Palestine (5A3ette
XLbe Palestine (5a3ette Ipubltebeb b^ Hutbority No. 632 THURSDAY, 24TH SEPTEMBER, 1936 949 CONTENTS Page BILL PUBLISHED FOR INFORMATION ־ Pensions (Palestine Gendarmerie) Ordinance, 1936 - - 951 ORDINANCES CONFIRMED ־ - ־ Confirmation of Ordinances Nos. 44 and 57 of 1936 953 GOVERNMENT NOTICES Appointments, etc. - 953 Obituary ------ 954 Sittings of Court of Criminal Assize - 954 Sale of State Domain in Tiberias - - - - 955 Augmented Air Mail Service to Iraq, Iran and Iranian Gulf Ports - - 955 Tender and Adjudication of Contract - 956 Citation Orders - - - - - 956 Bankruptcy 957 EETURNS Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary - 95V Financial Statement at the 31st May, 1936 - - - - 958 Statement of Assets and Liabilities at the 31st May, 1936 - - - 960 Persons entering and leaving Palestine during August, 1936 - - 962 Persons changing their Names - 964 REGISTRATION OF CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES, COMPANIES, PARTNERSHIPS, ETC. - 965 CORRIGENDA - - - - .958 SUPPLEMENT No. 2. The following subsidiary legislation is published in Supplement No. 2 which forms part of this Gazette:— Court Fees (Amendment) Rules, 1936, under the Courts Ordinances, 1924-1935, and the ־ - - Magistrates' Courts Jurisdiction Ordinance, 1935 1119 Tariffs for the Transport of Goods under the Government Railways Ordinance, 1936 1120 {Continued) PRICE 30 MILS. CONTENTS {Continued) Page Curfew Order in respect of certain Areas within the Jerusalem District, under the ׳ Emergency Regulations, 1936 - - - 1122 Curfew Orders in respect of the Railway Formations in the Northern District, under the Emergency Regulations, 1936 . 1123 Curfew Orders in respect of the Town Planning Area of Nablus, Jenin—Deir-Sharaf— Tulkarm—Qalqilia Road, Nablus—Jerusalem Road and Municipal Areas of Acre, Jenin and Tulkarm, under the Emergency Regulations, 1936 - 1124 Rules under the Forests Ordinance, 1926, regarding the Forest Ranger at Zikhron Ya'aqov ------ !127 Notice under the Customs Ordinance, 1929, approving a General Bonded Warehouse ־ at the Levant Fair Grounds, Tel Aviv 1127 Order No.
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