unger) Z. Kvaček & Hably 2. NMA 2006-114/1497, 2a. venation details 3. SMNS P 1952/340 4. Sloanea artocarpites (Ettingshausen) Z. Kvaček et Hably, P1952/61 5. ? Berchemia altorhenana Kovar-Eder sp. nov., SMNS P 1953/92, holotype 6. Populus germanica (Menzel) Walther, SMNK 7568 7. ? Ternstroemites maritiae Kovar-Eder sp. nov., SMNS P 1952/342, holotype 8–10. Symplocos deichmuelleri (Kvaček & Walther) comb. nov. 8. SMNS P1952/62 9. SMNS P1952/65 10. SMNS P 1953/43 11. Pungiphyllum cruciatum (Al. Braun) Frankenhäuser & Wilde, NMA 2006-126/1497 12–14. Oleinites rauenbergensis Kovar-Eder sp. nov. 12. SMNS P 1952/299 paratype 13. SMNS P 1952/402 paratype 14. SMNS P 1952/380 holotype 15–16. ? Oleinites rauenbergensis Kovar-Eder sp. nov. 15. SMNS P 1952/6 16. SMNS P 1953/93 17–18. Oleinites altorhenana Kovar-Eder sp. nov. 17. SMNS P 1952/191 holotype 18. SMNS P 1953/62 paratype

If not noted otherwise, scale bar: 10 mm Plate 5 399

J. Kovar-Eder Acta Palaeobot. 56(2) 400 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016

Plate 6

1. Betula dryadum Brongniart, SMNK 7711, scale bar 1 mm 2. Craigia bronnii (Unger) Kvaček, Bůžek et Manchester, SMNK 7748 3. Winged fruit or seed incertae sedis, NMA 2006-113/1497 4. Hydrangea microcalyx Sieber, SMNS P 1952/145 5. ? Leguminocarpon sp., NMA 2006-173/1497 6–7. Comptonia difformis (Sternberg) Berry 6. SMNS P 1953/118 7. SMNS P 1952/166 8. Laurophyllum sp. A, SMNS P 1952/336 9. Laurophyllum sp. B, SMNS P 1952/47 10. Laurophyllum sp. C, SMNS P 1953/81 11–13. Laurus abchasica (Kolakovskii & Shakryl) Ferguson 11. SMNS P 1952/382 12. SMNS P 1953/75 13. SMNS P 1953/65 14. Eotrigonobalanus furcinervis (Rossmässler) Walther & Kvaček forma haselbachensis (Kvaček & Walther) Kvaček & Walther in Walther, SMNS P 1953/60 15–17. Engelhardia orsbergensis (Wessel & Weber) Jähnichen, Mai & Walther 15. NMA 2006-108/1497 16. SMNK 7499 17. SMNS P 2228/1 18. Engelhardia macroptera (Brongniart) Unger, SMNS P 1952/154 19. ? Buxus egeriana Kvaček, Bůžek et Holý, NMA 2006-168/1497 20. Betulaceae vel Ulmaceae gen. et sp. indet., SMNS P 1952/437 21. Carya quadrangula (Kirchheimer) Leroy, SMNS P 1952/159 22. Carya fragiliformis (Sternberg) Kvaček & Walther, SMNS P 1952/58 23. Distylium metzleri Kovar-Eder sp. nov., SMNS P 1952/43 holotype 24–25. Trachelospermum kelleri Kovar-Eder sp. nov. 24. SMNS P 1953/101 paratype 25. NMA 2006–121/1497 holotype 26–27. Trachelospermum steiningeri Kvaček 26. SMNS P 1952/101 27. SMNS P 1952/366

If not noted otherwise, scale bar: 10 mm Plate 6 401

J. Kovar-Eder Acta Palaeobot. 56(2) 402 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016

Plate 7

1–5. Viscophyllum hendriksiae Kovar-Eder sp. nov. 1. SMNS P 1952/11 paratype 2. SMNS P 1952/57 paratype 3. SMNS P 1953/70 holotype 4. SMNS P 1953/77 paratype 5. SMNS P 1952/158 paratype 6. Dicotylophyllum ziegleri Kovar-Eder sp. nov., SMNS P 1953/86 holotype 7–8. Dicotylophyllum vesiculaeferens Kovar-Eder sp. nov. 7. SMNS P 1952/310 holotype 8. SMNS P 1952/306 paratype 9–14. Cladites vesiculaeferens Kovar-Eder sp. nov. 9. SMNS P 1952/371 paratype 10. SMNS P 1952/416 holotype 11. NMA 2006-154/1497 12. SMNS P 1953/105 13. NMA 2016-4/2179 14. SMNS P 1952/87 paratype 15. Spiny branch, NMA 2006-23/1497 16. Dicotylophyllum badense Kovar-Eder sp. nov., SMNS P 1952/200 holotype 17. Dicotylophyllum oechsleri Kovar-Eder sp. nov., SMNS P 1952/454 holotype 18. Dicotylophyllum sp., SMNS P 1952/400 19. Cladites vesiculaeferens Kovar-Eder sp. nov., SMNS P 1952/104

Scale bar: 10 mm Plate 7 403

J. Kovar-Eder Acta Palaeobot. 56(2) 404 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016

Plate 8

1–3. Microthyriaceae gen. et sp. indet.

