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a4 - MAN^CHESrftlt h e r a l d . Tues.. Feb. 9, 1982

Hay fells Rotary iThe trouble with AAHS teacher l#o look to future A G Carl A jello Ihot tub hostess ■ • i ... page 3 ... page 4 ... page 17

Partly sunny, Manchester, Conn. cold Thursday Wed.. Feb. 10, 1982 — See page 2 25 Cents

Reagan blasts Fed control

mark,ed by longer recessions and By Donald H. May Said Reagan, “ Unfortunately, the improve monetary policy, including - Reagan’s message came the same inflation. In fact, this is a main part setting money supply by law day Federal Reserve Chairman higher unemployment. United Press International high and volatile money growth of of Reagan's plan. But it criticized the past, and the high inflation and or constitutional amendment. Paul Volcker was reporting to the Fed for allowing the money Another long-range possibility, WASHINGTON - President high interest rates which accom­ The president said deficits .Congress the'Fed’s money targets supply to fluctuate too much from the report said, would be to pass a . Reagan today blamed the recession panied it, were instrumental in project^ in the 1983 budget'he sent for this year. In cdntrast to Reagan, the targets. law or constitutional amendment Congress .this week are Volcker has said deficits ap­ and other economic ills partly on the. bringing about the poor and highly It called for more “ cooperation" setting a rate for money growth or “ undesirably high” but they “ will proaching $100 billion could slow Federal Reserve and urged the uneven economic performance of between the administration, inflation and requiring the Fed to not jeopardize the economic recovery. The administration agency to control the money supply 1980 and 1981, culminating in a sharp Congress and the Fed. follow it. , more evenly. fall in output and a rise in un­ recovery.” projects a 1983 deficit of $91.5 In his annual economic message employment in the latter months of He said his economic policies billion. . The report considered the idea of Congress made the Fed indepen­ to Congress, Reagan urged the in­ 1981.” “ are the appropriate response to our trying to control money growth by dent on the theory neither the dependent Fed to follow "a policy of Reagan’s Council of Economic curent difficulties and will provide ’The report made clear the ad­ tying it to gold. It said gold stan­ legislative nor executive branches gradual and less volatile reduction Advisers, in an accompanying the basis for a vigorous economic ministration supports the Fed-'s dards before World War I failed to could be trusted with the money in the growth of the money supply.” report, suggested several ways to recovery this year.” policy of slow money growth to fight end price fluctuations and were supply. Town has to use contractors Some snow won't work overtime

By Paul Hendrie example, that if may be possible to Herald Reporter get away with sanding and salting the roads, but skipping the more The unwillingness of some town expensive plowing, when less than Bonner higher tar lookers affirm highway personnel to work overtime three or four in c h e s s n o w falls. during snowstorms has forced the Bu Weiss cautlonea that such a town into a heavier than necesimry cost, saving, practice; could cost the dependence on expensive outside town money in the long'Fun. ■' ‘ '*: contractors, new .Public Works “ One of the problems is to a t-- taste, ease of switch, Director George A. Kandra said in a Connecticut is a suft prone state,” report to the Board of Directors. said Weiss.. “ If someone is oir the “ Under our present operational highway'and stubs his'toe, we ^et hit system, there is no assurance from with the suit. What you don’t pay in one snowstorm to the next that snow plowing, you may pay in law­ MERIT Gear Choice rostered personnel will be available suits.” The research results are on an overtime basis to man town- In his report, he said town'(. owned plow equipment;” wrote highway personnel, since he has overwhelming. InNewlbsts. Kandra. “ The maximum number of been on the job, has spent almost all town plows that can be dispatched at their time providing “ bare pave­ New National Smoker In addition, extensive any one time, provided town per­ ment surfaces,” to the exclusion of sonnel are willing to work overtime, all other work. is 21. KANDRA SAlp IN HIS report he Study provides solid unmarked-pack tests con­ “ Either we reduce the number of would minimize the use of outside plow routes to match the number of contractors. He said he already has employees available in a particular evidence that ‘Enriched firm that hffiR lT delivers eliminated the “ quick call” for out­ storm, or we utilize outside help.” side help in sanding and. salting and Kandra added, “ the never- that snow pick-up operations have Flavorl MERIT offers a a winning combination o f knowing-until-the-last-minute "- 11' been eliminated this year. In the Herald photo by Tarquinio problem of how many employees event of a major snowstorm, snow want to work overtime (means! the satisfying alternative to taste and low tar when com­ pick-up would have to be approved use of outside contract help by Weiss, said Kandra. Start this morning becomes paramount.” Slow higher tar cigarettes. pared against higher tar “ We do have certain in-house MAYOR STEPHEN T. PENNY GEORGE A. KANDRA policies and procedures that have been enforced oyer the years that Westbound traffic was slowed down a bit Manchester developed when a car skidded leaders. said he was unhappy with the “ in­ ... personnel avoiding Overtime MERITTaste timation that some employees are should be quesetioned- and perhaps bbout 7 a.m. today on Interstate 86 near Exit and hit the guardrail west of this area. not presenting themselves to wbrk changed in light of today’s standard 91. The long line stringing back toward ^ a rk s Switch. Confirmed:The over­ overtime during snowstorms.” He asked to look further into ways ot and expect^ levels of service,” .1 ’ ■ told Kandra and General Manager cutting the reliance on contractors. wrote itondra. Nationwide survey reveals whelming majority reported Robert B. Weiss that the board ^11 He told the board Manchester Weiss noted that the niajor reason support efforts to change the situa­ may do a more thorough job of snow the town ran out of snow clearance tion through collective bargaining. clearance than necessary, thereby money early this year was the over 90% of MERIT smokers M ER IT taste e q u ^ to—or The board allocated $18,000, so the driving op the cost. severe winter. Gengras town can continue snow clearance “ From what I have observed, you He .'said, when a budget was who switched from higher better than—leading higher operations using private contractors do more than, some communities prepared, a hard winter was not an­ through this winter.- But Kandra was do,’’ said Kandra. He said, for ticipated. tar are glad they did. In fact, tar brands. ing a ‘bad deal' 94% d o n t even miss their Cdn/trmed’W h en tar Hdig praises former brands. levels were revealed, 2 out of By Jaipes V. Healion AND WHILE GENGRAS is But he says Hartford’s robust united P re s s mtSrnational talking, Hartford National Chair­ rival, the larger Hartford-based Further Evidence: 9 out 3 chose the MERIT combina­ man Robert L. Newell is not — at Connecticut Bank and Trust Co., got WEST HARTFORD — E. Qayton least for public consumption. into the act and pushed the bidding NATO's unity Gdngras'' usually tries to reach “ I can’t say very much. The deci­ from $41 million to $56 million. of 10 former higher tar tion of low tar and good agreement through a meeting of the sion has not been handed down by Hartford's Newell upped the ante by minds. If pressed, he’ll call on “ the the court. We always felt our deal is $1 million. smokers report MERIT an taste. dear Lord and 16 policemen.” a fair one for our shareholders and I CBT’s chairman, Walter J, Con­ over Poland He biasn’t called on the almlght or still feel that way very strongly. nolly Jr., folded his hand and turned the cops yet, but be has gone to That’s all I can say. I don’t think I his attention to acquiring State easy switch, that they d id n’t Year after year, in study court to persuade a federal judge should make any other comment,” National Bank, -the state’s flfth- MADRID, Spain (UPI) — Secretary of State the Hartford National Corp.’s Newell said. largest bank. after study, MERIT remains A le x i^ e r Haig praised a “ very clear and full Western acquistion of the Bridgeport-based Gengras wants the judge to undo give up taste in switching, ONE OF THE REASONS there unity” to ^ y and said the NA’TO allies were never more Connecticut National Bank is net in the Hartford meeting that led to the is such a drumbeat of change in the united than they are against military rule in Poland. the beet interests of Hartford’s vote and the vote itself approving unbeaten. The proven taste ordinarily quiet New England and that MERIT is the best­ At an airport news conference before leaving for Por­ -shareholders. the merger. And he wants Hartford GSngras is Hartford’s largest to revise the merger material sent tugal and subsequently Morocco and Romania, Haig - Please turn to page 12 tasting low tar they’ve ever alternative to higher tar denied there are differences within the Western alliance shareholder with 6.3 percent of its ;lts shareholders. over the Polish situation and sanctions against Warsaw bank’s stock or 182,512 shares worth j He has no problem with the ap­ tried. smoking—is MERIT. and Moscow. |S.7$ milUon, I '. proval of Connecticut National At Tuesday’s resumption of the Madrid conference on ‘ 'R ’ |b|t . bad diMl,’’ Gengras, 73, isharetolders and had none with Index Kings&lOO^ European Security and Cooperation, Haig led the ' iuld at;Tils West Hartford borne as Hartford’s original offer of $41 his dog, “ Josh,” 'a golden retriever, i million for the Bridgeport bank. He western attack on Poland’s martial law nilera, warning Advice ...... 22 ^dded around the manorial living approved that deal. The price was there will be no “ business as usual” while r^ression Area to w n s ...... 28 room. “ All I’m trying to do is to stop O Morrto Inc. 19t2 continues. right. Business...... 29 that deal.” U.S. District Judge Jose Haig told reporters the United States views with Classified...... 30-31 Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined /• , A. Cabranes has beard arguments “ great concern” West European natural gas Imports C om ics...... 27 Reg: 8 mg "tar,” 0.6 mg nicotine—Men: 7 mg "ta d * 0.5 mg from both sides and a derision is from the Soviet Union because it does not want to see its Entertainment ...... 23 That Cigarene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. UPI photo pending. nicotine—100'$ Reg: 0 mg "ta r" 0.7 mg nicotine—100's Men: Western partners become dependent on energy supplies Lottery...... 2 The issue is whether the Hartford 10 mg "tar," 0.8 mg nicmine av. per cigarette, FTC Report Mar'.RI from the Bast. Samples today Obituaries ..'...... 12 U.S. Secretary of State Alexander Haig corporation misled its‘shareholders “ We hope our ^rop ean partners will cancel or scale Opinion...... 4 makes a point at a news conference Tuesday in mailings on the proposed $57 The Manchester Herald today down the project,” he said at the press copnferehce. Peopletalk...... 2 Irr-Madrid following his tough speech at the million merger with Connecticut continues its sampling program ' in reply to a question, he agreed there Is “ a connec­ Sports...... 13-16 : National 4u Gengras claims it did. to bring copies of the tion” between the negotiations on use of military bases European Security Oonference in which he Television ...... 23 in I^Mln and the U.S. aid program for Spain shortly to be itartforil says it misled nobody newqiaper to ^-subscribers attacked the military repression In Poland Weather...... ,...... 2 and Moscow's backstage role In the events. and its (MToxy materials were ac­ in Mandiester. Please turn to page 12 curate and complete.

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MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed.. Feb. 10. 1982 - 3 2 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed., Feb, 10, 1982 /) News Briefing MATONAl WIATHER SOIVICf rOOECAST 10 r AM E 8T , Electric firm nears land buy t: ( 6 face court V.

in El Salvador TlMPIRATtMt with hearing, bonds approval 4^ decides it wants to use more of the SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (UPl) By Paul Hendrie — ’The Salvadoran government will bring lot, the company must move the Herald Reporter towa’s gravel to adjacent town land. at least six national guardsmen before a UPl WEAtNtn FOtOCAtl fl court as early as today for the slayings of Economy Electric Supply Co. • Rubinow said the first phase of four American missionary wonien 14 learned Tuesday the Connecticut construction, to be completed in months ago, judicial and diplomatic Development Authority approved up 1983, would be 100,(X)0 equare feet. The facility ultimately would be sources said. to IS million in industrial bonding to Tass reveals El Salvador’s national'- guard com­ , finance construction of its propraed ' 225,000 square feet and would mander hinted two more national new plant near- Union Pond. employ 300 people. There are now weapons plan guardsmen have been detained in the Weather Now, the company needs to buy 200 Economy employeee, he said. Dec. 2, 1980, murders, saying a the 10 acres frm the town for the Economy would pay $150,000 to Washington Post report eight guardsmen facility. It took a step closer to that the town for the land. A 13,000 non- MOSCOW (U P l) — Th6 Soviet are now jailed was “partially true.” Tuesday night when a Board of refundable deposit already has been leadership, bypassing a ban on public “I cannot say anything; about it,” Directors public hearing on the land paid. Dworkin tried to make a com­ discussion of the U.S.-Soviet arms national guard chief Gen. Eugenio Vldes sale produced no opposition. peting bid for the land, but Economy negotiations, proposed the number of Casanova said Tuesday. “The Defense Extended outlook Jon D. Berman, an attorney with paid its deposit first. medium-range nuclear weapons in the Beck and Pagano firm represen­ Berman said, during a recess, that Ministry is going to give a press con­ Extended outlook for New England Friday through Europe be, slashed by more than two- ference tomorrow or the day after and ting pharmacist Michael Dworkin, he believes the terms of the sale are thirds by l’990. Sunday: . . . , the leading opponent of plans to too favorable for Economy. He said will give information aboutJt.” MaA«acliuMHH, Rliocle Island and to n iim ic u l: The lengthy article, expanding on a In Washington, a spokesman for the develop a 27-acre industrial park in the land is worth more than its proposal made by President Leonid Generally fair weather through the period. Highs in the the area — with Economy Electric selling price. He also said the terme State Department had no comment on 30s Friday warming to the 40s on Sunday. Overnight Brezhnev last week, was carried reports of additional arrests but said as its centerpiece — sat quietly, allowing the town first right to buy Tuesday by the official Tass news agen­ “we understand the investigation is all lows in the teens to low 20s. while Elconomy’s attorney Laurence back land, if Economy decides not Vermont; Partly cloudy Friday, variable cloudiness to use parts of it, are actually cy without a signature, indicating it but complete.” P. Rubino.w presented his came from leading Kremlin figures. Six guardsmen were jailed April 29 in Saturday, increasing cloudiness Sunday with a chanci^f arguments. stricter than the terms of the a shower; becoming milder; high Friday in the mid 20s original sale. In G eneva,, the U.S. and Soviet UPl photo the murders of Maryknoll nuns Ita Ford But Berman said his silence negotiators held their 14th session of the and Maura Clark of the New York City to mid 30s and low zero to 15, rising on Sunday to “ighs in should not be read as approval of the Rubinow said in his presentation, European arms reduction talks and kept the mid 30s to low 40s and lows in the teens to near 20. LEROY E. HAY sale and he vpwed to. continue op­ however, that the purchase price area and Sister Dorothy Kazel arid lay Maine, New llainpshire: Fair weather through the to their agreement not to comment while Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and his wife, Nancy, leave a worker Jean Donovan of the Cleveland- ... looks Into the future position once the b o ^ takes of­ Economy has agreed to pay is $300 period. Highs in the 20s north and 30s south. Lows in the Harald photo by Hendrie more per acre than the value deter­ discussions were under way. news conference Tuesday at Massachusetts General Hospital after he based Ursuline order. ficial action. A decision by the boerd But. apparently seeking world ap­ single numbers north and teens south. was tabled until next Tuesday’s mined by the town. announced that he will undergo heart surgery today. Kissinger said he One possible explanation for Vides proval, the Soviet Union made public meeting. Representatives for Economy Electric Supply Co., presenting Dworkin and his lawyers have entered the hospital last week because of chronic shoulder pain ... but Casanova’s remark was that one or more through Tass its Geneva proposal to cut arrested guardsmen had been freed but “Everybody knows what our posi­ their proposal to the Board of Directors Tuesday night to buy argued that the land should be medium-range weapons from 1,000 units tests revealed it was his heart. there might have been more than six, Hay tells Rotary tion is,” said Berman. He did not 10 acres of town land, brought along their own court preserved as open space. They also on each side now to approximately 600 by Today’s forecast rule out an already threatened law­ have led the fight against construc­ observers said. stenographer, to keep an accurate record. Robert Miller, the tion of the J.C. Penney warehouse 1985 and 300 by 1990. A criminal court judge could open a suit, to try to overturn tme sale. stenographer, records the public hearing, in case the land sale Tass said the Soviet proposal would Partly sunny and windy today. High temperatures 25 and the Buckland Industrial Parke, pre-trial hearing in the 14-month-old “Let’s just say we’re keeping all our faces legal opposition later. apply to all mediumrange nuclear Kissinger in surgery today case today, the judicial sources said. One to 30. Fair tonight. Lows 10 to 15. Thursday partly sunny. to look to future, options o p ^ .” also for environmental reasons. weapons with a range of at least 620 Highs 25. to 30. Northwest winds 15 to 25 mph today For the well-prepared Rublnow, Also on the board agenda Tuesday top Western diplomat said the becoming westerly and diminishing tb around 10 mph regulations,” Rubinow pledged. Although he agreed theland has been miles, deplo.ved in Europe or adjacent guardsmen faced an “imminent” court the lack of opi^sition must have was acceptace by the town of BOSTON (UPl) — Former Secretary “The chances of everything going well tonight. Southwest winds around 10 mph Thursday. “We are committed to protecting all zoned aor industrial use, he said the Economy’s gift of 24 quartz heaters, waters, and added, verification appearance. come as a surprise. He even brought measures "will be worked out.” of State Henry A. Kissinger, who are very high,” said Dr. Gerald Austen, environmental resources.” comprehensive plan supercedes the to be distributed to the needy. a long-time family friend and physcian, control decisions along a coprt stenograpmer, to take The Soviet Union said each side would checked into a ^sto n hospital last week an accurate record of the hearing. Rubinow said the parcel, now used zoning. Skeptics wondered if this was a determine the weapons removed and complaining of a sore shoulder, un­ who was to help perform the surgery as a town gravel pit. has been zoned Town Planner Alan F. Lamson coincidence. along with senior heart surgeon Dr. Mor­ Rubinow said the new facility could modernize or replace weapons derwent delicate open heart surgery Long Island Sound By Nancy Thompson personally control is decreasing all would provide more jobs, increalse for industrial use since 1953. has said that the comprehensive "If the quartz heaters are such a within the agreed levels. today to repair a blocked artery and two timer Buckley. Cardinal Cody the time. Goods, things, stuff, is “The present proposal is consis­ plan is not a binding document. In big deal, then Mike Dworkin is “He is in excellent health, his heart ^Herald Reporter the town’s tax base and allow the other damaged vessels. Long iHlanil Soiinil from Vi’aleli Hill, R.I., to Mon- doubling every 10 years in the town to use the revenue generated to tent with the long standing zoning addition, he has noted that part of willing to donate some vitamins to Martin Bander, a spokesman at muscle is excellent,” Austen said. laiik Point, N .^N orthw est winds 20 to 25 knots with Where were you when Monroe United States.” and the comprehensive plan of the the parcel is designated as commer­ the town,” Bruce Beck, an associate “There’s some risk in a heart operation. to step down develop the rest of the industrial Massachusetts General Hospital, said higher gusts today, gradually diminishing to around 15 Rathbone made Tiis momentous Hay said changes in major in­ park. town of Manchester,” Rubinow cial land in the comprehensive plan. of Berman’s, quipped this morning. surgery began around 8 a.m. and would Mr. Kissinger and his family understand decision? stitutions have already started to claimed. Economy’s facility would be built Once the directors review the New storms CHICAGO (UPl) — Cardinal John P. knots tonight. West to southwest winds at 10 to 15 knots. He also said landscaping and end four to five hours later. A report on that. He will probably be more vigorous Thursday. Fair through Thursday with visibility over 5 ’That’s the question Dr. LeRoy E. take place. He pointed toward the Berman disputed this during a on the 10 acres of town land and an agreement, they are expected to ap­ sometime afterwards.” Cody, under federal investigation to cooperation with the Hockanum Kissinger's condition was expected by miles.' Wave heights building to 4 to 6 feet today, then Hay posed to the members of the family, which has changed from the River Linear Park Committee recess. He claimed most of the area adjacent privately owned plot. For prove the land sale, probably next sweep nation mid-afternoon. Austen, chief of surgical services at determine if he diverted more than $1 subsiding to 2 to 3 feet by late tonight. Rotary Club of Manchester extended family, including is designated in the town’s com­ two years, the town can continue to Tuesday night, qgartz heaters an the hospital, said Kissinger would million in church funds to a woman would mean dn aesthetically Doctors said Tuesday Kissinger's cor­ 'Tuesday. relatives, to the nuclear family, or pleasing facility. Since the building prehensive plan as open space. remove the gravel or, if Economy vitamins notwithstanding. onary artery disease was diagnosed probably require a triple bypass, but he friend, will resign as head of the 2.5 Hay, a Manchester High School immediate family. That is beginning By United Press International cautioned he and Buckely would not million-member Roman Catholic would be heat^ and cooled witin Monday following a special X-ray tests teacher with a doctorate of to change again. Hay said, nothing electricity, Rubinow said there A new storm that dumped sleet, rain called an angiogram. know for sure until they actually archdiocese Dec. 24, his office an­ Back Copies philosophy in secondary education, that sociologists say there wilt be no operated. He said Monday’s tests in­ nounced. would be no air or water pollution. and up to 8 inches of snow from Kissinger, 58, was reported in good The Manchester Herald keeps back copies for sale for ’ noted that most people remember one, typical family style by 1990, “We will comply with all Oklahoma to the Canadian border physical condition, aside from his heart dicated one artery was completelv The Rev. Msgr. Francis A. Bracken, 30 days only. The cost is 25 cents per copy and the where they were when Pearl Harbor with a mix of single people, un­ THREE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Vicar General of the archdiocese, applicable government muscled in on the East today, sending ailment, and doctors said they expected blocked and two others had narrowed Herald office at 1 Herald Square is open weekdays from was hit or when John F. Kennedy married couples, divorced parents, 260 NO. MAIN ST. motorists slipping and sliding from the the operation to be successful. because of the disease. Tuesday told 80 diosesan senators of 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. was assassinated, but few know and others. Cody’s plan to retire on his 75th birthday, MANCHESTER, CT. DOUBLE Dakotas to the Carolinas and leaving no where they were when Rathbone NORTHWAY doubt winter was still well in control. ' the press secretary for the religious body TECHNOLOGY IS ALSO un­ made a decision which had more of dergoing a change from automation, At least nine people — four in said. V ‘ an effect than any world event. Man wants Manuf actur er* s Michigan, two in Oklahoma, two in Jury cap hear body theories Marion O’Neill said Cody, who has a which assists human power, to On Aug. 8, 1960, Rathbone, an / rplxitlcs, which replaces human Missouri and one in Illinois — have died history of diabetes and heart trouble ahd . Exxon executive, decided that his | —(drucial to'the state’s case — or off tlie .'recently, was released from a hospital, jwweri. In the latest blast, which sen.t ATLANTA (UPl) — The/judge ap­ company was paying far too milch In “The machine is beginning to six acres Coupons temperatures plummeting to 30 below parently has decided dissident next bridge, downstream. will submit his resignation to Pope John Lottery taxes to the oil-producing nations. ; i > E h d y s zero in northern Wisconsin and But becausb fvitnesses reported seeing Paul II, who must accept it. Canon law replace the humrin being MON DAY-SUN DAY hydrologist David Rufus Dingle can Hay said. One month later, those altogether,” Hay said, adding that Minnesota Tuesday. Illinois also had sub­ bring his aquatic dummies into court in Payne’s body floating upstream from the urges prelates-to resign by the time they countries formed OPEC, the I wniviFHOME nrOF THFTHE reach 75. the workplace and the types of oc­ from town PEOPLE PLEflSERS DETAILS IN STORE zero readings. defense of accused killer Wayne second bridge, the engineer amended the •2788. organization which sets oil prices. report to narrow it down to the Jackson Cody was named archbishop of Numbers drawn in JVew cupations available will change Snow was scattered from the Central Williams. England Tuesday: Rhode Island daily ; 3417. The reason for this look at the and Northern Appalachians across the Parkway Bridge. Chicago June 16, 1965, by Pope Paul VI. drastically in the next decade. Blue A man whose land was taken by SPECIALS EFFECTIVE: Court sources said Judge GarenCe Connecticut daily: 879. Vermont daily: 103. past. Hay said, was to show the need collar jobs will largely disappear the town for a water project wants upper Ohio Valley through New England, Cooper would allow the jury to hear the to look at the future. STORE HOURS: MON.-SAT. 8 AM 9 PM Maine daily: 427. Massachusetts daily: and service jobs will proliferate. the town to compensate by giving SUN 8 AM-5 PM FEB 11-12 & 13, 1982 and travelers advisories were in effect results of Dingle’s experiments on the New Hampshire daily: 4066. “The key to the future is not more for snow and ice over parts of Kentucky, The biggest changes, however, him six acres of Manchester owned behavior of bodies in the Chattahoochee Laker tries again > or bigger and better. The key to the will come in communications. Hay watershed land in Glastonbury. . West Virginia, New Jersey, New York River. future is wise decision-making — GRADE A and Vermont. Snow showers were said. Video discs and recorders, Members of the Board of Direc­ Williams, 23, a hlack freelance and that's only going to happen if we giant television screens in the home tors appeared sympathetic to Den­ reported in western North Dakota and photographer and would-be talent scout, LONDON (UPl) — Only four days after debts think about the future,” Hay said. snow was expected today in the moun­ grounded his Laker Airways, an unflappable Sir Freddie and 100-channel cable television will nis C. Platt’s request, but General Fresh Hen Turkeys is on trial for the murders of Nathaniel “If you don’t think about it, some change the way people receive and tains of California and Colorado. Cater and Jimmy Ray Payne, ttvo of the Laker announced the outpouring of public support and other person is going to make Manager Robert B. Weiss opposes send information, he said. the idea, because he thinks it would South and east of the snowstorm, 28 young blacks abducted and slain in a donations had convinced him to try to start a new decisions for you.” freezing rain and sleet glazed highways “People’s Airline.” Cable television will probably violate the town charter. 22-month period in Atlanta. have the most influence as the from Texas to Tennessee. Rain spread Once again, more of Tuesday’s session “1 am a Freddie Laker fan,” Prime Minister Almanac HAY SAID THE 1980S is a Town Attorney Kevin M. O’Brien from the Central Gulf Coast through the pivotal decade, a time when the number of channels open up televi­ is trying to determine whether the was spent in recess while Cooper Margaret ’Thatcher told Parliament Tuesday, but she sion into every aspect of life, from Carolinas and Virginia to southern New offered no government bail-out money for Laker’s finan­ world is moving from the age of in­ land swap is permitted by the AVG pondered motions, or in acrimonious shopping to voting. charter. England. wrangles between the attorneys, than in cially ruined nofrills airline. dustrialization into an unknown "It’s like bumper cars out there,” said future. “Change is going to come so Platt said he and bis wife testimony. “Whatever his difficulties now, nothing can take away rapidly that if we don’t get a hold of purchased six acres of land off Ver­ one traffic watcher in Rhode Island. Dingle, a hydrologist with the National By United Press International “More is going to happen in our from the great service he has done,” she said. “He it, we are indeed going to end up non Street in March 1980, with the 59 Today is Wednesday, Feb. 10, the 41st day of 1982 With lifetime than happened since the Nearly 2‘ 2 inches of rain pounded Weather Service, coauthored with brought the possibility of travel to people who never shocked’,” Hay said. “I don’t thliric Memphis and rain turned to snow in Benjamin Kittle of the Corps of 324 to follow. beginning of time,” Hay said, poin- idea of building themselves a home dreamed they would have it.” we can stop the change. I think we there. But around Thanksgiving of WITH COUPON AFTER >10 PURCHASE western Tennessee. Engineers a report for the prosecution ’The morning stars are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter ting to the ever-increasing amount USDA CHOICE ^ EXCLUDING BEER & TOBACCO Forecasters warned New York City and Saturn. of knowledge and goods. can control the change as long as that year, they were told the land on where the victims’ bodies could have Laker issued a statement Tuesday thanking the public enough of us get involved and we and Northern New Jersey could be hit entered the river, based on flow charts for its support since Friday’s collapse of Laker ’There is no evening star. “Knowledge is doubling in our Would be taken by the town under Shoulder $ SCOTT ■ with up to 2 inches of rain and Rockland ’Those born on this date are under the sign of Aquarius. world every five years,” he said. don’t allow Monroe Rathbone to eminent domain. b o n ele s s and velocities; The original report in­ Airways, but asked them to stop sending spontaneous make our decisions for us.” FOR LONDON BROILi LB Bathroom Tissue ■ and Westchester counties with up to 3 in­ dicated the bodies could ' have been donations. An estimated $5.5 million has poured in since American journalist William Allen White was bom “The percentage of knowledge you The compensation offered by the ches. thrown off the Jackson Parkway Bridge Sir Freddie Laker the bankruptcy announcement. Feb. 10, 1868. town — and upheld Tuesday by the American actor-entertainer Jimmy Durante (1893) courts — was $40,000. But Platt sqid PRIMO HOT OR SWEET * c and Robert Wagner (1930) also were born on this date. he could never get a comparable I sf 5 I On this dgte. in history: piece of property at that price and Italian $ VALIDFEBII.12, 13. ONLY ■ SF- LIMIT ONE AT ANDY’S N MANC J p In 1942, the American auto industry shut down its Stop & Shop fate his dreams of a -house were Sausage LB Peopletalk civilian car assembly lines for the duration of World vanishing. War II and converted to military production. L “Bfhat I want from the town is thank for his Golden Globe Award (and maybe an In 1962, U-2 spy plane pilot Francis Gary Powers waS another piece of property suitable Always on Tuesday Academy Award as well?) for his theme song for returned to the United States in exchange for Soviet spy up to lawyers — for building a house,” said Platt. WITH COUPON AFTER >10 PURCHASE the movie “Arthur.” ’ Rudolf Abel. The only suitable piece of town Breakfast $ EXCLUDING BEER A TOBACCO In 1964, an Australian aircraft carrier and a U.S. “Miss Lillian” Carter, the 83-year-old mother of His plane was put in a holding pattern on his property, apparently, is the Glaston­ Links LB THORN APPLE VALLEY former President Jimmy Carter, always knows return from Australia and while it was circling he detroyer collided in the ’Tasman Sea, killing 100 bury land, he said. American naval men. - Bacon what she’ll be doing on Tuesday: Playing poker. looked down at Manhattan and up at the moon, and Mayor Stephen T. Penny said if “Every Tuesday we have lunch somewhere nice In 1979, more than 100 people were killed and several and maybe courts ANDY'S OWN the line “caught between the moon and New York the town attorney finds that the 1 LB and then we play poker,” she told David Hartman City” popped into his head and later into the song. hundred wounded in a clash of rival factions of Iranian Ground PKQ on ABC’s “Good Morning America.” “You can win armed forces in Tehran. Joe Alex Morris Jr., Los charter permits the land swap the By Scot French The PZC ruled that Stop & Shop board will consider it. He xpressed FRESHLY as much as $25 in one pot. I won $4.50 on Tuesday. It Angeles Times correspondent, was killed by a stray B eef MADE I B VALID FEB 11.12.13. ONLY still didn’t make up for the $6.50 I lost the other bullet. Herald Reporter must clearly show that it has the sympathy for the Platts’ dilemma. necessary interest in the spaces, SF LIMIT ONE AT ANDY'S N MANC. Tuesday.” Sutton as Alexander The fate of a new Stop & Shop In the two-part interview. Miss Lillian said, “I’ve which.are needed to meet puking Houston Astro’s pitcher Don Sutton will play Hall A thought for the day: Kansas journalist William supermarket in the Manchester requirements under zoning never had such a burden taken off my shoulders” as of Fame hurler Grover Cleveland Alexander in a Allen White said, “Consistency is a paste jewel that only Parkade now lies with title attorneys IF YOU DIDN’T RECEIVE cheap men cherish.” regulations. PZC gets ideas when Jimmy lost his bid for reelection. “We had remake of ‘"The Winning Team,” in which Ronald and possibly the courts in the wake YOUR VALUE PACKED CIR­ WITH COUPONJS m SS m O PURCHASE the happiest Christmas ....” Reagan starred in 1952. an­ of a ruling this week by the Planning EXCLUDINGJDINQ BEER A TOBACCO ■ and Zoning Commission. Robert Galvin, vice president of on open space CULAR IN THE 8ILKTOWN nounced the $8 million movie Tuesday. Wilder Manley Associates, the firm STARKIST m Sutton, an All-Star pitcher, will get $2.50,000 and The PZC ruled Monday that The Suggestions for the use of open FLYER-CONE IN AND Stop & Shop Companies Inc. may which manages the Bradlees portion Chunk Light Tuna ■ Lawyers’ versions 10 percent of the net profits.. of the Parkade for owner FNM space in the town’s Comprehensive PICK ONE UP Producer Julie Corman, wife of studio head, Hanrlipfitpr Hrralii build its proposed supermarket ad­ Plan of Development will be Rose Urbanski, 52, a California woman who ad­ dition at the Parkade, but that it Associates, said FNM holds title in­ IN mits embezzling more than $2 million from ^her , said she’s looking for a minor surance which shows a cross­ presented to the Planning and WATER league ballpark that will evoke St. Louis’ old Official Manchester Newspaper first must prove its clainTto several aVY 02 CAN former employer, “just wanted to be a nice per­ easement on record. Zoning Commission tonight a ^ PEG’S PANTRY & DELI ^ Sportsman’s Park where Alexander became a hundred disputed parking spaces. special business meeting. 4 9 USPS 327-500 VOL. Cl, No, 111 « ■ son” and gavq most of it to family and friends, says V A L ID F E B 1 1 .1 2 .13. ONLY national hero, .for location shooting. Parking plan for the new facility, her lawyer. PublltlMd dally mcapl Sundiy Schulman has indicated that Planning Department officials B oiled Ham SF LIMIT ONE AT ANDY'S N. MANC Sutton will start filming next November after the Suggaatad carriar rataa ara which wo^d attach to the new He asked a reporter “Don’t you wish you had a and cartaln Irolldaya by the $1.20 eaakly, $5.12 Ipr ona Bradlees store at the former site of Cutaia is willing to fight that claim scheduled the meeting to keep the nice mother like that?” after she plead^ no con­ baseball season. Manchaater Publlahing Co., 16 month, $15.35 tor thraa montha, . in court, but no decision had been PZC up to speed on development of Bralnard Placs, Manohaatar, $30.70 tor alx montha and $61.40 King’s, included several hundred test to one count of grand theft in San Mateo County spaces on land owned by a com­ reached in that regard as of various aspects of the Comprehen­ Conn. 06040. Sacond claaa lor ona yaar. Mall rataa ara Tuesday. IMPORTED Superior Court in Redwood City, Calif ... poataga paid at Manohaatar, avallabla on raquaat. ’ peting landlord, A.F. Cutaia of New sive Plan, which must ultimately be WITH COUPON AFTER >10 PURCHASE Conn. POSTMASTER: Sand ad- PREMIUM EXCLUDING BEER A TOBACCO And in Mount Vernon, HI., where the University UPl photo Glimpses York. Stop & Shop would like to move Its approved by that panel. QUAUTV of Illinois’ former vice president for finance, draaa changaa to tha Manohaatpr To placa a claaainad or diaplay LB NATIVE I^ ITE Harald, P.O. Box 501. present supermarket at 263 W. I4ld- ^aul Sebestyen, the Planning Robert N. Parker, is on trial accused of spending Insurance salesman David Springbett flew from advartlaamant. or to rapon a Cutaia, who is represented by Wall Street to London’s financial district aboard a Manehaatar. Conn. 06040. nawa Ham, atory oh pictura, Idaa, Manchester attorney David dle Turnpike to the new 40,000 Department a i ^ qpordinating the Large B ags more than $600,000 of college funds on B-girls, his Transformation call 643-2711. Offlea hoUto ara square foot facility at the Parkade. Provolone Cheese * Concorde and two helicopters in a record 3 hours, 40 To aubacriba, or to raport a Schulman, has argued that Stop & project, said the meeting was I lawyer described him as a lonely man who 6:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.- Mianday design^ to gain input on ideas being desperately needed female compariionship. minutes, 40 seconds on Tuesday, earning a place in dallvary problam. call S47-0S46. through Friday. Shop has no right to parUng spaces Actress Diana Rigg ages 64 years for her title OtIIca houra ara 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 on bis land since a cross-easement Food Mart Inc. currently (g ra tes considered by the Planning Depart­ the Guinness'Book of Records ... a supermarket in the Cutaia- role In the musical “Colette”, which, The prosecution in Cairo has asked for the death p.m. Monday through Friday and Tha Manehaatar Harald la a agreement expired last year. ment and the citizen subconunittee 7 to 10 a.m. Saturday. DaHvary aubacrlbar to Unitad Praaa tntar- controlled portion of the Parkade, TASTY I °“59^ . on open space. premieres tonight in Seattle. At top Rigg Is penalty for Member of Parliament Mahmoud ahould ba mada by 5 p.m. Mon­ natlonat nawa aarvlcaa uuU la a ' He also maintains that even if the and Stop & Shop officials claim STORE ■ VALID FEB It. 12.13 ONLY ■ Airborne inspiration ■ ^ ^ F l im it ONE AT ANDY’S N. MANC ^ J j j Colette at 18, and at bottom she Is the famed Osman, who is accused of smuggling 5V5 tons of day through Friday and by 7:30 mambar o( tha Audit Bureau of casement existed, it would not allow Cutaia is trying to restrain competi­ The meeting will be held at 7:30 SLICED LB hashish into Egypt.... a.m. Saturday. CIrculaHona. p.m. in the Lincoln Center Peter Allen has a je.t Jam at Kennedy Airport to French author at 82. the redesign of spaces called for in tion by Hating the new super­ W l.RI»t RVETMERIGH1 to I IMII UUAIS I ll . .>ul Hl.bl-ONSIULI. I OH tYFOCRAPHICAL tHHORs Stop & Shop’s parking plans. market. Conference Room.

