FILED: ERIE COUNTY CLERK 11/13/2015 01:22 PM INDEX NO. 804125/2014 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 252 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 11/13/2015 Sean E. Cooney, Esq. Frank J. Dolce, Esq. Marc C. Panepinto, Esq. DOLCE PANEPINTO, P.C. 1260 Delaware A venue Buffalo, New York 14209 Tel: (716) 852-1888 Email:
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Christopher Marlborough, Esq. THE MARLBOROUGH LAW FIRM, P.C. 445 Broad Hollow Road, Suite 400 Melville, New York 11747 Tel: (212) 991-8960 Email:
[email protected] Attorneys for Plaintiffs Additional counsel listed on signature page SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF ERIE --------------------------------------------------------------------)( CAITLIN FERRARI, ALYSSA U ., MARIA P ., and Index No. 804125/2014 MELISSA M. on Behalf of Themselves and All Others Similarly Situated, THIRD AMENDED AND Plaintiffs, SUPPLEMENTAL CLASS vs. ACTION COMPLAINT THE NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE, BUFF ALO BILLS, INC., CUMULUS RADIO COMPANY f/k/a CITADEL BROADCASTING COMPANY, STEPHANIE MATECZUN, and STEJON PRODUCTIONS CORPORATION, Defendants. --------------------------------------------------------------------)( THIRD AMENDED AND SUPPLEMENTAL CLASS ACTION COMPLAINT I Plaintiffs Caitlin Ferrari, Alyssa U., Maria P. and Melissa M. ("Plaintiffs"), individually and on behalf of all others similarly situated, through their undersigned attorneys, for their Second Amended and Supplemental Class Action Complaint against Defendants National Football League ("NFL"), Buffalo Bills, Inc. ("Buffalo Bills"), Cumulus Radio Company, formerly known as Citadel Broadcasting Company ("Citadel"), Stephanie Mateczun ("Mateczun"), and Stejon Productions Corporation ("Stejon," collectively with Defendants Buffalo Bills, Mateczun, and Citadel, the "Bills Defendants"), allege upon information and belief, except as to the allegations that pertain to them, which are based upon personal knowledge, as follows: NATURE OF THE ACTION I.