Different stages of fruiting bodies on the cuticle of Phoenicites sp.

1. SMNS P 1952/473-1 2. SMNS P 1952/473-2 3. SMNS P 1952/473-1

4–7. Ceratozamia floersheimensis (Engelhardt) Kvaček 4–6. Cuticle in stoma-bearing condition, note the short rows of strongly cutinised short cells; 4. SMNS P 1952/456-2 5. SMNS P 1952/456-1 6. Stomata with encircling cells, polar cells very slender, remnants of guard cells still preserved, SMNS P 1952/456-1 7. Cuticle in non-stoma-bearing condition, SMNS P 1952/456-2 8. Sequoia abietina (Brongniart in Cuvier) Knobloch, NMA 2016-3/2179-2 9. Tetraclinis salicornioides (Unger) Kvaček, SMNS P 1952/194-2

Scale bar: 50 µm Plate 8 405

J. Kovar-Eder Acta Palaeobot. 56(2) 406 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016

Plate 9

1–3. Actinodaphne pseudogermari Walther 1. Adaxial cuticle and oil glands, SMNS P 1952/17-1 2–3. Abaxial cuticle with stomata overlapped by neighbouring cells, SMNS P 1952/17-2 4–9. Daphnogene cinnamomifolia (Brongniart) Unger 4–5. Probable shade leaf 4. Adaxial cuticle with undulate anticlines and a single trichome base upon a lower-order vein, SMNS P 1953/8-2 5. Abaxial cuticle, largely glabrous except for a prominent trichome base, SMNS P 1953/8-1 6. Abaxial cuticle, trichome bases with thickened polar rim, SMNS P 1953/76-2 7–8. Probable sun leaf 7. Adaxial cuticle with rather straight anticlines, SMNS P 1952/76-2 8. Abaxial cuticle with trichome bases, SMNS P 1952/76-2 9. Abaxial cuticle of a probable sun leaf with dense trichome bases, SMNS P 1952/472-1

Scale bar: 50 µm Plate 9 407

J. Kovar-Eder Acta Palaeobot. 56(2) 408 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016

Plate 10

1–3. Laurus abchasica (Kolakovskii & Shakryl) Ferguson 1. Adaxial cuticle with ? hypodermis, SMNS P 1953/65-2 2–3. Abaxial cuticle 2. SMNS P 1953/65-2 3. SMNS P 1953/75-2 4–9. Laurophyllum rauenbergense Kovar-Eder sp. nov. 4. Adaxial cuticle, SMNS P1953/82-1, holotype 5. Abaxial cuticle, non-modified cells somewhat domed, stomata indistinct, SMNS P 1953/82-2, holotype 6. Abaxial cuticle, non-modified cells somewhat domed, stomata indistinct, SMNS P 1952/391-1, paratype 7. Adaxial cuticle with distinct, large oil glands, SMNS P 1952/93-1, paratype 8–9. Abaxial cuticle 8. SMNS P 1952/445-2, paratype 9. SMNS P 1953/47-1, paratype

Scale bar: 50 µm Plate 10 409

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Plate 11

1–4. Laurophyllum ? rauenbergense Kovar-Eder sp. nov. 1. Adaxial cuticle with slight striae around trichome base, SMNS P 1952/231-2 2. Abaxial cuticle SMNS P 1952/231-1 3. Adaxial cuticle SMNS P 1953/59-1 4. Abaxial cuticle SMNS P 1953/59-1 5–9. Laurophyllum kinkelinii (Engelhardt) Kvaček 5. Adaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/184-1 6–7. Abaxial cuticle with distinctly domed non-modifed cells, SMNS P 1952/184-3 7. Close-up view of 6. 8. Adaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1953/64-1 9. Abaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1953/64-2

Scale bar: 50 µm Plate 11 411

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Plate 12

1–4. Laurophyllum cf. kinkelinii (Engelhardt) Kvaček 2004 var. glabrum Kvaček 1. Adaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/378-1 2. Abaxial cuticle, trichome bases large with radial striae, SMNS P 1952/378-2 3. Adaxial cuticle with striae upon veins and trichome base, SMNS P 1953/87-1 4. Abaxial cuticle 4a. Tichome bases, SMNS P 1953/87-1 4b. Domed cells and sunken, overlapped stomata, SMNS P 1953/87-2 5–7. Laurophyllum pseudoprinceps Weyland & Kilpper s.l. 5. Adaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/389-2 6. Abaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/389-2 7. Abaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1953/15A-2 8–9. Laurophyllum sp. A 8. Adaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/336-2 9. Abaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/336-1

Scale bar: 50 µm Plate 12 413

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Plate 13

1–3. Laurophyllum sp. B 1. Adaxial cuticle with a single oil gland, SMNS P 1952/47-1 2–3. Abaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/47-1 3. Close-up view of 2. 4. Laurophyllum sp. C 4a. Adaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1953/81-2 4b. Abaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1953/81-2 5. Palmacites lamanonis Brongniart, cuticle in stoma-bearing condition, loosely spaced brachyparatetracytic stomatal complexes, 1952/66-1 6–7a. ? Calamoideae gen. et sp. indet., cuticle in stoma-bearing condition, paratetracytic to cyclocytic stomatal complexes, NMA 2016-1/1497-1 6. Close-up view of 7a. 7b–8. Arecaceae gen. et sp. indet., cuticle in stoma-bearing condition, NMA 2016-2/1497-1 8. Close-up view of 7b. 9. Phoenicites sp., Cuticle in stoma-bearing condition, SMNS P 1952/12-1