./L' MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed.. Feb. 10. 1962 -r 5 4 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed.. Feb. 10,

Bichard M. Diamond, Publisher ' Pan Fitts. Editor ! Elderly going out-of-town to ploy golf? Alex Qlrelll, City'Editor ; MHS threats operating budget siipped from $47,736 in < Manchester senior citizens are going followed a slide presentation by the Com­ The commission said it served 508 OPINION clients in a liine-month period. Ap­ 198081 to $41,267 in 1961-62. Most of that out-of-town to play golf, because the mission on Aging. Country Club here has no leagues for The commission’s three goals, staff proximately one-quarter of the requests is federal money. were hoaxes workers'said, are to: by the elderly was for information about In additition, one CEiTA worker posi­ elderly, Country Club liason Nicholas R. Jackston told the Board of Directors • Decrease alienation and isolation of what is available to them, the second tion was eliminated last year, leaving highest number of requests was about Two bomb threats called into Manchester High Tuesday night. senior citizens, the commission with Just two full-time health needs, the commission said. School Monday afteriioon proved to be hoaxes after “ In my own mind, I think our senior • Promote tiieir independence and staff m- -nijr;... citizens are going elsewhere to play,” ^ Provide a link between the elderly J a ^ police and the Town Fire Department, along with Things are looking better for the Coun­ aitid available services. Despite the increased number of school personnel, searched the building. ' said Jackston. He said thece are dis­ try Club budget, Jackston said. A $42,000 counts for the elderly on Mondays at the For example, the Commission printed senior citizens —residents older than 60 A i i d i ^ i a ^ n The school, at 134 East Middle Turnpike, was not deficit in 1980 was turned around in 1981, 2,(KX) directories of service for the elder­ accounted for 13 percent of the papula­ What's wrong with Carl evacuated following either of the two calls, which Country Club, but no leagues. and the club actually produced a $26,000 Jackston’s presentation, about the ly last year so senior citizens would know tion in 1960, 14.5 percent in 1970 and 19 cam e in within a lu lf an hour of each other. percent in 1680 —the commission’s .surplus, he said. Youth Service, which is handling the case, said state of the Country Club. Immediately what is available to them. was not, as you choose to Connecticut Attorney General the first call was phoned into a teacher’s lounge at characterize It, an “ opinion’ Carl R. Ajello has his share of 1:10 p.m. ’The teacher who answered the call told letter at all. Inetead, we pointed detractors so he doesn't need me police the caller said a bomb would go off in the out to bur client that we could not jumping on the bandwagon. Manchester make a legal analysis for It ab­ school In 15 minutes. That I choose to do so at this The threat was reported to police and the fire “a bad or not a time merely reflects my utter sent necessary information. We Spotligh t did, in order to advise our client department, who searched the school along with bod, that is thO dismay that such a high and im­ CASTRO^S properly, state that absent any No w a ste members of the faculty. portant state position continues quosthMi” contrary evidence (not mere The search was continuing when a second call to be filled by so undeserving an By Rick Diamond — Herald Publiaher allegations or suspicions, but '' came in at 1:37 p.m., this time to the school office. a t C a s tro tho individual, one who is actually evidence) the transfer must be The caller told a secretary there a bomb would go considering running for a third in P ole choico is yoursi 1 treated as bona fide. That was off in 10 minutes. four-year term in November. true then, It is now, and we stand Police and fire officials checked through the It is particularly disturbing in mortgage company with a “ Connecticut Attorney General building again but found no bomb. PRESIDENTy SALE by it. this age of tight budgets and high questionable reputation, to re se a rc h “8o Much More Than Carl R. Ajello took Issue with a “ ‘Your statement about what Both the teacher and the secretary said the caller unemployment, where cuts in aid guarantee Ajello’s purchase, previous Spotlight column in the Attorpey General should have sounded like a young male. A Convartibla StoraP to education, the poor and the with a partner, of a Bristol plum­ which we stated bluntly that done would be ludicrous except WASHINGTON — To save a few handicapped border on the bing company. Ajello is now a that you have tried to cloak your dollars, the United Statesmay lose catastrophic, to read about a defendant in a lawsuit brought by either his office or the (jaming SAVINGS UP TO 40% OFF own opinion with the mantle of Its leading role In developing the un­ $38,500 parttime state employee the former owners, who claim he Commission should have “ a number of highly regarded calculated itfealth of ^ world’s, who has so little time for the is in default on payments. prevented the Bridgeport jai alai Connecticut lawyers.” I state’s business. While some things for which from opening its doors last July “last frontier” : Antarctica. This challenge you to produce them or Man surrenders White Connecticut’s constitu­ Ajello has been criticized might without first obtaining approval would please the Kremlin, which is any one of them together with the tion does not require a full tim e. be chalked up to bad judgment or able, willing and eager to dorninate from the State Traffic com m is­ legal rationale for their having commitment from its elected ■ignorance on his part, a stronger the frozen continent. sion. “felt strongly,” as well as any after bomb threat executives, the state can usually caee might be made against the “ In a widely publicized move facts you or they possess which A 14-agency advisory group on An­ count on full time dedication attorney general’s unwillingness last June Connecticut Sports demonstrate by legally compe­ tarctica .has urged the National A Manchester teenager turned himself into police ■ if < f from the governor on down. at times to do battle in the public CARL AJELLO Enterprises, Inc., the original tent evidence, that the transfer in Security Council to maintain a headquarters early Tuesday morning and admitted he According to highly-reliable interest. owners of the fronton, question wae U “ subterfuge.” ... he must go “ basic balanced program” at .thd was responsible for a fake bomb threat phoned Into the AG watchers, Ajello’s commit­ I share Hartford Courant transferred ownership of a five “ ‘The attorney general does South Pole — lest we lose our ih- ment is far less than full time. columnist Dick Polman’s blunt station Monday night. foot by 400 foot strip of land .not have the luxury of basing bis More importantly, many of his opinion, expressed in a Feb. 2 definition “ a deception by ar­ fluence over the ultimate fate of this William P. CSiabot, 16, of 9614 Foster St. was arrested adjoining the Connecticut Turn­ work product on gossip or associates complain about the column, that “ running to the At­ tifice or stratagem to conceal, uninhabited but potentially rich con­ on a charge Of falsely reporting an incident. Chabot ad­ pike to a “dummy” rorporatlon, speculation, or more important­ way he runs his department. Said torney General wae like asking escape, avoid or evade.” What tinent. The price tag the advisory mitted calling the police station about 8:50 p.m. Monday thus avoiding the jurisdiction of ly, of making his opinions and ad­ one assistant AG: “ Morale is Willie Sutton to guard your else was it, if not a subterfuge? group puts on this “ basic balanced and telling the dispatcher “ There’s a bomb in this the State Traffic commission vices up out of thin air. terrible, Ajello doesn’t support bank.” “ 3. The attorney general keeps program” is from $80 million to $90 plape.” The call was traced^ to a pay phone at the (STC). “ ‘No facts have been presented his people, they’re out on a limb Polman was particularly in­ reiterating that he did not have Amusement Center at 254 Broad St. QUEEN SIZE COLONIAL CONVERTIBLE “ Our article pointed out that until now which reveal anything million. That’s less than half the es­ QUEEN 8IZE TMOmONAL CONVEimiLl if they try to do a job, there’s no censed over the fact that two the facts and he can’t base his Police searched the video gameroom and the center QUEU SIZE IRMTEMNUin bOOVBITIIU An Historic look— and a history making price. High the Attorney General’s Office about this transfer. We simply timated cost of a single B-1 bomber. sense of purpose, everything’s veteran state employees who work product on “gossip or remained open after tiie search turned up nothing. Add the bright, smart look of today’s lifestyle to your Lovely fjtted back with skirted base covered In a ^nd pleated skirt. We’ll bet It’s tho best value responded to a request by STC said that and no more.’ I sent my associate Dale Van Atta political,’’ blew the whistle on financial im­ speculation.” State Statute 3-125 (^ b o t told police he had made the threat in order to home. It’s easy and affordable with this loose pillow durable Herculon Chenille. you can find anywherol for a ruling on the legality of the to Antarctica to find out what was get even with the center’s manager for having thrown back convertible covered In gorgeous Haitain Cot­ proprieties received no protec­ “ (HIR RESPONSE to Mr. states “ (the attorney general) ilNDODBTEDl.Y, SOME of transfer with a letter that stated: going on in this farthermost corner him out of the game room in,December. ton. tion from the attorney general’s Ajello follows: shall advise or give his opinion to YOUR CHOICE the unhappiness with Ajello “ We have not been supplied with of the earth. I asked him to look foe office from retaliatory acts of “ 1. How much “contrary” the head of any executive depart­ stems from the attorney sufficient facts on which to Lay-A-Way their superiors. evidence does the attorney ment or any state board or com­ any sign that the project was a general’s questionable private render a legal opinion. Absent general require? Only someone mission upon any question of law gigantic boondoggle — a Plan dealings that have been a source SINCE MR. AJEIJ.O is once some investigation and report, which we cannot make, the grossly naive could have failed to submitted to him. He may multimlllion-doUar popsicle for the ONLY *499 of embarrassment to staff more in the public spotlight I Got a Manchester news tip? recognize that the transfer was procure such assistance as he enjoyment of scientists at the members. thought it might be appropriate, transfer ... should be treated as Free Interior simply a legal device to avoid may require” . If the attorney If you have a news tip or story idea in Manchester, 80 m uch m ore that 283 WEST MIDDLE TURNPIKE The latest example of impru­ and useful, to reprint a column I bona fide.” taxpayers’ expense. He found no lengthy hearings- and potential general lacked sufficient facts, contact City Editor Alex GirelU at The Manchester a convertible storol ACROSS fr o m t h e p a r k a o e Decoratingl Sunday i -5 TUE. & SAT. 10-6 dent behavior, exhibited by the wrote back in November, 1977, “ Our article went on to say evidence of significant waste; quite which were already apparent to CLOSED MON. WED-FR110-9 AG, was his use of unsecured dealing with Ajello’s failure to that in our opinion, and in the opi­ costly highway improvements the contrary. By and large, he found Herald, telephone 643-2711. MANCHESTER 646-0D40 many people, why didn’t he mortgage participation cer­ try to prevent an outrageous nion of lawyers with whom we that might upset the pending sale a group of dedicated scientists, to Bridgeport Jai Alai, Inc. Cer­ request additional information tificates, issued by a Wisconsin deception. had discussed the matter, the at­ working under harsh conditions and tainly no knowledgeable person from other state agencies so he STORE HOURS OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9, SAT. TILL 5 SUN. ll-b torney general should have ruled performing valuable research on a the transfer a subterfuge to avoid - or state official could have been could render a real legal opinion? Motorist, Manchester Parkade tight budget. the potential liability for highway unaware of the purpose bqhind “ 4. We are not going to em­ 1 ALWAYS BUY'fcETTER improvements aiid forced the the highly publicized land barrass our sources by producing The nearest thing to waste that While some of the things for which fronton owners to disprove its transfer at the time the attorney lawyers to meet Mr. Ajello’s my associate found involved a passenger contention. general was asked for a ruling. challenge, though we would be tracked vehicle that quit at the Ajello has been criticixed might be “We received the following “ 2. The narrow five foot strip happy to have the whole issue South Pole and was M t sitting for a. chalked up to bad judgment or ignontnce letter from the attorn^ general: • of land which was transfermed air^.at any Ctounty Bar Associa­ couple of years.' Tken,'niritost diftt arrested Gentleihen: ' *■ without consideration (payment) tion" meeting; This Is,-hOWCTffi, whim, a worker Jumped Into the A on his part, df stronger case might be made to an out-of-state corporation ’ mm e than Just a legal issue. It is ‘ “ In your column (dated Oct.' vehicle’s cab and got the engine to ' A Stop by police Saturday with undisclosed ownership can a moral issue, too. And we are Against the attorney general's un­ 4) you have made several turn 'over. It has . been doing its Job night on West Middle Turn­ serve no uesful purpose to more convinced than-' ever that statements'which are qilsleading pike led to the arrest of an OPEN SUNDAY willingness to do battle in the public in- anyone. We called the “ sale” a the attorney general did not do ever since — as have two C-130 to the reader, concerning the real Blast Hartford woman on a subterfuge and, despite the at­ all in his power to block this bla­ transport planes that crashed into teres L property adjacent to.the charge of driving under the II tant end run around the public in­ the ice and were pieced back Bridgeport Jai Alai. torney general's protestation it influence of alcohol and of together. ‘“ The letter to which you refer conforms precisely to Webster’s terest.” her passenger, who. 11 to 5 Some Americans at McMurdo, the allegedly grabbed the main supply base, still live in airesting officer. EVERY RANGE ON SALE! cramped “ temporary” quarters put Police stopped the car, EVERY DRYER ON SALE! An editorial A rebuttal up in 1957-58. There has been no driven by Mary D. Graf- ■ ^.1 1 SELF money for new water plants, and the fam, 41, when they CNSTOM Whirlpool CLEANING full-time residents can take showers observed her driving W hirlpool 2 SPEED ^Vhirlpqol „5S„ only about once a week. My erratically, swaying back i» 30” ELECTRIC RANGE Budget backers Doing homework paid off associate was there 10 days without and forth between the AUTOMATIC WASHER AUTOMATIC DRYER ^ ^ a d e Automatic MEAL TIMER Clock lanes, police said. wHh SO min. Timer a shower ; why waste precious water e Automatic Shut-OI) An officer informed Ms. • 4 Autofflitle CyciM • Energy Stylng eun-up SPILLQUARD CookTop on a visitor who would soon be back Control • Super Surgllilor.AgHttor a Cool-Down lor Farm. Praa* Fabrics To the Edltori Stand corrected, .Mr.- Schack. passes as a matter of routine.” GraHam she was under in civilization? Although not mandated to do so, the Stand corrected again, Mr. Schack. arrest. As he did, a must be heard As I sit here in my beach chair One budgetary problem is unique commission attempts to give each This zone change was far from passenger,, Richard (I’m here In Miami Beach where all to the hostile environment of An­ application 30 days prior notice to routine. A large amount of time, Curran, 41, of 112 Main St., \! of the get-rich quick junior tarctica: The wind-whipped ice and 1 5 & the public of all hearings. By law it money, and energy was spent by grabbed the officer’s arm, In voting to add $68,50(1 to the then to approve a budget that developers congregate in the snow have a way of swallowing up police said. >«25 -H TTtpxrifxdr is required to advertise each these individuals to protect your Board of Education’s budget provided pretty much what the winter), reading the Herald man’s puny “ improvements,” The Curran was arrested for application twice and to give a property values as wpll as nUne. request, board member educators needed to keep the editorial page dated Feb. 3, I find U.S. station at the South Pole, for interfering with an officer -Hxrtpjoi-svt -|-H irtnxflrLnjb SELF CLEANING minimum of 14 days notice. That, ■ I, for one, am grateful that they Nicholas Costa said, “ I feel now written under your Open Forum an example, is being inexorably and r e l e a ^ on a $250 cash school system a good one. Mr. Schack, as I see it, is two weeks. did so: Thanks to their presentation AUTOMATIC DRYER 30” ELECTRIC RANGE interesting, if not amusing, letter reclaimed by the Antarctic weather, bond. Ms. Graffam was AUTOMATIC WASHER eUtt-OH Black Glaaa Door e Clock and is the time for us, the members The mechanics are the same, How much time does me need to and the commissioners’ ability to in­ ea Speed* eUrge Cipaeity ------e Parmanant Praaa Cycia from Ronald Schack of 46 East and it will cost $20 million to released on a written ! I e Automatic Sanal-Dry or Timed Cyola Minute Timur oCalrod Surtac* Unit* of the Board of Education, to in­ but the spirit is not. Now the formulate a rebuttal? sure that the neighborhood will re­ promise to appear. Both 03 WithlRkise Tempcritur** Eldridge St. I would like to offer replace. form the Board of Directors that school administration and the Mr. Schack then went “ behind the main harmonious, I know that my have court appearances some interesting yet constructive Perhaps the basic financiai budgetary needs should deter­ Board of Education are making scenes,” indicating that the property values will maintain scheduled for Feb. 23. answers to Mr. Schack’s amusing, problem of our Antarctic program is mine the monetary a more modest request to begin taxpayers had little time to organize themselves, if not, in fact, increase. but inaccurate and deceptive that its curroit $70 million budget is US’ requirements, and not the with and the (iirectors will an opposition. I for one, would like In bis closing statements Mr. *449 scenario. about one-tenth of the National « <*269 to know what taxpayers you are Schack moves to Act H -^ Scene 1 — <359 rev erse.” probably feel compelled to look I am sure that 1^. Schack, as an Science Foundation’s. This i » to to- pund starts talking about? I am the single very dramatic. He states, “ Junior His observation is sure to win at it very closely. interested abutting property owner, ternal criticism that the Antarctica largest property owner and building contractor submits applica­ in memory approval from parents who have If the citizens who have been had nothing but good intentions in budget “ may be an unnecessarily EVERY MICROWAVE ON SALE! taxpayer in your neighborhood, tion for zone change in same general EVERY REFRIGERATOR ON SALE! EVERY FREEZER ON SALE! been complaining that the been arguing against the closing mind when he wrote his letter, but I large commitment of Science'and udiich you know, and you never once area.” One last time, kfr. Schack, of principal question the attitude of his criticism Technology funds . . .” board's budget request is a little of schools and in favor of trying called me. I would like to know stand corrected. Joseph L. m irlp o o l lb CU. FT. Whirlpool too bare bones even for these to keep them open under shared of the integrity of the Planning and But one of the policy groups’ A local memorial ^Riirlpool why? Pmhaps if you bad called me Swensson, Jr. Inc. has been a small scholarship fund in UPRIGHT raEEZER austere times. But is may be dif­ use really hope to accomplish Zoning Commission. I don’t believe reports noted that the U.S. teffort MICROWAVE OVEN some of my professional experience owner-operated building business memory of Clarence P. the Open Forum column o( the has suffered “ a real decline since 14 cu. ft FROST FREEI STORES 503.5lbf. WITH AUTOMATIC ficult for the Board of Education anything, they will have to ad­ would have made you a well in­ for the laBt 12 years in Manchester. , (Julmby, principal of South Manchester Herald is the place to 1979” because of escalating fuel REFRIGERATOR 3 FAST FREEZE SHELVES MEAL TIMER CONTROL to convince the Board of Direc­ dress their arguments to the formed majority, instead of an I started small, and by hard work, Manchester High School vent one’s frustrations. costs, military salaries, and aemm m e f____ tors of that. directors. ignorant-to-the-lssues minority. long hours, a lot of sweat and (Sod’s from 1924 to 1933, is being The town’s public records will “ special expenses associated with e Separata Outroal Cycle The directors have been given Shared use of school buildings It is Mr. Sduck’s Scene 3 that I good will I have built a business that established by bis show Mr. Schack that m y firm is the maintaining a self-contained in­ Manchester friends. e Balanced Wav* Cooking pretty clear signals from the find fault with the most. Mr. Schack I am proud to say bears my name. Syatam means some use in addition to iargest singie property owner-ln that frastructure on an otherwise barren Donations may be sent to *^ ^ 3 6 9 depicts a typical PZC hearing. He Public record u^l show that last eSaalud-ln CurumIc ShuH majority of Manchester education, probably a public use, particular netghborhoiod. With that continent at the end of an 8,5004nlle - Manchekter Scholarship *269 states, “ Building cm tractor and en­ year m y company built more single resident that they are con­ paid for with public funds or at in mind. I’m sure Mr. Schack wiii supply line.” Foundation Inc., 20 Hart­ *477 tourage arrive, commission family homes in Manchester than ^ - -HxFtpjOrLfVlr EVERY DISHWASHER ON SALE! -HxrtpuirLfxir cerned ‘about spending. least subsidized by public funds. agree that it makes good business The advisory group warned: *‘U.S. ford Road, Manchester, members are presoit, taxpayers anyone else. A Junior contractor? There is a little more to the That sort of implies expanded sense' for me to insure that my abut­ credibility jind leadership SiAbng Conn. 06040. 15CU.fL _ 11 urtip .xrLivb Built-in cause overflowing of meeting room. Again, hfr. Schack, you are wrong In the caption of a pic­ MICROWAVE OVEN process now than there was local government services. The ting property vaiues are kept in har­ (Antarctica) ’Treaty nations derives NO FROST Builder and his party explain to and stand corrected. ture that ran In last Satur­ WITH EXHAUST FAN before the economy tightened mony with the balance of the frohi U.S. mphasis upon s cl^ flc DISHWASHER directors are not likely to be commission, highlighting the In closing, Mfr. Schack, let me say day’s Heridd, with (2uim- REFRIGEI^R #4 Cycia* e Sound ktaulaUon AND LIGHT neighborhood. It is exactly for this research. . . ” and so many Manchester people enthusiastic about that. Those favorable aspects.” that I resent your cheap shot at the by’s obituary, it was in­ m u n m tt o2 LuMi Waah Action NEW Ciimtsr $avsr" reason that I kept a close and infor­ Without the U.S. com m ltm oit, the found themselves unemployed. people who advocate shared use Really, Mr, Schack! Who did you PZC and the low blow you dealt me. correctly stated that ()ulm- mSTALU OVCT YOUR mative view of the Fiano Planned international treaty preserving An­ Hie old routine was for the should appear in force before the expect to see there? What did you But that’s water under the bridge. I by And Eds(m Bailey, of PRESENT COOKTOP... gcglllf* B P Residential Developromt applica­ tarctica for peaceful scientific Manchester, also a former BHiec vfuie nTPUBM R S y g f Boat'd of Education to ask, for directors at budget time if they expect to hear? Stand corrected, would only like to point out that you ONES YOUR KITCHEN tion that be is refeiiring to. research will die, the advisers principal, were members $299 the Board of Directors to ques­ really expebt the directors to be Mr. Schack. The individuals making had every opportunity to voice your ACUSTOMLOOKI They did their bennework, they predicted, leading to “ conflict over of the class of 1928. The tion, but not too harshly', and the. presentations jrere opposing opinions at the hearing. U,. convinced. met eveiy letter of the Planning and disputed territory among claimants two were attending a reu­ pitrfesslonals with many years of in fact, this application was that Im­ Zoning regulations, and they did it and non-claimants, and almost cer­ nion of tbat class but were education, experience and portant to you, you should have not members of it.. SIgnaLock well. tain Soviet kegemony.” COLOR background to substantiate their hired professional engineers, RCA 25” Can you say that about the view­ • (?hief Justice Warren Burger RCA ELECTRONIC TUNING statements. Mr. Schack would have lawyers and traffic analyists to 1982 Models point of himself and'the Oak Grove has a soft spot for citizens who are 12” Diagonal your public believing that the PZC, substantiate your claims. Yoii and Association’s opposition? I was at summoned for Jury duty and “ sit in CONSOLES as well as the professional qieakers, ofdy you chose not to do so. In plain BUCK AWHin the PZC meetings and can say un­ dingy waiting rooms for long hours were working, with an inferior and aiid simple terms, Mr. Schack, the PORTABLE T.V. equivocally that those guys w ^ -T and days— without being called.” Shopping tips inept education. That, Mr. Schack, better prepared man, the man that lousy. In fact, they baS a better Government auditors have found is far from the troth. did his homework, won. Unfor­ Martin Sloane eiqilaina chance of winning if they d i ^ ’t that unused Jurors are filsb costiy. In Mr. Schack then went to Scene 4— tunately you’re having a hard'time boiw to shyie money at the show at all. one recent year, it cost the grocery store — every a PZC meeting in which the accepting that. In Act 1, Scenes 1 and S Mr. taxpayers nationwide $5.7 million tp Wednesday and Saturday proposed Planned Resldentiat Joseph L. SwenMon, Jr. Schack implies that the PZC provide for Jurors who were sum­ in his “ Supermarket Development zone change was ap­ President "How can you say that, Csp^ You KNOWyour attempted to “ Hustle and Bustle” moned, but never called to sit on a column in The Ii4;i 9'jF)l proved. He quotes, “ Zone change Joseph I. Swensson Jr. Inc. MANCHESTER OPEN SUNDAYS 11 A.M. to 5 P.M. • FREE DELIVERY ...FREE SERVICE budget Is bigger than Nancy's!" th ron g this particular application. Jury. Herald.

01 MANCHRSTER HERALD. Wed., Feb. 10, 1982 — 7 6 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed., Feb, 10. 1982 Lawmakers told Urgent need tor more prison beds seen p NVERTIBEE Gifts To Win statutory requirements.” train staff for two state buildings ’ icondo law fails HARTFORD (UPI) - The ne^ inmates were forced out of “ The need for beds Is urgent,” for the fiscal year beginning July 1. The Correction Department will that will be converted for use as for prison beds in Connecticut is makeshift cells in offices, said Manson, who added the number John Toffolon, chairman of the Her Heart... use trailers to house inmates at the jails. "urgent” and the $8 million Gov. firehouses, prison hospitals and of Inmates in Connecticut’s cotrec- state Board of Education, said the agency needed $378 million for Brooklyn, Montvllle and Niantic Although it is expensive to convert As Seen On T.V. William O’Neill recommended to gymnasiums. tional system would increase from jto jielp renters C H A IN jails, for work release prisoners In existing buildings into jails, Manson add 600 new beds barely approaches He told the Appropriations Com­ the current 5,000 to 7,000 by 1986. education equalization, not the Bridgeport and as offices at Somers said, the price is less than for a new Sparl Reg. $12. Dress-Up” seam less bra with hwrAlwith added French Canuds Pants 19.97 ticut Legal Services, said g iRoyanoMi SOOMO. feminine lace trim. Lightly lined double knit, UMilm Coats 69.99 E T A . G A M A . • ■win 90 MO. is sought Reg. $28. Belted dress pants In taupe, wine rent increases were the DELTA TOCOPHER> • IS MO. white or beige. A-B-C cups. Reg. $110-$140. V'ou save $40 and morel “ major loophole by which P a r la iit e berry, brown, navy, black, plum or off-whfte, Wool blend coats in limited styles, sizes 8- some developers avoid the BROAD ST. A WEST MIDDLE TORNPIKE reI SAB7 ENFIELD (UPI) - sizes 5-13. 1 0 .5 0 mo. tteao « 16. Hurry in for best selection! act.” EXIT 02 FROM l-OO rULLZSO’a Police today sought a Bikinis or Briefs 3/4.59 F U L L l O O V Branford man who walked Nylon with cotton gusset in assorted colors, He urged the committee G TIMED REUASE VIT-C away from a work detail at to prohibit rent increases • NATURAL Vn-A 5-7. ’ saVE'‘4.31 "7 the minimum-security Select Group of Jrs. Winter Skirts 9.99 during the six'months after 2S0M UMTS Connecticut Correctional Wool blends In assorted plaids and solids, notice of conversion and • g-100 Institution. Tailored Camisole 4.97 ..the phasjing in of other PRESIDENT’S 5-13. large rent Increases. AMAZING • KELP Michael Bergeron, 35, Reg. $8. Trimmed in baby vai lace, with Misses’ Dresses 17.99 HIGH STRESS was discovered missing generous cut that stays tucked In. White or Choose from assorted styles and colors, all A Manchester insurance B-BS • COD UVER OR from a supervised outside broker, whose home CkLCHMPXIKAMATr • GA RIK CAPS beige, S-M-L. In easy-care fabrics. Reg. $34-$38. business is being displaced BALANCED Formula work detail Tuesday. He Cable Knit Sweaters 18.97 90 MG. 90 MG. OF EACH • PANTOTHEMC AOD was serving a 2-to 5-year by condominium conver- SALE HIGH Reg. $26. Cotton blend sweaters In navy, QUALITY W W C O M P in t term for a conviction for Marabou Scuffs 9.99 • Sion, told the committee FORMULA *3” • VIT. 81-82 • C8R-500 red or white, sizes S-M -L. that it must consider risk of injury to a minor. Reg. $20. Famous maker marabou trimmed FULL 100 SALE • UVER • stricter regulations to pre­ "He was left alone for a scuff in pink, peach or iilac. Limited quan­ RIG. $*.95 REG. $8.30 • UOTHW • CAl-MAG vent fly-by-nlght conver- little bit, and when they tities! • STRESS-X •MEGA-1 came back he was gone,” a sions. UP To 50% SAVINGS prison spokesman said. Joseph A. Tyler, a 16- • CHEUnO MUNERALS Bergeron was described year resident of the ches BLOCK • 8-12 • ETC! as 5-feet-5, 155 pounds with. Junior Winter Sportswear Parkade ■ Gardens SAVE ON HUNDREDS MORE a medium build, blue eyes, Apartments now un­ e. *1 BUSTER •brown hair and a reddish- CLEARANCE! dergoing conversion, said lECT 24 HOUR TIIVIE brown beard, the 50%OFF converters should be COUPONS! RELEASE 1) HOW DID PRESIDENT JEFFERSON ENLARGE THE UNITED STATES? • ALL REFRIGERATED FOR FRESHNFSS spokesman said. Save on all our winter coordinates, required to leave a reserve 2) NAME THE THEATRE WHICH PRESIDENT LINCOLN WAS ATTENDING WHEN HE SALE WITH COUPONS ONLY Bergeron had numerous Girls’, Beys’ and fund 'to cover unforeseen T im e tatoos, including the words sweaters, skirts and morel repairs which might WAS SHOT? „ SAVE 10* 3) WHICH PRESIDENT WAS FIRST TO LIVE IN THE WHITE HOUSE? w iT iliiits ROUED R e le a s e “ Junie” and "love” on his otherwise swell associa­ (MTSMUTD) I Young Men’s 4) WHICH PRESIDENT SERVED THE MOST CONSECUTIVE TERMS? REG. $4.50 I REG. $3.25 OATS V l t a m i n a tion fees. ' I left hand and the word misses’ winter sportswear 5) OUR FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT WAS LATER NAMED PRESIDENT - PLEASE NAME .'"M ike" on his right hand. “ People will have four 1 f f U lm ir a lB potentially uncontrollable HIM? fmmwuLn I _ _ U. I .. —.gt-.A He was wearing a green rHMKKMTI I riwMN**mmiwnM M lW lTI mi WmterWear 6) WHICH PRESIDENT SAID “YESTERDAY, DECEMBER 7th, 1941, A DATE WHICH Mgltl/tt/M I rarw 2/11/12 prison uniform and a light variables,” he said; "A 30%-60%off WILL LIVE IN INFAMY"? I SAVE 31* i SAVE 36< green parka when last variable rate mortgage, SAVE 31* Reg. $15-$95. Final sale of selected blazers, 7) WHICH PRESIDENT WROTE THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE? PECANS fT R O P IC A L m i x ! CASHEW seen, the spokesman said. fuef' costs, taxes and the I •UnBoCBCMT PIECES blouses, skirts, slacks and sweaters! frequently ' lightly 8) FOUR OF OUR PRESIDENTS HAD JOHN AS A FIRST NAME, CAN YOU NAME REG. $3.10 ! •Kwns^cunR 50%-60% OFF! THEM? I •aflNaSOBoNNTA REG. $3.25 examined association IKS. maintenance fee.” ANSWERS rMBUKKILYI ...U A IStt. • entire stock girls’ flannel ■Mi ft 2/19/82 ---- IKILTI mniMi'ni/ii/ii• 'n 2/11/82 || TV crew junior dress clearance Tyler said developers 1).... Pi’ s , gowns, robes. 4-14 50% off could easily absorb the ad- 2).... Save $1.20 T I F^^'dAiund : SUNFLOWn BULK • entire stock girls’ jumpers, skirts, dresses. ^tional cost of a reserve 14.99-24.99 . furtd, as evidenced by the PEANUT BUTTER S E E D S HONEY CLOVER on job 4 ) .... Full lb. Mazers, 44x, 7-14 60% off Reg. $20-$50. A selection of career and many- converters which Rtf. *2** Rac. $ t 19 I NEW HAVEN (U P I) — now provide such funds. 5 ) ...,' I'l^vaiu* a • entire stock girls’ sweaters, 4-Ox, 7-14 dressy styles, now half price! Sizes 5-13. iMlIlt/II/il I PMiQMQ I ____ Photographers, editors and “ The issue is really to 6 ) ...... -|.— __ L_JafJUJUU__ I technicians who went on 60% off make sure people and the 7 ) ...... I SmaSlF I 81* OFF | strike last week are community cart live with TASTY R IC E I UNTREATED I IsotoneF warm-up gloves 8 ) ...... working again at WTNH- •entire stock girls’ winter slacks, ' ^ the process, that it is fair YEAST C A K E S I AAPRICOTS P R IC O T S I TV today with a new con- 4-Ox, 7-14 50% off and that there is potential NAME.. 31b. . tract. Rat.‘10** I- »3 * »l g f Itfor success once the ADDRESS 17.97 rMUKWin •entire stock boys’ flannel shirts rdpvploper leayes,” he told ZIP... f The contract, accepted Reg. $23. Acrylic lined driving gloves by M'Mvii/n •nS%7!tm ! tarumim [ Tuesday, includes wage in­ 6-20 50%off tte legislators. ' ENTRIES TO BE HANDED IN TO ANY PARKADE STORE BY FEBRUARY 15th, 1982. — WSKi— ” T w » J4.00 • ^ 50% OFF Arls. WINNERS WILL RECEIVE GIFT CERTIRCATES IN THE MAIL. THEY CAN BE SPENT AT LECITHIN CALCHM . BULGAR i' creases ranging from 7 6ntirt stocK loyt wmntn^ Podolsky and ottiers also WHEAT percent to 9 percent and ■asked the committee to ex­ MOST PARKADE STORES. GRANULES utUinTAIMD 4-7, 6-20 60% off selected groups of Full 1 0 0 0 $ A 9 9 ■ s a v e ! provides some finetuning warm slipper boots tend the so-called good- THE NEW MANCHESTER PARKADE - FIRST IN IDEA’S. FIRST IN VALUES - FIRST IN Rag. •I5**^?f 110* 69* lb ^ of provisions in non­ cause eviction protections 20% OFF;SUES •entire stock boys’ winter sidts, sport coats, VARIETY OF MERCHANDISE. SAVE GAS AND PARKING FEES. SHOP 42 STORES IN tatatiiMM •884112/11/82 economic areas, which •MEN'S SUTS for the elderly and han­ ONE STOP SHOPPING. .jBUUOiffi.- ( were the major focus of the dress slai^ 8-20 60% off 4.99 dicapped to all tenants in MIUEII8 I Save 20* ' strike. • m M a m boys’ corduroys, •SPORT COSTS buildifigs undergoing con­ SAmONEI INPMCESSEO Reg. $10. Pile lined boots In assorted solids version and to drop Income SBLE ENDS MONDKY ML BRAN RAW M EA T GERM i The 32 photographers, jeans, Or^lO 50% off •oumniiESR and prints, S-M-L-XL. eligibility requirements. BULKOH.$S 39 79* Full lb. ' editors and technicians • r ’ VahM A i, « . Value 39*lib. Ir** 79*lb • young men’s flannel sport shirts, Miriam Torres, Hartford MUHUm walked off the job Feb. 3, •SPORT SMUTS FEBRmUlY 15TH dWl/ll/U M'Rt/ll/ll inZ-Xl reg. $11 4.99 chapter president of the Good 'U l2/19/82 A ' saying the station’s Burliington pantyhose National Hispanic Housing management insisted it be •young men’s winter sport coats, •PSNTS •SWESTERS allowed to fire workers For these fantastic savings, come to our without cause and that new assorted sizes 36-40 60% off t 20% Off employees should not be Men’s Shops, all D&L stores except New •young men’s flannel slacks, London. (Suits In all stores except New Bri­ Now thru Feb. 281 Sheer, support and con­ required to join the union. trol top styles on sale! IWIanctester The workers said those 28-38 widits 50% off tain, Vernon and Groton). proposals would, threaten job security and weaken MOST DSL STORES OPEN MON. THRU FRI. TIL 9 P.M. AND OPEN SUNDAYS 12 TO 5 ! PaHkade thgfr union. Local 14 of the ’ CorMni Cortwr, M^rktan ind ftaw London alw) opon 8«t. 'til 8; Now Britain opan Thufa. nlpM only; Now Britain and Groton doaad Sundaya National Association of I ' Broadcast Employees and •CORBINS CORNER •AVON-SIMSBURY «MANCHE9TER •BRISTOL •NEW BRITAIN •MERIDEN •VERNON •NEW LONDON •QROTON P Technicians.

H * j 8 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed., Feb. 10, 1962

AAeese: Budget Reagan has long w a y to go Waste sites We’re A Bright^New Spot on Main St.! very generous' to sell his budget proposal make residents TWEED’S , Has Moved , Treasury Secretary the optimistic economic of state wary NEW HAVEN (UPI) — The “generous” budget for WASHINGTON (UPI) - much to do before we will and budget forecasts the see the light, but I think we Donald Regan, Budget 'to 637 Main Street, next door to Salem social programs proposed by the Reagan administration President Reagan flew to administration made last are at least and at least ap­ Director David Stockman has become a victim of false information and will ac­ the Midwest and his top year which never came to. HARTFORD (UPI) — the top problems facing the iNassiff Camera Shop. tually increase expeditures, presidential counselor economic advisers went to proaching the.bend in the and Council of Economic Haoudous wastes aira’t a count^, but do consider it Advisers Chairman pass. 1 Edwin Meese says. Capitol Hill, but it appears tunnel.” top issue among Oonnec- serious when considered - “Come Help Us Celebrate” “I think that we are being very generous,” Meese said they all may have to go a Back in Washington, M urra.y Weidenbaum ticut residents but many alone, heard some tough Whitten likened’ Tuesday of the allocations for social programs included lot farther to sell his new Reagan’s top three Reagan’s economic^ a re uneasy about the Most of the 500 people economic advisers went to criticism from key CimaiKe Sale Now In Progress in the administration’s proposed budget. budget and New program to Herbert problem and certainly surveyed by telephone said Capitol Hill to defend his members of the House Ap­ TWEED’S He said the budget Reagan sent to Congress this week Federalism to the nation Hoover’s, whose pollcie^ don’t ,want a toxic waste they were “uneasy” about 1983 budget proposal propriations Committee. would actually provide an overall increase in funding for and Congress. “preceded the Depression’ storage site next door to hasardous waste,, but only 637 Main St., Manchester the programs. Republican and before Democrats critical ttiem, a poll shows. a handful Were “worried” Chairman Jamie that took us 10 years to get' Store Hours Mon.-Sat. 9:30-5:0D Thur. Till 8:30 ' ‘ What we’re hoping is that the increase .will not be as Democratic members of of its cuts and Republicans “ Caution, .not fear, or “panicky.” Whitten, D-Miss„ recalled out of.” much in the overall budget as it has been in past years Congress groaned Tuesday worried about its deficit. seem s to characterize Those polled said they so we can bring federal spending under control,” he a b o u t th e b u d g e t’ s Connecticut residenti' at- were concerned about the said. projected record deficit of titu d es to hazardous way hazardous wastes are Meese said the budget for social programs included $91.5 billion, call for a big materials,” the Institute handled more than about “reforms in the so-called entitlements programs — the hike in defense spending for Social Iiquiry at the the wastes themselves. openended spending programs.” and more cuts in social University of Connecticut And although they don’t He said reforms were intended “not to cut off needy programs. concluded Tuesday in a want a storage site next people but rather to make sure that the people who do Reagan’s “New report based on its survey, door, the survey indicated. receive these taxpayer-provided benefits are indeed Federalism” received a The poll conducted Tor many said they wouldn’t eligible and are indeed deserving, and that hasn’t mixed review in Iowa and the Natural Resources mind if the wastes had' always been true.” Indiana, where the presi­ Council of Connecticut been treated and reduced ' Meese appeared at a news conference prior to dent addressed those r Inc., found people don’t list in volume, speaking at a dinner at which U.S. Commerce Secretary states’ legislatures hazardous waste among Almost half said they Tuesday — extolling the didn’t believe what cor- Malcolm Baldrige received the 1981 Prescott Bush U P I photo Award from the Connecticut GOP. virtues of transferriitg Post pushes s r S J . 'S n U Baldrige predicted inflation would continue to fall and Secretary of Commerce Malcolm Baldridge about 40 federal programs KC/%L liOI%EST lO OOOOIXIESS BUWSI with the drop' would help bring down interest rates. to the states. “We think inflation is going to be down on the CPI answers questions at a Tuesday press con­ ‘‘Conser,vatives like national bill ference in New Haven with. Edwin Meese III (Consumer Price Index) somewhere in the 7 percent myself are very receptive t-'. HARTFORD (UPI) — ment understate the SENSATIONAL SAVINGS RIGHT NOW area as compared to 13 percent two years"ago,” he said. (left), counselor to President Reagan. because it’s what we’ve Sen. R u ssell P o st, R- dangers; they said, while been praying for ali Canton, kpown as the the media oversUtes the ON rOUR FAVORITE REGAL'S STOCK! along,” said Republican In­ father of Connecticut’s problem, diana state Rep. Steve two-year-old bottle bill, ‘All sources are seen as Collins. says he will push for inaccurate to re a l COME EARLV FOR BEST SELECTION Ford sets weekend deadline Countered Indiana House passage of a national bottle extent,” the report said, Democratic Leader bill. “The only question is II SELECT GROUP— — Michael Phillips, “it looks Pwt, a candidate for the whether they are to me like a way of dum­ R ^ b lic a n gubernatorial overstating or understating to conclude contract talks ping the national deficit on nomination, said he plans the risks.” BOTANY 500 the states.” to, contact Connecticut’s The public overall sees ONLY 200 Modest crowds appeared $3090 Union spokesman Don Stillman congressional delegation to the problem of hazardous SPRING COLORS DETROIT (UPI) - Ford Motor bargaining committees gathered in in both Indianapolis and Co. says it wants industry-reviving subcommittee meetings. said the Council could indeed con­ urge them to consider a wa^te' as “distant and SUITS Des Moines. In Indiana, Jerry Sloan, Ford’s chief sider a tentative agreement but the nationwide returnable hot-' a b s tr a c t,” the report SLIGHT CHARGE FOR ALTERATIONS contract talks concluded by the some Democratic law­ stop by Bess Eaton now,,buy three of MANCHESTER STORE ONLY w^kend and United Auto Workers spokesman, told reporters the com­ meeting also could prove to be a tie bill. stated. makers wore simple but­ our steaming hot coffees, and we’ll give leaders scheduled a union meeting pany hoped discussions on a new postmortem as was the case in a He said extension of the “The public is unsure tons declaring “12.4” — the for nexti week, adding to the op­ contract would be wrapped up in a similar General Motors Corp. you a fourth one of the same size. FVee. law to all 50 states would how dangerous hazardous state’s unemployment mean cleaner roadways, waste may be in general or ■SELECT G R O U P - timism an agreement is close. few days. meeting following the breakdown of Now that’s an offer you can warm up to! rate. The setting of deadlines of sorts “We hope to reach a conclusion by talks there. Offer good thru February 14,1982. new jobs in recycling and in a specific instance. They Reagan told the Indiana by Ford and the UAW came Tuesday the weekend,” Sloan said, adding Sloan said negotiators spent the “an end to the throw-away are unsure just how they Legislature, “We have SPRING in talks intended to bring the com­ that included “Friday, Saturday and day discussing economic issues, mentality.’’ should be handled or who ONLY 50 faith in our program and pany out of its slump and save union seniority and other parts of the con­ “In an age of diminishing should handle taem while COLORS Sunday.” we are sticking to it,” and jobs. Bargainers resume contract tract. resources and Increased strongly desiring that SPORT COATS he told the Iowa OfBessfEatDnfDonisfs concern for our enviton- someone deal safely with discussions today. While not labeling it a deadline, The industry trade publication AAANCHESTER STORE ONLY the union announced its Ford Coun­ Automotive News quoted a “high- Legislature, “We have ment a national bottle bill them.” Top union leaders including Presi­ cil will meet in Chicago Feb. 17. ranking” union official as saying the law is long overdue,” Post The 500, adults were ran- dent Douglas Fraser spent Tuesday That group must consider any ten­ UAW will ask for a reopener clause said Tuesday. domly selected and were huddled with Ford chief bargainer tative agreement reached by similar — but not identical — to the Such a hill has interviewed between OcL Peter Pestillo and his close aides. bargainers before it is presented to one it sought during falTed talks at languished in Congress for and Nov. 4. The poll had HAGGAR & LEVI PANTS Members of the Ford and UAW the rank and file for ratification. General Motors Cojp. years, facing stiff opposi- a margin of errw of plus or PRESIDENTIAL tion from industry. minus 5 perceiy. BUY ONE AT. REG. PRICE DISCOVER lEANS PLUS LOW, LOW PRICES! GET THE 2nd PAIR FOR p S n iK rS SAU mClMLS! PRKE BREAK $ 1 . 0 0 PLUS A DOLLAR ' Salii' ends PANTS S I, Feb. 2 7 ,1 9 8 2 IMMf-YOaBSttFBRS Look for our 8 SWEATERS - KNITS - VELOURS - SPORT SHIRTS page circular next week! ^ $ R Owena-Coming't $1100 -k 1 00 r j i i v t n r i i .to $20.00 ■ I Reg. to $30.00 | Reg. to $40.00