Scale bar: 50 µm Plate 13 415

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Plate 14

1–6. Platanus neptuni (Ettingshausen) Bůžek, Holý et Kvaček 1. Adaxial cuticle, minutely undulate anticlines and a single gland with at least three base cells, SMNS P 1952/32-1 2. Abaxial cuticle, anticlines vaguely visible, numerous glands, SMNS P1952/32-1 3. Abaxial cuticle, distinct striae to wrinkles, SMNS P 1952/37-1 4. Adaxial cuticle, undulation coarser than in 1., several glands and striation upon veins, SMNS P 1952/465-2 5. Abaxial cuticle, stomata in subparallel position along the margin, SMNS P 1952/465-2 6. Abaxial cuticle, stomatal ledges extremely pronounced but anticlines hardly visible, SMNS P 1953/44-1 7. Eotrigonobalanus furcinervis (Rossmässler) Walther & Kvaček forma haselbachensis (Kvaček & Walther) Kvaček & Walther in Walther, abaxial cuticle, roundish stomatal complexes and simple trichome bases, SMNS P 1953/60-1 8. Betulaceae vel Ulmaceae gen. et sp. indet., abaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/437-1 9. Myrica cf. lignitum (Unger) Saporta sensu Ettingshausen & Standfest 9a. Abaxial cuticle with stomata, SMNS P 1952/361-1 9b. Abaxial cuticle with stoma and peltate trichome, SMNS P 1952/361-2

Scale bar: 50 µm Plate 14 417

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Plate 15

1–2. Myrica longifolia Unger 1. Abaxial cuticle, stoma (arrow), four-celled trichome base, SMNS P 1952/50-1 2a. ? Adaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/186-1 2b. Abaxial cuticle, pluricellular trichome bases, SMNS P 1952/186-1 3–9. Myrica obliquifolia sp. nov. 3a. Adaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/85-1, holotype 3b. Peltate trichome with oblong, two-celled trichome base, SMNS P 1952/85-1, holotype 4. Adaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/232-4, paratype 5a–b. Peltate trichomes with oblong, two-celled trichome bases 5a. SMNS P 1952/232-5 paratype 5b. SMNS P 1952/232-4 paratype 6. Abaxial cuticle, mainly stoma space visible, except for a single one preserved (arrow), SMNS P 1952/238-1, paratype 7. Abaxial cuticle, stomata, SMNS P 1952/255-1, paratype 8. Adaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/255-2, paratype 9a–b. Peltate trichome focused differently, SMNS P 1953/99-2, paratype 9a. Focus on trichome base 9b. Focus on peltate trichome

Scale bar: 50 µm Plate 15 419

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Plate 16

1–3. Distylium metzleri Kovar-Eder sp. nov. 1. Abaxial cuticle, concentric striae upon stomata, parallel wrinkles upon veins and parallel to radial ones around trichome base, SMNS P 1952/43-1, holotype 2. Abaxial cuticle, concentric striae upon stomata, SMNS P 1952/43-2, holotype 3. Adaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/43-2, holotype 4–6. Sloanea olmediaefolia (Unger) Z. Kvaček & Hably 4a. Adaxial cuticle, NMA 2006-114/1497-2 4b. Abaxial cuticle, stomata roundish, cyclo- to anomocytic, NMA 2006-114/1497-2 5. Abaxial cuticle, stomata roundish, cyclo- to anomocytic, SMNS P 1952/340-1 6. Adaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/340-1 7–9. ? Berchemia altorhenana Kovar-Eder sp. nov. 7. Adaxial cuticle, zig-zag coarse of anticlines, SMNS P 1953/92-2, holotype 8. Abaxial cuticle, stomata masked by hyphae of fungi (arrow), trichome bases, SMNS P 1953/92-1, holotype 9. Abaxial cuticle, several stomata, SMNS P 1953/92-2, holotype

Scale bar: 50 µm Plate 16 421

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Plate 17

1–3. ? Ternstroemites maritiae Kovar-Eder sp. nov. 1a. Adaxial cuticle with strongly undulate anticlines, SMNS P 1952/342-1, holotype, 1b. Abaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/342-1, holotype 2–3. Abaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/342-2, holotype 4–6. Symplocos deichmuelleri (Kvaček & Walther) comb. nov. 4. Adaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/62-1 5–6. Abaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/65-1 7–9. Trachelospermum steiningeri Kvaček 7. Adaxial cuticle with remains of secretory bodies, SMNS P 1952/366-2 8–9. Abaxial cuticle, stomata cyclocytic, remains of secretory bodies, SMNS P 1952/366-2