SEAL AIR LEAKS I Meet Mr. Glenco. TIGHT FOR GOOD He’s here to help ASSORTED $ ou and answer any with LEVrS FOR MEN lome improvement DENIM FINAL MARKDOWN ON WINTER MERCHANDISE! questions you might have. Ask any of our TM ec leai LEVrS MOVIN’ ON JEANS 'Un»MAitW> friendly staff. They’­ ALL RIQHTS •k DOORBUSTERS sUINSULATINQ FOAM S SEALANT. rt RESERVEO re here to serve you. Stops air leaks ★ MANCHESTER STORE ONLY ag^« •2gM> around: •WRANQUAR FLANNELS...... •DOWN VESTS...... BELLBOnOM • window and door tramoB •ORLON VEE-NECK SWEATERS •10*» •EVANS SLIPPERS DlsconUnueO ...... CORDS & DENIMS • elactrloal •TIES •AMERICAN WORK SHOES 20 P a ir. •IdSft Weatherstripping oulleta SAVE Rag. ie « o $ ii...... (not oil sizes and colors) Clearance • outaida o n _ •BELTS Rag. $9 lo220 ...... •JARMAN SHOES 40 P a i r ...... laucota •a«p save 30% reg. 1.19 -16.99 Owens-Coming% •DRE88 SHIRTS Aatortad SIzaa ...... •WALKOVER BOOTS 2 0 P . i r ...... ■20gft now 83« -11.89 • air condl- •5*« Uonert, Pink Fiberalasr •LEVI CORD LINED VESTS •10«* •WRANGLER FLANNELS...... G — ■ O O stock on hand only venta, chimnoys Insulation NOW l SALE SALE FAST. EASY. Assorted — SALE PERMANENT. MANCHESTER 31^x15 Kraft 13.22 •SWEATERS Final Clearance Final Clearance te .i2 iq .(t.a -ii reg. 14.9S STORE ONLY SIQOO Final Clearance • S m T S 6.53 6x15 Kraft 12.73 STALL •KMTS reg. 8.53 30.50 H|. ft. a-1V rag.14.93 6x15 Unfaced 11.5(j) 3e.SOM|.fi.a.19 rag. I3.9S 9x24 Batts Unfoced 30.08 33.MM|.fi.a.30 r ^ 32.44

Wrangler Jr. Cords Old Hampshire Cash 'n' Carry Dickie Chinos Dickie Cords Wrangler Jr. Denims aew Ihre Fth. 15, 19B2 Sweaters Raised Panel A A | # Wrangler Flannels Women's Better Shirts Ready to Finish BEGAVS Wrangler Chinos Wrangler Chamois Pro Keds "Canvas” CABMEfS Wrangler Fatigues Don Juan Flannels Wool Sweaters Ragutar S d t Piict BU Y 10 ROLLS base 18" 13.20 M J t 24" 150.90 U.09 AND GET A MARLOW’S 30" 186.20 121.03 S10 BONUS HUNDREDS QF MARKDOWNS THROUGHOUT 36" 208.90 139.78 CHECK, TOO' wall 18x30 95.50 92.97 THE STORE...IN EVERY DEPARTMENT! 24x30 112.40 73.09 Come In for details. 30x30 145.30 94.40 sneet on N»igpoes . 36x30 184.00 1M.99 wsammMrmiuiswiBi • MEN'S • W OMEN'S • CHILDREN 0018" 173.10 112.92 nine Ngh quWly oOrals n avtiMli Ki oihw iizts. Cushen cW ints sueti n Shop early for best selection! pantiy unHs. s M i bases, etc. el similar f ib f r g ia s eevmip. >

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10 - MANCHESTER HERAl^D, Wed., Feb. 10, 1982 MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed.. Feb. 10, 1982 - 11 • • Task force: Save state heritage jWelfare benefits hike proposed G u ita r S a l By Mark A. Dupuis resources and expen­ economy, its notable the overall quality of life, contributions have been and natural resources and . 1 cijtioni.s; lund private All Guitars In Stock ditures of state and which was a key factor downplayed or ignored. HARTFORD (UPl) - welfare family — a mother The Human Services proposed to help families who were not on the United Press Inter- examples of art and preparing an “ emergency drug stores medical insurance con­ cited by firms that located t^onnecticut’s average welfare rolls, and At Savings natonal municipal funds, which the architecture and its dis­ action program’’ for and two children living in Committee also raised for who were dropp^ from the tracts for those dropped in the state. }velfare family would the state’s biggest cities. therefore, not receiving group said it had sought to tinctive natural protecting endangered 942MainSLManchester_. public hearing a package of Aid to Families with from AFDC benefits: or HARTFX)RD - A state Among the task force’s jw llect $21.33 a month assistance with their avoid. resources.” resources. Those families, now four measures design^ to Dependent Children broaden the contracts to in­ Records & Tapes task force says more recommendations on more in assistance under a medical bills. ‘‘But that was not always The 25-member task John J. Carson, state numbering 44,000 to 45,000, help the so-called''worklng program last Oct. 1 clude other needy people. money should be spent on educational programs }irop6sed increase in poor pay their medical because of federal cut­ The three other bills possible, and publicly force was established un­ Economic Development receive $426.64 a month in Mrs. Ottemess .said she At Discount Prices resources to preserve were calls' for school BUY - SELL }^nefits that will be con- bills. backs. would re<|uire employers financed programs of der a 1980 state law andT commissioner, who assistance, she said. The believed the issue was Connecticut's “ dynamic” courses in the state’s fiidered by lawmakers. However, she said the to provide medical in­ resource protection appear directed with reporting attended the Old State last increase in welfare Committee co- “ whether the state or the Heritage, calling a failure heritage and expansion of Coins, Stamps SiThe Legislature's! Legislature might decide surance for workcr.s; raise to be the only answer,” the back to the governor and Housie gathering, said the payments was a 5 percent ‘ chatrwomair;' Rep. Naomi private sector should be Bailers Music Shop to do so “ an abdication of community education ^uman Services Com­ hike that took effect last Ottemess, D-Ledyard, said to broaden the assistance the income standard of report said. Legislature by this year. state’s heritage had Gold, Silver picking this up (medical 1013 Main St. public responsibility." programs by historical mittee voted unanimously July. the measures, were measures to help the needy eligibility for Medicaid J l The report said failure to Its members were ap­ economic importance in benefits). 649-2036 The Connecticut provide “ modest support” pointed by the late Gov. addition to its historic and societies and other local Silver Dollars 10% discount ^ e s d a y ,to hold a public Heritage Task Force for­ for protecting the state’s Ella Grasso. educational significance. groups. Hearing on a bill that would mally issued more than 40 The panel also sought $10.00 and up }hcrease welfare payments heritage "should be The group was charged Carson said Connec­ on all liquor & boor recommendations Tuesday recognized for what it is: with developing ticut’s heritage, which state funding of research Jp the next fiscal year by 5 WASHMGTON’S SALE on how to preserve the An abdication of public recommendations on ways played a key role in the into “ the contributions Su-Deb Coin Co. vercent. GRAMES PRINTINd natural, historic and responsibility for which to protect and preserve the state’s $1.8 billion tourism made by blacks, Indians 747 Main SIreel Thursday, Feb. 11th Only An official of the state 50 Purnell Place cultural resources in the future generations will not state’s historical, cultural industry, also was part of and other groups whose MANCHESTER ^Department of Income state. thank us.” (Slat# law oxcludoa wino purehaaoo) ■Maintenance, which HushAvniqii' Manchester, C T ii»‘s Scit ') to 5 i O SALE! The proposals ranged The task force officially lUu's l.iq oversees welfare, said the 643-6669 from an exploration of presdented its 30-page Coupon Must Be Presented At Tims ol Purohase !ihcrease for both general All Boots ways to use cable televi­ report to Gov. William SPECIAL PURCHASEI ■assistance and the Aid to color print sion to spread the word O’Neill at a gathering at Families with Dependent about the state’s heritage Hartford’s historic Old 'Children program would) ^ 0 to researching the con­ State House. cost roughly $10 million. fUm tributions minority groups “ Connecticut’s heritage f ilumberland® ;; The bill was introduced 5 0 % . have made to the state’s is dynamic,” the report i^^Presidents' 'by Rep. John Mannix, R- d e v e lo p in g C-12 culture. said. “ The uniqueness of •Wilton, a member of the ^ JUMBO CANNON BALL • Kodaeolor, Fuji or 3M color print film The task force Connecticut as a place lies February 11, 12. & 13 {Appropriations Com- All Shoes C-20 ^ recommended several in untold numbers of {mittee. Gov. William A. VaUd Feb. 10,11, U , 13th or C-24 Color C-41 rolls. J changes in taxation for SPINDLE BED JO’Neill’s recommended SALEM NASSIFF CAMERA SHOP things, including its ethnic 25% OFF 36 exposure roll only 0 9 9 ! historic and other diversity, its dynamic •budget for 1982-1983 . in- 638 Main Street Manchester,...... ,, CT______06040NO .643-7369 LIMIT A ■ 1000 Sheets {cludes no increase in JetUeks printed from your SALE PRICED {welfare payments. I ■■■■iM H B aB M ^lou p on muat accompany order wa mi ■■ b b ■■ mi J WHITE Stag S W* SpMlallz* In Wide Widths camera ready copy 1 Carole Donagher, budget (8’/tx11 white 20-lb. bond) JACKETS - BIBS T ests® 70% OFF •director fpr the Income {Maintenance Department, OBSOLETE MODEL - BROKEN SIZES {said the increase would ^ 1 6 e S 0 / 1 ,0 0 0 Complats Twin Bad 2 mean an extra $21.33 a MARLOWlS flRMT $tMI RVrRVTMINU NNC’K tsilt NO LIMIT with mattress, foundation, IN>«.VTO»N MAIN NT.. M AMN$;'«T»ll( — OI*KN ■ UA%i«->TNt KH. M4IHTM till ti • month for the average t ’RKa: PARM.4i NtlAN UK IN M KTORK! headboard, footboard and railt SKI BOOTS REG. TO 110** no®® o f Price effective Feb. 10-Feb. 19 •SOLtDPtNE •MASSIVE USED USED Downtown •RUQGED X-COUNTRYSKIPKGL RENTAL X-COUNTRY ^CONSTRUCTION Manchester Rentals SKIS t spotlight Economy BMMGS • Maternity our Valentine’s Day gift to you. POLES BOOTS ®20®® clothes s p e c ia ls (InstaM) •) The heart of the matter Is the efficiency of a Kero-Sun* Por­ table Heater. It burns kerosene with 99.9% fuel efficiency. * 6 2 * * EXGEUENT CONO. • Uniforms (C glass replacement pots for Needs no chimney Installation. Has advanced safety features NO WAX HBMEBUS8 LP. 12S** (all models are U.L. listed.) And — saves you money. • Loungewear > automatic coffeemakers — fits mr. To find out more about how you can heat for pennies an hour ^ coffee and most others. this winter, visit us soon. Eight heart-warming models to match GROUP LADIES TENNIS CLOTHING W • Bra & Corset ail your heating needs. Kero-8un. Beceuse you don't have money to bum. Fittings MOONLIGHTER 179.95 AS-WHITE STAG Prj^ • Breast Form 4 .4 9 each FREE An Impressive Jumbo style Ihel your family will enjo^Tor yearel Built for Masectomys with every purchase to last with rugged quality construction In solid pine. Features the favorite spindle headboard end footboard. 2 bolt-thru ralla, extra, (* 18”X24" astro-turf TWO 5 GALLON JUGS firm multi-needle quilt twin size mattress and foundation, Again — BARGAINS all these quality pieces, yours tor one low price. M MANY UN-ADVERTISED door mats SON-RICH SALES THRU-OUT THE 8TOREI vita Matter A Division of Imported Car Parts Inc. ALL SALE8 ARE FINALI Am. Exp. Cath-Check 846 MAIN STREET 2 0 % OFF MANCHESTER MARLOWS. . *^*”'*’ ' Oh K\>:HVTHIX« MIXI i; iHIl; Maternity and 6 4 3 - 2 4 6 4 IH lU N ir n t N 'l.\ IN M ’.. \l\\i ||»;<4TKI( — 0 |*KN n KM \ ffillT H tin •. AT each I K*.$. I'llONT .\.M» KKUl Of

t mmJ Amim O6OJt0 *20 *20 All Earrings PRESIDENTIAL PEARL BUCKS send your love Youth Specialty Shop BIRTHDAY SALE 20% to 40% hearts and 757 Main St. Downtown Manchester As is our custom we are offering some really fan­ Presidents Sale tastic values at our Presidential Birthday Sale. flowers in its OFF From Our Women*s Dep’t. Final Winter Clearance Sale SLACKS ... were to $95 ... winter & summer ... Final Markdowns Every pair of earrings, ...... NOW some for only $5.00 & up own card V pierced and non-pierced SKIRTS ... were to $140 ... winter & summer Up To 50% Savings from our normal huge inven­ ...... $10 NOW some from only & up we’ll engrave infanta - Toddlers - Girls - Boys - Preps tory is reduced — some 20% SWEATERS ... were to $140.. NOW at 30%,40% & 50% off 19" Coior TV *299 SHIRTS ... man tailored...... NOW 30% off and others up to 40%. Choose Our classic CAMEL COATS ... fo r the 2nd time in 28 years ... it, free! BOYS GIRLS 20" Gbb or Eioctric Ranges from *228 from small studs to large . now marked down from $238 fo r long coats to $L07 ... From^ Pajamas Pajamas Refrigerators from *299 drops. No earrings are held $170 on Jackets to $119 ... These are exceptional buys. Shirts (Flannel &' Cotton) Blouses Slack Sets Slacks and Sets Microwaves from *219 back from this sale. Every From Our Men's Dep't Jafseys Dresses earring in the store will be ii: Velours Skirts & Sets Sale Days Thurs.-Monday, Feb. 15 SUITS ... a large group of suits now marked down no A Sweaters 'Jerseys reduced...... 40% to 50% off : o SPORT JACKETS ... a large group of jackets Boys & Preps 2 pc. & 3 pc. Suits *20 off on any purchase of over *300 ...... NOW 40% to 50% off Chips and Imp. Original F in a i S a ie SLACKS ... a very large assortment size 38’s and 40’s with this ad NO IE 40% and 50% off SWEATERS ... a large assortment at ...... 5 0 % off Bright-cut flowers oh a gold No Exchanges or Refunds tone, aetln-finlBh heart peniloant . (I V2 Price A GROUP OF TIES...W00I, silk, polyester...were to $20 ..... carry a aentimental meaeage to Sale Ends Saturday Feb. 13th 5 p.m...... 7VOIT $5 .0 0 Heavywear last long after Fanruary 14th.l Mittens M3-2171 AND Mon.-Wed. 10-5:30 RAINWEAR...... NOW 50% off Coats, Pramsuits 4 0 6 Specialiailv designed greeting SnowsuKs, Jackets Hats iH lld iS L APPLIANCES Thurs. ’til 9:00 ( There are loads of hidden values in the stock ... Le.: A man^s Select Group Jerseys Fri. til 8:00 card andCl envelope.' Jewelry. aiROMAN Snowmobile Suits Sat. til 5:00 cashmere sweater, was $120... NOW $30... $40 ladies summer and Velours (8-20) > S m o o r » k ir t ...... iVOr $5.00 To p Brand — Experienced Salesladies AM pmtouc purehacM iKMi-appHeabto. alt 9ate$ fo r caah. check, Maatercard or Viaa Coupon good 2/11/ga thru 2/1I/I2 917 Main St. Downtown Manchester A ll Salea F in a l... Regular Stock — Broken Sizes » 2 0 Coupon mutt bo pcMontod *2Q ■P •t tiino ol puiehaM. nafTtttTtaaa rtrtTttTttitAMi

( it i\\ III ()\\ II mail] s( 1. 1 S.\ ( i ! iv\ 111 () w II m a i n s( ii r i . 1 \

mAPCliesteR. 12 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed., Feb. 10, 1982 Bob McAdoo Man arrested Tuesday obituaries E. Clayton G engras in comeback Page 11 after them for years to get more also wanted in Florida Mrs. Lsna K. RobMoux capital. The cbntroller of the SPORTS Mrs^ Lena (Kearns) Robidoux, 79, Continued from page one currency is not at all interested in died Tuesday at Hartford Hospital. banking business is that interstate the shareholders. He could care less A Manchester man was arrested justice and s lid they plan on She was born in Fall River, Mass., banking is coming and the banks as long as they can get the capital. Tuesday and charged with carrying applying for a warrant on that and had lived in New York City want to get their ducks lined up so There’s no restrictions.” a dangerous weapon and drug charge. before moving to Manchester 14 they’ll all ready to repel any possession is also wanted by Florida Williams was hb'ld overnight and years ago. She was employed by takeover invaders. authorities, police said. was presented in court this morning. Avery Heights Nursing Home, Hart­ Gengras pulled a pack of True He said if the merger goes Police arrested Willie Williams, ford. cigarettes from the breast pocket of through and Hartford realizes a Older Wales team 43, of 82 D Spencer St. when it was She leaves a daughter, Mrs. his blue suit, lit one, leaned forward, reported $6 million profit, "You got discovered there was an outstanding Gladys Monti of Manchester: two and said, “ If you had a to give that back in dividends for warrant for his arrest from police Fire calls grandchildren and seven great­ sledgehammer, maybe you could . $4.7 million or $4.8 miliion. You’re in West Palm Beach, Fla. Police grandchildren and several nieces knock it into their heads that they running around the trapk and had stopped Williams while he was and nephews. are giving half of the bank for a nobody's even clapping for you. But driving on Center Street. Funeral services will be Thursday third of the capital, 47 percent. How you’re picking up $.50 million in trips Campbell, 4-2 Williams is wanted by Florida Manchester at 9:15 a.m. from the Richard W. much of a devious guy would it take capital.” police for violation of probation and Sheehan Funeral Home, 1084 New to buy 3, 4, or 5 percent and then Tuesday, 2:42 p.m. — Motor vehi­ Britain Ave., West Hartford, with a fraudulent use of a credit card. control Hartford. He’d have 51 or 52 The Hartford National Ctorp. lost cle accident, 563 Vernon St. (Town) LANDOVER, Md. (UPI) - Quebec’s Peter Stastny was not “ Every time you do something for Police here said Florida authorities mass of CSiristiai. *'urial at 10 a.m. percent,” he said. $25 million in 1975 with the collapse plan to extradite Williams on those Tuesday, 5:54 p.m. — Trouble with at St. Brigid CHiurch, West Hartford. Although the prince of Wales surprised by the fine early start of the first time, like scoring a goal, Is E. Clayton Gengras all heart? of the real estate market, but refrigerator; 64C Rachel Road. Conference squad has a higher the Campbell Conference. “ In it’s always a thrill,” said Gretzky. charges. Burial will be in Mount St. Benedict Why did he spend big money for regulations do not require it to dis­ Police found a barber's straight (Eighth District) Cemetery, Bloomfield. Calling average age than their Campbell hockey, this kind of thing happens,” “ It was my first goal (in All Star some people — ”he says it ran to cuss such losses when they extend hours are today from 7 to 9 p.m. Conference counterparts, the said Wales center Stastny. competition) in three years but it razor and less than four ounces of $100,0(X) — for an analysis of Hart­ beyond five years. Hartford’s marijuana in Williams’ pockets ford’s, financial health? He’s a E. C LA YTO N GENGRAS difference wasn’t very noticeable. “ Sometimes you get even 15 or 20 only kept us in the game, it didn't do Norma M. Roberts lawyers told Judge Cabranes that it during a search at police charitable man to be sure, but he is ’ ... it’s a bad deal’ What was noteworthy was the fact straight shots but the game is 60 much else for us.” Bill would stop SOUTH WINDSOR — Norma M. did not do so beccause the loss was headquarters. in it for the buck. the Wales contingent scored twice minutes long and these things can Bossy scored his first goal at 17:10 Roberts, 48, of 92 Troy Road, died “ non-recurring,” . ' Because of the outstanding profit by felon ’T m doing it formoney. I ’m doing “ We toid them we weren’t as many goals as the Campbell just turn around.” of the second period on a 10-foot Monday at her home. She was the Toronto’s Rick Vaive gave the wrist shot past Minnesota goalie warrant, police said Williams is it to get a return on investment, to soliciting proxies. We never asked “ We wanted to bring that into the team, earning a 4-2 victory in the believed to be a fugitive from HARTFORD ( U P l) — A convicted wife of Leon E. Roberts. NHL All Star game Tuesday night. Campbell team a 1-0 lead with a 35- Gilles Meloche. New York’s Ranger get what I thought I’d get anybody to vote for us. We’re Just figures — show what had happened. felon would be prohibited from She also leaves three sons, The younger Campbell team foot slap shot past Pittburgh’s defenseman Barry Beck fed Bossy, originally,” he said. trying to inform them,” he said. The They (Hartford) say now they’re making money through a book, Everett Roberts of Manchester, started Uie game by outshooting Michel Dion at 2:32 of the opening whose backhander skimmed into the After the study was compiled, he only forum left open, then was the making great progress. If you look magazine article or movie detailing Bruce Roberts and Scott Roberts, their counterparts 10-1 and took an' period. goal off the skate of Minnesota sent a letter to Hartford's 7,300 federal court. at the background for 10 years Two charged his life and crime under a bill both of South Windsor; a daughter, early 1-0 lead. Boston’s Ray Bourque and defenseman Craig Hartsburg and Laura Roberts of South Windsor; shareholders expressing “ deep con­ rather than five, it’s a wounded proposed by Sen. Gerald Labriola, cern” for whal Hartfoid was dping. HE iSAII) HIC.GO r to wondering “ Everyone says we have an older Quebec’s Mark Tardif retaliated to gave the Wales Conference the lead, R-Naugatuck. her mother and stepfather and a that if the merger was so financial institution making some team,” said Wales Coach Al Arbour give the Wales conference a 2-1 lead it never lost at 3-2. at restaurant He soon was in hot water with the recovery..... The dividends in 1976 Labriola, a candidate for the sister, all in Illinois. questionable in his view, hovv come of the New York Islanders. “ I guess at the end of the first period. “ Barry gave me the puck and it Funeral services will be Thursday Securities and Exchange Commis­ went down to $1. In other words, Republican gubernatorial nomina­ sion, which told Gengras he had to the Office of the Currency approved •it took a while for the arthritis to set Bourque scored on a lOfoot wrist got behind me,” said ^ s s y . “ The Two Manchester men were at 9 a m. at the Samsel Funeral they are just about getting back to tion, said Tuesday his proposal is first notify them before he could it? in.” shot past Eklmonton’s Grant Fuhr at only thing I thought I could do was arrested early this morning and Home. 419 Buckland Road with a where they were 10 years ago.” backhanded. I was lucky to catch patterned after a New York law solicit proxies. " I t ’s very simple. They’ve been New York -Ranger right winger 12:03 and Tardif poked in his wrist charged with breach of peace and prompted by convicted-murderer mass of Christian burial at 10 a.m. Ron Duguay a g r ^ . “ I think the shot at 13:27. Meloche going the wrong way.” having weapons in a motor vehicle David Berkowitz, notoriously known at St. Catherine Church, Broad older guys on our team had to find Wayne Gretzky, the NHL’s Bossy gave the Wales team an in­ after a disturbance at David’s as "Son of Sam.’’ Brook. Calling hours are today from their legs.” runaway scoring leader from Ed­ surmountable two-goal lead just Restaurant. “ There is nothing more repugnant 7 to 9 p.m. Memorial contributions Although the Wales team was out- monton, scored just 26 seconds into 1:09 into the final period. Montreal’s Police arrested Jeffrey Libby. 20, than to have a hideous crime, such to the American Cancer Society, 237 Bill would raise age shot 17-8 in the opening period, they the second period, tying the game at Larry Robinson fed Bossy and the of 28 Ash St. and Craig N. Smith, 23, as murder, recounted vividly in a E. Center St., Manchester. led 2-1 and never trailed after tying 2-2. Gretzky’s 2iD-foot breakaway ensuing breakaway gave the of 82 S. Main St. after police movie or detailed in a bestseller by came on assists from Oiler team­ winners their final 4-2 margin. HARTFORD (UPI) - A bill to will simply drive across the state centers 'to impose a tax on beer and the score at 1. The winners outshot responded to a call from the the criminal," Labriola said. mates Paul Coffey and Fuhr. Fuhr’s Goalie Don Edwards of Buffalo raise Connecticut’s legal drinking line to New York. He said it would wine sold on premises; and to the Campbell Conference 23-11 in manager that the two were causing He said the law would prevent assist was the first ever for a goalie was not seriously tested the Novi,' you know age from 18 to 20, an issue that sur­ be better to have the liquor require military bases to pay the the final two periods. trouble at the Manchester Parkade criminals from making money from in an NHL AH Star game. remainder of the period. faces every year, has been approved available closer to home. state taxes on their liquor. “ I looked up and we had outshot establishment. two current and well-publicized The United States' national debt The goal was Gretzky’s first in All The Wales Conference had 31 by the Legislature’s General Law The committee also voted The panel killed the so-called them 10-1,” said Campbell Ck>ach A tire iron and a two-foot-long crim es in Connecticut — the surpassed $986,497 million in June Star competition. shots on goal, the Campbell 28. Committee for a public hearing. Tuesday to hold hearings on bills to "doggie bag” bill for wine. It would Glen Sonmor of the Minnesota North wooden handle were found in the car Purolator security guard slayings in 1981. the largest national debt in the Rep. John Atkin, D-Norwalk, one allow package stores as well as have allowed restaurant customers Stars. the two were using, police said. Waterbury and the "demon trial” in world. In dollar bills the nearly half of two legislators who opposed it, restaurants and bars to sell liquor to take their wine home if they “ There were a couple of times Both are scheduled to appear in Brookfield where the defendant a trillion dollars would make a pile Herald photo by Pinto said teenagers who want to drink on election day; to allow civic didn’t finish the bottle. when we were shorthanded that we court Feb. 22. claimed he was possessed. 52,500 miles high. could have scored. But the Wales Hero to goaf status team was a very talented and poised Action in Rec Voiieybali League bunch of guys. We were in command for a while then their poise and Haig praises Hank Brown of Redwood Farms soars high gym. Brown’s teammate Ed Hllle awaits experience took over.” Mike Bossy led the comeback with to spike ball during last night’s Rec League defensive move of foe. Winning score DISCONTINUED CARPET & REMNANTS two goals and was named the games NATO's unity volleyball match against the Insurers at tiling Most Valuable Player. glanced off leg over Poland Another first at Fenway Park “ Right after Vaive scored, 1 got a CFO brings you d Sale LANDOVER, Md. (U PI) — Craig 3 j good opportunity when Rick gave Hartsburg of the Minnestota North C u n tin u rd fro n t pafci- on e /...Ac &LA' ibat inehiiles eseiy budget Stars, whose goal in the 1980 All Star me the puck but Michel Dion (of There will be a first at F en w ^ Park the Shots here’n there Pittsburgh) stopped my shot. The presented to Congress. He said he expects negotations Game proved to be the winner in the first Saturday in May when the Boston Red rebound jumped over my stick when on the bases to be concluded in May. Thirty two of the top (emale tennis players Wales victory that year, inadver­ not eiity de you save Sox will stage their flrst Old Timers’ game. I had an open net. Bobby Smith lof Haig said he had “ extremely productive discussions” in the world, headed by Chris Evert Lloyd, tantly put the winning puck into his Ever since the club joined the American Herald Minnestota) also had a shot at the with Spanish leaders on bilateral issues. “ 1 emphasize Tracy Austin, Virginia Wade and Barbara own net as the Prince of Wales con­ Of many dollars, but you get 1st League the front office kxdied down its nose. ■ loose puck. If we get that goal 1 that the United States is committed to the democratic Angle potter will take part in the Avon Tournament ference defeated the Campbell Divi­ at promotions of this nature which have think we might have won it. ” process in Spain.’’ he said. A ii *?y Quality Brand Name yams March 15-21 at Boston University with the sion 4-2 Tuesday. proven to be big crowd-pleasing and Before Boston’s Raymond Washington welcomes Spain’s decision to enter NATO Earl Y o st,. finals at the Boston Garden... Jong Han of Hartsburg, now playing for the moneymakers. Sports Editor Manchester was among the Cornell soccer conference Clampbell All-Star Bourque and Quebec’s Marc Tardif and expects full ratification of Spanish membership suehas: Since new owners took over following the scored to give Wales a 2-1 first period “ some time this spring,” Haig said. players honored at the annual banquet. Han because of a divisional re­ death of Tom Yawkey there have been lead Edmonton’s Mark Messier During a 4'/2-hour assault Tuesday on Poland’s received the Shapiro Award as the player alignment, tried to stop Islander’s changes at New E n g l e ’s historic major broke away while shorthanded, but military rulers. Haig said, “ A forcible suppression of who overcame the most mental and physical Mike Bossy’s backhander, but got league park. Dion came away big in making the the Polish search for dignity in the workplace, for MANCHESTERER ONLY Y------Y adversity during the season. The local player only a piece of the puck. One such change is the introduction of an save. freedom and for self determination is under way. VowChoiea » suffered a separated shoulder and came back "Barry Beck took a shot from the Old Timers’ Day. to score four goals and record two blue line which was stopped and fell Minnesota Coach Glen Sonmor, “ The generals of this war against the Polish people Ted Williams will be on hand and that along RMnSizeRu§sorOr«l assists...Chip Lupacchino lettered in soccer in front of the goal,” recalled the bench boss for the Campbell are none other than the Polish regime itself, acting un­ SIztt Sty la Color Value NOW should assure a capacity crowd for May Day, Parnell as well as Williams and Joe Cronin. last fall at St. Joseph’s College in Rensselaer, Hartsburg. “ I thought I could reach squad said, “ It was a fine well der the instigations and coercion of the Soviet Union,” 12x7 Velvet Plush Suede $170 $ 89 1962. Williams I s ^ e greatest Red Sox player The game will celebrate the 50th season of Ind...Official workouts for the New York it but Bossy got there first and played game which was played in he said. < 12x11 Saxony Shag Sar>d 200 99 of all-time. spurts. In the long run their Haig accused Poland’s delegate of using his position Yawkey tradition at Fenway. The late Tom Yankees started today in Fort Lauderdale, backhanded it blindly. 12x11 Saxony Plush Gold ' 200 99 Since announcement was made by George experience was the difference.” as chairman to delay the western attack by juggling the Yawkey purchased the club in April of 1933 Fla., with batterymen due. Full squad “ It hit my leg and carried on into 12x4 Shag Plush Grey 76 29 Sullivan, new pnbUc relations director, there When Bossy scored the final two speaking order and cutting short the meeting. and was the sole owner for 44 seasons, longer reports Tuesday...Ironmen with the Hartford the goal.” 12x21 Saxony Shag Wood 320 179 has been a heavy response for tickets for the goals of the contest, to break a 2-2 “ It is no surprise that the guilty try to evade exposure than anyone in baseball history. Whalers who have played in all 53 games are Hartsburg, a comparative 12x12 Sculptured Blue 220 119 day which will also include a regular tie, and was awarded the of their wrongs,” Haig told a news conference after the Blaine Stoughton, Dave Keon and Doug veteran, had 13 teammates on the 12x16 Cut and Loop Multi 320 189 scheduled game between the Red Sox and automobile which goes with the session Tuesday. The Old Timers’ appearance of Williams Sulliman...Saturday night the Whalers enter­ Campbell Conference squad who 12x10 Level Loop Green 120 59 Texas Rangers, a fine attraction in itself. Most Valuable Player Award, his Other Western speakers were just as tough. West Ger­ will mark the first ever for the Hall of Famer tain the New York Rangers for the first time were taking part in their first All 12x8 Level Loop Wheat 96 49 The Old Timers will play a three inning New York Islander teammates, man Foreign Minister Hans-Dieter Genscher and who thrilled American League fans for better this season and come back Sunday at 2 to host Star game as compared to seven all- 12x19 Saxony Frieze Rust 300 ^§2 game. Bryan Trottier and John Tonelli. Canada’s External Affairs Minister Mark McGuigan 12x9 160 than two decades iq the uniform of the Red the New York Islanders ... Jimmy Fund will star rookies with the Wales con­ Cut and Loop Tones 89 Acceptances have already been accepted broke into spasms of laughter on the delivered stinging speeches. 12x16 Plush Pile Blue 300 149 Sox. benefit tonight from the dinner honoring Ed­ ference. by Red Sox favorites of another era like ice. There was speculation the. United States would seek 12x6 Sculptured Blue 100 49 die Popowski at The Colony in Vernon. A half “ When we got the first goal (Rick Frank Malzone, Johnny Pesky, Mike An­ “ I am going to drive the car,” said immediate adjournment but Haig wanted to hear the 12x19 Hilo Sculptured Earth 300 189 dozen Red Sox family members are Vaive at 2:32) I thought we had a drews, Walt Dropo, Birdie Tebbetts, Russ If you are planning to attend, now’s the Bossy. “ But I have to split it with East Bloc response. However, a consensus emerged 12x13 Hard Twist Chestnut 200 scheduled to appear. chance to get the jump on them,” 192 Gibson, Jim Lonhorg, Dick Radatz, Mel time to try and secure a ticket. Bryan and John because of an agree­ among non-East Bloc states to adjourn at the end of 12x8 Tight Loop Leather 140 79 said St. Louis’s Brian Sutter, who ment we made after the game” February until the fall, to give time for improvement in 12x15 Heavy Saxony Peach 400 199 assisted Vaive on the score. “ We Bossy Trottier, and Tonelli form 12x19 Level Loop Walnut 260 99 dominated them in the early going Poland. the Islanders top line in regular- “ From the U.S. point of view, we are dedicated to the 12x13 Saxony Plgsh Sand 276 139 and outshot the 10-1, but they are an season play. proposition that we will not — repeat not — conduct’ 12x9 Sculptured Beige 180 89 experienced, talented team. business as usual while this situation continues in Plus mors In our showroom Poland,” Haig said. “ We are going to listen to the other side and see Carpet Factory Outlets whether or not this effort is going to reestablish a sound Denver businessmen framework for the conduct of business as usual. As of EAST HARTFORD ONLY today, no way,” he said. Haig accused Moscow and Warsaw of systematic % V Size Style Color Value violations of the Helsinki Final Act of 1975, a product of seek to keep Rockies detente that set standards for human rights in Europe. 9x12 Sculptured Brown $160 12x13 Saxony Rust 216 -111 DENVER (U P I) - A group of Aden said the group was seeking 12x20 Hilo Nylon Beige 280 local businessmen is trying to find corporate investors to offer “ upr 12x18 Plush Pile Tan 360 investors to put up $1 million in up front money that would be used to Courts hand out 12x10 Level Loop Grtan 140 12x10 Contract Tan 130 front money by today in an effort to help operate the Rockies for the remainder of this season.” 12x16 Laval Loop Green 240 / . s '® keep the Colorado Rockies in stiff jail terms 12x12 Tight Loop Gold 120 Denver. “ Any money put forth on the op­ Allen R. Aden, board chairman of tion would apply to the final 12x18 Contract Bronze 230 ’rWoCholcM Just DIscontinuwl! Blue 240 First Financial Securities Inc., told purchase price,” he said. 12x12 Tracery Pile a. Tight level loop. 100K Olefin itain-reititant a. Hl-lo popcorn design. 100% nylon. WARSAW, Poland (U P I) — Polish martial courts Stripe B4 a Tuesday night news conference his Aden would not divulge the 12x7 Colonial Print pile. a! b. Heavy duty nylon contract loop pile. gave jail terms of up to 10 years< to 57 Poles who 12x9 Shagtonei Tan 160 b. Pretty print deeigni on hi-density foam group was looking for 10 corporate proposed purchase price, but said organized strikes or distributed anti-government 12x23 100% Nylon Walnut 220 backing. Scotchgard. 6 year guerantaa. investors and already had “ some investors would be told about the No va o s l ordaie. leaflets and a former Foreign Ministry staffer went on 12x14 Level Loop Earth 120 VALUES TO SI 2.00 •q.yd. (investors) in the bag.” offer “ in detail.” trial for spying for the CIA. 12x23 Shag Frieze Salmon 360 VALUES TO S10JM ^yd. “If we can come up with $1 “ I will tell any potential investors million by Wednesday, our plan has exactly what it is,” he said. "But At the Vatican, Pope John Paul II ’Tuesday told 30 unr 12x21 Hilo Nylon Onnamon 200 SfiOO ydi. thiwieiout our mo im t 7 J ^ r sq.ifd. 6,600 ydt. throughout our itorM.' ion leaders, including six exiled members of Solidarity, 12x9 Sixony Pile Beige 140 0 a good chance of su c c ^ in g ,” Aden the offer is extremely fair. We have the revival of the fully independent trade union 12x19 Nylon Tweed Maize 200 said. checked it out with several other represents "the only way out” of the crisis in his native 12x23 Sculptured Red 2 4 0 Two Heavy Duty ChoicMu Enkalon^wHh IBcotehganll Aden said his group wanted to persons, including heads of other Poland. 12x10 Pluih SculptruedBlue 200 “ buy an option to purchase the hockey clubs, and we feel it is quite “ Without this respect for the rights of man, the nor­ 12x17 Kit. Print Baige 220 a. Denie:pludi pile In solid colors. Extra heavy plush or thatching sculptured ' ▼ Rockies.” He said Rockies owner attractive.” b. Sculptured plush In modern tones. earthtbnes. 5 year wear guarantee, top of the ^ malization of life in society, the development of 12x7 Heavy Saxony Gold 160 line. Mix or match. - jMh Peter Gilbert agreed to the plan economic life, and the safeg^rding of culture in all its 12x30 Heavy Pluih Sand 460 after lengthy negotiations Tuesday, expressions remains impossible,” the pope said. 12x30 Saxony Pluth' Birch 480 VALUU TO SISXO iq.yd. S1S.00 VALUE but time was of the essence. Sports Slate Church sources said an organizer of the onqe- •qyd. “ Now is the time for the business Wednesday independent police union has heep on a hunger strike for Plus hundreds mots In our showroom SfiCO y(b.tlmudmn our norw. rjSSO ydr. thtou|,iout our storat. community, the people interested in 14 days in the prison of Lowicz, 40 miles west of War­ investing in this team, to come saw. They did not name the man hut said he was ■Moae bated on 20 sqwre yard purdiessi. forward,” Aden said. “ We need to East Catholic al Northwest “ completely exhausted.” Juat Bring In YourApproxImataSkna, Wn’UDn ThnRnntl hear from them right now.” Catholic, 8 The authorities eased another martial-law restriction, Ttia placa------to go Is C.F.O. ^ - MANCHKTER;99S»padStroot Aden said Gilbert was "willing to Cheney Tech at East Hampton, 8 re-opening intercity telephone communication as of give Denver one more chance” to Coventry at Ballon, 8 Wednesday for operator-booked calls. Telephone ser­ keep the franchise in Denver. Mitchell at MCC, 8 vices inside cities were restored in January. CarpetFuttbryOuaets t*sTH*aTrM,Lu„.„™ “ The team can be saved,” he said. Mitchell al MCC (women), 6 The armed forces paper Zolnierz Wolnosci revealed Mondsy dm Fridsy 10fo0;Saturdsy 10to6;Sunday 12tnt (nsxt(nsxl to to Burilnolon Burlington Mills MlUt Oudsf) Oudsf) UPlptioto ‘ ‘M r. G ilbert has given us no WRESTLING Tuesday a military court in Gdansk- had imposed the 669-4495 deadline, but they (investors) have Eoat Hartford al Manchester, 6 toughest prison terms since the Dec. 13 declaration of WE8THARTF0RD • RERUN* ENFIELD • SOUTHINQTON •HOLYOKE. MASS. • AVON Randy Carlyla of PKtaburgh and tha Walaa All-Stara atick aondln# him airborne during second period last night at Lan- got to come forward now, or we’re Cheney Tech/Easl Hampton at martial law in Poland. ohacka Campbail’a Oania Savard of the Chleago Block Hawks dover, Md. ■ going to lose this team.” Valley Regional, 6

t MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed.. Feb. 10, 1982 - 15 14 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed., Feb. 10. 1982 / McEnroe survives Yanks add players who can fly