Scale bar: 50 µm Plate 17 423

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Plate 18

1–2. Trachelospermum steiningeri Kvaček 1. Adaxial cuticle with numerous, well-preserved secretory bodies, SMNS P 1952/101-2 2. Abaxial cuticle, stomata (arrows), secretory bodies, SMNS P 1952/101-2 3–5. Trachelospermum kelleri Kovar-Eder sp. nov. 3. Abaxial cuticle, secretory bodies dense, masking the stomata (arrows), NMA 2006-121/1497-1, holotype 4. Abaxial cuticle, a single stoma and its aperture visible, NMA 2006-121/1497-1, holotype 5. Abaxial cuticle, secretory bodies masking the stomata (arrows), SMNS P 1953/101-3, paratype 6–9. Oleinites altorhenana Kovar-Eder sp. nov. 6. Adaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/191-2, holotype 7. Abaxial cuticle, trichome bases, SMNS P 1952/191-2, holotype 8a. Abaxial cuticle, trichome base and small non-modified epidermal cells, SMNS P 1952/191-2, holotype 8b. Abaxial cuticle, stomata, SMNS P 1952/191-2, holotype 9. Abaxial cuticle, stomata and a single trichome base, SMNS P 1952/388-2, paratype

Scale bar: 50 µm Plate 18 425

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Plate 19

1–5a. Oleinites rauenbergensis Kovar-Eder sp. nov. 1. Adaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/380-2, holotype 2a. Probable abaxial cuticle, a prominent trichome base with small peltate head, SMNS P 1952/380-2, holo- type 2b. Abaxial cuticle, stomata, SMNS P 1952/380-2, holotype 3a–c. Small fragments of abaxial cuticle with single stomata 3a–b. SMNS P 1952/380-2, holotype 3c. SMNS P 1952/402-2, paratype 4. Adaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/402-2, paratype 5a. Abaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/402-1, paratype 5b–6. ? Oleinites rauenbergensis Kovar-Eder sp. nov. 5b. Cuticle fragment with trichome bases, SMNS P 1952/6-1 6. Abaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/6-1 7–9. Dicotylophyllum badense Kovar-Eder sp. nov. 7. Adaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/200-2, holotype 8. Abaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/200-3, holotype 9a–b. Abaxial cuticle, stomata 9a. SMNS P 1952/200-2, holotype 9b. SMNS P 1952/200-3, holotype

Scale bar: 50 µm Plate 19 427

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Plate 20

1–5. Dicotylophyllum vesiculaeferens Kovar-Eder sp. nov. 1. Adaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/310-1, holotype 2. Abaxial cuticle with a group of penta- to hexagonal pouches, some still with secretory content, SMNS P 1952/310-1, holotype 3. Close-up view showing balloon-shaped secretory structures in pouches and empty pouches each with a plurilet central mark (arrow), SMNS P 1952/310-1, holotype 4. Abaxial surface, ? stomata (arrows) and single pouches, SMNS P 1952/310-1, holotype 5. ? Abaxial cuticle with a filled pouch, SMNS P 1952/310-2, holotype 6–9. Cladites vesiculaeferens Kovar-Eder sp. nov. 6. Cuticle of the axis, cells arranged in rows and pouches, SMNS P 1952/416-1, holotype 7a–b. and 8a–b. Pouches in different close-up views with adherent and embedded balloon-shaped secretory bod- ies, SMNS P 1952/416-1, holotype 9. Cuticle from a more proximal part of the same axis, cuticle more delicate, cell arrangement not visible, pouches in different stages of development, SMNS P 1952/416-2, holotype

Scale bar: 50 µm Plate 20 429

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Plate 21

1–3. Dicotylophyllum vesiculaeferens Kovar-Eder sp. nov., SEM view of SMNS P 1952/310, holotype 1–2. External view of secreting structure 3. Internal view of secreting structure 4–8. Cladites vesiculaeferens Kovar-Eder sp. nov. 4–6. Internal view, partly clustered secreting structures, i.e. pouches partly with still adherent vesicles, SEM view of SMNS P 1952/416, holotype 4. scale bar 50 µm 6. vesicles appear interconnected 7, 8. External view, SMNS P 1952/104 9. Dicotylophyllum ziegleri Kovar-Eder sp. nov., SEM view of abaxial cuticle, internal side, two cyclocytic stomata and a single gland, SMNS P 1953/86, holotype, scale bar 50 µm

If not noted otherwise, scale bar: 5 µm Plate 21 431

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Plate 22

1–4. Dicotylophyllum oechsleri Kovar-Eder sp. nov. 1. Adaxial cuticle, strongly sinuous anticlines, distinct striation, base of a glandular trichome SMNS P 1952/454-1, holotype 2a. Adaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/454-2, holotype 2b–4b. Abaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/454-1, holotype 2b. Stoma and mesophyll remains 3. Stomata and prominent trichome base of a disc-shaped or globular head 4a–b. Trichome base with depression of the head 4a. Focus on the marginal ridge of the head 4b. Same position as 4a. but focus on the collar-like margin of the trichome base 5–7. Dicotylophyllum ziegleri Kovar-Eder sp. nov. 5a. Adaxial cuticle, SMNS P1953/86-1, holotype 5b. Abaxial cuticle, subparallel stoma orientation, stomata cyclo- to actinocytic, somewhat grouped, SMNS P 1953/86-2, holotype 6a–b. Epidermal glands marginally overlapped by the surrounding, marginally strongly thickened cells 6a. SMNS P 1953/86-2, holotype 6b. SMNS 1953/86-1, holotype 7. Abaxial cuticle with stomata and gland, SMNS P 1953/86-2, holotype 8–9. Dicotylophyllum sp. 8a–b. Abaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/400-1 8a. Cell outlines more or less vaguely visible, ? stomata, trichome bases 8b. A single ? stoma (arrow) 9. Adaxial cuticle with large trichome bases, SMNS P 1952/400-1