By Bob Lemon players with quite a bit of with more run-scoring doubles be a valuable member of our Yankees minor league teams about Nettles, who is without Manager, sock. Graig Nettles, our new and triples. And with our ad­ staff as a long man and won six of seven cham­ a peer at third base — and a Wilkinson score New York Yankees captain, has averag^ over 20 ditional speed, we put perhaps, spot starter. Rudy pionships) — who can make timely, long bail hitter, homers in his career. Win­ pressure on the other team’s May, like Frazier, is a this club. Pitchers such as NEW YORR - Over the besides. field, Oscar Gamble and Bob defensb, making them more valuable man on our staff, Gene Nelson, Andy McGaf- weighed on his muid. seeded No. 3, advanced Monday, the years, the Yankees have MEMPHIS, Tenn. (U P I) - John Watson all are capable of 29 prone to errors. also — as a starter and figan, John Pacella, Jamie When I talk of professional “ The thought goes through your first day of the 82nd annual tennis McEnroe, the top-ranked men’s ten­ always generated excitement homer years, if the the home One last point relative to reliever. And don’t forget a Werly, Pete Filson, Curt players, I cannot ignore Lou mind, and, yes, I did think about it,’’ tournament, and is scheduled to nis player in the world, faces Gilles . in New York and throughout run is the criterion of speed. In our big park, our young man we acquired from Kaufman, Mike Morgan all Piniella — a player’s player. play Australian Phil Dent today. Moretton of France today in the he said. the American League. I ’ve “ power.” outfield of Winfield, the Cardinals — lefthander have a chance. He is Mr. Clutch on our club— McEnroe also attributed the Fourth-seeded Vitas Gerulaitls U.S. National Indoor Cham­ been on both sides of the fence Speaking of power, Griffey Mumphrey and Griffey should Bob Sykes, who we know has The rest of our team is pret­ a leader who knows how tp closeness of the match to a heavy toppled Peter Rennert, 6-3, 4-6, 6-3, pionships, after narrowly surviving — as an opposing player and has the kind of power to reach standout. They are all the talent to be a fine major ty well set — although you play the game and produces ’Tuesday, while England’s Buster his first-round match Tuesday. schedule. manager, and now as the right field stands at excellent all-around players. league pitcher. never know when a young whenever he is called on. He ‘"This is the sixth straight week of Mottram took an upset 6-2, 4-6, 6-2 McEnroe, who was overpowered manager of the Yankees. I Yankee Stadium with some But baseball still comes l^ ile we have a solid star­ Diaver comes alone to make and Oscar Gamble give us a win over Yannick Noah of France. in the first round in last year’s tour­ playing,. and I ’ve had a lot of prefer it this way, believe me. regularity. He has power, as down to pitching — and we ting group, it is our bullpen the team. We have several solid righty-lefty DH punch or No. 7 seed, Roscoe Tanner, a nament, battled from behind in both travel,’’ he said. “ I didn’t play as Much has been made of the you will see this year. feel that we have a talented which sets our staff apart talented young men coming to as pinch hitters coming o ff the native of (3iattanooga, blitzed Tom sets to squeak by unseeded Tim solidly as I wanted to, and he fact that the Yankees in 1982 Because of the short season and deep pitching staff. In from most others. Probably camp who fit into that bench. They are pros. Wilkison, 7-6, 7-S. (Wilkison) played better than I Gullikson 6-4, 6-3, and feUow will be a “ different” team. last year, Winfield’s Ron Guidry and Tommy John, not since my playing days at category — like Don Matting­ , Larry Milbourne gives us a Tennessean Terry Moor, of In the first set, McEnroe was thought he could. Actually, as far as 1 am con­ statistics, for one (Mumphrey we have two of the finest left­ Cleveland, where we had Ray ly, Steve Balboni, Andre solid backup, while Bob Wat­ “ Everyone seems to play better MemphiSi gratified the hometown down 4-2 before rallying to win after cerned, the Yankees have is another), do not reflect his handers in the game. Now, Narleski and Don Mossi, have Robertson, Tucker Ashford, son, who has trimmed down a 7-5 tiebreaker. Ilie tournament against me,’’ McEnroe added. crowd with an upset of lltb-seeded added another ingredient to true home run potential. you add Dave Righetti, I seen a team with two relief who will have an opportunity some 20 pounds, will battle “ Sometimes it’s tough getting off favorite was back 5-2 in the second Harold Solomon 6-4, (63. the club speed. We’ve Remember, he hit 20 or more another southpaw, who was pitchers like Rich Gossage to take ovelr Aurelio Dave Collins and Dave set before sweeping up five straight the starting blocks.” In other first-round contesU, An­ always had playe;< who can homers in each of his last four the American League’s and Ron Davis. There are a Rodriguez’ old / spot behind Revering at first base. games to win. In earlier first-round matches, the dres Gomez of Ecuador beat Chris run — players like Willie Ran­ seasons at San Diego — which Rookie of the Year last number of fine relievers in Nettles. Collins, of course, is a solid After his initial test in the 1225,000 tourney’s No. 2 seed, Eliot Mayotte, 5-7, 7-6, 6-0, and Sammy dolph, Dave W in field, and also has a big ball park. season, and you have a baseball, such as Rollie Rick Cerone is one of the major league player who will championship at the Memphis Teltscher, wiped out Tony Giam- Giammalva eliminated Nich Jeny Mumphrey. Now, we Keep in mind — that playing lefthanded threesome un­ Fingers and Bruce Sutter, to better catchers around while be in the lineup virtually Racquet Club, McEnroe malva, 6-4, 6-2. Saviano, 6-3, 1-6, 6-0. have added two men who can 81 games in Yankee Stadium matched anywhere. Rick name two, but in Gossage and Randolph and Bucky Dent, every day in some way. acknowledged last year’s defeat Defending champion Gene Mayer, also fly in Ren Griffey and (one of the biggest parks in Reuschel is a professional Davis, we have two men who who has recovered from his I have said that this is tfiy Dave Collins. baseball) negates some ele­ pitcher who is an excellent can really stop the other club. hand injury which sidelined last year as manager. I'm That doesn’t mean that the ment of home run power. With athlete, to boot. He showed his Coming to camp are a him from August through the looking forward to it. It should Yankees are foregoing the , our speed on offense — and talents last year after coming number of fine young pitchers World Series last year, give us be exciting for the fans Tough road slate ahead long ball. Not by any means. defense, which cannot be ig­ over from the (%icago (hibs. I — all products of our winning a top-notch double play com­ because we have that kind of We still have a number of nored — we figure to come up also expect George i^azier to farm system of last year (the bination. What more can I say club.

UPI photo Chicago’s Larry Kenon seems pretty excited Kelly Tripuka during NBA action last night In Surprise! Surprise! about pulling rebound away from Detroit's Pontiac, Mich. Names in the News MARQUETTE, Mich. (U P I) - A Snow cuts slate 19-year-oId woman seeking to Don Sutton become Michigan’s first female Golden Gloves contestant says she AAcAdoo's comeback Yale leads Ivy loop HOLLYWOOD (UPI) — Hall of Fame pitcher Grover aeveiand was surprised and disappointed by a Alexander will be played by Houston Astros pitcher Don Sutton in a federal judge’s order barring her remake of the 1952 Ronald Reagan movie, “ The Winning Team,” New from boxing. Atlantic Coast Conference, as Yale over Cincinnati, fell 88-83. Arturo World Pictures has announced. U.S. District Judge Wendell Miles of school teams By United Press International is one of two teams playing better Brown led BU with 20, but the Sutton, an All-Star pitcher who spent most of his career with the Los Monday dissolved a temporary That’s not a misprint. Vale indeed than .5(XI basketball. Columbia, 9-8, Terriers hurt themselves with three Angeles Dodgers before signing a 81 million a year contract with restraining order that had blocked Snowfall twice in one day turned ' try High at Bolton High at 7:30, ton tilt has been rescheduled next big asset for Lakers is leading the Ivy League nearly is the other. technical fouls. Houston, will get $250,000 and 10 percent of the net profits. , the promoters of the Lansing-area out to be too much for the The Penney at Manchester High Wedne.sday at 7:45. halfway through the conference Against Brown, Yale got a great “ The whole game was bad,” said Golden Gloves contest from naming schoolboys with the scholastic girls’ hoop tilt at Clarke Arena has season. And yes, that was Brown the performance from junior forward BU coach Rick Pitino, whose team a winner in the flyweight division basketball schedule Tuesday night been reset Saturday night with the T w o regularly scheduled Elis defeated iW sday night in the Steve Leondis, who had a Larry fell to 13-7. “ We have no excuse to Joe Greene before Jill Lafler’s case was whitewashed. jayvee tilt at 5 o'clock and the varsi­ Manchester Community College By United Press International tonight and you can't afford to do x'age tilts are also on tonight’s agen­ and Sidney Moncrief each scored 19 Battle for First Place. Bird-like night with 28 points, 12 have a letdown like this after a big PITTSBURGH (U P I) — The Pittsburgh Steelers scheduled a noon decided. Two contests have been ty engagement at 7 o’clock. that against a team like the points to pace Milwaukee. For the The standings may look shocking win.” rescheduled tonight, one definitely da. The Cougar women host If Bob McAdoo continues his rebounds and seven assists. It was news conference today, reportedly to announce the retirement of “ I don’t know what happened up Lakers,” said Hawks coach Keyin Pacers, Butch Carter had 18 points to Penn and Princeton followers Harvard dropped an 84-66 decision Saturday, one next Wednesday and No new date has been set for the nationally ranked Mitchell College current rate of progression, the Los just the performance the Elis defensive tackle Joe Greene. there or why it took the turn it did,” Loughery. and Johnny Davis and Clemon John­ who are accustomed to fighting it to American University in another is still awaiting a new date. Manchester at Penney boys' tilt in at East Catholic's Saunders G ym ­ Angeles Lakers may progress nicely needed to avoid a letdown after • Greene, 35, the Steelers’ No. 1 draft choice in 1969, is credited with Ms. LaHer said in Lansing where In other games, Detroit defeated son finished with 15 each. out for the league crown. After all, Washington, D.C. ’The Crimson, 7-10, Reset for this evening are East blast Hartford. Saturday night nasium at 6 o’clock with the MCC through the playoffs. weekend wins over Harvard and leading Pittsburgh to four Super Bowl championships. she was working out. “ Maybe they C h icago 128-123 in o v e rtim e ; Itull. lH I 12, SpurH 110 the two schools have won or shared got 20 points from Don Flelming but Catholic versus Northwest Catholic appears likely. and Mitchell men to follow at 8 McAdoo. who earlier in his career Dartmouth. A certain Hall of Fame selection, “ Mean Joe” Greene also played had a good reason to say no,” she Milwaukee topped Indiana 108-101; At San Antonio, rookie Jeff the Ivy title every year since 1963 in West Hartford at 7:45. and Coven­ The Cheney Tech at East Hamp­ o'clock. led the league in scoring and was “ We might have had a tendency to it wasn’t enough to avert their third in 10 f t o Bowls, a record for American Football (Conference players said, adding she was disappointed. Washington edged San Antonio 112- Ruland hit a short jumper with two except 1968. straight defeat. one of the most dominant players in be flat, but Leo wouldn’t let us,” active in 1681. 110; Utah routed Golden State seconds remaining to help But make way for the new kid on In hockey. New Hampshire won the game, is making his latest com­ Carazo said. 123-107; Seattle downed New York Washingon snap a five-game losing the block. At least for now. eback effort a successful one and its fourth in a row with an 11-1 drub­ streak. The Spurs were led by “ We can’t think too much about Tuesday night's 22-point effort led 1'he coach also had praise for bing of Brown. ’The win moved the Rich Diana George Gervin’s game-high being in first place because we’ve Wildcats into a tie with Boston the Lakers to a 130-117 triumph over sophomore Butch Graves, who had Winkles happy in new position points. got four games ahead on the road,” EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. (U P I) — Tailback Rich DUna of Yale the slumping Atlanta Hawks. 15 points despite back spasms and College for first place (11-5) in the Ju7./ 123, WiirriorH 107 said Yale coach Ray Carazo, after and Ell football coach Carmen Cozza were honored Tuesday night at “The guys were coming to me “ held” Brown’s Ira James to 23 ECAC East. Dan Potter led the way At Salt Lake City, Adrian Dantley his team had taken over sole posses­ for UNH with three goals while the Football Writers Association of New York in the Mea(lowlands. tonight." said McAdoo. “ Right now points, but only six in the second NEW YORK (U P I) — The woods are full of was fired as manager by Cleveland. I called scored 23 of his game-high 35 points sion of first place in the Ivies with a Norm Lacombe and Scott Ellison Diana received an award as the Division 1-A ECAC Player of the I'm feeling real confident playing half. former big league managers just lying back him and told him 1 thought he had done a good in the second half to power Utah. 74-65 triumph over Brown. “ We’ve had two each. Brown fell'to 8-9. | Year^ wfaile.Cozza was presented with the Joseph M. Sheehan Trophy. the center position. Sometimes he “ Butc|i did a great job in preven-'' in the weeds waiting for another chance. Not job. I still think he did. " Rickey Green and added got to think of those next four.” The Stan Lomax-Irving Marsh Trophy went to (Coach Bill Manlove of I Coach Pat R iley) gets in a situation ting James from getting the ball '^' Bobby Winkles. He had his own rose garden Winkles learned how miich of an influence 19 points each for the Jazz. World The next four — Columbia, Widener College. Sports where he has to play me at forward down low. ’That made them run twice and it’s perfectly fine with him if they the press could be during his stewardships Free and Bernard King each scored Ck)mell, Penn and Princeton — may and sometimes 1 get kind of lost. So more patterns and they don’t like to never tap him for another one again. with the Angels and A s. 27 points for Golden State. be tough but for now the Elis can Parade 1 try to get down on the break and play that way,” Carazo said. Winkles managed the California Angels and "The first year I managed the Angels, we savor firsts place and the possibility get into the flow of things.” .Su|M-r.Siinii'N 114, Knirkn 10.5 Brown, which lost its first 11 Basketball Laffit Pfneay Oakland A’s. He’s director of player develop­ had a bad ball club, but we still won 79 games of their first title since 1962 (they Milt RIchman McAdoo paced six Lakers in dou­ At Seattle. Jack Sikma scored 25 games, fell to 4-13 overall and 4-2 in LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y. (U P I) — Laffit Plncay was named Jockey of ment with the Chicago White Sox now and has and everything was great with the press," he also won in 1957). Yale has won four ble figures as Magic Johnson points to lead the Sonics to their the league. the Month for January in a poll of turf publicists of America, it was no real desire ever to handle a ball club says. “ The next year, we didn't do as well. 114-105; and Houston tripped San straight, five of six, and stands at 5-1 finished with 21 points. Jamaal seventh straight triumph. Fred While Yale avoided a letdown, announced Tuesday. again. . The press began .speculating that I'd be gone Diego 129-121. in league t>lay and 11-7 overall. The Wilkes scored 19, Kareem Abdul- Brown came off the bench to add 23 Boston University suffered a com­ lincay won 21 races, including'four stakes, and earned $555,400 in “ I ’d do it,” he admits, “ but it’s not high on and the next thing you know that was what I'iHlonH 128, lliillh 123 Elis won only four league games Jabbar contributed 14 and Mike, At Detroit, John Long and Kelly points for Seattle. Michael Ray plete collapse against U.S. Inter­ purses. my priority list in life. Managing again never happened. ” last year. Cooper and Norm Nixon each had 13 Richardson paced New York with 24 national. ’The Terriers, coming off IHISINK.SSMKN weighs heavily on my mind. I did it for two joining the Angels as one of their coaches in He can smile about it now. He didn't then. Tripucka combined for 59 points, in­ (The Ivy I.eague isn’t exactly the points. Nixon also dished out a cluding 14 in overtime, to lead the points. an emotional overtinie winrSatiuday Behind Stan Alexander’s 29point different organizations. Some of the things I 1972. The following year, he replaced Del It hurt. production, Manchester Cycle out­ game-high 10 assists. Pistons. It was the seventh con­ RurkriH 129, Cli|i|HTH 121 Bill Dennis did were good, some not so good. I enjoy what Rice as the Angels’ manager. Dick Williams replaced him as Angels' "M cAdoo was going back with his secutive loss for the Bulls. Long At I San Diego, Moses Malone lasted Filloramo Construction, 76- I ’m doing now and don’t worry about losing The list of players Winkles coached at manager in June of 1974 and Winkles got jumper a few years tonight,” said scored 33 points, including 8 in over­ scored 33 points and Houston sur­ 73, last night at Bennet. Mark DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (UPI) — Veteran race car driver Bill my job. I have a great back-up if I felt I Arizona State who later, made it to the big another job almost immediately as one of Riley. "H e's just getting back into time, and Tripucka scored 6 of his 26 vived a 53-point final period by San 20-second clock advocated Piekos had 2 0^ints and Ed Rowal Dennis of Richmond, Va., was seriously injured Tuesday when he lost n ^ e d it. I can always go to some college in leagues looks like a page out of the telephone Alvin Dark's coaches at Oakland. the Bob McAdoo that we used to see in the extra period. Diego. Rockets Calvin Murphy and 12 for (^ cle while Tom Sapienza control of his car during qualifying for Sunday’s Sportsman race at the country and coach again in a minute, so it book and includes such names as Sal Bando, Last season. Winkles served as one of Tony a few years ago.” “ This is the way things have been Elvin Hayes reached scoring (21), Ren Goodwin (18) and Jack D a ^ n a International Spe^way. doesn’t bother me that I ’m not managing Alan Bannister, Duffy Dyer, Gary Gentry, LaRussa’s coaches. He was named to his new Dennis’ Pontiac rammed head-on into the ^andstand wall, bounced The Hawks were paced by Rudy going for us all year,” said Bulls milestones in the game with Murphy by Knight for college ball Hull (15) led Filioramo’s. DiRosa anymore.” Larry Gura, Reggie Jackson, Rick Monday, post right around the World Series. off and swerved into the pit area. A spokeisman said he regained con­ Macklin with a career-high 28 points coach Jerry Sloan, whose job is going past the 17,(KX)-point mark in Cleaners spilled Moriarty Fuel, 99 Winkles is doing his present job with the Lenny Randle, Craig Swan and Bump. Wills. “ I had a choice, either stay on as a coach or sciousness and his vital signs were stabilized at the track hospital. He and 12 rebounds. reportedly in jeopardy. “ We get into his career and Hayes moving into 67. Carl Bujaucius had 21 points, Bill White Sox from the field, not from the office. Dyer, with more than 12 years in the majors, take this.” he explains. “ I got to thinking only get 12 shots and if you make came off the bench to score a situations where we can win the fifth place on the all-time scoring CHICAGO (U P I) - The jury is Bellock 19, Hal Rawlings 15, Don was transferred later to Halifax Hospital in Daytona Beach. He suf­ He doesn’t even have an office. still greets the 51-year-old White Sox exec as about it and thought wasn't it nice that my around 50 percent of those shots, you career-high 27 points while dishing game and we break down.” . list with 24 points, giving him 25,203 still out whether Guinan 14, Bob Boland 13 and Pete fered a fractured larynx, dislocated clavicle (collarbone), multiple “ We’re trying to pattern the job the way “ coach” whenever he sees him anywhere. life could be divided up this way— 13 years might have a 12-12 game.” out 9 assists. lltirkH 108, ParerH 101 to surpass Jerry West and take fifth should adopt a shot clock but if it Denz 11 for the Qeaners. Paul bruises and a cut on his neck and underwent surgery late Tuesday. Whitey H et^ g did it with the Mets some Winkles concedes he made some mistakes coaching in college. 10 years managing and Other Big Ten coaches offered a "We just got off to a slow start At Indianapolis, Marques Johnson place. decides to do so, Indiana’s Bobby Frenette and Jim Ware each hooped years ago,” he says. “ I believe I ’m the only as a manager. One of them, he says, had to do coaching in the big leagues and three or four differing view. Knight has an unconventional 14 tallies, Mike O’Reilly 15 arid Joe one doing it that way now. At least I can’t with the way he handled Frank Robinson, a years working with youngsters again in the Michigan Coach Bill Frieder said suggestion for the rulemakers. Guardino 10 for Moriarty’s. Michel Galarneau' think of anyone else.” manager himself now with the San Francisco farm sysfem. Counting the time I played, that Knight advocated a 29second he would be in favor of some type of HARTFORD (U P I) — Center Michel Galarneau, called up Jan. 31 Few men ever associated with college Giants. would give me 35 years in the game by 1986 clock instead of the generally- shot clock in the league but not a 24-,. MIDGETS College basketball roundup to replace Ron Francis out with an eye injury, has been returned to sports were more successful than Winkles “ In 1974, the year I was fired as manager and I ’ll probably be ready to call it quits by second clock like the NBA uses or favored 39second clock for college Bill (}ole had 8 points and John was during his 13 years as head baseball by the Angels, Frank Robinson and I weren’t then." the proposed 39second clock. Binghamton of the American Hockey League, the Hartford Whalers games. While he wouldn’t say Melesko 6 as the Lakers edged the coach at Arizona State University. He was getting along very well,” he remembers. “ I In a sense. Winkles is rieht back where he “ You would take alot of the announced Tuesday. having a clock would be in the best 76ers, 1916, last night at Vbhoney the one who first brought the Sun Devils to was more at fault than he was. He was the started with the White Sox. He was an in­ strategy out of the game with that,” Galarneau, 20, scoreless in three games with the Whalers, was sent interests of college basketball, he Center. Mike Sardo and John national prominence by leading them to three player and I was the manager and I didn’t go fielder in their farm system eight seasons Missouri escapes with win Frieder said. “ I ’d like to sqe to the Whalers’ Binghamton, N.Y., affiliate to make room for Fran­ did say it would be a waste to have a Dougan played well for the 76ers. to him to straighten out the whole thing. I cis, who is scheduled to return to the lineup tonight against NCAA titles and compiling a 524-173 record after starring in ba.seball and basketball at 30second time limit. something like a 45-second clock so The Bucks behind Joe Prignano’s 17 should’ve. I know better now. After Robinson Pittsburgh. for a hard-to-believe .752 percentage before Illinois Wesleyan. “ I ’d almost favor a 15-second the game doesn't slow down that tallies topped the Celts, 2923. Brian clock,” Knight said. “ If the idea is much.” Scott chipped in 6 markers for the with dozen points in half to spebd things up, than let’s go to a Purdue Coach Gene Ready was Bucks while Nick Shiider (8) and Bjorn Borg 29second clock, Why screw things less enthusiastic about adopting a John Fallon (4) paced the Celtics. Fight stopped Softball drop proved costly up with a 39second clock? Alt that shot clock. He said the only way he Over at the Community Y, the HELSlNBORG, Sweden (U P I) — Five-time Wimbledon champion LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UPI) - 24 of his 28 points in the second half would do is to eliminate the stall.” could approve of such a c h :^ e : By Fred Lief “ We wanted to keep them away Sonics turned back the Nets, 34-26, Bjorn Borg says he is “ hesitant” abqut entering the 1982 tournament, Former WBC junior middleweight would be if a 46-second time limit UPI Sports Writer from the basket so that we’d have a as Manhattan bounced Princeton 52- The Big Ten currently does not and the Celtics outgunned the where he will have to compete in a qualifying competition before champion Rocky Mattioli Tuesday CLEVELAND (UPI) - Gayle Falinski, 26, suf­ GM 39 ... Dean Marquardt had 13 points use a shot clock. was initiated. little more opportunity to get to the Rockets, 42-38. Brian Brophy had 18 gaining entry to the main draw. night stopped veteran Rudy Barro Cleveland Cavaliers owner fered a broken right wrist . Missouri, scorned as No. 1 and Marquette overcame St. Knight said he has reviewed the “ Basically I ’m against the shot basket,” Stewart said, “ ^ e n they points and Jeff Cappello 4 for the “ I have not made up my mind maybe I ’ll play, maybe I won’t,” hy a TKO at 2:40 of the second round Ted Stepien has paid $35,- on June 25, 1980 when she ..following its weekend loss to Bonaventure’s slowdown for a 46-35 effect a 398econd clock would have clock,” Ready said. “ I could see stand packed in there (in a 2-3 zone) Sonics while Jeff Holland (10) and Borg told a press conference Monday night. Borg does not qualify in a scheduled 19round bout. 875 to a fan who was hit by was struck by the third AUTO REPAIRS Nebraska, is living close to the edge. victory ... Southern Mississippi on the game and discovered it would something around 46 seconds but 1 15 feet from the hole we’re not going Sean O’DonneU (5) led the Nets. directly for Wimbledon this year as he has not entered the required 10 Mattioli fought for the first time a softball he dropped from softball Stepien dropped Despite making just 12 points in stopped North Texas State 75-68 not radically affect a college con­ think it takes away from coaching.” to get a good shot.” Scott Altrui popped home 14 points tournaments on the Grand Prix circuit. since last June when he quit in the the 50-story Terminal 700 feet from the ’. the second half and going scoreless test. Ready said basketball officials The Jayhawks had a chance to with Curtin Green scoring 20 points and Jeff Sampson 8 for the Celts 10th round of a bout in his native Ita­ Tower as a promotional skyscraper’s observation WE SERVICE ALL ; for the final 8:39, the No. 4 Tigers cash in but came up short. ... William Brown Sr. fired in 21 “ If you take a 39second clodi should be content to leave the rules while Matt Paggioli burned the stunt. deck. 'Noma of Mr. GooOwrench' -escaped with a 412-41 decision over ly, saying he tired of the sport. GENERAL MOTOR In other games, Gordon Austin points and St. Peter's won its e i^ tb everyone would likely wait until the alone. He pointed to the switdi this twine for 28 points and Steven Dave Parker ^ Kansas in a Big Eight game at and Eld Sloane had 23 points each straight by defeating Fairfield 58-44 end of that time,” said K n i^ t, a season to eliminating jump balls as GARS AND TRUCKS August added 4 more for the PITTSBURGH (U P I) — Dave Parker says things can never be “ Lawrence, Kan., Tuesday night. and American won its ninth in a row ... Steve Leondis hit for 20 points as long-time opponent of a shot clock a case where the game should have Rockets. patched up between him and the local news media and fans, and so the ALL MECHANICAL REPAIRS » “ I thought we found a way to by beating Harvard 84-66 ... Yale dumped Brown 74-65 to claim for the college game. “ You nqay been left as it was, Pittsburgh Pirates say they will accede to his wishes and “ actively Introductory Individual Tennis “ win,” said Missouri coach Norm Fordham dropped Army 60-43 sole possession of first place in the • COMPLETE COLLISION REPAIRS •Stewart. behind Mike Cooper’s 11 points ... Ivy League ... Penn edged Temple try” to trade him. RERUILT AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS It was the first game for Missouri Rich Fetter and Dwight Gibson 5956 behind David Lardner’s 18 Mambarahip 0 n l y ^ 2 9 ^ ^ PlutTai AUTO PAINTING i. since a 67-51 defeat at home to scored 17 points each in the second points ... Charlie Smith fired in 26 Indian swimmers conclude •Nebraska that bounced the Tigers half and Penn State recovered from points and Nigel Lloyd had 24 in U,S. Herald Angle February-September 1,1982 • CHARBE WITH MASTER CHARGE r from the No. 1 ranking. The Tigers a 16-point deficit to down Duquesne International’s 88-83 upset of Boston Herald Sports Ed.itor • 24 HOUR WRECKER SERVICE “ are 20-1 this season, the third 74-69 ... freshman Tim Cain scored University. season losing to Windham Earl Yost keeps on top of MITCHELL FUEL with fBEE HOUR of Tennis ' straight year they have won 20 or sports.in his regular • more. Manchester ifigh boys’ swimming Borgida second in diving. column, “ The Herald COMPANY ; “ We got off our losing streak,” Toughest trip of season team brought the curtain down on Banlti: Angle,” on the daily sports • 3 Hartru Courts • Stewart said. “ Our ball club hasn’t one of its least successful cam­ SM iiMdley nlay: I. WIndSun 1:MJ. WEDNESDAY pages. 1209 Sullivan Avenue, South'Windsor an free; 1. Potter (W). S. Mullen I. CARTER r changed. We didn’t change after No. paigns in recent memory yesterday, (Wl. 7tl5 NHLt Whalers vs. Larkin (Ml *“ 19 and we haven’t changed after No. stares Celtics in face bowing to Windham H i^ by a 11064 I'enguln** WTIC MO IM; I. McDevUt (W). 1. McDonouih # Special Karosena for • 2 Latexite Courts • 20 .” count at the Indians’ pool. ■ free throw with 3:27 left and the Manchester swimmers. McDonough too breait: t. Bulter (Wl. 0. McDowell (W): 10 College luuketballt Kansan I of Prohate worse straights. Phoenix has lost six like they won their last seven.” 3. MeDonough (Ml 1.00.04. Thur. Nttet 6;00-9;00 Sot. 7;30-4;00 GKHEBAL MOTCBS n u r r s DIVISION Tigers retreated to their stall. in a row and is without power had a second in the 200 IM and 400 free reUy. I. WIndbam 4;0S.ll. Stale vs. Oklahoma. US')^|^ble Oatafood Farms Sports Center 16 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed.. Feb. 10. 19M

Libby likes slow simmer

HOUSTON'029) • All-Star Game Willoughby 6 3-4 16. Hayes 8 8-10 24, Malone 12 9-10 33. Leavell 4 04 8. Reid 3 3^ 9, Henderson 4 14 9. Murphy t 2-3 12. Basketball Jones r 04 10. Dunleaw 3 2-3 8. Oldham i P O R n i i H H : Firzt peri(xl--l. C^pbell. 0 04 0. Garrett 0 04 0. ToUls fO 2847 Hockey 129. (Sullen. 2:32. 2. Wales. Bourque (M arak. Manchester teacher SAN DIEGO 021) Carlvlci. 12:03. 3. Wales. Tardif BriKiks 3 14 7. Brvant 3 04 7. (Middleton. SUstnyl. 13:27. PelWR,y»r Chambers 6 1-2 13. P. Smith 3 34 9. Dave Cowens Tardil. Wal. r.:40: Hartsburg. Catin^. 10:». Douglas 3 24 9. Whitehead 8 4-4 20. Crlss Second period—4, CampbeU. Gretiky 1 2-2 4. Wood 6 6-7 1ft; Brogan 4 04 9. (Colfcv. C ld a rcm i. 0:26. r.. Wales, Bossy Wilev 10 1-2 21. J. Smith 2 ^ 4 . ToUls NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE (Betk.' Tonollii. 17:10. Penaltles-Hawer- By United Press International Wales Conference « GF GA SHK HA.S some favorite old INDIANA OOl) I think Kareem Abdm.Jabbar has W L T PU. Soccer kitchen. Now with the new addition ('hicago „ 18 30 ,37f. I f i Minnesota 22 17 16 60 234 200 recipes she has had handed down 4 cups cubed potatoes Cleveland 11 3f 239 23 Williams f 04 10. O rr 4 2-4 10. C. been consistenUy great over the years. Andi today — Larry 226 238 We’ye-pid on our house and the addi- Johnson 7 14 If.. Buse 4 2-2 12. Davis 7 St. Louis 25. 26 4 54 from her family. ”I love to make old 2 tablespoons flour Western Conference Bird. He’s been consistent If he can do it for another flve or Winnipeg 20 23 11 5.1 208236 ' tibn of a wood stove, I find it’s fun 1 tablespoon minced celery or Midwest Division 1-2 If. G. Johnson 0 4-4 4. Owens 4 3-6 six years, bell go down as one of the greats. Chicago 20 26 10 50 245.250 recipes. I have one for scones that W L Pet GB 11. Sichting 1 04 2. Knight 1 24 4. Carter 219252 ■: cooking out here," said Mrs. Libby, parsley San Antonio 30 17 .638 — Toronto 16 27 13 45. goes away back. I don’t know exact­ 8 2-2 18. ToUls 41 17-26 101. Bus buskethail changed much ever the past sevwUyearsT 16 29 10 42 194 235 Denver 2f 22 fJ2 f. Milwaukee 28 24 3423-108 Detroit a biology teacher at Manchester Vz cup cream or tomato soup Weil, I think the players have changed. But the game Smvlhc Division ly how old it is,” she said. Houston 2T 22 ,f22 f- Indiana 31182131-101 313227 MAJOR INDOOR SOCCER LEAGUE High School for six years. Brown salt pork and onions. Utah If 31 .326 14'i. Fouled out—G. Johnson. ToUl fouls- hasn’t changed all that much. ’There have been a few rule bkiinonlon 35. 1.1 10 80 Eastern Division Her family likes recipes such as Calgar> ' 20 24 13 53 225 246 i W L Pet. GB Arrange in layers in a saucepan with Kansas Citv 1- 32 .319 If. Milwaukee 24. Indiana 32. T^hnicals— changes — but mainly it’s the players. ’They’re faster, 190200 “Wh a t l d o on Sundays in the chicken divan “but it seems like Dallas 14 32 .304 If* Milwaukee ( oach Nelson. C. Johnson. A— Vancouver 18 26 11 47 PitUsburgh ’ U. f. .776 - the potatoes, and season and dredge 6.1f6. bigger, stronger and better shooters. Los Angeles 15. 29 U 41 217264 winter is spend practically all day everybody has a recipe for that,” Pacilic Division Iff. 257 Baltimore 16 6 .727 — with flour. Cover with boiling water Cfdorado 11 36 0 — 13 r. .722 1 she said. Her family consists of her Seattle 34 13 .723 - lyerstodaya (Top four in each divi.sion qualify for New York . cooking. I teach all day during the I.x)s Angeles 34 14 .708 Buffalo 11 11 JOO f. husband. Bill, and their three teen­ and simmer about 45 minutes. Add Tuesdav's C ollie Basketball Results rou le el about IhisT Stanley (Sip plavoffs.) . week and also take some courses. l^ortland 26 19 .f-78 7 ■ Tucsdlav’s All-Star Game Result Cleveland 8 13 261 71k age children, two boys and a girl, all celery and cream or soup. Slices of (iolden Stale- 26 20 .r-6r. 7'** By ilnited fress International The players have progressed so much that it seems they’re I^iladclphia -7 16 — 20« 9>k , 'This way the food is ready so my East Wales inference 4. Campbell Confer­ kielbasa can be added if desired. Phoenix 24 21 .f33 9 breaking away more and more. Players todw are so good ence 2 New Jer.scy 5. 14 263 9*/i , husbaikl and my children just have with hefty appetites. Two large, San Diego 14 34 292 20'» AIC 60. Brvant f7 Western Division Tuesday’s Results Albany 70. Plattsburgh 63 they don’t even need a pick to get off a shot T h ^ re faster, Wedneadav's Games to heat it up and add a salad or hungry dogs are also part of the (All Tinfies FeST) SI. Louis 30 5 -5? Los Angeles 130.' Atlanta 117 American 84. Harvard 66 bigger and better shooters. You don’t have 20>re6ound guys WichlU 13 9 something,” she said. family. Milwaukee 10ft. Indiana 101 Rabson 71. Clark 70 Hartford at Pittsburgh. 7:35. p.m. any more because there are fewer missed shots. Thoae Winnipeg at Buffalo. 8:05. p.m. Denver 1® H .476 9 , The heat from a woodstove is well Detroit 128. Chicago 123 Bentlcv 92. Quinnipiac 70 Memphis 10 14 .W j0J% “I have four big, heavy kettles Snow Squares Washington 112. San Antonio 110 Brooklyn Coll. 74. Concordia (N.Y.) 64 missed free throws used to really help the rebound average. Vancouver at Toronto. 8:01. p.m. that allow the food to slowly simmer suited to steaming, stewing or N.Y. Hangers at St. Louis. 9:1 p.m. Phoenix ® !5 ' S S '? Utah 123. Golden Stale 107 Buffalo St. 78. Nazareth 60 What aspect at the game did yoeanjaytkaiaeatT Kansas Citv ® W ^ ;on the wood stove. I cook soups, simmering chicken. Authorities on 1 package gelatin Seattle 114. Now York lO f. Cheynev St. 60. N.Y. Tech 44 I got a chance to play becauae of my rebounding and Thursday's Games Tuesday's Games 4 tablespoons cold water Houston 129. San Diego 121 Eastern Coll. 6T. The King's f7 Boston at Minnesota stews, and things like pot roast,” woodstove-cooking claim it’s Buffalo at Philadelphia (No GamiYS Srh^uled) Wednesday s Games Elastern Conn. 97. Worcester St. 79 defense abilities. I was a late bloomer acoring-wise. N t I Wednesday's Game dangerous to deep fry on a 1 cup boiling water 2/3 cup sugar Pittsbui'fdi ol Montreal she explained. I All Times EST) Fordham 80. Army 43 could jump, rebound, defense, play a roughhouae game and Huilalo at New York. 8:05 p.m.. EST 3 egg whites Hiram 71. Alle^eny fft Ouebe< at I/)s Angeles She said it also frees up the elec­ woodstove though because of the Detroit at New Jersey. 7;3f p.m. go after tte loose ball — that’s what I eqjoy^ the most N.Y. iNlandcrs at Oilcago Thursday's Games Vl teaspoon salt Indiana at Philadelphia. 7;3T p.m. Iona 79. Utica T.7 PiU-sbUrpli at New Jersey tric stove in the kitchen for making high temperature of the fat and the Portland at Cleveland. 8:af p.m. John Jay 61. CCNY r,9 What type of player — and what ludMdaai — gave yen the Washington at Calgary 1 teaspoon vanilla Atlanta at Chicago. 8:3T p.i Manhattan T2. Princeton 39 ^ Vancouver at Detroit cakes and other desserts. She said lack of instant heat control. The Washington at Dallas. 6:7. p.m. Marquette 40. St. Bunaventure 7 most problems on the coart? one good thing about cooking on the browning can be done on the regular Vz cup cream Ix>s Angeles at Kansas City. 8;7 p.r Merrimack 81. Stonchill 74 A player who was about my sixe and bad good quickness American Hockey League By United Press International wood stove is the fact that stove and then the woodstove can 3 egg yolks lUah at Denver. 9 :7 p m. Middichurv 80. Wesleyan 72 while being fundameiitally sound would give me a tough No Adams SI. ff. W. New England 86 Northern Division NORTH AMERICAN SOCCER LEAGUE take over the rest of the operation. Vz cup sugar Boston at I'hoenix. 9:7 p.m. time, both offensively and defensively. 1 thuik, though, baw- W L T PU. G F GA everything simmers so slowly that Thursday s Games Penn. 59. Temple f6 (Indoor League) Vz cup melted butter New Bruns. S3 7 73 229 140 you don’t have to watch it all of the Mrs. Libby has a recipe for brown Golden State at New York Penn St. 74. Duquesne 60 etball is a team game, that you can overcome most any Atlantic Conference Vz teaspoon lemon rind Rutgers (N.J.) 78. Drew 71 (OT) Maine 33 L*; - 4 70 215: 160 Eastern Division time. chicken fricasee that she finds ideal Cleveland at Detroit problem that another individual will give you. Nova Scotia 23 24 7 5.3 222 214 i^orlland at Milwaukee •So. Maine ff. Bowdoin 61 W L Pet. GB to prepare in a Dutch oven. 3 tablespoons lemon juice However, when I’d play against a guy like Jabbar, who the Springfield 22 27 4 48 177 211 Montreal 8 7 J33 — Over the Christmas holidays Mrs. Seattle at Houston Springfield Rl. Assumption 71 Frederirton 12 38 4 28 183 Soak the gelatin and the four St. Anselm’s 67. N.E. Coll. 64 Lakers would look to to uioot the baO K or 28 times a night Toronto 8 9 .471 1 Libby had 50 guests in for a holiday it would be tough because I’d have to concentrate almost Southern Division Jacksonville 7 10 .412 2 tablespoons of cold water together St. Mary’s 60. Catholic 66 Binghamton 31 20 220 179 buffet. She made beef Chicken Fricassee WASHINGTON (112) St. Michael’s (Vl.) 92. Norwich fO solely on him. So much so that 1 sometimes couldn’t help out New York 6 11 SS 3 for five minutes. Combine that Ifaywood 4 4-4 12. Ballard 10 4-6 24. New Haven 27 23 207 163 Central Division bourguignonne in a huge roasting ,St. P eter’s 58. Fairfield 44 Rochester 24 r. 2 1 2 2 01 mixture and the boiling water and Mahom 3 3-6 9. Lucas 3 2-2 8. Grevey T. St. Vincent 79. Geneva 63 anyone else, which you’re supposed to do as a center. If we Chicago 10 6 .025 •“ pan atop the. wood stove and it was 2'/2 to 6 -pound fowl, cut up 0-0 11, Davis 2 (M) 4. Ruland 6 2-4 14. F. were going to win the ballgame, I knew I had to keep Jabbar Adirondack 23 25 206 ise Tampa Bav 10 6 .6ff. ^ U.S. International 8B. Boston U. 83 188 224 the hit of .the party. flour for dredging % cup sugar and chill until slightly Johnson 9 0-1 19. Collins 0 1-2 1. Witts 3 Yale 74. Brown 6f at least within his scoring average. Hershoy 23 26 Tulsa 8 8 JOO 2Vk thickened and then beat until trothy. 2-2 8. Chones 1 0-2 2. ToUls 46 18-29 112 York 76. JuniaU 74 Erie 18 31 218 266 Pacific Conference 1 small onion, finely chopped SAN ANTONIO tllO) South Yoa were piayer-eeach for Baatau fa the J97S-79 season. Tuesday s Results Northwest Division WHAT CfUJLD BE a routine 1 small carrot, finely chopped Beat the three egg whites with the Mitchell 10 2-2 22. Olberding 4 3-3 11. Bryan 97. Baptist (Ga.) 67 Bow much of bastethall Is aafani ahlU^ and how much is Hershey 7. Adircindack 6 Edmonton 11 6 JIB dinner party can turn into salt and vanilla and fold into the G. Johnson 0 0-0 0. Moore 4 0-1 8. Gervin Catawba 77. uardner-Webb 63 New Brunswick 1. Fredericton 2 Vancouver 10 7 JOB Pk 1 stalk celery, finely chopped 16 10-13 42. Banks 2 1-2 f. Bratz 0 2-2 2. coached? Seattle 9 9 iOO 3 something very exciting for the cook other mixture. Whip the cream and Charleston 88. Voorhees 83 Tuesdav's 5^rts Transactions 2 to 3 bay leaves Corzine 3 2-2 8. Pheglev 4 4-6 12. Totals Cumberland 66. Thomas More 58 The idea is that the coach raises the level of productivity Western Division and the guests and provides for fold in also and refrigerate for 3 to 4 32 24-31 110. By United l^ess International San Diego 9 7 JJ3 - dumplings (recipe follows) Eckerd 71. Florida Tech 54 in the players. He gets them to reach their potential — that s Baseball entertaining that’s a bit different. hours. Serve with the following Washington 3019»33-112 Florida Southern 62. Biscayne 61 Portland 7 U 289 3 Dredge the chicken with seasoned San Antonio 2929717—110 what a coach is supposed to do. It’s the ptayer’s job, on the Chicago lAL) ~ Outfielder Wayne San Jose 12 294 ^ What could be nicer than to hop sauce; Beat together the three egg Hampden-Sydnoy 65 . Lynchburg 63 Norditagen signed a 1082 contract; flour. Brown in hot oil and cover Three-point goals—Grevey, F. Johnson. Lincoln 66. Alicb-Lloyd (Ky.) w other hand, to get in shape through drills and condlUonlng. Tuesday's ResulU out of your hot tub — which the Lib- yolks, the Vz cup sugar until thick Fouled out—G. Johnson. Total fouls— Montreal — Signed pitcher BUI Now York 9. Chicago 6 - with boiling water in a Dutch oven. Livingstone 78. St. Augustine's 7T Dave, da yen miss the gameTBava yen stayed ehae to UT raiUi'kiwm and inftelder-outflelder Tim Washington 26. San Antonio 7 . Technical Pembroke St. 83. Elon 70 Toronto 7. Jacksonville 3 bys have —. and stand by the Simmer 2 to 4 hours, depending on and lemon-colored. Mix in the fouls—Washington coach Shue. Mitchell, Sewanee 60. Oglethorpe S’. WeU, with the Elks Hoop Shoot and as athletle d ir a i^ at Walkirh for 1962. ' San Diego at ,,£dntonton. pj*>. wbOdHove to sip a hot dnnk that's melted butter, and lemon juice and f’hegley, A-10.146 St. Andrew’s 106. Methodist S Regis College, I maintain a relationship with baAethali and Hockey rescheduled for Wed., Feb. 10 the size and age of the bird. After Towson St. 67. Loyola Coll. 66 (OT) Harllord - Reassigned center Michel Wednesday's Game been simmering, such as a spicy hot one-half of the total cooking time, rind. Trevecca 38. David Lipscomb 34 other sports. Galarnoau to Binghamton of the Tulsa at Montreal punch or spicy apple cider or hot LOS ANGELES (130) Troy St. 77. Birmingham 74 But 1 do miss the competition in the NBA. It’s pretty American IliKkev League. San Diego at Edmonton add the onion, carrot and celery and Rambis 1 DO 2. Wilkes 8 3-3 19. Abdul- Washington & l.ma Cal Luth 5/> I Mike 411, Mike Nicholson 408, John Dynamic VR 17 Expert 250 Its Koflach Driva 178 111" '4 m Greenwood 7 1-1 7 . Kenon 11 0-2 22. Seattle Par. 75. W. Washington 50 Hart CompaUUon 230 IIS Nordica Breeze 160 TS " ! ( Gilmore 7 3-T, 17. Sobers 6 f-f. 17. Theus 8 Westmont 67. Azusa-Pac. 5.5 DeAngelis 151-406, Dan Vignone 151- Caber Mlura 156 SS" West. Baptist 53, Willamette 47 Hart Fraaatyla 200 14S 2-3 18. Jones 8 4-6 20. Blume 4 04 8. ^ Kevin Kelley 156. Roatignol Concorde 105 111 Nordica Nova 140 IS " Dietrick 2 04 4. Woolridge 1 04 2, Totals Dynamic MD 4 175 1 » Koflach Sprint 130 TS " f4 7-22 123. Raldile Vanua 120 " M " DETROIT (128) Hart Partormar 160 IIS starting the fire, kinds of wood to ' ■ .’C :> . Hubbard 6 4-f. 16. Tripucka 10 6-8 26. Many more models to choose from Koflach Point 110 IS " By Barbara Richmond be. Benson 12 1-1 7 . Lee 4 1-2 9. U ng 13 7-7 Herald Reporter use, making a stove top oven, A few of the recipes follow. 33. Johnson I 1-2 3. Tylfer f. W 10. RICRBATIONAL MU PACKAOIB Many more models to choose from cooking equipment needed, and, of Mokeski 1 2-2 4. Judkins 1 04 2. ToUls (akit, bindinga, polaa, mounting) from What could be better in these r.3 22-27 128. j ^ course, recipes. Vegetarian Soup ('hicago 24 31 342212—123 times when woodstoves have The authors don’t claim that toe Detroit 31 23 24 33 17-128 become a popular energy alter­ 2 tablespoons butter Fouled out—Tvler. ToUl fouls-Chicago f Manch«tt«r Parkada recipes included should be adhered 26. Detroit 29. Tcchnicals-Delrplt coach SakM alTynii native than to cook on them, too? to religiously. They explain that sub- 1 onion, diced ^ Robertson. Theus. A—3^70. 408WaatMlddlaTpka. mm&: all 25% OFF! lim it a| mM i h . Dale Y, Darling ^ Julia VanPyke _ stitutions are the cook’s prerogative 1 leek, finely sliced ; apparently felt that way when ttiey - and urge those using toe bwk to 1 stalk celery, sliced 2 tablespoons flour : (K3LDEN STATE (10? I 6 4 8 - 0 4 4 6 ■ m ■ )>ut together a recently published ; modify the recipes to suit their own King 9 9-11 S7, Smith 2 1-2 E, Carroll II 764WI •6.TSI )1M 97 JM : potdtbook entitled, “The AirUt^t tastes. This is a plus, especially gVs quarts lightly, salted water .1-6 2T. Free 10 66 27. Gale 6 M 0, Romar 0 2-2 2. Parker 1 00 2. McDowell Woo(^tove Coidtbook.” ^ving courage to a novice cook vdio 1 potato, peeled and diced 0 1-2 1. Short 2 2-2 6. Brown 1 OO 2, The book, published by the Brick , niight be afi^d to change a thing. 1 carrot, peeled and diced Hasaett 2 24 6. Llovd 1 2-2 4. Totals 39 ^ cup string beans, cut into 1-inch 26S3 107. CROSS COUNTRY: Suooiiesiiiiiitoti-HURRY House Publishing Co. of Andover, ' Art in the book has an old- UTAH (1071 No-Wax Paoki«ss