Scale bar: 50 µm Plate 22 433

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Plate 23

1–6. Viscophyllum hendriksiae Kovar-Eder sp. nov. 1. Adaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1953/70-1, holotype 2. Abaxial cuticle, cells more or less arranged in rows, subparallel stoma orientation, SMNS P 1953/70-1, holotype 3. Abaxial cuticle, close-up, SMNS P 1953/70-1, holotype 4. Abaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1952/11-1, paratype 5. Adaxial cuticle, ? hypodermis, SMNS P 1953/71-2, paratype 6. Abaxial cuticle, SMNS P 1953/71-2, paratype 7. Berchemia philippinensis Vid., abaxial cuticle, non-modified cells domed, partly overlapping stomata, sur- face granular, SMNS 2015/18-1 8. Berchemia lineata (L.) DC., abaxial cuticle, stomata partly overlapped by non-modified cells, SMNS 2015/16-1 9. Berchemia affinis Hassk., adaxial cuticle, anticlines of non-modified cells somewhat zig-zag undulate, tri- chome base with intensively staining foot, SMNS 2015/7-1

Scale bar: 50 µm Plate 23 435

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Appendix 1. Cuticular features of ? Berchemia altorhenana Kovar-Eder sp. nov. compared to modern species of Berchemia

Abaxial surface Adaxial cuticle surface stoma length (average) size of non- size of non- Berchemia species anticlines surface of anticlines of of non- × width (average), aper- modified indumen- idiocuticular modified idio-cuticular stomata of non-modified non-modified non-modified modified indumentum ture length (AL), aver- epidermal tum structure epidermal structure epidermal cells epidermal cells epidermal cells epidermal age in brackets, [µm] cells, [µm] cells, [µm] cells B. altorhenana slightly sunken, 17–25 (21) × 10–21 (15), moderately not domed 24–38 (35) trichome smooth moderately zig-zag not domed 24–38 (35) scattered trichome bases, smooth Kovar-Eder sp. nov. overlapped AL = 10–17 undulate bases undulate dark-staining centre, by surrounding scattered, sometimes ring of small cuticle not dense encircling cells B. affinis Hassk. not sunken 9–13 (11) × 6–11 ( 9), somewhat shallowly not domed 10–15 (12) absent smooth slender, smooth, not domed 15–31 (22) scattered trichome bases, smooth AL = 4–6 (5) undulate moderately a bit zig-zag dark-staining center, undulate ring of small encircling cells B. berchemiaefolia not to somewhat 13–15 × 7–10, not reproduced somewhat domed not trichomes granulate hardly reproduced on slightly not trichome bases rare with granulate Koidz. sunken AL = 8–14 (10) on cuticle, measurable rare cuticle, straight-bent domed measurable ring of short girdling straight-bent cells B. chanetii Lév. not sunken 12–18 (14) × 9–12 (11), hardly reproduced not domed not glabrous somewhat hardly reproduced on the not domed not glabrous granulate AL = 6–11 (9) on cuticle, measurable granulate cuticle, straight-bent measurable straight-bent B. edgeworthii Law. not sunken AL = 8–11 (9) hardly reproduced somewhat domed not glabrous granulate distinct, smooth, straight not domed 18–39 (27) glabrous granulate on cuticle, bent measurable B. floribunda (Wall.) not sunken, AL = 10–14 (13) delicate, straight not domed 23–45 (36) glabrous finely very thick, straight, con- not domed 27–51 (34) largely glabrous roughly gra- Brongn. orientation granulate tinuous, resolving into nulate partly subparallel pits to vaguely visible B. flavescens (Wall.) sunken AL = 13–20 (15) hardly reproduced domed not glabrous finely distinct, straight, smooth not domed 29–44 (36) glabrous finely granu- Brongn. on cuticle measurable granulate late, addition- ally scattered folds B. fournieri Pancher not sunken 15–19 (16) × 11–14 (13), distinct, slender, not domed 13–26 (20) glabrous rather smooth, distinct, slender, not domed 16–36 (24) glabrous somewhat AL = 8–11 (9) straight to occasionally straight, smooth but finely granu- somewhat wavy delicate folding pitted on the inner side late B. giraldiana Schn. sunken AL = 9–12 (11) not reproduced strongly domed, not trichomes granulate hardly reproduced on not domed not glabrous granulate on cuticle papillae-like measurable abundant cuticle, straight measurable B. kulingensis sunken AL = 8–11 (10) not reproduced strongly domed not glabrous granulate faintly reproduced on not domed 42–60 (53) glabrous granulate Schneid. on cuticle measurable cuticle, straight B. lineata (L.) CD. sunken, orienta- 13–18 (15) × ??, delicate, straight domed 16–23 (20) glabrous smooth vaguely visible, straight, not domed 26–47 (33) glabrous granulate to tion partly sub- AL = 8–13 (10) slender rugulate parallel B. longeracemosa not sunken, 14–20 (16) × ??, hardly reproduced slightly domed not glabrous granulate vaguely visible, straight, slightly 32–43 (37) glabrous granulate Okuyama partly subparallel AL=8–12 (10) on cuticle, measurable slender domed straight-bent B. philippinensis Vid. distinctly sunken AL = 9–12 (10) not reproduced strongly domed, not glabrous strongly thick, straight, smooth not domed 13–20 (17) glabrous granulate on cuticle papillae-like measurable granulate B. racemosa S. & Z. distinctly sunken 13–17 (15) × 12–13 (12), delicate, straight to strongly domed, not glabrous strongly thick, straight, smooth, not domed 20–36 (30) glabrous granulate AL = 9–11 (10) bent, only reproduced papillae-like measurable granulate desintegrating into pits along veins B. sinica Schn. not sunken, AL= 9–13 (11) not reproduced slightly domed not glabrous granulate thick, straight, smooth not domed 19–33 (26) glabrous somewhat orientation on cuticle measurable granulate partly subparallel B. yunnanensis distinctly sunken AL = 7–11 (9) not reproduced strongly domed, 17–27 (22) trichomes smooth thick, straight, smooth, not domed 17–27 (22) glabrous granulate Franch. on cuticle papillae-like abundant desintegrating into pits to hardly traceable J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 437

Appendix 1. Cuticular features of ? Berchemia altorhenana Kovar-Eder sp. nov. compared to modern Appendix 1. Continued species of Berchemia

Abaxial surface Adaxial cuticle surface stoma length (average) size of non- size of non- Berchemia species anticlines surface of anticlines of of non- × width (average), aper- modified indumen- idiocuticular modified idio-cuticular stomata of non-modified non-modified non-modified modified indumentum ture length (AL), aver- epidermal tum structure epidermal structure epidermal cells epidermal cells epidermal cells epidermal age in brackets, [µm] cells, [µm] cells, [µm] cells B. altorhenana slightly sunken, 17–25 (21) × 10–21 (15), moderately not domed 24–38 (35) trichome smooth moderately zig-zag not domed 24–38 (35) scattered trichome bases, smooth Kovar-Eder sp. nov. overlapped AL = 10–17 undulate bases undulate dark-staining centre, by surrounding scattered, sometimes ring of small cuticle not dense encircling cells B. affinis Hassk. not sunken 9–13 (11) × 6–11 ( 9), somewhat shallowly not domed 10–15 (12) absent smooth slender, smooth, not domed 15–31 (22) scattered trichome bases, smooth AL = 4–6 (5) undulate moderately a bit zig-zag dark-staining center, undulate ring of small encircling cells B. berchemiaefolia not to somewhat 13–15 × 7–10, not reproduced somewhat domed not trichomes granulate hardly reproduced on slightly not trichome bases rare with granulate Koidz. sunken AL = 8–14 (10) on cuticle, measurable rare cuticle, straight-bent domed measurable ring of short girdling straight-bent cells B. chanetii Lév. not sunken 12–18 (14) × 9–12 (11), hardly reproduced not domed not glabrous somewhat hardly reproduced on the not domed not glabrous granulate AL = 6–11 (9) on cuticle, measurable granulate cuticle, straight-bent measurable straight-bent B. edgeworthii Law. not sunken AL = 8–11 (9) hardly reproduced somewhat domed not glabrous granulate distinct, smooth, straight not domed 18–39 (27) glabrous granulate on cuticle, bent measurable B. floribunda (Wall.) not sunken, AL = 10–14 (13) delicate, straight not domed 23–45 (36) glabrous finely very thick, straight, con- not domed 27–51 (34) largely glabrous roughly gra- Brongn. orientation granulate tinuous, resolving into nulate partly subparallel pits to vaguely visible B. flavescens (Wall.) sunken AL = 13–20 (15) hardly reproduced domed not glabrous finely distinct, straight, smooth not domed 29–44 (36) glabrous finely granu- Brongn. on cuticle measurable granulate late, addition- ally scattered folds B. fournieri Pancher not sunken 15–19 (16) × 11–14 (13), distinct, slender, not domed 13–26 (20) glabrous rather smooth, distinct, slender, not domed 16–36 (24) glabrous somewhat AL = 8–11 (9) straight to occasionally straight, smooth but finely granu- somewhat wavy delicate folding pitted on the inner side late B. giraldiana Schn. sunken AL = 9–12 (11) not reproduced strongly domed, not trichomes granulate hardly reproduced on not domed not glabrous granulate on cuticle papillae-like measurable abundant cuticle, straight measurable B. kulingensis sunken AL = 8–11 (10) not reproduced strongly domed not glabrous granulate faintly reproduced on not domed 42–60 (53) glabrous granulate Schneid. on cuticle measurable cuticle, straight B. lineata (L.) CD. sunken, orienta- 13–18 (15) × ??, delicate, straight domed 16–23 (20) glabrous smooth vaguely visible, straight, not domed 26–47 (33) glabrous granulate to tion partly sub- AL = 8–13 (10) slender rugulate parallel B. longeracemosa not sunken, 14–20 (16) × ??, hardly reproduced slightly domed not glabrous granulate vaguely visible, straight, slightly 32–43 (37) glabrous granulate Okuyama partly subparallel AL=8–12 (10) on cuticle, measurable slender domed straight-bent B. philippinensis Vid. distinctly sunken AL = 9–12 (10) not reproduced strongly domed, not glabrous strongly thick, straight, smooth not domed 13–20 (17) glabrous granulate on cuticle papillae-like measurable granulate B. racemosa S. & Z. distinctly sunken 13–17 (15) × 12–13 (12), delicate, straight to strongly domed, not glabrous strongly thick, straight, smooth, not domed 20–36 (30) glabrous granulate AL = 9–11 (10) bent, only reproduced papillae-like measurable granulate desintegrating into pits along veins B. sinica Schn. not sunken, AL= 9–13 (11) not reproduced slightly domed not glabrous granulate thick, straight, smooth not domed 19–33 (26) glabrous somewhat orientation on cuticle measurable granulate partly subparallel B. yunnanensis distinctly sunken AL = 7–11 (9) not reproduced strongly domed, 17–27 (22) trichomes smooth thick, straight, smooth, not domed 17–27 (22) glabrous granulate Franch. on cuticle papillae-like abundant desintegrating into pits to hardly traceable 438 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016