plus tubes ot cake icing for refrigerator to chill. Tear let steam or water droplets chocolate begins softening, fo the refrigerator until the . SAVE « By Jeanne Lesem fall into the chocolate stir it with a rubber chocolate is firm — the! 1 2 United Press Inter­ decorating. ^ off a sheet of waxed paper ON ANY TWO CANS For the hearts: or aluminum foil large mixture, as that would scraper until it is almost time depends on the ef-' national 1 (6-ounce) package, or 1 enough to cover the cookie make it lump. free from lumps. ficiency of your; l^mMLSouptofOne. Then, remove the double ItyourRich, Making chocolate Valen­ cup, semisweet chocolate sheet and set it aside. Do not substitute butter refrigerator. Do not try to | VARIETIES iwwidw chips Place the chocolate and or margarine for the boiler top and continue hurry things by putting the _____ I HMilimi NM A IMM H tine cards is not only fun, it stirring the chocolate « OMORBi A MOOOia • FM l a A ^ is a lot cheaper than buying 1 tablespoon vegetable shortening in the top of a shortening. chocolate in the freezer in­ PERSONAUZED Hearty Robust ______Leave the double boiler niixture until no lumps re­ * WORLO VM1MU • MEW BMiyiP readymade ones. shortening double boiler and set it stead. I Sm Coupon CxpIree: January 31. IMS Place a cookie sheet at over hot but not boiling on the range burner with main. You need only two in­ Carefully wipe the bot­ After the chocolate has | gredients for the hearts, least 9 by 14 inches in the water, being careful not to heat off and, when the hardened, remove it to a FOOD SHOPPINC! F l a v o r .. 1 2 ^ tom of the chocolate pan to 51D00 13QD35 ON 2 prevent water from drop­ counter and carefully in­ ping onto the chocoiate as vert it so the waxed paper — Avoid IlnesI Supermarket shopper you pour it. or foil is on the bottom.' Be Remove the cookie sheet careful not to touch the un­ -Our product coupons! I Clip ‘n’ file refunds to a counter, place the covered chocolate with RETAILER: As our agsrtt you may I fingers — unless you want a c ^ this coupon from retail custom- waxed paper or foil on it trs only whsn rtd ttm id on ths ' fingoprints as part of the -Low cost - *3 & up tpsaiied productls). 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Start collecting the needed ble spatula, smooth the duced taxsd, licensed, restrfctsd. or wherever carefully peel the paper or redeem these^ 1^ No Additives Low Sodium ON ANY 8SE prohibited by law Otter good onty m U S.A. and I proofs of purchase while looking for the required coupon fever chocolate into an even foil away from the BETTER SERVICED rntfatary commissaries and txchanges Cash valui 0014 OnlyrelailertindQuakiriuthonxadciutliM I refund forms at the supermarket. In newspapers iayer. It will not be com­ chocolate and use a heart- No Choiesteroi ProteiO Fiber Quick or housss send to The Quaker Oats (>}nipajw 815 I and magazines, and when trading with friends. pletely smooth, but never coupons w Commerce Drive. Oik Brook, tl 60521. t i M i t Ob By Martin Sloane coupons during its grand shaped cookie cutter or a 5729/649 3809 Naturai About St a Serving Old Fashioned OFFER: Redeemable onty on the purdusa « spec- I Offers may not be available in all areas of the coun- opening. He bought $47 mind. The top i^om es the sharp-pointed knife and a m «ed produetl*). Any other use may void *1 I try. Allow 10 weeks to receive each refund. coupons submrtted lor redemptioo 8X1 . One of the most in­ worth of groceries and his bottom of the finished cardboard heart as pattern at any store ^ QUAKER, such coupons may bs contiscatsd. 1 The following refund offers are worth $9.50. This teresting changes at the coupons turned out to be hearts. cut out as many hearts lim l one coupon per transaction other services available! r CI9SI Tb«Qu*MO(ltCo(npan)r I week's offers have a total value of $43.49. supermarket is that many Return the cookie sheet' to as you can. ORJS worth $23. selling these ^ MtV I ^BAKER'S JOY Challenge. Receive a $1 refund. more men are doing some “I quickly put the shop­ I Send the required refund form, the proof-of- or all of the shopping. ping bags in the car and products V T I purchase seal cut from one Baker’s Joy cap and the one out of every three raced home to check the ZW THE TRIP DUNKIN’ DONUTS IT’S WORTH THE TRIP DUNKIN O p I register tape with the price circled. Expires April shoppers is a man! LittiO newspapers for more r : 30, 1982. wonder, then, that many coupons,:” says Hicks. “On CAMPBELL S, NABISCO All-American Refund. men are clipping coupons my second trip, the cash Save 12 c on Seabrook Fa n iir Receive a $2 refund. Send the required refund form, and sending for refunds register total was $59, and Your chute i<.iffliitenaaoiiilVnRRilt»iiil»tiin« or n»niluinV.tdRilo Of C w n w ISp to A j ^ six back panels from any Campbell's Chunky Soup with the same vigor as do with my triple coupons I 1 labels and three purchase confirmation seals from women. wound up paying only $18.” {; Nabisco's 18-ounce Premium Crackers boxes. Bob Mueller is a college He then started to clip HAVEAHEART. I; Expires April 30, 1982. instructor who does most out every coupon he could ; MORTON HOT AND HEARTY. Receive $2 in of the food shopping for his find. He set up an extensive Dunkin’ Donuts celebrates I - Morton coupons. Send the required refund form and family of four. His records file with one envelope for Valentine’s Day with a heart that Me. Grocer: You are authorized as our a«cfM to rw ton this coupori •cw d in jtp oj 1 ^ the proof-of-purchase symbols from the back of any the offer. V* will reimburse you for face vatue a t this coupon, plus handling. rt show that he has received every product. purchase o( suffmeni slocks of Seabfook Farms v i a b l e prooucts to c ^ r ^ I; five Morton Frozen products. Expires April 30, $50 to $75 in refunds each "My Job was short-lived can’t be beat. Our Sweet Heart, iM cd must be furnished upon requesi. Tho coupon k not transicrabk. a ^ “ licensed, rcsincicd, or wheneva prohibited by law Comumer iSfii ^Soll I; 1982. month for the past year. because the many hun­ filled with a dozen delicious redemption value is 1/20 of I*. To obtain yayment send to: Seabrook Kxxli, Box lyR), j- ORTEGA Refund Offer. Receive four 25-cent CUnion.lowa52734. Eapirabondaie: August 31. I9B2. 12c “I believe that a man can dreds of envelopes made it donut pastries, each hand- ______STORE COUPON ------■,------— I - coupons. Send the required refund form and proofs get just as involved in very difficult to check the I' of purchase from any four of the following: Ortega refunding as a woman,” he expiration dates and many dipped in rich chocolaty icing I" Taco Shells, Ortega Taco Dinners, Ortega Taco says. “I try to squeeze in of my coupons expired and showered with colorful i; Sauce, Ortega Taco Seasonings Mix. (The proofs some time for refunding without my realizing it,” sprinkles. We’ve even included I are the box bottoms with Universal Product Code almost every day. The key he recalls. |- symbols from Taco Shells or Taco Dinners and the to success is organization. Next he tried a “show a personalized card. S o v » 2 5 « o n net-weight statements from Taco Sauce or Taco Once you have set up your box” system, filing his So say,“l love you” to your I. Seasonings Mix.) Expires June 30. 1982. system for filing coupons, coupons by expiration OVALTINE’S Cocoa Mix Refund Offer. special sweetheart with our i^SHEERENERCV refund forms and proofs of dates. He had a shoe box BANTYHOSE !' Receive a $1 refund. Send the required refund form purchase, the task for every month of the sp^ial Sweet Heart. Just drop THESWECTHEART j; and three box bottoms from Ovaltine’s Hot 'n' Rich CONSUMER CAUnONi Yoor 'raiQUeri moy r>or redeem couporw wnlea yoo moke becomes a lot easier.” year. “My second system FRONDUNKIIP DONUTS. fh* reouved purdsos* of the bronOi ond qoonnf>*s uoredi ANYANY" OTHER USE Cocoa Mix or Ovaltine’s ,‘iO-Calorie Cocoa Mix. by any participating Dunkin’ CONSTI1UTE5 FhAUO ROAUIR will redeem iha coupon for foce wolue pkis j; Jerry Hicks started was destroyed when my ■7< tor hondlvso provtOmo you ond • rhe• consumer -If comply wtfhwnh the terms ot fh*sthis j; Expires Dec. 31, 1982. Donuts shop and have a heart. A dozen dipped donut pastries for $1.99 coupon otter You musr o ^ i me foce voiue ot me coupon oqoviu rhe tetoii refunding in 1969 when he wife asked me for some selling ptce The consumer mua poy opplicobte soles k u invoices proving !• PEN-JEL, JEL EASE. Receive a $1 refund. Send sutfioem pmehoses of the produd ro cover coupora ptesenied moy be ovoSoble was a serviceman with a specific coupons that I Available while supply lasts. on requesf Foilure to do so wiU void oil coupons submined Offer vod where • the required refund form and the front panels from . pfohibted Cosh rederr^xxin voiue of 1/20 of K Oy sobmiRing ihis' coupon ro family and a tight budget. knew I had — but I couldn’t ^ Leggs Hos*ety Do* 1002 Omron towo 52734. you represent I' four Pen-Jel and-or Jel Ease packages. Expires hove redeemed « pursuoni ro these terms ANY OTHER USE CONSTITUTES In the first year he saved remember the expiration FRAUD LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PACKA«5E PURCHASED COUPON EX«RES I Dec. 31, 1982. $81.03. In the past five date. 1 just stood there not r Be sure to place >pur advance order. Just fill out this form and take it to T JUNE 00 1983 S£-025-Or*CC-0282 7M2DD 101175 I- PILLSBURY Gingerbread-Cider $1 Refund Offer, years his refunds have knowing which shoe box to your nearest participating Dunkin’ Donuts shop. NOTHIN8 BEATS A OREAT PAIR OF CESGS.'* r Receive a $1 refund. Send the required refund form, totaled $2,662.41! go to!” Please reserve for me______dozen \^lentine Pastries. .paid j: the top panels from two Pillsbury Gingerbread Mix “I have invested most of Hicks says that his latest I' boxes and the label from any apple cider. Expires my refund savings in the hybrid system works I; May 31, 1982. stock market and made beautifully. He files the CONSUMER Please be sure ihe coupons you j- SMUCKER’S Natural Fruit Syrup Taste Test, Name Date & time of pickup OoiMatinPouch redwm are accompanied by the requited put- some very nice profits,” he coupons that he uses most chase and ham not eipired ji Receive two 50-cent Smucker’s coupons or a 50-cent RETAILER. Fof payment of lace vNue. ptus 74 says, '"niis is certainly often in envelopes by handilw. send to Ralston Purina Company. P.O. — refund. Send the required refund form and the net- Address Telephone Bdlevilfe. lilltwis 62224 Coupon w i be paid only If p r e s ^ ^ (/ money that I wouldn’t have product. Coupons that he ietaH«(Aowmeft^iandise»actoannohcuse_aopro*edtYusafid 2 |; weight statement cut from the label of 12-ounce had, ^ d it not been for seldom uses are still filed acting tot and at the ilsk of the retaHet Reiaiter must submttw \ r Smucker's Natural Fruit Syrup. Indicate choice of request invoices proving putchases Of sufTtcient slockw ItM J refunding.” in shoe boxes by expiration RTE. S3, TAI.COTTVILLE RD., VERNON normal redemption qroe to ewer the coupon ptwentod ,|pr K refund on form. Expires April 30, 1982. redemption RNston Purina Company tesenes the fight to with­ Yes, there really is a dates. eSO ENFIELD 8T., ENFIElA on o n o 2 4 oz., hold pN*8eni on and declare void couponi received In miai I H e r e i s a rpfunil form lo write for: tw o 12 oz. o r condtoon or mass cut This coupon Is nontransferablo. no8» - , “coupon king” of New “If people want to call ' ^ ULAS.DEANE NIOHWAV, WEITHERSFIBLD signabfe. n o n r M ^ a b l e sNm , t v mp« be pifdbr Campbell’s, Nabisco, All-American Refund, P.O. tw o 18 oz. packag es S to n e r Otter gixidonly in U S A A PO i, FPO s W o where , Jersey. He is Stan Fedison, me a ‘coupon king,’ I 1084 RliklN 8T.. EAET HARTFORD It’s worth the trip. prohibited taii^ w otherwise restricted Cash redemption valaa Box 4210, Monticello, Minn. 55365. Send a stamped, 1/20 01 14 , who last year saved a total gratefully accept the [ self-addressed envelope with your request for the T M i d c r LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PURCHWE AS SPEC­ of $657 with cents-off title,” he says. “One thing ^ ^50 NEW PARK AVE., WEST HARTFORD OF«« aooD uimi: i/i4/ta J IFIED ON THE FACE OF THIS COUTON ANY USE ; form required by this $2 offer. Your request must NOT CONSISTENT WITH THESE TERMS CON­ coupons. is sure: I won’t rest on my .vm ief?srFo°od STITUTES FRAUD AND MAY \X)I0 ALL COUPONS ; be postmarked by April 1, 1982; this offer expires SUBMITTED FOR REDEMPTION ~ He says that he caught laurels. To me, SAVE, : April 30, 1982. coupon fever when a store SAVE, SAVE is the royal COUPON aXPIRIS AUOUST 31.1932 in his area offered tripple duty.”

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CWee. t e n 82734 u OFFER EXPIRES JULY 31.1962 iiL is eaBOBh I LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE. o 2 K O H _ (0 tm on th ree coR&cmy su e 4ir variety you'll , t f| i,i%. lA A ^Iffatl rtal fcififl S A V E 3 5 C o ’'2 - # 1 O trU nM lUU DranilCmfOQIIe WluMi uoM hiiv TWO C ANS your o i I-’illshurv I rosliiifj Suim'iiK’ TO THE OONSUMfA Cawnir INf COaOM CM 18 a ...... , , w ttu m C m m cnvw m vaealwiM tm w a c h M ii % oAii n s o ommam n m i AfTMen m «• rtmun* y« Mr u« im vM m iNr cotm ittts i< MriM iro«w cdiaan is in iia n t w a eweew n ina 8m ir m»m sr mt brad N a c M m n whwNiwceupoiieoiiwi# horn WreWiiawe Free eyaiMMiM|nvscav8eRlei'»ntuL. MV iwreiiM tM |M m wm 8 ■ ms mamw sisaibse mm m ivrssam m isess iwmi T>t ■ M l gteaswotsyracwmsiKiistmisspscmidNcSMctitciiwMiaaMBWiimsiiwittaitouiww imai pay >»r sNis m H BNid iwsceweiisiioiawism* wwcssorwa j NWMUOM ismwN ei «t nay cswisciit 18 camsM sviMiiso nnaOHSWMM Ds * n i eiN M a isim eweme m sw eiidw iise SI 181 eaw er iw flem yii «r Mdieiiy aoMB M tm Farstwiwwiiof ceimaM mas lo the nttmumr ONSPANr o FOissKjmnMWt8i,lii4a^C»>i8am8>8itNiwi/tgo^ vaumwt UMAMNerMorresvict- MwresvKnetvim l a i T ^ couponPChPWCMASf (ttmaursi 1912 The Pillsbury Co. MANCHESTfeR HERALD. Wed- Feb. 10. 1982 - 21 20 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed.. Feb. 10. 1982 Polly’s kitchen pointers ite, low- 1 breads pass taste test The Anesthesiology Associates have moved from 153 Main Street to in low sodium bread if you Producing a flavorful By Jeanpe Lesem i. nutrients. Its slight 52 percent of the project is still In the “ 1 had the idea of adding which tend to bring out Turn disaster into delight white bread without developmental stage. flavor, so you won’t notice use ingredients such as 1 Heritage Place, Suite 212 UPl Family Editor textural difference comes respondents said they raisins about eight to 10 sodium chloride, or table from the addition of pea would buy the low sodium “ We feel the concept is a months ago,” he said. the s ta n ce of salt.” - coarse grains, because (the Old House and Hale Building) salt, is tougher. Ziemke pot, be careful not to White bread said to have bran, which corresponds to variety if it were available good one,’ ’ he said. "When “ Raisins are high in sugar He said it is easier to they have so much flavor By Polly Fisher To make sure that your the bowls and beaters must that can restore it to a said he’s working on that. scrape out any of the rice the nutritional value and the bran layer of wheat today. salt is rennoved from bread and tartaricr acid, both of compensate for flavor loss of their own. and Polly Cramer cream will whip, chill the be absolutely grease-free. light, airy three-layer 649-1550 fiber content of 100 percent grains. dou|d>> it tends to have a that has colored or stuck to cream, bowl and beaters Even a tiny bit of yolk in woiider. But you can still Edward J. Platz, M.D. whole wheat bread is being The low sodium raisin Fred Fedorenko, quality touch of blandness.” The table is set, the the sides or bottom, thoroughly. ’Then set the the whites will keep them make a delicious, even sold in nine areas of the candles are lit and your U your soup or stew is bowl of cream into a bowl from whipping. bread we tasted was made assurance department Raisins and spices help • PUBLIC NOTICE! REMEMKR FEBRUARY 14fll elegant dessert. ‘ Charles R. Hamilton Jr., M.D. United States, and its for CALRAB by Safeway manager for Safeway’s restore flavor, he added. guests are ravenous — but too salty, add a couple of of Ice while you whip it. If a little yolk gets into Just break the cake into Chicago developers are Stores’ bakery in Rich­ baking division, said his FREEH FREEH something has g(me wrong raw potatoes, cut into If the cream still will not the whites while you’re large chunks and fold into Douglas H. Smith, M.D. The raisin board’s low- looking for more licensees mond, Cplif. It had a good company had been working with the food. chunks, and le t them whip satisfactorily, add separating the eggs, you whipped cream or sodium formula was lain G. Campbell, M.D. to make it available flavor and the slightly firm on formulas for about four BLOOD Before you send out for simm er until teiid er. one of the following: an un­ can easily scoop it out with prepared pudding. If you developed by Bill Zlemke, nationally. texture associated with different varieties of low- plsta, ..look over these Remove the potatoes and beaten egg white, three or an eggshell. If the whites like, top witti freiAi fruit or Fedorenko’s predecessor PRESSURE Edward P. Flanagan, M.D. In San Jose, Calif., the homemade bread and some sodium bread when ap- dinner-saving pointers for discard; they will have ab­ four drops of lemon juice, a still won’t whip, try adding chocolate sauce. You’ll baking technologist for a at Safeway and now TA K E N B Y sorbed the excess salt. a pinch of b a l ^ soda. bakery variety breads. proac|ied by the raisin CLINIC A ways to avert disasters or pinch of salt or a pinch of have an instant trifle that ______Soo K. Choi, M.D.______C A LR A B ’s baking You can also add equal trade association has Safeway had run a taste group. RiaiBTBfttO to transform them into unflavored gelatin powder. If your cake falls while your guests and family will technologist. amounts of vinegar and developed a formula for comparison test in NURM culinary delights. For egg whites to whip. baking, there’s nothing ask for again and again. sugar— a little at a tim e-- low sodium raisin bread Decemter 1681 with 93 “ One, maybe two, will In a telephone interview, If you are carving a large to cut the too-salty flavor that resembles regular families from the San involve raisins,” Ziemke said he had been p i ^ of meat and find it is AT: UBBETT mAmuCY nd of soup or stew. raisin bread in flavor and Francisco Bay Area par­ Fedorenko said in a working on formulas for ndt done, finish slicing It PM M M HEALTH SHOPPE If vegetables of any kind texture. ticipating. ’They compared telephone interview from lowsodium breads for a and arrange the pieces on are overcooked and mushy, Representatives of the the low-sodium variety his office in Walnut Crbek, couple of years, after his BAY S I dn^^en-proof platter or transform them into an California Raisin Advisory with standard raisin bread. Calif. wife and daughter had been t-*’ !iO'Prt nq n CO M M UNITY SFM VICf hy pan;- Put the platter of Board plan to introduce elegant puree. Puree the A bakery spokesman said He said Safeway’s own put on lowsodium diets. [TT TARKADF PHARMACT PARKAOF MtAI fMA sliced meat back into the 'their bread to the Board of PARKADl . . NUTRITION CENTFR ovo) for five or 10 minutes vegetables in a blender, Governors of the American checking frequently until fo^ processor, electric CUP nnd REDEEIV) Bakers Association at the the meat is cooked'to your mixer or by pressing board's annual meeting in taste. ’Ibe sliced or carved throu^ a fine sieve. these Phoenix, March 20-24. .’meat will cook through The formula for the mdeh more quickly than Season with a little SUPER COUPONS Chicago company’s Whole will a'^large roast. butter, cream, salt, White Special Bread is a WBrehoaBe If your gravy is too pale, pepper, lemon juice, herbs spin-off from one add a couple of drops of or whatever complements developed by commercial concentrated the particular vegetable. Multimarques, a food IQiNB gravy maker or For a crowning touch, CAPTURE research and development Worcestershire sauce. Or mound the puree In art company in Montreal, T H M K m i , add a teaspoon of instant oven-proof bowl, sprinkle WILD ELEPHANTS Canada. The original Cana­ coffee. with grated cheese and Theflew Funk & Wagnalls dian formula produced a If your gravy is too thin, brown under the broiler for Illustrated WildIHe Encyclopedia rather heavytextured sUlKbi Instant potato flakes a couple of minutes. Volume 1 Only 99‘ I bread preferred in that East Hartford and vicinity, for tho a little bit at a time until ’Thicken soggy mashed Volume 2-24 Only *2.99 country. potatoes with a little dry , Each ol Ihtsa advarhsad Mams 4-4-LB$ US.DA. MSP.-ROASTl OR w ill be served in the business!'' n e w 0ENU9C AMEIBCAN Friday and Monday for the holidays. A&P Moat Franks 1 Frash Chickon Braasts I Fryars Cut Up Manchester public schools PORK Lamb Chaps 'm Sr for the week Feb. 22 to PH E IM O 0 W IN E A M D H C A N (LO M 3.S9 L 8 ) (BEEF FRAN KS l-LB PK G 1.49) Lamb Chops-Rib guAEFAIlfat Oscar Mayor wlwvBrs Feb. 26. ...and we aim to deserve it, tool Our everyday Church Women United Monday: Cheeseburger 8 U C E D SUCEO prices on top quality meats are always lower. U S NO 1 RUSSf T on a roll, corn chips, Ann Paga Bacon Oscar Mayer Bacon You owe it to your family to compare our quality Church Women United will meet ’Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. buttered peas, milk, chilled SALE!! WELCH'S Baking Potatoes Fresh Mushrooms SUCEO (BEEF 13-OZ PKO I 49) mMJUR 124>z. ma 2jg and compare our prices, tool at Concordia Lutheran Church, 40 Pitkin St. A religious mixed fruit. ORAPE film entitled “ One Who Was There” will be shown. Hobraw National Franks Oscar Mayer Botognj Tuesday: Steamy winter All church women of the community are invited to at- 128 - stew with vegetables, lE L L T teml this ecumenical gathering of Christian women. Bulk I Frozen Specials \ Loo’.o I i J biscuit, butter, milk, 2-lbJar Child care will be prmdded by calling 649-2374. 5 99* carrot cake. B o n e le s s Wednesday (Ash Hendries FfW-JmCY WESTERN C A m FRESH TENDER VOUNO Wednesday): Fish and Commission to meet Anjou Pears >.39^ Celery Hearts 8 8 « cheese on a roll, potatoes, LONDON BBOIL Ice Cream WAm.8TATE>EXTRA FANCY U.S.NO. 1 C A £ FULL OF VITAMP4S-FRESH-NUTRITIONAL cole slaw, milk, choice of The Commission on Children and Youth of Golden Delicious Apples n.a!r Bunch Beets or Carrots 69" fruit. UBBT'S Manci^estw will meet Feb. 24at7:30 p.m. in the hearing 1 5 9 . Thursday: Salami WASH. STATE EXTRA FANCY-U.1 NO. 1 «« FHH ltnW:H lOdt room of the Municipal Building. Red Delicious Apples 3.1^1” Green or Yellow Squash m / t r grinder, tossed salad with A ssorted -choice of dressing, milk, LAROEMCY ^^4^ LARGE BUTTERY FLAVORED ^ fRA^ STEAK 1 7 o 2 | Celifomia Lerlions 4 w. 88^ California Avocados Z icS tr 'oatmeal raisin cookies. or Green Beans cans Two are special guests Friday: Oven crisp PO R K CHOPS SEAKSTONi 'HEART MAPCO IVY PUNTS-^*'POT OR 'EXTRA FANCY PREMIUMMUHIIB-S POT 4 M mCHM VITAMIN “ C " chicken, cranberry sauce, Ehigene Freendan of Eklmund Street, American Legion TempTee y | | P V ’ MSlwwsWWPIwfOwfWiwfrfiOfifr Minute Maid buttered noodles, buttered O ur prices state (^Mnmander, and Joan Tarrant of Bethel, presi­ J9* carrots, roll, butter, milk, are the SUNSRRfEl dent of the American Legion Auxiliary, will be special Cream Cheese co n i m Orange Juice chilled pears. ■lowest... guests of the auxiliary at the annual National Security 2E 8TV i( lifc Grocery Specials )| iC P H i Specials ^ OVEN READY ► Rar T 1" O urtpp dinner scheduled for Feb. 21 at 2:30 p.m. at the Ramada SeaHest Sour Cream ^ 89^ '.)P .'HOICF' Jeno’s Cheese Pizza Coventry quality Inn in New Haven. TURKEY OR A t 4 Barbara Wallet of Waranoke Road is chairman of the Miracle Whip Swanson Chicken Pie Z pkgt 1 the Hood Choco Good ^SS^V^ Green Giant 1 4 o z p k g department d ls tin g ^ e d guests committee. CAUUFLOWER OR DELUXE SPEARS The following lunches highesti AMOmiDFUVONI M ' will be served in the Coven­ The affair attracts auxiliary and Legion members Sw eets Low Yogurt Vegetable Sale! Salad Dressing Birds Eye Broccoli try schools the week of lb from the entire state. Joan H. Graham of West Havoi is •UCRi-ABMirEDVAMETCS REGULAR OR CRP4KLE CUT S-POUNDBAQ Feb. 15 through 19: - 6-PACK national seoirity chairman. Daniel E. Lambert, adju­ Ched-O^it Cheese 5^99^ ^ 2 9 Heinz Deep Fries Monday: No school. tant oLthe American Legion, Department of Maine, will < Tuesday: Juice, ''BUB" BEEN be guest speaker. CENTER CUT Reservations, at $13 per person, may be made with Icheeseburger pie, tossed 12oz 4^1 ;salad, fruit crisp with top- O ur B e st cans or Dorothy Knowles, 157 Park Ave., Naugatuck. ’ jplng. PORK bottiea . Wednesday: Chicken in 1 . 3 9 (plus dap.) FOR SALADS OR COOKING-NEW! CUSTOM OM IM ) KA N Ithe basket, pudding in a CHOPS 2.2S Mrs. Filbert’s Corn Oil Eight O’clock Coffee .‘cone. FRESH SLICED Valentine party set MUITFPACK A U VARCTCS>MPORTCD PASTA ' Thursday and Friday: 148 DOMESTIC HELLMANN’S Hostess Twinkles Spigadoro Spaghetti No school. PariiB on il u p m u . 1 . 0 9 . n a t o m h a h e Universallst Society East, will be held Saturday at the REQUUR OR Aj).C.-GIIOUNO Unitarian Meeting House, 153 W. Vernon St. Cheese Nips M »w eil House Coffee 'Elderly P a c k lib i Couitry Style 1 .1 8 . An International Pot-Luck Supper at 6:30 p.m. will be COMITOfX BOWL CLEANER followed by music, pinging, daincing, a film w tape Cherry Pie pilliRg Crystal Vanish Meals which will be n U 0N 0E-2S>0(TLAaEL AAMoooiin oa n n u AtwNuHT TWO PLY SToaEsuca. Tserved at Mayfair and i . 9 8 lb l e v W recmtling. All persons concerned in efforts to reverse the nuclear Disposable Diapers Coronet Oath Tissue Turkey Westhill Gardens during n ------7 7 ------Aqua*fresh arms race are invited to bring a dish to share and a alummumfor. the week of Feb. 15 through THE ORIGINAL " , / , / . dollar. Toothpaste tubB Reynold’s Wrap Alpo Deef Dog Food Bres , 19 to Manchester residents Awnp—PlAin STORE SUCEO Save 1 NMnAliWfMT who are 80 or older are as 1 . I Dry Idea Roll On Tobin’S Olive Loaf follows: a p t o Welchade Grape Drink Hershey Syrup a»c.w. / Focus/Food on WednoBday HEW MMR O m CNCi-AERO SO i OR PUMP STORE SUCEO-NEW YORKER ' Monday: Washington’s Wheaties Cereal Empress Tuna American Cheese Birthday, no meals served. Menus, reclpra and slKming tips are featured in The MinkHairl^ay CREAMY Tuesday: Breaded baked Manchester Herald’s Focua/Pood section, every Ajax Cleanser Wisk Detergent Fresh Cole Slaw fish, mUed vegetables, 4 0 % Wedtoeaday. ^spinach, wheat bread, ^ pineapple. TIm Im tm khaIn o n fe e d ... • • . - ’ . AP OR I'S^.A. • J ASSCPTtOlA'ERVixrS &- Wednesday: Roast beef hHMi shopping... QuarantMd rlau jus, mashed potatoes, Zesta Saltines Prince Dinners ■ Duncan Hines Cakes ^ peas and mushrooms, rye DRAPERY CLEANINe bread, vanilla pudding. S T O f C H O U R S: • NoSMtMg* ^ Thursday: B reade'd Tue8..Wed.iThura. • aquaraU a Evan Htmlnw chicken, vegetarian beans, A Friday Sa.m. to 9p.m. aTakadown a Ha-Hang SarvWa TELLA Sat. 9a.m. to 7p.m. ACmSSFROM ' r .. tossed salad with dressing, 4 I 79 CloaeclSun. A Mon. 469 MAINJTRERT PRATTAWHITNBY ^ ^t0t55 CaH: m n wheat bread, fresh fruit. ? A.ii. - ert-eiM Friday: Salisbury steak KwrnirnfTOi m wun, nniMW i i d l i w . Wf a u d w i THE MOHI TO UMT OMNTITaS EM) TO COlWCCT TTEOOaEEHKEl 1 * 0 0 0 1 n tn * TOO lElE M)T ETEO iai TO WHOIESELE 0 0 OETEl. DEEIEOI H i S E N D W» C M « v » t i.ilgw l»lm .pM W ew .N o» with brown gravy, buttered ntaciM M t lof lypodnaMnl MTofi. -CHOoae svraa qUau ty with confio« nc6- noodles, harvard beets, e w E » * i w h e . a-13. ta s2 white bread, mixed fruit OAUKM n m , HIM IXHIiKM cup.