Appendix 2. Score sheet of the IPR vegetation analysis (after Kovar-Eder & Kvaček 2008, Teodoridis et al. 2011a)

Zonal Azonal

Taxon CONIF BLD BLE SCL LEG arboreal palm fern arboreal d-herb m-herb azonal woody azonal non- woody aquatic Problematic taxa/ uncounted Control Cystoseirites communis 1.0 1.0 Thallites multifidus 1.0 1.0 Laminarites latus 1.0 1.0 Lygodium kaulfussii 0.5 0.5 1.0 Filicopsida sp. 0.5 0.5 1.0 Ceratozamia floersheimensis 1.0 1.0 Doliostobus taxiformis ? taxiformis 0.5 0.5 1.0 Sequoia abietina 0.5 0.5 1.0 Taxodium sp. 1.0 1.0 Tetraclinis salicornioides 1.0 1.0 Pinus (Strobus) sp. 1 0.5 0.5 1.0 Pinus (Strobus) sp. 2 0.5 0.5 1.0 Pinus sp. 3 0.5 0.5 1.0 Pinus sp. 4 0.5 0.5 1.0 Pinus sp. 5 0.5 0.5 1.0 Pinus sp. 6 0.5 0.5 1.0 Pinus (Pinus) cf. thomasiana 1.0 1.0 Pinus engelhardtii 0.5 0.5 1.0 Actinodaphne pseudogermari 1.0 1.0 Daphnogene cinnamomifolia 0.5 0.5 1.0 Laurus abchasica 1.0 1.0 Laurophyllum kinkelinii inkl. 1.0 1.0 L. kinkelinii glabrum Laurophyllum pseudoprinceps 0.5 0.5 1.0 Laurophyllum rauenbergense 0.5 0.5 1.0 Laurophyllum sp. A 1.0 1.0 Laurophyllum sp. B 1.0 1.0 Laurophyllum sp. C 1.0 1.0 Palmacites lamanonis 0.5 0.5 1.0 Sabalites major 0.5 0.5 1.0 Phoenicites sp. 0.5 0.5 1.0 ? Calamoideae gen. et sp. indet. 0.5 0.5 1.0 Arecaceae gen. et sp.indet. 0.5 0.5 1.0 Platanus neptuni 1.0 1.0 ? Buxus egeriana 0.5 0.5 1.0 Eotrigonobalanus furcinervis f. 1.0 1.0 haselbachensis Betula dryadum 1.0 1.0 Betulaceae vel Ulmaceae gen. et sp. 1.0 1.0 indet. Comptonia difformis 0.5 0.5 1.0 Myrica cf. lignitum 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.0 Myrica longifolia 1.0 1.0 Myrica obliquifolia 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.0 Carya fragiliformis 0.5 0.5 1.0 Carya quadrangula 0.5 0.5 1.0 Engelhardia orsbergensis/ 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.0 E. macroptera ? Berchemia altorhenana 0.5 0.5 1.0 ? Leguminocarpon sp. 1.0 1.0 Sloanea artocarpites 0.5 0.5 1.0 Sloanea olmediaefolia 0.5 0.5 1.0 Populus germanica 0.5 0.5 1.0 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016 439

Appendix 2. Continued

Zonal Azonal

Taxon CONIF BLD BLE SCL LEG arboreal palm fern arboreal d-herb m-herb azonal woody azonal non- woody aquatic Problematic taxa/ uncounted Control Craigia bronnii 0.5 0.5 1.0 Distylium metzleri 0.5 0.5 1.0 ? Viscophyllum hendriksiae 1.0 1.0 Hydrangea microcalyx 1.0 1.0 ? Ternstroemites maritiae 1.0 1.0 Symplocos deichmuelleri 1.0 1.0 Trachelospermum kelleri 0.5 0.5 1.0 Trachelospermum steiningeri 0.5 0.5 1.0 Oleinites altorhenana 1.0 1.0 Oleinites rauenbergensis 0.5 0.5 1.0 Pungiphyllum cruciatum 0.5 0.5 1.0 Dicotylophyllum badense 0.5 0.5 1.0 Dicotylophyllum oechsleri 0.5 0.5 1.0 Dicotylophyllum vesiculaeferens 0.5 0.5 1.0 Dicotylophyllum ziegleri 0.5 0.5 1.0 Dicotylophyllum sp. 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.0 Cladites vesiculaeferens 1.0 1.0 Winged fruit or seed incertae sedis 1.0 1.0 Spiny branch 1.0 1.0 sum of taxa 5.5 8.8 22.8 4.8 1.5 2.5 0.0 0.0 1.0 14.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 68.0 sum of zonal taxa 47.0 percent of all zonal taxa 11.7 18.8 48.6 10.3 3.2 5.3 0.0 0.0 2.1 100.0 440 J. Kovar-Eder / Acta Palaeobotanica 56(2): 329–440, 2016

today. Aw Aw Aw Cfa Cfa Cfa Cfa Cfa Cfa Am Cfa type Cwb Cwa Cwa Cwa Cwb Cwb Cwb Cwb Cwb sensu Köppen Climate 7 8 2 5 4

31 32 12 38 48 30 30 18 25 16 30 39 13 19 28 [mm] DMMP

Dec Dec Jan Dec Dec Dec Jan Jan Jan Dec Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Jan Feb Dec Nov Driest March month Sloanea , and Ceratozamia

278 287 209 258 347 228 270 330 264 338 553 232 145 434 225 360 258 284 315 249 [mm] WMMP Platanus kerrii ,

Oct Aug Aug Aug July July July May May Sept Sept Sept June June June June June June June June month Wettest

999 697 1527 1469 1720 1775 1363 1518 1735 1581 1684 2075 1467 1516 1737 1578 1457 1526 1529 1143 MAP [mm]

8.4 9.0 8.4 8.6 [°C] 14.2 12.9 13.9 13.7 14.5 17.1 17.5 16.6 13.9 21.4 21.7 19.5 17.0 17.7 15.7 24.7 CMMT

Feb Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Dec Jan Jan Dec Jan month Coldest

[°C] 28.3 20.3 29.0 28.8 28.7 29.1 29.0 28.3 28.9 29.4 20.8 29.2 29.8 28.1 27.6 21.7 19.8 11.2 31.3 18.4 WMMT

July July July July July July July July July May May May May June June June June April April April month Warmest

21.7 15.2 21.9 22.2 19.5 22.5 22.8 23.8 24.2 23.8 25.7 19.8 17.6 25.4 19.9 24.6 28.2 18.6 10.2 17.2 MAT [°C] 8 8

15 52 18 81 21 10 29

155 106 112 120 397 [m] 1911 2060 1325 1578 3093 1846 Altitude ′ N

25 ° 04 ′ N 23 ° 24 ′ N 23 ° 06 ′ N 23 ° 13 ′ N 25 ° 16 ′ N 25 ° 50 22 ° 38 ′ N 22 ° 25 ′ N 20 ° 00 ′ N 22 ° 29 ′ N 21 ° 02 ′ N 21 ° 00 ′ N 19 ° 09 ′ N 16 ° 04 ′ N 14 ° 41 ′ N 14 ° 46 ′ N 15 ° 20 ′ N 14 ° 33 ′ N 19 ° 55 ′ N 15 ° 42 ′ N Latitude

tude Longi - 99 ° 50 ′ E 96 ° 08 ′ W 89 ° 20 ′ W 90 ° 36 ′ W 91 ° 18 ′ W 90 ° 27 ′ W 102 ° 41 ′ E 116 ° 41 ′ E 113 ° 29 ′ E 110 ° 17 ′ E 114 ° 56 ′ E 109 ° 37 ′ E 108 ° 13 ′ E 107 ° 22 ′ E 110 ° 15 ′ E 103 ° 57 ′ E 105 ° 51 ′ E 108 ° 21 ′ E 100 ° 08 ′ E 101 ° 17 ′ W Kunming, Yunnan Shantou, Guangdong Guangzhou, Guangdong Guilin, Guangxi Ganzhou, Jiangxi Guigang, Guangxi Nanning, Guangxi Chongzuo, Guangxi Haikou, Hainan Lào Cai, Vietnam Hanoi, Vietnam Climate station Guanajuato, Gto Veracruz Da Nang, Vietnam Olopa San Raymundo Aguacatan Puerta Parada Chiang Rai Chiang Nakhon Sawan 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10 13 14 15 16 19 20 17 18 China Mexico Vietnam Thailand Guatemala

MAT – mean annual temperature, CMMT – coldest month mean temperature, WMMT – warmest month mean mean precipitation, temperature, DMMP MAP – driest – month mean mean precipitation. annual Climate precipitation, data WMMP derived from – wettest month Appendix 3 . Climate data from the distribution region of the evergreen sclerophyllous broad-leaved forest sensu Wang (1961) as well as