y 'I MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed., Feb. 10. 1982 - 23 22 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed., Feb. 10, 1982 Whiton offers film Typewriter ruled PEOPLE PHIL ROURAb TOM poster Advice "Svengali,” starring John Barrymore, will be the a deadly wejapon featured film tonight at Whiton Memorial Library, 100. N. Main St. LOS ANGELES (U P D - dtetrict attoraey^ ‘Svengali” 'is one of the early “talkies” and it’s about office will not file criminal charges against a police a mad artist who creates a singer under his hypnotic officer who shot and killed a man who was spell. The film is in black and white and lasts 76 TV ads too much for reader threatening to attack him with a 32-pound minutes. Admission Is free. tVD6Writ6T. ’The Wednesday night programs are sponsored by the chologist or psychiatrist, I would answer from it. (You will be respected all the A district attorney spokesman said the ruling Pope eager te ge te Peland Manchester Public Libraries. DEAR ABBY: I just can’t stand to more for it.) You are under no obligation see another TV commercial showing a truthfully, but I don’t want to risk losing Monday said the typewriter was being ^ * will be brought out for the Pope at an out­ a job because of it. to go into detail about why you sought "deadly weapon ... capable of causing significant ' Pope John Paul II is determined to lot of fannies wiggling around in jeans so. help. make a pilgrimage to his patron saint in door mass which more than j million tight there is no way a person could sit I guess I really owe it to myself to get bodily injury or even death.” . . i. ,,,- Poland in August, even if the Russian Poles plan to attend. The Pope wanted to down in them! This goes for men as well professional help, but Iv don’t want to Officers said Martin Brantley, 53, tad held the army is occupying Poland then. The join the annual 10-day pilgrimage, a walk |D ear A bby have to choose eventually between being cast-iron typewriter over his head and was as women. Getting married? Whether you want a Polish pontiff has told American car­ that starts in Warsaw and grows in honest and getting a job. I’d appreciate formal church wedding or a simple, “do- threatening to smash it onto officer Scott Burktart, numbers as Poles join the march in each That bra commercial in which a man Abigail Van Buren dinals and bishops that he believes this Cinema measures a curvy blonde’s dimensions y your cohiments. Sign me . . . your-own-thing” ceremony, get Abby’s who tad been knocked to the ground in a scuffle. year is one of the most, important in the town along the route. But, according to STUMPED was bad enough, but a new low in new booklet. Send |1 plus a long, self- Burktart fired one shot from his service revolver history of Catholicism in Poland. Vatican sources, the Pope will pass up that killed Brantley. participation in the pilgrimage because of vulgarity was reached when some addressed, stamped (37 cents) envelope it is the 600th anniversary of the arrival swivel-hipped gal bragged that the un­ DEAR STUMPED: If you need to: Abby, Wedding Booklet, P.O. Box The Nov. 13, 1980, incident began when oRicOT concern for security—not only his own, professional help, it would be a serious answered a call from a mental health worker w ta in Poland of the portrait of Our Lady of but that of the Poles who might be carried derwear she was wearing under her 38923, Hollywood, Calif. 90038. Czestochowa, the Black Madonna. The Hartford clothes made her look like she wasn’t error to avoid getting it for the reason was trying to commit Brantley to a hospital. away by hysteria. Chariots of Fire 2, 7:10, the product. If enough complaints are you have mentioned. Millions of people Earlier in the day, Brantley had been swn near a portrait hangs in the Pauline Fathers’ A group of Polish priests from AtlieneuHk Cinema — 9:35. — Whose Life Is It wearing nothin’! Disgraceful! Never on Sunday monastery in Czestochowa. The order was Maytime 5:30, 8. Please tell me where to write to com­ received, the advertising agency that’s are receiving, or have received, psy­ schoolyard chasing children with a pick axe and Czestochowa, who helped erect the Anyway? 1:05, 7:45, 10. — responsible for the commercial will be chotherapy. Many of them occupy Legislation in 1845 ordered elec­ founded to serve as protector of the por­ American Shrine to Our Lady of Cinema City — Beau Taps 1:45, 7:20, 9:55. plain about such tasteless commercials. throwing rocks at them. . . , _ trait of the Madonna and the child Jesus. Pere 7:35, 9:50. — Atlantic If enough people object, maybe they will told to shape up or ship out. positions of great responsibility — tions in the United States to take Officers tried various methods of subdumg tne Czestochowa in Pennsylvania’s Bucks Muiu'ln'slrr Most Poles believe that prayers to the County, will be reunited with their order City 7:20, 9:30. - Pixote (IA Tlu'alerH East — take them off the air. lawyers, judges, doctors, government of­ place during the first week of man, including tear gas, but the man atta c k s me ficials, corporation executives, etc. November because “harvesting is Black Madonna have resulted in miracles of Pauline Fathen for the anniversary. 7:10, 9:40. - Night Sharkys Machine 7:10, DISGUSTED IN TULARE, CAUF. DEAR ABBY: I’m thinking seriously officers with a metal pipe and a wo^en club. and the salvation of the Polish nation.' Your ability to get a job in the future over then and'winter has not yet Burkhart was knocked to the floor in the scufOe, Although there has been no public pro­ Crossing 7, 9. 9:30. — Four Friends 7:30, about seeking psychological or psy­ nouncement of such, the worshippers of CineHiudio — Farewell chiatric help, but I’m worried about how will depend much more on your record /made the roads impassable.” police said. Brantley then picked up the ty p e w rit In August, the Pope plans to offer a 9:35. — Night Crossing DEAR DIS(;USTED: Write to: Ac­ and on how you present yourself than it ’Tuesday was designated instead of mass of thanksgiving in the small chapel Our Lady of Czestochowa, who include My Lovely 7:30, with Body 7:20, 9:20. tion Line, Direct Mail Marketing it might look on my record for applying and was in the process of throwing it onto the of- will on that single question, even if |t Monday because many voters lived ficer when Burkhart fired the fatal shot. Brantley where the jewel-laden portrait is protected Pope John Paul, believe the adoration of Heat 9:25. Slorrs Association, 6 East 43rd St., New York, for a job. I’m 20, and if I did get < !0 m the Black Madonna could produce a Colonial — Mortal Com­ were asked. If it is asked, answer it a day’s journey from a polling {tlace died later at a hospital. from the light by a gold door. It is un­ Trans-Lux College N.Y. 10017. Also send a copy to the presi­ professional help and was later asked if Pope John Paul II covered briefly each day during mass but modern miracle. bat, with Savage Five from I’d ever been under the care of a psy­ honestly, adding that you have benefited and objected to Iravellng on Sunday. Iwin — Venom 7, 9. — dent of the company that manufactures 6:30. Taps 7, 9:15. For GomingOf sIlMiice KuhI llurlford Vernon Cinema One — Cine 1 & 2 —Raiders of prodvcM a golileii voice Rollover 7:30. the Lost Ark 7,9:10. — Pen­ l*oor RieliardH — nies From Heaven 7:10, Trouble may stem from hernia HOME His voice has been called one the greatest ever in opera, Neighbors 7:30, 9:30. 9:20. and his popularity is second only to that of his arch-rival, Slioweane Cinema— On Luciano Pavarotlii He’s gregarious and normally joins in a I am a big fan of Bruce Springsteen. How old b he and b Rachel Ward: Won’t talk about David. Golden Pond 1, 7:25, 9:45. different spot the uretta may kink and history. Another told me he will not give DELIVERY conversation with ease. DEAR DR. LAMB; I am a 57-year-oId me any pills because of my father’s early be marricdln-BnU, Lockport, La. — Absence of Malice 1, partially herniate into the vagina. But on the day before a performance—sometimes even 7:35, 9:50. — Reds 1, 8. - female with two children and I had a Of course you could have an infection death. Spitaigslecn, "The Boss,” who was born in Freehold, days before—tenor PlacMo Domingo won’t even speak to Just don't ask her SHOWCASE hysterectomy about 10 years ago. I’m 5 of the bladder that can be the cause or I am ready for tubal ligation but would N.J., and still calls central Jersey his home, is 31. And, Venom 1:30, 7:35. 9:30. — his wife. about David Kobnody Vice Squad 1:15.7:40.,10.- feet 6 and weigh 150. My problem is Y our make matters worse. like one more child in about a year. Am I Barbi, you’re in luck. Bruce is single. You can write to him “ Before ‘Otello’ opened in New York, I went for three CINEMAS dribbling urine. It seems I’ve always tad Please see your gynecologist. To cor­ hurting myself with the pills? in care of Jon Landau Managepieni, 136 E. 57 St., New days without speaking,” said the tall, handsome Spaniard in early 1979, English model Rachel Ward nearly lAEWEim n H B a little problem all my life but within the H e a lth rect the problem adequately you may , DEAR READER: If your blood York, N.Y. 10022. during a chat with People Exclusive, recently. “ I did the caused a brawl between RFK's son, David Kennedy, ; last two weeks it has become so bad I need to have your urethra repositioned pressure is normal or on the low side and same in London. And I arrived for the performance and my and French playboy Philippe Junot (who, at the have to wear padding and change often. I Lawrence Lamb, or even your bladder supported better. your cholesterol levels are low and you Who played ‘Chester” in “Gun^moke?”—J.C., Dallas,' voice was brilliant, shining. I could do anything with it. time, was m arri^ to Princess Caroline of Monaco) have no pain or discomfort but I do have M.D. ’This is in the nature of a hernia repair. do not smoke, your risk at your age is Team “ It’s not nonsense,” insists Domingo. “ It makes a lot of at a posh New York disco. David had objected to the to urinate often. It is scanty, colorless You can use some exercises, mainly quite small — far less risky than being That was Oennb Weaver, who you may remember from difference.” alleged advances Phillipe had made towards his Vacation INTERSTATE 84 EXIT 58 and odorless. practicing stopping your stroim and pregnant. Your risk of problems from the TV series, “ McCloud.” That’s when Dennis changed During these occasions, his wife, Marta, goes on long steady. EASTHARTFORD 568-8810 I would like to know if it is just my starting it again, which help some the pill at your age is less than 3.5 times character completely—from a bumbling sidekick to a walks with him, or they simply remain at home and watch In those days. Rachel and young Kennedy were aging process and weak muscles or does seen a lot around the Big Apple. And she didn’t mind ad a prolapsed uterus. women but exercise will not repair or what it would be if you didn’t take the crack, sharp-shooting marshall in New York City. TV or listen to the radio. movies CHARIOTS it sound like a condition that should be correct structural changes. pill. But don’t let that figure frighten you Otherwise, it’s very unusual for Domingo to stay silent. being photographed with him one bit. taken to my doctor. ’The bladder and its urethral tube is in I went to a Bob Dylan concert In Poplar Creek In As a rule, Latins love to talk. What’s more, Domingo is Then came his problems with drugs, and things OF FIRE ^ front of the front wall of the vagina. ’The because that is still quite rare. Stated began to change. Nowadays, Ward will chat with you planned DEAR DR. LAMB: I am a 29-year-old another way, Jthree-and-a-half times one Chkago. I cannot figure out why there have been no also quite active with his children, Placido Jr., IS, and DEAR READER: You may have a wall of the vagina is really a tubular arlkiei aboni him. Ii he on lour, coming out with a new Alvaro, 12. Every chance he gets, Domingo likes to take at length about her aspiring movie career but—p«/- urethrocele. What is that? It is really a muscle. As the muscles weaken and the female and have been on birth control in a thousand is still quite rare. eeze—don’t bring up David Kennedy. pills for two years. My father died at age aibnm? IM really like to know.—J.D., Racine, Wb. them to Central Park for a game of softball or soccer. Mary CJieney Library, VICE SQUAD hernia and is one of the group of female bladder drops, a portion of the bladder Regarding your family history, I But how does his wife take his silent spells? “ No prob­ “ I’ve completely stopped modeling,” Rachel told disorders related to weakened vaginal may protrude into the vagina causing a 41 from a blood clot to the heart. One wouldn’t be too concerned about that if . Dyiaa, who created quite a stir a few years ago when he 386 Main St., will offer announced that he had become a born-again Christian, is lem,” says Placido. “ It’s just like we are together, but at People Exclusive. “ I am concentrating on an acting three feature length films m walls. The weakening is oftenture of the cystocele. Or with a change in position of doctor told me not to worry about any your own biood pressure and cholesterol the same time we are by ourselves,” Sotnetimes, silence is career. Eventually, I would like to get on the stage, bladder (cysfocele), ryctum (rectocele) the bladder and weakening in a slightly circulatory problems from my family levels are normal or low. louring nationally. His music has changed from a ’60s folk during the school vacation. 1:1$-7:40-10:M rock sound to gospel folk. His popularity, like his record golden. but I’m not in a hurry. 1 want to First show the dif­ All films will begin at 2:30 sales, have taken a fail. Hb last album didn’t do well but he ferent sides of my ability.” (Her First really big flick WHOSE LIFE IS is the recently-released "Sharky’s Machine” with p.m. in the Junior Room. still has a very strong cult following. Burt Reynolds, and there’s another Film in the The schedule is as IT ANYWAY?[R LAUNDCItEO ft FMISHEO follows: -S H O W N AT: spring.) • ’Tuesday, “Tap Dance Wfea David Jantmn manlcd and did he have any But what about old flame David? l-'OS-7.4S.lfr0> Diet linked to diabetes Kid.” children. Ataoi how, when and where did he die?—S.S., “ Next question,’’ snapped Ward. “ Look, 1 don’t .Kenoaha, Wb. want to talk about him. That’s in my past. That’s not • Feb. 17, “Gulliver’s needed to be effective and the 'Call jMHcn was married twice. His First wife was ElUe my present.” Travels.” VENOM COLUMBUS, Ohio (UPI) - Nine worrying about his own children. • Feb. 18, "Pippi on the m of 10 cases of adult diabetes could be Other researchers have made harder the body’s insulin- Graham. They divorced in 1968 after 10 years of marriage, Then, we can say that she’s no longer seeing him? -SHOW N AJs Run.” l:30-7:3S-t-J0 prevented, reversed or at least con­ similar discoveries, studying, for manufacturer, the pancreas, must and several years later he married Oani Crane Greco, “ 1 didn’t say that. You can say anything you like, but trolled through changes in diet, ac­ example, Japanese living in Japan work to produce it. Basically the former wife of singer Buddy Greco. He had no children. I’m not going to talk about him.” So, there! cording to an associate professor at and in Hawaii. Once they started pancreas wears out sooner,.. . ?Li ..I'i Most friends think he died from overwork, at 49, at a time Ohio State University College of eating Western food in Hawaii, Ad­ Addanki’s theory of excessive es­ when he was planning to retire fromrthe rat race of TV Ptopl. Exelutlv.1 ■niw.ra th . molt intarosllng Personal advice OF MALICE danki said, the number of cases of trogen also helps explains the sexual series work and to concentrate on an occasional Film. He quottloni from r.ad.ra. S«nd yours to us car. of this -SHOWN AT:- Medicine. died of a heart attack Feb. 13, 1980, at his home in Malibu, iWMspapar. Abigail Van Buren offers Somasundaram “Sam” Addanki diabetes increased. dysfunction frequently associated with obese adult diabetics: Such Calif. His portrayal of semi-retired private detective CI9I2 BY TRIBUNE COMPANY SYNDICATE, INC. personal advice d^ly in said in a recent issue of Preventive “ Harry O” is still popular. Domingo is flanked by Placido Jr. (left) and Alvaro (right). 220 Eatl 42f)d Street, New York. N.Y. 10017 one of America’s best-read Medicine that the key is the typical But Addanki, a biochemist and men are frequently impotent, while high-fat, high-sugar and low-fiber nutritionist, has come up with a the women testify to heightened columns, “Dear Abby,” in TAPSh chemical explanation for such fin­ sexual drive. ’The Manchester Herald’s -SHOWN AT:- diet consumed in Western countries. Focus section. Addanki is a diabetic and he is dings. Diabetics mostly have been told t:4S-7aO-9S5 married to a diabetic. In both their Certain intestinal bacteria, he their problems are the expected cases, Addanki said the disease did explained, are stimulated by fatty, results of age, said Addanki, who ON GOLDEN not develop until after they had left low-fiber diets to produce excessive went through six years of impotence Wednesday TV Got a news tip? POND [PC India and started eating mostly amounts of estrogen, a female hor­ before gaining control over his dis­ SHOWN AT: American foods. mone. ease. If you have a news tip or lJ0-7:2S-f:4S His theory is that the excess contemporary painters of the 1:10 story idea in Manchester, In addition, an enzyme in fatty 9 USAF Religious Film More than 10 million cases of tissues, may bind with the male hor­ female hormone blocks estrogen eVENMO American West is John Clymar. contact City EMitor Alex 11:00 1:20 Girelli at The Manchester adult diabetes exist in the United ' mone testosterone to produce even receptors in the liver, pituitary (D (D 9 9 99 Newt 9StandingRoomOnly'AnEvening ______Nawi At The Moulin Rouge’ George Herald, telephone 643-2711. -SHOWN AT:- States, he said. A statistical com­ more estrogen. - gland and in the hypothalamus O J Cfiaitls's Angsts M.A.S.H. MANI»IESTER WALLPAPER & PAINT Hamilton hosts this naughty, bawdy \M4M X Hawaii nva-0 8 parison with the incidence of The problem, Addanki said, is that that area of the brain known to con­ Nostalgia Theater Gay GO'S cabaret show. diabetes in Africa and Japan in­ estrogen desensitizes skeletal trol both appetite and .sexuality. ® PKA Fall Contact Karats (S) SportaTonightTopaports 1:30 (Ccnilnuaali'oin Daytimn) Super CD Super Pay Cards 'Llshlwalght Contandara Bout Irom anchora present action-packed dicates that only about 8 percent of muscles to the action of insulin, the Biochemical feminization of men highlights ol tha aporta day. 9 Moscow Live Tolland Historical Society all diabetes diagnosed can be chemical that lets the body and hypersexuality in women 185 West Middle Trnpke. 9 Movie -(Drama) 9 Twilight Zone ,oS% ovls -fOlay AnlmaUon) *** “ Sayonara** 1957 Marlon Brando. 9 Movie -(Comedy) **. Vi “ Which invites you to their blamed on heredity or on en­ metabolize carbohydrates and results. “ TrUegy: Tlirss Classic Talas In THE GREATEST WaylaUp?" RichardPryor.Lonette 646-0143 Claymallon" Thrssshcrl Ricardo Montalban. A Korean War vironmental factors (other than regulate blood sugar levels. Addanki, at work on a book about pilot lalla in love with a Japanese McKee. A hilarious account of a poor YMaymatlon llimt baaad on olasalc AMERICAN HERO 1 6 th Anttual Antiques Show learned eating habits), Addanki So the chain goes like this: the his nutritional theory, claimed his antartainar. (2 hra., 30 mine.) (arm worker who falls into good atorina ol 'Rip Van Winkin', 'Lltlln 9 9 Dick Cavatl Show Guest: fortune in spite of himself. Three 'Prinos'. and ‘Martin The Cobbler'. said. more weight gained, the more es­ work has implications beyond SERVICE - SAVINGS - SATISFACTION Our reluctant super hero, Ralph Bianca, actraaa. women are deeply enamored with Saturday, Fab. 13,1982 & Sunday, Feb. 14,1982 W m lne.) him. and he is rapidly climbing the He said the finding relieved some trogen produced, the more insulin diabetics to all fat people. W Dr.ScdttOnHebrewetContln- 9 Independent Network Nawa 10:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. 11:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. (series star William Katt), is about 11:30 corporate ladder. One problem - the aacFromDaytInie) to have an electrifying encounter ^ Kojak price is a bit more than he bargained TOLLAND HIGH SCHOOL JB NeweWotMNewehlghllahtevIe ^ Entartainment Tonight fort (R)(2hra.) Tolland. Connecticut eetelIHe leleoeete Irom eround the with an unearthly creature whose 3319 ABC Nowa NIghtllna 1:36 Exit 99 - Interstate 86 ( D Nawe-Waathar ^Slaovls -lAdvsnIura)** spacecraft has crashed—leaving it Anchored by Tad Koppal. wallcoverings Sale ^ Maude 1:40 Refreshment Bar Open Throughout Show ‘iUondNia Favar" Rod Slelgar. stranded and wandering about TRY IT— YOU’LL LIKE IT! 9 9 8 9 Tho Tonight Show CD Moment O l Meditation Donation $1.50 ' Angie DIokInaon. During iheQold 2:00 Ruab daya, young Jack London aeta causing death and destruction. In Guaata: Eddie Murphy, Wayne Rogers, Albert Hague. (60 mina.) CDMovlS'(Waatarn)**^ "Burning TNs sd Kfmftt onu or (wo guoats a( $1.25 oach. . SHI to alaka hie olaim lor lortuna. "The Shock Will Kill You," on ABO Hills" 1057 Tab Hunter, Natalie 4 days only — Sale Ends Feb. IS ( 9 N a w ed atk For tha lata night Senior CM zons • $1.00 (with (hfs ad) maladPOXSIwt.) TV's comedy adventure series, viewer on tha East Coast, and tha Wood. Ayoung man, escaping froma 9 TV Community Conaga: pfim a-tim a view er on tho W est ruthless land and cattle baron who "The Greatest American Hero," epaat. a wrap-up of tha day’s news. had his brother kilted, finds aid and I BUSS CLOTH m-ttocfc SAU PRICE *16.95 . II JafSaraont (CapUonad) WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 10. 9(S) ABC Captioned News lovewilhaMexicanhalf-breedgirt.(2 I ______einele Bon. ______anigle Roll 0 Jim Rooklord; Frlvtta 9 Movie -(Adventure) *** hra.) InyaetlpahTT CHECK USTINOS FOR EXACT TIME. "Sahara" 1043 Humphrey Bogart. CD Joe Franklin Show GENERAL OIL IS S) n'tCvarybody'agualnaaB ^ ESPN’a Sportswoman (R) Lloyd Bridges. American tank craw 6:30 TV coMRWOfl mrvicab. mc. runs into German troops on the 9 Sports Update Good news (or Sahara daeart during World War II. (2 night-owls and West Coast sports ..JliicNawa fans, the latest sports resulta in a MgMIyBualnnasRaporl hra.) RESTAURANT only nighily talacaal of Ita kind-world viotlms; 97 year old twin eittaraurho va St. Louia Bluae 11:36 faat-paced commentary. 2- BobNnwtiarllhow WoraZiagfeldgirl8;abaautypagaant 8 8 9 Tho Pacta Of Lift A rift 9 Kojak . . aconomica and financial nawa, Wall CD Hawaii Fivo-0 6:63 Siraat Irandt and axpart oomman- lor pigeona; ‘oil wraatllng* in botwaan roommataa Jo and Blair is 11:46 2:16 ' 0 N a w a Southern California: and a Virginia magnified whan, learning they are no (S)Movta-(Thrlllar)** "Frtday.Tha CD Newt and CAPTAIN'S LOUNGE TiOO tary from ratpactad financial OPEN IN MANCHESTER lytit. man who triad to propoaa to hie longer on probation, they decide to 13th** 1080 No Othar Information 2:20 ^rtfrland by uaing a billboard. (60 apm up andTootia and Nataliafottow Availabla. (Rated R) (06 mina.) 9 Movie -(S c la n c a -F ic tlo n ) ** ForIraltaOlPmtal mina.) suit. 12K)0 "Tha Return" 19BO Jan-Michaal •g enlartalnmanl Tonight O Prlmanawa>120Prima*tim6 89 Movie ‘Dear Hurttor* 1B78 CD CBS Lata M ovla’Intimatb Vincent. Cybill Shephard. Twoyoung 568 Center St. Vicoa wAMNgwa OyorCaoy ‘Haaring'Hoata: Mary nawaoaat covaringthanationandiha R OB ERT DaNiro, Meryl Straap. A Strangara* 1077 Stars: Sally paopla return to the town where they T a g Atkad Far It Hoal; Rloh HARROWING DRAMA DETAILING Struthara. Dennis W eaver, Tyne had a close encounter as children E lm o ZacardelU Wallfx Llllla. Rad 8sa Iraaaurta: lha Martin and Jim Haiti. (Cloaad- wortd. Your Host f .tMovtaKComody)*** “Evafylh- THE IMPACT OF THE Vietnam War Daly. Aquiat. middla-claao couple and confront the force from another Jtpanaaa monatar traa rids: iha Captkmad: U.8.A.) OMo< nza Mg You Alwaya wantad to Know upon tha man who fought and tha linda Ihalr llva t disrupted by tha planet. (91 mine.) .0/ ' .world's moat apaolaoular ooatumaa about 8ox** 1074 W oody Allan. loved onaa left behind. (2 hra.) ' aMpsoplaiueiillngpsapla. ' 9B OaUyNumbara hueband'a periodic burata ol tamper 7:30 Diana Kaaton. Sax education iaaat 0:30 that result in wlla-bastings. (Repast: 2:30 •P Save On Our Full Service Gasoline n-oD ■IFM'a gportsForum- back about 50yaarainthia film baaad 9 Love, Sidney 03) SporteCenter rs., I6mins.) Join Us on Fri. Sat. or Sun. l WsdnasdayEdMon PMMagailiM, M in Ttw Family looaaly on the famoua manual of the Movla-(Myatary)**^ *'CatAnd Six MIIHon Dollar Man (S) Overnight Desk Live, final news ! . 0 FasMvalOtFtHh 0 VouAaksdForIt aama name. (Ratad R) (gO mlna.) ThoCanary** 1070 Honor Movie-(Romanca)**H "Delay headline updates, ooupled with the for • W Supsr Fay Cards S * Family Fsud (8i8Z)UvoProml.lnoolnCantor*An Blackman, Michael Calltn. A family Kenyon" 1047 Joan Crawford. beat of the day's reports. g;- ® (K / a ih j ^ e > MonayRna From Naw York, lha Evening with ItxhakPorlman' haa to spend a night In an old dark Dana Andrews. Twbkinds of love in a 2:46 i Romantic Valentine 3. l)1 7 l^ T H lil 5 oNE7 sAVlSdrCO^^ T Enlartalnmanl Tonight Heat: Violinist Itzhak Pariman and houaoinordartocollactan woman'a tile make It hard for har to CD Community Calender i conductor Davld,Zinman perform Inharitanca. (2 hra.) decide which one aha must marry. (2 Dixie Whallay, Ron Handran. Alan 3:00 PRESENT TO OUR ATTENDENT j' Alda lalla 'E T ' ha'a hopeful that Brahma* ‘Concerto for Violin in D 10:00 hrs.) Dinner for Two SO** movlaa will gal oil ihalr currant Major'* and Mondalaaohn’a Nawa (ID CoHagaBsskatballSt. John'svs (D Thoughts To Llvo By od-and-hotror tUnga. ‘Conoarto for VioHnand Qrchoatra in Qpil9 Oynaaty Connecticut (R) CD Movie-(Adventuro)** "Fighter C tportaCantar E Minor* with tho Now Yvork ® Legendary Pocket Bllllerd 9 Dr. Scott On Habraws Attock" 1054 Sterling Hayden, J. overlooking the Connecticut River M0 per gallon additional discount off | TV channtli Philharmonic. (2 hra.) stankTourneinontMatoh 1 9 Lovo Beat Isaac yearns (or lha Carrol Naiah. The atory of an important miaaion In Italy during WW |) WFBB, Harttord (CBB) Woman'a aymnaatloa John 8 8 MovM KDrama) ••• **Earth- 8 9 9 Q uM cy Following a mental world of ahow biz and recruits tha TraattaandaragLowlahoatthlallrat quaka" 1074 OiottonHaaton, Ava oul-paliant*a plea ol ‘not gulty by aorvicaa ol three dynamic woman to H. (90 mina.) o f f our posted gasolino prices. WNEW, Naw Talk 9 ESPN’s SportaForum(R) intamallonal team ohamplonahip I Qardnar. Effaota ol a major roaaoAOflnaanity’inthaalaylngofhia help him meat a famous manager; WUUL NSW M M ltl (C M ) S aarthquakeinLoaAnoalaaonlivaaof father and brother. Quincy and tha Julia has a bHtarawaat reunion with 9 Qunamoks Our Valentine gift to the I meal taped at Madlaon Square 3 « 6 WTNIL NSW Haasn (ABC) OardankiNawYorkClty. ■ - ■ onginoar. hit wlfa, miiiraaa, D. A. plead for a change in the law to her oo6ege sweetheart: and, a man WOII.NawVeifc 0 WPOKhigdom fathor*in*tawandaauapandad require that mantally ill crimlnala whoisafraidofwatsrtakaathacruiae CD All Night WosthsrSsrvico lady---- ITER SAVINGS ON iii-STOCK WALLFi BiBartalnmant • Bpocta 0 CNN Sparta Inaldaaporla policaman. (Ratad PQ) (3 hra.) serve out iheiraantencaaaftarbelng withe friend. (Repeat: 70mins.) 4 ^ 1 3:30 Mk 104*. 17 Banaral OilCo. Mama Baa Offlea inlormatlon-what'a happened and #di0 daciared aane. (00 mina.) . 12:30 (O) 1062 Canadian Invitational a 14K gold finigh Convertible WHCT, Hartford CB S BpoclalMovla Proton* 9 Freeman Reports Today’s J, il'a ahead. CD CD ^ Hogan's Heroes Tannia Toumamant Finale (R) Chain (a> teen on T .V ) WATR, WalsrfMry (NBC) MJLS.H. lo tio n ‘Hoopor* ig 7 6 Start: Burt newamakera tonight, live Irom 9 9 Late Night With Devid (S ) Rsal Pkturoe A pictorai look at — 1 ^ Roniotebsr, to taka advantage of this Cabis Nawt Nalwerk Raynolda. Jan-Miohaal Vincent. A any where in tho world, with Letterman Quest: film video artist the baal pictura atoriaa Irom tho B- WHIP, M iNBBM (NBC) top atuAl man add a ohallanging eward-winningintarviewarSandl BUI Wagman and hla dog. Manfray. 24-hour CNN day. nowoomof ara wary of oaoh othar Froaman. Special call-in number (W m lna.) 9 Movio -(Comody) "Port- OKU this Sunday ■ Spoolsl ^ le ■ ■ ^ ^ ) BfBOH, Nartttrd D) MaclMH.aMMllaport until Ihoy Join (orcof to accomptlah aHowa national TV audMnoa to 9 BennyHMtBlm noy'a Complaint" 1072 Richard f tha Impoaaiblo, anEvol Knioval-typo oarlicipato. 12:38 Fab. 14th for ■army HM Show Benjamin, Karen Black. An aaaistant ■O'O- 50 Gallons Of FREE IWSBK, Baalon BmiwyMlHm auto Jump acreaa a 456 foot gorge. O Cenneetleul Prime Time CD Adam 12 . commissionar of human opportuni- (Ropoat: 2 hra.. 80 mint.) (S ) Bond Of Iron VALENIME'S DAY WaOB, SM M fOd (ABC) 6 :0 0 1:00 tiea, complately obaaaaad by aex, >■ you must bring in this ad... ® Carol Bumatt And PrtaiMla 10:16 Fill Out Coupon and Loavo with Attandant ) WQBV, B(ir(ngaatd (FBB) dDCS tlw'8 AQoodtfcltDyCtwra on Rat Patrol ralatea hia frustrating expdriancaa •rowfi P«pp*rmlnt Patty triaa to ^ Moot Ttio Mayors 9 Movie KComedy) •• *'AN Night 9 Paopla Now Tha world of to hia paychiatrlal. (R ) (3 hrs.) 125 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, EAST HARTFORD prova aha'a a good aNaia. and ® M o v io -^ M m a ) **lpglgr- tong*' IfW I OeneHackman. Barbra entartainment Irom Hollywood. Lea Entar Aa Oftan As You Lika : - iP ie iS g i assn * n Chamist Stralaand. Baory of a middle-aged . M , llaiMttB, ara alao astn an WoodaiooK turna out to bo tho ‘ IdooBbatarda*' 1070 Bo^vonabn. Leonard la at urea oalebrity 3:66 6 MIN. FROM HTFD. - TAKE RTE 2 TO EXIT 5 N a m e ...... Prod WHNamaon. Hard*hitting drama c h ^ store m a n a ^ golngthrough a • CkMnUIMlSnML unflapppblo haro who puta har iatarviawB, ravlaws ol currant films (P ) Movio -(Drama) •••% “ Elo- BEAR RIGHT M MILE ctmansN i i , la, n and n porfoimina artistry aafafy on loo. of death and daatruction during midllfo criala. a M tha woman who end plays. Hollywood gossip, and phantMan'* 1070 John Hurt, A d d re s s ...... P h o n e...... World War N. (09 mina.) helpa him through H aN (Rated R) (66 Anthony Hopkins. Aman, born ‘ . -ss. . j ; dra rasalsad safy by 'oabts fflopaoO vrartd.apecial events in the entertsinment FOR RESRRVATIONS TELEPHONE 5«t.3(M)3 ORAWINQ WILL TAKE PLACE MARCH 1, 1B82 gpPMtlagorino OiOO rnma.) S Knlertekiment Tonight daformad.iskaptagainathiiwiliaaa ® O Tlio Orooloot Afoorteofi ® M^Qrimn lO-aM 9K n carnival freak. (Rated R) (2 hre., 4 9 ProfHea M Amertcen Art 'John 1K)0 SWThoFaOOiiy Charlie Roee 8 ^ ^ mine.) ava'A'a w AT*!*!' y g i M Oh Now Jorooy (1j NHL Hockav Now York Rangara Ctvmer’ AmonQthe boat-known GD 1 MColiadiUaaiiat>ialia.John*ava ^wootl^ 8 0 0 9 NooiPooploProWoaoto Collfornlo ooupio who toooh horaoback riding to oorobral patav 5^-Z3t 'i

24 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed., Feb. 10, 1962 MANCHES’TER HERALD. Wed., Feb. 10, 1982 - 25 College Notes News for senior citizens HOURS: Daily 8:00 am-9:00 pm Cubs receive awards- Fridays 8:00 am-10:00 pm UConn honors Cubnnaster Daniel Totntnasi presented Engineer award was p rese n ^ to Show plans finalized Sundays 9:00 am-6:00 pm the following awards for December and Steven Carter, James Hansen, Darnel Martin Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Carl Rahkin, Aaron Leonard,) Eklitor’s note: this column Is prepared product. If you have coupons you can’t Walter Miller of 289 Fern St., has January to boys in Pack 53, Waddell School. Bret Newkirk. . J '" by the staff of the Manchester Senior use, please drop them pff at the center. been named to the dean’s list at the Nauralist award was p resen ^ Center. It appears on Wednesdays and Those interested in learning cribblige University of Connecticut for the se­ Wolf badge, Shawn Caxlde; Bobcat badges, Sean Pasay, Eric Blizzard, Steven Carter, James Hansen, Danlel-2 Saturdays. or photography should sign up in the of­ cond consecutive time. Smith, Cari Rankin, Aaron U onard,^ fice. If sufficient registration occurs William ’Tuttle, John Rakoczy, Chris By Jeanettd Cave Rakoczy. Gary Garber, Bret Newkirk. • ' classes will be set up and all those Scholar award was presented to signing up will be notified. You Be On dean’s list One gold arrow point was awarded to Plans for our variety show are being Jeffrey Goodin and Shawn Caxide; one Steven Carter, Daniel Smith, Carl Please make a note of the following The following students have been Rankin, Aaron Leonard, Gary GarUer^u* finalized. The show will take place on dales: named to the dean’s list at St. silver point to David Hanrahan; and two The silver arrow points to Jeffrey^ Goodin. showman to Daniel Smith and Mark,A April 23 and 24 at Manchester High Feb. Michael’s College, Winooski, Vt., Smith; and artist to Zachary Allaire and’' School. Ticket prices will not increase. 11; Valentine Day Party, with the for the f^ll semester; Weeblos receiving awards were Bret Something new added this year is the op­ Newkirk, Steven Carter, James Hansen, Paul I^chaud. Sunshiners as Entertainment Ronald Vernier, son of Dr. and portunity to have your name in the 11: 10:30 a.m. furnishing fund.com­ Judge Mrs. Robert Breer of Bolton; Niall Daniel Smith, Carl Rankin, Aaron program as a patron. Leonard, and Gary Garber, citizen 'The Pinewood Derby winners were'-'i mittee meeting 725 EAST MIDDLE TPKE. MAMCHE8TER, CT. Campbell, son of Dr. and Mrs. Iain Mark Massaro, 8, first place; Steven The variety show is a fund-raiser .. 15; 10:30 a.m. trip committee meeting Campbell of Manchester; Carolyn award. (RT 6 OPPOSITE ST, BARTHOLOMEW CHORCH) . Also Bret Newkirk, Gerald DeCilles, Carter, 10, second place; and Chris Lit-*;!^' which supports our lunch program. With 17; 1:30 p.m. program committee Frattaroli, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. the increase in food prices, it’s impor­ meeting Mario Frattaroli of Manchester; Mark Smith, Lee Tracy, Douglas Von vinchyk, 9, third place. Hallen, Chris Mahoney, John Mulligan, The trophy for best constructed^ car; tant to raise additional funds to cover 18; Dr. Rosenberg on ^ n lal and den­ and Charles Lindsey, Jr., son of Mr. went to Bradley Wheaton, and the trophy’^' this increase. All individual acts and ture care and Mrs. Charles Lindsey of Christopher Olzacki, Gary Garber, craft'man award. for most original went to Lee ’Tracy. “ chorus members are required to attend 22: Birthday Party — If your birthday WAR 10 WULL DISCOUNT PUKES! Manchester. Sunday's 2 p.m. rehearsal. is anytime in February sign up in the of­ Flyers are available at the center for fice so you can be a part of this celebra­ At Marymount tAps to Wildwood, Pennsylvania Dutch tion. DOUBU MMNFAerURERB C0UP0N6I and the Boston Flower Show. Other one 25: Legal Aid Assistance — Please sign Wendy A. Murdock, daughter of day and overnight trips are being Cashiers wiii have detaiis Mr. and Mrs, Robert D. Murdock of narriage Licenses up in the office planned as per member’s requests. If 25; Italian Day 88 South Road, Bolton, has been you have a place you’d like to visit, named to the dean’s list for the fall The following persons are listed by please drop your idea in our suggestion Mike Haberern as hospitalized. We wish semester at Marymount College, box at the center. Marvin Hill Greene of Lincoln Street Road and Karen Leigh Hall of Hartford,' - them all a speedy recovery; John Tarrytown, N.Y. Did you know that we have coupons Felmar, George Last, Sam Felice, Ruth FREE Feb. 12, St. Bartholomew’s Church. APPLIANCES Ms. Murdock is a junior majoring and Anne Marie Boucher of 1198 W. Mid­ Ronald^Iene Roy and Karen Ann'|' available in the library. Herman Jdhnson Howell, Helen Zimmer and Julia Ven- in education, president of her class, dle Turnpike, Feb. 14. diligently works to organize them by dtillo. ’' and a member of the Student Ac­ . Gary Robert Robinson of 62 Oliver Robinsonliboth of Manchester, no date- tivities Committee and the swim Road and Kimberly Dale Rheault of 590 set. ■“ team at the college. W. Middle ’Turnpike, Feb. 13. Philip Anthony Misisco, and Patricia su m tlMFT Harry Hatfield Arendt, of 82 Ludlow Ann Rady, both of Manchester, Feb, 14. College pan be In your future ^ MAYUNNAISE Service Notes ’ , „...agaln! PEMIUT BUTTER ; \ The Bachelor of General Studies Program At Sheppard 1 .’ is an individualized, interdisciplinary program of part-time ^ „ „ * 1 . 2 9 * study. It is designed for adult students who are willing to * Airman Jay R. Martin, son of Mr. 1.39 and Mrs. Robert G. Martin of 2096 : commit themselves to a long-term degree pi'ogram and who SWEET LIFE UNSWEETENED — ^ ^ GREEN GIANT QQO South St., Coventry, has been ; already have an associate's degree o r sixty earned credits. GRAPEFRUIT CQ( P E A S ...... 17 oz. O s l assigned to Sheppard Air Force t A t the Storrs Campus of the University of Connecticut call JUICE ...... 46 oz. elel PRINCE - . A ^ Base, Tex., after completing Air BANQUET ase Force basic training. ; ’ Anita Bacon, BGS counselor, at 486-4670. Applications for MACARONI/CHEESE or A / I I M artin, a 1981 graduate of kSummer 1982 will be accepted until March 1,1982... FRIED $ 9 9 Q SHELLS/CHEDDAR...... 7.2oz. “t / J l Windham Regional Voc'ational CHICKEN...... 2-lb.pkg. L m im Q Technical High School in Williman- 2 ^ Fall '82 applications until June 1,1982. CAMPBELL’S a m m LIBBY’S OR ARMOUR ' m m tic, will receive specialized instruc­ ; ' ^ The BGS program is also available at the Avery Point Campus TOMATO 4 / $ 1 AA CORNED |1 SO tion in the aircraft maintenance field. Zi ■ ' and all other regional campuses of the SOUP...... 10.7OZ. ■ ¥ / l a V V BEEF...... 120 Z. 1 - 0 9 - \ University of Connecticut. SWEET LIFE SLICED . jam m m DELMONTE MM... Herald photos by Tarquinlo YELLOW CLING A / s 1 A A PINEAPPLE KQO A t K eesler PEACHES...... 8 0Z. *1/ l a W JUICE...... 46oz. O s l Airman Michael M. Gordon, E aster art STARKIST ' SWEET LIFE ^ ^ w M nephew of 'Yvonne Richards of 26C Extended and Continuing Education Spencer St., has been assigned to LIGHT CHUNK y QO VEGETABLE |1 AQ Keesler Air Force Base, Miss., Dorothy Kalon of Fountain Village, a 96 Norman St. who Is putting sequins on The University of Connecticut TUNA ...... 6.5 oz. I si SHORTENING...... am . l a t v after completing Air Force basic member of the Koffee Krafters Club of a decorated egg, as a finishing touch. ALL VARIETIES « m „ training. the YWCA, works on decorating an egg Easter Sunday Is April 11. Club DUNCAN HINES 7Q0 SUGAR FREE OR REGULAR QQO The 1980 graduate of Manchester at a recent workshop of the club. The In­ rnembers are getting an early start. High School will receive specialized CAKE MIXES...... I si 7-UP ...... 2liter V W set Is the hands of Gladys Merriman of training in administration. SUGAR FREE OR REG. M M a LAUNDRY $1 AO A&w QQO DETERGENT...... 49oz. ROOT BEER...... 2 liter sisl Discover pur new line of ITALIAN ROBUSTO/DELUXE FRENCH M M .1. KEN’S ALL VARIETIES m .A mm OAK S TRIET 'I'^Ultrarefficient^ life WISHBONE QQC LITE SALAD 9 / * ! 0 0 SALAD DRESSINGS ...... i6oz. sisl DRESSINGS ...... 8oz. fc/ 1.1111 PACKAGE!STORE ^ b a i i s s Va c u u m ctEAN ^^ Oak St., Manche !5 rater 643-6550 I 6 Downtown Packa: ;e Store With... Eleven domestic & commercial models to choose from. The domestic models come with a Personalized Service! two year w arranty on ALL parts — no Meat Specials fresh fish B ecause Lord Calvert Kahlua exclusions. Canadian Your Loved One Busch We highly recommend this machine for its WESTERN CORN-FED PORK HADDOCK FILETS 12oz.Bar BoNIm iL 7.29 750 ml 10l45 lass manufaoturar quality and ability to deep clean & prolpng the Is So Special rMund . j g p Romanoff life of your carpet. RIB HALF OR LOIN HALF O O *7.89 Vodka - COD FILETS ...... 35 Oak St. Manchester + tu SdiwiH 649-2811 Sit. 'OS 4.40 Plus we offer $50 TRADE IN on your old vac $178 , towards purchase of a new Progress. PORK ROAST TURBOT FILETS tb 1 tergundy _ COUMTRY STYLE 8m this sxespUonal llns of eteanars only ah PORK RIBS...... n * » $118 ABC APPLIANCE REPAIR ASSORTED PKQ. DRESSED SMELTS ..... tb X Y Now *4.89 *7.84 (6wrds,3canterre) » i * » Y 42 0aK8t. ManchMtor ., PORK CHOPS MATH AW 8 I 9 o “ IFfcere Serving You Is A Pleasure*^ 649-8B79 Cloaad Mondaya - ^ Accepting OUR BEST CENTER CUT STUFFED CLAMS...... izp.ck 1 RIB CHOPS...... lb.* 1 “ 646-9(96 Orders For BONELESS OakHratl PORK ROAST ...... * 1 " VALENTINE’S Carriage fresh produce F o r V b u r USDA CHOICE DAYI LM t13* USDA CHOICE PORTERHOUSE OR House O M m i L i n i Order Your Lobsters Earlyl TENDERLOINS T-RONE STEAKS GOLDEN YELLOW n I K c 91 00 Hairdesigning Range Hoods in 30" 36” and 42” Cut BANANAS t lUa- 1 18 OAK ST. DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER sizes, with Savings ol 2S')( lo 50% to and more. Such Famous names onpgR FRESH CRISP— LARGE STALK f S Q O FRESHI is pleased to ICome in and help u» celebrate i Sugar ‘n’ Spice as Broan. Fasco and NuTone. lb. lb. CELERYW introduce {year. USOACHOtCE ... and everything nice. FRESH 7 Q ( VALENTINE’S DAY Mirkel Peraoml. !66Ui« cmbpici rwripnigr RIB-EYE STEAK ...... BAY SCAllOPS Portable Heater sw a. ? o cu fi Res, taz- noon ion- BROCCOLI...... bunch ■ J a n e t SALE HOW GONG ON M OUR UTH SHOP Nn445TN ImMirMireirtiaiOiiiwul FAMtLY FEAST M lb, Avg. Selected group of shower curtains. ..., m Badger V. H.P. galvanized steel blades, ROASTING CHICKENS .lb. I CRISP FRESH X / ▼ ! 0 0 Plastic waste baskets, glasses 8, tissue So she will feel as 750/1,500 watt continuous teed Reg,62'’ niWI 42" CUKES V / 1 B o y le boxes. good as she looks Ouul-PhM EilMiilen PATRICK CUDAHY A few towels K i n i i f l 9 A 5 5 Answers anywhere. Easy on-ott switch. CANNED HAM...... 31b: VVhlte & black metal, towel bars, soap dls- Reg. Price 41“ W yRegular PriceW*’ FIRM RIPE LARGE SIZE Q Q C ] hea and toothbrush holders. , SWtFTS <18-18 Lb.) TOMATOES...... lb UV * We also have solid oak carving boards, Paddle Fan Sale [v e ry PaddlE Fan m Mock C OFF Manulacturers List BUTTERBALL TURKEYS...... tb. Janet has served downtown cutlery In carbon stMl and stainless, ^u lk f a n m a d e • FRESH FISH DAILYI Manchester for 3 years, and looks spices at very reasonable prices, sold by S ale tvery Wall, Floor and Table Lamp at 25 OFF Manulaclurers List the ounce. V boutigue Lamp BONNIE BACON 43 OAK STREET forward to servicing new & former 18 Oak St. Ai deli savings MANCHESTER clients. Downtown MonehoMor Call For Your ICanister sets glass with wood tops or all CALVES UVER ...... 649-gg37 SUNDAY ONLY! glass In amber or blue Gift Certificates SEA FOOO Appointmont Pin LO M p S (Spot Lights) SLICED SMITHSFIELD DOMESTIC $ 9 1 8 S6BVM1IME AAtA OrtB » YEARS Olnlog Hnir Opin If you don’t know her sUo BEFF LIVER...... tb.^ WH-8aturday For wall, table or floor use. COOKED H A M ...... tb. L 643-2461 COLONIAL' teg. M’^ Sunday Only KNOCKWURST ...... ib. CARRANDO $998 HARD SALAMI...... ,b L COLONIAL • CHICKEN FRANKS ...... MUCKE’S $1 78 JIMMY DEAN REGULAR or 8AQE OLD FASHIONED LOAF ...... tb 1 SAUSAGE MEAT...... MOSETS $018 oun OWN STORE-MADE HOT OR SWEET Discover ITALIAN-STYLE SAUSAGE...... PASTRAMI ...... YL OAK ST. Ml Specials Effective thru Saturday, Feb. 13th

I - ■ \.

26 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed., Feb. 10, 1982 MANCHESTER HERALD, Wed.. Feb. 10, 1982 - 27 Bolton High posts honor roll WInni* WInkI* — Henry Baduta and J.K.S. £> Area towtis BOLTON - The high -lo. Geffrey Hinds and Kenneth * '* ’ ***““ '" • ilipskv. • ^ Marshall. Wendy Plosky, Tracey Wales. A s TH£/^fffC£SS ...THAT WE SHOULP ool honor roll for the se- FRANKLy, Crossword Astro-graph m MeAPS HOMe t o s a s k t a POSTPONE cm TALk j d marking period has OMAR,TmE WmSK SQUML... UNTIL >DU RE6AIN IS MV abeen released. C o v e n t r y ’/ES, I F E E L yOUR STOMACH, Bolton/ MUCMXTTBR High honors: ENEMY/ Grade 11, Hieodore Brown. NOW... THANKS can meet soma new peupiu.. Grade 10. Sheri Vatleroni. Celebrate to yotir Fsbniaiy11,1M2 >DU ANP ACROSS 39 Eliminates Answer to Previous Puots (irade 9, Patricia Sobol, MyUiili Yejur ability to make and win Yw may aslabllah ralatlon- 41 MINUry shlpa Important to your future. SAIP. 0 If 7 z UT Venkatakrishnan. new- friends will be greatly I BELIEVE I'LL 1 Air (pratlx) fugitive CANCER (June 21-Jiily 22) M8 T 8 AY E enhanced this coining year. MAKE IT... AS 5 Ancient port 42 Madman Oifficult tasks can be greatly E VE K 1 E Grade 12 honors: Tljere's a posaiblllty you'll of Rome hearts delight! slmpllfled today U you'll take LON6AS IKNC7W 45 Eight 8 P R E L K move with an entirely new 10 Islamic holy Bolton traffic study suggests l>avid Churilla, Heidi Cloutier. social group. However, this lime to think them through WE'RE HEAPING 47 Sad (Fr.) N QN E 8 Kimberly Columbia, Clark Dixon, before starting. Examine your city 48 Coypu does not mean you'll desert old SPCKTOCeffTKAL 12 Engine! Patricia Franz, Lynn Haloburdo, pals. chores from every angle. 49 High die CITY/ 13 Out of bad Ann Jahnke and Lisa Jolie. . AOUfUHUS (Jan. 20-FSb. ft) \£ 0 (M y 21-Auf. 22) Even . number (pi.) □onn oonD niino A Valentine party Is fun 14 Portugusta Is­ Michael Minutillo, Penni You could get some encourag­ though It may not appear so at 50 City man : iKTiT AlF OIOITI D'Brien. Christine Rady, &ott ing news today pertalnliig to on the time, an unuaual develop­ land! X 7 T III! condo drive on South Road Rich. Lori Vercelli. Wendy Ver- for everyone — when you ment today will later prove to 15 Piraslts! M 1 A { ■ o Intareat that you have with Motley’s Crew — Templeton & Forman DOWN done and Jeff|»y Warner. another who realdat at a con­ be a lucky break. Don’t make 16 Undisguised 1 A Q O j hasty judgments, 18 Stags need 0 R E g use colorful Hallmark siderable distance. Predictions I Nest □ □ □ □ Grade'll honors: m oo (Aug. 22-SepL 22) 19 Auctioneer's E R By Richard Cody the state and town, roads. There is tab for plowing or repairing it. “It ol what's In store for you In 2 ’Olflclal \ 1 □ □ □ □ Lisa Chasse. Robert Cusano, paper partyware. each season following your G a in s couk) com e to you today word Herald Reporter currently a stop sign on South Road. would be owned by the association,’’ '/'kKlOW/ MABEL, IF proclamation 21 Weather 35 Cereal grain Gregory Fenton, Amy Fiano, birth date and where your luck through two unrelatsd chan­ ,;liL HAFTA 1 DIDN'T 2 0 Unit of he said. 1 IK.U/V\A(N 3 Growth bureau (abbrj 36 Prize He said if the zone change he is Doreen Gagnon. Deborah Harpin, We have everything and opportunities lie are In nels. One has bean prolitabis TELL HIM ALU I heredity BOLTON — A traffic study of KNOW youk 4 Undivided 22 Part of the seeking for his 53 acres from the He said that under state statute, if Maureen Holland. Jeffrey Peter­ your new Aatro-Ormh. Mall $1 previously, the other will be a [ 6ET MARRIED,,, KNOW ABOUT MBMoey 24 Irish county 37 A western South Road and Route 44A is from the centerpiece brand-new source. 5 Leak out hand 38 Supplication Zoning Commission is approved, he a stoplight went in, the state would son and Jacquelyn Weiman. , lor each to Astro-Graph, Box THE BIPP5 AMP WENT BACK 25 Fiber plant recommending that Larry Piano’s would probably pursue the traffic pick up two-thirds of the cost, with I *489, Radio City Station, N.Y. UBRA (Sept 2>-OeL 21) Keep 26 Reason 6 Most straight- 23 If not 40 Horse food Grade 10 honors: to the plates... 10019. Be sure to specify birth your schedule at flexible as THE BEES. THAT FA1?. 29 Dissertation laced 24 Recommend condominium proposal for that area the town the remainder. “We would possible today. Something fun 41 Aleutian light. date. 30 Demeaned 7 Rocky crag wrong course have its driveway on the town road Christine Adams, Aian with your friends may pop up In island “It’s not as though we’re going to start in immediat^y working with Pisces (Feb. 2(Hllareh 20) ■ A 31 Second 8 Wrath 26 Shuck and that a stoplight be put in at the Carpenter. David Carpenter. which you'll want to be able to 42 Mountains be dumping a lot of traffic on South the state,” he said, if the zone Miciiaei Daly. Malcolm Ferguson, Your Instincts and hunches on selling 9 Donkey 26 Unit of speed ways to get ahead competitive­ participata. (abbr.) intersection of the two roads. Marcia Manning. Kim Richardson. Algo: See our selection of delicious i 3 2 Coelenterate 10 Ills (Fr.) 27 Flutelike Road,” he said. ‘"There are maybe change is granted. ly should prove to be the SCORPIO (Oct 244IO*. 22) 33 Dissolve I I Vexed instrument 43 Jackie’s 2nd three houses between where the William Sheetz and Alexander Zor- pluses which will put you In the Someone may give you frilor- Piano said Tuesday the study he Piano said no other details about Munson^s Candies and Soft Cuddly 34 Take notice 12 Construct 28 Vetch husband l)n. victor's circle today. matlon today to put you on the driveway would be and Route 44A. 35 Coin of Iren 17 Year (Sp.) 29 Sedition 44 Nothing doing had done by James P. Purcell the design of the development are on VALENTINE ANIMALS ARIES (March 21-AprH 19) Not track of a bargain regarding a And there’s sufficient width there.” Grade 9 honors: . 19 Small mallet 46 Rumen Associates Inc. from Glastonbury paper, but he said the actual number only are you able to grasp the special Item you've (alt was P 36 Electrical unit 33 Hallway concluded that it would be too Piano said the study found that, of units will be “less than 100.” Michelle Daly. Charlotte Kckler. essence ol ideas quickly today, priced too high. is dangerous to put a driveway from based on 100 condominium units — Failli (tiingawiiy. Donald linlobur- you should also be abla to SACm Am Js (No*. 21-Dse. e To/ “UthtiEtimaN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Piano’s proposal has already show,'others how to Improve 21) II you’re Involved socially which is the number in the applica­ with friends today, come up the proposed development onto upon that which they conceive. World’s Qreatsst Suporhoroet 10 11 12 tion but it’s still called arbitrary by aroused some opposition from local wHh Ideas for doing aomethlng Route 44A. It recommends putting it residents, who last week asked the TAURUS (ApiS 2(HSay 20) on South Road, and Piano said the Piano — at peak traffic time, no The Herald provides a You're not likely to be content different. They'll appreclata selectmen to -“keep an eye” on the lions lor changes In the 13 14 more than 40 cars would be going in comprehensive calendar of Burr Corners, Manchester 649-1450 with the status quo today. If THIS STUFF IS -A N P K BA iaeO THAT CXiBCPim ANP ACCORPING TO TH ESE REftPETS, egress he has in mind would be only you find condHIona not to your S and out of the driveway per hour. impact of the proposal. The s o v e r n m e n t TH ERE'S WHO about 600 feet from Route 44A. “where to go and what to MON. - SAT. 10-9 CLOSED SUNDAY liking, you'll know how to make CAPRICORN (Dae. 22-Jwi. IS) /MCREOtSlE/ menssTPiAceous. OHS NAN 3[iWM/0NT 15 H I 6 17 Piano said the driveway, which selectmen said they would, and that do,” every Friday in Uie conatructivs changes. Should an opportunity prsaant ic m Ta a K Y E ASENCIES HAS BEEN INFIETRATEP LEAP 4tE TO THE TOP MEN IN THE they would hold a general hearing on Itself today, be praparad to N080PVS Sy/OPE/SN 6W «S.,. JUST l ik e 0ROUP. mx FIRST IP eerrsn check The study, he said, also found that would more resemble a road, would Focus/Weekend section. GEMIM (Iter iFJsM 20) 16 20 21 22 23 condominiums in Bolton if the Take advantage of any oppor­ move swirtly. It coukf be of a PUT ALL THE m iR y PARKS IN WITH PERRT WHITE IN present conditions already warrant be privately owned, meaning the fleeting nature. Don't dally. a traffic light at the intersection of town would not have to pick up the residents wanted. tunities today to go wfiere you P IF C F S METROPOUS- ML ■ nawshAPsn ENrenprsas saaN.) IPSeTHER 24 BepORE L■ (Carriage ‘STrahe 26 27 28 ■29 Andover picks appraisal firm C o l l e c t i o n 30 1 Bridge 32 33

coming spring. 36 37 38 ANDOVER — The selectmen have 1972, would be taxed at $70,000. IzKUPRHmSRS 34 picked United Appraisal Co. to per­ The East Hartford firm will re­ Most towns are already assessed ■UiKA' OoliottB J form the town’s revaluation this assess each home and property in at 70 percent, and the state has been 39 4 0 ^ summer, the same firm that did it in town for tax purposes. Assessed pushing to have a statewide uniform koiry^t Law — James Schumeister A real card fight 42 43 44 45 46 1972. value now is 65 percent of market tax assessment percentage. value, but after this revaluation, the Mrs. Gasper said the revaluation Pirst Selectman Jean S. Gasper should be completed by Dec. 1, in­ four-card major suit and 47 48 said Tuesday the board authorized taxable value will be 70 percent. Chair Reg. $492 SALE $339 South hai shown four hearts. HA&1HBC0MPUTEB HMMM,.. cluding all appeals that will be Then North jumped to three her Monday to sign a contract with For example, a home worth $100,- heard in the fall. Ottoman Reg. $216 SALE $139 P g C ^ WHAT UH-HUH,, HMMMMM.. 49 50 the firm soon. Its execution, she notrump so that it la certain TVPEOF PUANT I6 UH-HUH,, 1C 000 on the market was taxed the past The revaluation will affect the NORTH MS41 that North does not have BKjHTFOBME? BE6UUTS. said, is pending town counsel. 10 years at $65,000. After the coming 1982 Grand List, and the first year ♦ QJlOt four hearts, but almost cer­ (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN) YJ(4 tain that be bolds four She said the company will receive revaluation, the same home, if its that residents will be taxed bas^ on ♦ Q72 market value remains as it was in the new figures will be 1983. Fine Chairs at spades. $27,900 for the job it begins late this 4A(S In spite of that West WEST EAST decides that a spade lead la Fabulous Prices 974 9K432 the least unattractive one at VKIti 973 Ua disposal. He leads the Featuring: 9JS43 9K9S seven oi spades. 9K103 9J3S4 7^ C ELEBRIT Y CIPHER -Seating consists of double cone spring coils' It should be a dneh for C«labhty Ciphor cryptograms are craaiad from quolatloni by (■mout people, past Regin Highlights -Fraines-AII Klln-Drled Hardwood* with Stress SOUTH East to see that be most bold and praaont. Each lattar In the ciphor standi (or another. Todsy's clue H oQutit L 9ASS back hla king of spades and Points strengthened with Dowels.' Glue. ' and YAQ109 Screw s not play it on whatever card 9A103 la played from dummy. It •Special Density Polyurethane Cushion Cora la 9Q87 sbould be a cinch. But play­ Captain Easy — Crooks & Lawrence “Z'O ALICE IN X HIY IN YBZDWF Reg. $456 SALE $319 Wrapped by a Layer of Dacron or Fortrel Fiber - Fires investigated Vulnerable: North-South ers who blindly play third School may be center •Cushions are Muslin Lined for Additional Com-, Dealer South band h l^ , in accordance fort and Better Appaarance In Tailoring with the oU rule that la cor­ I THINK, IN UBHT OP HOW „.ANO I WOULDN'T HAVB EAST HAR’TFORD — The cause of a fire that heavily EAST HARTFORD — Willowbrook School may'be •Only Virgin Fibers'' are Used In.. Construction. Vik . Natlh E M Seelh rect on moat occailoaa,.will I'VB BEEN TKBATBP HeKB, HAP TO LEECH OFF UNCLE Z'MQ EIDO ID YGHGMZFZID, JCY damaged the Cat Cafe, 184 Park Ave., and that of three used for a new senior citizen center and the early Absolutely no waste fibers INT rife with the king ana just I'M qWEP THE COUKTBSI OF , JACK FOREVER, AND THE other fires in town Monday and ’Tuesday, is being in- •Loose Back Cushions are constructed of 100% Paa 19 Paoi SY watte it this time. AN WKUISIV0 ON THI9 NUNS COULD use A BIEOER childhood program, operated at the school, may be Paai INT Past Post CONVENrANVWAY.ANP , vestigated by Albert Fournier, the town’s fire marshal. Fortrel or Dacron Fibers. Ught Backs are con-' If East does play the king. moved to Stevens School, which is slated for closing Poa South will get four tpaife THE MONBy THEY The fire at the cafe was reported at 2:17 a.m. next year. structed of Molded Polyurethane Foam for Ex­ WOULP'VE MADE- OK OIMZQ PXLGGL ZF DIYBZDW Yl cellent Shape tricks, three Marts ana tM Tuesday. The cafe was empty at the time. The interior Sam J. Leone, superintendent of schools, said Mayor Opening lead: 47 minor suit acei to have no was excessively damaged, Fournier said. He said he had. •All Skirts are lined for perfect Hang and Nice trouble making his contract. George A. Dagon suggested a senior citizen center for Tailoring no estimate of the damage. the southern section of town and asked Leone to con­ If East bolds back the JLXW XJICY.” — QXOGF A fire that was reported at 3:34 a.m. Tuesday caused king. South will be held to sider using one of the closed school buildings. Available in a good choice By Oiwald Jacoby three apade tricki and will $3,000 worth of damage to a second-floor apartment at Any proposed uses for schools slated for closing will the Chesterfield complex at 428 Burnside Ave. Several of fabrics and Alan SoBtag probably fall o m trick short need approval of the Board of Education, Leone said. He may atill make It There NXLGDYZDI police officers who helped evacuate residents were West baa a tough hand to are all aorta of poiaibllitiea R e g . $ 4 5 6 treated for smoke inhalation. Two children also were lead from againtt South’s In dlamondt ana clnba. But treated. Moth spray approved three notrump. the play will be a f l ^ t not a PREVIOUS SOLUTION:'I was brought up in a generation SALE $319 North h u used Stayman romp. Alley Oop — Dave Graue where excuses were not acceptable." — Katharine Hepburn The other two fires were in garages Monday night. Of­ SOUTH WINDSOR — ’The Town Council has approved Reg. $492 (NIWBPAPBR ENTntPRISX ASSN.) ficials said one fire broke out at 148 Ellington Road and a plan for aerial spraying for gypsy moths on a private to find out if South' has a the other at 174 King St. basis. The town’s role will be limited to listing residents S A L E $339 who want their property sprayed and to providing maps Pop - Ed Sullivan GUZ IS GONNA ] YUPl IT SHE FIGURED TH' KIDS S E EM S T M E A LOT O F Marlliorongh BUILO A ZOO? J WAS OUEBU OUGHTA LEARN WHAT GOntTA DO IS WHO TRY THAT of residential areas to the company. UMPA'S IDEM TH' DIFFERENT CRITTERS TH* JU N G LE AN COME BACK! Council approves plan The firm, AgRoters, a Pennsylvania helicopter LOOK LIKE! _, IL in I Kit ‘n’ Carlyle — Larry Wright GLAS’TONBUR'V — The Town Council Tuesday night spraying firm, plans to spray the areas with Bacillus approved a partnership between Glastonbury Interfaith thuringiensis, a biological agent also called BT, at a cost Conntry Barn Corp. and Barkan Associates to pave the way for of $80 an acre. housing for the elderly. The first spraying will be scheduled between May 15 NORTH MAIN ST.. RTE. 2. EXIT 12 or 13 U MAIN STREET and June 15 and the second spraying must be done seven MARLBOROUGH. CONN. OLD SAYBROOK, CONN. ’The housing project is sponsored by a group of local to 14 days later. Tues.-Sat. 10-5:30. FrI. 10-9; Sun. 1-5:30 Mon.-Sat. 10-5:30. Fri. 10-9; San. 1-5:30 churches which were finding it difficult to obtain money to get the project started. &rkan Associates has built several similar projects V. in New England, including one in Vernon. ’The financial Announcing a Pear Jenny Lu, you vtxj think I'm pretty support from the town consists of about $102,000 in think I'm cruel, " much a tool federal funds. Mou think I have To find you Frank and Ernaat — Bob Thaves Under the partnership agreement Barkan Associates no f eeflntf. unappeaun6- will be responsible for the administration of the project and Interfaith would have representation on the tenant selection committee. XXU $uRE te s l a p WHEN THi5 D/^»OOHT Longer day approved Hefty price eutt 1$ O v S ft. VERNON — ’The Board of Education voted Monday night to lengthen the school day to comply with a new Without cutting quality, prices state law. The board approved the change unanimously even though the Vernon Elducation Association termed the immediately reduced up to 20%. My love for you new law “ambiguous” and called the board’s action It’s not a one-time offer. Not a special deal. It's a price cut on all Hefty* IS far, above & premature. Trash Bags and Tall Kitchen Garbage Bag? starting now! T l^ ^ io ^ n -touch Under the new policy students at Rockville High And Hefty did it without cutting strength or quality. Hefty Trash Bags THAW ) 1-10 School will start school IS minutes earlier in the mor­ have a triple-thick inner layer-they’re tough enough to overstuff“- s o Tha Born Loaor — Art Sansem ning and will leave a half hour later in the afternoon. you can use fewer bags and save money. And Hefty* Tall Kitchen Garbage New school hours will be 7:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Bags have a tough inner security lining that holds even the wettest Our Boarding Houaa — Carroll & McCormick Elementary school students and students in Grade 6 at kitchen mess without leaking. ' A 600P \«XA8ULAJ?/SHDOLP Sykes will arrive'for class just five minutes later but will leave school, 20 minutes later. Middle School So remember next time you go to the store-now Hefty's a greater buy than ever before! I4A7MEONE YHEWWJUPRWEPlHEPAtrriEPHALF students will attend classes from 7:45 a.m. to 2:20 p.m. CU'nTN'TMfclidH J -ra BE USKIN’ A < THE HIOKT WHEN TCP PRC3RITV. Middle School students will attend classes from 7:45 •WE T in ROOF < PULL RTT HE«5l(T1 THE KE66 C A M E tlllORDS'jbD a.m. to 2:20 p.m., adding 25 minutes to their school day. vviihachwn (SET AJ(Y MORE A RAY EARLY ( ’The new state law says the 180 days of school must in­ 5AWpS|i6li(E PONE THAN A NOW iNfrreAp clude 900 hours of instruction for all but kindergarten, MAJOR 5TILL T ermite on OF a s k in ’ which requires 450 hours. SNORIN’? A PLA6TI6 «UE5Tl0N6 HE'LL 1061 BE ANEWEBIN’ THSWW School plan attacked 9 ^ - EAST HARTFORD — Some 200 parents attended a special meeting of the Board of Elducation ’Tuesday T rash Winthrop — Dick Cavalli night — mostly to complain about the proposed closing of Stevens and Center schools. UNT1L7HE TEACHER START© Under the closing plan approved by the board Jan. 21, A a ciN iS AAE FtDR A LL T H O S E Center, Slye and Stevens schools will be closed in the B a g s NAMES, PLACE© AMP DATES. coming sdMol year. Students from Center will attend Hockanum School and Silver Lane and Norris schools; 100 students from Norris would be sent to Langford; and n ' Pitkin School, now a middle school, would become an elementary school. Parents expressed a variety of concerns about the proposed closings. Some asked the board to reconsider ON$»«9*AMa,nn^UtFa4 X-/0 its vote to close Stevens and some had concerns about iSJiiSLiJSliSL. busing 107 students fran Norris School to Langford. 6 Mobil Oil Corporation 1982 s 28 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Wed.. Feb. 10, 1982 MANCHESTER HERALD Wed.. Feb. 10. 1882 — 29 Super penidllin zaps Herpes test BUSINESS h m s s i f i e d

even worse infections SEATTLE (UPl) — A test that takes only 45 minutes compared to the standard three days r“/n Brief' By Patricia McCormack with piperacillin when used alone he said. “Patients will come in with needed to diagnose genital herpes has been UPl Health Editor against susceptible serious infec­ simple straightforward infections developed using the new field of monoclonal an­ Take advdhtage of competition tibody technology. tions was 92 percent,” said Dr. that can be treated with known an­ f’ ' NEW YORK — A chemical com­ Roger J. Crossley, Lederle’s vice tibiotics, and they’re going to get Dr. Robert Nowinski,. scientific director of pany scheduled a two-way telecast, president of clinical research. PIPRACIL because it’s new, and it Genetic Systems Corp., announced the test Tuesday to doctors across the nation to in­ In Geveland, doctors Issued a has silver packaging. for the severe venereal infection. troduce a powerful new. strain of warning that overuse of the drug — Lederle Laboratories Division of “Genital herpes has become virtually epidemic, Nowinski said. “Approximately 10 million people to get biggest return on savings penicillin but some doctors say its administered intravenously and American Cyanamid Co., developer marketing campaign may lead to its available only in hospitals — rould of the new antibiotic, told of a case are infected with the disease in the United State overuse. reduce its effectiveness as bacteria in which the drug recently helped alone, and 400,000 to 600,000 new cases occur each The “super penicillin" is year.” Never have so many methods of savings been 30 percent or more. Otherwise, you’re better off in develop immunity to it. avert amputation of the leg of a man savings paying taxable returns. piperacillin sodium — developed by “You shouldn’t use it to treat a in Athens, Ga. Genetic Systems’ test is performed by taking a available to us, as average investors, and never have - L ^erle Laboratories, a Division of specimen and directly applying to it a monoclonal America’s financial Institutions been in such a scramble • Savings certificates issued by banks and thrift in­ strep throat,” said Dr. Jeffrey “ Kenneth Crumley, 40, a Your stitutions, maturing in two and one-half to four years in American Cyanamid Co., and Blumer, a pediatrician at Universi­ sheetmetal worker and roofer, antibody, which is developed by fusing live an­ to get our extra cash. marketed as “PIPRACIL.” tibodies with a cell that can be maintained in­ Never has there been so much confusion on how much denominations as low as 8100. Good medium of long­ ty Hospital. “That’s like killing a faced amputation of bis right leg you can earn from what, and never has the confusion Money's term savings. Rates are below peak. One doctor called PIPRACIL’s flea with a howitzer.” above the knee because of a chronic definitely in the laboratory. Arthur E. Smith silver packaging “sexy” and warned Presence of the herpes virus can then be readily VVMIIam B. Thornton been so encouraged by bur institutions (deliberately or • Big certificates of desposit, issued by banks and He said PIPRACIL should be bone infection,” it was reported. W orth thrift institutions in maturities ranging from one to six doctors not to “jump on. the reserved for patients with identified under the microscope by the staining not). Dr. Larry Medders, Crumley’s As savers, you can — and you should — take advan­ Sylvia Porter months, denominations from 8100,000 to 81 million. Good bandwagon” to use it instead of lifethreatening infections. orthopedic surgeon at Athens pattern of the cells. UPt photo existing antibiotics. “With expected new treatments for herpes, the Pair honored tage of this fierce competition for your extra funds to for wealthy individuals as short-term haven for cash Dr. Allan J. Weinstein, a member General Hospital, said: awaiting other investments. Clinical tests on piperacillin of the Cleveland Clinic staff who “There was no choice but to am­ rapid and accurate diagnosis of this disease is the maximum degree compatible with your; sodium before the FDA gave its ap­ becoming critically important,” Nowinski said. Arthur E. Smith and William B. Thorton, two 1) Need for liquidity. Or to put it more bluntly, how • Mutual money market funds, extremely popular in Arts hug specializes in infectious diseases, putate if I could not clear up the in­ recent years. Usually invest in short-term, highest- proval Dec. 29 found it destroy^ said relatively few people will have (Senetic Systems’ monoclonal antibodies a^ in st directors of the Savings Bank of Manchester, were soon m i^ t you need the cash and how fast m i^ t you fection. We s ta rts the patient on need to get it? grade securities,, offer advantages of liquidity, easy serious infections, particularly infections serious enough to warrant piperacillin and within four days the herpes are part of the company’s threeyear, |3.9 honored at SBM’s annual meeting. House Speaker Thomas O'Neill and actress strains of bacteria that develop in Smith, a vice president of the b ^ since 1979 and 2) Desire for safety. Or bow much risk of losses can withdrawals, high rates of return. Good short-term its use. laboratory cultures were negative. 1 million product developmept and marketing agree­ • mediums. Jean Stapleton give each other a joyous hug hospitals. “It’s hard to keep the level'of ment with Syva Co., a subsidiary of Syntex Corp. a director since 1968, was elected a director you afford to take with the nest egg you are investing? U.S. Savings Bonds. The EE bonds returns 9 percent know it sounds miraculous but that’s 3) Objective of niaxlmum return. Or what return will if held to maturity in nine years, while the HH bonds • Money market certificates, issued for six months by at a Congressional Arts Caucus luncheon “The overall clinical cure rate enthusiasm for these drugs down,” what happened.” emeritus. He Is the eighth person in the bank’s Tuesday in Washington to announce the history to receive the distinction. you settle for in today’s befuddling bond-money earn 8W percent, payable twice a year by check. The ad­ banks and thrift institutions in amounts from 810,000 up. launcing of the first nationwide Thorton, a directbr since 1966, was elected a vice markets? vantages of EE bonds are: exemption from state and Liquidity not top-notch because of penalties for early Congressional Art competition. president of the bank, 4) Tas position. Or what will the apparent earnings on local taxes, postponement of federal taxes until redemp­ withdrawal. But good for short-term money. Smith, who retired as chairman of the United your savings look like after taxes-have taken their giant tion and the vital discipline of purchase via regular • Individual Retirement Accounts, best tax shelter Tedinologies Coro, in 1974 was made a corporator bite? deductions from your paycheck, ’hie rate is still out of available to average investor. You can invest 82,000 a of the bank in 19IB. He is a member ot the Concor­ • The traditional savings mediums of accounts at line, so the Treasury will request Congress to let the year as an individual, 84,000 as a working couple, $2,000 BEST BUYS OF dia Lutheran Church and lives with his wife, savings and loans, savings banks, credit unions. It would savings bond rate fluctuate with the return on five-year as a couple with non-working spouse. Annual con­ Blood battle Frances, at 28 Raymond Road. seem absurd laziness or stupidity to keep money in . Treasury notes. There would be a guaranteed floor un­ tributions are tax-exempt, so are earnings. Don’t miss Thorton, president of Manchester Sand and passbook savings accounts at the 5Vii percent to 5Vk per­ der the return and complete protection against all this savings bonanza! THEYEABI Grhvel Co. was elected a corporator of the bank in cent rates in this era. But the accounts do have the ad­ market fluctuations. Not bad, if approved. (Job hunting? Sylvia Porter’s comprehensive 32-page A t fiieUeitt' • All-savers certificates — so overpublished this past booklet “How to Get a Better Job” gives up-to-date in­ 1968. He is a member of the Manchester Hospital vantages of convenience, of liquidity. They do offer a is on in trial Board of Trusteles. He is also a member of the haven for funds you are holding to invest elsewhere (a fall — are one-year certificates paying interest that is formation on today’s job market and how to take advan­ South Methodist Church and the Manchester house, a major appliance, a car). And they are a habit. tax-exempt in amounts of up to 81,000 for single people, tage of it. Send 81.95 plus 50 cents for postage and THURS. 9:30-9 Kiwanis Club. Don’t downgrade that last point for people who shrink 82,000 for married couples. Available only to the end of handling to ”How to Get a Better Job” in care of this of von Bulow He and his wife, Lois live at 143 Lakewood Circle from more exotic forms of savings. At least the ac­ 19^ (unless Congress extends the date) and despite newspaper, 4400 Johnson Drive, Fairway, Kan. 66205. FRI. 9:30-8 South. counts are better than an old mattress. publicity, not for you unless your income tax bracket is Make checks payable to Universal Press Syndicate.) By H.D. Quigg SAT. 9:30-5 UPl Senior Editor MON. 9:30-9 NEWPORT, R.I. - The battle of the blood was on Nine firms to receive today in the von Bulow attempted-murder trial, but it CG merger approved would have been much less fierce — perhaps anemic — BUCK & WHITE TV PORTABLE COLOR TV AUDIO RADIO MCROWAVE OVENS if there had not been two words; “I forgot.” They were uttered by a prosecution medical expert. state-backed financing BLOOMFIELD (UPl) - Philadelphia, were scheduled to vote The blood in contest was that of Martha “Sunny” von Shareholders of Connecticut General today on the proposed merger. In ad­ Bulow, the high society heiress who lies in a coma Corp. have approved a proposed dition to shareholder ratification, the beyond recall, her doctors say. The state contends her HARTFORD (UPl) - various kinds of lodgings, Haven, which will build merger with INA Corp. that would combination into a new company also husband Claus tried to kill her by injecting insulin. The The Connecticut Develop­ for a campground and for and equip a manufacturing create a company with $10.8 billion in must be approved by regulatory defense says she popped a plethora of barbiturates. ment Authority has ap­ other tourism-related uses, facility, adding 20 workers. annual revenues and assets of more authorities of Connecticut and Penn­ The prosecution parade of medical witnesses began proved 817.4 million in but this is the first cruise • $1.6 million to Sterling than $27 billion. sylvania. Tuesday with a German-born, Munich-educated New­ X., state-backed financing for ship we’ve assisted,” Car- Paper Corp. of Stratford to Connecticut General said 35,251,917 The merger would create a major port doctor, who said he ordered a test for insulin in her nine firms, including one son said. buy land and build a 'Shares, representing 86.7 percent of new insurance and financial services body when she entered Newport Hospital in the most Ralph Wright David Daniels planning to build a replica The development manufacturing facility and its outstanding shares of common power that would rank among the top severe coma he had ever seen in his considerable QUASAR1 |p7A -IW IIfjC C(P. FULL SIZE LITTON of a 19th century sailing authority also approved $1 warehouse in a Seymour stock, were voted in favor of the 25 corporations in America. merger Tuesday, while 327,464 The action would provide each com­ career. 12” BLACK A WHITE eONLY 25'COLORTV MICRUWAVEOVEN vessel for cruises from million in industrial industrial park. The firm Dr. Gerhard Meier, who was to return for testimony AM-FM MIDIO/STCREO Two promoted Mystic. revenue bonds to help will add nine jobs. shares, or .8 percent, were opposed, pany with an avenue for diversifica­ 100% Solid State 13” COLOR TV IW i MM M i FAST-EASV-ECONOMICAL The 817.4 million finan­ • $1 million to Inter­ and 46,402 shares abstained. tion. CG, the country’s third largest today, told prosecutor Steven R. Famiglietti that tests CM M lIi Dicli, Auto Chmgir a ONLY finance a $7 million project show^ her blood sugar level to be a low 29-milligram 12 ONLY - 1 PER FAMILY 100% Solid State cing package for expansion planned by Glass Con­ national Computer The Connecticut General publicly held insurance company; percentage, and her insulin a comparatively high 216 — » 4 8 9 _.JS|iIph E. Wright, has been appointed division or renovation projects was tainers Corp., which Resources of Greenwich to shareholders also approved an would get a bigger stake in the “The two do not go together.” saniGE • 2 5 7 sSes manager of molding material at Rogers O ^ . approved Tuesday at the employs 1,124 people in construct and equip a executive stock incentive plan for of­ property-casualty businsess. loo * 2 3 8 of Rogers and Manchester. monthly meeting of the building in Stamford. The ficers and other key employees of the CG would also enter the securities Then he described a test that would show the amount FREE 8 YR. PICTURE D am A. Daniels has been named product Killingly. of insulin produced inside the body by the pancreas vs. TUBE WARRANTY RADIOS - TAPE quasi-public development The firm will rebuild computer services firm new company. field. INA controls one quarter of ■u i r nnanager of all molding material. authority, which serves as three glass-melting fur­ will add 30 workers to its Shareholders of INA, based in Paine Webber InCi‘' an amount introduced from outside into the body. 29 8.0 0 RfCOIIOEIIS Wright, a Glastonbury resident, received his Famiglietti asked if he had ordered such a test. Meier 5 9 7 .0 0 ar.“ ? H.348.00 the financing arm of the naces, which reach current payrifll of five.> tPry w ifilisii .2 0 8 .0 0 CLdSEOUT PRICED bachelor of science degree In plastic engineering in state Department of tem peratures of 2,900 said he had not. 4 8 8 .0 0 IMS from the Boston Technical Institute. He is a “Why?" the prosecutor asked. tSSSIlKw...... 77.00 MM"iiwmlwitNi .3 1 8 .0 0 UP TO 50% OFF nSuw...... 207.00 Economic Development. degrees and need “1 forgot,” said the doctor in his precise Germanic ac­ MMiMir 4 9 8 .0 0 member of the Society of Plastics Elnglneers and is Economic Development rebuilding every 7 to 10 ...... 7 9 .0 0 .3 5 8 .0 0 HITAGW CASSETTE ...... ,4 8 8 .0 0 on the Board of DirMtors for the ThermoiMtting cent. AWrUPortlMi...... 49.00 Commissioner John J. Car- years, and to buy new The state is trying to prove that it was a “clandestine, . 157.00 .4 5 8 .0 0 SAWEMOOon division of the SPE. son said the nine firms that equipment and make im­ subtle and ingenious” murder Attempt by secret injec­ cAsssmsccs....liSSLHVa, 14 9.0 0 Daniels is a 1961 graduate of Northeastern received financing provements to its existing University and received a bachelor of science employed more than 1,700 plant. . . . tion that put Sunny into a lasting coma on Dec. 21,1980. degree in chemical engineering with honors. He Meier testified that he ordered the insulin-level test in people and would add a The financing package has been a member of the SPE since 1952. Daniels total of 150 new jobs the intensive care unit that day because he remembered Is a Vernon resident. also included: Sunny’s temporary coma a year earlier, when he had EVERY FAMOUS BRAND ON SALE through the expansion • $5 million to Economy suggested the attending doctor consider that secret ad­ 3 projects. Electric Supply of ministering of a blood-sugar lowering agent might be “Our long-standing Manchester to buy land, the reason. HITACHI - RCA - ZENITH - SONY - QUASAR - OE - WE8TINQH0USE Dinner set policy of taking care of our construct and equip a On cross-examination, the doctor told defense at­ own Connecticut firms is building where it will con­ A Distinct Name in Housing torney Herald Price Fahringer that a secret ad­ FRIGIDAIRE - KITCHENAID - AMANA - TOSHIRA - WHIRLPOOL — CALORIC — MAYTAG Dr. Pierre Arcbambault, a Tolland dentist, will continuing to pay off, solidate four Manchester ministering of drugs could be either by the patient or be honored by the Connecticut State Council of the despite the poor national operations. The electrical another person. He said it was his personal decision not Knights of Columbus at a testimonial dinner to be economic climate,” Car-, appliances distributor will to pump out her stomach, though that was a standard son said. add 28 workers. WASHERS • DRYERS held at the Colony restaurant in Vernon March 6 at procedure in a normal situation. DISHWASHERS VACUUM CLEANERS 8 p.m. The financing package • $4.94 million to Ulbrich Builders of many fine hornes “This patient virtually died there,” he explained. “We ^leakers at the dinner will be former governor included $700,000 in recrea­ Stainless Steels and had no time to do it. This lady was (cardiac) arrested. A EVERY John Dempsey and the Most Reverend Daniel Reil­ tion project revenue bonds Specialty Metals of North throughout Manchester, South Wind­ machine was breathing for her.” EUREKA ly, Bishop of Norwich. for Out O’ Mystic Schooner Haven to construct and Fahringer established that Mrs. von Bulow’s blood UnUTB For tidiets and information, contact John Fitz- ' Cruises, which will build a equip a manufacturing sugar level had been a 29 milligram percentage when CAMISTER patridi at 646-2226. 126-foot replica of a 19th facility. The firm will con­ she entered the hospital at ll;4!i a.m., that she had POWBRTBAM Arcbambault is the founder of the K ni^t’s century vessel for excur­ solidate three North Haven sor, Vernon, Glastonbury, and the received three injections of glucose there, and the blood ON SALE sions from Mystic. plants and add 42 new CLOSEOUT “Alive and Well” program udiich teaches cardio­ sugar had jumped to 261 milligrams by 2 p.m. pulmonary resuscitatioa thi^jfu^ut the U.S. and “ The s t a t e ’s low- workers. Mansfield area. Meier had testified earlier that when blood sugar goes PRICED Canada. « . > interest, taxfree funding • $2.98 million for ;up, a normal pancreas will pour out insulin to bring it has been approved for Ulbrich Wire of North down. With that in mind. Fahringer asked: Presently Building in “Would you agree that an insulin level of 216 (which she had tested to be) would be compatible with a blood Open house “Timber Ridge” In South Windsor off sugar of 261?” “I agree in theory,” Meier replied, “that the pancreas VIDEOTAPE set tonight HEADQUARTERS would pour out, and your conclusion is a logical one — Taylor Rental Center of IMPORTANT Ellington Road; and for a healthy, normal female that insulin level would NEWEST 1BS2 Mancbesjer will hold a rise to 216.” KITCilEN AID w 24NL FAMOUS HAKE PMCEDROPS champagne open house at However, when she arrived Mrs. von Bulow’s body COSTOM- its new store in ANNOUNCEMENT “Boutder Ridge” in Vernon off Tunnel temperature was 17 degrees below normal, and the AUTOMATIC OEFROtT UNDERCOUNTEN R C A o vm so Wethersfield toni^t from emergency room took strenuous, measures to bring it 8E2-SPEEU LARBE CAPACITY 6 to 9 p.m. up. Meier had testified earlier that when a person’s b ^ y FRMIDAIffi DELUXE *5 49 .. The public is invited. We vrill be open'Saturday, Feb^ 13 Road. is cooled to a significant extent, metabolism slows RIULTI-CYCLE 30” ELECTRIC WUME The Manchester business down. EASV-CLSANOVSN • 3 4 8 • 4 7 8 RCA*VFT680 TOFOFTHBUNS is owned by Jtrfin and Bar­ Manchester State Bank Customers Only $HI bara Wilper and Mildred We can custom design and build on CUSTOM - MADE • 2 9 7 • 2 9 7 Beaupra. The new center This weekend Is a four-day holiday FINAL COST •988 wiU frature a party and your lot or assist you in the construction i>CA*«FD170 banqnst showroom...... 49 8.0 0 PORTMUMOML 'Tte Wethersfield store is Feb. 12 Feb. 13 Feb. 14 Feb. 15 DRAPERIES .... 2 8 8 .0 0 $ 4 3 8 located'ft 990 Silas Deane Saturday Sunday Monday of your home, anywhere East of the Large Fabric Selection ...... Highway. Friday 3 8 B .O O ...... :..,.3M.OO ...... 8 8 8 . 0 0 *928 Open Expert Installation .3 8 8 .0 0 Sm (wuMt MiMIton of Closed Own-12 noon Closed Closed 4 4 7 .0 0 m rn S m m Color CamonolM NWMord River. s S iP ...... 2 8 8 .0 0 ...... 3 3 8 .0 0 MUCCOll ...... *688. Visit Our Showroom a t MBBWMWiNR •' .4 7 7 .0 0 Lawyers s^y Moot area banka will be closed for 35 Windsor Avs. four days,—Not us - at Manchester State Bank. RockvIUs or Call' 872-0166 ad deceptive CONSTRUCTION COMPANY TONITB TIL 6 MON., THUH6. TIL 0 NEWTON, Mass. (UPl) Qaturday service la provided lor a m fo r TUNS., WED. SAT. TIL S — An attorney has asked 99 East Center St., m i. TIL I the Federal Rerarve Board Maneheeler State Bank Cuetomere Only Dtopphtg By. to order its member banks Opfn 9 AM-12 Noon Manchester, Conn. A t f i i to stop what he calls CALDMIELL OIL, INC. “deceptive” adver­ 643-9551 — 643-2692 1 . - 3 tisements by banks, saying 1041 Main SL Robert D. Murdock, Realtor 440 HARTFORO RD., MANCHEITER 647<49t7 Individual Retirement Ac-; M T ^ S Q M counts will nuke people 1-14 ix rr TO K81N1Y ST. '“millionaires” by the time 1 1 5 . 9 C.O.D. they retire. STATIBANK NO EXTRA CHAR8ES “ ^ DELIVERY - SERVICE NORMAL IN8TALUTI0N Milton Gwirtraun said MEMBER FD)C Tuesday the adver­ a40-7t70 tisements were “d e c ^ v e ; CirtHNr ibin MI 6 4 9 - 8 8 4 1 and misleading” because “Your Local HontMoWfl Bank’ they assume continued vildgh Interest rates.

-J 30 - MANCHESTER HERALD Wed, Feb. 10, 1882 MWEimSIlK flWEimsillG C la s s if ie d MTES 22— Condominiums Minimum Charge % * LOOK FOR THE STARS... 12:00 noon the NOTICE EMPLOYMENT 23— Komas for Bala 35— Haaiing-PlumDing 46— Sporting Goods 56—Mise. for Rant 15 Words day before publication. 24— LotS'Land for Sala 36— Flooring 47— Gardan Products 50*>HomM/Apts. to 1— Lotl End Found 13— Halp Wantad B^lnvastmant Proparty 37— Moving-TrucMng«8toraga46—Antiquas 2— Por tonalE 14— Busmass Opportunttiaa 26— Businass Proparty 36—Sarvtcaa Wanfsd 49— Wantad to Buy AUTOMOTIVE PER WORD PER DAY 3— AnnouncEm«nt« 15— Situauorf Wantad 27— Rasort Proparty 50— Prodtioa Look for the Classified Ads with stars; stars help get you better results. Deadline for Saturday is 5—Auctions 26—Raat Estata Wantad 12 noon Friday; Mon­ 61— Autos for Sala EDUCATION MISC. FOR SALE RENTALS 62— Truehs for Sala day's deadline Is 2:30 63— Haavy Equiprrtant for Sala1 D A Y ...... 14s IS—Pnvata Instructions MISC. SERVICES 40— Housahold Goods 52— Rooms for Rant Friday. FINANCIAL 41— Articlas for Sala 53— Apartmants for Rant 64— Motoreycias-Bicyclas 3 D A Y S ...... 13s Put a star on Y o u r qd and see what a difference it makes. 19—Sehoois-Cltssas 31— Sarvicas Offarad 42— Building Supplias 54— Homat for Rant 65— CsmparS'TrailarS'Mobila B—Mortgage Loans , 20—Instructions Wantad Phone 643-2711 32— Painting-Paparlng 43— Pats

31 Help Wanted 13 Homes For Sale 23 Homes For Salo 23 Sorvleos Ottered 31 HousOhtJd Qooda 40 Apartmants for Hant S3 Apartmonta tor Rant S3 P roh u le INotirt* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaammaaaeaae OlHcoa-Storet Autos For Sala 61 SITTER NATHAN HALE eeeeeeeeeereeeeeeeeeeee* for Rent 55 eeeeeeeemeneneeeeeeeeeee NOTICE TO CREDITORS NEW 6-ROOM o f school area for two school tSSfiOO THREE PIECE Living MANCriESTER - Newly MANCHESTER - Five E STA TP: CYNTHIA E. f FIGUEROA age girls 10 and 8 from 6:30 COLONIAL TAX ' room - $275. Colonial style. decorated one bedroom large rooms, two MANCHESTER - Retail, BANK REPOSSESSIONS ManrJypHtf r MfraIJi until school starts; after GHFA In good condition. The Hon. David C. Rappe, Judge, Living room vrtth firoptoco, RETURNS apartment. Access to shop­ bedlams. Gas heat, no storage and/or manufac­ FOR S A L E of the Court of Probate, District of school until 5:45. Call Telephone 647-9695. ping centers, busUnes .and appliances. $350 plus YOU 2 bedroom ranch, formal dining room, oat-ln turing space. 2,000 sq. ft. to Coventry at a hearing held on Professional help Is avallablel Have your tax returns 1975 - Buick Skylark, 6 cyl., 2 Kathy after 6 p.m., 643- kitchen, three t>edrooma, at­ schools. For further details utilitiM. Telephone 646 25,000 sq. ft. Very February 8, 1982 order^ that all dr. coupe, $1800. 0317. 1 m inute tached one car garage. prepared by a licensad CPA to help make sure CONTEMPORARY ~ please call 528-4196 1236 after 5 p.m. reasonable. Brokers claims must be presented to the This home offers wall to wall that you pay only what you owe. COUCH - six months old, between 9 and 5 pm or 1974 - Kawasaki Motorcycle, fiduciary on or before May 8. 1982 'Your Community Newspaper' w alk from protected. Call Heyman SOOcc. $800. TRAVEL AGENT - carpet and vinyl floors. DAY, EVENINQ AHO WEEKEND HOURS looks new. $300. Telephone after 5 pm and weekends, Homoa lor Font S4 Properties, 1-2261206. or be barred as by law provided. Connecticut Travel Ser­ Excellent closet space 6469128. 6467157. •••••••••••••••••••••••a Bertha E. Rappe, Clerk Bolton Lake. throughout. ThB sbovB can b t sbbd at The fiduciary is; vices Manchester office is 456% MAIN STREET - six CAN Appliances, aluminum storm Norman C. Holcomb Wsnted to Rent 57 Patricia C. Figueroa growing. Experienced one ArUclaa lor Sala 41 windows and doora included. CerWIed PuMo Aeeountent MANSFIELD CENTER - rooms, $400. plus utilities. eeeeememeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee SBM 165 Buena Vista Road, 923 Main SIraal, Manchastar Help Wanted 13 Help Wanted 13 year minimum. Please call Flano Realty CHFA financing available to PHONE 6464466 Woodsedge Apartments. No appliances. Tenant in­ GARAGE TYPE Coventry. Connecticut PLEASE READ Gayle TrabiU, 647-1666. qualified buyers. A manUMr of The Connectleuf ONE MONTH FREE surance. Security. 6462426 BUILDING for automotive 06238 YOUR AD 646-5200 Society of Certified Public Accountanti RENT. Newly renovated, weekdays. repairs for leading national 01(M)2 EXPERIENCED Backhoe CALL 1974 DODGE CHARGER - Classified ads ara taheii ALUMINUM SHEETS country setting. Two company in the FIND 318 enginp. Autom atic, operators, dump truck PnDMIW AGENCY bedrooms, from $285 to VERNON - three bedroom, Manenester area. We need over the phone as a con­ used a$ printing plates. .007 power steering, power BOLTON drivers for 10 wheelers. 649-9404 or $325. Includes wpUances 2% baths, two car g a r^ e , 3,000-3,500 plus sq. ft. venience. The Herald Is Class II license with Fainting-Faporing 32 thick, 24c28%". 50c each, fireplace, large private lot. brakes, air. 54,000 miles. PUBLIC NOTICE HELP WANTED l J b u s i n e s s 646-1171 or 5 for $2.00. I ^ n e 646 and parking. ’Telephone Please call collect, 1-401- responsible for only one knowledge of dmesite. Also 4261270, 2369— — Option available. $600 Excellent shape. $2400. 2711. They MUST be picked P9660 or 232- 7245198. The Zoning Board of Appeals Incorrect Insertion and needea, :experienced and SERVICES A N D 0761. monthly plus utilities. Bolton, 6469430. has granted the following CIBCULATION DEPT. INTERIOR up before 11:00 a.m. only. than only to tha size of amesite raker and roller EXTERIOR p a in tin g , Telephone 8725737. WANTED TO RENT - variances: A Sorvicoa onarad 31 BUICK SKYHAWK 1977 - 6 1. To Noel and Cynthia the original Insertion. operators. Upton Construc­ paper banging, Carpent^ MANCHESTER - Large Services Oftered 31 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa small office space. Write: Fagan, 38 Clark Road Errors which do not tion, 742-6091. Work. Fully tnsurea. J.P. three bedroom duplex. IVi AVAILABLE cyl., four speed , air, OFFICE Whiting, P.O. Box, 310, Variance of Section 7 to lessen the value of the Lewis & Son, 6469058. baths, full cellar, attic, gas IMMEDIATELY Manchester, CT. excellent condition. $3,295 REWEAVING BURN or best offer. Telephone permit construction of a advertisement will not Condominiums 22 COPIER utilities, central locatwn. remodeled three bedroom storage shed approximate- Newspaper Dealer Needed HOLES. Zippers, um­ Inconie Tax Colonial. 1% baths, first 547-4005 or 646-0795. be corroctod by an ad­ brellas rep a irs. Window MiiM P&H, Manchester INTERIOR/EXTERIOR A 3-M Coolur. Modal References, lease,and ly 8 feet from the sideline. TENANT ONE BEDROOM CONDO PAINTING - WaUpaperlng (or $1M. Maybe security required. $550 per floor laundry, large master 2. To Milton R. Hathaway, ditional insertion. In South Windsor shades, Venetian blinds. 649-2871. Small repairs, S trV N S 1 I AUTOMOTIVE JE E P S - Government FOR RENT. No utilities. remodeling, heating, and Drywall Installation. saan at T h a month. Available 4/1/K. bedroom, fully appliances, Vernon Road Call 647-9946 Keys. TV FOR RENT. professionally landscaped Surplus listed for $3,196. Variance of Section 2B to Security deposit and Marlow’s, 867 Main Street. baths, kitchens and water INCOME TAX Quality professional work. Manohyatar Harald Telephone 643-8387 after 6 references required. Reasonable prices. Free p.m. and beautiful 18 x 36 in- Autos For Sale 61 Sold for $44. For informa­ permit construction of a iiaurlipstrr 649-5221. heaters. Free estimates! PREPARA'nON - ExJ during ragular radio tower approximately Telephone 646-6973. estimates. Folly insured. ground pool. $625 per tion call (312) 931-1961 Ext. bualnaaa houra. 2340. 300 feel high. perienced - at your homd G.L. McHugh, 6469321. E N F I E L D - th r e e month. Mr. Rothman, 646 SURPLUS JEEPS, CARS, Newspaper Dealer Needed - Call Dan Mosler, 649^ Phona Inqulrlaa TRUCKS. Car Inventory 3. To Ronald C, Soares, 12 FOR bedrooms, two family 4144 or 6461669. H r r a lb Homaa For Salo 23 Homes For Sale 73 Homoa For Salo 33 waloomad,^ GOVERNMENT Quarry Road in Vernon-Rockville Area 3329. bouse, fenced yard. valued $2143 sold for $100. Variance of Section 7 to naasacaM SURPLUS CARS and Call 647-9946 Reasonable. Capitol OtHcaa-Storas Similar bargains available. permit construction of a lirrailM FAINTHM Call for information, 602- trucks now available single dwelling unit ap­ PERSON AL i n c o m e 643-2711 Homes, 5265598. tor Font 55 Asir tor Jeanne APAPaWAINIM and ask for Mark 9415014, Ext. 7816. Phone through local sales, under proximately 18 feet from TAX SERVICE-Returns CEILINOa REPAtlWO $300. Call 1-714-0241 for the sideline in an existing NOTICES MANCHESTER - one WORKSPACE OR call refundable. prepared, tak advice OR R8PLAC10 your directory on how to building. THE carpeted bedroom, utilities STORAGE SPACE FOR • PRES earmATta • purchase. Open 24 hours. given. Learn how to best FttHf liaund - RelWwiicee S W IM P O O L S included. $160. Capitol John H. Roberts, Lost and Found 1 RENT in Manchester. No Carrier Needed for manage your personal DISTRIBUTOR must dis­ Homes, 5265598. lease or Security deposit. Chairman MARTIN MATT8S0N pose of brand new on Trucks lor Sale 62 finances. Reasonable Reasonable rates. Suitable Bolton Zoning LOST DOG - vicinity of Extra Nice Route ARtrSd)0P.M. S L f i u x r : ^ rates. Call 646-7306. OTound 31’ long pools with SOUTH WINDSOR - four for small business. Retail Board of Appeals Russell Drive and Tunnel No. Main St. (Apt.) 1972 DODGE VAN - very huge sundecks, safety fen­ rooms, major appliances. and commercially zoned. HOUSE Road, Vernon. Tan, good condition, 6 cyl., 000-00 Marble St. REALTORS cing, hi-rate filters, $300s. Capitol Homes, 526 Call 872-1801, 10 to 5. medium sized, slim Stock Place WALT ZINGLER’s In­ ladders, etc. Asking $978 5598. automatic. Asking $ 1 ^ . features, short hair, white it •••soosoooossobBbobbsooo complete. Financing Telephone 6462491. Union St. come Tax Service. Filing O ffO U n 1 A vrirt t .m o c i.« t ton o f /f f AI f ( H7S w*fv i n q t fir c) m - .»t • BulMIng Contraetlng 33 NEWLY RENOVATED paws, possibly limping. tax returns in your home available. Telephone NEIL MANCHESTER - five Knee Warmers Answers to “ Kimba” . Call Wood Lane M.t nc fin t t*f v^itfi r n o tf .tifv rr ( im iq r k p r r t ii r eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 310 square feet o ffice im p .u t .inrJ rffit t<-nry lot f)Olh .ind ip llcfi since 1974. Call 6465346. coUect (203) 7&-3319. large rooms, won't last FARRAND available. Main Street anytime, 647-9148 or 289- Call 647-9946 long. $325. Capitol Homes, OR 4253. REMODELING - Cabinets, location with ample or 647-9947 USED SNOW PLOW 5 2 3 -^ . parking. Call 6462891. Sew-Simple IN C O M E T A X Roofing, Gutters, Room BLADE and assembly. 2 ft. mrsAHloPirts RETURNS prepared iii Additions, Dedes, All types X 7 ft. Originally fitted EAST HARTFORD - four TOLLAND 12% OWNER FINANCINQ of Remodeling and PRIME LOCATION - your home. Call Tliomas Ford farm tractor. Can be carpeted rooms, first floor. Downtown, Ground level, EAST HARTFORD - QuaUty Railed Repairs. Free esumates. modified. $145. McKinney LOST; BROWN GLASSES Ulaurljffitfr Michalak, 644-6D34. $2w. Capitol Homes, 526 four rooms, heat, air- I878-B231 6495B78 Rancli. Six large rooms. Energy efficient. Fully insured. Phone 646 Brothers Sewage Company APARTMENT in hard brown case, conditioning, utilities and Centrat air-cond. IW baths, tear garage. 8017. at Canine HoUday Inn, 200 between Bennett Jr. High TAXES PREPARED IN parking. Available im­ l i f r a l f t $»2.ew. Cali Roily CharMt, 5554)110. Sheldon Road, Mancheider. YOUR HOME WINDSOR - three rooms, mediately. Telephone 646 and Bissell Street. RO BERT E . JARVIS - 643-5306. CADILLAC - 1976 - Coupe Telephone 649-4778. Reasonable rates modern kitchen. $275. 2865. D eV ille - 72,000 m iles. F. J. Spilecki Realtor Remodeling Specialist. Capitol Homes, 523-5596. accurate. For room aoditions, Good condition. $2700 or SMALL BLACK and white BABYSITTER NEEDED - 'tail M liNwlall ' ASAP - Bowers school dis­ AUTOMOTIVE Norm Marshall, ' kitchens, bOthrooms, Smart shoppers check the Best offer. Telephone 742- YOU d o g vicinity 643-2121 MANCHESTER • two 6800 - Keep trying: trict. Six year old and five 6469044. roofing and siding or any IM iM h. bedroom in three family. Classified section first. Bolton/Manchester town home improvement neeo. line. Telephone Vivian 728- month old girls. Telephone BOOKKEEPER MU8T be pMad up butara $350 plus utilities. That's where they find the' 649^1327 evenings. TAXA’nON ANALYST - Telephone 643-0712. 1971 VW VAN - 4 cyl., new 7830 days or 643-5682 For diversified duties in, RIVERBEND .11M ajK. at UM Menoheeler Telephone 6461311. best buys in town. rebuilt motor, radial tires, Having trouble with your evenings. busy office. Experience COMMERCIAL — INDUSTRIAL PARK LEON CIESZYNSKI AM-FM cassette stereo, •••••••••••••••••••••••• PART TIME HELP tax return? Leave the needed hours 11 p.m. to 7 helpful. Must have ap­ “EXPANDABLE CONDOMINIUMS” BUILDER. New homes, Autos For $tilo 6f Autos For 8sls 51 sunroof, great transporta­ HAVE Announcements 3 headaches to us. We will tion.- $2,000. Telephone 647- a.m. Thursday-Sunday. titude for figures. Full additions, remodeling, rec •••••••••••••••••••*#••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• time position with many prepare your return ri(^t rooms, garages, kibdiens MENS NORDICA Ski booU A.F.S. FRUIT SALE - Apply in person: 7-Eleven, fringe benefits. Call for 420 North Main Street, Manchester. 1 80'X80! building nearing completion. Oc­ at your home. Reasonable remodeled, ceiUngs, bath - good condition, size 10. January 27th thru 509 Center Street. appointment between 10 cupancy March 1st; has 10 ft. overhead garage door plus loading dock in rear. prices, quality results. Call tile, dormers, roofing. $30. Mens Trappeur ski 1981 CHEVROLET Februap' 12th. $7.50 per CITATION - four door, less INSURANCE a.m. and 3 p.m. Glassed front entry way, all utilities, sprinkler system, and 20 car parking. Will sub­ 6561838 or 522-1536 before Residential or commer­ boots, good condition, size CONSUMERS AUTO box, pink grapefruit or 10 p.m. cial. 6464291. 11. $30.Telephone 646-0619. than 3 months old. Still un­ FDR BOOKKEEPER and divide. Completed, land, building, etc. $225,000. Valencia oranges. Call 643- 643-5135 der warranty, AM-FM 7277. Home delivery. General assistant. Supple­ ment your family income Call Warren L Howla^ 643-1108 DESIGN KITCHENS, MINK STOLE EXCHANGE stereo, cloth bucket seats, on a part time basis of 30 cabinets, vanities, counter Reasonable. Must sell. four speed, radials, rust- Auctions 5 MANCHESTER BRICK. BLOCK, STONE - tops, kitchen cabinet fronts Telephone 643-4616 after 6 proofed. Power steering pips hours per week. If you BANK PROOF Concrete. Chimney Wo mako it oaay to ooll think you are qualified, call Imroaculito, Ustafnlly decorated 7 room custom woodworking, p.m. dnd brakes. Loaded. ^,195. OPERATOR Repairs. “ No Job Too your carl Telephone 295-8048. RENT colonial . reproductions. the Raymond E. Gorman experienced. South Wind­ Small.” CaU 6445350 for Insurance Agency at 643- J.P. Lewis 6M5658. Sporting Goods 40 AUCTION sor Bank and Trust Com- U1 WIUU | a s a a a w w ■ estimates. 1980 CITATION - four door 1139. roof end driveways. A must i 528-4322 Pontiac any. Call Warren hatchback, air con­ 'atteson, 289-6061 for ap­ 165.500. ELECTRICAL SERVICES S K IE R - C o m p a n io n 623 Main Straat D No. 2S87D6N534007 S<‘ C & M Tree Service, Free - We do aU fypes of Elec­ wanted - intermediate ditioning, AM-FM, power pointment, E.O.E. steering, cruise control. Lcmibardo & Associates estimates. Discount senior trical Work! Licens^; CaU r e tim . Jim Sr. - 643-0500. Eaat Hartford Feb. 11, 1982 $3850. 742-7000 evenings. WITH after 5:00 p.m., 6461516. 8:00 am PART TIME citizens. Company SALES PERSONS - If you 6494003 Manchester owned and have sales experience or SALESPERSON to sell AnUgiiaa 4S Bob’s Auto Body subscriptions door-to-door operated. CaU 6461327. TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY would like to get into sales Residential St Coounercial 390 New State Rd. with newscarrier two ANTIQUES BOUGHT and and earn $15,000 to $25,000 MANCHiSTER Construction. Remodeling, ___ Mancheatar evenings a week or Satur­ UGHT TRUCKINO • Fen- sold at the Antique Market 5922 or more in your first year, Oirfbfi Cokmiel cing. Attics, cellars, gar­ home improvements, ad­ A days. Salary plus com­ Place, 811 Mmn Street. 8229 then we want to talk with ages cleaned. All types ditions, bathroom St Make these easy-knit missions. Call Circulation SpadOns 5 Roinia. 4 bedroomi, formal dining Space for quality dealers l.Syri. knee warmers for cold- you. Experienced or not, foom, Uno.kitcbao with pnntiy. Gninad oak trash, brush removed. kitchen remodeling, Q O \LriY_ Help Wanted 13 we’ll train. We will also Manager, Manchester available. weather insurance this .flnidir PiasMrid walla.; Himdy to builina. Picket, Split (Rai,l, roofing, siding, repairs, need to train our staff to HeraliT 643-2711. year from washable 3-pIy Khmer flniDcIng. Priced at 5N,tOO. Stockade Fences installed. door & window replace­ A softly gathered yoke PART TIME - Work at manage our expanding WANTED: ANTIQUE Fur­ for the pretty little girl— baby yam or 4-ply sports DENTAL ASSISTANT - 5260670. ment and alterations. 6 ^ yam. home on the phone ser­ needs with new offices 1379. niture, Glass, Pewter, Oil easy-to-sew from prints WANT vicing our customers in being established experienced necessary. PMIbrick Agency Paintings, ,or Antique or checks. No. 5922 has full knit Multi girl office. Excellent UCENSED DAY CARE items. R. Harrison. No. 8229 with Photo- directions. your area. Telephone 45^ throi^hout Conn., Mass., DENNIS AND RUSSELL 0876 or 528-6631. benefits. Salary HOME - WiU watch your Tele^one 643-8709. USED GARS Guide is in Sizes 1 to 6 TO OiDER, iMd $1.50 fGT etch and R.I. We only promote 64642Ci20b child or infant days. CaU MILLER - Remodeling, jjtttjra, plHs 50$ for pntatt and from within. If you are negotiable. Immediate years. Size 2, 1% yards opening. Manchester area. 6465262. additions', roofing, rec Wstttod to Bur Manchester Honde hee a aMaetlon of quality recon- 46inch. 8NNE CAIOT looking for a sales career CONTEMPORARY CAPE rMms, paneUng, gutters, SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS - and not just a job, then call Send resume to Box EE; eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee dMonad automobile tor your driving plaaaura. Patterns available only Tht MMhHUr hnM AD! we will train. $5.72 per run; c/o The Herald. H OUSE C L E A N IN G - aluminum and vinly siding CASH FOR YOUR Proper-1 in tisee ehovm. 1100 Avt.* at Amarleat Bill or Ian at 646-5540 or installed year roun^ Nm YoHl N.Y. 10030 four runs daily. Andover Clean your home, daily ty. We buy qdckly and con­ TO ossn , leeo tl.to fer uck send your resume to With large kitchen, fireplaced study, rates, experienced, an .Telephone 6462954 or 646 jwnjm^plse sot far petleot aeO Friat Hama, AddrMS wltb Zip School - 742-7339. I.O.L., Box 491, Bolton, SALESMAN fidentially. the Hayes Cor­ CODE aad W Miaibir. two full baths, two car garage and excellent job. Evenings, ^1421. CT, 06040. Fireplace/stove shop. poration. 6465131. w m m M l OURNm l9S2 ALBUM with 16-page Challenging opportunity much morel Priced at |106,000. 8725543. ikt lUalMkr fenU GIFT SECTION with full for ambifious person. CARPENTRY AND 11N *fe.'e< Mieriia directions. Price... $2.25. CAMMIO aeu Tort. M.T. 100N Some experience helpful. JACK & JILL Day Care masonry. Call Tony nOOKt AT $3.28 EACH 643-2711 * R EN TA LS Met Nhm. MOreu •ttk UP Many benefits, commis­ Home • openings for any ^uiU acote, 6460811. n*12f-D0LU-0ld nd Haw. How OIL BURNER MECIUIIC Zinsser Agency 646-lSll •••••••••••••••••••••••• eosi, tine Ueetker aaO lUe. sion. Telephone Chet, 646- age child. Nutrinous m ew STOCK #488 ta drata Hmmi haw ta maka tkam. New FASH ION with 8*130 - REEF8AKE ftUILTS. 24 6925. -Educational learning Apartments for Rant 53 ••••••SBBBBOBBBSBBBBBOSB eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I Photo-Guide patterns in plaead asd appligaGd datipii. UCENSED SERVICE PERSONNEL BOLTON proCTam. Telephone tm- all size ranges, has a ••131-HEIRLOOM HAMDIWORK-20 Mestlng^Plumbing 35 MANCHESTER- One and I STOCK typta af aaadlawark aUlii. Probate Notice WANTED; Part time laun­ special Grace Cole Collec­ BadaCUnByranovalM tine Englaad Oolontal home -two bedroom apartments NO. tion for larger sizes: plus ft-132-TO OtVE ar KEEF>40 naa- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Capable of Installations and service. dry cleaning person. ,on acres and over ISO’ol frootafe. Largt, attn- Mawarh Ittma ta maka. ny Utchan, fireplaced family room. 1 ^ USE MY HELPFUL SCHALLER PLUMBING­ available. Centrally 2 BONUS Coupons! E S T A T E O F ROBIN T Must be licensed. Generally five hours per SERVICE - shying, UAt HEATING- Water pump located on busline near 433 1979 Honda Accord U ..... $6195 Price____ $1.25. a-133—CRAFTS-ii pafat af qnlek* ROBINSON day, six d^s per week. bedroomi, three lull bitbi. Plaa — a aaparite ni- tanaaka ttam*. If you’ re law apartment. Great Vahw, most be aeen. * plck-up/deUVery, w a l ^ specialists. .Also, shopping center and The Hon. David C. Rappe. Judge, CALL Mornings. ’Telephone Lee for repair a^ remodeling service or sdioou. Fhr further details 421 1979 Honda Gmc ...... $4195 of the Court of Probate. District of Saucier for interview ap­ Coventry at a hearing held on deUveiymen, daycare for retire. FREE caU 6467157. j LEGAL NOTICE February 5, 1982 ordered that all p o in tm e n t - 10 a .m . Wohrertoii Agency e s t i m a t e s . 6464266. 419 1979 Dodge Colt ...... $4395 643-5135, Ext. 133 the eldwly. Call “ Lee” • TOWN OF ANDOVER claims must be presented to the looking for weekdays. 633-4681. EOE. 6435650. 118MAINSTREBi -Sand ' Public Hearing of fiduciary on or before May 5, 1982 649-2813 4 room heated aportitaenta, 434 1979 ford Mustang 9hia ____ $5195 or be barred as by law provided. Planning & Zoning Commission FULL OR PART ’HME - MEN! Married to HouaehoM Qooda 40 hot water, no appliances. Bertha E. Rappe. Clerk attractive positions In successful womm - GIVE Security - tenant in­ 292 1979 Pont Gran LoMans Wgn $4995 on C3ianges in Zoning Regulations The fiduciary is: an Manchester area. Neat 8 A B TWO FAMILY the Valentine she’U love! TTQirrx surance . 646-2426 ,.^ 9-5 The town Planning & Zoning Commission of Andover. Connecticut will Thomas H. Tamoney appearance and good 430 1978 Honda Accord L X ...... $5295 hold a public hearing in the lower level of the Town Office Building on 39 Russ Street. PART TUNE Housecleaning services,/ refrigerators , weefciMys. character a must. Strady caU 6495719 or 6495809. Monday, February W, IISI at 7.30 p.m. on Uie following petitions: Hartford, a . 06106 WASHERS, RANGES - 011-02 Nawspapor Circulation Solicitor work and no layoffs. Ear­ Have the tenant aielet In pour mortgige peymenti MANCHESTER MAIN 441 1978 Honda Accord...... $4795 1. Removal of Sections 10.00.00 thru 10.02.07 entitled CD — Garden on this t badmom, living room, dtniiv nren, CleM, Guaranteed. Parts Apartment District: Section 11.01.01 (d) entitled Minimum economical nings opportunity of $275 UCENSED DAY CARE-1 STREET - Two room per week to start. kitchen unit. Newly pointed and roofed, deep lot 4 Service. Low prices! Requirements for muIU-famlly dwellings. Section 11.01.01 if) wUl babysit your Iridiwd apartment. Heated, hot Minimum Requirements for elderly housing units: Section 12.00.00 Telephone 646-3936. E.O.E. PosetUe owner Onaacinf pvailahle. |5t,TOO. B.D. Pearl it Son, 6tt Main Probate Notice Three Evenlnge Per Week child In my honle. Street. 6435171. water, appliances. No pets. only Unse lines on chart dealing wiUi Garden Apartments, multi- Teietdione 6485423. Security. Parking. family and elderly bousing; Section 22.02.01 entitled off street Court of Probate, District of way to sell Approximetely 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. PACKAGE STORE - part Telephone 5267047. parking for Garden Apartments: Section 22.03.11 off street parking Coventry time help and weekends. IWth Real Igtsto646^i2$ for housing lor elderly: Section 26.00.00 Permitted signs remove NOTICE OF HEARING to work with Cerrier MGA ELECTRICAL - aU ESTATE OF ERNEST M. Retail experience, wine 4j»es of elactrical work; Garden Apartment Districts lor 20.01.00. Initiated by the Planning MANCHESTER - Children Zoning Commission. POLLANSKY, incapable Oelee Force. knowledge helpful. Send wireless alarm systems. T H R E E P IEC E Contem­ I^irsuant to an order of Hon. David welcome. Three bodroom 2. Remove Rear lot Regulations. Initiated by the Town Planning & something, resume to Box I, c /o the OR IN4JLW surrei TelctUioiM 6M 5M S; 647- porary Uvibg room aet - Zoning Commission. C. Rappe, Judge, dated February Herald. • ROOM OYIRSOSO CAPE 0515 auytiiine. $200. Three foot, square, duplex in nice residential - Conneetieut’e 8.1982 a hearing will be held on an Salary plue Commlaalon area. Security, references. At this hearing interested persons may appear and be heard and written a BATHS AND 2 LAVATORIES two tier smoked glais Lmrgeet Honda Dealer communiratlont will be received. Copies of the proposed changes are on application praying for authority ALARM TECHNICIAN - j^^^pluf utiliUes.utUiti AUbrio file in the Office of the Town Clerk. Town Office Building. to compromise and settle a doubt­ , % ACRB LANOSCAPBD LOT coffee table - f l5 0 . 24 A d a m a St., Manchester look to for second shift. Will Telephone 6461141. Blty, 6460017. Dated in Andover. ConnecUcut this 10th day of February and 17th dav of ful and disputed rlaim in favor of FINANCINO HELP POSSIBLE the estate against John H. Ursin as A p p lf m fWfWMi af the accept person with elec- EARLY OCCUPANCY PBbfIkytPBpertng $ i (Exit 93 o ff 1416) 646-3515 February. 1962. trical background. Apply in •eeeeeeoeeeeeeeeoeeeeeee in said application on file more ful­ Manetmter Herald OHlce BRASS B E D - quera aiie, Andover Town Planning ly appears, at the Court of Probate person only 9-12 noon Mmi- INTERIOR PAINTING, VERNON - wororklng with or eall Jeanne at 947-9949 high headboard, foot one, two anda n d t h r e e & Zoning Commission on February 26. 1982 at 9:30 in the O a s s IfM ! day thru Friday. 555 New over ten yean exp^ance, board, heavy frame, sMid morning. bedroom houses’ and ’ John Kostic, Chairman for appointment Park Avenue, West Hart­ low rates and senior cltisen braaa. Nice design. Sarah Carroll, Realtors 64M 413 apartments«from $225. ’ Frances LaPine, Secretary ford. discounts. 6435960. 5!elepboiie 6267783. Ass't. Clerk Ckpltol Homes, 5235508. 001-02 009-02 :: iJ-